#Robert Ackley
gangles-toybox · 8 months
Ackley: I told Holden his ears turn red when he lies
Stradlater: Why?
Ackley: So I could do this
Ackley: Holden, do you love Stradlater?
Holden, covering his ears: No!
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papa-evershed · 1 month
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...a completely legitimate gifset 👁️ 👄 👁️
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oleander4 · 5 months
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Rob James-Collier | Sunday Brunch | 25.04.2021
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academia4me · 1 year
It’s that time of year again! After last year’s success, I thought it would be nice to do another group birthday card for Robert James-Collier. I’ve set one up here: https://www.groupgreeting.com/sign/a02369e3a7590cd
I’d appreciate it if you could do the following by 8th September:
- Write a birthday message for Rob (as long or short as you’d like)
- If you can, post one of your fave photos of him too (professional, screenshot, or casual)
- Feel free to share the above link to others.
To make it a bit different from last year, you could also use the following format if you want, when you are writing your text (although if you want to just write your own thing, feel free):
- Fave role(s):
- Why I’m a fan:
- Describe Rob in five words or less!:
You could also post fan art or poems etc. Go for it!
P.s. for those that don’t know, Rob let us know how much he loved last year’s card, through his friend 🙂
P.p.s. If you can’t add anything to the card directly for some reason, message me and I’ll post it for you.
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When the funniest and most intriguing crack pairing bursts into life in your brain but it’s so niche you’re probably the only one who can appreciate it. 🥺
Firstly, it’d help a good deal if you’re a Crowbarrow fan to begin with.💗
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Secondly, you’d need to have seen both Kin and Ackley Bridge to fully appreciate why the thought of Michael Kinsella (Charlie Cox) and Martin Evershed (Robert James-Collier) meeting is just sending me right now. 🤣❤️
Martin and Michael seem like such perfect opposites on the surface (one is a frequently surly yet comedic high school teacher and the other is an unexpectedly soft-spoken and sad Irish mobster) that I have a sudden perverse urge to see them forced to interact regularly. 😅 
(But if you haven’t seen both shows, a gif’s worth a 1000 words...)
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And how are we getting these two in the same place? 
Anna, Michael’s daughter - whom he loves more than anyone - decides she wants to live with her dad even though he doesn’t have legal custody of her, and never will, thanks to his past. Though he tries to dissuade her, Anna is stubbornly resolved and eventually Michael gives in though it means having to leave his criminal family and Ireland behind to start a life somewhere else. 
They end up in the small Yorkshire mill town of Ackley Bridge, hoping to avoid too much notice since Anna was reported as having been abducted to the Irish authorities. Anna enrolls in the local high school, and, naturally, who should one of her new teachers be but Mr. Martin Evershed? 
Anna begins settling in but Michael is still hyper-vigilant about either of them being recognized, not only because Michael would be arrested for “abducting” Anna but because he knows the Kinsella family have enemies who’d like nothing more than to take Michael out now that he’s alone. He insists on escorting Anna to and from school every day, even though she keeps telling him he needs to chill out because he’s just making himself more conspicuous. 
Her words prove prophetic as one day Martin notices Michael following Anna at a distance and confronts him, thinking he’s a creep. Michael thankfully refrains from pulling a gun on him or just beating the shit out of him, though he’d been solely tempted at first, and explains that he’s Anna’s father - which she confirms and introduces Martin as her teacher. Michael is impressed by his willingness to protect his students and tells him so. The subject of an upcoming school dance is raised and Martin asks if he’s interested in attending, because they’re still short of chaperones. Michael agrees, much to Anna’s consternation. 
As they’re leaving Anna suggests Michael let her give him a bit of a makeover, because he still looks like an Irish mobster and they’re not in Dublin anymore. Michael reluctantly agrees, asking her not to go overboard with it. 
The makeover the night of the school dance: 
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I did mention this was a crack fic, right? 😂😂😂
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tomoleary · 5 months
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Robert Crumb "Eggs Ackley Among the Vulture Demonesses" Big Ass Comics #1 Title Splash Page 1 Eggs Ackley Original Art (Rip Off Press, 1969) Source
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zippocreed501 · 2 years
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My latest story for Commando. Interior art by Jaume Forns and another great cover by Neil Roberts.
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artistamateurieuse · 2 years
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Saul doesn't kill Andreas at Aster Dell - instead, he tries to warn Farah and Ben. As a consequence, Rosalind punishes him, erasing and changing his memories to send him into the human world, alongside two children he is now responsible for. It goes as well as one might expect, and surly teenagers, distrusting colleagues and a Burnt One in the school yard are only the tip of the ice berg.
Or: A very weird cross-over fic that grew legs on its own and ran away from me :)
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Mr Evershed x daughter!reader - things we didn’t know
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Hey, do you think you can write a Evershed x daughter story, where he find out that he has a teenager daughter? And that he is teaching her in school. But obviously she does not know about him. So he offers to be her mentor so he can spend time with her or something like that. Thanks ❤️ - Anon💜
You were supposed to be in english, and somehow you were running late, so when you came barrelling through the door with a grin on your face Mr Evershed was shocked to say the least.
“Hello. You’re late.”
“Yes. Yes I am.”
“Okay wait outside please.”
Everyone laughed and you grinned walking back outside, standing in hallway, you checked your phone and opened your messages.
Dad: did you actually get to school?
You: yup! But now I’m condemned to the hallway…
Pocketing your phone, you set your bag against the wall and stretched a little, letting out a small yawn.
A minute later the teacher came out and he looked at you.
“I assume you’re (Y/N) (L/N) correct?”
“You would assume correctly. How’d you know? Who are you?”
“I’m Mr Evershed your new English teacher, and you’re the only student missing from my register this morning. Do you want to share why you’re late?”
“I’m going to be honest with you, I just didn’t wake up. My dad had to wake me up.”
Mr Evershed nodded his head.
“Well, at least you’re here. Go on, sit down, but stay after lesson so I can catch you up on what you missed.”
“Yes sir!”
You ran inside and he laughed a little to himself.
You had a tendency to be late, a little bit of a trouble maker and really forgetful.
A few weeks after joining Ackley, Mr Evershed received a letter in the post, and he opened it, sitting down to read it.
He read it in confusion and set it on the table, staring at it.
“What is it?” His wife asked.
“A letter from a lawyer asking me to come to his officer later today…”
“For what?”
Mr Evershed looked up at Gaynor.
“Apparently I have a teenage daughter…”
Neither of them knew what to think about it, but he went regardless at the meeting time, and he was allowed into the office to wait for the lawyer.
The door opened and closed and a man walked over, holding his hand out.
“You must be Martin Evershed, thank you so much for coming. I’m Joshua Winter, family lawyer.”
Mr Evershed shook his hand and they both sat down again.
“You contacted me about having a daughter? I don’t have a teenage daughter…”
“That’s where this might be a little confusing. We’re waiting for my client to come in and we can explain everything then.”
It was a few minutes later and another man entered, dressed in suit and he walked over, greeting the lawyer before turning to Mr Evershed.
He stood up and held out his hand.
“Martin Evershed.” He said.
The man shook his hand.
“Doctor Robert Gold, thank you so much for coming.”
Mr Evershed furrowed his brows a little, but said nothing about it and they all sat down.
“We all everything you might want to look at, photographs, paper work. We would like to stress that this is your choice what you do with this information.” Joshua said.
Mr Evershed slowly nodded his head.
“A little over 16 years ago, you were dating a woman by the name of Daisy (L/N). This woman.”
Robert pulled a photo out from a stack of photos and handed it over.
Mr Evershed looked at it, and he tried to find the memories, but all he got was glimpses.
“I vaguely remember dating her yes. I think we dated for maybe a year just after we started college.” He said.
The other two nodded.
“Well, she was pregnant, she found out not long after you two split up, but unsure about how you’d react she didn’t tell you. She gave birth to a baby girl.”
They then handed him a few baby photos.
“How do you know any of this? How do you know she’s actually my daughter?” Mr Evershed asked.
“Because when she was a toddler, she got sick, and they were trying to find a blood match for her, and you came up as an exact match, but they couldn’t get ahold of you. You can only get an exact match if you’re the direct parent. You must have donated blood at least once for you to be pinged in the system as a donor.” Robert explained.
“Uh.. yeah. Yeah. I donated a couple of times in college as part of charity events.”
“That’s how they knew you were a match. Don’t worry, we did find a match on Ruby’s family side.”
Mr Evershed nodded and they carried on telling him things about his ex girlfriend and the daughter that was apparently his.
Finally they handed him a bunch of paperwork.
“If you want a DNA test we can easily get one done no problem.” Joshua said.
“Yes please. Before this continues any further, I’d like to get a DNA test done.”
Everything was put on hold until that happened and the following week he was called back and it confirmed the results, that he was in fact this girls dad.
They finished telling him everything.
“What’s her name?”
“That’s actually why we hadn’t told you the name yet…” Robert said.
“Her name is (Y/N) (L/N), she’s Roberts adoptive daughter, and she’s a student at the same school you teach in.” Joshua said.
“You’ve met her?” Robert asked.
“Yeah, she came running into my lesson late on my first day there. Does she.. does she know..?”
Robert shook his head.
“No. No she doesn’t know. She knows I’m not her real dad, and she knows that she’s always open to finding her real dad, but she hasn’t asked anything yet, she said she was going to wait until she finished her exams to find out, just like her mum wanted.”
“And does her mum.. know you’re doing this..?”
Robert sighed and shook his head.
“No, sadly my wife passed away a little over 7 years ago. Cancer.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“It’s alright, you didn’t know.”
Robert sighed, running a hand over his hair.
“I wanted to reach out to you because I thought you should know. I’d been trying to reach out for a few years but had no progress until now. She’s your daughter and you have a right to know, and I know one day she does want to meet you. You don’t have to be part of her life if you don’t want to, all I’m asking is you please don’t say anything to her until she asks me or I tell.”
“No. No of course not. I’d uh.. I’d like some time to think about this..”
“Yeah of course. You have my number if you want to talk about it.”
Mr Evershed went home to think about it, and the next day when it came to his lesson with you in it, he found himself anxious.
You were his daughter.
You had no idea.
He had only just found out.
While you were all taking your test, he sat in deep thought looking at the message his wife had sent him, telling him to get to know you a bit.
Maybe he should, just get to know, that way when you did find out it wouldn’t be as awkward.
The end of the lesson came, and everyone handed in their test papers and you were last, and he looked at your paper with a frown.
You stopped walking and turned around.
“Mr Evershed.” You said in the same tone.
He rose a brow and held up your test paper.
“This is a blank test paper.”
You grinned a little.
“Magic pen?”
He chuckled a little, shaking his head at you.
“Is that the answer we’re really going to go with? Magic pen?”
“Well, I could tell you that I just didn’t understand a single thing about it, but that’s not fun. Gotta run!”
With that you ran away and he realised something while staring at the empty paper.
That was his chance to get to know you.
He could help you with your English and learn more about you at the same time, so the next day at lunch he went searching for you.
You were outside, standing with your friends by a table as you argued with one of them.
“You can’t do a front flip off the table!” One huffed.
“Yes I can!” You huffed back.
“And we’re not going to find out.”
You all turned to Mr Evershed.
“Can we have a chat?” He asked you.
“Eh I guess.”
You grabbed you bag and walked with him to a quiet part of the quad.
“So, I was thinking about your test paper.”
“Did it give you nightmares? If it did I’m not sorry.”
He rolled his eyes and smiled at you.
“No, but thanks for not being sorry about it. Actually I’d like to set up extra lessons for you after school, a few days a week just to help you, a time for just you, you to ask any questions you need or get any help and support with whatever it is you’re struggling with. Does that sound okay?”
“Does this include extra homework?”
“No (Y/N) it doesn’t involve extra homework.”
“Yeah I’m down for that then. When do they start?”
You nodded.
After school that day you wondered to his classroom and let yourself in, dropping yourself into a chair at a table and he brought over your work book and a small whiteboard.
“Alright, so first I want you to write down everything you struggle with.”
You wrote something down and handed it back.
“Everything? Okay. Anything in specific.”
“Uh… no just everything.”
Mr Evershed nodded his head, he decided to just focus on trying to figure out what you struggled with the most.
“So, can you really do a front flip?” He asked.
“Oh yeah you bet! Look!”
You stood at the front of the classroom, and in one swift movement you did a standing front flip and you grinned at him.
“Can you do a front flip?”
“I’m not even going to try find out.
Spending more time with you as the weeks went on, Mr Evershed began to learn a lot more about you, you were also getting better at English.
Of course Mr Evershed told your dad about what he was doing, and about the after school lessons and both reasons for why, and he was completely okay with it, he was happy about it.
But still to him it felt wrong.
He was here learning about you, knowing you were his daughter, and you still had no idea he was your father. He was your biological dad.
You were just happy to be getting the support you needed, and being able to laugh and joke with your teacher, it was fun.
You were just a bright and happy teenager, having fun, causing a bit of trouble and just enjoying your teenage years completely oblivious to the fact that you saw your real dad every single week
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gangles-toybox · 8 months
so...that opposite day au hm?
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hehe...i love them :] Ackley was fun especially since this is the first time I'm drawing him...but I had fun with everybody :) fun fact OD Holden and OD Ackley are the only ones kinda based on 1950s fashion anyhow just tell me if u cant read something and I'll try to specify it :3 btw the au name is pitcher in the rye cuz...pitcher is opposite of catcher yk yk
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papa-evershed · 2 months
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Rob James-Collier as Martin Evershed ACKLEY BRIDGE
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oleander4 · 1 year
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academia4me · 1 year
Hi everyone, this is the final reminder for Rob James-Collier's birthday card this year.
Please sign the card by Thursday 7th September!!
You can simply sign the card with a message, add a photo or gif, add some art, or you could also use the following format if you want to make things different to last year:
- Fave role(s):
- Why I’m a fan:
- Describe Rob in five words or less!:
P.s. If you can’t add anything to the card directly message me and I’ll post it for you.
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sanisse · 2 years
Ok, for this: “new ask game: give me an extremely specific assumption you have about me based off of my fanfic. go.”
This is very random, but I think you like reading about philosophy (and maybe poetry too)🤷🏼‍♀️
I don’t know how you got here but a) you’re correct and b) I’m so flattered!
Just because I can, here’s some favorites of mine, starred ones are short/accessible and highly recommended:
Ethics -Dietrich Bonhoeffer
⭐️A Room of One’s Own - Virginia Woolf
Apologia - Plato
⭐️Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
Confessions - Augustine
The Prince - Machiavelli
Two Treatises on Government - John Locke
Candide - Voltaire
Rights of Man - Thomas Paine
⭐️Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx
Mere Christianity - CS Lewis
Sex and Sacrament - Donavan W Ackley
⭐️Garden City - John Mark Comer
⭐️Doubt - Dominic Done
⭐️Vindication of the Rights of Women - Mary Wollstonecraft
The Second Sex - Simone de Beauvoir
The Feminine Mystique - Betty Friedan
Edgar Allen Poe
Sylvia Plath
Robert Frost
Emily Dickinson
Maya Angelou
Oscar Wilde
Poems (bolded are particular favs)
The Iliad
Jabberwocky - Lewis Carroll
Annabel Lee - Edgar Allen Poe
Do Not Stand At My Grave and Weep - Clare Harner
The Second Coming - William Butler Yeats
My Shadow - Robert Lewis Stevenson
Like This - Rumi
Life and Death - Rumi
If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking - Sylvia Plath
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northiowatoday · 8 months
OBIT: Robert J. “Bob” Fistler
Robert “Bob” James Fistler August 29, 1942 – January 13, 2024 Born to Helen (High) and Kenneth Fistler in Iowa Falls, IA on August 29, 1942. Attended Albia, Ackley, and Manly schools until 1960 when he joined the Nation Guard, served from 1960-1972. Siblings Fred (Mary) Fistler, Jim (Judy) Fistler, John (Carol) Fistler, and Shirley Fistler. Married to Gerene (Oxley) on April 20, 1963 in Rock…
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kurtlukiraz · 1 year
Miras hakkında bilmeniz gereken her şey için okumaya devam edin.Inheritance yayın tarihi: Ne zaman yayınlanacak?Dizi Kanal 5'e gelecek 5 Eylül Pazartesi akşam saat 9'da.Toplamda dört bölüm var ve dizi 25 Eylül Pazartesi günü tamamlanacak.Inheritance oyuncu kadrosu: Kim başrolde?Miras'taki Samantha Bond. Kanal 5Robert James-Collier (Downton Abbey, Ackley Bridge, Coronation Street), Gaynor Faye (The Syndicate, Emmerdale, Fat Friends, Coronation Street) ve Jemima Rooper (Gold Digger, Matriarch, Flowers in the Attic) kardeşler Daniel, Sian ve Sian'ı canlandırıyor. Chloe.Larry Lamb (EastEnders, Gavin ve Stacey) babaları Dennis'i canlandırıyor.Kadroda ayrıca Samantha Bond (James Bond, Downton Abbey), Kevin Whately (Morse, Auf Wiedersehen, Pet, Müfettiş Lewis), Adil Ray (Citizen Khan, Blithe Spirit, Ackley Bridge), Rory Fleck Byrne (This Is Going to Hurt) yer alıyor. , Dash, Vampir Akademisi), Kevin Harvey (Time, Sandman, Treason) ve Pauline McLynn (Peder Ted, Utanmaz, Rosie Molloy Herşeyden Vazgeçiyor).Miras konusu: Konusu nedir?Dizi, "babaları Dennis'in beklenmedik ölümünün ardından sersemleyen" üç kardeş Daniel, Sian ve Chloe'nin etrafında dönüyor.Ve eğer bu yeterince şok edici değilse, vasiyetinde onlara hiçbir şey bırakmadığını öğrenirler ve bu da onları merak etmeye bırakır: Ölümü "trajik bir kaza" mıydı, yoksa öldürüldü mü?Bu keşfin ardından gerçeği ortaya çıkarmak için bir soruşturmaya girişirler ve bu durum "yılların sırlarını ve kıskançlığını" ön plana çıkarır. Bilgilerinizi girerek şunları kabul etmiş olursunuz: Şartlar ve koşullar Ve Gizlilik Politikası. Aboneliğinizi istediğiniz zaman iptal edebilirsiniz.Özette şöyle yazıyor: "Kardeşler çaresizce miraslarını geri almaya ve etraflarında olup bitenleri anlamaya çalışırken sırlar açığa çıkıyor, ilişkiler parçalanıyor ve hayatlar kaybediliyor," şu soruyu soruyoruz: Kan gerçekten sudan daha kalın mıdır?"Miras fragmanı: İzleyebilir miyim?The Inheritance'ın gerilim dolu fragmanını buradan izleyebilirsiniz.Miras 5 Eylül Pazartesi günü Kanal 5'te ekrana geliyor. Bu gece neler olduğunu görmek için Drama kapsamımıza daha fazla göz atın veya TV Rehberimizi ve Yayın Rehberimizi ziyaret edin.Radio Times, seyahat sitesi Expedia üzerinden bir sonraki tatil rezervasyonu yapan kayıtlı kullanıcılara %7'ye varan indirim sunuyor. Özel Radio Times Expedia tatil indiriminizi şimdi talep edin.Radio Times dergisini bugün deneyin ve yalnızca 10 £ karşılığında 10 sayıya sahip olun, AYRICA evinize teslim edilen 10 £ John Lewis and Partners kuponu - şimdi abone ol. TV'nin en büyük yıldızlarından daha fazlası için dinleyin Radyo Times Podcast'i.
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