#Robot Tod
farel-dal · 4 months
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Slow drive high five
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ironsaguaro · 10 months
Robot Tod issue 3 page 00-watercolor comics.
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samael-cms · 2 months
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i had a vision around 2am, 2 hours and a half later while listening to komm susser tod in loup, here IT FUCKING IS
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ciinnamiilk · 2 years
OC Art Dump!
Wow! I have not posted art here in a WHILE.. Well, Fear not! Time for a recent art dump of mine!
Did this yesterday;;
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Then did all of these, today!!;;
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Been wanting to practice drawing humans alot more often, so I made a human oc, and humanized some ocs of mine! (The last two were just for the
All these characters belong to my upcoming comic "Tales Of Dreamscape" !
If you have any questions about the comic, shoot me an ask/message! :D (These characters are super important to me, so I'll talk about them with the drop of a hat)
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Otacon x Reader
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Highly cursed at the halfway point. Spoilers for End of Evangelion and I wouldn't recommend that sane people watch it just to try to understand what the hell is going on. Yes there are parts where people turn into orange liquid followed by screams and upbeat happy music about suicide. Also do not look up the hospital scene for this movie (which it is infamous for). You have been warned.
Your smash main is Snake, you're a weeb or you fall in love easily and are used to being hurt by others.
First Date:
None. This man is busy raising a child with Snake.
Second Try:
The two of you meet on a fan board and quickly exchange numbers. Soon he invites you over to his house for a date. You asked where he lived but he said he would prefer to pick you up. You wait outside until you feel what seems to be an earthquake. You go to run but then you look into the sky. "IS THAT A GIANT ROBOT!" The "vehicle" pulls up and sure enough, Otacon is waiting for you. "Good evening. You look wonderful..." He then handed you a bouquet of flowers and you came inside.
Man, he really was an otaku. His home consisted of a bedroom that was really more like a storage space, a bathroom and a kitchen. "Make yourself comfortable, I'm going to bring some refreshments." You looked around for a spot to sit down, his room being like that one photo of Yoshihiro Togashi but notably much cleaner. The walls were stacked from the floor to the ceiling. You would have to tell your date that piracy was also an option. Most of it was just anime so you knew better than to touch it.
There was a small CRT and just about every console you could think of. Even the bad ones.At the far end of the room was a computer. You didn't really understand how that stuff worked but you figured his setup must be very expensive since all you had was Windows 95. You saw a purple creature on the desktop. "What's a bonzi buddy?
"You then noticed that Hal had come back. "I brought you a bento and some pocky. Only the best for my little waifu." He then blushed and turned the television off. "Sorry. I forgot that I was playing Policenauts on my Saturn earlier.."He then asked Alexa to play his spotify playlist which consisted of nothing but Hatsune Miku.
After you were finished eating, he took you by the hand. "Allow you to show you my prized collection." He brought you to his glass stand filled with various figures. It had a little bit of everything. Transformers, all the Gundams, some Code Geass. Even this weird one he called Zone of the Enders? "Yeah, I'm a huge fan!" He then looked around to see if the almighty Mr. Kojima was watching."
But this... This is my favorite." It was a giant build of EVA 01. "I never knew you liked Evangelion..." He then pulled out a copy of End of Evangelion. "Would you like to watch it with me? I have the renewal edition..." You gazed into his eyes and kissed him. "Wow..." He then turned on his hello kitty DVD player and inserted the disc.
The two of you started frenching during the komm susser tod sequence. You began to stroke him while the lyrics "It all returns to nothing" played. "Looks like someone's snake is solid..." He then thought to himself while the screams of those being turned into orange juice could be heard. "It's just like one of my Japanese amines!" You gave one final pull, yelling "It all CUMS TUMBLING DOWN, TUMBLING DOWN, TUMBLING DOWN"
Having finished, Hal shut off his VR machine. Ever since David had left him to go on a date with a woman, he hadn't felt the same. He thought back to when he asked him if love could bloom on the battlefield and then started to sob into his arm. "WHY DOES EVERYONE I LOVE LEAVE ME!?" Little did Snake know but Otacon had created a program where he could be with him in a dating sim. He would later sell it on steam and become as rich as Snake did from the fortnite cameo, bringing him into the spotlight. They would later get back together and become the ultimate power couple.
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stevebattle · 10 months
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Roomba Sage (models 4105, 4110, 416) iRobot, Bedford, MA (2004). Sage is a member of the Discovery, or 400 series. Where the Roomba Red charges in seven hours, the Roomba Sage charges fully in just three. Roomba manufactured after October 2005, including those in the 400 series, include a Mini-DIN connector supporting the Roomba Serial Command Interface (SCI), later renamed the Roomba Open Interface (ROI). This interface, beloved by hackers everywhere, allows you to connect the Roomba to a small microcontroller like the Arduino, to monitor Roomba's sensors and override its normal behaviour. "Since the release of the SCI/ROI specification, there has been an explosion of new Roomba hacks. The Roomba hacking community has blossomed to include not just professional hardware engineers, but people from all experience levels, from normal people looking to play with their Roomba in a new way to academics experimenting with low-cost robotics. The ROI turns the Roomba into a true robotics platform." – Hacking Roomba, by Tod E. Kurt.
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mobileleprechaun · 13 days
oubgh Tagged Game
I was kindly tagged by the eminent @femboty2k, thank you so much for tagging me!
This one is about introducing yourself with the following:
- One tv show
- One movie
- One album
- One game
However, she went the extra mile and did two each, so I'll do that as well!
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TV Shows: Whatever Happened to Robot Jones and Making Fiends
I'm not entirely sure what it says about me that both of my picks here were ill-fated and obscure cartoons cancelled before their time, but I certainly hope it's nothing premonitory about the trajectory of my life!
Robot Jones was a full-on obsession for me when I was young. It's about a robot child having to attend junior high in the 1980s so he can understand humans better, and all the awkwardness that goes along with that. Something about it struck such a chord with me – probably the fact that the protagonist was a sheltered misfit who couldn't understand his peers. I was homeschooled until college, and all of my interactions with other kids were painfully awkward along those lines, so I guess I just felt seen?
It's a weird show, and the tone is pretty bleak. He's mercilessly bullied by both peers and authority figures alike, and episodes rarely ever end with anything working out for him. Maybe I felt seen by that too. It's kind of fucked up, and I'm 70% certain bits of it didn't age well, but for what it's worth, people still really enjoy the one episode where RJ comes to the conclusion that he's nonbinary. It's also lost media at this point, so there's an inherent rewarding feeling that comes with being able to find it at all.
Making Fiends is also pretty bleak, but in a very silly and fun way. It's about a town that lives in mortal terror of Vendetta, this extremely cruel grade-schooler who is able to make monsters (fiends) that can serve her every whim. However, her nasty little gangster baby life is turned upside down when a very dense friendly girl named Charlotte comes to town, and Vendetta finds herself terrorized for a change.
I was obsessed with this one too and was a young stan of its creator. I love that it's about two girls just being dumb as all hell and having weird and fucked up things happen to them. Nobody's boy-crazy, either – both of these little gremlins just get to be people. Neither of them are particularly deep in terms of characterization, but they're so much fun to have a romp with, and they get to fill that slapstick-heavy role that's usually only reserved for male characters. Also, the humor is super fucked up and morbid, but the way everything is delivered will just keep you hooting. It's definitely less emotionally exhausting than Robot Jones.
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Movies: Chicken Run and The End of Evangelion
Weird pair, I know!
Chicken Run is another of my childhood obsessions that persists to this very day. It's a fun and surprisingly poignant tale of an insurrection on a farmyard and the brave hens (and one mostly useless rooster) who make it happen. Aardman just knocks it right out of the park with the quirky designs of their ensemble cast and just how rooted it feels in its 1950s setting. The villains are fun, the heroes are fun, somehow Mel Gibson doesn't completely ruin it, and I dunno, it's just very cozy. I could rewatch it over and over again. Also, Mac is best girl.
End of Evangelion is not cozy at all! It's the fucked up and horrifying ending to a fucked up and horrifying anime, and it pissed a lot of people off at how mean-spirited it felt, but like... it's a fucking masterpiece, like it goes incredibly hard. Every element of it – the music, the voice acting, the visuals – it's all stunning, like all the way through. Yes it's sad and upsetting and very strange, but that's just how the anime went. None of it feels out of place, either. I can go back and watch Episode 1 again and not feel like EoE mismatches tonally. I still think about it on the regular, and I still bop to Komm sußer Tod.
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Albums: Spirit Phone and Act II: The Father of Death
I've picked these two because these are both albums I always feel the need to listen to as a whole rather than piecemeal. There's some other amazing albums that I feel dirty not including here, but these two are just the ones that hit me the hardest as albums, and I have to be fully honest with myself about that.
Spirit Phone came into my life when I desperately needed it. I had just lost my youngest brother and was trying to find my first apartment after years of being my parents' adult subject. It was such a heady and wonderful thing for me, all these skrunkly-ass songs about the occult and the inherently fucked up nature of American culture. I played it on repeat for almost a solid month, and it gave me the strength and optimism I needed to muscle through the most terrifying time of my life. It's still such a cozy and wonderful thing for me, and I thank Neil Cicirega from the bottom of my heart for putting it together.
The Protomen: Act II wasn't something that got me through a crisis, but it was a fucking crazy-ass bop and a solid goddamn chaser to their first album, which I also love listening to as a whole. The story of Thomas Light's descent into living as a pariah in his own city after his own friend turns on him is masterfully told by this band, and every track hits like a truck. The whole subplot with Joe was incredible, too, and that guy who sings as Wily is so fucking good, and Panther is ridiculously versatile... I still get goosebumps thinking about Breaking Out. Gorgeous album through and through.
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Games: Sonic & Knuckles Collection and Cave Story
It might be cheating to include the whole collection as one game, but I don't give a phuck!!!!
I was like 7 or 8 when I got the Sonic & Knuckles collection on CD-ROM, and holy fuck, y'all. I knew I loved The Adventure of Sonic the Hedgehog on TV, but getting my hands on that game about spoiled me rotten. It just felt so perfect in every way. Having gone back and played earlier entries in the Sonic series really gives me an appreciation for how well they perfected the formula here, it's just so smooth and refined. Going back through each stage playing as Sonic, Tails or Knuckles is so good, too, like you really get a feel for how much there is to explore with their different styles of movement. I just love it so much, it's so cozy and so jammed to the brim with pure fun.
Cave Story was something I encountered later in life, and was pleasantly surprised to find as a free download. I was not adequately prepared for what a ride this humble-looking little platformer would be. God, it was such a wonderful challenge, sometimes frustrating, but always so compelling as to keep me coming back. And what a beautiful story, too, and what a gorgeous setting. I full-on cried at many points. Pixel just put his whole heart and soul into this game, and it's so sickening and unfair that he got fucked over by that shitty licensing deal. If you haven't already, please show this man's work some love. It went hard enough that when Undertale was first announced, I assumed it was going to be a Cave Story fangame. 😝
waow that's media!!! I must tag four people; @sammytoesis, @fetus-cakes, @johannesson and @badgrlebie. But if you wanna do it too, DO IT!!!!
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bubblegubbie · 2 years
Part Two of taking about what the ROTTMNT movie was going to look like
(Disclaimer: I am on mobile so I can only present 10 pictures each post so these are chopped up and some pictures are a bit fuzzy)
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Mikey talks like Uncle Iro. The ritual to summon the portal seemed to changed a bit? I want to know why
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Hypno, Warren, Draxum, and Todd are all still alive.
I think the black line character is a robot Donnie made before he died, either to be Raph or himself.
I remember somewhere in the panel it was mentioned Donnie did make a robot of Raph. The others weren’t to keen but let him do it.
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I bet he’s a great shooter.
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Leo, Draxum, Todd, Waren, Hypno, the robot were all going to go back in time.
Casey actually was going to left behind. Leo didn’t think he was ready.
So that means all of the start of the movie was just improv and Casey WASN’T SUPPOSED TO GO BACK AT ALL. Like he was the last option.
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Raph and Donnie’s shells on on the wall. Just.
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Kids were in the army- it’s not that much of shock but still.
Also the turtles ninpo was back? How and when? Like how did they get it back? Or did they ever lose it in the first place? Did they get it back in a similar way than to the movie?
Part One | Final Part
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Wooden Doll au
Original post
Classmates thoughts?
Damaged dolls?
Does he still analyze quirks?
Types of wood?
Favorite hero?
Costume design
Not now Tod
Hero course?
That's not All Might!?
Skull mask
Fic post
Favorite masks/teacher masks?
Bush boy
He's fine...
Why are you running???
The joke
Izuku Deku doll?
Whose stress'n?
Paints, stains and sealants?
Oni masks?
Yokai masks?/Kitsune mask!
Kamui wood mask?
Leaf dye? Part 1
Neko mask!
Rabbit mask!
Disappearing leaves?
Leaf dye? Part 2
Pluck, clip or pull?
Ofa? part 2
Sick often?
Deku senses
Destroy the doll?
Sketchbook art
Just leaves?
Gen Ed
Bat mask!
Bug problem?
Discount Kermit
Tsuyu doll
Vigilante doll
Potential comedy
Dragon mask!
Changeling adventures
Hitoshi's friend
It's one vigilante, not multiple!
Fire vs fire
Changeling merch
Masquerade mask!
Not a cosplay
The keychain
No hats
Learning curve
Hoodies and jackets part 1
Universalrainbow's phoenix mask
Not a cosplay resolution
Forever Changeling
He's a meme
Blue and Red Oni masks!
Vigilante vs hero costumes
Sports festival disqualified
One mask at a time
Vigilante vs hero masks
They're pissed
Universalrainbow's unicorn mask comic
Vigilante doll relationships
The capture
Aizawa cares
Day of the Dead mask!
Hisashi's love of jackets
Rescue the princess
Flammable leaves?
Life of the party
Forge it
What sells?
Daily routine
Favorite mask updated
Unicorn mask!
Continued in part two
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neonseperatedau · 1 year
Leo’s Log Entries 234 to 345
It seems you stumbled across a broken control pad. As it boosts up, the label reads ‘Property of Leo’. Most files are corrupted. You take a look at those remaining. (Cass, @somerandomdudelmao thank you so much for creating such an inspiring, wonderful and heart-breaking story. Like many others, I was deeply moved by the latest updates. I hope you don’t mind the few creative liberties I took to tell bits of the comic from Leo’s perspective.)
Log entry 234: Man, this feels weird. It’s been ages since the last time I did an entry. The previous one dates so far back that I had both of my arms still. Sweet innocent Leo with two arms, I want to slap that idiot as soon as we got time travel. Donnie told me I should make it a habit again. I guess I kept zoning out during dinner because it was sometimes difficult to process every single crazy thing that had happened within a day. So, here I am, talking to this log and letting it record me. And Dee, if you are eavesdropping, I ate our final package of froot loops, probably the last one that remained on Earth. I needed to stress-eat after you had turned me into a tangerine-sized turtle tod. I only thought it fair to be somehow compensated for that unwanted experience…
Log entry 255: Case is pacing around all night. He had returned from a mission with Donnie being seriously hurt. You would think we’ve been through stuff like this so often it doesn’t bother us anymore. Nope. Each time, I see one of my family injured, I share their pain. Not in any physical sense. More in the ‘I wish I could have done something to prevent that’ kind of hurt. I long gave up on ‘what-if’ scenarios. The present moment doesn’t give two fs about your guilt. Mikey once told me that he envies me for being so focused on the present and that he sometimes struggles to be really here with us and not be torn between the spiritual realm and the physical. I laughed like a crazy person, and I think he misunderstood me. To me, it was the other way around. I miss Dad so much and I had no means of reaching him. Kinda ironic if you ask me that his ‘least favorite’ son was the one to lose his Ninpo and because of that was forced to let him go forever. Log entry 283: I can’t believe this really happened. I always knew Casey was like a good luck charm but that he would be the one to find Raph and bring him home! Raph is back! He is really back! I haven’t realized it until that big machine picked us all up and pressed us tightly into a hug how much I had relied on him and missed his presence. It was like taking that first breath of fresh air after staying underwater for too long. Our family is whole again. Well, as whole as it can be. Log entry 284: Today’s moral of the story: Things cannot go back to how they used to be. Raph refused to take up his old position, especially with some of his programs malfunctioning and Donnie not able to repair him entirely, he told me he doesn’t want the resistance to rely on him and that I had done a great job in taking up this role as leader. I totes understand him and yet…some part of me hoped I could revert to second-in-command. Spend some more time with Case. Go on my own missions. In the end, duty calls, and there’s no easy way out of it. Log entry 294: My big brother’s return was a miracle and even so, Dee found a way to grant us another one. I don’t want to know what that grenade is made out of, and it doesn’t matter. It can REVERSE the effects of Mikey’s quick aging and that is all that counts! Seeing Mike running around, messing with his abilities, and full of energy…I’m so happy for him. Between an ageless robot and a renewed younger bro, I’m the one who’s doomed to feel like an old fart. Second chances are rare. I always regretted that Mikey had to give up so much of his life for our cause. Let’s hope Donnie can continue to produce these anti-aging bombs for a long time. Log entry 301: It’s raining with the lowest levels of sulphur dioxide in the last ten years. It’s not like it’s super safe. That hadn’t prevented Case from running around and enjoying himself within the rain simulation that Donnie had created afterward. He wrapped us all up in his shenanigans and forced us to stop what we were doing and enjoy the little things in life. That’s…not a bad thing. Log entry 303: We lost Boston. Casualties approximately 200. A ceremony for the fallen is scheduled for the day after. April had intended to inspect the Boston branch and I’m somehow glad she got delayed and hadn’t managed to reach it in time. Otherwise, I’m pretty sure, she wouldn’t have returned. She’s on her way home and I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she hears about Raph. Log entry 314: Our scouting teams record higher rates of kraangified humans and yokai. It’s commonly considered a worse fate than death and yeah sure, we had figured out a way to reverse the process. Even so, it was dangerous for everyone involved and I forbid Mikey at one point to ‘treat’ anyone further. My brother would have crumbled away like overcooked toast if he would’ve cured every kraangified being there was. The instant I realized Casey had gotten infected, I was ready to beg my brother on my knees. Everyone’s selfish in their own ways, huh? Log entry 315: Casey shows great signs of improvement. Dee switched to ‘casual’ surveillance, aka his dozens of cameras whose locations nobody knows for sure. I’m doing my best to make the boy feel less responsible for what happened. We cannot blame ourselves for these things or else we would have lost our sanity long ago. Log entry 322: Hey, Dad. I know I cannot talk to you, but I really wonder if you felt the same way whenever we called you that: Dad. Case used that word to refer to me today. Well, to be honest, he also meant Donnie and Mikey, and Raph. It was one of those stupid ‘my dad is better than yours’ competitions, which makes it even better in my personal opinion. Back when I had promised Cass to look after her son, my first thought had been that this human baby was going to be a burden and I would surely mess everything up. But look at him, look at us. I would do anything for him. Heh, you surely had something similar on your mind when you went ahead and protected us at the cost of your own life. Log entry 343: Things have been busy. With April joining our team, I can allow myself to make more ballsy plans and we sure as hell need those victories. The Kraang continually pushes us back. It’s time to return to favor. Log entry 356: Man, my twin is the smartest person on earth. How did he manage to accidentally spill some of the anti-aging serum on himself? And how can such a small creature be so angry? We all haven’t slept for over 30 hours, afraid that if we take our eyes off him, he either ends up killing someone or gets eaten and I’m not thrilled about both options. Log entry 357: Casey is a genius. He built Tiny Tello a pair of custom glasses. He seems to recognize Mikey and me. Raph is too…changed. That human boy has a heart of gold, to do something so kind for someone who shows him no gratitude whatsoever. He insists it’s payback for everything ‘Uncle Donatello’ built for him. Long story short, my twin’s living in my scarf and it’s only the third weirdest thing to ever happen to me. The way he sometimes pads me with his small hands is adorable (note to myself that I should never mention that to Dee) and it makes me nostalgic for days long gone. Log entry 359: I shouldn’t be surprised that the base can’t exist long without Donnie’s maintenance. Occasionally Mike and I liked to make fun of him for merging with the place and being a true shut-in. Jokes on us that we realized how MUCH we are dependent on him once he turned into a small vicious turtle ball. We need to find a solution fast. Log entry 361: Not sure if it was sheer luck and honestly who cares. Dee is back and we need him now more than ever. Raph sustained some grave damage that isn’t fixable. The same goes for yours truly. They can berate me on how I need to be more careful all they want, I will never regret prioritizing Casey’s life. The longer our resistance continues like this, the more I believe this isn’t about me. They could easily replace me, but everyone in my family is so damn special and irreplaceable. I’m going to hold on to them for as long as I can. Log entry 378: Mikey was such an airhead when he was a teen. What happened? Like for real? He had developed an almost uncanny ability to know when we need someone to talk to or hug or, in Dee’s case, rest. And with his mad abilities, he won’t take a ‘no’ for an answer. I think I need to tell him more often how proud I am. Log entry 379: Casey called me in the middle of a meeting, that was already suspicious. The fact that Dee has been sleeping longer than six hours? Also, unusual. We’re currently taking turns, waiting for him to wake up and explain what’s going on. I’m recording this during my shift. My brother looks smaller and frail. He sinks into his bed almost as if the mattress is about to absorb him. His health was bad when Dad died. He had grieved through overwork and constant exhaustion. I couldn’t see a reason he would fall back into this old pattern. Maybe our injuries had made things worse for him. I should take over most of his work and redistribute it for a while. He won’t like it, but I don’t like seeing him like this even more. Log entry 380: Donnie has been infected. Even he doesn’t know when or where exactly. One thing is for sure, it rendered him weak for a while now and he had refused to let us know. It’s worrying that it’s a variant we haven’t dealt with before. But it’s okay. We’re going to figure something out. We always have. Log entry 385: Mikey and I had sat down late to discuss our options. His hair had turned mostly grey again, a sign my younger brother had done everything he could. Nothing worked. Good thing, the mystic isn’t our only trump card. There’s science, too. Donnie must be close to finding a solution, he has been working non-stop. Log entry 386: I just can’t understand why he would make an excessive list of things we’re supposed to take care of instead of focusing on himself. He’s supposed to be the smart one. So, what if the means to cure himself don’t exist anymore? There must be alternatives. Something even he overlooked. For the time being, we try to let him rest as much as possible and survey him. April’s visiting other resistance groups in the hope of answers. I’ve been contacting Draxum and he assured me to let me know when he found anything. Log entry 389: Casey asked me if he could sleep at my place for the night. He’s upset because Donnie made no effort in hiding his calculations of his own death. He might not act that way, but it must bother him as much as it did Casey. Dee just never expresses his emotions the same way others do. I tried to explain this to Casey. He didn’t say anything in return and quietly sobbed against the back of my shell. Log entry 399: We’ve returned to some form of normalcy, though everyone stays at the base for longer periods to hang around Donnie. He notices and refrains from commenting. Denying makes it a bit more bearable. He’s right here and we’ll be fucking damned to let anything change that. Log entry 415: I had no other choice but to move out on a mission myself. We recently lost fights we should’ve won and there are rumors that it has to do with Donnie’s health and our absence. I blame it on my lack of sleep that I stumbled into one of the Kraang’s traps. One mistake might cost your life, that’s how it has been for the last 20 years, and I was ready to pay the price. Then from nowhere, Donnie appeared in his slabby pullover and summoned the greatest arsenal of mystic weaponry that I’ve ever seen. Casey had surely been with Dee as a crutch. Though, it appeared as if it was the other way around and the boy held on to his uncle while he pushed back the entire Kraang army. It's been…a while since Donnie had gone all out. Witnessing what he’s capable of reminded me of the time we had full access to our Ninpo and had gotten extremely cocky. Even then, my twin had been the rational voice of the team. Choosing to be flashy on special occasions and focusing on providing us with the necessary support and firepower. It had never been anything personal. This time, when rockets flew over our heads causing grand explosions, I could see it in his eyes. He was free at that moment. His mind was consumed with revenge for what the Kraang had done to him and enjoying their screams and demise without a thought wasted on efficiency or greater purpose. Fearing he would collapse from over-exerting himself I had to grab him, and we retreated. He seemed in good spirits afterward. I’m telling myself that if he’s strong enough to pull something like this off, he must be okay. He must be. Log entry 422: A week after Donnie’s all-out attack, his health worsened visibly. As he huddles through his lab to take care of business as usual, we cherish the small things. Drinking tea together. Throwing bad puns at each other. The four of us are often sitting down, reminiscing about the times before this whole mess started. Sometimes April or Casey join us. We would like to show our concern and ask Donnie how he’s feeling, if he needs anything, what we can do for him, but we don’t. Life continues on. Log entry 435: I’m tired. I haven’t slept in a few days. Can’t tell exactly how long it has been. I don’t want to miss anything. Every second is precious, even writing this feels like a waste of time. But I also can’t hover over Donnie, he wouldn’t want that. He’s already mad at me since I denied taking over some of his tasks as if he’s already gone. He’s been trying to explain a few of his inventions to me that keep our base up and running, but it’s been difficult to focus. My mind drifts off to repeat the same few sentences over and over again. Please don’t leave us. Please stay with me. Please. Don’t go.
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sophiefranz · 2 years
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Pinup of @fareldal ‘s character Furn Fells, for issue 01 of Robot Tod. Honored to be asked to contribute! Farel creates amazing worlds with his art and it was fun to spend time drawing a tiny corner of one. #drawing #ink #brush #drphmartinsbombayindiaink #furnfells #robottod #pinup #cartooning #illustration #goreadfarelscomicsifyouhaventalready https://www.instagram.com/p/Co-OsarLpPP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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farel-dal · 11 months
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Chomp. Number 17 of 30
#septober #robottod #inkdrawings #inkedwithabrush #comicbookpanels
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pandoramsbox · 3 months
Sci-Fi Saturday: Dr. Cyclops
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Week 20:
Film(s): Dr. Cyclops (Dir. Ernest B. Schoedsack, 1940, USA)
Viewing Format: Blu Ray
Date Watched: 2021-10-29
Rationale for Inclusion:
In looking over a list of science fiction films of the 1940s, most of the feature films were more horror than sci-fi: sequels to Universal Horror movies, dipped more into fantasy than science fiction, and/or re-hashes of the core story of Frankenstein. Narratives where science fiction didn't come conjoined with horror were mostly found in serials, like the Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon serials discussed last week. Across all formats, the mad scientist remained the mainstay of the genre.
Representative of this decade sci-fi cinema is this week's film, Dr. Cyclops (Dir. Ernest B. Schoedsack, 1940, USA). Mad scientist? Check. Horror paired with science fiction? Check.
On a technical level, however, Dr. Cyclops is a standout. It was the first science fiction film ever shot in 3-strip "glorious" Technicolor and one of the first sci-fi films to be nominated for a Best Special Effects Academy Award. These characteristics made it stand out and secure a spot on this survey. 
On a technical level, Dr. Cyclops did not disappoint. The Technicolor was vivid without being over the top, and my partner and I were both surprised by the quality of the visual effects. It was the first time on the survey where we found ourselves going "Oh, the effects are good" with no caveats, including but not limited to "for the era." Black and white cinematography can cover up a lot of sins when it comes to visual effects work, so the fact that we had this reaction to a color film was all the more notable to us.
An aspect of the film that took us by surprise, but in retrospect really should have been more obvious was how much of the film was based on the cyclops episode from Homer's Odyssey. The name "Dr. Cyclops" should have been a dead giveaway, but cyclopses are mythological creatures that existed prior to Homer's epic poem chronicling Odysseus's fraught trip home from the Trojan war, and their name has been applied to various works, characters, and vehicles without invoking the story of Polyphemus. Nevertheless, it wasn't until the bespectacled Dr. Thorkel (Albert Dekker) uses his experimental shrink ray on a group of unsuspecting scientists, and traps them in his lab, did the allusion sink in. Like Odysseus and his crew, despite their disadvantage in size, the scientists must use their cunning to blind their poorly visioned captor and escape. 
I was also amused to note that since Dr. Thorkel's shrink ray is powered by radium it means that, like The Invisible Ray (Dir. Lambert Hillyer, 1936, USA), Dr. Cyclops is a pre-Atomic Age atomic sci-fi film. Labeling a film as being "atomic sci-fi" will rapidly lose its novelty once we get to movies made during the Cold War, which is why I find examples of atomic energy figuring in science fiction narratives made prior to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 fascinating.
It also had not occurred to me until later that Dr. Cyclops would be the first film of this survey to deal with characters being miniaturized or shrinking. Using the survey as an excuse to watch The Incredible Shrinking Man (Dir. Jack Arnold, 1957, USA) and Fantastic Voyage (Dir. Richard Fleischer, 1966, USA) had occurred to me, but had I been thinking about shrinking people as a recurring sci-fi narrative, as I did killer brains, robots, and devolution, I would have included The Devil-Doll (Dir. Tod Browning, 1936, USA) in the survey too.
Oh well. I keep being reminded that when this project started it was meant as a representative survey and not a mission to watch every available science fiction film ever made. Still, I wish that I had given titles from the silent era through the 1940s the same attention I would later give films of the 1950s and 1960s.
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stinkb0mber · 10 months
List of nicknames
Tumblr media
Vector = Leatherhead, LH, Headphones, HP, Croc, Sherlock, Inspector Gadget,
Charmy = Stinger, Buzzaroo, Buzz Lightyear, Buzzbee, Honeycomb, Bee Movie, Sting-a-ling, Honeycrisp, Buzzer
Cream = Hoptimist, Little Hoptimist, Thumper, Cream Puff, Cotton Ball, Cotton Tail, Buttercream, whipped cream, Floppy ears
Vanilla = Pure Vanilla, PV, Van, Vanilla ice, Bunzilla, Vanzilla
Gemerl: G-Bot, Robot Butler, Baymax, Clunky McBotface, Sweeptron 5000, Roomba Raptor, Robotler, G
Cheese = Cheesecake, Cheesy-Wheezy, Cheddar, Parmesan cheese, cheeseburger
Espio = Naruto, Sasuke, Dattebayo, Shikamaru, anything Naruto related, Kung Fu Lizard, Espionage, Shadowstrike, Ninja Gear
Amy = Hammerhead, Cherry Blossom, Pink Rose, Pinky, Pinkie Pie, Kirby, Primrose, Strawberry
Zik = Blueberry shortcake, Potato, Master Shifu
Zavok = Big Z, Spikes, Slash, Spitfire, Pyro, Thorny Devil
Tangle = King Julien, King J, Ringtail
Knuckles = Lego shoes, Chuckles, Red
Sonic = Speedy Gonzales, Flash, Pricklepants, Pinecone, Pin Cushion, Quills, Prickly Pear, Swift Blue, Zoom Boom, Rush Hour, Hyperspeed, Haystack, Pine Tree, Thorn Bush, Flashlight (Super Sonic)
Fiona = Foxy, Fi. Fio, Sassy Pants, Foxglove, Ginger, Vulpix, Swiper
Tails = Brain, Kowalski, Tod, Kyuubi
Zazz = Beanpole, Lanky Z,Chomper, Rocktrumpet, Snapdragon
Zor = Mr. Doom and Gloom, Dark Z, Gloomy Donkey
Starline = Freakline, Toothpaste Hair, Dr. Fashion Disaster, Brainiacs, Einstein
Blaze = Fire Fly, Firestorm, Starfire, Kitty Burnpaws, Espeon, Furblaze, Blazing gear, Scorchwhisker,
Zeena = Queen Z, Blizzard, Frostbite, Ice Queen, Ice Age, Matcha
Zomon = Slowpoke
Smithy = Mufasa
Claire = Rafiki, Mindmuffin
Mimic = Tentaclehead, Hank, Butterfly Knife, Shapeshifter, Sea Spider, Squidward, Killermari, Switchblades, Swiftblade, Slice ‘n Dice
Whisper = Sniper, Watchful Eye
Slinger = Gunslinger, Taco Gunslinger, Swinger Slingshot, Simba
Surge = Sparky, Sparkster, Megavolt, Sparkplug, Zippy, Thunderbolt, Sparkletoes, Sparklezap, Stir fry, Pikachu, Palm Tree, Pineapple
Kit = KitKat, Squirtle, , Fennekin, Liquidator, Aquaboy,
Belle = Tinker Belle
Marine = Rocky, One Piece, Tom Nook, Rascal, RJ, Trash Panda, Captain Quirky, Muddy Mudskipper, . Lootin' Lizalaroo, Skipper, Cannonball, Papaya
Sole = Headlines
Scoop = Scoops, Scoop-a-doodle, Knife Chao, Scooper-Looper, Scoodeloo
Silver = String Gummy, Silverbolt, Timezone, Silverweed
Jet = Skeight, X-Treme
Eggman =, Baldy McNoseHair, Eggnog, Humpty Dumpty, eggshell , omelette, Scrambled Egg, Mustachio, Squirrel Whiskers, Crustache, Whisker Whimsy
Shadow = Starfishhead, Rocket Skates, Shades, Sombra, Nightspeed
Omega = Squash Racket, Gearloose
Bill = Cipher, Perry, Agent P
Walt = Walt Disney, Joey, Boomerang
Barby = Barbecue
Honey = Sunmmerdew, Honeydew
Cassia = Cass Shard = Shark
Cosmo = Sprout
Larry = Jinx
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96theater · 3 months
the "hear me out..." tierlist
this post is not to rank any "hear me out" character as more or less attractive than any other, more to illustrate a frame of reference for the acceptability of sexualizing a character.
tier 1: attractive human
these are characters/people that are conventionally attractive/lack any strong points of deviation from standard attractiveness, or if said points exist they are outweighed by points that fall within beauty standards.
examples: daphne from scooby-doo, zagreus from hades, wyll from baldur's gate (i think. i haven't played it but thats a fairly normal man)
tier 2: [less] normal human
these are characters/people that are noticably not human, but not to the point of being instantly disgusting/uncanny/terrifying. they could probably appear human with a bit of makeup and/or filing of nails, hiding of extra body parts, etc.
this tier also includes characters that, while not concentionally attractive, are still human in appearance and don't have a lot of unattractive features, or human characters that can fit into a popular category/archetype of attractiveness (i.e. bears, milfs, "tumblr sexymen" and adjacents)
examples: lady dimitrescu from resident evil, senshi from delicious in dungeon, zangief from street fighter, scott from monster prom, connor from detroit: become human
tier 3: attractive non-humans and non-traditionally attractive humans
if a character is permanently sporting significant animal features like fur/scales/feathers on most of their body, animal head and/or feet, then they go in tier three. same goes for attractive object heads. as long as they still have a human body plan with slight cosmetic changes, they can fit. what is human on these characters could be commonly considered attractive, i.e. muscular build, curvy, cute face, etc.
for humans, these characters are just not what is normally found hot and do not neatly fit into common archetypes/niches of attractiveness.
examples: sybil from pseudoregalia, dante from limbus company, professor ochanomizu from astro boy
tier 4: niche furries, highly mechanical robots
characters with vaguely humanoid body plans, but very little that would make them attractive to most humans.
examples: V1 from ultrakill, garchomp from pokemon, fumiquiline quan from utau
tier 5: not human/human shaped at all
characters that are wholly inanimate, wholly animal, or otherwise inanimate in appearance.
examples: A.M. from "i have no mouth and i must scream," tod from disney's "the fox and the hound," the map from "dora the explorer"
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kaynai-sama · 1 year
¿Puedes contar más sobre Spy Robot AU?
I can't say anything about this AU without making it a spoiler... Kinda.
But! I can leave a few Paranoid DJ songs I found that I think that go with the main antagonists jeje.
First of all, Zach.
Next, Sal.
Now, Middy:
For next, Tod:
And, last but not least, J and K:
That's pretty much it. Ja.
KayNai out 😎
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