#Rivalship and friendship
chaoscheebs · 1 year
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Based on this post, the depth of subtlety I expect out of Seto Kaiba trying to return the favor of dragging him kicking and screaming out from behind his 500 emotional barriers after realizing Yugi has just as many up himself.
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asterzane · 6 months
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this is the actual ending of gx
trust me, guys
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shinayashipper · 2 months
Thinking abt getting a comment "such best friends" under my Rivalship arts and having urge to go "sorry sir they wanna Fuck each other so bad do best friends do That? Let's find out in this fic"
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1v1jc · 2 years
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S0 rivals for tumblr user @millenniummmbop happy birthday babygirl 🥳
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starcrossed-sky · 6 months
haha i am actually the same genshin anon 😅 and one of the few people who's on neither of the wrio/lette or neuvi/furi supercarriers. due to my and a friend's joint brainstorming i'm probably one of 2 total people on the platonic wrio&furina train (which we'd dubbed "thewriopy"), but also a dedicated wrio/lyney kinda-hateshipper (i'm grateful enough that it's decently popular on ao3 and jp twitter).
I'll tolerate the supercarriers but for me it really doesn't work unless it's "this is a triad but every pair relationship is completely different." I have a Dynamic in my head and the greater part of the fandom doesn't seem to view any of the three of them as individuals the way I do, so of course the ship content if going to be different from what's in my head.
which is why i'm writing it I GUESS. we're 6400 words in but it's probably going to be a semi-sprawling Verse kind of fic because I have a lot of ideas for it. (Including that I actually might write. smut. for the first time in 5 years. because my brain latched onto wriofuri kink negotiation and will not let go)
(Being an ace Neuvillette liker is suffering btw if you didn't know)
rizzo/lyney is squick territory for me sorry to say, between the age difference and the context it plays out in. glad you're having fun out there though anon!
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gx-gameon · 6 days
Aside from rivalshipping and spiritshipping are there any other Yugioh ships you enjoy?
I am the worst multishipper in the galaxy. Like truly.
I grew up loving Joey and Mai but now that I’m older and I know the actual age gap it’s hard to still be for it. If it does happen it happens way later in life. Right now they are just really good friends
The DM crew is so friendship based it’s hard for me. I’ll dabble in wishshipping or puzzleshipping (I get where they are coming from and when done right it’s done right) but I set this au as rivalshipping and rivalshipping it will stay.
I could see Tristian and Miho.
Atem is different because I think he’s just interested in games here. Or pinning over Mana or Mahad which ever way you want it to go.
Now the Gx cast…
I can go anyway.
Chazz x Alexis or Chazz x Atticus is always fun
But then again so is
Zane x Atticus of Zane x Aster (when their grown up)
Jim x Alexis is cute and then you have the Dino duo is Jim x Hasselberry.
Bastion is down bad for Tanya but I would like to know her age please and thank you.
And while I’m a hard Spiritshipper Yusei x Jaden when done right is done right. And I can understand where Jaden x Alexis are coming from even if it’s not my favorite.
Honestly they are a group of teenagers on an island who are just figuring themselves out. Thank goodness the writers didn’t do romance because the amount of break up and different relationships you could have is wild.
I’m focusing on Rivalshipping and Spiritshipping here because I prefer them.
Anyone else will probably be in passing. The story is Jaden focused and I don’t think Jaden paid much attention to dating at duel academy. I can absolutely see his friends being in a relationship flying right over his head until they break up and he’s like “woh why is X sad all the sudden?”
He’s emotionally smart but also very focused on friendship and dueling.
I haven’t made and decisions on side pairing because I like to leave options open. If you think these two people should be together that’s great and if you want to see that in this story even better. I probably will keep most of the relationship age for that reason.
I have my to main ships and if I feel like adding another pairing I will but right now the DM crew are young adults raising a child (18 year olds raising a 4 year old) they have pleanty of time to figure out their lives.
And when Jaden goes to school his friends are all teens. There are messy crushes and relationship but it’s rare for any of them to stick. (Example Chazz and Alexis might go on one date and decide to be friends afterwards. Zane and Atticus might have had a thing their first year before Atticus went missing and it takes them a while to find their groove again or they date other people) it’s all fluid right now.
I have options
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fiercynn · 9 months
too wise to woo peaceably (bad buddy + much ado about nothing)
i was talking recently with @ranchthoughts about our feelings about bad buddy and theatre, and i was reminded of how the wonderful @ryfkah once wrote on dreamwidth about the parallels between patpran and beatrice & benedick from much ado about nothing! much ado is absolutely my favorite shakespeare play, so ryfkah’s comparisons have lived in my head rent-free since they made their post a year and a half ago:
I actually want to switch gears from Romeo & Juliet and talk a little instead about Beatrice and Benedick. Pat & Pran do not have the exact energy but are definitely B&B-adjacent -- first of all, in that all the habitual patterns of their interactions are set firmly to Bickering and Bravado, but second and more important in that the bickering and bravado already have a huge weight of feeling and history behind them at the time that we enter the narrative. This is the thing, I think, that a lot of other variants on this style of snappy, outwardly antagonistic God I Hate That Person [I Do Not Hate That Person] miss: what makes Beatrice & Benedick work is that we have enough glimpses of context from the dialogue to know that they know each other extremely well, they've cared about each other in the past, and no matter how much they argue they do in fact still care about each other enormously in the present. Likewise, the thing that makes Bad Buddy really fun, for me, is that the events of the show absolutely do not depict not the first time that Pat and Pran have gone from rivalry through cahootship to the realization that they are not only required by circumstance to be obsessed with each other but actually genuinely like each other as people -- this has all happened before, and ended badly. The show begins right after the only period of their life that they've spent not defining themselves against each other, so when they meet once again in a position of nonsense forced rivalship the tension between them has a really different weight to it: Pat is like 'hey, we missed our shot last time but we can do a speedrun! we have a chance to do this again! :D' while Pran, significantly more self-aware about the fact that what they achieved on the last go-round was not just Unfortunately Thwarted Friendship but Powerful Homoerotic Tension with a side of Miserable Romantic Pining, is like 'god I cannot believe that we are here again, constructing intricate rituals AGAIN.' [x]
which gave me a lot of thoughts as well! putting below the cut since it gets a little long.
building off ryfkah's post: one of the things people either seem to love or hate about much ado is its massive tonal shift in the middle. the play starts off with pure shenanigans – battle-of-the-wits banter, using a masquerade ball to pretend to be other people, “let’s try and match-make our friends who hate each other by having them ‘overhear’ conversations about how the other is in love with them!” – classic comedy stuff. and then you get to claudio and hero’s wedding and everything goes to shit.
the interesting thing is that the impact of the shenanigans isn’t negated by the dramatic shift – beatrice and benedick are still, technically, “tricked” into confessing to each other, because each of them goes into their confession thinking the other is already pining away for them. but their confessions happen in a scene where the stakes have been raised already: beatrice is furious about at the defamation of her cousin by claudio and hero’s subsequent heartbreak. beatrice and benedick’s banter falls away, not only into expressing their love, but with beatrice’s conviction, stated plainly, that benedick should kill his best friend. and benedick, though conflicted, agrees to challenge claudio unless he recants the insult he’s done to hero, because beatrice has asked it of him. when performed well, it’s an incredibly raw and impactful scene, and one that always sticks with me. and there's a sense that the trickery by their friends operates mostly as a cover for them to say out loud what they've already been feeling – both the good and bad parts of that, the love and the pain, the confessions and the demands. people who were truly tricked into loving each other by shenanigans wouldn't be this honest with each other at this point, and wouldn't go this far.
i'm not going to claim that there are super direct plot parallels between bad buddy and much ado, and obviously the stakes and level of gravity are very different, but i do get some similar feelings watching both? especially when rewatching the beginning and remembering how silly it is, which i think is absolutely intentional just as it is in much ado. because then, when bad buddy allows pat and pran to reveal their deep connection by letting the banter fall away – when things get serious enough between them that they’re taken out of their “nonsense forced rivalship”, as ryfkah says – it hits even harder.
i'm thinking of pat saying, “i don’t like it. i hate to see you play [the song] with someone else,” on the rooftop, and the way that pran’s been playing their usual game in that conversation thus far, using sarcasm and indifference as his defense, until pat’s honesty makes his expression shift into pain, before he responds in kind with, “pat, you’ve got to stop doing to me.” (@ranchthoughts and @dudeyuri talk beautifully and in-depth about those two lines here.) and again, in episode 6, on the first night of the architecture volunteer trip: pat’s been playing all day, trying to goad pran into talking to him, but when it’s just the two of them on the beach in the dark, pat says, “we’re talking now?”, the hurt clear in his voice, and pran’s face changes again, because he gets out serious pat is now.
and then, of course, we get back to shenanigans soon enough, because those intricate rituals that they build together are important to them: that’s how they talk to each other, and how they have fun together, and the fun is just as crucial to their relationship as the heartfelt moments when they can be there for each other. the second half of bad buddy is so enjoyable to watch because we get to see how their dynamic doesn’t change after they get together, which is a confirmation that they always had a deep and meaningful relationship, even when it was mostly expressed through banter: they just get to say more of it out loud now, when they need to. extremely beatrice and benedick-coded tbh.
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coroikacrackships · 10 days
Hello people of the Coroika Fandom!
This is actually my first tumblr post ever, so we'll see how this goes...
Anyway, this series is full of characters with various personalities, so like what if I just ship them with little to no thought to them, just for the funnies.
My goal here is to think up random ships that could maybe work out... or not, I'm just throwing stuff to see if it sticks. Just some heads up, just because they are crack ships, doesn't mean they have to be romantic ones or anything. I'm just putting two(and maybe more) characters side by side, they can be friendship, rivalship, or whatever. This is only to have fun and imagine what would happen if some characters met up. Just opening up some minds to something random. Also, I'm not shipping stuff like Emp and Prince, wanna make that clear before I begin.
How this will work is I will post some characters together, maybe write out why I put them together, and whatever you do with that information is up to you. Simple as that, I may do shoutout request in the future. I'll start one tomorrow. And, uh, no promises that the ships will be daily.
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catacomb231 · 2 years
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I love this! Their friendship/rivalship is amazing.
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verdantmeadows · 1 year
As of the first two episodes, I'm incredibly curious as to how the relationships between characters will develop. I'm very very curious as to how old Friede is and how old Amethio are since they seem to be developing a rivalship, and we know that Liko is (obviously) considered a child compared to Friede when it's said that there's kids onboard, and I know Amethio is a teen, but I assumed him to be closer in age to Liko and Roy, but now it seems he might be an older teen closer in age to Friede which leads to their more equal footing for their potential rivalry. However, maybe their rivalry is more based on, "I need to protect these kids," coming from Friede, and "I need to destroy/kidnap/steal from those kids," coming from Amethio?
(Based on the wording of what confirms Amethio to be a teen, I'm going to assume he's a teen that's not 18~19 since he's dealing with such a heavy mission/job while being a teen, so you usually think of that as maybe a younger or middle range in a teen due to the phrasing. I'm imagining maybe 13~16?)
And also kind of unrelated but a bit related, I'm incredibly curious as to what Roy and Amethio's interactions will be like. Amethio seems very aloof but still villainous, and with Liko he doesn't really show much thought towards her rather than needing her and her pendant for whatever his goals are. Considering how bubbly we know Roy is, and the fact that they're both boys that are preteen to teen, I think that their relationship could be incredibly interesting and that they could end up pushing each other's characters in various ways.
I'm really hoping that the Explorers also want Roy's Poké Ball since that will push them to interact with Roy and give him something shared with Liko, as well as make for more strife or conflict with Roy. I'm a bit worried Liko's going to be more the focus than Roy, rather than them both being equally important protagonists. I hope that they're both protagonists who grow and change, rather than just Liko growing and Roy being a static character who helps her growth.
And the same goes for Liko and Roy about their relationship and my curiosity! We both know they're probably like around the same age, if not the same age. And based on what we know, it seems like Roy will be someone who pushes Liko to grow as a person and is always there for her. I think they'll be great characters with an amazing friendship/relationship, regardless of my worries.
Anyways, I'm absolutely loving the new show so far. It's great!
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krakenshaped · 11 months
For the character ask game, what about the man, the myth, The Chazz?
Dude when I say I fucking love this guy I fucking LOVE this guy he makes me so happy on every level
First Impression: Initially I enjoyed making fun of Chazz like. A lot LOL I pretty much bullied for his first couple of appearances. His English voice actor (the original one/S1) PERFECTED his voice. PERFECTED! From the start Manjoume was such a snotty little loser and hos voice in en and jp perfectly encapsulates how snotty he is and I think it's so funny that his brothers sound exactly like him but older. I thought he was so funny. But he just kept getting funnier. He just kept getting more unhinged. I think he really took a shine to me during his North Academy arc. I related a lot to his struggle with expectations
Impression now: THE CHAAAZZZZ!!! MANJOUME THUNDER!!! MY GOOBY WOOBY! MY BIMBLO BLORBO!!! MY FUCKING GUUUUYYYY!!!! I love Judai but like. Manjoume is my favourite GX character to be honest. I still think he's so fucking funny and I love how funny and pathetic he is and I think he is perfect shitty teenager rep. He is arrogant. He is goofy. He's having a bisexual crisis. He thinks he's the most romantic feminist in the world. He probably listens to emo music. He wears black because he's a non-conformist™️ and he's Not Like The Other Slifers In This Shitty Dorm. He smells bad. He is me at 15. I want to wrap him in tin foil and put him in the microwave. I wanna study him under a microscope. He is my son!!!
Favourite moment: Every Chazz moment is a fun moment
But also
The Duel against his brother, fuck yeah Manjoume, get their asses!!!!
Idea for a story: Honestly I've wanted to write about Manjoume grappling with a post-grad crisis for a hot minute because I find it difficult to believe that after everything that happens in DA he just hits the pro league like nothing happened. I wanna see him go to therapy and process everything that's happened in his life, especially the guilt he probably feels over both awakening the sacred beasts and his role in the society of light.
Unpopular opinion: I don't really mind Manjoume's weird character progression, because watching him be a little silly even though he's the main rival is fun. I think people expected something akin to Kaiba and Yugi's rivalry but Manjoume isn't Kaiba and his rivalry and friendship with Judai is really different. Plus his silly moments make him fun and relatable (don't know if that's unpopular but voila)
Favourite relationship: Gx Rivalshipping. Hands down. I'm a sucker for Chazz/Jaden and I am a chronic multishipper LOL
Favourite headcanon: Transmasc baby!! Jesse and Chazz are trans guys on opposite sides of the spectrum!! And by that I mean Manjoume is Jesse Pinkman trans LMAOOO
Other than that I refuse to believe his hair is naturally like that. I think he gels it to keep it in that style. It's all apart of His Aesthetic™️, It's not a PHASE you just don't understand his SUPERIOR FASHION TASTE
Also hc he plays wow
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chaoscheebs · 1 year
A headcanon I enjoy, that can be part of but not necessarily Rivalship-related:
Yugi’s mom is initially skeptical when Yugi finally manages to win over (friendship and/or romance-wise) Seto Kaiba, because.  She’s not dumb, she heard why Sugoroku ended up having heart attack, dammit.
But then we have Mokuba entering the equation, and she both (1) starts learning what these Kaiba boys have gone through and (2) ends up adoring the shit out of Mokuba, she is like “yes these are my sons now, I am keeping them even if Yugi and Seto stop getting along.”
(Mokuba takes to the mothering easily enough, but Seto is VERY CONFUSED how does he even react to this anymore it has been a long-ass time since he had a parental figure who actually *cares* better tsun that’s the right reaction right?????)
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ackermansimper · 1 year
I might rewrite this in a different scenario or with Mikasa or Kenny purely for the fact that I LOVE this song. Like goodness this band makes amazing music-
I hate everything about you
Word count: 0.9k (Levi x reader)
I hate everything about you - three days grace
-Summary: Your rivalry is interrupted after you kiss Levi after a drink too much. Now you're left to think about your feelings for the man and stress over the possibly ruined friendship.
You laid awake with the occasional sigh thinking about what had just happened. You might've ruined whatever relationship you had with Levi, the guy you often bickered with and teased. You both weren't together but you couldn't say that there weren't any feelings involved on your side. At first it was more of a partner-enemy relationship but it turned into more. It turned into actual communication towards you both and actual bonding behind your quarrels.
You hated him. You always reminded him of that and the same went towards you. Despite your supposed hatred of each other though was an unbreakable bond that took you both years of partnership and trust to achieve. And yet it feels as if you had broken the bond you had with the idiot in an instant.
You kissed him. You drank a bit too much and thought it'd be fine to shoot your shot. Not even that. You don't know why you did it. You could lay there and try making millions of excuses for it, anything to justify your actions. You could blame it on the alcohol. You could say it meant nothing. But all that would just be a huge lie shoved in his and your face. You knew very well that it wasn't just the alcohol nor was it meaningless. You knew deep down that you cared for him and had feelings for him. But you hate him. You hate everything about him. So why does it hurt so much that he looked at you with pure disgust in his eyes afterwards? Why'd it hurt so much that it broke your shell of toughness and had you running away to your room like an idiot? Why'd it hurt so much that-
"Y/n are you having a nightmare? You're being a bit loud" your roommate asked after hearing your heavy breaths and low sighs. "I'm fine." was the most you could muster. You weren't. You weren't fine at all.
Yet even with all the hurt boiled deep inside you, you don't miss him. You can't bring yourself to. You hate him. You don't love him. You hate him. You don't miss him and there's nothing between you two.
So why do you love him?
Once you were able to fall asleep, it felt like an instant that you were woken up to your roommate with her normal cheeky smile. "Wakey wakey! They've got juice on the menu today" she said ruffling your bed hair. You groaned a bit and clenched your eyes shut. "Hangover? You shouldn't have been drinking on a work night, you know that" she said. You nodded your head in response even though you knew it was a complete lie. If you were having any type of migraine or headache, it'd be because you had to see Levi and confront that what you did was real last night and you could probably never take it back.
You got up and began getting ready as your roommate finished up and left. Once you were alone and left brushing your hair, tears finally began streaming. You dropped the brush and broke into quiet sobs. You'd been holding it in. It's only when you stop to think about it that you know you hate him. You hate everything about him. The only thing you don't know is why you love him. Why you want to get closure to what had happened last night. Why you want to blame the alcohol and go back to your rivalship with him. Go back to normal.
You wanna know what he thinks. You wanna know if he knows he hates you like you know you hate him. You wanna know if he's taken any thoughts of last night. You wanna know just how much he hates you and if he's questioning any untold and kept away feelings like you've been. You doubt it as yesterday's events could've proven he had no romantic interest in you whatsoever but you didn't wanna be the only one with these hot and cold feelings.
You hate everything about him. You love him. You hate him. You don't love him, you hate him. You don't hate him, you love him. Maybe you hate and love him. Maybe its a bit of everything.
You go to the dining hall with your head high to radiate the energy you always did. Only difference now was that you were scared. You were scared about what you'd say or act when you saw Levi. To your utter surprise and relief, he wasn't there. You'd have to sort this out with him sooner or later but for now, you'll just enjoy your breakfast before a long day.
Levi won't though. He skipped breakfast and stayed locked up in his office. He had no idea how to react to any of this. He hated you, sure. But he loved you and unlike you, had no questions about it.
♥ Thank you for reading ♥
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shinayashipper · 4 months
One of the things I really Love abt Rivalshipping is that they need other characters' influence to thrive... and because yugioh is all about friendship and bonds, it fits so much and Very Perfect... They can't Function well if it's just Kaiba and Yugi, they're both Very Bad about Feelings and they need others' Push to Develop. Oohhh character and story development that includes All of the characters, my beloved!!
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rainstormcolors · 1 year
1, 2, 12, 16, 18, 23, and 26 for Yugi and Jonouchi
Hello. I apologize for the delay in answering this. Thank you for the ask.
1. My first impression of them
I tend to not have overt emotional reactions to media, and it takes time for me to be able to pin down my feelings on characters if I do. I probably started out liking Yugi more than Jonouchi just because I personally relate less to extroverts and seemingly jollier characters.
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you’ve sent me a character I don’t like)
I liked Yugi from the start I think. I had also enjoyed Rivalshipping before entering fandom and thought it was a gentle ship pairing a kind and optimistic soul with a gloomy angrier one and there was the hope for understanding.
I was alright with Jonouchi. After entering fandom and properly interacting with other fans, my friend the-cryptographer really helped me to see the depth and nuance within Jonouchi. He’s struggled and been lonely, he wants to be useful, he can be passive-aggressive and sharp-edged, he puts on a front and tries to be strong and cheerful.
12. Sexuality hc!
If I’m honest, I tend to not hold super firm ideas on character’s sexual orientations when it comes to playing in fandom. I can see Yugi and Jonouchi being bisexual and struggling with differing degrees of internalized homophobia. Jonouchi in particular I think would struggle with some internalized homophobia given his personal history and how he tries to seem masculine. Hopefully they can both accept themselves.
16. A childhood headcanon
Jonouchi had to make his own meals a lot from a younger age as his mother was gone and his father wasn’t stepping up. I feel current Jonouchi is decent at cooking because of this.
18. How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
I think Yugi struggled with shyness and was maybe pulled away from the other kids, preferring to play games alone. I also think he tried to be friendly with those who approached him, though he was also an awkward and quiet kid who maybe wasn’t able to keep them interested and didn’t seek out company too well on his own.
I think Jonouchi was a more energetic child who could act out at times and be rowdy, and would sometimes do attention-seeking things to excite his classmates --- like climbing trees and sneaking into places he wasn’t meant to be as they watched.
23. Future headcanon
Yugi might adopt a cat.
When Sugoroku Mutou’s health begins failing, Yugi won’t reach out for emotional support too well and instead he’ll retreat into an inner world. We had seen that happen with Atem’s fate as well.
26. When do you think they were being “themselves” the most?
I think their friendship with each other and with Anzu and Honda and Atem are their heartlines. I think the times we see them casually playing games together is the answer. The company and playfulness they shared.
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the-cryptographer · 1 year
You don't have to do both or you can just answer the parts of the game you'd like for either, but Vivian Wong as a character and/or Battleshipping as a ship for the ask game if you'd like. Thank you!
Thank you!!
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you: BATTLESHIPPING
when I started shipping it if I did: I can’t exactly recall. But I think it was generally something that came along with getting back into the fandom in 2015/2016ish. Like, I had liked pupship for a long time, and wishship was something that stood out to me in the early parts of the manga, and there’s nothing not to like about rivalship. So why not just... put ‘em all together, lol.
my thoughts: Think it’s generally a lot of fun to contrast the more happy-go-lucky optimism of Yuugi and Jounouchi and their friendship with Kaiba’s cynicism. But like... what if they kissed about it? I think there’s also something to be asked about the kind of space that Jounouchi and Seto and Yuugi would create for themselves? Because you kind of have extreme poverty and extreme wealth with Jou and Seto respectively, and then Yuugi as the everyman with your sort of average media middle class domestic life. And it does make me wonder what kind of space they would want to occupy together and the kind of objects and ideas they’d want to fill it with. Which is perhaps an extremely domestic take on the ship, but it’s where I feel my mind tends to go.
What makes me happy about them: Them coming out the other side of canon with this connection to one another. Jou effusively touchy feely loving on Seto and Yuugi. All the over the top big gestures Kaiba makes, contrasted with all the small ways that Yuugi shows consideration for people. It feels like they all bring something a bit different to the table and it comes together in a way that’s really colourful.
What makes me sad about them: Think there would definitely be a lot of moments where Jounouchi feels Seto & Yuugi are teaming up against him, or Seto feels Jounouchi & Yuugi are teaming up against him, and Yuugi is SICK of getting typecast as the peacekeeper when these conflicts come to a head. I remember one of the ideas I came up with for a get-together fic was Jounouchi like... making out with Yuugi in front of Seto in a way that was obviously meant to be, like, bragging/flaunting/provocative. Which is very dysfunctional and evil and the kind of shit I feel like Jounouchi pulls all the time, lol, even after they’re together and it’s less about romantic jealousy in specific. The boy loves to get a rise out of people. Something that makes me happy & sad is the shared connection to Atem too. Bittersweet that they shared that loss together to different degrees.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I don’t think there’s enough fanfic for them for me to really make any generalisations about the good vs the bad here.
things I look for in fanfic: Its existence.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Other ships I like are Jounouchi/Mai, Isis/Seto, aaaaand... let’s go with Malik/Ryou/Yuugi for Yuugi? But these are just a sample. I’m pretty open to and happy with most ygo ships.
My happily ever after for them: Maybe that shared domestic space can have like... a Blue Eyes White Dragon bouncy castle, lmao.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Hmm... not sure. I think they switch it up, but Jounouchi likes sleeping in the middle for maximum cuddles and attention.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Gaming, of course~ I think we’ve gotten art from Takehashi of both Jou&Seto and Seto&Yuugi postcanon games of Duel Monsters. But I admit I like the idea of them playing other types of games as well. Dice and racing games and ttrpgs.
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you: VIVIAN WONG
How I feel about this character: She is... a mess <3  Something truly sociopathic and sinophobic about her appearances in canon, chasing after husband material and competing with literal twelve year olds. But, ignoring the jank- I love her energy! She’s so fun! And, let’s be real, Grandpa deserved to get beat up a little.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Mai <3 I’ve also seen some of her with Otogi. If I remember he delivers the exposition on who she is an her duelling records, and it’s kinda implied he’s a fan of hers. This does strike me as pretty cute.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Probably still Otogi. But I do also kinda enjoy her and Rebecca duelling and being stupid at one another~
My unpopular opinion about this character: This entire post is unpopular opinions.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Less of the aforementioned heterosexist/sinophobic jank. I also wish more of the female duelists in this series got to win and their badassery was less of an informed quality. But obviously the entire structure of the story and cast would have to be rearranged to really accommodate that, so I don’t know where this leaves me.
my OTP: Mai/Vivian~ It makes me happy that we see them together in that scene in the end credits. I feel like Mai being able to travel with and duel together with this woman is really peak happy ending. I think also because I get the impression from other places in the series that Mai has really struggled making friends her own age, and also struggled making female friends, and it’s cool to me that through the power of Duel Monsters and character development, she was finally able to connect with someone she can relate to in those kinds of ways.
my cross over ship: I got nothin’!
a headcanon fact: I’m not sure I have anything in specific, but I’d like to headcanon more about her acting credentials. I wrote her starring in a show called Romance of the Lost Dynasty apparently.
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