the-werdna · 29 days
Title: Robcina Week Day 6 - School
Description: Another day at school comes. After solving the misunderstanding he'd had with Lucina, Robin is hopeful that today can pass uneventfully. That isn't too much to ask, right?
Notes: Takes place after all of the other Persona Au chapters, those being chapters 41, 47, 61, 64, 68, 74, and 79. Takes place the day after the events of chapter 75
Words: 2051
The buzzing rumble of his phone sounded as it vibrated against the table, stirring him from his slumber an instant before the shrill ringing of the alarm sounded. Dragging himself out of his futon, Robin scrambled for the device. Today was the rare occasion where he managed to seize it on his first try, swiping the screen to silence the chorus of beeps.
For a moment, he laid there, half on the floor, half still entangled in his covers. With a groan, Robin pushed himself into a sitting position before taking a look at his phone. Rubbing sensitive eyes from the brightened screen, his vision began to clear.
September 18th. Wednesday. It was time for school.
Heaving himself to his feet, Robin set about gathering his things, shoveling his books and other supplies into his bag. A quick shower later, he stopped by his room again to change into his uniform before heading downstairs. The lower level of the house was still and empty when he got there. No real surprise there. Chrom would be at work already, and Lucina got up early for kendo training before school. From the sounds of activity downstairs, he'd heard while getting ready, and the absence of Cynthia's bag now told him she must have only left a few minutes ago.
So much for waiting. Though I suppose I could still run into her or one of the others at the station, he mused. Yawning, he stopped by the fridge, picking up the boxed lunches he'd prepared the evening before, juggling his phone, schoolbag, and lunches at the same time, Robin checked the time while fumbling the slip boxes into the bag. Not much time left, gotta hurry to make the train. Toast will have to do for breakfast. Setting his phone down on the counter, he popped two slices into the toaster, managing to zip up his bag at the same time. A few moments later they popped out with a chime. He ate quickly, then hurried for the door, slamming it behind him. Then immediately ran back inside, snatching up his phone.
Okay, now I can go, Robin told himself. He paused, running through a quick mental checklist to make sure he didn't forget anything else. Satisfied, he headed back outdoors.
. . . . .
As packed as the train was, Robin saw neither Cynthia nor any of his other friends there. They must have all gotten on earlier trains. Shrugging, Robin decided he would try to continue reading the book he checked out from the library, provided he managed to find a seat.
The train arrived a few moments later, screeching as it came to a stop at the station. Robin hurried inside, managing to find an empty seat before the big rush as the other commuters jostled for places aboard. Reaching into his bag, he fished out the book: Expert Fishing. There was quite a bit left, it would probably take today and at least another train ride before he finished it. It should help make his fishing trips more effective, however. Which meant more fish he could then trade for gems with that weird cat that hangs out at the old shrine and then use those to buy-
Robin frowned. Do you ever stop and think to yourself, 'Wow, my life is weird'? Because I didn't until this year, he thought, directing the statement at no one in particular. Shaking his head, he resumed reading. Weird or not, it was a good use of his time. Maybe he'd try to finish the book that evening if he didn't find anything else to do then.
Minutes passed as he flipped through the pages
+ until at last, he arrived at his destination. Returning the book to his bag, he slung the strap over his shoulder. There was only a short wait before enough people ahead of him disembarked so that he could slip through the packed car and out onto the station. Then, he was off on the short walk to school.
. . . . .
Robin slipped his shoes into his cubby before bending down to put on his school shoes. Just as he finished he felt a buzzing of his phone in his pocket. He ignored it, continuing to do up the laces. Again his phone rumbled, signaling another notification. Then a few moments later, another rumble. Then a fourth. Sighing, Robin brought it out, opening up the screen.
Let's see… Cynthia wants to hang out after school… and so does Inigo… and Owain… and it looks like the photography club is holding an optional meeting today. He sighed and put the phone away. He could decide which to do later once school ended. So many Social Links, so little time.
Heading to the home room, he found the class already half-full, students mostly out of their seats in groups chatting with one another. Owain and Severa were already there as well, and, as was typical of them, bickering about something. He knew the pattern, Owain did something foolish or eccentric that annoyed Severa and then they'd argue about it. Had it been earlier in the day, Robin would have set in to mediate it, but it was frankly still way too early for him to care.
Taking his seat and willing himself not to register what they were going on about this time, Robin unpacked his school supplies.
Just as he finished, his phone buzzed once again. Momentarily annoyed and half considering just silencing the damn thing, Robin glanced at the screen, only to pause as he saw the sender. It was from Lucina.
Robin found himself smiling as he always did at her odd manner of texting. It was cute. As for the message, of course, Wednesdays were one of the days Lucina was busy with Kendo practice after school, so that was a no-go. Besides, he had to still spend time with his other friends and continue to deepen those bonds.
"Sure, I'd love to. Next time you're free?", he texted back. He moved to slip his phone back into his pocket, only to stop, considering it for a moment, remembering the extra boxed lunch he'd brought today. When he'd cooked the extra meal last evening, he hadn't had anyone particular in mind for it. He figured he'd decide which of his friends to split it with later, maybe see if any of them hadn't brought anything. But now… maybe he should ask Lucina. That way they could spend some time together sooner. He certainly wanted to, but…
Would that seem too weird? He still didn't quite know how the two of them stood or how Lucina really felt about him. Was it too soon to make any move, or-
"Hey, what are you sitting there blushing about? Get a love letter from your crush or some other sappy nonsense?" Severa interjected, turning around in her chair to stare at him in almost incredulous amusement. Evidently, he had failed to notice her and Owain finishing their little morning spat.
Only then did Robin realize that he was indeed blushing. "No, it's- Just, mind your own business," he told her, his words doing nothing other than heightening her amusement. He hastily put his phone away, doing his best to brush aside her comment.
"Sure, whatever you say, Romeo," Severa grinned, rolling her eyes sarcastically at his own glare.
Mercifully it was then that their homeroom teacher entered, beginning the school day proper. It was rare that Robin was thankful to see the man, but right now he'd do anything to change the subject.
Let's just hope the rest of the day goes better. I could use it better. And normal.
. . . . .
The lunch bell rang, signaling the morning's end. Gathering things, Robin gazed at the two boxed lunches inside. He needed to decide who to have lunch with.
I could ask Lucina, but… He frowned, remembering the times they'd hung out yesterday and the day before. Things were less awkward yesterday, but… I still don't know if Lucina likes me that way or not. What if we are just friends? Would sharing a lunch be too romantic, or…
He shook his head, banishing the jumbled doubts and second guesses. He'd made lunches like this for most of his other friends before. This was no different than that. Making up his mind, he sent Lucina a text. Moments later his phone buzzed, Lucina agreeing to his offer to meet him.
Heading to the rooftop, Robin found Lucina already there. As it was a school day, not to mention the fact she tended to be a stickler for the rules, Lucina was wearing her Ylisstol High uniform in the standard, unmodified fashion. The only visible accessory was her trademark long red and blue scarf that she wore with nearly every outfit of hers.
Lucina peered around intently for several moments before her eyes laid upon him amongst the other students who'd taken their lunch there. Smiling, she headed towards him, Robin doing the same to meet her halfway.
"Robin, there you are! I wasn't certain if you were already here or not, but I suppose I was just early," Lucina said, her words sounding almost half an apology.
"It's alright," Robin assured her. He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "I am a bit shocked you got here so quickly. So, um… shall we?" he asked, motioning for one of the benches.
"Oh, yes," Lucina blushed, taking a seat as he did the same.
Robin handed her one of the bento boxes he'd prepared the night prior. Inside was rice, pickled daikon and cabbage, and slices of crispy fried pork chops. "I know it's not anything fancy, I am still getting the hang of cooking my own things. I hope you don't mind," he explained.
"Oh, no, I don't mind it at all Robin," Lucina said. She bowed her head in thanks. "I appreciate the thought of preparing something for the both of us." She took a few bites of the food, smiling. That seemed to be a good sign.
"Don't mention it," Robin said. He laughed nervously, again. He needed to stop doing that.
"You have cooked for others before too, have you not?" Lucina asked between mouthfuls.
"Oh, uh, yes, I have. The first few times I am not sure I did the best job, I only started cooking regularly this year," Robin explained. "I guess my practicing has paid off since you and the others seem to have enjoyed it."
"I see. I really should work on my own cooking skills. My own are quite basic, I am afraid," Lucina said. She smiled again as she finished another bite, setting the half-eaten box aside for the moment. "So, how has your day been?"
Robin smiled back. For some time the two chatted, sticking mostly to small talk for the time being.
Lucina enjoyed your lunch!
You feel that your relationship is going to become closer soon…
Just as they'd both finished, a bell rang in the distance, signaling the end of lunch break and that it was time to return to class.
"Oh, look at the time. We both must get going it seems," Lucina said. She stood in unison with him, turning to hand the empty bento box to him. He accepted it, and in doing so their hands brushed against each other. They both blushed, quickly pulling away. Lucina glanced at the floor, Robin glancing off to the side.
"I- Thank you for the lunch, Robin. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness in inviting me," she assured him. She seemed to hesitate a moment, then pulled him into a brief hug. Then, blushing all the more fiercely, she hurried away, heading down the stairs back to class.
"D-Don't mention it," Robin stammered, even though she was no longer there. He was incredibly thankful Several or any of the others weren't there to see him at that moment. They'd never let him live it down.
He reached up, touching his shoulder where Lucina had embraced him. Now, he realized, I need to figure out what the heck that hug was supposed to mean. Shaking his head, he headed down the stairs as well, ready to resume what remained of the school day.
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ultraviolet-psyche · 1 year
Robcina Week 2023 Day 3: Sorrow
Hello, I'm back with my other contribution to Robcina Week! This one is shorter, and much, much angstier. I like to think that the length works to its advantage :)
It's also the 69th fic I've posted on AO3. Nice.
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grandsonoflightike · 6 months
Chapters: 6/7 Fandom: Fire Emblem Heroes, Fire Emblem: Kakusei | Fire Emblem: Awakening, Fire Emblem: If | Fire Emblem: Fates, Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi | Fire Emblem: Binding Blade, Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken | Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Lucina/My Unit | Reflet | Robin, Joker | Jakob/My Unit | Kamui | Corrin, Sharon | Sharena / Original Male Character, Summoner | Eclat | Kiran/Original Female Character, Alfonse/Anna, Bruno / Original Female Character, Chrom/Sumia (Fire Emblem), Marx | Xander/Pieri | Peri, Felicia/Leon | Leo, Camilla/Ryouma (Fire Emblem), Elise/Harold | Arthur, Luna | Selena / Brady, Brady/Serena | Severa, Eudes | Owain/Nn | Nah, Azur | Inigo/Degel | Kjelle, Odin / Nn | Nah, Lazward | Laslow/Degel | Kjelle, Denis | Donnel/Velvet | Panne, Chambray | Yarne/Female Marc | Morgan, Male Marc | Morgan/Original Female Character, Veronica / Original Male Character Characters: Lucina (Fire Emblem), My Unit | Reflet | Robin, Male My Unit | Reflet | Robin - Character, Joker | Jakob, My Unit | Kamui | Corrin, Female My Unit | Kamui | Corrin - Character, Sharon | Sharena, Original Male Character, Summoner | Eclat | Kiran, Original Female Character, Alfonse (Fire Emblem), Anna (Fire Emblem), Bruno (Fire Emblem), Veronica (Fire Emblem), Chrom (Fire Emblem), Sumia (Fire Emblem), Marx | Xander, Pieri | Peri, Felicia (Fire Emblem), Leon | Leo (Fire Emblem: Fates), Camilla (Fire Emblem), Ryouma, Elise (Fire Emblem), Harold | Arthur, Luna | Selena, Brady (Fire Emblem), Serena | Severa, Eudes | Owain, Nn | Nah, Azur | Inigo, Degel | Kjelle, Odin (Fire Emblem), Lazward | Laslow, Denis | Donnel, Velvet | Panne, Chambray | Yarne, Female Marc | Morgan - Character, Male Marc | Morgan - Character, Original Character Additional Tags: Robcina-Week, Fire Emblem Heroes Extended By My Story, Original Children Of The Fire Emblem Heroes Main Cast is included, Themes are included and are on Tumblr at Rufuruki Summary:
Here is a Robcina fiction that is a multiple theme story. This story is a side-story to my Banger Universe.
@rufuruki Here is Day 6 being up.
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rufuruki · 2 months
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Hello, Robcina shippers! It’s that time of year again - we’re pleased to announce that we will be holding our eighth annual Robcina Week!
During this time, we’d love it if you would submit your own Robcina-related works! These submissions can be anything from fanart, a short fanfiction, a personal headcanon, or really anything else you can think of as long as it generally coincides with each day’s particular theme. Here are the themes for each day that we’ve picked out*:
April 29th (Monday) - First Date
April 30th (Tuesday) - Sick Day
May 1st (Wednesday) - Wedding
May 2nd (Thursday) - Dreams/Nightmares
May 3rd (Friday) -  Outrealms*
May 4th (Saturday) - School
May 5th (Sunday) - Free Day
How to Submit: Very simple! All you have to do is post your artwork/stories like normal, but make sure to include the tag #robcina week. We’ll be browsing that tag and other related ones all week and whenever we see one of your posts, we’ll reblog it here! If we accidentally overlook your post or you’d like to send in a headcanon directly to us, just shoot us a message and let us know.
Other Important Things:
Late submissions are perfectly okay. We’ll stay on a general schedule, but if you miss a theme day by a few hours because you wanted to put the finishing touches on your submission or just had other important responsibilities to attend to, we completely understand. Again, just send us a message to let us know so we don’t miss your submission!
*The "Outrealms" theme refers to a crossover with another Fire Emblem universe/game - this can include the spinoff games (Warriors, Heroes, etc.)
You don’t need to submit something for all seven days! Although we would love it if you could, feel free to choose any combination of days you want to submit something for
Both M!Robin and F!Robin content is welcome
Be sure to spread the word - we’ll remind you all again once the time grows near. As a reminder, Robcina Week will also be running on Twitter as well. We’re excited to see what you all come up with!
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vitalp0int · 1 month
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May 2nd (Thursday) - Dreams/Nightmares
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goldiia · 1 year
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Robcina week 2023
Had to rush so many of these so they don’t look great. :/ but so glad i was able to draw them this year. 
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felikatze · 1 month
having a fucking Week and i get home and its finally the weekend and i notice i got a comment on ao3 and it's someone reminding me robcina exists. i'm not going to fuckig explode on this random user on ao3 for catching me in my joker era but i sure would like to.
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robrae-is-forever · 2 months
Description: Robin has finally returned after three years. Peace has come at last, his relationship with Lucina is growing beyond friendship, and he finally has a chance to be happy. That is until the new king of Plegia shows up and reveals that Robin is supposed to be wed to his daughter. Now, he has to find a way out of the arranged marriage without starting a war between the two countries
Welcome, one and all, to my brand new Robcina fic! I put it in the authors note at the end of the first chapter, but I've had this idea in my head for a while. This is one of those long fics I posted about a couple of weeks ago.
I am in a Robcina mood once again, so I'm going to be working on this fic for a while. The idea has been floating around my head for a while, so I'm going to get it out there and see what happens.
Let me know what you think!
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the-artist-sylveon · 1 year
It’s Robcina Week!
Hello, here’s a link to my newest fanfic after literally a year and a half. It’s for Robcina week! I might post the few drawings I have done too, but that’ll be later this week. :)
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hullupunakettu · 1 year
I'm sorry, I skip robcina week this year, I am work on a longer commission comic.
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lone-lobo · 3 years
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my punk ass almost forgot that robcina week started today and i wanted to join this year
so here’s a messy drawing of day1, hand holding
i havent touched these two in awhile but it feels good to draw them
comfort couple
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the-werdna · 1 month
Title: Robcina Week Day 4 - Dreams/Nightmares
Description: Robin has always been plagued by visions of the future in his dreams. Nearly every night he dreamt the same scene, the moment in which his future self killed Chrom and became the Fell Dragon. But this time was different, this time he did far more than just kill his best friend.
Notes: Takes place after Chapter 23 of Fire Emblem Awakening
Words: 1027
Robin bolted upright from bed, arms flailing against the tangle of covers entrapping him. Beads of cold sweat drenched his face, stringing his eyes to mix with the hot tears already streaming there. His heart raced, his chest tight as he found it hard to breathe.
It had felt so real. The sensation of shoving the conjured bolt into Chrom's chest, the wet of his blood staining his hands. The accusing glance from Lucina, the pleading in her eyes even as he struck her down too. Her hot blood splattered him, staining him as she died at his feet…
Robin shuddered, squeezing his eyes shut. It was only a dream, only a dream. None of it was real, it didn't happen. Only a dream…
A hand gripped his arm, snapping him out of his stupor. For an instant, every instinct burned to jolt away, but before he could he realized it was Lucina, having sat up next to him in their shared bed. He must have awakened her.
"Bad dream?" Lucina asked.
Robin nodded. He swallowed, his throat burning as he did so. He didn't feel like speaking. Not now. Not when he could still almost feel the blood staining him.
"Was it the same dream as before? The one where you killed my father?"
Though the silence was enough of an answer, Lucina still waited patiently for Robin to answer for himself. "Yes," Robin whispered, managing to speak at last. He squeezed his eyes shut, fighting against the images burned into his mind from appearing again and again.
"It's okay, that didn't happen. You made sure of it. You resisted your father's control. And the Fell Dragon's as well," Lucina assured him. She reached up, cupping his cheek to force him to look at her. Her expression was gentle, her eyes filled with compassion and understanding. Which only added to his own feelings of disgust and self-loathing.
"This one was different. I didn't just kill Chrom. I killed you too, Lucina. I saw it. It felt so real…" he trailed off, trembling as he tried to shake off the images. He shook his head fiercely, but they still came, repeating in his mind again and again. Again he found his chest tightened, his breathing becoming ragged.
"Shhh," Lucina cooed. She took his hands in hers squeezing them. "It's okay, it wasn't real. I'm here."
For a long while Robin sat there with her in silence, unable to stop shaking. Then, slowly, soothed by her continued murmurs of reassurance and simply her presence at his side, he felt his facing heart still, finding himself again able to breathe.
"It's okay, it's okay," Lucina assured him gently. She gave his hands another squeeze.
Robin said nothing for many more long moments so that when he finally spoke, his voice came as little more than a hoarse whisper. "How can you still love me? I'm still Grima. The other me is still out there? What if I lose control? Become him? I can't let that happen, I can't let him make me hurt you…"
"Robin, look at me," Lucina said. Her hands slipped up to cup his face, making him look into her eyes. "You are not him. You're not the one who did those things, who destroyed my future. That wasn't you."
Robin shook his head, the deepest pits of his self-loathing urging him to deny her words, that wretched part of wanting to blame himself for all of it. "But-" he started to say, only for Lucina to silence him.
"No, there is not but, Robin. That wasn't you. You aren't to blame for any of it. That Robin made his choices. He did those things. But you, this Robin-" She poked a finger at his chest to emphasize her point, "the Robin here, the Robin I love, made different choices. You are better than him, and not to blame for any of it."
Fresh tears began to roll down Robin's cheeks, another sob falling from his lips. Lingering guilt now mixed with the feeling of being unworthy of the unconditional love and belief Lucina had in him. He didn't feel worth it.
Lucina wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into an embrace. She kissed him softly, her closeness at last washing away his sobs. "Just remember that, Robin. You are so much better than you give yourself credit for. You feel this way because you are truly the kindest, most selfless person I've ever met. And most of all, you are the man I love. Remember that, no matter what the future may hold."
For a long moment, Robin said nothing, clinging back to her as if she were a life-raft and he was a drowning sailor caught in a storm. Then he spoke, the voice again hoarse from all the sobs. "I don't deserve this… I don't deserve your love…"
"It's good then, that it is not your decision to make," Lucina countered.
Robin let out a choking sound somewhere between a laugh and a sob. "I guess you're right there at least." While the guilt lingered still, he felt much of the crushing weight on him lessen now, as if he wasn't the only one shouldering it. His eyelids started to droop, realizing suddenly just how tired he still was.
"Come on, let's get back to sleep," Lucina said. She loosened her embrace, leaving one arm wrapped around him. Following her lead, Robin laid back down next to her, remaining close.
"Do not let your dreams trouble you, for they are not real. I'm still here, and for as long as I can, I will remain by your side," Lucina assured him. She kissed him one more time.
Then Robin could no longer resist the call of sleep, his fears for what that might bring falling away. This time, however, perhaps thanks to Lucina's presence so close by his side, he found his rest untroubled. For once, he was not plagued by dark visions of another future or his greatest fears made manifest.
For just that night, at least, he was able to rest peacefully, free of the nightmares that so tormented him.
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ultraviolet-psyche · 1 year
Robcina Week 2023 Day 2: Serenity
Hello! This is one of two entries I'm doing for Robcina Week! This little piece is very fluffy, but the other one will be... quite the opposite, hehe. You'll see what I mean when I post it! For now, I hope you enjoy today's ficlet.
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grandsonoflightike · 18 days
Light-Robcina Week 4 Day  7: Free Day - Light Lucina’s Judgement
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Jon The Writer: Welcome to Day 7 of Light-Robcina Week 4 and the Theme Is Free Day for 2020 robcina-Week @rufuruki.  This takes Place in “Second Battle For Light Grima The Evil Light”. It’s The chapter is called “Light Lucina’s Judgement”. This is written by David The Writer’s Son in the BU.
Light Male Robin: Oh, this chapter.
Light Lucina: You know this chapter, my fiancée?
Light Chrom: It must be a story affecting moment.
Light Grima: This is the same scene in the negative Timeline of Negative Light Male Robin killing Negative Light Lucina and becoming Negative me in Negative Chrom’s eyes but not Negative Tiki’s eyes.
Light Lucina: That can’t be right… Wait, is this the scene like Lucina’s Judgement in Fire Emblem: Awakening? All Lights © tAll3Shyguy on DA or tAll3Shyguy Skull Land On Fan-Fiction / YouTube / Tumblr or tAll3Shyguy_Skull_Land on Archive Of Our Own or DavidTWr on Nintendo Network or Skulkerman On PSN. Grandsonoflightike is A Role Play account of his that is Light Male Robin.
Jon The Writer: Thanks For The Disclaimer, Light Lucina. The Background Song sentence shall answer your question. Background Song is ID ~ Sorrow from Fire Emblem: Awakening. *Everyone but Jon The Writer and Light Male Robin get interested thanks to it being yes to Light Lucina’s Question* Now on with the story.
Light-Robcina Week 4 Day  7: Free Day - Light Lucina’s Judgement
“Stay Where you are, Light Male Robin.  I have No choice. i must kill you.” Light Lucina says.
“This just got interesting.” Light Grima says.
Light Male Robin says “What? What Madness is this?”
“In Our Future, You... You are my Father’s Murderer.” Light Lucina says “I don’t know how but somehow you are.”
“No!  That’s Insane!”  Light Male Robin says “Why would I kill Light Chrom?”  He then thinks “Wait a minute, Light Grima is Me.  That’s what it is.”
“I was not certain myself until now...  I knew he was killed by his closest friend.  Having witnessed your bond with him, I doubted it could be so.” Light Lucina says “But Today’s Events make it clear.  You are at Light Validar’s Mercy.  I suspect it’s he who forces you to take my father’s life and very soon.”
Light Male Robin says “No...  Light Lucina, Wait.”
Light Grima chuckles evilly.
“I challenge my fate.  If my father is right, then we can change our fates.  If Our Dark Future is to be averted, Sacrifices must be made.”  Light Lucina says “I am sorry, Light Male Robin.  I know this is murder. I...  I know that.”
Light Male Robin says “Light Lucina, you don’t have to...”
Light Lucina Interrupts him by Shouting “Don’t make it harder!  Don’t resist and your death will be swift and painless! If you hold any love for Light Chrom, Let this be done!”
“Here it comes!” Light Grima says.
“Very well, my life is yours...  It always has been.” Light Male Robin says.
Light Grima shouts “What?!”
Light Lucina shouts “Don’t look at me like that!  I love you!  ...  Do you have any idea how hard this is for me?”
LIght Male Robin says “I would give my life for Light Chrom.  ...  And for you.”
Light Lucina tearfully gasps at his loyalty to her.
“Just... promise me you’ll find someone else who cares for you.  Promise you won’t be alone...” Light Male Robin says “I want you to be happy, Light Lucina. That’s all I ever wanted.”
“No... Ah writers, no.” Light Lucina says.   
“... I’m ready now.  Do what you must.” Light Male Robin says.
“I... I must...” Light Lucina says.  Light Male Robin stays silent.  Then Light Lucina says “Damn me!  I can’t do it!  I love you too much!  I’m sorry, Light Male Robin.  I’m s-so Sorry!  Please Forgive me!”
Light Male Robin says “I already have.”
Light Lucina says “Huh?”
“I knew this would happen eventually.  I saw it in our future through my power over this universe.” Light Male Robin says “My Power as the Writer Family Chosen One of FE Section Branders.”
Light Grima says “What?!”
Light Male Robin says “I can see you’re upset, Light Grima.  But why wouldn’t you be?  After all I just prevented the very thing that caused you to become Light Grima.”
Light Lucina says “What?  This is what caused Light Grima to become Light Grima in our future.”
“Yes, it would have been thanks to me killing you from you challenging me to a fight after your failed execution of your judgement.  At least that is what caused me to become it, not him. The thing is I have foreseen this thanks to my connection to The Writer Family.  After all, it was Dana the Writer who chose me to do so.”
Light Grima growls and shouts “You... Won’t... Win... Writers!”  He then teleports away.
Light Morgan runs to her father and says “Thank The Writers for you knowing this, Father.  Mother, I forgive you too.” Suddenly her head aches and her body glows. She then says “My future has been partially prevented.”
“So you are from a bad future.” Light Male Robin says.
“Yeah, a 300 Years Era where Light Grima Rules.” Light Morgan says “I remember that much now. I also remember that I have a brother in the future.  A brother who wields Light Falchion 4.”
“What?” Light Lucina says.
“So we have another child.” Light Male Robin says.
“Great, A Grandson as well.” Light Chrom says.
"Don’t worry, Grandfather.  He is much more behaved than I am.” Light Morgan says.
“Really?  Now that’s a good thing.” Light Chrom says.
Light male Robin says “Yeah, it is.”
0 notes
rufuruki · 1 year
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Hello, Robcina shippers! It’s that time of year again - we’re pleased to announce that we will be holding our seventh annual Robcina Week!
During this time, we’d love it if you would submit your own Robcina-related works! These submissions can be anything from fanart, a short fanfiction, a personal headcanon, or really anything else you can think of as long as it generally coincides with each day’s particular theme. Here are the themes for each day that we’ve picked out*:
April 16th (Sunday) - Beginning
April 17th (Monday) - Serenity
April 18th (Tuesday) - Sorrow
April 19th (Wednesday) - Return
April 20th (Thursday) -  Free Day 
April 21st (Friday) - Purpose
April 22nd (Saturday) - Hope
How to Submit: Very simple! All you have to do is post your artwork/stories like normal, but make sure to include the tag #robcina week. We’ll be browsing that tag and other related ones all week and whenever we see one of your posts, we’ll reblog it here! If we accidentally overlook your post or you’d like to send in a headcanon directly to us, just shoot us a message and let us know.
Other Important Things:
Late submissions are perfectly okay. We’ll stay on a general schedule, but if you miss a theme day by a few hours because you wanted to put the finishing touches on your submission or just had other important responsibilities to attend to, we completely understand. Again, just send us a message to let us know so we don’t miss your submission!
*The themes this year are a bit different than previous years: instead of specific scenarios, we're looking for submissions to capture a particular feeling or emotion. Feel free to get creative with the context and interpretations! You may recognize these selections as the variants of Robin's theme (Id) from Awakening!
You don’t need to submit something for all seven days! Although we would love it if you could, feel free to choose any combination of days you want to submit something for
Both M!Robin and F!Robin content is welcome
Be sure to spread the word - we’ll remind you all again once the time grows near. As a reminder, Robcina Week will also be running on Twitter as well. We’re excited to see what you all come up with!
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your-wanabee-merlin · 3 years
Robcina Week, day #5 : Day of Devotion
“Day of Devotion is not meant to be shared with friends. But that's not a problem, is it?”
(In this AU, today is the peak of fluff! Enjoy it while it last, next we’re going for angst)
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