#Rhinoplasty Turkey
hayatmed · 2 months
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HayatMed Clinic: Your Path to Wellness HayatMed Clinic offers world-class medical care in Turkey. Specializing in plastic surgery in Turkey, hair transplants, and dental treatments, we provide personalized solutions for your aesthetic and healthcare needs. Experience exceptional results with our expert team.
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esthetismhealth · 7 months
Gastric Surgery In Turkey | Esthetismhealth
Explore Esthetismhealth, your trusted destination for expert Gastric Surgery in Turkey. Our skilled surgeons and comprehensive care ensure life-changing results. We understand the importance of your health and offer personalized solutions for your satisfaction. Elevate your well-being with Esthetismhealth's expertise in Gastric Surgery procedures in Turkey. Our comprehensive services are designed to promote lasting health transformation. Esthetismhealth is where health meets Gastric Surgery in Turkey. Our dedicated team specializes in procedures to improve your well-being and promote a healthier lifestyle. Your journey to wellness and renewed health begins with Esthetismhealth's Gastric Surgery services in Turkey.  Discover the possibilities at www.esthetismhealth.com       
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vorpal-doll · 6 months
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prob one of the best compliments I could get after flying across the world last year to get a nose job 🥹🖤 knowing it was all worth it & loving how I look now
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opdrazimetozdemirsblog · 11 months
Note: Turkish,English,German and Arabic description
🇹🇷🦋👇Fonksiyonel doğal görününen tamponsuz(hastaların %95’i) burun estetiğinde(rinoplasti) en önemli kriterlerden biri uzun dönem(1-2 yıldan sonra) burun şekli ve hava yolu açıklığında sorun olmamasıdır.
🦋Bu hastamızda olduğu gibi(10. yıl) kafatası, burun dorsumu(sırtı) ve dudakla açısı doğru hesaplamış olmalı.
🦋Kadınlarda bu açı daha fazla(mesela burun dorsumu daha ‘kaydırak’ gibi) iken erkeklerde daha düzdür.
🦋Bu nedenle ameliyat sonrası 1.3.5.ve 10 yılda Estetik ve Plastik Cerrahınıza bilgi vermeniz çok önemlidir.
🦋Ameliyat sonrası ödem 6-12 ayda büyük oranda geçse de gerçekte burnun milimetrik şeklini alması 2 yılı bulur.
🦋ikincil(sekonder yada yeniden ameliyat)veya revizyon olmak isteyen hastalar bu sürelere riayet etmeli aksi halde istenmeyen sonuçlar daha fazla yaşanmaktadır.
🦋Burun ameliyatı sonrası dünyada az veya çok Cerrahlar revizyona ihtiyaç duyabilir, bu beklenilebilen bir durum olup revizyona hasta-hekim beraber karar vermelidirler.
🦋Hastaların gerçek üstü beklentileri ve sosyal media ve basının olağandışı beklenti yaratmaları da revizyon ameliyat kararında ne yazık ki yanlış karar verilmesine neden olmaktadır.
🦋Ayrıca hastalar ameliyat sonrası ilk 3-6 ayda başta olmak üzere 2 yıla kadar burun yapısının değiştiği unutulmamalıdır.
🦋Ameliyat sonrası uzun dönem 2 yıl sonrası görünüm temel kriter kabul edilmelidir(👉videoda görülen hastamın ameliyat sonrası 10. yılı🌺👉👉).
🦋Bu bizim kliniğin revizyon yapmadığı anlamına gelmez, amaçımız bu riski olabildiğince en aza indirmek temel felsefemizdir.
🦋Revizyon ameliyatları dünyada en iddialı kliniklerde bile gereklidir, hastaların bunu bilerek ameliyat olmalarında fayda vardır.
🦋Biz klinik olarak ameliyat öncesi 3Dvectra(3 boyutlu görüntüleme)sistemi ile ameliyat sonrasının planlanmasını yapmaktayız ve bu sistem hasta ve cerrah açısından büyük önem taşır.
🇻🇬🇱🇷🦋👇One of the most important criteria in functional, natural-looking tamponless (95% of patients) nose aesthetics (rhinoplasty) is that there should be no problems with nose shape and airway patency in the long term (after 1-2 years).
🦋As in this patient (10th year), the angle with the skull, nasal dorsum (back) and lips must have been calculated correctly.
🦋This angle is greater in women (for example, the dorsum of the nose is more 'slide'-like), while it is flatter in men.
🦋For this reason, it is very important to inform your Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon 1, 3, 5 and 10 years after the surgery.
🦋Although the post-operative edema largely disappears in 6-12 months, it actually takes 2 years for the nose to take its millimetric shape.
🦋Patients who want to undergo secondary (secondary or re-surgery) or revision must comply with these periods, otherwise undesirable consequences are more likely to occur.
🦋Surgeons around the world may need more or less revision after nose surgery, this is an expected situation and the patient and doctor should decide on revision together.
🦋Unfortunately, the unrealistic expectations of patients and the extraordinary expectations created by social media and the press also cause wrong decisions to be made regarding revision surgery.
🦋Also, patients should not forget that the nose structure changes, especially in the first 3-6 months after surgery and up to 2 years.
🦋The long-term post-operative appearance after 2 years should be considered the main criterion (👉my patient seen in the video is his 10th year after surgery🌺👉👉).
🦋This does not mean that our clinic does not make revisions, our main philosophy is to minimize this risk as much as possible.
🦋Revision surgeries are necessary even in the most assertive clinics in the world, and it is beneficial for patients to undergo surgery knowing this.
🦋As a clinic, we plan the post-operative period with the 3Dvectra (3D imaging) system before the surgery, and this system is of great importance for the patient and the surgeon.
Hinweis: Türkische, englische, deutsche und arabische Beschreibung
🇩🇪🦋👇Eines der wichtigsten Kriterien für eine funktionelle, natürlich aussehende tamponlose (95 % der Patienten) Nasenästhetik (Rhinoplastik) ist, dass es langfristig (nach 1-2 Jahren) keine Probleme mit der Nasenform und der Durchgängigkeit der Atemwege geben sollte. .
🦋Wie bei diesem Patienten (10. Lebensjahr) muss der Winkel mit Schädel, Nasenrücken (Rücken) und Lippen korrekt berechnet worden sein.
🦋Dieser Winkel ist bei Frauen größer (z. B. ist der Nasenrücken eher „rutschenartig“), während er bei Männern flacher ist.
🦋Aus diesem Grund ist es sehr wichtig, Ihren ästhetischen und plastischen Chirurgen 1, 3, 5 und 10 Jahre nach der Operation zu informieren.
🦋Obwohl das postoperative Ödem innerhalb von 6–12 Monaten größtenteils verschwindet, dauert es tatsächlich 2 Jahre, bis die Nase ihre millimetergenaue Form annimmt.
🦋Patienten, die sich einer Zweit- (Zweit- oder Nachoperation) oder Revision unterziehen möchten, müssen diese Fristen einhalten, da es sonst eher zu unerwünschten Folgen kommt.
🦋Chirurgen auf der ganzen Welt benötigen nach einer Nasenoperation möglicherweise mehr oder weniger Revisionen. Dies ist eine erwartete Situation und Patient und Arzt sollten gemeinsam über eine Revision entscheiden.
🦋Leider führen auch die unrealistischen Erwartungen der Patienten und die außergewöhnlichen Erwartungen, die durch soziale Medien und Presse hervorgerufen werden, dazu, dass bei Revisionsoperationen Fehlentscheidungen getroffen werden.
🦋Außerdem sollten Patienten nicht vergessen, dass sich die Nasenstruktur insbesondere in den ersten 3-6 Monaten nach der Operation und bis zu 2 Jahren verändert.
🦋Das langfristige postoperative Erscheinungsbild nach 2 Jahren sollte als Hauptkriterium angesehen werden (👉mein Patient im Video ist im 10. Jahr nach der Operation🌺👉👉).
🦋Das bedeutet nicht, dass unsere Klinik keine Revisionen vornimmt. Unsere Hauptphilosophie besteht darin, dieses Risiko so weit wie möglich zu minimieren.
🦋Revisionsoperationen sind selbst in den anspruchsvollsten Kliniken der Welt notwendig, und es ist für Patienten von Vorteil, wenn sie sich einer Operation unterziehen, wenn sie dies wissen.
🦋Als Klinik planen wir die postoperative Phase vor der Operation mit dem 3Dvectra-System (3D-Bildgebung), und dieses System ist für den Patienten und den Chirurgen von großer Bedeutung.
‎ملحوظة: الوصف باللغات التركية والإنجليزية والألمانية والعربية
🇮🇶🦋👇أحد أهم المعايير في تجميل الأنف (عملية تجميل الأنف) الوظيفية ذات المظهر الطبيعي (95٪ من المرضى) هو أنه لا ينبغي أن تكون هناك مشاكل في شكل الأنف ومسالك مجرى الهواء على المدى الطويل (بعد 1-2 سنة). .
‎🦋كما هو الحال في هذا المريض (السنة العاشرة)، يجب أن يتم حساب الزاوية مع الجمجمة وظهر الأنف (الظهر) والشفاه بشكل صحيح.
‎🦋هذه الزاوية أكبر عند النساء (على سبيل المثال، ظهر الأنف أكثر شبهاً بالانزلاق)، بينما يكون مسطحاً عند الرجال.
‎🦋لهذا السبب، من المهم جدًا إبلاغ جراح التجميل والجراحة التجميلية الخاص بك بعد 1 و3 و5 و10 سنوات من الجراحة.
‎🦋على الرغم من أن الوذمة التالية للعمليات الجراحية تختفي إلى حد كبير خلال 6-12 شهرًا، إلا أن الأنف في الواقع يستغرق عامين ليأخذ شكله المليمتري.
‎🦋يجب على المرضى الذين يرغبون في الخضوع لعملية جراحية ثانوية (ثانوية أو إعادة جراحية) أو مراجعة أن يلتزموا بهذه الفترات، وإلا فمن المرجح أن تحدث عواقب غير مرغوب فيها.
‎🦋قد يحتاج الجراحون حول العالم إلى مراجعة أكثر أو أقل بعد جراحة الأنف، وهذا وضع متوقع ويجب على المريض والطبيب اتخاذ قرار بشأن المراجعة معًا.
‎🦋لسوء الحظ، فإن توقعات المرضى غير الواقعية والتوقعات غير العادية التي خلقتها وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والصحافة تتسبب أيضًا في اتخاذ قرارات خاطئة فيما يتعلق بجراحة المراجعة.
‎🦋يجب أيضًا ألا ينسى المرضى أن بنية الأنف تتغير، خاصة في أول 3-6 أشهر بعد الجراحة وحتى عامين.
‎🦋يجب اعتبار المظهر طويل الأمد بعد العملية الجراحية بعد عامين هو المعيار الرئيسي (👉المريض الذي يظهر في الفيديو هو عامه العاشر بعد الجراحة🌺👉👉).
‎🦋هذا لا يعني أن عيادتنا لا تقوم بأي تعديلات، ففلسفتنا الرئيسية هي تقليل هذه المخاطر قدر الإمكان.
‎🦋جراحات المراجعة ضرورية حتى في أكثر العيادات حزماً في العالم، ومن المفيد للمرضى أن يخضعوا لعملية جراحية وهم يعلمون ذلك.
‎🦋نحن كعيادة نقوم بالتخطيط لفترة ما بعد الجراحة بنظام 3Dvectra (التصوير ثلاثي الأبعاد) قبل الجراحة، وهذا النظام ذو أهمية كبيرة للمريض والجراح.
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healtripglobal · 1 year
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🌟 Say goodbye to stubborn fat with Liposuction! 🌟
Are you tired of those persistent fat deposits that just won't budge no matter how hard you work out or stick to a healthy diet? We have the solution for you! Introducing Liposuction, a trusted and effective procedure offered by Healtrip Global.
🌐 Contact Healtrip Global today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards achieving your body goals! Our compassionate team of experts is dedicated to providing you with safe, effective, and transformative results. Let us help you reveal your best self! 🌐
Remember, each person's journey is unique, so we recommend scheduling a consultation with our experienced team to discuss your specific needs and goals.
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epcysblog · 18 days
Transform Your Look with Expert Precision: Rhinoplasty in Turkey
A common cosmetic surgery is the rhinoplasty also known as the nose job; surgery that modifies the shape of the nose for aesthetic and or functional purposes. In recent years Turkey has become a renowned hotspot for people seeking rhinoplasty operations especially due to proficiency of surgeons, optimum utilization of technology, and reasonable charges being incurred in the country. Here’s why Turkey is the ideal choice for your rhinoplasty procedure:Here’s why Turkey is the ideal choice for your rhinoplasty procedure:
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Why Choose Rhinoplasty in Turkey?
Turkey has been featured as a leading destination in the provision of cosmetic surgery, which among others include the famed rhinoplasty surgery. The country offers:
World-Class Surgeons: Cosmetic surgery in Turkey is famous throughout the world and especially the surgery of the nose or the ‘Turkish operation’. Most have practised in premier lemaning schools hence they have lots of experience in their field of practice.
Advanced Technology: That is why the clinics in Turkey use the newest technologies such as 3D imaging and CAD to perform surgeries carefully and individually.
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What to Expect During Your Rhinoplasty Procedure
Rhinoplasty in Turkey typically involves the following steps:
Consultation: Your journey starts with consultation when you reveal your expectations and when you receive an overall check-up. During the surgery, surgeons have the advantage of using 3D imaging in order to see the desired outcome and personalise the surgery based on your needs.
Procedure: Open and closed techniques are used in the operation of nose surgery. This is where surgeon makes a small incision across the columella while in closed rhinoplasty no external incisions are made but only internal ones. It depends with the type of surgery and your preference because it is mainly determined by the intensity of the operation.
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Benefits of Rhinoplasty in Turkey
Opting for rhinoplasty in Turkey offers numerous benefits:
Enhanced Appearance: Rhinoplasty surgery will enhance the profile of your nose to help in creating a well balanced facial structure.
Improved Function: Apart from aesthetical functions, rhinoplasty has medical applications and can correct such problems as breathing problems in patients with nasal septum deformities.
Expert Care: Turkish clinics have patient’s safety and satisfaction at high regard, which follows up every patient so as to come up with the best results.
Choosing the Right Clinic for Rhinoplasty in Turkey
To ensure a successful rhinoplasty, consider these factors when selecting a clinic:
Surgeon’s Credentials: Check on the doctor and ask about his or her background, experience, and the experiences of patients who has been treated by the said doctor. Check for the certifications that the medical boards and other related associations have given.
Clinic Accreditation: It is recommended to go to the clinic that is accredited by the international services in the sphere of health care. This aspect helps in making sure that good standard of care and safety is delivered as expected.
Patient Reviews: Identify previous client experiences from their blog Tear and learn the experiences of patient before and after visiting the clinic.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: How long does the recovery period last after rhinoplasty in Turkey?
A: The initial recovery period typically lasts about 1–2 weeks, with most swelling and bruising subsiding within this time. Full results can take several months as the nose settles into its new shape.
Q: Is rhinoplasty in Turkey safe?
A: Yes, rhinoplasty in Turkey is safe when performed by qualified and experienced surgeons. Turkish clinics adhere to strict safety protocols and provide comprehensive post-operative care.
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hayatmed-clinic · 7 months
Rhinoplasty in Turkey
Check the amazing rhinoplasty result of our distinguished patient who came from Norway to HayatMed Clinic in Istanbul. He had a crooked nose with a pendulous nasal hump. He wanted a natural male nose and got a great result that suited his face shape. HayatMed Clinic, located in Istanbul/Turkey, is highly experienced in performing plastic surgery with satisfactory results and affordable cost, according to patients’ evaluations. Call or message us via Whatsapp at +90 542 630 57 51 to book a free consultation. 
Please visit : https://www.hayatmed.com/
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bettermesurgery · 11 months
Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Turkey: Transforming Lives at BetterMe Surgery
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When it comes to enhancing your facial features, a rhinoplasty (commonly known as a nose job) is a popular choice. And if you're seeking the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Turkey, you've come to the right place. BetterMe Surgery is your go-to destination for transforming not just your appearance but your self-esteem and confidence as well.
Why Choose BetterMe Surgery for Rhinoplasty in Turkey?
Expertise and Experience
At BetterMe Surgery, we understand that the decision to undergo rhinoplasty is significant. Our team is led by experienced and highly skilled surgeons who specialize in rhinoplasty procedures. With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, we have successfully helped countless patients achieve their aesthetic goals.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring your safety and comfort throughout the entire process. We adhere to the highest medical standards and prioritize patient well-being, providing you with a reassuring environment for your transformation journey.
Tailored Solutions No two individuals are the same, and neither are their noses. Our surgeons take a personalized approach to every rhinoplasty, ensuring that the results are harmonious with your unique facial features and meet your specific desires.
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thehealthstoreturkey · 11 months
Hi all!
We will start posting content around Medical Tourism in Turkey, you can learn more on our website www.thehealthstoreturkey.com/ we hope you enjoy our content :)
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medicsey · 1 year
♦️To make your nose suits your face shape and fix all the breathing problems
♦️All you have to do is Rhinoplasty!
♦️For more information contact us :
☎️ +90 552 883 22 21
♦️And visit our website:
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meltemkara27 · 1 year
Rhinoplasty sometimes referred to as a "nose job" or "nose reshaping" by patients, enhances facial harmony and the proportions of your nose. It can also correct impaired breathing caused by structural defects in the nose.
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hayatmed · 2 months
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Save on rhinoplasty in Turkey! Top surgeons, modern clinics offer beautiful results at a fraction of the cost. Research carefully to ensure a safe and successful procedure.
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esthetismhealth · 9 months
Turkey Plastic Surgery | Medical Tourism Turkey
Esthetismhealth: Redefining Beauty with Turkey Plastic Surgery. Esthetismhealth is committed to elevating beauty through Turkey Plastic Surgery. Fulfill your beauty goals with Esthetismhealth's Turkey Plastic Surgery solutions. We offer personalized treatments, including rhinoplasty and breast augmentation, to help you look and feel your best. We offer a range of procedures like turkey plastic surgery, medical tourism turkey, mommy makeover ,nose job turkey ,rhinoplasty turkey ,plastic surgery turkey ,eyelid aesthetic ,implant for breast ,breast reconstruction ,liposuction turkey ,bbl turkey ,fox eyes surgery ,hair transplant turkey ,hair transplant istanbul ,gastric surgery in turkey to enhance your appearance. Discover the art of Turkey Plastic Surgery at Esthetismhealth. Our skilled surgeons specialize in delivering natural-looking results that enhance your beauty. Start your aesthetic journey at www.esthetismhealth.com
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turkishtrends · 1 year
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healtripglobal · 1 year
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Looking to enhance your natural beauty? Look no further than HealTrip Global! 💁‍♀️💄
As a leading provider of plastic surgery services in Turkey, we're committed to helping you achieve the look you've always wanted. 💯 Our team of skilled surgeons uses the latest techniques and technologies to deliver the highest quality results. 🔝
At HealTrip Global, your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities. 🚨😍 That's why we work with only the best plastic surgeons and ensure that our facilities meet the highest standards of quality and safety. 💯✨
Ready to take the next step towards a more confident you? Contact us to schedule a consultation. 💃🏥
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