#Rocco’s not alive
mceproductions · 2 years
MCE The Jaw Droppers #5: Even Elmo can get gaslit by Rocco.
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m2 dentist au everyone listen & learn
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haverwood · 2 years
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Stone Temple Pilots - Alive in the Windy City Chapman Baehler, Rocco Guarino USA, 2012
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psychostxr · 1 month
𝐝𝐞𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐧 | kiss me better
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PAIRING. deuce gorgon x gn/fem! reader
WARNINGS. mentions of bruises
NOTES. i'm alive! sorry for being absent, i got a job at a library and it's been taking up all my time so i haven't really written anything since febuary. but please enjoy this peace offering despite it being short
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"Oh my ghoul," you whisper, taking in the sight of your poor boyfriend as he sits on the bench outside the school nurse's office.
You knew Deuce would take some hits during the Skultimate Roller Maze game, but nothing could prepare you for what you saw. Deep purple bruises stain his cheek and nose. A sling and cast cradle his left arm, and his signature shades are cracked, threatening to shatter and turn everyone around him to stone.
"Deuce!" you call, rushing toward him.
He looks up to see you and quickly tries to stand up from the bench. You wrap your arms around him as gently as you can, careful not to press against any of his injuries. Deuce winces slightly but pulls you closer with his right arm. You pull back just enough to cup his unbruised cheek, your thumb brushing against his skin.
"What happened?" you ask, "The camera in the maze suddenly stopped working, and then we couldn't see anything."
Deuce sighs, his breath shaky. You can see the pain etched in his eyes, even behind the broken glasses.
"It was Gary from Granite City High," he begins, his voice low. "He sneaked up behind me and stole my glasses. I turned the camera bat Rocco was holding into stone. Rocco threw the stoned bat at Gil and knocked him over. Then Gary shoved me. I slammed into Gil, and you know the rest."
Deuce gestures weakly to his battered body. You feel a surge of anger rise within, but you try to push it down. It's not fair that Granite City High got away with winning this season's Skultimate Roller Maze despite cheating and injuring your school's entire team. But there was no evidence to prove they cheated. They made sure of it when they destroyed the camera.
"What about Gil?" you question, distracting yourself from your anger. "How's he doing?"
Deuce motions to the nurse's office. "He's getting checked now. Lagoona's with him."
"I'm so sorry, Deuce." You lean your head against him, rubbing your hand up and down his chest. "What they did wasn't fair. You didn't deserve any of that."
Deuce kisses the top of your head. "It's not your fault, babe. You don't need to be sorry."
"I know…" you sigh, pulling away to look up at him. "I just wish I could do something to make it better."
"Well," Deuce says, his lips curling into a smirk. "There is something that might help. Think you can kiss me better?"
You grin. "That I can do."
Deuce gently tugs you closer by the waist, and you giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck. Standing on your tiptoes, you gently kiss his forehead, lingering just long enough to let him feel the affection behind it.
Then, you move to his non-bruised cheek, leaving a soft kiss there. You kiss every part of his face that isn't bruised, and when Deuce thinks you're finally going to kiss him properly, your lips teasingly brush over his to continue kissing his face.
Deuce chuckles softly. "Stop teasing."
You pause, locking eyes with Deuce through his shades. Then, you lean in and kiss him passionately, letting all your love and care flow into that moment. Deuce's grip on your waist tightens slightly, pulling you closer as he kisses you back. When you finally break the kiss, your foreheads rest together.
Deuce lets out a content sigh. "You always know how to make things better."
"I'll always be here for you, Deuce. No matter what."
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© psychostxr — all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, translate, or claim any of my works as your own.
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latristereina · 8 months
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He steps in, the beautiful summer living room is neat, but empty.
Anyone hungry?
He moves through the house more quickly; into the dining and recreation room areas. A cat jumps off a pile of cushions and runs across the room.
She's gone, Tom.
Sandra has followed him into Michael's house.
What do you mean gone?
The Barretts from Rubicon Bay came by in a new speedboat. Rocco tried to say she wasn't in, but Kay spotted them and asked if they would take her and the kids for a ride. That was three hours ago.
Why didn't someone tell me!
I wanted to tell you alone; your
wife doesn't know what's goinng on.
Hagen rushes out of the house.
Hagen moves quickly out of Michael's house; moving across the lawn to the boathouse.
Hey, Dad!
This time he ignores the thrown ball, and moves directly to Rocco, who is by some men near the boathouse.
I know. I went down to the Barrett
house. But she's gone. They drove her and the kids to North Tahoe airport.
Goddamn it, where were you?
I was in my house. Willy tried, but it would have taken some strong-arm to stop her, and he figured you wouldn't want that.
They enter the boathouse.
(to one of the men)
Get me a Scotch and water. The man hurries behind the bar.
She took a flight to San Francisco. We figure she's going to connect to New Hampshire; her parents' place.
(almost to himself)
I can't let him down.
He swallows the drink down in several gulps. And then looks up to his men watching him. He's embarrassed to have shown such weakness.
All right, let me think a minute. Rocco clears the men out.
Me too, Tom?
Yeah, give me a minute.
Rocco gone, Hagen moves behind the enormous bar, and pours himself a giant drink. He drinks that, and calms himself.
Oh Christ, Pop. It was so good when you were alive. I felt I could handle anything...
The telephone has just rung; Michael listens.
We have your call to Tahoe, Nevada, sir.
Thank you.
(click, click)
Tom? Tom, is that you?
No, Tom's out of town. This is Rocco. Who is this?
Michael is openly disturbed that Hagen is not there. He hangs up without answering.
Tom Hagen steps out of a taxicab a bit tentatively, and then steps toward the door of a pleasant New England house. He rings the bell and waits, hat in hand. A moment later, the door opens, and Kay is standing there.
I'm not surprised to see you, Tom.
Out to the yard, where we can see glimpses of little Anthony playing by himself.
KAY (O.S.)
I can't love a man like that; I can't live with him, I can't let him be father to my children. Look.
The little boy, moodily by himself.
obviously moved.
He's not like a little boy... he doesn't talk to me; he doesn't want to play; he doesn't like other children, he doesn't like toys.
It's as though he's waiting for the time he can take his Father's place.
(almost in tears)
You know what he told me when he was four years old. He said he had killed his Grandfather...
listening, calmly.
... He said he had shot his Grandfather with a gun, and then he died in the garden. And he asked me... he asked me, Tom, if that meant now his father would shoot
him out of... revenge.
(she cries)
How does a four year old boy learn the word... 'revenge'?
Kay... Kay...
What kind of a family is this... are we human beings? He knows his Father killed his Uncle Carlo. He heard Connie.
You don't know that's true. But Kay, just for the sake of an argument, let's assume it is, I'm not saying it is, remember, but...
What if I gave you what might be some justification for what he did... or rather some possible justification for what he possibly did.
That's the first time I've seen the lawyer side of you, Tom. It's not your best side.
Okay, just hear me out. What if Carlo had been paid to help get Sonny killed? What if his beating of Connie that time was a deliberate plot to get Sonny out into the open? Then what? And what if the Don, a
great man, couldn't bring himself to do what he had to do, avenge his son's death by killing his daughter's husband? What if that, finally, was too much for him, and he made Michael his successor, knowing that Michael would take that load off his shoulders, would take that guilt?
He's not the same as when I met him.
If he were, he'd be dead by noww. You'd be a widow. You'd have no problem.
What the hell does that mean? Come on, Tom, speak out straight once in your life. I know Michael can't, but you're not Sicilian, you can tell a woman the truth; you can
treat her like an equal, a fellow human being.
There is a long silence.
Then Hagen shakes his head; he can tell her no more.
If you told Michael what I've told
you today, I'm a dead man.
When is it finally over? I want it
to be over before my baby is born.
I don't know. I hope soon; but it's not over yet, and that's why you and the kids have to come back to me.
He looks at her; it's clear that he has been entrusted with her safety and her children's.
He is a kind, good man, and seems very nervous and overwrought.
Little Anthony is pressing his face against the glass pane, as though he senses the adults are discussing something of importance to him.
- THE GODFATHER Part Two, Screenplay by Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola, SECOND DRAFT, September 24, 1973
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Four Headcanons About Jessica Rabbit
(Original post here.)
Headcanon A: Realistic
Jessica has a certain type of laugh that only Roger can cause. It's loud, it's long, and it sounds a bit like a witch's cackle. It doesn't fit her femme fatale persona at all.
Headcanon B: While It May Not Be Realistic, It Is Hilarious
Jessica has a little sister - sort of. Another animator attempted to copy Jessica's design and create his own version of her, but a mistake on the model sheet meant he ended up with a curvaceous redhead who was only six inches tall, not six feet tall. The animator cast her out, and Jessica took her under her wing.
The six-inch toon now goes by Joellyn Krupnick. She's smart, bookish and slightly shy, and she's determined to help make life better for other "fun-size" toons. She works as an architect and landlady, building and renting out apartments and houses that are suitable for smaller toons. (Two of her tenants went on to become the stars of a cartoon called Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers.)
Jessica regards Joellyn as her (very) little sister, and the two women get along well.
Headcanon C: Heart-Crushing and Awful, But Fun to Inflict on Friends
Jessica's maiden name was Jessica Joy. She used to work at the Peacock Palace, a theatre located on the outskirts of Toontown and close to the tunnel to the "real world". She was one of many "Peacock Ladies": humanoid toon women who would put on shows for the (usually male human) audience. They wore revealing costumes in different shades of blue with plenty of peacock feathers.
Jessica's owners were two brothers called Rocco and Dominick DeGreasy. They did not treat their Peacock Ladies very well at all. The Ladies didn't just sing and dance; they had to be open to "private appointments" with customers who had paid extra for the privilege. Anything could happen in these appointments, and it was rarely fun for the Ladies. (In fact, the appointments were where Rocco and Dominick made the most money; the nightly shows were just a respectable face to keep the authorities off their backs.)
Jessica was drawn to be submissive and do whatever the humans told her to do. For a long time, she didn't feel strong enough to try to leave the Peacock Palace, convinced that this was her purpose, her reason for existing, and that she had no choice but to fulfill it.
It wasn't until after Roger burst into her life that Jessica slowly but surely built up the courage to change her situation.
As a side-effect of her bad experiences while wearing those blue costumes, Jessica now hates the colour blue. The only shade of blue she can tolerate is the one in Roger's eyes.
Headcanon D: Unrealistic, But I Will Disregard Canon About It Because I Reject Canon Reality and Substitute My Own
The 1970s were a dark decade for the Rabbits. In 1973, Eddie Valiant passed away. In 1978, Maroon Cartoons went out of business. Roger was deeply shaken by both events. He tried to keep the smile on his face, especially as he looked for work elsewhere, but in private he was much gloomier and less inclined to tell jokes.
Jessica wasn't doing too badly in comparison - she'd released some disco albums that kept her and her husband living comfortably - but she felt powerless to do anything about Roger's depressive state. He'd always been the one cheering her up, not the other way around. She tried to stay strong for his sake, but she couldn't deny that Eddie's death and the collapse of Maroon Cartoons made her feel uneasy too. She needed alone time to process everything - alone time that she wasn't getting while she was caring for Roger.
Then she started having dreams.
In Jessica's dream world, the characters had familiar names, but alien behaviours. Roger had darker fur and an even darker heart. Eddie was alive again, but stripped of his old personality. The DeGreasy brothers were back in the picture. And Jessica herself was just as shallow and cruel as everyone believed she was.
These dreams kept coming, night after night, becoming longer and more detailed each time. Jessica wondered if these dreams contained any clues to help her and Roger get out of their funk.
So she wrote the dreams down.
She wrote and rewrote, refining the scenes as more and more visions came to her. Eventually, her scribbles grew to the length of a novel.
And in 1981, she published that novel.
It was called Who Censored Roger Rabbit? and her pen name was Gary K. Wolf.
Some people at Disney took interest in the novel and wanted to turn it into a film. Jessica was glad to be involved, as it meant she and Roger could get back into acting.
But when Roger came onto the project, he had another idea for the direction the film could take. He remembered Eddie as a hero, and he wanted the whole world to remember him as a hero too. He wanted to tell Eddie's story. Jessica approved of this idea, because Roger's face was lighting up just talking about it.
She'd found it. She'd found the key to his happiness returning. In a roundabout way, yes, but she'd found it.
So the decision was made to create a historical film about how Eddie saved Toontown from being Dipped by Judge Doom. The film was called Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and Roger and Jessica played themselves.
It was a hit at the box office, and it kicked off a revival of interest in the classic cartoons. The 1990s were a golden decade for Roger and Jessica, nothing at all like the dark days of the 1970s.
And it was all thanks to Jessica's deeply weird dreams.
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ashstfu · 7 months
alain delon is my crush, my mum's crush and my grandma's crush, such a timeless beauty and one of the most beautiful men to ever exist truly. such a shame he was a shitty person (he is still alive but i think he has some deep regrets now) :/ anyway what do you think of the movie bc when i watched rocco and his brothers i couldn't get this movie out of my head for weeks!
hii lily <3 i agree that man is majestic! too bad he’s such an awful person irl. his performance in the movie though.. otherworldly! one of the most beautiful and sensitive expressions of masculinity and naivety. also is this... the most violent movie of all time? the force and tragedy of dostoevsky and ancient greek tragedy running through the veins of every moment of the movie godd. this is a deeply sad, mournful film and it feels like it sucked my soul into its world and then left me changed and broken after the ending. an unforgettable experience. talk about soul shattering cinema
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todaysdocument · 1 year
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This edition of the Marshall Star from 1973, a newsletter of the George C. Marshall Space Center in Huntsville, Alabama, features an article titled “Anita, Job Done, Dies Aboard Skylab.” 
The article goes on to explain that Anita was the back-up spider in the Web Formation Experiment.  The primary spider, Arabella, was still alive at the time of the newsletter. Arabella’s current whereabouts are unknown.
Record Group 255: Records of the National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationSeries: Marshall StarFile Unit: Marshall Star Volume 14
Marshall Star Vol. 14, No. 2 . NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center -- Huntsville, Ala. 35812 . September, 1973 Final EVA Saturday Skylab 3 Crew Prepares For Next Week's 'Splash' Skylab's second manned crew, prvoding a bonanza of scientific data to investigators on Earth. has begun preparations for splashdown and recovery scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 25. As they head into the home stretch, Astronauts Alan Bean, Owen Garriott and Jack Lousma are operating ahead of experiment timelines. Flight directors estimate they will exceed 100 percent of their planned activity in all scientific disciplines. The crew is scheduled to conduct its third and final EVA Saturday. Exposed film cannisters will be removed from the Apollo Telescope Mount's instruments for stowage inside the Command and Service Module and return to Earth. For the EVA, the crew is to awaken at 2 a.m. Hatch opening is expected about four hours later. Monday the crew becan changing the rhythm of their sleep-work cycle by arising at 4 a.m. after goint to bed two hours early. This schedule was to be followed Tuesday. Today the crew planned to arise at 2 a.m. after beginning their sleep period at 6 p.m. last night. Purpose of the new sleep-work cycle is to prepare the astronauts for splashdown day when they will be required to arise early for a full day's activity. The crew was given the go- ahead last week for continuation to the end of the 59-day mission. This approval for a fourth incremental extension beyond 28 days followed review of the inflight medical data and the recommendation of the NASA director for life sciences, Dr. Charles A. Berry. The crew's health and spirits are excellent. The body weight of each has been relatively constant (See SKYLAB on Page 4) SOLAR ERUPTION -- A mammoth solar eruption is seen in this photo taken by the White Light Coronagraph about Sklyab. The eruption expanded into space at a speed of about one million miles per hour. When photographed it was approximately 220 times the diameter of Earth. Solar eruptions are a result of the interaction between solar material and magnetic fields around the Sun. Combined Federal Campaign 'Kickoff' Scheduled Monday MSFC's 1974 Combined Federal Campaign gets underway Monday with a "kickoff" in Morris Auditorium. The annual campaign combines the monetary needs of many health, welfare and recreational agencies into one drive. Rober G. Sheppard, executive chairman, stated the drive officially begins with the 10:45 a.m. kickoff and will end November 2. He explained that the 1974 goal is to do as well as in 1973 when MSFC employees contributed $194,712. Monday's kickoff ceremonies will feature and address by Dr. Rocco A. Petrone, director. He will be joined by several distinguished guests, including Mrs. Ruth Ferrari, International Services Agencies; Tom Horton, Jr., National Health Agencies; and Mrs. Jerri McLain, Huntsville/ Madison County United Way. MSFC lab and office directors, campaign mangers and solicitors are expected to attend the opening ceremonies. Music will be provided by the 55th U.S. Army Band. The Rev. Hugh Chambliss, presi- (See 'KICKOFF' on Page 4) 
Anita, Job Done, Dies Aboard Skylab One of Skylab's two "spider astronauts" --who never were intended to be brought back to Earth--has now finished her job in space and is dead. Anita, the backup spider for the Web Formation Experiment, ED52, apparently died sometime over the weekend. The report of Anita's death came from science pilot Owen Garriott early Monday. Although NASA had no plans to bring back the spiders, it was announced several weeks ago that they would be returned if they could be kept alive. Arabella, the prime spider for the experiment, is still doing fine. Garriott explained from the (See ANITA on Page 4)
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
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Looking for my chaptered fics? Click here Want to sort by character? Click here
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Places we won't be found - Lucas / OC - Lucas is in the witness protection program, Lauren's masquerading as his wife while she guards him. They hate each others' guts, and Lucas's attitude isn't helping. (10k+)
Where everything stands still - Ciaran / OC - Ruby's the Prime Minister's daughter and she's just been assigned a new security detail. As furious as she is, she can't help the butterflies that happen whenever a certain Sergeant's on duty. (7.5k)
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All I Want for Christmas is You - Tom / OC - Royal AU, Enemies to Lovers, Second chance love. (23k+)
Deck the Halls (with scowls of Holly) - Lucas / OC - Coworkers Lucas and Holly have to plan the Christmas Party together. They have very different opinions on the way it should be done. (5.7k+)
Employee of the Month - Gary / OC - Gary has a new Boss, and she's not what he expected. (5k+)
Yesterday - Tim / OC - Famous rapper/DJ Big T got everything he ever wanted. Record deal, supermodels, a huge group of friends. He's happy - really - he swears he is. (5.5k+)
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A Sign. Any Sign - Bruno / MC - Bruno likes Lana, but she only sees him as a friend... he thinks. Cue the heartrate challenge, where she's going to show him exactly how she feels. (1k+)
Bruno and Miri Make a Porno - Bruno / OC - Best friends Bruno and Miri are about to have their electricity shut off. They need cash, and fast. So when Youcef approaches them with a solution... they aren't in a position to turn it down. (6.8k+)
The Alps - Lucas / Henrik - Lucas and Henrik cross paths in the alps (5k+)
Christmas Timing - Henrik / MC - Leah's liked Henrik for ages, but even in the villa, the timing was never right. When will the timing be right!?! (3k)
Delicate - Angie / OC - Paramedic Catalina wants to set Angie up with Talia. But seeing them together is making her feel... weird. (3.6k+)
De-finn-itely - Finn / MC - A rewrite of the 'note' scene from Season 9 (All Stars) leading to 'being with' Finn to make things make more sense (5.2k)
Her Cupid's Bow - Gary / OC - Gary and Mads have been best friends since they were 11. Now they're stuck up a tree, and it's getting really cold. Oops. (4.7k+)
Let's go - Angie / MC - Angie thinks she and Siobhan are just friends. But it's the heartrate challenge, and Shiv's not dancing for the boys. (1k+)
Ruin Our Friendship- Chelsea / MC - Chelsea's got a crush, and it's not on Elijah (1.8k+)
See you soon - Tim / MC - Tim and Mia have to decide which one of them will leave the island for good. It sure is lucky they're just friends, and there are no feelings involved. (1.5k)
Whistle For the Choir - Seb / MC - The boat party rewrite where Seb gets what he wanted all along. (10k+)
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Beauty Lies in the Eye - Seb & Nicky - Seb and Nicky fall for the same girl. (2k+)
The Boys go on a trip - Lucas / Noah, Gary / Bobby / Rocco / Tai / Henrik - Lucas, Noah & others go camping, and take drugs for a new experience. Wow, does this get gay fast. (5.5k+)
Dylan's Redemption - General- After Love Island, Dylan's reputation is shot. His family's being targeted, and he needs to clean up his image. Luckily, an anonymous helper has a solution - Love (and Respect) Island University. (5.5k+)
Hook, Line, and Sinker - Graham / Marisol - Scheming Graham's perspective of Casa Amor (2.5k+)
Part of Your World - General - Seb gets trapped in the Disneyverse (5k+)
Touch nothing but the lamp - Bobby / Lottie - Bobby & Lottie swap bodies and shit gets real weird. There's magic involved. Oh boy. (5k+)
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Black Forest Gâteau - Jake / MC - Ali shows up at Jake's restaurant after Love Island. He's devastated because he told her he loved her and she turned him down. She did turn him down... right? (2.8k+)
Four Seconds - Bobby / OC - Lucas is Bree's soulmate, or is he? (2.3k+)
Hearts Awakened, Live Alive - Lucas/OC - K-Pop Idol Lucas gets swarmed by fans and needs help. (6.3k+)
I could see this view a hundred times - Tim / MC - Tim's been hiding something from Catarina (5.4k+)
If you like Piña Coladas - Graham / OC - Graham's feeling stuck in a rut. Meets a girl online that makes him feel alive again. Only problem is, he's already got a girl at home. (3k+)
if you want one of us - Lewie / MC - Mistaken identity - it was an accident - God, what will Ally say? (6.7k+)
The Man from the Jungle - Henrik / OC - Henrik is Tarzan, with a twist. (2.5k+)
Sex on the Beach - Bruno / OC - Bruno drinks in 'Never Have I Ever'. Here's that story. (2.5k+)
Shut Up - Hamish / MC - Sadie and Hamish had a 'something' before she left for Casa Amor. So when she comes back hand in hand with his best friend… (2.8k+)
Villa full of snakes - Hamish / MC - The fallout of Hamish giving MC the necklace if she's also on a Marshall route. (>1k)
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*Note: Mostly angst. Always a happy ending.
Chanel Paris-Biarritz - Youcef / MC - Chloe reminds him too much of his ex. He already knows it'll hurt. But loving her from afar is worse. (2k+)
He had to know - Lucas / OC - Lucas knocks a girl up and walks away. But something keeps pulling him back. (3.2k+)
This Time I’m Serious(ly Angsty) - Bruno / MC - The original Chapters of TTIS (14k+)
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But not quite - Jake / OC - Jake is her best friend's brother. Mandy's been gone for nine years, though. Surely she's over her crush by now. (5.1k+)
Carry On- Roberto / MC - Pilot Roberto fake dating at the airport (5.4k+)
Every minute - Lewie / MC - how Lewie really would've reacted if Siobhan showed up at the stick or twist ceremony (1k+)
For a Minute - Oliver / MC - Oliver sticks up for Ellie after Dylangate. (2.5k+)
Oh, Paw-lease - Andy / OC - Cass is having a day, and the fact that the hot vet gets to witness every bit of it? Great. Just great. (4.9k+)
Shoot Your Shot - Lewie / MC - He sees her in the crowd, she makes quite the impression. Will he ever find her? (4.2k+)
The colour that you are - Rocco / OC - His aura is a mess. Luckily, Freya can see that. (3.1k+)
Three in the morning - Bobby / OC - Pretty nurse meets cute catering guy. He's determined to win her over. Damn. She kind of wants to let him. (3.5k)
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Cabernet Sauvignon - Jake / Talia / MC - Jake comes for a visit. Talia and Zoe decide he needs a new experience. It backfires. (4.3k)
Customer Service - Marshall / MC - Marshall's dream car pulls into the garage. His dream girl is in it. (6.4k+)
Dasvid Anya- Finn / MC - Finn's exhibitionist kink that Anya's only too happy to indulge. (1.5k+)
Electromagnetic - Carl / OC - Carl's a Star Trek captain, and likes to experiment with the holodeck. (3k+)
Everything else is enthusiasm - Tom / MC - Tom's a little nervous about his first time with Felicity... but it turns out, he's got no reason to be. (2.1k+)
Filthy - Andy/Hamish/Marshall / MC - Alexis hasn’t found what she’s looking for in the villa. Maybe Casa will be… more her speed. (8.8k+)
Finn-ish- Finn / MC - Keira gets the shower scene we all deserved (2.4k)
FINNOCENT - Finn / MC - Finn sticks up for Erin after Alfie cheats on her. Then, it's time for sexy, sexy revenge. (3k+)
Follow your instincts - Tai / OC - Rugby coach Tai is having a crisis of confidence. He needs to do things his way. Luckily, one of the referees is happy to reassure him - he's got good instincts. (3.1k)
The French Connection - Bruno / MC - Bruno's got a French lingerie model for a roommate and it goes exactly as you'd expect. (10.5k+)
He was sure - Oliver / MC - Oliver doesn't rush into making things physical. But when he's ready, he's... ready. (2.5k+)
IGFBSGITMPAAIGWTFWAM - Finn / MC - Saoirse's got a front row spot and she'll do anything to keep it. (1.5k+)
if I get burned, at least we were electrified - Alfie / MC - Alfie's done with walking on eggshells. He wants her, and he's going to have her. (3k+)
I just wanna love you, baby - Alex/MC Every time they'd had the opportunity to 'do bits', Alex had… done the honours. Well, now, it was his turn. (4.7k+)
Jets- Roberto / MC - Sexy pilot has an interesting idea in the hot tub (3.2k+)
Lady Grifferley's Lover - Noah / OC - Noah & Bronte are audiobook narrators. The book gets spicy. (6.8k+)
Let me be your woman - Ozzy / OC - Ozzy's celebrity fling in the dance studio (5k+)
Measure Twice, Cut Once - Alex / OC - Alex moves slowly. He's waiting for the right girl. But what happens when he finds her? (8k+)
Men of Particular Interests - Noah / Bobby / Lucas - Noah & Lucas meet Bobby in a BDSM bar. They've finally met their match. (3k+)
Mrs Robinson - Felix / Dylan's Mum - It's his lucky day. (4.5k+)
Repetition. - Jake / OC - Professor Wilson is trying to grade papers, but Adriana's got something else in mind (1.7k+)
Tom's Game - Tom / Priya - Nasty, privileged fuckboy Tom meets his match in the villa. (3.5k+)
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the dawn of empire bay's young gangsters
too much is never enough we are the life, we are the light we are the envy of the gods above
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chronicandironic · 3 months
If you wanna know more about mask bans and history please listen to this podcast!
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persephones-journey · 10 months
I Just Wanna Know You Better
Blossoming Romance Prompts requested by @bhxrdy . The request was for #s10, 11, 16, 17, & 20. Couple was author's choice/Finan, so I picked Aisling/Finan.
Aisling Ragnarnson was having the most shitty day.
“Oh come on,” she muttered as the dog she was walking took another shit. “This is ridiculous. What the fuck do they feed you?”
She pulled out a small bag from the little container on the leash and bend down to pick it up. She was tying the bag when the dog got interested in another dog down the street. And sadly for Aisling, the dog she was walking was huge.
She did not stand a chance.
“Rocco, no!” she yelled as the dog yanked her down the street.
She pulled on the leash, yanking on it, cursing Sigefrid and reminding herself once again to finally FINALLY stop taking his calls. They were broken up; she needed to stop being his booty call.
“Hey!” she heard a man's voice yell as he stepped into Rocco's way. He acted fast though and grabbed the leash.
Which was great because Rocco stopped.
But it was also horrible because Rocco stopped and Aisling collided with the man and they both ended up on the sidewalk. Aisling on top of the man, once again questioning her life choices.
“Are ya all right?” he asked, his Irish accent visible.
She nodded and looked up at his face. And her heart stopped as her cheeks burned red.
It was Finan.
Finan MacNeil, her older brother's, Uhtred, best friend from university.
The man Aisling had had a crush on since she had been sixteen. It had been eight long years of pining for him. She had thought she was over her stupid crush.
Apparently not.
“Rusty?” he asked smiling. “I mean,” he blushed a bit, “Aisling, right?”
Aisling moved off of his body, hating how all she really wanted to do was stay on top of him and ask him to have his way with her. She slowly stood and nodded as he stood beside her.
“Yup, that's me,” she said as she tossed her rust hair over her shoulder. “And you are?” she lied.
He smirked. “Finan,” he said. “Uhtred's best mate,” he leaned and reached out. Aisling's breath caught in her lungs as he rubbed his thumb on her cheek, “but I think ya know that since I spent a fair bit of holidays at your home,” he let his hand drop, “ya had some dirt on ya cheek, there.”
Aisling nodded. “Right, Finan,” she muttered. “I vaguely remember you,” she lied again.
“Vaguely?” he laughed. Aisling felt herself get wet and decided she needed to make a very hasty exit before she jumped him. “Glad to know I left an impression,” he added.
She smiled. “I need to get going,” she said as Rocco tugged on the leash again.
“Aye, well,” Finan patted the dog on the head. “Perhaps I will see ya around,” he said.
She smiled. “Yes, perhaps.”
She walked away cursing herself. Apparently her schoolgirl crush was still raging. Good thing, she was likely to never see him again.
Finan was about to dig himself a hole and bury himself alive to get away from the dinner party from hell. He glanced over at Uhtred, his friend mouthing the word 'sorry' as yet another one of Gisela's single friends, Eadith, walked over to him to make small talk.
Ever since his divorce two years prior, Gisela had been determined to find him his next girlfriend and wife.
And every time, Finan wanted to stab his eyes out and bit off his tongue.
“Gisela tells me you like to play guitar,” Eadith said soflty.
Finan finished his drink. “Yes, I do,” he answered as he tried not to stare at Eadith's ample breasts that she was clearly trying to get him to stare at.
“You should play for-,” she started.
Her words were cut off by the front door opening and a screaming two year old Storria came running in.
“RUSTY GOT ME A KITTEN!” the two year old screamed as she ran over to her father.
Finan laughed as Aisling came in after holding Young Uhtred's, who was five, hand and soaking wet. She looked around and cringed.
“Ah, nothing to see here,” she muttered as she walked over to Uhtred.
“Well, she certainly-,” Eadith started.
“I'll be right back,” Finan told her seeing his escape and taking it.
He made his way over to Uhtred and Aisling. He smiled as Young Uhtred looked at him. He laughed as Storria held the kitten closer when Gisela tried to take it.
“Sorry,” Aisling was muttering. “But I got a flat tire a couple of blocks from here and I thought we could make it but then someone-.”
“Storria,” Young Uhtred supplied.
“-saw the kitten and made a mad dash for it and,” Aisling waved her hands around, droplets of water flying everywhere, “and well, congratulations, you now have a cat,” she finished.
Finan snorted. Aisling turned and looked at him. “Oh,” she said, “hi, Finn,” she said.
He eyed her. “Ya know my name is Finan,” he said.
She looked at him. “Right,” she turned back and looked at Uhtred. “Anyway, your children are back, unharmed, so I am going to go and-.”
“You are not going back out there,” Uhtred said. “You are soaking wet.”
Aisling looked down. “It's fine. I barely notice the water.”
“I will call roadside assistance to come and help with the tire,” Gisela said.
“No, really, you don't-.”
“And I will drive you home,” Uhtred said.
“Actually, I can do that,” Finan suggested.
Silence greeted him. And he knew why. This whole dinner party was just a set up to get him dating again. And if he left, with Uhtred's sister and not one of Gisela's single friends, the night would have been for nothing.
But honestly, Finan would rather be with Aisling than any of the women in the room. Even if she was still in her on/off relationship with Sigefrid, a man who owned a strip club with his brother and thought that monogamy was sleeping with the same girl for two nights in a row.
“Great,” Aisling said as she grabbed Finan's arm. “Let's go,” she said as she yanked him towards the door.
“Rusty,” Uhtred said. “Keys.”
“Right,” she answered. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her car keys. “Thanks, Uhtred,” she said.
He nodded. Finan turned and grabbed his jacket and let Aisling tug him out of the house. He pulled his jacket on and took her hand.
“My car is this way,” he said as he tugged her along into the rain.
She followed him. He unlocked the passenger door and she climbed in while he ran around to the driver's side. He climbed in and turned to look at her.
“So, first ya fall for me, than ya get all wet for me,” he flirted.
She eyed him. “What?” she asked.
The moment became awkward. He shook his head. “Nothing,” he started the car and turned the heater on for her. “Where do ya live again?”
She gave him the address and he realize she didn't live that far from him. He nodded and pulled away from the curb. He drove away in the awkward silence, wondering when it was he had gotten so bad at flirting.
“Come on, Rusty,” Ragnar sighed, “smile, it could be worse.”
She looked down at the bridesmaid dress she had been forced to wear for her sister's Thyra's, wedding. She looked up at her eldest brother.
“Define worse,” she muttered as she tried to smooth out the ruffles on the pastel green dress.
“Well, Sigefrid could have been here with you.”
Aisling rolled her eyes. She reached up and grabbed the cigarette from behind the ear of Sihtric, one of Uhtred's friends who was headed behind the bar. He turned and eyed her.
“Uhtred told us we aren't allowed to let you smoke,” he said.
She reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out his lighter. She winked at him. “Tell Uhtred I stole it from you,” she answered.
Sihtric shook his head and left. Aisling put the cigarette in her mouth and lit it. Ragnar took it from her and took a puff before handing it back.
“Thyra tells me that you have, once again, decided not to register for classes,” he said.
Aisling closed her eyes and sighed. “I'm real busy,” she muttered.
Ragnar snorted and took the cigarette again. “Busy doing what, exactly? Because last I checked, your gap year ended like, five years ago,” he said.
Aisling took the cigarette back. “I don't know what I want, Ragnar,” she muttered. “I am just trying to find myself.”
She cursed as Uhtred walked into the room, which shouldn't surprise her since he did own the entire restaurant, they were standing in. She turned so her back was facing the door.
“Have you told Uhtred you haven't found yourself yet?” Ragnar asked.
She rolled her eyes. “And endure a truly stimulating conversation about how at my age, he had his entire life figured out, and found the person he wanted to spend forever with?” she puffed on her cigarette. “Thanks, but no thanks,” she answered.
Ragnar patted her on the back. He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Good luck,” he said. “You are going to have all his focus now that Thyra is happy and married.”
She groaned. “Not fair,” she muttered.
He chuckled. “That's what you get for being the baby of the family.”
She puffed on the cigarette more as Ragnar walked away. She glanced over and saw Uhtred busy talking with his assistant, Osferth. She walked around the bar and headed towards the side door down the short hallway. She stopped when she heard voices.
“Finan, Eadith is wonderful,” Gisela said.
“Great, she can make some other man a wonderful girlfriend,” Finan said. “But she is not for me,” he added.
Aisling walked further down the hall. She felt for Finan in that moment. She knew what it was like to be the focus of a Gisela on a mission. It was not funny or pretty. And usually, the harder one fought it, the more Gisela leaned into it. She finished her cigarette and put it on on the wooden floor before deciding to intervene.
“Knock knock,” she said as she walked into the room. “Uhtred wants you, Gisela,” she answered smiling.
Gisela smiled and nodded. She turned and looked at Finan. “We aren't finished with this conversation,” she said.
Finan rolled his eyes and Gisela walked out of the room. Aisling walked over to where he was perched on the edge of the desk and grabbed his arm.
“Come on,” she said as she tugged him along.
“Where are we going?” he asked as he followed her out of the room.
“We are going to disappear for a few hours until the loud music and dancing starts,” Aisling answered as she pulled Finan out the back door. “In my experience, it is very hard to get yelled at if you can't hear what they are yelling at you.”
Finan laughed. Aisling let him tug her towards his car. She smiled as he smirked at her. She could feel her childhood crush getting deeper.
And she didn't mind it one bit.
Brida was the first one who noticed Finan and Aisling constantly in each other's company. First it was Thyra's wedding reception where the two of them danced most of the night away, laughing and talking with everyone else. The next time was a garden party Gisela threw. Aisling and Finan arrived separately but the moment they saw each other, they just naturally ended up side by side laughing and talking with each other.
Brida smirked and said nothing. She wondered how long it would take the others to figure it out.
Osferth was the next one who definitely noticed the way that Finan looked at Aisling and always made a beeline right for her whenever they were gathered together. He worked as Uhtred's assistant, but he was also a close friend to both Uhtred and Finan. He saw how whenever Aisling dropped by the restaurant that Finan and Uhtred co-owned, how Finan would drop everything to go sit with her. He also noticed how Aisling made it a point to drop by mostly when she knew Uhtred would not be there.
Osferth said nothing to Uhtred. He knew that Uhtred babied Aisling and he did not want to see how Uhtred would react to finding out that his best mate and his baby sister seemed to be dating.
Nope, that was above Osferth's pay grade.
Ragnar got a clue, finally, when he happened to walk into Aisling apartment using the keys she had given him (yes, only in an emergency but honestly, he was her older brother, checking on her was always an emergency) and walked in and Finan kissing her. And not just a friendly kiss either. No, Finan had Ragnar's baby sister pinned against the kitchen island kissing her like it was the last time he was ever going to kiss anyone.
Ragnar turned around and walked right out slamming the door behind him. That was all Uhtred's problem now.
Finan could feel Uhtred's eyes on him as he sat beside Aisling on the couch. It was his first invitation to family movie night; given to him by Storria, who apparently was ecstatic to learn that her Rusty and Uncle Finan were dating.
The jury was still out on Uhtred and Gisela though.
It was nice to be there though. He was able to see some of Aisling's cute little quirks up close. She paid vastly more attention to Young Uhtred and Storria. She also played with her hair more when she was around Uhtred. He knew it was a nervous habit for her. Her big brother made her nervous.
Finan understood that.
Aisling was the baby. Ragnar and Thyra had looked after her but Uhtred? That man was overprotective of her to a fault. And it didn't help that Aisling, since the age of about seventeen had definitely decided that being the family troublemaker was more fun than falling in line with what Uhtred wanted for her.
She had a fiery rebellious streak in her that matched her rust coloured hair. He loved that quirk about her. The more someone wanted her to do something, the less she wanted to do it. Uhtred called her headstrong and stubborn. To Finan, it was independence and he loved it.
“I'm cold,” she muttered as she snuggled into his side.
He smiled as he wrapped his arm around her more and rubbed her back. She nuzzled her face in his neck, another one of her little quirks. Whenever he held her, she liked nuzzling her face in his neck or chest. It was like she was trying to burrow herself into him.
He loved it.
“Are ya warm now?” he asked.
“Getting there,” she answered.
“Where is this there and can I join ya there?” he asked, flirting.
She groaned and snuggled closer to him. “That was horrible.”
He kissed her head. “All right, it was,” he agreed.
He rubbed her back and went back to watching the movie. He felt Uhtred's eyes on him but he didn't care.
He was all in with Aisling. She was the one he wanted to date. Nothing was going to change his mind.
Aisling loved one of Finan's quirks more than all the others. Yes, it was cute when he frowned because his coffee was not made with cinnamon powder in it or when he got annoyed and rolled his eyes so far back into his head Aisling was sure they'd fall out.
But her favourite was his quirk of needing to have her close to him. At first she thought nothing of it, thinking it was because they had started dating and he wanted everyone to see that.
It was only when they were alone and he would get up from his end of the couch and move closer to her so that his arm was behind her so he could play with her hair that she put it together.
Another quirk that she did not like that much was his labelling quirk. The man needed to label every single item with his name incase he lost it and where things went.
It was so annoying, Aisling had considered walking away.
Like now.
“I am not labelling where the condoms are, Finan,” she muttered as she closed her bathroom cabinet.
“Uhtred's children come here. I do not need Young Uhtred asking his father what a condom is. You know that Uhtred's head would explode,” she said.
Finan sighed. He placed his hands on either side of her, boxing her in. She smiled and placed her hands on his chest and leaned into him. “All right, ya are right about that,” he said softly.
She smiled. She leaned in. “Is your name Google? Because you're the answer to everything I'm searching for,” she whispered in a husky voice as she winked at him.
Finan raised an eyebrow and shook his head. “That has got to be worse than that love at first sight one,” he muttered.
She smacked him. “That one was funny.”
He shook his head. Aisling laughed. That was a quirk they shared; the awkward flirting. They always tried to one up the other with horrible pick up lines and winks.
“Come here,” Finan said as he wrapped his arms around her and tugged her closer. “Ya are too far away,” he muttered.
She smiled as he kissed her softly. She kissed him back. She felt his hand on the side of her face. His thumb stroked her cheek softly. He pulled away and smiled at her.
“Ya had some dirt there,” he whispered as he kissed her again.
She smiled and kissed him again and again.
Aisling's life was definitely better with Finan in it. And she knew he would say the same. She could feel that they were going somewhere together as a couple.
Blossoming into something beautiful.
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flippythegodzilla · 4 months
Hello there, don't apologise you are smart, look at the lore you established in your story (which I've come to consider as canon btw)! I may have something to share: When the kit was born, she seemed dead like in a sort of miscarriage but in the Far Far Away universe. She would have been really dead if not for Puss and Death being able to see her soul still existing, at that moment she wakes up and is alive. I'm not very good at explaining but imagine that she can be both dead and alive according to the perception of others. Strangers would either won't see her at all or just see a cat/wolfcat corpse on the ground while those who are aware of her situation like the family and friends would see her alive. Maybe later there would be a black box made of Death or Twyla's power or both that she would carry so she can be seen alive for everyone like she is out of the box...? What do you think
Thank you for the compliment but I wouldn’t have thought of the lore without the help of @twilightna they alongside @edwardpinestar have been a big help for this fic
That’s a pretty interesting concept for a deathpuss kid, though if I do do it, I probably won’t have it be a miscarriage, death and puss have already been through enough because of Nazrat and Rocco! I’ll probably have her take a lot more out of Death, her body being much colder, her heartbeat much slower… maybe as she grows and her powers come in she does look more dead to the eyes of mortals but she very much alive to the eyes of her parents, family and other immortals…when she gets her true name from her grandmother, another realm is form besides the Ever After, Limbo for that is what she is, the goddess of wayward spirits who either haven’t fully died and still have a chance to return to her aunt’s grasp, or those who have unfinished business and can’t be welcome into her father’s
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aidenlyons · 8 months
Back in San Myshuno, Rocco is up to his tricks again.
R: Welcome back, boss.
Bancroft sighs but he's not even surprised. He had heard the shower.
B: Rocco. Taking liberties again, I see. Have you completed your task?
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R: Message delivered. And believe me, he won't forget it. Ever.
B: Is he alive?
R: Yep. You know I'm good at following directions, Damion.
Bancroft sighs a little, exasperated and a little bored. Everything is going well, which is good, but it leaves him restless.
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B: Put on some clothes, Rocco.
R: You sure? No time for a little fun? When there's no response, Rocco shrugs and turns toward where he left a bag.
R: Suit yourself. You know I'm not one to question when I'm getting paid, but I'm curious. What's with this kid?
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That's a good question. Damion doesn't know anything about him. But quite a few clients who pay for discreet messenger services adore him. He doesn't even know what the kid looks like.
B: Clients were unhappy. Still are. Vinnie endangered business.
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R: We go way back, Damion, yeah?
B: We do.
R: Cut the bullshit. Be honest.
Bancroft chuckles softly. He can always count on Rocco to call him out. It's one of the reasons he keeps him around, despite his insolence.
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B: Honest, huh?
R: S'what I said.
B: Hm. I'm interested. It was the truth, I know very little about this kid.. Mr. Lyons. But it intrigues me, how he managed to win over some very tough clients.
R: I guess askin' him to a meeting might tip your hand.
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B: Mm. I don't like to be unprepared, as you know.
R: Don't I know it. Came in handy a few times-
B: Rocco. Focus. I think I have a new job for you.
R: Oh yeah? Well, we'll have to negotiate payment.
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B: I think you'll like what I have planned. But first, the job.
R: Shoot.
B: See what you can find out about that kid. Mr Lyons. No contact. Surveillance only.
R: Cake. Now about that payment...
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Bancroft doesn't do relationships. Never trusted anyone enough. He finds temporary companions when he wants or needs them. Rocco is one of the few he keeps coming back to. It isn't emotional between them, but always intensely satisfying.
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apostatement · 1 year
We’re at my cousin’s baby blessing and everyone else is so happy and cheery while to me and my two mentally out siblings it’s just hollow.
Also I can’t stop thinking about how this whole situation is like Elmo from Sesame Street and the bane of his existence- Zoey’s pet rock Rocco. And everyone on Sesame Street is on Zoey’s side and keep trying to convince Elmo that Rocco’s alive and has feelings, meanwhile Rocco keeps stealing Elmo’s thunder and cookies.
My mentally in family is Zoey, me and my mentally out siblings are Elmo, and the cult is Rocco 😂😂😂. Helps me cope with being stuck in here.
Sorry for the random rambling, I just needed to share the funny thought with someone.
Hahaha thank you for sharing! Anything that gets you through an uncomfortable time with some amusement is excellent. Hopefully it ended quickly (in terms of lds church services)
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mrsbsmooth · 2 years
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Looking for my chaptered fics? Click here Want to sort by trope? Click here
🌷- Cute | 🔥 - Smutty | 🤡 - Funny |😖 Angst | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQIA+
Note: M/M or F/F fics are tagged under which person is the 'other' in the story, not from whose POV it is.
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- Jake -
But not quite - Jake is her best friend's brother. Mandy's been gone for nine years, though. Surely she's over her crush by now. (5.1k+) 🌷
Black Forest Gâteau - Ali shows up at Jake's restaurant after Love Island. He's devastated because he told her he loved her and she turned him down. She did turn him down... right? (2.8k+) 🌷
Cabernet Sauvignon - Jake comes for a visit. Talia and Zoe decide he needs a new experience. It backfires. (4.3k) 🔥🏳️‍🌈
Repetition. - Professor Wilson is trying to grade papers, but Adriana's got something else in mind (1.7k+) 🔥
- Tim -
I could see this view a hundred times - Tim's been hiding something from Catarina (5.4k) 🌷
See you soon - Tim and Mia have to decide which one of them will leave the island for good. It sure is lucky they're just friends, and there are no feelings involved. (1.5k) 🌷
Yesterday - Famous rapper/DJ Big T got everything he ever wanted. Record deal, supermodels, a huge group of friends. He's happy - really - he swears he is. (5.5k+) 🌷
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- Bobby -
Four Seconds - Lucas is Bree's soulmate, or is he? (2.3k+) 🌷
Men of Particular Interests - Noah & Lucas meet Bobby in a BDSM bar. They've finally met their match. (3k+) 🌷🔥🏳️‍🌈
Three in the morning - Pretty nurse meets cute catering guy. He's determined to win her over. Damn. She kind of wants to let him. (3.5k) 🌷
Touch nothing but the lamp - Bobby & Lottie swap bodies and shit gets real weird. There's magic involved. Oh boy. (5k+) 🤡🔥
- Lucas -
Deck the Halls (with scowls of Holly) - Coworkers Lucas and Holly have to plan the Christmas Party together. They have very different opinions on the way it should be done. (5.7k+) 🌷
He had to know - Lucas knocks a girl up and walks away. But something keeps pulling him back. (3.2k+) 🌷😖
Hearts Awakened, Live Alive - K-Pop Idol Lucas gets swarmed by fans and needs help. (6.3k+) 🌷🔥
Places we won't be found - Lucas is in the witness protection program, Lauren's masquerading as his wife while she guards him. They hate each others' guts, and Lucas's attitude isn't helping. (10k+) 🌷🔥😖
- Noah -
The Boys go on a trip - Lucas, Noah & others go camping, and take drugs for a new experience. Wow, does this get gay fast. (5.5k+) 🌷🤡🔥🏳️‍🌈
Lady Grifferley's Lover - Noah & MC are audiobook narrators. The book gets spicy. (6.8k+) 🔥
- Henrik -
The Alps - Lucas and Henrik cross paths in the alps (5k+)🌷🔥🏳️‍🌈
Christmas Timing - Leah's liked Henrik for ages, but even in the villa, the timing was never right. When will the timing be right!?! (3k) 🌷
The Man from the Jungle - Henrik is Tarzan, with a twist. (2.5k+) 🌷🤡🔥
- Carl -
Electromagnetic - Carl's a Star Trek captain, and likes to experiment with the holodeck. (3k+)🔥
- Graham -
Hook, Line, and Sinker - Scheming Graham's perspective of Casa Amor (2.5k+) 🤡
If you like Piña Coladas - Graham's feeling stuck in a rut. Meets a girl online that makes him feel alive again. Only problem is, he's already got a girl at home. (3k+) 🌷
- Chelsea -
Ruin Our Friendship- Chelsea's got a crush, and it's not on Elijah (1.8k+)🌷🏳️‍🌈
- Gary -
Employee of the Month - Gary's new supervisor is... not what he expected. (5k+) 🔥
Her Cupid's Bow - Gary and Mads have been best friends since they were 11. Now they're stuck up a tree, and it's getting really cold. Oops. (4.7k+) 🌷
- Rocco -
The colour that you are - His aura is a mess. Luckily, Freya can see that. (3.1k+) 🌷
- Felix -
Mrs Robinson - It's his lucky day. (4.5k+) 🔥
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- Ciaran -
Where everything stands still - Ruby's the Prime Minister's daughter and she's just been assigned a new security detail. As furious as she is, she can't help the butterflies that happen whenever a certain Sergeant's on duty. (7.5k)🌷😖
- Seb -
Part of Your World - Seb gets trapped in the Disneyverse (5k+) 🤡
Whistle For the Choir - Seb / MC - The boat party rewrite where Seb gets what he wanted all along. (10k+) 🌷🔥
Beauty Lies in the Eye - Seb & Nicky - Seb and Nicky fall for the same girl. (2k+) 🌷😖
- Tai -
Follow your instincts - Rugby coach Tai is having a crisis of confidence. He needs to do things his way. Luckily, one of the referees is happy to reassure him - he's got good instincts. (3.1k) 🔥 Orphaned. I hated this.
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- Angie -
Delicate - Paramedic Catalina wants to set Angie up with Talia. But seeing them together is making her feel... weird. (3.6k+) 🌷🏳️‍🌈
Let's go - Angie thinks she and Siobhan are just friends. But it's the heartrate challenge, and Shiv's not dancing for the boys. (1k+)🔥🏳️‍🌈
- Bruno -
A Sign. Any Sign - Bruno likes Lana, but she only sees him as a friend... he thinks. Cue the heartrate challenge, where she's going to show him exactly how she feels. (1k+)🔥
Bruno and Miri Make a Porno - Best friends Bruno and Miri are about to have their electricity shut off. They need cash, and fast. So when Youcef approaches them with a solution... they aren't in a position to turn it down. (6.8k+) 🌷🔥
The French Connection - Bruno's got a French lingerie model for a roommate and it goes exactly as you'd expect. (10.5k+)🌷🤡🔥
Sex on the Beach - Bruno drinks in 'Never Have I Ever'. Here's that story. (2.5k+)🌷🔥
This Time I’m Serious(ly Angsty) - The original Chapters of TTIS (14k+) 🌷🔥😖
- Dylan -
Dylan's Redemption - After Love Island, Dylan's reputation is shot. His family's being targeted, and he needs to clean up his image. Luckily, an anonymous helper has a solution - Love (and Respect) Island University. (5.5k+) 🤡
- Youcef -
Chanel Paris-Biarritz - Chloe reminds him too much of his ex. He already knows it'll hurt. But loving her from afar is worse. (2k+)🌷
- Oliver -
For a Minute - Oliver sticks up for Ellie after Dylangate. (2.5k+) 🌷 Orphaned. I hated this.
He was sure - Oliver doesn't rush into making things physical. But when he's ready, he's... ready. (3.6k+)🔥
- Tom -
Everything else is enthusiasm - Tom's a little nervous about his first time with Felicity... but it turns out, he's got no reason to be. (2.1k+)🔥
Tom's Game - Nasty, privileged fuckboy Tom meets his match in the villa. (3.5k+)🔥
All I Want for Christmas is You - Royal AU, Enemies to Lovers, Second chance love. 🌷🔥😖
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- Alfie -
if I get burned, at least we were electrified - Alfie's done with walking on eggshells. He wants her, and he's going to have her. (3k+) 🌷🔥
- Finn -
Dasvid Anya- Finn's exhibitionist kink that Anya's only too happy to indulge. (1.5k+)🔥
Finn-ish- Keira gets the shower scene we all deserved (2.4k) 🌷🔥
FINNOCENT - Finn sticks up for Erin after Alfie cheats on her. Then, it's time for sexy, sexy revenge. (3k+) 🌷🔥
IGFBSGITMPAAIGWTFWAM - Saoirse's got a front row spot and she'll do anything to keep it. (1.5k+) 🔥
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- Andy -
Oh, Paw-lease - Cass is having a day, and the fact that the hot vet gets to witness every bit of it? Great. Just great. (4.9k+) 🌷
- Hamish -
Filthy - Alexis hasn’t found what she’s looking for in the villa. Maybe Casa will be… more her speed. (8.8k+) 🔥🔥
- Lewie -
Every minute - how Lewie really would've reacted if Siobhan showed up at the stick or twist ceremony (1k+) 🌷
if you want one of us - Mistaken identity. It was an accident. God, what will Ally say? (6.7k+) 😖🌷🔥
Shoot Your Shot - He sees her in the crowd, she makes quite the impression. Will he ever find her? (4.2k+) 🌷
- Marshall -
Customer Service - Marshall's dream car pulls into the garage. His dream girl is in it. (6.4k+) 🔥
- Ozzy -
Let me be your woman - Ozzy's fling with that celebrity in the dance studio (5k+) 🔥
- Roberto -
Carry On- Pilot Roberto fake dating at the airport (5.4k+) 🌷🤡
Jets- Sexy pilot has an interesting idea in the hot tub (3.2k+) 🔥
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- Alex -
Measure Twice, Cut Once - Alex moves slowly. He's waiting for the right girl. But what happens when he finds her? (8k+) 🔥
I just wanna love you, baby - Every time they'd had the opportunity to 'do bits', Alex had… done the honours. Well, now, it was his turn. (4.7k+) 🔥
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- Finn -
De-finn-itely - A rewrite of the 'note' scene from Season 9 (All Stars) leading to 'being with' Finn to make things make more sense (5.2k) 🌷🔥
- Hamish -
Shut Up - Sadie and Hamish had a 'something' before she left for Casa Amor. So when she comes back hand in hand with his best friend… (2.8k+) 🌷🤡
Villa full of snakes The fallout of Hamish giving MC the necklace if she's also on a Marshall route. (>1k) 🌷🤡
🌷- Cute | 🔥 - Smutty | 🤡 - Funny |😖 Angst | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQIA+
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