#Rich speight junior
supernaturalconvert · 8 months
I just listened to the new SPN then and now episode. It's an ok episode despite Kurt Fuller being the guest.
It's interesting however that during the episode Rob and Rich specifically mention that Supernatural will not be coming back. Given all the chat around the reboot this firm comment of theirs kind of indicates that probably the reboot is either a long way from becoming a reality or is just something to keep the fans invested for the con season.
I would love to hear everyone's thoughts....
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Personally apologizing to Richard Speight Jr because I genuinely don’t know if he has a small face or a long face and it’s driving me up a wall.
I need to like mail him a formal apology every time I draw Gabriel 😭
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Elysian Meeting
Cw:s/I has an anxiety attack.
Summary: jerico wakes up in a misterious garden. And upon investigating the surrounding she meets a Man that seems oddly familiar. None the wiser to the slap in the face revelation he gives them once they start talking.
A/n: aka "I get dropped in the supernatural world and cant cope for a solid minute".
-> Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
->Word count: 2.184K
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Jerico awoke on something soft.
They grunt and shift their weight around, hearing a soft crunching sound.
Her eyes Open slowly, and instantly they cover their eyes with their hand, blocking the golden light that peeked through the tree tops.
As she sits up, she Scans the place, its a beautiful garden, lush and rich in Flora.
They stand up, feeling lost and confused.
"Last thing I remember was falling asleep while watching supernatural" they thought wandering through the forest.
Hunger was quick to set in, they gathered that it was late morning from the position of the sun.
She hears soft humming and carefully steps out of the forest into a big clearing.
Jerico has to do a double take, their attention being drawn to the three sets of wings sprouting from the Mans back.
The source of the humming was said Man, beautiful long blonde and curly hair that had her brain shutting off and not computing, paired with a pair hazel eyes and dressed in biblical robes.
He holds a sunflower in his hands, inspecting it as he humms a lullaby that is unkown to jeri.
--uhm...excuse me?-- she didnt know why she'd be speaking english right now, but something told her she should.
The Man turns to her and retains the peacefull look he was giving the sunflower. -- Yes?-- he asked-- what is the matter?
--I uhm.. woke up in the middle of that forest behind me and im lost..where am I?-- jerico asked, frozen in place by the Man's gaze. They swear he looks familiar.
--Youre in the garden of eden, of course!-- he exclaimed-- you seem very lost though...
Jerico has to do a double take again-- im sorry? The garden of eden? Like in the bible?
The winged man's peace is disturbed-- it hasnt been invented yet...how do you know about that?
--im sorry did you just say that the bible hasnt been invented yet? -- she scoffed in disbelief-- I must be dreaming...
--Im quite sure youre not...-- he said-- let me check in with uh...my boss..ill be right back
Before she can say anything, the Man dissapears as soon as she blinks, moments later hes back, looking relieved-- okay so, heres the thing, my dad sent you back in time to here, and apparently youre from another dimention too?
Jerico stares at him as if to say "the hell are you on?"
--Im not on anything-- he clarified with a smirk.-- nothing of that sorts has been invented yet
--how did you know-
--Im an archangel, I can read thoughts-- the Man explained.
--Yep im dreaming-- jerico said raising her arms.
--Youre not-- the archangel retorted, walking up to them and Gently pinching her arm-- humans cant feel pain in their dreams
They flinch and upon processing what he just said, they look shocked.
Jerico takes a Seat on the ground and starts to breathe rapidly-- what. The. Hell.
The Angel sat infront of them and took her hands-- easy. Breathe deep... wouldnt want you to have an anxiety attack right Now
She skips asking how does he know what an anxiety attack is, and simply does some breathing excersices, slowly calming down.
Jeri leans into the Mans touch, who gladly hugs them, leaning his head on theirs.
--Better?-- he asks.
--Be-better-- she confirms pulling back a little.
Now up close, jerico realized just how familiar that archangel looked. He was just like Richard Speight Junior, who played Gabriel in supernatural, only that he had long hair.
Throwing logic out of the Window, jerico asked-- your name doesnt happen to be Gabriel, does it?
He looks surprised-- in fact, it is, im Gabriel
Jeri looks at him in shock and awe, their body shaking as their heart picks up the pace again.
Gabriel is quick to pick up on It, but jerico pulls away a little more before they freeze on the spot.
"No. Theres no way. I have to be dreaming. He looks just like Gabriel. And hes called Gabriel. What the hell did I take before going to bed? What was in my food?" Her eyes scan his face, the archangel seems really worried.
One of his hands cup her cheek, stroking it with his thumb-- I know this is a lot to take in-- he started-- but I need you to calm down, can you do that for me, sweetheart? -- he asked with puppy dog eyes
Jeri's mind doesnt seem to register the petname, their breath becomes deeper and calmer, slowly returning to normal, though their body keeps shaking.
Gabriel pulls jerico for a hug, a tight and warm hug, his wings wrap around her like a protective cocoon, and she cant tell if its him as a whole or his angelic nature that slowly lures her body back to peace.
She takes a deep breath of his scent.Its sweet, fresh, strong but not overwhelming.
Her body goes limp against him and though surprised, he lets them relax.
The hand that was on her cheek Strokes her hair, slowly and Gently.
--Are you okay?-- he asked softly.
--I- th-think so-- she replied-- im sorry you just...-- jerico hesitates for a short moment before adding-- you look like someone that means a lot to me, Someone that...isnt Real...
Gabriel looks confused for a moment, before something clicks into place in his mind, tightening his grip around her.
--My dad-- my boss said that where youre from, theres a show called supernatural. And that in that show, the story of this world, the one youre currently in...
He said that theres a character thats just me, Gabriel the archangel, whom seems to tell my story in the future...
Im guessing, that version of me means a lot to you
Jerico tensed and hides her face further into his chest, he feels how flustered she is-- im so sorry I hope this isnt weird..
Gabriel pulls back a little, smiling warmly-- its not weird...dad told me everything about you, means a lot that I mean a lot to you, Jerico
She breaks eye contact, wanting to recoil into herself and hide from him.
He hugs them tight again-- Dont be ashamed, im not gonna judge you...-- he whispered gently-- lemme ask you somethin, can you see my wings?
Jerico pulls back and looks at the feathered cocoon surrounding her-- ....yes I can
Gabriels eyes go wide, his breath quickens and his cheeks go bright Pink. Yet a Dopey smiles appeared on his face-- I uhm.. I dont wanna freak ya out but...you know what that means?
It takes a moment for jerico to realize what he meant. Once she does though, her hands grip his sides tighter-- no. It cant be...
--Yes, we're soulmates
Jerico jolts back-- no. Theres no way. I dont deserve you- i- I dont deserve--
Gabriel holds jerico flush against his chest, his soft gaze serious, stern and worried-- dont say that. You deserve me. Just as I deserve you, thats not you talking..
Jerico takes a deep breath.
Hes right.
Its not her talking.
Its their trauma.
--Okay...say that I do Belive you, that this is the garden of eden, youre Gabriel from supernatural and youre my soulmate...now what?
--I have no idea...-- he admitted with a small smile-- but we can spend time toghether as long as we dont bother Adam and eve
Jerico again, has to do a double take.
She had too much religious trauma to deal with this.
For the Next hour (or what felt like an hour) Gabriel and jerico cuddled up inside the wing cocoon, talking softly.
Gabriel leaves for a quick moment afterwards, a sad look on his face.
He helps her up from the ground and jerico asks-- whats up?
--Ah...so uh..i spoke with dad and...heres the thing-- he started-- hes gonna send you to the present time of this dimention, we'll meet again as soon as you wake up, he told me to give you this-- his left hand is balled up in a fist, he turns his wrist so the palm is facing upwards and opens his fingers.
Inside theres a ring in the shape of six wings, made of silver-- he told me that this way ill recognize you. I wont forget who you are, neither Will you...
--I get the feeling youre not telling me everything, what is it, gabe?
He sighed looking away and quickly tapping his foot on the ground-- for you itll be a split second...for me? Milennia..
Jericos breath leaves his body, she hugs him tight and he hugs back-- ill be fine-- he promised-- dad said youll keep me going..
Jeri pulled back-- are you sure?
He nodded-- i am -- he smiled and closed his fist again-- though I think something like this Will suit you more-- upon opening his hand again, the six winged ring is now made of pure gold, with gemstones engraved on the secondary Coverts of each wing.
She gasps and he smirks, letting out a breathy giggle-- if I May...-- he asked taking her right hand.
Jeri nodded and he Gently slid the ring on her ring finger.
He takes her hand in both of his and smiles-- I know this is all too much..but if you can..or want...maybe a goodbye kiss?
--I dont know how to kiss
--honesly? Me neither
She smiled and with teary eyes she cups his cheeks and kisses him. He kisses back with a big smile and muffled giggles, his arms wrapping around her waist, his wings doing the same.
As they pull away, his hand pressed against her cheek and she closed his eyes-- see you in a bit..honey
Theres a flash of bright white light and Next thing they know, jerico is laying on a bed.
They are quick to get out of the bed and into the Hall where other rooms are.
She recognized the place in an instant.
The bunker.
The men of letters Bunker.
Jeri rushes out of the corridor and into the war room.
--And good morning to you too!-- Dean exclaimed-- dont worry, Sam Will be back with Gabriel soon enough
Jerico has a split moment of confusion as to why did Dean know her so much as to not freak out
Then, she gets the sense that they know her as much as she knows them.
And as if on cue, Sam opens the door and she hears two pairs of footsteps, one of them is quicker than the other one.
Gabriel almost rushes down the stairs and when his eyes lay on jerico, he smiles and shouts-- oh honey!-- he runs at them with arms Open wide, lifting her up from under the knees and spinning her around.
--Gabriel!--jerico shouts with a big smile, pronuncing his name in the spanish version.
He sets them down on the floor and Cups their cheeks,eyes teary-- well ill be, its you!
--It was just a moment for me but-- she started.
--Its been milennia for me. Guess dad was right. You kept me going all these years-- he admitted with a big smile-- can I kiss you?
--Yes, yes of course you can!
He kissed her with all his might, wings sprouting from his back and wrapping around her.
The kiss is fierce, passionate, needy but romantic and intimate.
Jerico kissed back, adrenaline coursing through her veins.
And the kiss lasts for maybe thirty seconds before they pull away, with jeri panting and Gabriel looking like a lovesick puppy.
--I gotta catch up with my honey here, boys. See ya later!-- he exclaimed and in the blink of an eye both where in her room in the bunker.
They lay down on the bed, dim light from the fairy lights barely illuminating the room.
Both catch up between soft whispers and gentle kisses.
Now, jerico has her face on his chest, his arms and wings wrapped around her as his chin rests on the crown of her head, both could feel the love the other had for them, it was strong and overwhelming in a good way.
--Ill grow my hair out-- Gabriel declared-- I know you dug it
--I still dig it. But I dont think ill be able to compute if you grow your hair out-- she admitted with a smirk.
--Maybe. But ill give you as Many kisses as you need to return to conciousness
She snorted and nuzzled his chest.
A comfortable silence falls and Gabriel concentrates on her breathing-- I love you -- he says Gently-- so much
Jerico doesnt even hesitates-- I love you too, so much
He smiles and nuzzled her hair. Both could use a nap before starting their New lives as a couple.
Gabriel notices how jerico is the first one to fall asleep, and he remembered that his dad had told him that he made her feel safe.
He was amazed at how quickly she had dozed off, and pride flourished in his chest.
And though he didnt need to sleep, he closed his eyes and joined her in slumber. After all...
She made him feel human.
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clickbaitcas · 4 years
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Obsessd with this
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honeykiller666 · 4 years
You wanna tell me, Rob & Rich play together in Criminal Minds and found a company named "Team Kings" really?!? And then you throw Osric at me, as "the ghost who enjoys your pain"? Lil poor Kevin Tran, seriously? Did Criminal Minds B.B. cast more of our spn family?
Ps: And Matt. Sorry, I forgot Matt. What's going on?
PPs: Kim and Jim too?!?
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In Supernatural 15x08, Our Father Who Aren’t In Heaven, I knew there was a Dick Jr. And The Volunteers song in it, so I went back to rewatch it. When I finally hear the song (called Goin’ Straight) it is playing at the restaurant where Michael and Adam are, the restaurants name is Jaci’s Red Wagon. Now considering that they’re playing a Richard Speight Jr song I am thinking about him anyway so I automatically notice this. Jaci is the name of Richard’s wife. I realized that this couldn’t be a coincidence. So I looked it up, and get this, Richard directed the episode!
I’m just proud of myself for noticing this so I thought I would share it!
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babymoose-x · 6 years
Guys...I am all for angry gabriel fanfics sabriel or not , you know that gabriel who is so fucking angry that he just wants to punch a god damn wall or throw someone across the room kinda mad. I have no idea why but i LOVE reading about that kind of gabriel, where gabriel can finally let lose of his chill composer and just break down and let it all out.
Is that weird to ask for??
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natasha-cole · 6 years
We were blessed today.
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thetiredstuff · 6 years
Supernatural Cast Plays WHO SAID IT?
Jared Padalecki (Sam), Jensen Ackles (Dean), Misha Collins (Castiel) and more Supernatural stars try to guess which SPN character said it over the course of several seasons. Supernatural airs Thursdays on The CW.
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s7sense · 6 years
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elizabethanscum · 6 years
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cleverlydeaf-blog · 6 years
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Rich + Purple and Space
(Photocred to the watermarked)
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narisjournal-blog · 7 years
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Possibly the only thing better than Dickchat is Norton’s Behind the Dick 😂😂
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archangelsanonymous · 4 years
SPN Series Finale Thoughts
If you had told me 6 years ago that I’d wake up this morning like any other day--feed my cats, smoke a bowl, grab a Red Bull, then go to work--it would have gone something like this: “What traumatic fandom event could have possibly happened for this to NOT be a MOMENTOUS, NEAR APOCALYPTIC DAY??? Also, how has my daily routine not changed in 6 years?”
An entire part of my life would be missing and I wouldn’t be close to the person I am today if it hadn’t been for Supernatural. That’s just fact. SPN came into my life exactly when I needed it. I was wandering around life, trying to go to school when I had no idea what I wanted to do. I had fallen out of love with my partner, but I was on a lease so it was easier to just stay. I even remember I had just gotten robbed at my gas station job a month or so before I started watching. I was in a really fucking rough place. 
When I dove into the fandom, I dove DEEP. I had gotten through Hammer of the Gods and I had fallen CRAZY in love with Gabriel so I came to where else but Tumblr. Unlike many people, my first SPN ship was Sabriel! I didn’t even see Destiel until I slapped my shipper goggles on and yeah it’s good but S A B R I E L. I ended up becoming friends with a lot of people that I don’t talk to anymore and a few that I still talk to every day. I met my best friend. I met my wife! I realized I was queer, I was non-binary, and that all of it was OKAY and I wasn’t alone. The SPN family helped me figure out who I was and accepted me and I can NEVER replace that. We started Trickster Tuesdays and Speight Saturdays and some days I still get the urge to start making Whiskey Dick episodes again. Also oh LORD did I scream the second I saw Rich’s face in Meta Fiction!
Speaking of, let’s talk about the man himself.
Richard. Dobbs. Speight. Junior. 
To say this man changed my life would be an understatement. The first time I met him, I was a bumbling idiot. I tried so hard to get out what I wanted for my Karaoke Kings op and oh god I was a mess. I decided that I obviously was not gonna be able to talk to him properly so I would write a letter for him to read later. I did and gave it to him when I had him autograph my Oliver shirt. To this day, I have NO clue if he read it. I’ve never asked him. tbh, he probably wouldn’t even remember if I did. We remember each other’s first meetings VERY differently, I’m sure lol He’d probably say it was in Houston when I sang Karaoke or, when I showed him the A-Dick-Ted shirt for the first time. And, honestly, I was WAY more chill when I met him that time so, lets keep it that way, eh?
Moving on, Rich would be involved or even be present for some of the most important times in my life. From We Got Dick, to my wife asking me to marry me, to reminding me how special and important I was to him less than a month after getting out of the hospital after a suicide attempt. Over the years, I’ve been lucky enough to have gotten closer than most fans. Several of my friends and fandom pals say that we’re friends but, that’s just not true lol I won’t say we don’t care about each other, and like, I know he’s talked about me to his wife and I’ve met her and his parents and his aunt and uncle one time (It wasn’t weird, I swear! They’re fabulous people by the way) BUT we’re just like....con bros! Anyway, I’m so glad that SPN brought him into my life and I’ve been able to keep up ANY kind of relationship with him. I mean, how many people can say that they can just casually message their fave actor whenever they want and actually get a response? It’s fucking RAD.
Anyway, back to my feelings on the finale. Am I sad? Yeah. But oddly enough, something that happened rather recently helped me accept and feel better about the fact that all things have an ending. We all knew it was coming and while it’s sad to see it go, I can’t help but be glad that I was here for at least some of it. 
Memento Mori. Carry On. And to my fellow Twicksters,
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junker-town · 7 years
Penn State’s season-defining stretch starts now
Here’s how the Nittany Lions shape up for their White Out game against Michigan (7:30 pm ET, ABC).
You’ve got to give Penn State credit for one thing: the Nittany Lions won their bye week. While much of the top 10 was stepping on land mines, James Franklin’s squad was regrouping for a three-week stretch that will define their season. And thanks to Syracuse’s defeat of No. 2 Clemson, they strolled up to the No. 2 spot in the AP poll, their highest ranking in this century.
In the first six games of the year, Penn State did exactly what it needed to do. The Nittany Lions built early leads, dominated in the field position battle, and headed off all but one upset bid before they could even begin.
They were up on Pitt, 14-0, after 10 minutes and cruised, 33-14.
They led Akron and Georgia State by a combined 70-0 at halftime and won by a combined 108-0.
Thanks in part to two return scores, they led Indiana 28-0 after one quarter and glided to a 45-14 win.
They took a bit more time with Northwestern, leading the Wildcats 10-0 at halftime in Evanston before putting the 31-0 win away with two third-quarter touchdowns.
1. As you shift from being the hunter to being the hunted, fast starts are incredibly important.
The defending Big Ten champion prepared all offseason to take everyone’s best shot in the league. So far, the Nittany Lions have been mostly ready.
The lone exception: their trip to Iowa City. They trailed Iowa 7-5 at halftime, took the lead in the third quarter, and gave it back on a 35-yard Akrum Wadley touchdown run with 1:42 left. But quarterback Trace McSorley drove PSU the length of the field and hit Juwan Johnson with a seven-yard touchdown pass on the game’s final play to sew up a 21-19 lead.
Jeffrey Becker-USA TODAY Sports
Juwan Johnson catches the game-winner in Iowa City
Even that game proved something. The Nittany Lions controlled the game from a stat perspective; they won the field position battle, they created three more scoring opportunities, they dominated in terms of success rate, and they even did better than the stats would have expected from a turnovers perspective.
Only two missed PSU field goals and two long Wadley touchdowns made this a game. Still, they rallied and avoided the land mine.
2. This is all well and good, but Penn State’s season officially begins on Saturday evening.
Over the next three weeks, Franklin’s team will host Michigan (16th in S&P+) then visit Ohio State (No. 1) and Michigan State (No. 20). And despite the Nittany Lions currently ranking No. 3 in S&P+, S&P+ win probabilities give them just a 14 percent chance of going 3-0 in this stretch and a 38 percent chance of losing at least two of three.
3. Between now and November 4, we’ll find out whether Penn State is a national title contender, a Big Ten contender, or a “10 wins and a spot in the Capital One Bowl” contender.
First things first: beating Michigan.
Jim Harbaugh’s Wolverines are as frustrating to play as they are to watch right now. On one hand, you think they’re vulnerable, and they are. On the other hand, they still have one of the nation’s best defenses. That will almost always keep you in a game no matter what your offense is doing.
Michigan can’t pass even a little bit. With starting quarterback Wilton Speight out, John O’Korn has completed 26 of 55 passes for 256 yards, no touchdowns, and three picks over the last two weeks, and only half of those passes were thrown in a monsoon. In perfectly fine weather against Indiana last week, he was 10-for-20 for 58.
Michigan is reliant on an all-or-nothing run game that has produced a decent number of big plays but ranks only 99th in rushing success rate.
4. Of course, if you’re going to move the ball on Penn State, it’s probably going to be on the ground, so this works.
Michigan is coming off of by far its best rushing day of the year. The Wolverines produced 271 rushing yards in the OT win; Karan Higdon produced 200 of them in 25 carries. Still, the yardage came mostly in bursts, and after scoring 13 points on their first three possessions of the game, the Wolverines punted on nine of their final 10 possessions in regulation, with seven three-and-outs.
The Nittany Lion defense ranks 44th in Rushing S&P+ and fifth in Passing S&P+. PSU has an incredibly active secondary — 45 percent opponents’ incompletions have been due to either interceptions or breakups, second-most in the country — and it’s unlikely that O’Korn and a young receiving corps will figure out how to do much damage, so Higdon and the ground game will have to carry the day.
5. Turnovers and big plays — whatever produces easy scores — will likely carry the day.
Penn State has a more efficient, less ridiculously exciting offense in 2017. The Nittany Lions’ success rate is up from 80th in 2016 to 25th in 2017, and while some of that has to do with non-conference success, they posted a 53 percent success rate against Iowa, 42 percent against Indiana, and 41 percent against Northwestern. Their 2016 success rate was 41 percent, so they’re clearly raising the bar in efficiency.
They also aren’t producing as many big plays. They have fallen from second to 25th in my primary explosiveness measure (IsoPPP), and after posting 48 gains of 30-plus yards in 2016 (third in FBS), they have only 17 (32nd) through six games.
This is a trade you are okay with making. Big plays are the 3-pointers of football — they’re super fun and useful, but they’re also random. Consistent offense is almost always built around efficiency, and PSU has that this year.
The last couple of games have been at least a little bit disconcerting, however.
Despite the ease of victory, PSU struggled to get September Heisman winner Saquon Barkley rolling. He rushed 20 times for 56 yards against Indiana and needed a late burst to get to even 75 yards in 16 carries against Northwestern. Only 33 percent of his carries gained five yards (the national average is closer to 40 percent), which meant a lot of work for McSorley on passing downs.
McSorley was brilliant against Northwestern (9-for-10 on passing downs for 112 yards, albeit with two sacks), but against an attacking IU defense, he was just 5-for-9 for 61 yards and four sacks on passing downs.
Michigan’s defense is more like Indiana’s than Northwestern’s. The Wolverine defense ranks first in Passing S&P+ — an incredible feat considering the talent they lost in the offseason — and, perhaps as importantly, ninth in Adjusted Sack Rate. Against both run and pass, they wreck your line of scrimmage with tackles Maurice Hurst (who has taken part in 14 run stuffs) and Rashan Gary (eight) and underrated end Chase Winovich. Penn State’s offensive line has been, at times, wreckable.
Still, if PSU can simply avoid disaster, the Nittany Lions’ offensive upside should win the day because their defense has a larger advantage over Michigan’s offense. But the turnover battle will loom large, and with so few defensive breakdowns likely, every big play will almost count double.
6. An X-factor: tight end play
Rich Barnes-USA TODAY Sports
Mike Gesicki and Franklin
Rick Osentoski-USA TODAY Sports
Sean McKeon
The tight ends could play a huge role in both efficiency and big plays. O’Korn’s best game by far this year came against Purdue, when he completed five of five passes to sophomore TE Sean McKeon for 82 yards. Junior Zach Gentry has eight catches for 134 yards this year, and sophomore Nick Eubanks, who caught two balls for 61 yards in the season opener against Florida, might be ready to return after suffering a head injury against Purdue.
It feels like Penn State has been holding Mike Gesicki in reserve, waiting to break glass in case of emergency. The senior from Manahawkin, N.J., caught 48 balls for 679 yards and five touchdowns last year, second on the team in all three categories. But while he's been a nice red zone threat (four touchdowns already), he's caught only 22 balls for 176 yards.
Gesicki injured his lower back against Indiana and didn't do much against Northwestern, but he's healthy and rested, and he might be more capable of beating a Michigan linebacker one-on-one than any of PSU's receivers are of beating Michigan DBs.
7. S&P+ projects a 29-18 Penn State win.
Big plays, turnovers, and tight ends could shrink or expand the margin from there.
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narisjournal-blog · 7 years
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Look at these cuties ❤️
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