#Roche doesn't either
scorching-passion · 6 months
Somehow Genesis gets thrown through Roche's window and manages to stick the landing.
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Unprompted Asks - ALWAYS ACCEPTING @poeticphoenix
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It could be determined a lie if Roche was to say he wasn't beginning to grow rather concerned at this moment.
Between peeling flower peddlers away from windows and the sharp melody of shattering glass to reveal the flailing body of his superior now lodged in the overhead viewing gallery only one thought truly remained.
Whoever this house belonged to is going to be rather annoyed...
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tmntkiseki · 8 months
Things that are official TMNT 2003 canon
Leonardo has the longest list of favorite foods, including rice, fish, salads, apples, and pizza (funnily enough, the list doesn't include sushi, although Donatello says in his profile that it's one of his favorites, alongside pizza)
Leonardo hangs Japanese lanterns in his room to make it more relaxing. He's also the only turtle to sleep in a traditional Japanese futon.
Raphael is the only turtle who doesn't have pizza listed as one of/his favorite food. (His favorite food is cereal.)
He also insists that the original Jurassic Park book is better than the movie. (I mean isn't the book always better than the movie?)
Raphael sleeps in a hammock because "sleeping on a mattress is for wimps." It should be noted that there are pillows beneath it, meaning he probably falls out of it on a regular basis.
One of Donatello's nicknames is actually spelled "Donny," not "Donnie" as it tends to be within the fanbase.
Donatello keeps a photo of April in his room, stating "she's kinda nice to have around." (I don't ship 03 Apriltello for obvious reasons, but there's no denying he had a puppy crush on her.)
Michelangelo is a Jimmy Buffet fan while Donatello is stated to enjoy The Roches.
Michelangelo has a drum set in his room that he plays "all night." He also has a working jukebox.
April likes most music. Except opera. She doesn't like opera.
April's hobbies include antiquing, martial arts, reading, and "talking to interesting people."
Casey likes Mexican and Italian food, along with pretzels and... beverages. He was definitely going to say beer.
Casey also apparently likes Mike Hammer books.
Shredder's favorite colors, in his own words: "Purple, the color of royalty, as it befits me. Black, the color of the void that only I can fill. Red, as it flows from the lifeless bodies of my enemies!"
Oroku "Food is a disease" Saki
Either Hun has a sweet tooth or there's a big pun going on here because his favorite food? Pound cake. (He also wants you to just call him "sir.")
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eldritch-spouse · 2 months
How would the icons react if their head imps were dragging their (imps) lover’s clearly asleep body from the surface very much like a:
Icon:Whatcha got there? Imp:*Taking their s/o from the surface* A smoothie
[A sexy smoothie. *intense sweating*]
Rinx doesn't bat much of an eye. It's easy for him to assume that he himself asked for that person. " Is this one of mine? "
Naturally, it's a bit weird for him when Nena actively steps back before he can reach for the sleeping human, but he understands it when she wordlessly shakes her head and seems to sweat like a whore in a church. The enviroment of Greed must be getting to her. Well, so long as she doesn't mix you with his captured people of interest, everything will be fine.
Zizz hardly notices it. To be fair, Jayde is very quick about it, Zizz may sleep through the entire ordeal and only ask if someone's going to pick up the passed out human when he wakes up and senses you.
The moment he knows you belong to Jayde, Zizz is imparting knowledge on how to keep you asleep for longer periods of time and how to make sure your body doesn't get sores. Not that Jayde plans to keep you in a "sleeping beauty" state, but he appreciates the knowledge anyway.
Vesper is far too nosy. He's excited for Lacai, wants to know everything, wants to touch, to offer some toys and fabrics.
Apart from some light ribbing, the human is treated as sweetly as Vesper does his own semi-regular harem and Lacai is encouraged to bring them around more open areas to socialize. It's a pretty smooth process between the two of them, probably extremely bizarre to you.
Vorticia probably won't immediately notice an extra person running around. But it's probable she might sweep you up and either try to eat you or demand a guard take you to the kitchen areas, because some sloppy dumbass clearly let you escape.
This is why Eleri practically slaps a "DO NOT EAT" sticker right on your forehead early on. Vorticia doesn't really care what Eleri's going to do with you, but she'd be mildly happy to know they've found someone to love. She'll test you before allowing Eleri to introduce the princes and princesses to you.
Kalymir just laughs. He thought, for a second, that Roch was able to kill something! But no, he's too lazy to even do that.
He takes delight in terrorizing you whenever Roch is careless enough to let you wander, but otherwise doesn't care for you or what happens to you. Roch takes this as the mercy it is and simply tells you not to ever disturb the King. If Kalymir asks you something, you side with him always or provide the most violent answer possible to a problem.
Livius is very interested in what Flints happens to bring over. Which results in the imp racing away with you like a dog that stole a scrap of food off the table.
He's very insistent on having you two sit down and "talk" to him, which is mostly Livius just asking invasive questions and getting carefully shot down by Flints while eyeing you for a better answer. It's stressful. You're treated like an esteemed guest, but Livius is constantly picking and plucking at you to understand how your relationship works, or just to amuse himself.
Cero acts like Rieba is showing him a cockroach. You're dressed down to nothing and humbled to the floor without the King uttering a single word. You're filthy, and he wants you out of his sight, out of his mansion!
Rieba just... Doesn't want you to have to endure the trials of the Royal Household of Pride, so you will only hopefully have to deal with Cero once in a blue moon. Don't worry, you're not trash, you're amazing, she thinks you're the best! Cero just makes everyone feel like chewing gum on the underside of a table.
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unknown-lifeform · 5 months
You know the whole Roche is degrading thing hit hard but especially because when you go back and look at him before the Nibelheim fight... he didn't look like he was doing too great either. Looking back at it now, I can definitely say oh yeah, something was probably up, but while I was playing it never occurred to me. Idk if Square Enix actually pulled a good trick or if it only worked on me but it feels pretty neat
Like in Nibelheim he clearly looked like shit. It's so hard to get a good screenshot of this man because he's always fucking moving around but here is
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He looks bad, right? Here he is in a good pose too, not stumbling like he does in some moments, but he obviously looks exhausted
Meanwhile here is a screenshot of him in Under Junon, way before this
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Like... he already looked bad here. Massive bags under his eyes, and I don't know whether I'd say his cheeks look sunken they certainly don't look full either. Also he already had streaks of degradation white hair. The only thing the Nibelheim fight has that makes him look actively worse is the torn clothes, but that's it
But while it's kind of obvious in hindsight, it never hit me before Nibelheim? For starters, again this man never fucking stays still. That alone makes it hard to look at his face directly long enough to notice much. His lighter hair is degradation in hindsight, but also very easily passable as just tricks of the light. His face is thin, but it can also pass off as him just having particularly sharp features - although every other male character has much fuller cheeks, including characters meant to be thin and sharp like Reno, or more square and masculine like Rude. And he's far from the only character with visible eyebags, and it can even seem in character considering Remake showed us he was on night patrols, and he definitely seems like the kind of person who sleeps 3 hours a day and runs on caffeine and drama alone
No idea if he was already meant to end up with this role in Remake, but there's some moments that also seem intriguing there in hindsight. When he and Cloud have their on foot duel, Roche comments it's been a while since he fought off the bike, but that Roche is also as fast as he ever was, in a way that makes him seem almost relieved. It might be nothing, but it also might be that Roche was beginning to doubt his skills (reasonably he should have already noticed the first hints of degradation in Remake, given his hair was already losing color)
In fact, Roche's whole deal of chasing Cloud around desperately might also at least in part be due to him being aware he doesn't have so much time left and he'll better do his dueling while he can
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bomberqueen17 · 8 months
On the way home from work I was thinking about Rochr and Iorveth in your fic and remembered a question I had for you: there is this scene in which Roche gives an overtired and insomniac Iorveth a blowjob in a secluded room, there are knives involved, I think Breniriel is guarding the door? Anyway, Iorveth finally falls asleep and it is implied that Iorveth has been adapting poorly to feeling save and thus somehow feelt safe enough with Roche to fall asleep but not his friends /family?? I don't think they were even talking at this point in your fic, what did I miss?
Have a nice evening /day!
Well, so like, that's the premise of the fic. I'm not saying this to be an ass, this is a genuine response, because it is sort of an honor to have someone thinking about your work beyond even the time it takes to read it, but: That is the premise of the fic.
And either it works for you, or it doesn't. That's just... how fiction works. Do i think that in real life two traumatized people would actually hit it off just like that? Do I think it would work? Do I think it would be healthy? Do I think it would lead to long-term happiness for either or both of them?
I won't answer that, I will just leave that to sit for a moment. My answer is immaterial anyway, because the author's intent is only marginally relevant in some circumstances.
This is fantasy, critically, more broadly than fiction (is it a broader category? I think so). Like... one of them is an elf, and has a shapeshifting dragon as his leige and protector. Some other fantasy elements are even less realistic, but the idea is that they're plausible, for the purposes of fiction.
So this is kind of how fiction works, and fantasy in general. Do you accept the premise of this story? Do you find it plausible, for the purposes of this fictional exercise, that, to bring it specifically back to this story, two characters who have long been enemies, would find something in common like this? Two people who have been on opposite sides but were in the same conflict, who went through many of the same things, who, crucially, commanded others during this awful cataclysm of violence, who had to warp their own moral centers not only to survive but also to potentially damn others by their tragic, inevitable actions. Who have in the past bitterly fought, physically injured one another, murdered one another's comrades, and worse... but in this new peacetime, find, strangely, unexpectedly, compellingly (precedentedly, in reality!) that their former foe is the only one who truly understands what they've been through. And they can trust this former foe the way they can't trust others, because this foe gets it, because this foe knows what's at stake, fully understands what happened, has the same sense of both the fragility of society and the preciousness of its little contracts. Iorveth knows Roche would stab him in the face, not the back, and that is a kind of trust. The whole underpinning of this ship is that in the video game there's a scene where one can best the other, and in each decision tree the loser says unhinged shit about how if they have to die they're perversely glad that at least it was the other who is doing it. Because that other understands what it's worth, and is a worthy foe.
That's it, that's the ship manifesto, LOL.
So-- that's the exercise of the story, trying to draw the reader along to find this as plausible-- I did not say realistic! Plausible-- as possible. The art lies in underpinning it with realistic detail here and there-- including that after many wars in real life history, the veterans of the conflict have found more in common with their opposing veterans than with the civilians of the side they fought for-- and so on and so forth. To make it vivid, to make it relatable, to make the fantasy compelling.
And if the premise doesn't work, then the story doesn't work. That's fine, not all art is for everyone. But that's how it is. Either you accept the premise, and it works, or you don't, and you go find something else that works better for you. This is no judgement on anybody, you or me or anyone, that's just how fantasy works. A reader brings as much to it as the author, and takes as much away, and while there's an element of skill on the part of the author, a large part of it is just going to be the reader's response. Things will or won't work for you and there's nothing wrong with that, it's just another of the ways fantasy works.
(I don't know if you've missed anything, I haven't reread that scene in quite some time because I'm still working on sequels and that takes up a lot of my energy and time; same reason I rarely respond to comments, I just don't have time to both do that and make new works. I do think the blowjob with knives is a separate scene from the passing out with knives but I don't recall exactly either. It's kind of a long story. If you think you missed something, try rereading it? But if that doesn't compel you, then it's really no skin off my nose if you don't! It's fine! I'm not offended, I just don't know how else to answer that question. I don't remember the scene that well. I wrote it like a year ago or more. But I'm well aware the premise of it doesn't work for everyone, which is why there are so many people writing so many different stories.)
LOL I have more to say on this topic because I got a faintly ridiculous comment on a story recently on kind of a loosely related concept, but this is getting long and I should address it separately. Suffice to say, you got a long reply here because I have been spending some time thinking about fiction, what it is and isn't, and how it works.
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sassaffrassa · 7 months
insisting that i can write things longer than drabbles, untitled Western pwp is now titled:
“You know, for such a short-lived people, one would think you'd’ve learned to fear death,” the bandit says, depositing Roche carelessly on the ground. Roche staggers, uncommonly graceless, head still ringing from the Nilf’s blow. He feels bruised all over from the fall too, ribs creaking when he breathes too deep.
“For such a– a bloody— old people, you’d think you’d’ve learned how gravity works,” he says, putting a hand on his head, where he can feel sticky blood matting his hair. It's not the worst he’s ever had, but it’ll be a bitch to clean out. He hisses when he finds the raised welt just above his ear. “Fuckin’. Two-faced Nilf bastards.”
He doesn't know where they are. Somewhere between Maribor and Sodden, where the desert turns to canyons, and the bandit has dropped them off in a hollow crevice between the rocky outcroppings
“I just saved your life,” the bandit says. Roche can hear him rolling his eyes. “Stop touching that and sit down.”
He’d tied up his horse and put spark to a fire while Roche wasn't paying attention, small and low, to fight off the dropping desert temperatures. Roche is leery of starting a fire in the wilds, given the possibility of roving bandits, but actually— well the roving bandits are already here, aren't they. Besides, given the cavern walls rising on either side of them, it's unlikely that anyone might spot the light and come looking for them.
“You,” Roche says, refusing to sit, “threw me off a bloody train, that's what you did.”
You say you're afraid, tell me not to frown Play a song, you dance around Yippee yo ki yay, we'd hit the ground Still tumblin' down
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somajean · 5 months
D and brothers for characters opinion bingo. SA too if you want
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D is going not only in a salad grinder but a meat grinder too. No quarter. No mercy. He's a horrible selfish person who does what he does for money rather than his actual emotions, unless he is angry and killing people. He's the worst character in the series, I'd say worse than SA who for all his autism and cruelty is at least doing things for a solid reason. I'd fuck him just to make him upset about it, neither of us would be happy.
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The better D. That's what I'm talking about! Bingo, baby boy! There's many things wrong with twin D, but he accepts them and works with them. He doesn't want to be a homicidal maniac, but if that's his fate then oh well! Why not lean into it! We should have had both survive.
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Turbo Bastard Lawrence Valcua. I would not survive ten seconds in his presence. I would try to climb him like a tree, and fail, but by God would I try. He's beautiful. Wonderful. Horrible. Petty, spoiled, disgraced and prideful all at once. A horrible man who in his final moments understood the assignment perfectly.
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RO CAM BOOOOOOOOOLE @viralvava hey it's ya boy. Bastards count, so big brother Roch counts. He's a cannibal, he has a code of conduct, he was too dangerous to be allowed freedom and D immediately gave him a fair fight. I respect him, even if he isn't my primary blorbo.
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Byron.... baby boy, baby. He didn't deserve it. But he had to die to stay who he was. It hurts my heart, but I think it was ultimately necessary. If D was better at his fucking job then Byron would still be alive. Would cuddle and hold, for ever and ever.
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Equal Love. That was his motto.
...Whore. Abwhorrent actually. I think the fandom misunderstands SA a little bit. He's evil. He's atrocious. He does horrible things. But he does it for a reason- and he knows affection. He knows love. He doesn't understand either one, the autistic ass, but he knows them. When you live as long as he does, everyone will eventually die. Hastening their deaths in the sake of progress may be a worthy sacrifice for a God to make- but it's unthinkable to we, the sacrificed.
I don't think he's all bad. I really don't.
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Dear Witcher fandom! As members of the same community, we would like to warn you about an individual who had been harassing and bullying multiple members of the fandom, artists and otherwise, for several months now.
Her name is Marina, she goes by MarinaMart, MarinaKD MarinaMKD29 and many variations of thereof. She's active on here, on Instagram, on Twitter and Reddit and if you don't wish to be harassed and bullied, I highly recommend blocking any url that vaguely resembles that name. Her current URL is @marinamd29
Her handle on Reddit is MarinaKD29, and on Twitter it's MartMarina29. She doesn't behave any different on these platforms, and there are some screenshots of her behavior on these platform in the folder, as well.
She ships Vernon Roche with Ciri and if you create content, reblog content or even like content of either of these characters being shipped with someone other than each other (but especially wlw ships for ciri and mlm ships for roche), you have a chance to receive harassment, both anonymous and otherwise.
She has an obvious bias towards queer couples, constantly spewing homophobic remarks on both her twitter and her blog. Some screenshots of that are available in the folder.
People she's harassed so far include, but are not limited to: @bookcalanthedaily , @calamari-kestis, @sebdoeswords, @xejune, @lakka-arts, @tallfroggie and many more. Most notably however, Froggie is a TEEN whom Marina sent unsolicited sexually explicit GIFs of her ship.
HERE is a full Google Folder including TENS of screenshots with the proof of her continued harassment, including anonymously submitted stories. They are NOT organized, because there is just so many. To add to that, there is Marina's harassment of people on Reddit and Twitter, that I have only included a couple of, but I am happy to provide more to anyone who asks.
Important!! DO NOT fall for her false narrative. None of us have harassed her for her ship. None of us have even interacted with her first (except for myself, when it was brought to my attention a design for a book character was copied from me and I politely requested credit for inspiration she took from my design) and we do NOT 'cancel her' for her ship. All of us were just creating/enjoying ships we like and it is her the harassment comes from.
Why make this post?
Because she's been given a chance to rectify her behavior over and over again. It became apparent, that she has been doing it to multiple people, multiple smaller communities within the Witcher fandom and over multiple platform. She is NOT changing.
Why not block her?
We have! She continues making new blogs, sending messages anonymous and otherwise going around the block to continue her harassment.
Why not ignore her?
We have! For months! Recent events have just been a straw that broke the camel's back.
Why have some of you been rude to her?
We admit, some of us didn't act very kindly towards Marina; it has been a response to watching her harass other people, often our friends, within the fandom. We do not claim to be completely crystal clear. But it has only ever been as a reaction to her bad behavior. Please note, that in no instance were we ever the ones to reach out to her first, or interact with her blog in any way, shape or form.
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quietbluejay · 5 months
The Last Church
Bluejay once again sallies forth to deal with her nemesis! (McNeill) He somehow managed to replicate the feeling of wanting to get into an argument with people Being Wrong On The Internet
nah he's not my writer nemesis that's probably Roche or Roberts. Love to post my transformers salt one of these days...
This is far from the worst prose I've seen from McNeill. It actually feels strangely bereft of purple.
so Uriah in his misspent youth stole a clock that's apparently counting down to doomsday seems kind of not appropriate to stick something you stole in your church after you found religion, but what do i know and at two minutes to midnight, a visitor arrives
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girl help they are not sending their best there's a lot to complain about here but i don't even know if i should bother
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I'm getting a headache
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He really is a reddit atheist
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liar GIRL HELP THEY ARE NOT SENDING THEIR BEST okay you know that feeling when you really want to get into an argument with someone online but you have to be so brave about it and walk away from the computer that's how i'm feeling rn tldr priest tells the story of the miracle of the lightning stone, emperor goes "it was probably paradoleia (sp?) and also sometimes lightning can cure people of blindness" emp continues mocking him the people who described it as "the emperor bullies an old man and then burns down his church" are 100% correct
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[press x to doubt]
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only religious people emperor ever talked to are protestants, got it
im wheezing here lmaoooo this is your example
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IM CACKLING i think the emperor is. very stupid. hey neoth hey answer me what did you call your initiative to conquer the galaxy to unite all of humanity again? and how did you operate it? and with the goal of purging it of…what, again? like even ignoring historical inaccuracies as much as it pains my soul to let these things pass by EVEN IGNORING THAT those shamans were dead dog drunk when they made the emperor
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this is a comedy
but also it's very annoying that the priest is not able to refute him on basic stuff and also. it makes the emperor look. very stupid. either that or you assume the emperor is just making stuff up to bully an 80 year old man
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hey so like what are you about to do to someone who disagrees with your view on cosmology?
is it crack? is it crack that you smoke?
but yeah this is so frustrating i am begging you give the poor priest ONE GOOD REFUTATIONNNNNN i don't care if the emperor brushes it aside that's not the point here anyways Uriah finally is Done and begins the Mass only to get interrupted by the Emperor going "there's no one here" bluh
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I'm laughing so hard here I needed that ahhahahahahahahaha i feel like i should pull up the excerpt of the iterators from Horus Rising oh yeah so the Emperor reveals that "you thought it was God who saved you, but it was I, DIO!" uriah goes noooo ok fine u win my life is a lie but then
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then the emperor destroys the church and talks about his grand ambitions to conquer the galaxy
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as opposed to everyone else, who thought they were wrong im sorry i was weak i gave in to the bait
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so, that was The Last Church i needed that laugh
In summary: -anti-religion that's basically just Anti-Catholicism as seen by someone whose only exposure to religion was American Protestantism which is pretty much most reddit atheists so a point to McNeill for accuracy there
like okay. I Will Be Fair this guy (the priest) got very little theological education and who knows how much actual history given the length of time BUT ALSO AS A HUMAN I JUST REALLY WANT SOMEONE TO TELL THE EMPEROR OFF
what if i i write my own version….but no, i shouldn't…haha…but…what if…. Emperor has the arguments of a 19 year old redditor and the debate skills of one too If you are a 19 year old redditor reading this post, this doesn't apply to you unless you are specifically the kind of atheist redditor who goes to religion subs and picks fights.
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altocat · 1 year
It's a slow day at work. Lazard has met all the deadlines, there are no emergencies and the budget balance doesn't have a minus sign in front of the digits.
Sephiroth, Angeal and Genesis are cozily curled up on a sofa on the right side of Lazard's office, pretending to work. Sephiroth is reading about Arctic foxes, Genesis is browsing comments on Red Leather webpage and Angeal is playing Candy Crush.
The door swings open and they hear Roche's voice
"Have you guys ever tried street racing?"
Sephiroth and Genesis immediately bolt behind him through the doorway, leaving a massive flaming crater in their wake, visibly shoving and smacking at each other before the elevator closes and descends.
Angeal looks to Lazard, a thousand years of torment lining his face, a Greek tragedy. He rubs between his eyes and sighs heavily, trudging slowly after them. "I'll call an ambulance on standby."
Lazard says nothing, watching the window, staring down at the tiny specks beginning to gather together below. He can faintly make out the glint of Sephiroth's silver hair, and the squished sight of Genesis being run over by Roche in the middle of an overly eager debate. He briefly considers retirement. But why bother? These walking sleep paralysis demons will follow him either way.
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fobnatura1 · 7 months
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fob natural 2024 masterlist
And that is a wrap! Here is the master post for all the contributions for this year's fobnatural bang. You can also check out the collection here on ao3. Thank you to everyone who participated!
room for one more troubled soul fic by  an_ardent_rain and art by z
One chance meeting with Dean Winchester changes Castiel's life forever. They're reluctant partners, then friends, then something more. But every step forward is two steps back with Dean, and as much as Castiel wants him, it always feels like he's just out of reach. Then one day when they're supposed to meet, Dean doesn't show up. He doesn't call. Something, Castiel knows, is wrong. If there's one person in the world Dean would come out of the woodwork for, it's his little brother Sam. So Castiel drives to California to get Sam and get his help finding Dean. [human!au, non-linear road trip fic, feat. sam and cas as awkward reluctant pals and an absent dean]
Hurricane Heat fic by HeyAssButt (D_O) on ao3/Castiel_TFW on Twitter and art by Fandomite on Threads and Discord.
Dean didn't know what to make of the strange tension between this strung-out Cas and his very own clone, but one thing is for sure: He's gonna kill the devil! And nothing, not even a pesky little thing like being in the wrong universe with a pining angel, was going to stop him.
One More Time fic by GhoulsnHalos (Morgawse) and art by @milfycas
The Winchesters have saved the world again—Chuck is defeated. That's what the media headlines would say, if they had known about God's plans for the planet. So, why does Dean think everything still feel wrong six months later? It's obvious, isn't it? Castiel is dead because of him. Jack, the last time Dean saw him, is not acting like himself. Can he fix it or has Dean finally screwed things up forever? Castiel is content with cashing in his deal. He saved Dean, which is really all that matters. The only problem is that once again, he can't behave like every other being in the Empty. He's awake and having strange conversations with the Cosmic Entity about setting not just this place but the balance of creation to rights. What the heck does that mean?
My Sanctuary, You're Holy to Me fic by theseancequeen, art by @butterfleaz
Post series finale. Dean and Cas are on a mission to a cemetery in New Orleans. They haven't talked since either of them returned. As they find themselves trapped in St. Roch, revelations about their past, and feelings about each other, will come to light. Part of the Fall Out Boy-natural Bang Style Event.
Your Best-Kept Secret (And My Biggest Mistake) fic by butterflyslinky, art by deancodedcastielenby
The Angel Tablet broke through all the mind-control and unlocked many long-lost memories, centering on the demon Castiel had known forever but had also always just met.
Blackout Curtains, fic by Celestial_Starlight, art by spn_fanfic_reblog_writes
John Winchester died last year, torn to shreds by a werewolf. Dean killed the monster and dropped out of high school, taking Sammy on the run. Since then, Dean’s had weekly nightmares of being chased by monsters until a black-haired boy in a trench coat emerges from the shadows and protects him. After Sam gets injured fighting off a nest of vamps, he and Dean hole up in a motel for a few days. Dean notices someone watching them – someone who looks strikingly similar to the boy in his dreams. He confronts the boy, Castiel, who tells them Dean’s nightmares are turning lethal. Sam is ecstatic to have a new friend, one who’s an angel no less, but Dean doesn’t trust Cas, no matter what he says. Cas challenges his superiors and risks everything for the brothers, forcing Dean to rethink the person he’s told himself he is and the life he’s carved for him and Sam, as well as the future he might have with Cas.
choose love or sympathy (but never both) fic by thebatmandiaries and art by Reverie
No one knew. And no one was going to know. Dean was not in a relationship, and as far as the public was concerned, he never will be.
That was showbiz, after all.
Welcome to Hollywood, the home of the rich and famous. Where secrets are made to be kept, no matter what.
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stillness138 · 8 months
for the character ask game: Vernon Roche
i gotta think about this! thank you
first impression: i actually remember this pretty well because witcher 2 was my first exposure to the franchise. i think i felt pretty much what i was supposed to feel though; "this guy imprisoned me but seems more sensible than the goons he employs". i liked his matter-of-fact but clearly proud and protective attitude towards Ves and his putting the key on the table and walking away like 'surely Geralt will manage'.
impression now: i still like him! surprisingly, cdpr writes original characters with really commendable nuance. of course, if Iorveth is to be believed word for word, Roche is responsible for carrying out hate crimes (he doesn't deny the accusations Iorveth makes, so i think that's just fact), and yet he shows time and time again that he really is more sensible than most. compare him to Rayla - also a special forces leader - and see the difference. Roche lacks the outright bloodthirst or really even the prejudice; it seems to me that he does his job and obeys Foltest without objection because he sees it as doing something worthwhile with his life, considering how he grew up. he and Iorveth contrast and parallel each other in fascinating ways.
favorite thing about him: his relationship towards Ves, because he clearly values her as an employee and as a person. his relative level-headedness. and the unpacked daddy issues that are most definitely there even if he won't talk about it. that part of him is sadly the most relatable to me. i also enjoy his humor, whether intentional or not. "emhyr var emreis, spice merchant" bursting into the elven baths while Triss is trying her hardest to seduce Geralt, fucking comedy gold.
least favorite thing about him: apart from the hate crimes? i think most of my issues that relate to him are metatextual - because the entire political landscape and plotline of witcher 3 sucks ass. maybe he could've held back the cops that beat Geralt though ngl.
favorite line/scene: "And we did. For three days. Then they smashed us into splinters." again, as much as i dislike the politics in witcher 3, this bit stands out to me. maybe also because it's punctuated by a reprise of the second game's main theme, in 3's instrumentation and a much more somber mood. good scene. that and the funny bits. "Some professional you are..."
favorite interaction he has with another character: it should be mainly credited to Letho's absolutely hilarious one-liner, but their little reunion at Kaer Morhen always gets a chuckle out of me. the entire interrogation at the beginning of witcher 2 is up there too.
a character that i wish he would interact with more: in the second game, elves in general. he mostly proves he's not completely shit-headed in context, but it would've been interesting to see him have a conversation with someone like Cedric. third game should've had Iorveth, we all know that.
another character from another fandom that reminds me of him: i know 5 things, but if i had to make a comparison... general Tullius from Skyrim? both are very capable and dedicated servants of a government despite its obvious failures and both show a noticeable sensibility or even calm you perhaps wouldn't expect. both have a badass lady as their right-hand person, too.
a headcanon about him: he hates the smell of cheap alcohol. childhood reminder. i also think he has a notable appreciation for architecture. can't remember if he actually comments on Loc Muinne in any way but somehow it feels like a thing he'd do. and i think it's pretty much canon that his hair color is towards light brown? or have i been living with fanon for far too long. either way, yeah, dirty blonde or warm light brown, super short on the sides.
a song that reminds of him: Shadowplay by Joy Division, in a way. first verse about beginning to serve Foltest, second verse about Foltest's and Temeria's fall. "but i could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all left" versus "and we did, for three days, then they smashed us into splinters".
an unpopular opinion about him: i famously dislike shipping him with Iorveth and i'm actually yet to see a good Roche ship. but the real hot take is that he doesn't need one. did i just say aroace Vernon Roche? maybe.
favorite picture: i'm sorry, but it's gotta be this one. on a more serious note, i always liked this piece of fanart a lot too. he gets to be cool.
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randoimago · 1 year
Hi! Can I request general relationship headcanons for Biggs, Reeve Tuesti and Roche from FF7? Thanks!
General Relationship Headcanons
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7
Character(s): Biggs, Reeve Tuesti and Roche
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): You got it!!
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When he's tired and comes home, he likes to just lay next to you and rest his body weight on you. He teases you slightly if you're unable to hold him up due to his body weight, but he makes it so he doesn't crush you.
Tells you about different missions and stuff he has with Avalanche, but keeps a lot of the details under wraps. He doesn't want to worry you too much if a mission could really go sideways.
Biggs does like to do little acts of service for you. You could be dead tired and he'd tuck you into bed then go to cleaning your house, trying to be quiet as he sweeps or does the dishes.
He's pretty good with being emotional support or an anchor for his S/O. He's good at listening and he's rather attentive to your troubles. Does his best to give comfort and encouragement when needed.
Leaves small gifts for his S/O. Not all of them say they're from him either, but you know. He might not even be around when you open the present, but wherever he is, he has a small smile on his face imagining your reaction.
Reeve's would also like to engage in different debates with you on different topics. He likes speaking about logic and so if you provide him a scenario or try to stump him with how intelligence doesn't work in the theory, then he'll be glad to have a debate with you.
Constantly likes to take you out on his motorcycle. He likes the rush and having you cling to his back really makes him happy. Probably likes speeding and going extra fast just to see your reaction, but if it really scares you then he slows down, pouting a bit.
Lot's of spontaneity from him. You could be getting ready for bed when he suddenly shows up, knocking on your window, and telling you to get dressed cause he wants to take you out. You never know when he'll be ready to suggest some random date idea.
Honestly, Roche doesn't care about who sees you and him together. He'll gladly just pick you up and throw you over his shoulder, stating that he's going on a date with his S/O while flipping up any Shinra that are supposed to go on a mission with Roche instead.
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eldritch-spouse · 10 months
Which OCs would stare at you while you sleep?
Most of them, honestly. Many monsters don't sleep as often or as long as humans do, thus it's not too unlikely that you'll wake up with 90% of them staring at you from time to time. Here's some that come to mind:
Roch, Zizz and Katia. Come on, they're slothful demons, it's kind of part of their nature to either participate in your dreams, alter them, or at least feed on you during these periods.
Grimbly. Sometimes he's just perched from a high place and those glowing magenta orbs will be boring holes into you throughout the night until he either falls alseep as well or gets up.
Stitches. Because sometimes Patches turns during his sleep next to you (which is already a fleeting occurrence), and Stitches will observe your peaceful slumber for a short while before startling you awake.
Nebul doesn't rest so much as he quietly rests, still awake but vastly inattentive to most facets of his surrounding. He enjoys spacing off to the sight of you peacefully resting.
Fank-e has many quiet things he can do while you're asleep, and he's not likely to keep uninterrupted watch of you the whole night, but he'll frequently make stops to watch over you for several minutes, checking on vitals and other biological readings he can gleam with a soft touch or two.
Breg just wants to hug you the whole night like a teddy bear. And sure, his limbs might get a little sore at some point, but he's determined to enjoy every moment when he doesn't actually need to rest. It doesn't help that, without visible eyes, sometimes you really can't tell if he's asleep or not.
Shags wakes up often, and he gets up much earlier than you too. In fact, he looks forward to getting up earlier precisely because he can gaze at your sleeping form, and hopefully sketch you. He has a collection of fast practice sketches that consist of you sleeping in different portions, with different clothes.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
Mulder Loses Children While Scully Frees Them
In S1, Mulder clings to the nightmares and recovered memories of his sister's abduction, warping his life around finding her again. Scully spends S1 mitigating his fervor, especially when he pushes other children beyond their limits to find the Truth (Ruby Morris in Conduit and Michelle Bishop in Born Again.)
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(The EVE twins, D.P.O., and the Calusari child don't count because they were villains.)
In S3, Mulder loses Amy Jacobs briefly before Lucy Householder dies in her place, both incidences creating a heavy blow to his self-belief. Scully tries to reconcile him to that loss; and later protects and saves Kevin Kryder, reigniting her own version of faith.
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In S4, Mulder vainly tries to cling to a clone of his sister; but listens to and is comforted by Scully's attempts to help him let go of this failure-- which later leads him to draw parallels between their shared present and their could-be future in Home: "I never saw you as a mother before."
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Continuing on with S4's Samantha wounds, Mulder loses two more links to his sister: a possible lead with Roche and another fractured but faulty memory of the family secrets. The pieces of his shattered losses are, again, up to Scully to help gather put back together.
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S5 Mulder loses Emily, which he believed (then) was the last chance for Scully-- and by extension, him-- to have a child; but Scully lets her die, seeing it as the only way she can protect her little girl.
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Scully also frees Polly Turner from her cursed doll
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before returning to her daughter's tragic arc in All Souls, where she finally releases Emily (and Paula), listening to her daughter and giving up that last tie to her girl.
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Mulder, meanwhile, cannot accept the comfort of a peaceful visitation, waiting another two years before his star-dusted sister brings him her heavenly closure.
(Gibson Praise doesn't count, either, because both Mulder and Scully lose him and reunite with him in later seasons, null-and-voiding their interactions and failures.)
The IVF arc fits here somewhere, with Mulder losing another chance at a family (but unwilling to give up that hope, as usual) while Scully lets the dream go for her peace's sake.
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In S6 Mulder loses the demon baby that Scully (and he) had inadvertently allowed to escape; and Scully protects Trevor from his psychotic (but adoring) father.
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In S7, Mulder almost loses his inner child until Scully calls him back to himself, her efforts freeing him from the delusions of his fading mind. He fails to save brains-eating Rob and the speedster teens--
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but is given a short but unburdening reprieve when meeting his own lost girl aglow in afterlife stardust.
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Unfortunately, it doesn't last long; and Mulder is swept along in the final heavy losses of S7: Chimera Ellen Adderley's baby, Theresa Hoese's baby, and his own baby-- all three taken from their children and locked up, perhaps permanently, far away.
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S7 Scully, as mentioned, saves Mulder's inner child; and she's also busy reuniting Frank Black with his daughter, loosely helping Ritchie Lepone get well (through a corroborative effort), and saving Nan Wieder from a magic man bent on revenge. The last and most personal of these rescues is happenstance: coincidentally protecting her own child (from who knows what possibility) by staying in D.C.
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S8 in redemption for them both: Mulder breaks his pattern by not losing another child-- despite almost losing their son by either his reckless actions (getting abducted, getting "killed", getting executed in the DOD, getting trapped with alien ooze on an oil rig, and almost getting shot by Alex Krycek) or his inane choices (sending the baby and Scully far away from his protection.) Scully has learned in Mulder's absence that some things cannot be given up or "freed", adapting her partner's ways into her own by filling his shoes. The decisions she made for Emily are vastly different than the ones she makes for her son (and her work and her partner.)
At the close of Existence, the family is whole: Mulder has, at last, justified his capabilities to himself (his fear at the FBI vs. his complete confidence back in Scully's apartment) and Scully has proven her own strength to herself in the face of possibly paralyzing loss, beating it back ("It's MINE") and triumphing with their miracle still in her arms.
She hands off William to her partner, proving her complete trust in him; Mulder holds William comfortably, loosely, at ease and unafraid of his family's future.
William is proof: of their love and their ability to overcome.
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(...And, of course, S9 does not happen to eradicate their progress by repeating the pattern of Mulder losing another child and Scully letting another one go....
And of course, the Revival does NOT happen to double back and reinforce that pattern, again, with Mulder losing and Scully giving up the SAME child that was purged from their life twice in favor of their newer, younger model.
Because that would undermine the progress of the original arc, now wouldn't it?
And that would be a shame.)
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cbfanny · 4 months
Personaly...i don't like ciri so-
So you obviously don't like Roche/Ciri either. Don't worry, this is the typical and only opinion about this ship. No one can like them.
okay but who cares what i think ? Why do you care ? do what makes u happy as long as it doesn't do actual harm . shipping 2 fictional character is far from the worst thing i have seen online. not likeing ciri is just personal opinion . don't let it influance you .
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