#Rizzoli Film
she-is-27-i-checked · 3 months
My wife, of "Mary and Shannon were good friends weren't they" and "ew she's got brains in her hair" fame...
Is on series 5 of Rizzoli and Isles with me and she "Doesn't See It" about Rizzles.
This woman.
Love that bitch.
But we are not the same.
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ladyriot · 1 year
RIZZLES x wlwyearnbot
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Part 1/?
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nellarw95 · 24 days
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Happy Heavenly Birthday Michael 🎂💔
Michael Groo Massee 🤍
September 1,1952 - October 20,2016🙏🏻
We Miss You So Much 🕊️♾️
Buon Compleanno in Paradiso 🎂💔
1 Settembre 1952 - 20 Ottobre 2016🙏🏻
Ci Manchi Moltissimo 🕊️♾️
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infiniteaugends · 5 months
Does anyone else find most romantic subplots in movies formulaic, pointless, and annoying. I hate that it’s so hard to find movies and Tv shows with well written romances. What I hate more is that almost every movie and show has a romantic subplot even though it would be unchanged if the romance was removed.
I can understand it more with Tv shows as romantic relationships serve to eat up time and make for easy drama, but I still find myself being annoyed by the many badly written and pointless romances in Tv shows.
For movies I don’t understand it at all. So many movies would be unchanged or even better without romance. Sometimes it makes sense that romance is involved and that’s fine I’m not against it. However, when a romance doesn’t add anything or takes away from the movie’s plot I just don’t understand why it was included.
I think one of the most egregious examples in film was the Boys in the Boat adaptation. The focus on romance messed up the pacing and took substantial time away from developing the rowing team as characters with back stories and motivation. The only real development in that movie was the main character and his romance. I really enjoyed the book because it explored who the team were as people and that made me all the more invested in their victories and struggles. The romantic subplot of Boys in the Boat literally ruined the movie for me.
The most egregious example for Tv shows is Rizzoli and Isles. None of the relationships last longer than a few episodes. The constant introduction of a new love interest is tedious and often interrupts the story of the week. It feels pointless to even like any of the love interest because you know their not gonna make it to the next season. I found my self becoming annoyed every time either Rizzoli or Isles met a new handsome guy they were gonna go on maybe three dates with. The relationship between Frankie and Nina was alright because it was well developed and felt like a decent resolution to Frankie’s worry about becoming his father.
Overall, I prefer most stories to focus on plot and character development and friendship over romantic interest and sex. I find my self shipping very few romantic couples and most of the time they are not the canon romantic relationship. I wish that there were more stories with well written male/ female friendships and more canon queer relationships. Ultimately though I wish there was less media and social expectation of romance as the only happy ending. Romantic relationships are not the only way to find fulfillment and media should mirror that.
For these reasons, I hope that Top Gun 3 follows in the footsteps of Top Gun Maverick with limited focus on romantic relationships. I hope that Elsa does not get a love interest in Frozen 3. I hope that friendship becomes more valued outside of children’s media and that more movies take the route of Barbie and focus on self discovery and self love outside of romantic relationships.
Please can we get some more unique stories and characters relationships in movies and Tv Shows (if you have any recommendations pls I am desperate).
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nonsolodoncamillo · 6 months
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icollectimages · 2 years
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Red Desert (1964) (Il deserto rosso)
Country: Italy / France
Directed by: Michelangelo Antonioni
Cinematography by: Carlo Di Palma
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piratefalls · 2 years
There will never come a time when the episode with Frost’s funeral doesn’t make me sob.
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queen-rndmchick · 1 year
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Paul Raci @ The Mother premiere in L.A. ❄️
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oldfilmsflicker · 2 months
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A collection of profiles, interviews, and definitive cinematic images, Cinema Her Way: Visionary Female Directors in Their Own Words by Marya E. Gates, due for publication in 2025 by Rizzoli, shines a light on female filmmakers who have made an indelible impact on the landscape of contemporary film, from art house and independent award-winners to Hollywood blockbusters and beyond.
Sign Up Here
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fashionbooksmilano · 4 months
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Embodying Pasolini
Tilda Swinton & Olivier Saillard
Phot. Ruediger Glatz
Rizzoli, New York 2022, 112 pages, 26,2x31,6cm, ISBN 978-0-8478-72725
euro 78,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Longtime creative collaborators Tilda Swinton and Olivier Saillard present an illustrated tribute to the costumes of legendary Italian director Pier Paolo Pasolini’s iconic films. Retracing Pier Paolo Pasolini’s entire cinematography—which continues to fascinate audiences almost half a century after his passing—Embodying Pasolini explores the costumes that brought his films to life. From The Gospel According to St. Matthew (1964), The Canterbury Tales (1972), and Arabian Nights (1974) to Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975), Pasolini’s movies are known for their provocative flair—making them staples of art cinema’s golden age. Styled by Danilo Donati, the costumes—garments, coats, and hats—enlivened the films with their rich textures, volume, color, and embellishments.
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donaruz · 6 months
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Esattamente 48 anni fa arrivava nelle sale italiane un capolavoro leggendario: "Qualcuno volò sul nido del cuculo".
Film maestoso!
È tratto dal romanzo omonimo di Ken Kesey, pubblicato nel 1962 e tradotto in italiano nel 1976 da Rizzoli. L'autore scrisse il libro in seguito alla propria esperienza da volontario all'interno del Veterans Administration Hospital di Palo Alto, in California.
È uno dei tre film nella storia del cinema (insieme a "Accadde una notte" di Frank Capra e "Il silenzio degli innocenti" di Jonathan Demme) ad aver vinto alla cerimonia degli Oscar del 1976 i premi come:
▪️ Miglior film a Michael Douglas e Saul Zaentz
▪️ Miglior regia a Miloš Forman
▪️ Miglior attore protagonista a Jack Nicholson
▪️ Miglior attrice protagonista a Louise Fletcher
▪️ Migliore sceneggiatura non originale a Lawrence Hauben e Bo Goldman
fonte Wikipedia
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autistic-crypt1d · 27 days
Show Rankings: Crime Edition
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These are just the crime shows that I've watched (or that I can remember at least). If you have any show recommendations based on this pleeeeeaaaase comment them.
I'll be explaining my reasonings below the cut!
Psych - my favorite crime show ever, it's nostalgic, funny, well written, intriguing, and it balances serious with funny so well.
Sherlock - I mean, this show is incredible on all fronts. It's my favorite kind of show, one that you cannot look away from or get distracted from for even a second without missing something. I was on the edge of my seat absolutely enthralled every second. Incredible show.
Veronica Mars - this one is very different from any others on this list and honestly any other crime show I've ever seen. It's amazing and riveting and so interesting, I love it. I ignore the final season existing like everyone else though, screw that.
Bones - great show, super interesting, love the sciency stuff a ton and the unique way of solving crime vs the others on this list. I hate what they did to Booth and Brennan's relationship finally progressing though, and there are definitely flat points I end up scrolling on my phone through.
Castle - really fun show, but there's a lot of stuff I don't care for in it like oversexualization. It also drags on a bit so thats why it gets some points off. The goofy crime solving mixed with serious plot lines and really fun character dynamics keep it above B for me.
The Mentalist - really fun, love Jane's character endlessly, he reminds me of Shawn Spencer in a lot of ways (Psych mentions The Mentalist a few times too). I love how his trauma is included even while he's covering it up with humor. Ending felt a bit weird for me but I like the show a lot and I like how it's dark while still managing to be lighthearted and fun to watch. Plus the amount of times he goats people into hitting him is amazing.
Monk - I relate to Monk a lot with my contamination OCD, the show is really fun, the team is really fun together, plus it goes on for a while in a great way.
White Collar - I love Peter and Neal's dynamic so much, that's honestly the main reason this is high up. It gets a bit boring and repetitive and drawn out sometimes, but I just love how Peter adopted this suave nuisance and actually gets anything done.
Only Murders in the Building - good show, honestly not super memorable yet but I intend to watch the next season. I think the concept is great and the dynamics of the main 3 are really fun and I like it a lot so far.
So Help Me Todd - fun show, Todd makes me laugh, I think his ever developing and growing partnership with his mom is hilarious. That family is honestly so chaotic and I love it, but the show has some lacking parts I don't quite know how to describe. I found myself forgetting to watch the next episodes.
Brooklyn 99 - please don't hate me for this being at B, it's a great and really funny show, I just really didn't connect with it much. I honestly think it's just because I already loved Psych so much and it's so similar in so many ways. I really do like it though.
Tracker - this show is super new and I like it so far. Something about the way it's filmed or the audio or acting is just super off though. I can't put my finger on exactly what's wrong but it just feels so weird. Other than that, I love the concept, it's completely unique from any other ones I've watched so far and I like it a lot. I'm excited to see where it goes.
Rizzoli and Isles - I like this one, but it just didn't grab me like a lot of the others. I love Moira so much though. Plus it really does have a lot of interesting plot lines.
NCIS - ok, this show is super old so you can imagine what that means content wise. There's quite a few jokes and comments that are straight up fucked and that's one of the big reasons it's low. The other reason is how downhill it went after Ziva left, I completely stopped watching after Bishop left too.
Limitless - concept was cool but the writing left a lot to be desired for and of course the fact that it got canceled. The main cop woman also felt really wishywashy as a character to me which is not great for a lead.
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gregor-samsung · 4 months
Lunedì 31 maggio 1993
Cara Mimmy,
sono terribilmente giù di morale. Sono annoiata e depressa. Motivo numero uno: non c'è scuola perché è la festa di Bairam. Numero due: è venuta a mancare anche quel poco di elettricità che riusciamo ad avere con un cavo, quindi addio musica, addio film, addio luce. Siamo nuovamente nelle tenebre, sprofondati nelle tenebre. Papà ascolta delle notizie deprimenti. Numero tre: a partire da giovedì, i bombardamenti sono ripresi in modo selvaggio. PUAH! Ieri i cannoneggiamenti sono continuati in modo incessante dalle quattro del mattino fino alle dieci di sera. Sono cadute dalle tre alle quattro bombe al minuto. Bentornati in cantina! Questa mattina abbiamo saputo che l'UNPROFOR ha contato millecento bombe, però secondo Nedo si tratta solo del 60%, perché l'UNPROFOR riesce a contare solo il 60% delle bombe lanciate. In tutto quindi erano duemila bombe. Cioè tre, quattro al minuto. Ecco perché sono giù di morale. Che tutto stia per ricominciare un'altra volta? Scusami, sono nervosa. Non arrabbiarti con me, mi passerà.
Ti voglio bene, Zlata
Zlata Filipović, Diario di Zlata. Una bambina racconta Sarajevo (traduzione di Raffaella Cardillo e Maria Teresa Cattaneo), Rizzoli, 1994¹; p. 119.
[Ed.ne or.le: Le journal de Zlata, Fixot et éditions Robert Laffont, S.A., Paris, 1993]
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thundergrace · 2 years
The Knives Out films are like my favorite crime series novels. One of my favorites is Rizzoli & Isles. The protagonists are always women and I always look forward to a new woman with a new story and a new case for Jane and Maura to solve along with the slow progression of their personal lives stringing the novels together.
I really, really hope Benoit Blanc films will follow the same formula.
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libriaco · 8 months
L'🐘 Bianco
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Nel BURrino di Mark Twain che ho letto qualche settimana fa, c'è un racconto che si intitola My Late Senatorial Secretaryship [ca. 1867], tradotto in italiano come: Il mio ex-impiego di segretario di un senatore [Quello che è nel titolo della raccolta a qualche cinéphile potrebbe ricordare un episodio del film "Il fantasma della libertà" di Luis Buñuel]. A un certo punto del racconto si trova una poesiuola di poche righe:
Cecco Bilecco infilzò in uno stecco: lo stecco si rompe e Cecco va sul ponte; il ponte va in rovina e Cecco s'infarina: la farina si staccia e Cecco si sculaccia
Canzoncina per bambini che mi recitavano (nonno? mamma? nonna?) tenendomi seduto sulle gambe e facendomi sobbalzare. La prima frase però era: "Cecco Bilecco infilato in uno stecco"; da quanto ho cercato rapidamente sembra essere una cantilena toscana.
Controllando l'originale di Mark Twain si legge invece:
Jack and Gill went up the hill To draw a pail of water; Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Gill came tumbling after.
La traduttrice dei racconti, nel 1952, era Oriana Previtali neé Gui (1912-1997), figlia di Vittorio, direttore d’orchestra e fondatore del Maggio musicale fiorentino e moglie di Ferdinando Previtali, come il suocero direttore d'orchestra e compositore.
Ho decisamente apprezzato che la Previtali non si limitasse a volgere in italiano l'originale ma lo sostituisse con un'omologa nursery rhyme nostrana!
Mark Twain, Il furto dell'elefante bianco e altri racconti, Milano, Rizzoli, 1952 [Trad. O. Previtali]
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glennk56 · 2 years
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Chris Coppola. Chris Coppola’s film career started in 1997 with a small part in the John Leguizamo film, Spawn. Throughout the 2010s Chris appeared, usually in comedic roles, in many films most people have never heard of, but he did play significant roles in most of them. He also guest starred in TV series and did a lot of voice work in animated features.
photo 1.  Cold Case ep.7;21, May 2010.
photo 2.  I Kissed a Vampire. June 2010.
photo 3. Sinatra Club. Sept 2010.
photo 4. The Search for Santa Paws. Nov. 2010.
photo 5. Wizards of Waverly Place. ep.4;7. Feb 2011.
photo 6. Kickin’ It. ep 1;1. June 2011.
photo 7. Rizzoli & Isles. ep 4;11. Sept. 2013.
photo 8&9. Bones. ep. 9;16. March 2014.
photo 10. The Middle. ep. 5;18. April 2014
photo 11. Monkey Up. Jan. 2016.
photo 12-14. Ray Donovan. eps 4;1 & 4;9. July 2016.
photo 15. Good Girls Revolt. ep. 1;8. Oct. 2016
photo 16. Diary of a Wimpy Kid; The Long Haul. May 2017.
photo 17. Garlic & Gunpowder. July 2017.
photo 18. Mission Possible. Sept. 2018.
photo 19. Acts of Desperation Dec. 2018.
photo 20&21. Too Old to Die Young. (mini-series) ep 1;3.
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