#Robert Tomonago
lonestarfangirl2014 · 4 years
......dude just imagine olivia queen and her half sister Mia are just so damn SPOILED! yall know damn well in any universe where they both exist they would both be the babies of the family I mean honestly yall I can see lian being older then both and okay at first she was envious because you know this girl is so used to getting all the attention and it is Canon that she will lash out at other kids who she thinks are getting more attention then her but I can so see Roy or dinah and felicity sitting her down and talking to her. Maybe they inflate her ego a bit by talking about her being the girls niece/step cousin(for you throy Shippers) and how since she the older one she gets to be the one who shows them how to be awesome like how aunt emiko and thea and aunt sara and aunt Nyssa did with her and yall i can just see lian being adorable with them lol..
Now imagine Connor and William as older brothers! Omg William would so be a worried wort i mean honestly i can see him just constantly hovering over both the girls and freaking out if one of them trys to put anything in their mouths lol Connor would probably outwardly be calm as heck but holysmoke he would be just as worried.
I can see that one Flashpoint olivemari daughter existing to and just lol she would totally make sure her lil sisters were fashionable while also laughing at her brothers worrying. I can see Robert existing to and its glorious because we never really got anything with him after he got introduced on comic new earth except for a few appearances here and there.
Oh God emiko and thea would have a field day with all of their dumb himbo big brothers kids. They would totally do the aunt thing where they fill the kids up with sugar and give them back to oliver for him to deal with lol imagine trips to the zoo and buying out the gift shop. Also imagine the pictures yall lol
Also yo olicity shippers mind not stealing laurels comic Canon(ala kingdom come continuity) daughter and remaking her into a olicity kid. Its a insult to women like comic!laurel aka dinah who thanks to being tortured became incapable of having kids seriously I've seen a number of AUs where olivia was felicitys instead of laurels and as a woman with my own fertility issues it always pissed me off...also I know I haven't personally seen any but knowing my fellow lauriver shippers some of them probably stole Mia for their AUS to. Honestly this green arrow Fandom(looking straight at the arrow and young justice side)
Yes I'm aware of injustice!Connor which pissed me tf off they could have used olivia instead or they could have made up a totally new character but nooo let's whitewash a fan favorite arrow offspring.
Also I'm talking to you throy Shippers to. I swear I've haven't seen any but I will go off on any of yall who try to steal lian away for your AUs. Also talking to you spitfire shippers to BECAUSE SERIOUSLY WHY TF ARE YALL STEALING IREY AND JAI FROM LINDA PARK AND ISABELLE FROM CAMERON MAHKENT FOR YALLS AUs. ITS NOT THAT DAMN HARD TO COME UP WITH OC KIDS YOU KNOW!
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dykerachelsummers · 4 years
i need to brainstorm some hero names for,, a lot of heroes. let’s start with bobby queen (robert tomonago from new earth), jai west, donnie allen, and dawn allen tho! if anyone has ideas, i’d love to hear them!
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Connor Hawke : DRAGON'S BLOOD #6
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Green Arrow & Black Canary #12
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Green Arrow Vol. 4 BLOOD OF THE DRAGON
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Connor Hawke : DRAGON'S BLOOD #3
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dykerachelsummers · 4 years
Have you gone into the al-Ghul family history at all for e82?
i have, actually, with @tsukiakari1203 and @apollolovebot’s help!
shufen suen (sensei) had rashed suen with anjy al-nassir. rashed fell in love with sora itwata and together they found the lazarus pit. sora dies and rashed can’t get her to the pit in time. afterwards, he forms the league of assassins and takes on the title ra’s al ghul, mostly in honor of her. ra’s meets zoya raatko in the late 1800s and they have a daughter together, though ra’s doesn’t stick around. zoya raises nyssa by herself until nyssa, amazed by the stories of her father, seeks out the league. ra’s accepts her and she takes on the name nisreen al ghul. they eventually have a falling out and nisreen—going by nyssa again—leaves and falls in love with aleksandra (sasha) gurenko (sasha is a trans woman) and they have three kids together: hannah, sofya, and mikita. sasha, sofya, and mikita all die in the holocaust, but hannah lives.
meanwhile, ra’s meets nazanin farhadi and they have a son together named dawood. nazanin dies in childbirth. dawood isn’t accepted by ra’s due to his albanism.
ra’s meets melisande marzouki at woodstock and together, they have tala. melisande joins the league, because ra’s genuinely falls for her, but is killed when quinlan, ra’s’s godson, accidentally pushes her into the lazarus pit.
tala grows up and starts using the westernized version of her name, talia. she meets bruce wayne for the first time when she is seventeen and he’s twenty-two, when he is first training with the league. they meet again a second time, after he’s batman, when she’s twenty-one and he’s twenty-six. he saves her life and they both end up with feelings and decide to sleep together. she gets pregnant and they get married. talia has been taught the weaknesses love costs her whole life though, since melisande died when she was five, and she is fearful that bruce will stop being batman if he stays with her. she also does not want her children to grow up within the league. so she faked a miscarriage and tells bruce she doesn’t want to stay with him. after he leaves, she hides away to give birth and gives her children to a retired assassin couple who are loyal to her, who names them damian and athanasia. privately, she names them hafidh and ariyam.
finally, dawood falls in love with an assassin named sulaf attiya and they have maram al ghul together. ra’s is disappointed maram isn’t a boy and soon after, sulaf dies while on a mission.
also, nyssa falls in love again after sasha dies, with shado tomonago and they raise emiko and robert together until vasily (nyssa’s great-grandson) dies, at which point nyssa hires slade wilson to kill ra’s (who she blames for her family’s deaths) and shado (now going by haruka) gives emi and bobby to ollie, so nyssa and haruka can join the league and take over the league (or, well, help talia take over).
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dykerachelsummers · 4 years
earth-82 assassinfamily
Nyssa Raatko / Nisreen al Ghul
Adeline “Addie” Elizabeth Kane
Sandra Wu-San (Lady Shiva)
Haruka Tomonago (Shado)
Talia al Ghul / Tala Mazrouki
Safiyah Sohail
Jade Paula Nguyen (Cheshire)
Jason Peter Todd (Robin II -> Red Hood -> Phoenix)
Damian Thomas Wayne / Hafidh al Ghul (Robin V -> Blackbird)
Athanasia Melisande Wayne / Aryam al Ghul (Batgirl III -> Redbird)
Emiko Queen (Arsenal II)
Robert “Bobby” Queen
Maram al Ghul
Lian Talia Harper (Speedy III -> Red Arrow II)
Thomas “Tommy” Jason Blake, Jr (Cheshire II)
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dykerachelsummers · 4 years
what are the major changes you made for e82 electric boogaloo?
ok the two biggest both involved the superfam oops lmao
1) clark doesn’t arrive on earth alone. his adoptive brother val-zod arrives at the same time as him. martha and john take them both in and val gets the name vali “val” hiram kent. val makes sure clark knows kryptonian culture and the language. val becomes the superhero nimbus a few after before clark becomes superman.
2) power girl is supergirl’s sister instead of her alternate universe self. her name is keren zor-el and she is four years older than kara. she ends up best friends with donna troy and dick grayson and is one of the founders of the original teen titans.
other big changes!
1) the jsa forms around the time of the vietnam war not wwii!
2) the original lineup of the justice league is superman, batman, wonder woman, aquaman, hawkgirl, black canary, zatanna, and the flash. they form when starro attacks, though the trinity were already friends and so were black canary, zatanna, and the flash.
3) jason is only red hood for about a year before taking the name phoenix and switching from guns to arson.
4) LOTS of twins. so many twins. billy batson and mary bromfield are twins again. emiko queen is ollie’s daughter instead of his sister and twins with robert tomonago. damian and athanasia wayne are twins. donnie&dawn and jai&irey are here as well.
5) somehow the superfam ended up with the most kids. not entirely sure how that happened.
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I know... I know. But listen.. 
Robert Tomonago // Ryan Potter & Arthur Curry Jr. // Dacre Montgomery 
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