#Roland Voss
antonlaub · 2 years
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Bucharest, The Museum of Recent Art / MARe, exhibition detail view, 5 color prints on wood 60x60cm, 2 b/w prints on wood 187,5x125cm
SEE WHAT. Photography in Romania after 2000 - a group exhibition curated by Michele Bressan and Ioana Iuna Serban
With works by: Lucian Bran, Michele Bressan, Valeriu Catalineanu, Ioana Cirlig, Bogdan Girbovan, Emoke Kerekes, Anton Roland Laub, Virgina Lupu, Andrei Mateescu, Patricia Morosan, Andrei Nacu, Mihai Sovaiala
The show opens with a catalogue launch on February 8 at 7 pm and goes through May 8, catalogue texts by Michele Bressan, Erwin Kessler and Ioana Iuna Serban.
Catalogue and poster design: Mihai Sovaiala
One of my concerns is the mnemonic function of places, how memories are bound to places. Mobile Churches is about dictatorial fantasies that became urban realities, it is a critical inventory aiming at revealing a lesser-known yet dramatic urban and political chapter in Bucharest of the 1980s. Ceaușescu’s ‘systematization’ program is in full swing in the Romanian capital: one-third of the historic center – including churches and synagogues –  has been wiped out to make way for imposing buildings and wide avenues intended to honor the regime. It is said to be the largest peacetime destruction in Europe. Despite Ceaușescu’s particularly dogged approach towards sacral buildings, seven churches are spared and undergo a process as incredible as it is absurd: they are lifted and placed on rails, then moved and hidden behind housing blocks, while several other buildings - such as the Polish Synagogue - got hermetically surrounded and thus masked by propagandistic panel buildings. Withdrawn from the cityscape, interpolated in the disparate architecture that shapes Bucharest’s urban landscape today, they live secret lives, holding unresolved memories of the past.
The photo book Mobile Churches is the first part of my trilogy, published in 2017 by Kehrer Verlag, Heidelberg. Two essays, "Mobile Churches. The non-sense of history" by Sonia Voss, and "City on Rails" by Lotte Laub accompany the photo series.
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my-2phetalia · 2 years
Character’s POVS I’ll write from:
Listed from most to least headcanons currently-
2p Prussia / Klaus Beilschmidt
2p Poland / Mikolaj Łukasiewicz
2p Romania / Andrei Popescu
2p Hungary / Laci Héderváry
2p Switzerland / Voss Zwingli
2p Liechtenstein / Luise Zwingli
2p Estonia / Egon Von Bock
2p Slovakia / Alexej Kováč
2p Czechia / Eliska Novakova
2p S Italy / Flavio Vargas
2p Austria / Roland Edelstein
2p Belarus / Natasha Arlovskaya
2p Lithuania / Tomas Lorinaitis
2p Portugal / Miguel Pinto Ferreira
2p Latvia / Guntars Galante
2p Japan / Kuro Honda
2p France / François Bonnefoi
2p Spain / Santiago Carriedo
2p Russia / Viktor Braginsky
2p Germany / Lutz Beilschmidt
2p N Italy / Luciano Vargas
The way I present the 2p’s and their universe is that the same countries exist, but history has worked differently creating different events that didn’t happen in the 1p (essentially our) history and vise versa. The 2ps in this universe aren’t ‘insane’ or bloodthirsty, their war torn and many traumatized by war.
This blog takes place in a time where the surviving 2ps have moved to the 1p universe after coming to an agreement of (relative) peace.
The rest of the 2ps are there i just don’t have enough headcanons to write for their pov, feel free to request what headcanons I have for them though.
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distinktionsfetzen · 3 months
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Check out Jan Voss, Roland Garros French Open (1992), From ArtWise
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diariodonic · 1 year
Nesse componente, aprendemos o significado da tradução, que não se limita apenas a tradução de uma língua para a outra, mas também de uma cultura para a outra, de uma forma de linguagem para a outra, de uma mídia para a outra, etc. Usamod como embasamento teórico estudos de tradução de Roman Jackbson e Julio Plaza, estudos de adaptação de Linda Hutcheon, etc.
O Projeto Integrador do terceiro semestre foi Tradução, então usamos toda a base teórica das aulas de Tradução para a construção do nosso projeto. O tema do meu projeto foi uma análise intersemiótica do fashion show Voss (2001) de Alexander McQueen, expondo a relação da moda, literatura e tradução, utilizando como base teórica estudos sobre intersemiótica de Roman Jakobson e Júlio Plaza, tradução inspiracional de Gottlieb, estudos sobre moda de Roland Barthes e teorias da adaptação de Linda Hutcheon. O objetivo é trazer uma visão crítica de como se deve a tradução de inspirações e referências do designer para seus looks.
Apresentação do projeto no evento Integrador do Campus da UNISO.
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pinkmonsimblr · 3 years
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I finally got around to the last baby daddy wall. Decided to make a mini room dedicated to the mothers of the challenge with all their urns. That’s not creepy at all... Lol. Let’s do one final roll call for all 74 official sperm donors and 2 honorable mentions for the bonus babies. 🤣
Generation 1, Sunny: Bjorn Bjergsen, Caleb Vatore, Arun Bheeda, Marcus Flex, Akira Flex (Kibo), Dominic Fyres, Luciano Garcia, Connor Pearce, Don Lothario, Reggie Steinberg, Finley Frost, and Colten Munch.
Generation 2, Holly: Billy Capricciosa, Jamal Shipman, Roland Salcedo, Warren Felton,Talon Linares, Rodney Delta, Daniel Reyes, and Elias Gallegos.
Generation 3, Pearl: Nioe Lin, Franklin Romeo, Devon Fraser, Jacoby Huntington, Adrian Holley, Mathias Ewing, Dennis Pancakes, Makoa Kealoha, Alika Kahananui, and Iker Villareal.
Generation 4, Zoey: Allen Rosa, Eduardo Pearce, Jose Barfield, Shingo Yamaguchi, Alton Voss, Genji Sakamoto, Markus Abraham, Elliott Farris, and Flint Walnut.
Generation 5, Journey: Ayden Hecking, Darrel Charm, Tomax Collette, Shea Bjergsen, Cameron Fletcher, James Adachi, Harrison Rosa, Noel McCain, Oliver Smith, Dan Clemons, and Zachary Vatore.
Generation 6, Scarlett: Brock Burroughs, Dion Shockley, Raymond Longoria, Arthur Simmons, Herman New, Fred Thurman, Jet Rider, Salem Maplewood, Eric Dawson, Alexander Perez, Finneas Pumpkin, and Charlie Hunt.
Generation 7, Elsa: Knox Greenberg, Jules Rico, Cletus Harris, Mack Johnston, Connor O’Malley, Tyrone Johnson, Kay Jeong, and Luke Nelson.
Generation 8, Poppy: Jason Ortega, Kado Akiyama, and Naoki Ito. Honorable mentions not pictured: Brandon Kumar and Kai Uchida.
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greatworldwar2 · 4 years
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• No.56 Fighter Squadron RAF
Motto: Quid si coelum ruat ( 'What if heaven falls?')
Squadron Code: US
Number 56 Squadron, nicknamed the Firebirds for their ability to always reappear intact regardless of the odds, is one of the oldest and most successful squadrons of the Royal Air Force, with battle honours from many of the significant air campaigns of both World War I and World War II.
No. 56 Squadron was formed on June 8th, 1916 at Gosport, from members of No. 28 Squadron, as part of the Royal Flying Corps (RFC). On July 14th, the squadron relocated to London Colney. No. 56 Squadron received its first aircraft, a Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.2c on August 7th, which was followed by numerous other types. On March 13th, 1917, the squadron became the first unit in the entire RFC to be equipped with the then brand new Royal Aircraft Factory S.E.5 fighter. on April 20th the squadron was moved to support the Second Battle of Arras and flew their first mission on the April 22nd. Its arrival at the front with the latest fighter, combined with the unusually high proportion of experienced pilots in its ranks, led to rumours among its German opponents that the squadron was an 'Anti-Richthofen Squadron', specifically dedicated to the removal of the Red Baron. The squadron did shoot down and kill Richthofen's nearest 1917 rival Leutnant Werner Voss in an epic dogfight.
On March 21st, 1918, the Germans began their Spring Offensive, this forced No. 56 Squadron to pull back to Valheureux, where from they conducted air-to-air patrols for the next four months. The squadron supported the buildup to and provided support during the Battle of Amiens. By the end of the war, No. 56 Squadron had scored 402 victories. During the course of the war, forty of the squadron's pilots were killed in action, twenty wounded and thirty-one taken prisoner. Following the interwar period, the squadron was repeatedly disbanded and relocated. In September 1924, No. 56 Squadron was assigned a red and white checker pattern as a means of squadron identification, something which the squadron would actively use up until 2008.
The squadron finally settled at RAF North Weald in October 1927, where it remained until the end of 1939 and the start of the Second World War. No. 56 Squadron converted to their last biplane, the Gloster Gladiator Mk.I, in July 1937. The Gladiators were flown up until May 1938 when the squadron acquired Hawker Hurricane Mk.Is. The squadron would operate the Hurricane in the opening stages of WW2. No. 56 Squadron's introduction to the Second World War came on September 6th, 1939. The Firebirds, then based at RAF North Weald, were the victims of a friendly fire incident by No. 74 Squadron known as the Battle of Barking Creek. The squadron entered the Second World War equipped with the Hawker Hurricane Mk.I and first saw action during the Battle of France, although they remained based in England and sent flights to France for short periods. The Firebirds ended the campaign by covering the Dunkirk evacuation.
As part of No. 11 Group, No. 56 Squadron was based at RAF North Weald at the beginning of the Battle of Britain. From there the squadron first engaged German aircraft on 31 July 1940. It was heavily involved in the fighting in the south of England during August, although the squadron moved to RAF Boscombe Down on September 1st. It was one of the few fighter squadrons to remain based in the south of England continuously through the battle, scoring 59 kills by the end. Afterwards restationed to Essex, while based here that No. 56 Squadron upgraded to the Hurricane Mk.IIb in February 1941. In April 1941, No. 56 Squadron gained its 'Punjab' nickname after the Indian province of Punjab raised money to have their name attached to a fighter, thus becoming an Indian 'gift' squadron. In September 1941, No. 56 Squadron became the first unit to receive the Hawker Typhoon Mk.Ia which, although troublesome to begin with, the squadron helped turn into a usable fighter.
From August 1942 to July 1943, the unit was based with No. 12 Group at RAF Matlaske in Norfolk. During this time, No. 56 Squadron's role changed from that of low-level defence against Focke-Wulf Fw 190 and Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighter-bomber attacks into becoming fighter bombers themselves, attacking ground and sea targets. No. 56 Squadron was to score one confirmed victory while flying Typhoons. After moving around multiple bases in the UK, the squadron moved up to RAF Scorton, Yorkshire on April 7th, 1944, where they converted to the Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX. From here the squadron flew escort and reconnaissance missions. As a unit of No. 150 Wing, under the command of Wing Commander Roland Beamont, No. 56 Squadron became an air defence squadron. It was tasked with defending Britain from V-1 flying bombs – of which between 70 and ​77 1⁄2 were shot down by the squadron.
In the latter months of the war, the Firebirds were deployed to several airfields in Europe: including Volkel, in the Netherlands; Copenhagen; and numerous bases in Germany. During the Second World War, the No. 56 Squadron claimed a total of 149 aircraft shot down. In the 1960s, the squadron had their own aerobatic display team, 'The Firebirds', which consisted of nine English Electric Lightning F.1As, which participated at many airshows. As of March 2020, the squadron is based at RAF Waddington, Lincolnshire and serve as the Air Command and Control Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Operational Evaluation Unit.
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auroracalisto · 4 years
Hetalia Names
These are the names that I use.  In no particular order.  It’s alright if you don’t use the same names, but if you need a quick name recommendation, I’m so glad to help!  Lol.  Also, what is the whole thing around these characters and the name Louise?  Please give some recommendations to me so I can change them because where are so many Louise/Luise/Luvise’s that I literally can’t even
America: 1P, Alfred F. Jones 2P, Allen F. Jones NYO, Amelia E. Jones NYO 2P, Emily F. Jones
Canada: 1P, Matthew Williams 2P, James Williams NYO, Marguerite Williams NYO 2P, Maddeline ‘Maddie’ Williams
England: 1P, Arthur Kirkland 2P, Oliver Kirkland NYO, Alice Kirkland NYO 2P, Olivia Elizabeth Kirkland
France: 1P, Francis Bonnefoy 2P, François Bonnefoy NYO, Catherine Bonnefoy NYO 2P, Francine Bonnefoy
Spain: 1P, Antonio Fernandez Carriedo 2P, Andres Fernandez Carriedo NYO, Isabel Fernandez Carriedo NYO 2P, Araceli Carriedo
Italy: 1P, Feliciano Vargas 2P, Luciano Vargas NYO, Margherita Vargas NYO 2P, Mariella Vargas
Romano: 1P, Lovino Vargas 2P, Flavio Vargas NYO, Lucilla Vargas NYO 2P, Angelica Vargas
Germany: 1P, Ludwig Beilschmidt 2P, Lutz Beilschmidt NYO, Monika Beilschmidt NYO 2P, Louise Beilschmidt
Prussia: 1P, Gilbert Beilschmidt 2P, Gilen Beilschmidt NYO, Julchen Maria Beilschmidt NYO 2P, Viktoria Beilschmidt
Hungary: 1P, Elizabeta Hedervary 2P, Erzsebet Hedervary NYO, Daniel Hedervary NYO 2P, Darryl Hedervary
Austria: 1P, Roderich Edelstein 2P, Roland Edelstein NYO, Anneliese Edelstein NYO 2P, Therese Edelstein
Switzerland: 1P, Vash Zwingli 2P, Voss Zwingli NYO, Adelheid ‘Heidi’ Zwingli NYO 2P, Adelaid Zwingli
Liechtenstein: 1P, Lillia ‘Lilli’ Vogel 2P, Luise Vogel NYO, Noah Vogel NYO 2P, Nico Vogel
Romania: 1P, Vladimir Popescu 2P, Vasska Popescu NYO, Viorica Popescu NYO 2P, Alina Popescu
Greece: 1P, Heracles Karpusi 2P, Hermes Karpusi NYO, Helice Karpusi NYO 2P, Hestia Karpusi
Belgium: 1P, Bella Maes 2P, Beatrice Maes NYO, Beau Maes NYO 2P, Anouk de Vris
Netherlands: 1P, Abel Maes 2P, Henry Maes NYO, Karina Maes NYO 2P, Klara de Vris
Poland: 1P, Feliks Łukasiewicz 2P, Franciszek Łukasiewicz NYO, Florentyna Łukasiewicz NYO 2P, Anka Łukasiewicz
Lithuania: 1P, Toris Laurinaitis 2P, Tomas Lorinaitis NYO, Tatjana Lorinaityte NYO 2P, Morta Lorinaitis
Latvia: 1P, Raivis Galante 2P, Ruslan Galante NYO, Rebeka Galanta NYO 2P, Rota Galante
Estonia: 1P, Eduard von Bock 2P, Egor von Bock NYO, Edith von Bock NYO 2P, Loviise von Bock
Finland: 1P, Tino Väinämöinen 2P, Thurston Väinämöinen NYO, Tiina Väinämöinen NYO 2P, Lora Väinämöinen
Sweden: 1P, Berwald Oxenstierna 2P, Bernard Oxenstierna NYO, Belinda Oxenstierna NYO 2P, Freja Oxenstierna
Norway: 1P, Lukas Bondevik 2P, Lokki Bondevik NYO, Lovise Bondevik NYO 2P, Lucia Bondevik
Denmark: 1P, Matthias Køhler 2P, Markell Køhler NYO, Mette Køhler NYO 2P, Milena Køhler
Iceland: 1P, Emil Steillson 2P, Egil Steillson NYO, Emi Steillson NYO 2P, Elsa Steillson
Russia: 1P, Ivan Braginski 2P, Viktor Braginski NYO, Anya Braginskaya NYO 2P, Roksana Braginski
Ukraine: 1P, Yekaterina ‘Katyusha’ Braginskaya 2P, Katya Braginskaya NYO, Dmitri Braginski NYO 2P, Mykola Chernenko
Belarus: 1P, Natalia Arlovskaya 2P, Natasha Arlovskaya NYO, Nikolai Arlovski NYO 2P, Cyril Arlovsky
Japan: 1P, Kiku Honda 2P, Kuro Honda NYO, Sakura Honda NYO 2P, Hana Honda
China: 1P, Yao Wang 2P, Xiao Wang NYO, Chun-Yan Wang NYO 2P, Chen-Lien Wang
Australia: 1P, Jett Kirkland 2P, Jared Kirkland NYO, Jillian ‘Jilli’ Kirkland NYO 2P, Danielle Kirkland
Scotland: 1P, Allistor Kirkland 2P, Gavin Kirkland NYO, Annabel Kirkland NYO 2P, Eileen Kirkland
Ireland: 1P, Alroy Kirkland 2P, Alaric Kirkland NYO, Alonna Kirkland NYO 2P, Aimee Kirkland
Wales: 1P, Reuben Kirkland 2P, William Kirkland NYO, Rowena Kirkland NYO 2P, Ceri Kirkland
Rome: 1P, Romulus Vargas 2P, Lucius Vargas NYO, Rosetta Vargas NYO 2P, Cinzia Vargas
Germania: 1P, Gauthier Weillschmidt 2P, Sigmund Beilschmidt NYO, Gitte Weillschmidt NYO 2P, Hildegarde Weillschmidt
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sofrpc · 6 years
as requested, i have created a masterlist of 550+ unique and underused male names ! these are all listed in alphabetical order, and although i dont claim any of these as my own, please don’t copy and paste straight into another masterlist. feel free to use the names in any way you like, i hope this gives you muse for your characters (my faves are bolded) — also smash that like or reblog if you found this useful, thank you !
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abel, acacius, ace, achilles, adagio, adaiah, adalius, adley, adelio, adonis, adrian, adriel, aiden, akello, alain, alarik, alastair, alek, alfred, alfonzo, ali, alisio, alonzo, amari, amedeus, amias, amos, anakin, andre, ansel, anton, anwar, apollo, aragon, aramis, archer, aries, arlo, arrius, artemis, asher, ashton, asriel, atlas, atlantis, atticus, auden, august, auri, austin, avery, axel, aziel
bacchus, baden, bailey, baldwin, balin, balton, bandit, banks, barley, baxley, baxter, baze, bear, beau, beck, benson, bentley, berlin, bianco, bishop, blade, blaine, blaze, bode, bodhie, booker, bosley, boston, brandon, brantley, brayden, braxton, brecken, brennon, brett, briley, brinley, brock, bruno, bronx, brooks, bryce, bryson
caelan, caesar, cade, cador, cage, cain, caleb, callaway, callen, callister, callum, calvin, camden, campbell, carlisle, carlo, carrick, carter, casey, casper, castiel, cedric, cesar, channing, charles, chase, chuck, clifton, clinton, cleon, coen, coleman, colton, crew, cristiano, cooper, corbin, corey, cortez, cravin
dale, dallas, dalton, damari, damian, damon, dane, dante, dario, darius, davon, dax, dean, declan, dedrick, delius, demarcus, demetrius, dennis, denzel, deon, derek, devon, dexter, dillon, dimitri, dion, dolan, dominic, drake, drew, drystan, duke, dwayne, dwight, dyson
eaton, echo, edan, eddison, eden, edrick, eli, eliam, elias, elijah, elio, eliseo, ellis, emilio, emerson, emmett, enoch, enzo, ernest, eros, essex, evan, evian, ezra
fabian, falcon, fallon, farley, felix, fenton, finley, finnick, floyd, flynn, fonso, ford, forester, francisco, franco, freddy, frederick, frodi
gabe, gabriel, gaius, gabin, galvin, gareth, garrick, gaston, gaveel, georgie, gemini, giorgio, glade, gonzalo, gray, gregory, greyson, griffin, grover, gunner, guy
haim, hadden, hadley, hale, hammond, hanan, hanson, harden, harley, harris, hayes, helio, helix, hendrix, hermes, hiram, holden, holland, holmes, houstan, howard, hudson, hugh, hugo, hunter, hyde
iago, ian, icarius, idris, iker, ilario, indigo, isaak, isaiah, israel, ithiel, ives
jace, jadon, jago, jahziel, jairo, jakez, jakobe, jamari, janos, jaron, jasper, javier, jaxon, jayden, jaylon, jaziel, jenson, jeremiah, jermaine, jersey, jett, joaquin, jonas, jose, joss, jovani, joziah, judas, jude, julian, julius, junior, justice
kace, kaden, kael, kairo, kahlil, kai, kaleb, kamden, kanan, karson, kashton, kasper, keenan, keiran, kennedy, keon, kenton, kenzo, keyon, kez, kiah, killian, kingsley, kito, klaus, kobe, koby, kodah, kohen, kolton, kristian, knox, kyan, kynan, kyson
lamar, lamont, lance, landon, laney, larkin, lawyer, lazarus, leandro, lee, legend, lennox, leno, leon, levi, lex, liko, link, locke, loki, loman, lonzo, lorenzo, luca, lucian, lukas, lyam, lynx
mac, machi, macklin, maddox, magnus, maison, major, makeo, malaki, manning, mano, marion, marlon, mars, martez, mathias, maxton, mekhi, meyer, micah, milian, miller, milo, montey, montez, myles
nakos, nasir, nathaniel, neel, neriah, nero, nevada, nicolo, nicklaus, nickolai, nico, nike, nikos, nixon, noah, nolan, norton, nye
oakley, oberyn, obi, obsidian, octavian, oison, olimpio, olsen, omar, ontario, onyx, orion, orlando, oskar, oslo, oryn, otis, oxford, oxley
pablo, paley, palmer, parker, parson, pauly, paxton, pearce, perkin, phelix, phoenix, pierre, pike, podrick, porter, preston, prince, puck
qamar, quinten, quillon, quince
racer, radley, rafael, rafer, ralph, rambo, ramiel, ramone, randall, raven, rayan, reed, reese, rhydian, ricardo, ridley, riker, riley, river, robin, rocco, roderick, roland, roman, romeo, ronan, roni, rowan, royden, rufus, ryder, ryland
sadler, safari, salem, salix, salvador, sami, santiago, sawyer, sean, seaton, severo, shayne, shiloh, silas, silvano, simba, skander, skyler, slade, spencer, spiro, stanley, stefan, syrus
talmon, tane, tanner, tate, tatum, tavis, teddy, terence, theo, theon, tirion, titus, tobias, tommen, tonio, travis, trey, troye, trystan, turner, tyrell, tyrese, tyson
ulan, uri, uriel, urien
vadim, vale, vance, valentine, vaughn, venturo, venus, vermont, vero, victor, vidor, vince, volante, voss
wade, walker, walter, warner, warren, watson, waylan, wayne, wilder, wilson, wilton, wolfgang, wyatt, wynton
xander, xavier, xenos, xylon
yates, york, yuri, yusef
zacharias, zade, zavier, zayn, zed, zeke, zero, zeus, zion
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homebrew4you · 4 years
#Hermes v1.10 (#PS2 #Game) #homebrew #ps2dev #playstation2 #nop90 #Retroguru @rggamedev Hermes is an extraordinary Jump'n' Run game with plenty of bad taste humor. Nop90 got some time to release an initial port for the PlayStation 2! Go ahead and catch the chicken, or stay hungry for supper 🙂
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antonlaub · 6 months
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Coming up in 2025 at the Wende Museum, Culver City, Los Angeles, guest-curated by Sonia Voss.
Bucharest in the 1980s. Ceaușescu’s “systematization” program is in full swing in the Romanian capital: one-third of the historic center is being wiped out to make room for the megalomaniacal “People’s House” and create large avenues for official parades. It is said to be the largest peacetime destruction in the history of Europe. 
Dictator Ceaușescu is particularly ruthless in his treatment of religious sites. Nevertheless, seven churches are spared and subjected to a process as incredible as it is absurd: they are lifted and placed on rails, then moved and hidden behind housing blocks, while several other sacred buildings, such as the Polish Synagogue, are surrounded and thus masked by imposing panel buildings. Withdrawn from the cityscape, isolated in the interstices of the disparate architecture that shapes Bucharest’s urban landscape today, they lead secret lives, precariously harboring unresolved memories. 
Combining recent photographs by the artist with archival material, Mobile Churches is a critical and artistic inventory that aims to reveal a dramatic and little-known chapter in the urban and political evolution of the Eastern Bloc.
After numerous exhibitions in Europe, Mobile Churches is now being presented for the first time in the United States by the Wende Museum. This sequence constitutes part one in a trilogy of works by Laub (2013-17), followed by Last Christmas (of Ceaușescu) (2015-20) and Mineriada (2014-22). All three series were published as books by Kehrer Verlag (Heidelberg).
Historical material: Courtesy of E. I. Iordăchescu
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architectnews · 3 years
Corkscrew House, Berlin Building
Corkscrew House, German Real Estate, Berlin Residential Building Project, Architecture Photos
Corkscrew House in Berlin
7 October 2021
Design: rundzwei Architekten BDA
Location: Lindower Strasse, Berlin, Germany
Corkscrew House in Berlin
Maximising living space between rammed concrete and a cork roof. The Corkscrew House is a flexible residence by rundzwei Architekten
The young office rundzwei Architekten has realised an unusual residence with a cork facade and roof. A base of rammed concrete lies below the ground level. Above, skilfully stacked split levels, which allow for flexible use, are accessed via a central, atrium like staircase.
A base made from rammed concrete Office principals Andreas Reeg and Marc Dufour-Feronce place special attention on the local connection of their buildings. This also applies to the choices of materials they use. With the Cork screw house, they developed a base out of rammed concrete for the lower ground living levels. The outdoor walls of the long stretched pool are also lined with the material. The base was supposed to look and feel “like it was excavated”, explains architect Andreas Reeg. The century old construction material is traditionally applied in layers and then manually compacted. This results in an open, porous and characterful textured surface.
Maximising usable area by lowering floors and introducing multi split-levels Although the local planning regulations allow for a maximum floor size of 100 sqm, by lowering the base floors and arranging the upper floors in multiple split-levels, the architects have maximised the gross floor area to over 320m². The planning concept of two part construction – base and top – was maintained for the material selection: the levels below ground are built in rammed concrete with the upper levels framed in timber.
Cork panels on facade and roof On the ground floor large scale glass elements fill the interior with daylight. The facades above, as well as the roof surfaces, with exception of a few windows and the solar panels, are completely clad with cork. The architects found the unusual material in Portugal. As a by-product of the cork production process for bottles, granulated cork waste is formed into facade panels under pressure and heat. During this process the natural resins of the cork are released, binding the granulate thereby creating a light weight and durable cladding material through sustainable methods. The resulting cork facade panels are naturally weather and mould resistant without any artificial additives.
Natural cork has very high insulation values and is well suited to use as a monolithic facade cladding. The choice of this material contributes significantly to the energy efficiency and sustainability of the building. Cork also provides good acoustic insulation and reduces the sound of dripping rain. Initially it was through the client’s interest in achieving good acoustic performance that the architects came across this unusual choice of material.
Natural construction materials, natural ventilation During the construction process the architects abstained from the use of chemical adhesives and construction foam. Wood fibre and cellulose insulation materials were used in addition to the insulating cork panels. Humidity absorbing materials such as timber and gypsum fibre boards with permeable paints allow for a natural room climate. As a result the building doesn’t need an active ventilation system despite the very low energy standard. Through a stratified heat storage system supplemented by roof integrated solar panels, the heating supply is almost self-sufficient adding to the efficiency of the building’s overall performance
Flexible living The house was planned for three. The base of the building incorporates a bedroom next to the living and kitchen area. This room has direct access to the exterior sunken pool. This feature stretches from the house into the garden while maintaining privacy from the neighbours through the surrounding rammed concrete walls. The smaller rooms on the upper levels are accessed via the central circulating stair. They are partially connected and in the future could be used as studio apartments. To provide future flexibility, the architects have allowed space and structural provision for a potential second entrance in the facade.
Corkscrew House in Berlin, Germany – Building Information
Design: rundzwei Architekten BDA
Project size: 320 sqm Site size: 550 sqm Completion date: 2018 Building levels: 2
Photography: Gui Rebelo
Corkscrew House in Berlin images / information received 071021
Location: Berlin, Germany, western Europe
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New Characters Unlocked!!
I feel like I’ve been writing for the Allies and Axis long enough to feel comfortable in their personalities; so why not throw some new characters into the mix! Things certainly won’t go wrong, right? RIGHT???
They’ll be apart of requests and matchups as well!
The characters I’m adding to this blog are:
~•*The Nordic Five*•~
2p Denmark |  Markell Køhler | Maike Køhler 
2p Sweden |  Bernard Oxenstierna | Ines Oxenstierna
2p Iceland |  Egil Steillson | Eydis Steilsdòttir 
2p Norway |  Lokki Bondevik | Astrid Bondevik
2p Finland |  Thurston Vainamoinen | Tanja Väinämöinen 
  ~•*TIghtwad Trio*•~
2p Austria |  Roland Edelstein | Eva Edelstein
2p Switzerland |  Voss Zwingli | Jana Zwingli
2p Netherlands |  Bram van Dijk | Kara van Dijk
 So go crazy! Request some things for them! Let me get a feel for how they act! Have fun!
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alswrites · 4 years
The Founding
Florinn, Roland, and Lady Hera were asked by Miss Everlight to escort her father, Baron Everlight, to his ship. The baron goes on a pub crawl, forcing the heroes to drink and carry him to his ship. As they enjoy their time on the ship, Roland notices a map to a small port town called Jutt’s Landing.
The ship arrives and the trio bids the baron farewell. As they enter the town, they watch a play unfold. A passerby explains that the town was founded by Jutt WIndbrow, who defeated a group of hags and settled the land. The play finishes and Hera notices the revelers go back to their stand. A child steals her coin purse and runs way.
Hera pursues the child and catches him. She flashes an image of her draconic face to scare him. Roland and Florinn arrive, asking what’s wrong. A gnome woman appears, telling the trio the boy stole a key for the water works. The child says he works for the Dock Rats and gave the key to his boss.
The gnome introduces herself as Rita Gearheart. She offers to watch the child as they go to meet the Dock Rats.
The trio venture to a warehouse that appear in disarray and Hera notices one of the entrances to the building and descends into the earth. They come across two guards, who Roland and Florinn dispatch with ease. In the next room, they notice a firewall blocking their path. Florinn reads a note and shouts the trigger word.
As the wall falls, the trio go into a room where a young man sits on a throne. Florinn asks if he’s in charge, but Hera answers, addressing a figure in the shadows. The woman introduces herself as Keg Ryan and says she smuggled the key to the water works to her employer, but is having second thoughts. Keg says to find a key, they’ll need to visit a mansion in the docks.
Florinn finds the mansion and breaks a window to alert the residence. Two butlers appear and Roland knocks them out, allowing Hera to tie them up. They enter the mansion and walk up to the second floor, where the owner Barry Whamin has barricaded himself in the room. Barry says he gave the warehouse key to Elenaor Voss because she has his son. Hera looks at a portrait and asks him how Voss captured his son. Mr. Whamin says she captured his spirit.
Hera vows to help Whamin get his son back. Barry reveals that Elanor lives six blocks away.
The trio continued their journey to the house and came upon a water fountain. Hera freezes the fountain with a spell as Roland meets a worg puppy and gives it some food. The puppy leads them inside to a woman in a chair. Hera addresses her as Elanor and alerts her friends that she’s the hag who fled the battle with Jutt. Elanor faces her intruders and compliments Hera. She says she took the key because the town mocks her sisters while making a hero out of the man who butchered them. She wants respect for her family. Roland says they could use Miss Everlight to interview Elanor and share her story and reveal the truth about the town’s history. Elanor agrees and gives Roland the key.
Hera helps her friends bring the key to Rita just in time for Miss Everlight to arrive in the city. Smiling, Hera tells Miss Everlight about a new subject who wants to be interviewed and gives her Elanor’s address.
This recap is based on Uncaged Volume 1.
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Dean/Merit List Recipients
Alvin Community College recognized students for making the Fall 2017 Dean’s and Merit Lists during a reception on February 20.
To be eligible for the Dean’s list students must earn at least a 3.5 grade point average for 12 or more credit hours in a semester and no course with a grade lower than a C. To be eligible for the Merit List, a student must have 7 – 11 college-level semester hours during a semester with a minimum 3.5 GPA with no F or incomplete. College-level courses exclude credit-by-exam, nontraditional, transfer, or developmental courses.
The full Dean’s List recipients are: Crystal Bailey, Maria Barron, Noah Bartley, Cassidy Bell, Chelsea Biles, Madison Bochard, Paul Boddy, Sarah Bowman, Stephanie Burge, Scott Carpenter, Sydney Charbula, Katherine Chaviers, Mikayla Childs, Karalyn Clark, William Dahlstrom, Justin Davis, Diana Deleon, Egla Delrioaguillon, Stephen Franks, Sielo Garcia, Soledad Garcia Vasquez, Paul Garza, Travis Gonzales, Jose Gonzalez, Brittney Green, Christopher Guyton, Chandra Hardin, William Hart, Erik Hernandez, Valerie Hinds, Michael Hollis, Andrea Laws, Blake Ledoux, Andrea Leija, Jackson Loy, Samantha Maddox, Charles Manuel, Michael McCasland, Jonathan Medrano, Casaundra Mejia, Paola Merino, Christina Morgan, Christy Myers, Mason Myers, Phuong Nguyen, Brittany Nolen, Kayla Palmer, Andrew Pier, Tyler Ponder, Kenton Ritter, Gustavo Ruiz, Abigail Russell, Ricardo Sagredo, Justin Schissel, Rucha Thakar, Sharath Thomas, Ashley Vaughn, Ashley Villanueva, Marisah Villarreal, Celeste Villarreal, Ceydy Villasenor, Mikael Walden, Kylie White, Deborah Wilson, Andrew Wood, Rosalinda Arredondo, Denise Aviles, Margret Choate, JoLee Galetka, Cinthia Mendez, Jaime Weisel, Destiny Casey, Savannah Krenek, Christopher Martin, Eloy Phillips, Hunter Roberts, Patrick Dawson, Gabriel Garza, Kody Martinez, Rosaura Orozco, Luke Black, Brandon Carlin, Ronald Carpenter, Cameron Christeson, Brittnee Garner, Tyler Grisham, Haden Holtje, Jean Lanning, Anh Le, Trevor Mertel, Trung Nguyen, Robert Ornelas, Alyssa Van Vooren, Logan Varner, Kaysie Wilson, John Obrien, Brittney Surber, Matty Sullivan, Adam Thompson, Ryan Wilcox, Sarah Proulx, Alex Aste, Katelyn Cao, Thao Do, Tina Egbulem, Hector Garza, Ashley Hall, Roland Henderson, Erika Hoarau, Benjamin Jensen, Jeffrey Pope, Paul Porche, Fiza Prasla, Sally Turcios, Darnesha Randall, Amy Smith, Su-Hui Wu, Morgan Gilbert, Christopher Amend, Maggie Barry, Sahista Bhanji, Alyssa Broussard, Suzannah Gilbert, Victor Hernandez, Alejandra Hernandez, Alyssa Hughes, Samuel Jasek, Michael Jensen, Kylie Levett, Clarissa Respondek, Tyler Zarella, Stephen Smith, Alondra Bautista Lopez, Marlaina Grimland, Emily Gutierrez, Stephanie Justice, Pauline Smith, Hannah Whatley, Claire Wiedemann, Jonathan Franks, Dawndi Morrell, Ruth Nyoro, Mary Olubuogu, Erlbert Hernandez, Jared Donnelly, Brenda Rico, Fernando Campos, Andrew Alex, Rachelle Allen, Connor Allensworth, Thalia Nicole Rose Aruj, Ryan Barton, Victoria Bitner, Alyssa Burns, Micaela Campos, Kelly Childers, Chase Clark, Ryan Desbiens, Madison Everett, Brendon Farmer, David Feil, Jonathan Garcia, Salvador Gonzalez, Shannon Griffith, Ivana Hagos, Blake Hardy, Martina Herrera, Iscelle Init, Timothy Josef Joya, Makenzy Leonard, Gang Li, Maranatha Liga, Diego Lopez, Orian Mars, Shannon McReynolds, Madison Moncrief, Bianca Montemayor, Harinee Morkonda, Skye Mosk, Alyssa Mae Ocampo, Brandon Oelfke, Chiamaka Onumajuru, Camdyn Perkins, Brigette Pitts, August Reyes, Steven Reyes, Vanessa Rodriguez, Arturo Sanchez, Chelsea Vynce Saya Ang, Mauro Serna, Shayla Smith, Jason Sosa, Christina Standridge, Christina Thai, Morgan Thompson, Dustin Todd, Belen Torres, Michael Ulery, Miranda Voss, Samuel Werner, Emily Wright, Tristan Yap, Clayton Yates, Nicole Young, Rachel Abbott, Anayeli Salinas, Maria Theresa Louise Bautista, Russoviodoni Borneo, Esther Christodoss, Emily Demarco, Rany Duong, Katelynne Hall, Megan Hunter, David Maranon, Erika Martinez, Garret Page, Thaddeaus Phipps, Noemi Pulido, Conner Radler, Sarai Ramales, Rebecca Rubio, Oluwaseun Sonola, John Syzdek, Saxanh Thach, Jose Padilla, Noah De la Rosa, Dylan Anderson, Gabriel Degner, Kyleigh Holm, Colton Johnson, Clayton Lackey, Hannah Longoria, Akata Patel, Stephenie Rogers, Matthew Snipe, Melanie Walker, Joseph Castro, Serena Khakwani, Roberta Gimenes, Matthew Hromadka, Khawaja Raza, Rodman Villela, and Adeline Terry.
   The full Merit List recipients are: Ashley Strain, Deena Aguilar, Anthony Aprile, Kelsey Barba, Eva Bartley, Samantha Blaine, Joseph Boddy, Kyrsten Breaux, Austin Britt, Taylor Broussard, Autumn Burge, Bridget Byrd, Alexa Camacho, Connor Creedon, Johnny Davis, Cody Dewar, Raul Diaz, Katherine Dixon, Veronica Dudek, Michael Durham, Fritz Eixman, Purelily Ekpo, Megan Ercums, Kaitlyn Espinosa, Jennifer Fakharizadeh, Monica Flores, Tiffany Forgy, Erick Franco-Herrera, Samantha Garcia, Ashley Garcia, Erica Garcia, Servando Garcia Ramires, Desiree Garrison, Karen Gonzalez, Ariana Green, Allieann Greenwood, Erin Gutierrez, Tristan Habenicht, Creed Hall, Sara Hayes, Janina Hillyer, Kathryn Hoelter, Steven Holmes, Chase Horsfall, Cameron Hubbard, James Hutson, Sarah Jackson, Guadalupe Juarez, Sean Kinel, Collin Landis, Sharline Law, Emma Lee, Barbara Lomeli, Jehu Lopez, Shawn Lowery, Teresa Lozano, Tricia Lute, Traci Martin, Jessica Martinez, Yolanda Mena, Natalie Miller, Samuel Mitchell, Hayden Myers, Tran Nguyen, Timmie Olison, Michelle Orduna, Brandon Perdue, Christopher Perez, Darryl Perry, Sara Persons, Cole Pletka, Jacob Porter, Jose Ramirez, Andrea Ramirez, Kelly Ramsey, Morgan Revels, Erika Riggs, Britney Rodriguez, Sienna Rodriguez, Courtney Roeckel, Linzy Sandoval, Tamra Sanson, Taylor Savedra, Anthony Schmaltz, Brittany Schonert, Michelle Smith, Paige Snowden, Anisa Solis, Patricia Stasky, Cagney Steffen, Richard Stillman, James Thompson, Madison Troxlar, Waqas Uddin, Joseph Villarreal, Christopher Villarreal, Julia Wagener, Alexis Wilhoite, Matthew Wyers, Emily Wyhs, Roie Yehezkel, Katherine Yuchnewicz, Ayana Brereton, Matthew Cannon, Jordyn Cooper, Brittany Dahl, Kristan Drummond, Cindy Ha, Conner Hammonds, Mackenna Mcintyre, Juan Morales, Ashley Vasut, Jorge Moreno Pacheco, Dorcas Starcke, Jaecen Foytik, Jacqulynn Kendrick, Michael Priddy, Amber Rushing, Uzma Chaudhry, Chase Ivey, Cassidy Bodden, Adan Hernandez Flores, Daniel Molina, Joaquin Phillips, Meagan Ripple, Alexis Townsend, Lana Townsend, Daisy Alvarado, Tasheda Johnson, Gabrielle Metcalf, Sayjah Davis, Emily Drilling, Agustin Encinia, Kimberly Anton, Christina Blanton, Kennedi Carpentieri, Ashlee Chappell, Lee Cravens, Nicole Gonzales, Jessica Jensen, Mai Le, Stephanie Leblanc, Trace Mertel, Julia Miles, Keith Parrish, Lauren Rangel, Catherin Reed, Cristine Tran, Brieanna Thomas, Cody Jenkins, Ayana Meadows, Jessica Willis, Raquel Rooney, Bonnie Gage, Jennifer Baehre, Kirlice Carr-Lett, Ashley Collins-George, Nathan Fuchs, Amie Gallant, Erin Gunn, Zoee Huskey, Sharon Labauve, Julia Martinez, Tommy Patrick, Roberto Pena, James Ronk, Brice Stettler, Placid Tankie, Laryssa Thompson, Emmaculator Ugochukwu, Shani Ulmer, Alexis Wells, Layla Wolken, Brian Smith, Jacklyn Kendall, Carrie Watkins, Elizabeth Cornwell, Kayla Byers, Rachel Lovell, Thanh Nguyen, Danny Taylor, Sara Brown, Esther Erfan, Shelbie Hannah, Annette Jacobs, Cynthia Poehl, Brandon Presley, Vanessa Putnik, Rafaelle Tkac, Adam Alexander, Samuel Green, Bryanna Hardy, Alison Henderson, Lorren Munson, Joshua Avina, Christine Burton, Mariana Castillo, Brenda Davis, Joshua Deleon, Aubrey Dowdy, Shelby Foland, James Freitag, Adam Groce, Garrett Heidrich, Zhigang Ji, Claire Jones, Myrisa Keller, Hannah Knight, Cody Lloyd, Lovie Luckie, Joshua MacLeod, Ryan McGraw, Yejide Olutimehin, Elizabeth Omojola, Molly Page, Kaysie Perkins, Shannon Puliyampallil, Christopher Rangel, Jessie Robinson, Mercedeez Serna, Savannah Serrato, Kaylee Shelton, Kathryn Simmons, Sandra Simmons, Katherine Singleton, Nicolas Sudderth, Amanda Wurster, Taylor Yoakum, Jameson Young, Barrett Day, Julia Meah, Tessa Williams, Cassandra Solis, Krystal Aguilar, Eric Dinwiddie, Kevin Jackson, Juan Parkin, Kayla Smith, Raven Solomon, Kaitlyn Welsh, Mary Zvonek, Mejesh John, Loretta Garza, Sheila Agim, Chintua Amajor, Sheikinna Ang, Kaylah Angel, Saron Bahlbi, Kamya Bates, John Beach, Jenny Beaty, Lauren Beck, Savon Blanchard, Kayla Bordelon, Chloe Bradley, Tiffany Brown, Jessica Butts, Vicente Castellanos, Korinne Cathey, Devdeep Chandra, Farah Chokshi, Gina Daugherty, Camille Davidson, Cameron Davidson, Alexander De Jesus-Colon, Maria Rousseanne De Vera, Daniel Doud, Lauren Duke, Bruce Dumlao, Alyssa Esma, Noemy Espitia, Brandi Estis, Esther Fernandas, Preston Fillipi, Karishma Flores, Christian Fontenot, Robyne Foster, Cira Frias, Andrew Frick, Falon Garcia, Elijah Garcia, Jeffrey Garrison, Danielle Garza, Jara Go, Mikelcey Green, Lauren Guthrie, Alexa Hall, Andrew Hampton, Shawn Hemingway, Hannah Hendricks, Ariana Hernandez, Jonathan Hoang, Nicole Hopkins, Nicolas Horton, Jenny Horton, Travis Hudson, Abigail Husain, Adrian Jasso, Clarence Johnson, Lauren Jones, Hanikka Phoebe Jugo, Akunnaya Kalunta, Abby Khanh Ai Vu, Emily Lapoint, Madison Lloyd, Lindsey MacPhail, Hannah Mccreary, Mark Mejia, Christian Miller, Amanda Mills, Amber Molidor, Jackson Mortenson, Lindsey Munoz, Matthew Myers, Xavier Navarrete, Anh Nguyen, Justin Nguyen, Jude Nixon, Naomi Noyola, Glydel Marie Obate, Gwyneth Obediente, Oalyssa Oconer, Ogechi Onu, Charles Ortiz, Alyssa Osorio, Freia Rossi Pamintuan, Hailey Paulk, Emily Pepper, Veronica Perez, Dana Perkins, Tamia Peters, Nathan Pham, Michelle Pham, Marion Quidilig, Karolyn Raj, Kassia Raj, Doran Reyes, Jessica Richardson, Malik Rodgers, Laura Roman, Yashua Justine Saguin, Caitlyn Salmons, Aubry Scully, Karoline Sellers, Britney Shen, Aylen Sosa, William Stanaland, Jared Streeter, Camille Surima, Thu Tang, Halle Thompson, Mary Joy Tolentino, Nelly Ann Uy, Hima Vadakekara, Delores Vanhoose, Kayla Vero, Tarren Vielma, Ivan Vinev, Lovita Vinod, Jared Weaver, Kathryn Willenborg, Sarah Williams, Shayna Williams, Timothy Wood, Sara Yan, Shatrine Zachary, Noah Stowers, Adebisi George, Madison McDonald, Nicole Jocelin Alfonso, Timothy Allen, Mohammad Alom, Darryl Archer, Yesenia Arenas, Alyssa Arredondo, Matthew Atteberry, Lilian Avila, Jessica Balmaceda, Victoria Bermea, Rebecca Buckalew, Brittany Cephus, Tarza Do, Thomas Gallagher, John Garzon-Vasquez, Ailia Gould, Veronica Guajardo, Kelly Hejtmancik, Lori Ivy, Jeniece Julius, Alec Koecher, Brianne Menzies, Adeline Nzeribe, Alexis Ocana, Sandra Ortiz, Timothy Richert, Olivia Roberts, Jocelyn Romero, Brenda Sanchez, Zurisadai Sosa-Montes, Gerald Williams, Kathryn Bell, Tenea' Cannon, Chelsea Catching, Victoria Cole, Kristina Hagerman, Mark Jones, Hiral Patel, Haley Perkins, Shannon Simmons, Rebecca Thumann, Stacy Zinante, River Alford, William Clifford, Darrien Jones, William Blalock, Alison Flythe, Ashley Molina, Ashley Mcbride, Sarah Blasdell, Nareemon Kasmai, Mahboubeh Oufi, Hannah Crochet, Norman Gallardo, Victoria Martinez, Melanie Baccus, Ashley Durham and Aryn Rodriguez.
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fototreffberlin · 5 years
FOTOTREFF  #31 – Am Samstag den 23. November 2019 fand der 31. Fototreff statt. 
FILM Der Abend hat mit einer Vorführung von Tina Baras Fotofilm „Lange Weile“ (2016) begonnen. Das Fotobuch „Lange Weile“ enthält eine Auswahl von 400 Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografien, die Tina Bara zwischen 1983 und 1989 in Ost-Berlin, in der DDR und auf Reisen aufgenommen hat. In Kombination mit Texten in Form von Untertiteln wurde dieses Künstlerbuch in einen Fotofilm verwandelt. Retrospektiv erzählt die Künstlerin vom Beginn ihrer künstlerischen und fotografischen Karriere, verbunden mit einer weiblichen Identitätssuche und einem subversiven, melancholischen Aufstand gegen das diktatorische System der DDR. Das Bildmaterial schafft zusammen mit den darüber gelegten Erinnerungen einen intimen Kosmos, der aus einem Abstand von etwa 30 Jahren die Atmosphäre und Stimmung eines Landes und einer Gesellschaft zeigt, die es nicht mehr gibt. Baras persönliche Suche zwischen Erwachen, Zweifel und Selbsterforschung, zwischen politischen Strukturen und ihrem Willen zu Leben und Kunst zu schaffen, ist übertragbar auf eine allgemeine, grundsätzliche Ebene. Gleiches gilt für ihre Reflexionen über die Rolle der Fotografie in diesem Prozess.
TALK  Das Archiv einer Künstlerin - Sonia Voss, freischaffende Kuratorin und Künstlerin Tina Bara unterhielten sich im FOTOTREFF # 31 über Baras Schaffen in der DDR. Wie ist das Werk entstanden und welche Bedeutung hat es in der heutigen Zeit? Der Film „Lange Weile“ ist der Ausgangspunkt des Gesprächs zwischen Künstlerin und Kuratorin. Das Gespräch fand auf Deutsch statt.
Tina Bara Tina Bara (* 1962 in Kleinmachnow, ehemalige DDR) ist eine deutsche Fotografin, die ihre Karriere in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik begann. Vor der Wiedervereinigung stand sie in Kontakt mit der Friedensbewegung in der DDR. 1980 zog sie nach Berlin und besuchte von 1980 bis 1986 die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, wo sie Geschichte und Kunstgeschichte studierte. Als Studentin stand sie in Kontakt mit politischen Oppositionsgruppen, darunter Frauen für den Frieden. 1986 trat sie als freie Fotografin in die DDR-Liga der Bildkünstler ein. 1991 erhielt sie ihr Diplom bei dem Fotografen Arno Fischer der Leipziger Akademie der Bildenden Künste, wo sie seit 1993 eine Professur für Fotografie hat.
Sonia Voss Sonia Voss (* 1978, Paris) lebt als Kuratorin in Paris und Berlin. Zu ihren jüngsten Ausstellungen gehören: 'Restless Bodies. Ostdeutsche Fotografie 1980-89' bei den Rencontres de la Photographie, Arles (2019); 'Alfred Ehrhardt. Die Formen der Natur' beim Kyotographie Festival, Kyoto (2019); 'Sophie Calle, Serena Carone. Beau Doublé, Monsieur le Marquis!' im Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris (2017–2018); 'Anton Roland Laub. Mobile Churches', Paris, Berlin, Arles, Bukarest (2017-2019); 'George Shiras. L’Intérieur de la Nuit' im Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature (2015–2016). Sie arbeitete 2017 zusammen mit Xavier Barral an der Josef Koudelka-Ausstellung im C/O Berlin und gab Veröffentlichungen für Éditions Xavier Barral, Koenig Books, Filigranes und den Kehrer Verlag heraus.
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Łukasz Rusznica: Subterranean River 2018
BOOK SLOT Im letzten Teil des Abends wurde das Fotobuch „Subterranean River“ (2018) von Łukazs Rusznica vorgestellt. "Auf seiner Japanreise wählte Łukasz Rusznica Geister und andere übernatürliche Kreaturen als seine Führer aus. Er bat sie um Hilfe bei der Kartierung eines neuen Territoriums und scheint ein zusätzliches Geschenk erhalten zu haben: eine Entdeckung über sich selbst und den eigenen Hintergrund, der zu sein scheint, sei die eigentliche Reise hierher: eine wichtigere, als die rein physische Distanz zu überwinden. " - Olga Drenda
Łukasz Rusznica (* 1980) ist ein Fotograf, Kurator und Pädagoge aus Wrocław, Polen. Seit seinem Abschluss in Kulturwissenschaften an der Universität Wrocław hat er seine Werke in Galerien und Museen im In- und Ausland ausgestellt. Rusznica betreibt derzeit eine Fotogalerie, Miejsce przy Miejscu, die sich der Förderung aufstrebender Fotografen aus Polen und dem Ausland widmet.
Bilder des Treffens: Uwe von Loh
► Podcast des Gesprächs:
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Supported by: RECOM ART PicDrop - Image Transfer for Pros RENT ONE - Fototechnikverleih DRS Delight Rental Services Buch- und Offsetdruckerei H.Heenemann GmbH & Co. KG Medienpartner: PiB Photography in Berlin
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atuancedecore · 5 years
Edifício Comercial Greifswalder / Tchoban Voss Architekten
Edifício Comercial Greifswalder / Tchoban Voss Architekten
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© Roland Halbe
Arquitetos: Tchoban Voss Architekten
Localização: Greifswalder Str. 226, 10405 Berlim, Alemanha
Área: 2100.0 m2
Ano do projeto: 2019
Fotografias: Roland Halbe
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