#rocko Sesame Street
mceproductions · 2 years
MCE The Jaw Droppers #5: Even Elmo can get gaslit by Rocco.
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sol-draws-sometimes · 6 months
Maybe it’s my fear of not being believed but I literally can’t do comedy where the other person isn’t being believed. Straight up, at first I would get stressed when the Human Centipede clip was going around. Like, do you know how terrifying it is to be in a wild ass date where you think you’re in danger and the waiter notices but has they have to open their mouth so now you have lie. Or the Elmo Rocko memes like, OF COURSE ELMO’S DISTRESSED! I WOULD BE TOO! LIKE EVERYONE IS TELLING YOU THIS ROCK IS REAL WHEN IT’S NOT(and like yah I’m sure there’s nuance to the situation but like COME ON).
Or Bibi from La Familia Peluche, I remember liking the show as kid and I still do but like, fuck man, the borderline emotional abuse than girl goes through IS WILD. LIKE EVERYONE FUCKING TELLING YOU THAT YOU’RE NOT NORMAL AND FEELING LIKE YOU’RE GOING CRAZY. I remember rewatching La Familia Peluche in Highschool and like fuck man, that period episode. Or to this day I remember the scene where they were serving food and she started to eat first and her family chastised her so she stops but then they make her feel back cause she already started so now she just continue to eat it and like I’ve literally been in a similar situation. And for those who haven’t watched the show, the whole shitck is that this is an absurd world where everyone works on a different level and Bibi’s the only who reacts normally to our eyes(the comedic straight man to alot of the jokes), which leads to the iconic line “Bibi porque no eres una niña normal”(Bibi why aren’t you a normal girl) that is said in every episode. Which from a dramatic irony perspective that we the audience know she’s the only normal person, makes it a funny joke, but if you think about it too hard, it’s so fucking sad, I just can’t help but not fully enjoy the show cause I just constantly feel bad for her.
Fuck even watching HALF LIFE VR BUT THE AI IS SELF AWARE FUCKS WITH ME! Like yes I very much enjoy the series! But, most of the time I’m just feeling bad for Gordon, like fuck man, I’d react the same way, wouldn’t you. Like ESPECIALLY BENRY! MAN DID HE STRESS ME OUT! I genuinely felt so bad for Gordon!
And then this slides into how I can’t enjoy alot of comedy(especially cringe humor) cause even though I understand the joke and think it funny on paper, I just end up feeling too bad for the character to actually enjoy. And it’s awful because I’ll STILL watch the shows because I’m invested in the characters not the humor if that makes sense??? (Oh, Community/The Office, the hate love relationship I have with you).
Anyway, yes I’m so fun to watch comedy with, I literally can’t be in the same room from some scenes. And yes, all my favorite characters follow the Only Sane Man trope, why’d you ask?
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You got beef with...a rock
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ilyinterrobang · 2 months
Two years late to the Elmo/Rocko discourse but Elmo is so right
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my-muppet-art1224 · 5 months
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Day 7 of the muppetational may!
I called this one
Elmo revenge
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officialchristmaself · 8 months
guys it’s Elmo’s birthday
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la-dahlia · 2 years
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SESAME STREET | Elmo vs. Rocko
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ikilledgods · 2 years
My theory, and this is one that I've seen before is that all of the adults on Sesame Street treat Rocko as if he's not Zoe's imaginary friend, but actually alive because way back when, everyone thought Snuffelupagus was Big Bird's imaginary friend. Everyone was shocked and felt bad about how they had acted towards Big Bird about Snuffy after finding out he was actually real. This remains in all of the Sesame Street adult's minds with other "imaginary friends" while they are all pretty sure Rocko is just a rock, they don't want a repeat of the Snuffy situation.
While I believe all of this to be true, the way that everyone puts the needs of a rock, above the needs of monsters, specifically Elmo, is disgusting to me. Someone needs to sit down with Zoe and tell her that even though Rocko is her friend that she needs to make some compromises because, even as a three year old, she needs to learn that emotional manipulation of her friends isn't okay.
All of the adults are trying to do their best while taking care of Zoe's needs, but they need to do something to help Elmo and take care of his needs. Zoe and Elmo are both three years old and need to learn that other people have feelings and needs. Zoe knows that she can use Rock to get what she wants while also hurting Elmo, and she takes full advantage of that. The adults have a responsibility to teach Zoe that she is hurting Elmo because Sesame Street as a program has the responsibility to teach children that it is not okay to ignore the autonomy, needs, or feelings of another person.
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bryn-art-bin · 2 years
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had this drawing rotting in my folder for over a year, and i wanted to get it done. it's packed with an unneeded cluster of characters.
clouds are sloppy, i know. i'm never good at clouds. noise on the image is on purpose to give it a vintage poster feel.
ignore this if you want. i'd consider the quality to have degraded the longer i worked on this.
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thewondersofmorgan · 2 years
Mr Noodle (elmos world), Mr Bean and Borat are related and no I will not be elaborating and no I will not be taking questions.
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thegayallofus · 9 months
Just want to say, that Flint at Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 had more compassion for Berry the strawberry when he was afraid of them, then Elmo has for Rocko in any episode that Rocko was on (I watched them all).
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rococo-unofficial · 9 months
oh poor rococko.. ligma is a fatal disease that is incredibly rare ( percent chance)
-Dr. Brinson aka ligma anon
"Hold on why are you spelling my name like that??"
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mr-spotatohead · 1 year
Sorry for bothering you, but what would it be like if the human reader changed the channel to watch another puppet cartoon, for exemple: Sesame Street.
( Would Wally be jealous? What would happen? )
-Green Feeling.-
Welcome Home x Viewer!Reader
Words: 1,411
|Contains: Jealousy.|
Synopsis: You accidentally made friends with a TV character. You don't know how, why, or the motive for you to genuinely enjoy his company… Although… He is a bit… too attached to you. You like the puppet, the problem is that you are afraid of what he might do in a bad mood.
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You wouldn't say that you are childish… Yes, you like things related to a smaller audience, but that doesn't make you less mature. People find it strange when you spend your free time watching cartoons or children's shows, which interact with the audience. You never found this a problem, until recently. When you came home exhausted, and left a puppet show playing in the background you had never seen before, you decided to watch it. It was a normal show, with a blue-haired protagonist who likes to paint and talk to the audience.
You thought it was fun. Although you were almost drooling on the couch from sleeping. Even in this state you still enjoy interacting with the puppet's questions. Answering each one with a weariness combined with animation. You remember telling the TV your name, and it answering you with Wally. You remember literally talking to this character. It was a dream, it had to be, that's why you didn't give it much thought. It was very pleasant and nice. Until the next day you were sure you weren't dreaming. But still this character kept talking to you as if it was normal. Should you have reacted? Yes. And did you? … You still can't believe that you befriended a TV character, maybe you went crazy and didn't notice? Perhaps. But it doesn't hurt anyone, and honestly, you don't really care how it's possible. Now you were surfing the channels of your old television. Bored, you looked for something different to watch. The show your virtual friend was on wasn't on at the time, so you were looking for something to watch. And then you found something unexpected. Another puppet show. And it was one you used to watch a lot as a child! You couldn't help but put down the remote to watch this beautiful show called Sesame Street. So many memories quickly came back to you. You had this in love look on your face, really. A few episodes went by. And there you were, sitting on your couch with a big smile on your face. Laughing out loud between character interactions. You remember this episode, this scene now was the funniest part. It was a character interaction between Elmo and Zoe and the most real character possible… Rocko. You were holding in your laughter as you watched Elmo lose his temper with a rock. "You can't have that cookie, Elmo. Rocko wants to eat it." You had your hand over your mouth waiting for Elmo's response. Laughing a lot when you heard Elmo say that Rocko had no mouth. Whereas a few episodes ago, you saw Elmo get grossed out because he had accidentally grabbed Rocko's 'butt' instead of its hand. You started having a laughing fit, you had simply forgotten how good this series was. Not noticing the hours passing by, you continued to watch. One episode after another. Having fun with just one children's show.
Although you did notice something strange as the episodes went on. You knew that your TV was a little bad in quality, but you could see a strange silhouette in the background of the episode. Did the image of some scene burn in and stay there temporarily? Strangely enough. It was familiar. Letting the time pass a little longer, you came upon another familiar scene, laughing lightly and preparing to laugh out loud after a funny interaction again, realizing that the silhouette was gone. You started to laugh out loud, but you never thought your expression would change so quickly. You soon interrupted your laughter for a loud gasp as you were startled after the screen made a loud thudding sound, with a familiar character in front of it.
Your heart leapt so fast that you could have sworn you were going to throw it up. Coughing lightly as you looked at the glitchy screen with Wally in front of you, even though he had a smile on his face, he looked extremely angry. A little annoyed, you pinched the tip of your nose as you realized that it was only Wally, who had purposely hit the TV screen to scare you. Now you knew what or rather who that silhouette in the background was. Taking a deep breath, you huffed an irritated snort and leaned your torso forward. Speaking your displeasure. "Wally! That wasn't funny!" You let out a heavy breath as you watched the channel change on its own among the others until it reached the intro of Welcome Home. Ah yes, your virtual friend can control the channels on your TV. Not only that, but he can manipulate any electronic device within his reach. Your cable phone being one of them. Crossing your arms, you watched the intro go by and Wally appeared inside his house with his arms crossed too, with the same grumpy expression. You watched him tapping his foot on the floor impatiently. Watching you with an intensity that you had learned to get used to. "You know what else isn't funny?" The puppet finally spoke up, pointing an accusing finger at you, causing you to raise an eyebrow. "Replace me!" Wally accused you, his voice not as monotone as usual. It seems that this caught him in an unexpected way. You frowned sharply after his comment. "What?" You shook your head, not understanding. "Making me wait. That's not very neighborly of you, (Name)." Wally sighed loud enough for you to hear, you watched him walking in circles inside the small scenery on the TV. "I can't believe you decided on your own to watch something else when I was here!" Wally seemed to start talking to no one specific, since he had too much on his mind to look at you. That's when you realized. What time was it? Looking at the clock on the wall made you suck in breath through your teeth. Yeah… The time passed quickly. You looked back at the puppet on the TV, you frowned slightly. You knew Wally was a little… too clingy. You thought the reason was because no one really interacted with him. Literal. Since you were the first adult person not to avoid him after you found out he was real, you kind of became Wally's focus. Then you sighed, running your hand over your head. "Uhm… You're right, I really was late. I am sorry." You said looking at the character who stopped walking. "But you're exaggerating that I replaced you. I was just watching another show."
Although Wally was quietly watching you when you were speaking, your final words caused him to turn and move his arms around. "You were just watching another show?! (Name), you don't need another show to watch." The TV screen filled with glitches and you could no longer see the stage behind. Wally's figure was now close to the screen. Staring at you. "That show won't make you laugh like I do. That show won't cheer you up when you need it like I do." Wally raised his hand and touched the TV screen. His voice finally softened, along with his gaze. You swallowed dryly, looking at that puppet who had a great attachment to you. "(Name). I would give anything for your smile. So please, don't watch any other shows again." You stared at Wally in an awkward silence that made you sigh, a little nervous about the current situation. "Wally," You began, looking at the puppet who didn't break eye contact with you. "I'm not going to replace you or anything else you're afraid of. And if making you calmer means stopping watching other shows…. Then I guess I can do that." After you said that the TV went into a series of glitches that took a good few seconds, which made you a little worried. But then the screen soon returned to normal with the same classic Welcome Home scenario. And Wally had a big smile on his face. "Perfect! Well, now that this is settled. Tell me about your day!" Satisfied with your words, the puppet started a normal conversation. Making you try to ignore this situation. Well, your virtual friend is a bit demanding. But he is nice. It's easy to say that after this event you couldn't find another children's show on your TV, as if they mysteriously disappeared. Except, Welcome Home.
But this doesn't mean that you won't watch other shows and cartoons outside your home.
-no but, Elmo losing his shit over a rock is everything-
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lethalchiralium · 10 months
How would Simon react to meeting Winnie's first serious boyfriend when she was older? Like in high school?
Winnie was terrified at how her dad would react to meeting her boyfriend. She always told him that he wasn’t allowed to be mean or “play” with him - which meant bullying him until he cried, which he has done with possible boyfriends before. She spent a long time prepping her boyfriend for when he met Simon.
“Remember to be polite and-“
“Win,” her boyfriend smiled at her, squeezing her hand. “It’ll be okay. If he doesn’t like me, I’ll get over it.”
“We’re adults.”
They knocked on the door, Winnie remembered begging you to have you open the door instead of your husband, but Simon swung open the door.
Now, I have a vision for this. Winnie’s boyfriend, raising his hand to shake it with Simon’s and if you’ve ever heard the popular Sesame Street of “Say hi to Rocko, Elmo!” “Hello Rocko.” That is what this will be.
Winnie: Say hi to Ezra, Dad!
Simon, deadpan: Hello Ezra.
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yourfaveiskenough · 10 months
Rocko the pet rock from Sesame Street?(clearly a sentient being and not a rock, absolutely not)
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Rocco from Sesame Street is Kenough!
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