#Robert Duvall as Kilgore
rastronomicals · 1 month
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9:18 PM EDT August 23, 2024:
Robert Duvall as Kilgore - ""Napalm In The Morning"" Dialog From the movie Apocalypse Now
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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coolthingsguyslike · 2 months
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slashdementia7734 · 5 months
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mannytoodope · 1 year
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Captain Willard: Don’t you think it’s a little risky for R&R?
 Kilgore:If I say it's safe to surf this beach, Captain, it's safe to surf this beach!
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pixeldog4ever · 2 years
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The tide doesn't come in for six hours! You wanna wait here for six hours?
Apocalypse Now (1979) Dir. Francis Ford Coppola DoP. Vittorio Storaro
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world-cinema-research · 4 months
The Hearts of Darkness: Apocalypse Now Short Essay
By: Jillian Arnold
"The horror... the horror..."
The movie Apocalypse Now is a war-horror film that came out in 1979 that has been named one of the best war films ever made. Its troubles in the film and outside with filming makes it memorable to film makers and audiences alike.
The movie is set at the height of the Vietnam War in 1969 and follows the mission of U.S. Army Captain Willard. He is sent on a mission by Lieutenant Lucas and a General that “does not exist nor will it ever exist” to travel up the Nung River in the U.S. Navy patrol boat to assassinate a Colonel Kurtz, who's gone AWOL and acts like a demi-god to a group of tribal natives in the jungle. After some hair-raising encounters, in which some of his crew are killed, Willard, Lance and Chef reach Colonel Kurtz's outpost, beyond the Do Lung Bridge. As Willard nears the end of his mission, he soon finds himself reeling in the horrors and sanity of war itself as he confronts the colonel face to face in which Willard's true nature begins to emerge slowly. Willard confronts not only the same horrors and hypocrisy that pushed the level headed Colonel Kurtz over the edge into an abyss of insanity, but the primal violence of human nature and the darkness of his own heart.
Here is a newer trailer to the movie, Apocalypse Now. I used this trailer because I felt as though it gave more insight to the plot of the movie and allowed audiences to gauge how much violence is in the movie. It is also a somewhat chaotic trailer that reflects the chaos of the movie with the war and the turbulence in the main character, Captain Willard’s, mind. 
The movie was released into theatre on August 15th, 1979 and was directed by Francis Ford Coppala. With the movie’s budget of $31,500,000, it earned $104,920,499 worldwide. The film starred Martin Sheen as Capt. Benjamin L. Willard, Marlon Brando as Col. Walter E. Kurtz, and Robert Duvall and Lt. Col. Bill Kilgore. The film had twenty-one wins and thirty-three nominations with two Oscar wins in best cinematography and best sound. The movie is rated fifty-six in top rated movies. 
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Although the movie is one of the most highly regarded films of all time and had brought fame to the director and the actors, it was a war and chaos while filming the movie. A huge stressor on the film was the fact that the crew was filming so close to an actual war site and because of that, the movie was loaned real military equipment, but on the downside, it caused numerous lengthy production delays, inspired fear in much of the on-set personnel, and dead body props brought to the set were actually real human remains. There were also problems with the cast of the movie. Francis Ford Coppola originally casted and shot footage with Harvey Keitel in the role of Captain Willard, but when Keitel wasn’t giving Coppola what he wanted, he was fired and replaced with Martin Sheen. Sheen’s struggles with alcoholism made the shooting miserable and he later nearly died after suffering a heart attack on set. Besides Sheen, other cast and crew members suffered from drug addictions and various tropical diseases. All of these problems and even a hurricane caused shooting and post-production to be delayed by months, even years. Even through all the hardships, the film is celebrated as one of, if not the ultimate film about the Vietnam War and is regarded as one of Coppola’s finest films.
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A photo of Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Sheen on the set of Apocalypse Now. Although the filming was hell, the movie is highly regarded by audiences still to this day. 
An event that was happening at the time of this movie was Vietnam fought a successful border war with China and took over Cambodia from the murderous Khmer RougeThis was an important event during that year because even after the Vietnam War was ended, the country was still in conflict and had problems going on, even after the war ended. During this time, this movie was important because it brought attention to what happened in Vietnam and brought attention to the things still happening. This was during the Sino-Vietnamese War which was between China, Vietnam, and the Soviet Union. This war was fought over the border that is between China and Vietnam. 
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Photos of soldiers re-grouping during the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979. 
After watching this movie, it took me hours if not the whole day to truly process what I had witnessed during the movie. I saw and realized what happened during the Vietnam War and the highs and lows. I watched this movie after reading the book, Heart of Darkness, for my english class, which is what the movie is loosely based on, and it was crazy to watch these events happening because reading them and watching them are two different things. If anyone wants to watch a war film, this is the one to watch with its gore and trauma. "We train young men to drop fire on people, but their commanders won't allow them to write "fuck" on their airplanes because it's obscene!"
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levysoft · 7 months
Apocalipse Now I Charlie non fa surf
La frase "Charlie don't surf" ("Charlie non fa il surf") nel film "Apocalypse Now" del 1979, diretto da Francis Ford Coppola, è diventata una delle citazioni più celebri del cinema. Il personaggio che pronuncia questa frase è il tenente colonnello Bill Kilgore, interpretato da Robert Duvall, un comandante di cavalleria aerea carismatico e un po' psicopatico.
Nel contesto del film, che si svolge durante la Guerra del Vietnam, "Charlie" è un termine gergale usato dalle truppe americane per riferirsi al nemico vietcong. La frase viene pronunciata da Kilgore in un momento in cui decide di catturare una spiaggia controllata dal nemico, non per motivi strategici militari, ma perché vuole che i suoi uomini possano fare surf sulle onde. Kilgore, ossessionato dal surf, ritiene che le condizioni delle onde siano perfette e non vuole perdere l'opportunità di surfare lì, nonostante il contesto di guerra.
La frase simboleggia il surrealismo e l'assurdità della guerra del Vietnam, mostrando come gli obiettivi militari possano essere sovrastati da capricci personali e da una disconnessione dalla realtà dei comandanti. "Charlie don't surf" riflette l'arroganza e l'etnocentrismo, suggerendo che il nemico vietnamita è incapace di apprezzare o partecipare alle attività ricreative occidentali come il surf, e quindi il territorio deve essere "civilizzato" o dominato dagli americani.
Questo momento del film contribuisce alla critica più ampia di "Apocalypse Now" verso la guerra del Vietnam e verso l'intervento americano, ponendo l'accento sulla follia, sull'irrazionalità e sulle contraddizioni della guerra stessa.
(via Apocalipse Now I Charlie non fanno surf - YouTube)
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It's crazy to me that the same actor who played Tom Hagen also plays Kilgore in Apocalypse Now. They couldn't be more different
YES! When I first heard that Robert Duvall played Tom Hagen, I was like- "Robert Duvall? THAT Robert Duvall?". He looks and sounds sooo different, and the characters have really different personalities.
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eboni-napalm · 2 years
What does “I love the smell of napalm in the morning” in your blog title mean?
Oh, it’s actually a quote from the movie “Apocalypse Now”! It’s said by Robert Duvall’s character, Lieutenant Bill Kilgore. I’m sure you can find the clip on YouTube if you search the line!
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pedroam-bang · 3 years
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Bell UH-1D ‘Huey’ Iroquois - Apocalypse Now (1979)
“Death from above”
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rastronomicals · 8 months
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6:57 AM EST February 9, 2024:
Robert Duvall as Kilgore - "Napalm In The Morning" From the album Apocalypse Now OMPST (1979)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
Smells like . . . Victory.
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virginlibertine · 3 years
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- kilgore.
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Apocalypse Now: Colonel Bill Kilgore [ESTP 3w2]
Apocalypse Now: Colonel Bill Kilgore [ESTP 3w2]
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Function Order: Se-Ti-Fe-Ni “I love the smell of napalm in the morning.”– Colonel Bill Kilgore Nicknamed “Big Duke”, Colonel Kilgore is loud, excessive and bombastic in his ways, and in many ways he and Kurtz are polar opposites of each other (one an Se-dom and the other one an Se-inferior). Kilgore not only tolerates a chaotic, war-torn environment but thrives from being in it and haphazardly…
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Happy 90th Birthday to Academy Award winning actor Robert Duvall! ^__^
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gawdheads · 4 years
About ‘Heart of Darkness’ by Joseph Conrad
La primera imagen fue la del Teniente Coronel Bill Kilgore en playa, hablando del napalm. Después, los cientos de historias que rodearon la producción de ‘Apocalypse Now’. Luego fue comprender el título del filme, un filme de culto, para encontrar la génesis Kurtz en las páginas de un marinero que supo retratar los misterios que traen consigo las embarcaciones y sus viajes, que pueden llegar a quebrar hasta al más fuerte de los espíritus.
‘Heart of Darkness’ es quizá la primera historia donde sentí que el miedo y la anécdota desequilibran la balanza del héroe. Puede que sean los códigos de conducta, o la bien aprendida exigencia del oficio, pero a un tipo como Marlow, tiene el mismo valor de un talismán: tótem y mantra en una sola persona. La confidencia me permita compartir la agonía que experimenté al arriesgar mi paciencia, a un vocabulario de más de cien años, riesgo que solo después de ‘Youth’ ví bien recompensado.
Marlow... si salieran a la superficie de las aguas todos los huesos que fracasaron en la aventura, serían las viudas la últimas en compartir su dolor. Si se pronunciaran todos los nombres devorados en altamar, serían los huérfanos los primeros en alimentar su orgullo.
Pero qué sé yo. Aunque pudiera elegir la palabra, la última, no podría superarle en definición.
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Film Stills #13
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Any man brave enough to fight with his guts strapped to him can drink from my canteen any day
Robert Duvall as Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore in Apocalypse Now
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