#Rory Deveaux
bitchthefuck1 · 1 year
Maureen Johnson announced a 6th Truly Devious book.
...we're never getting Shades of London 4, are we
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batiataki · 1 month
so i’m almost done with shadow cabinet (3rd book of sol) and i literally have had to stop reading it because im too nervous to finish it.
like the book is AMAZING. jaw dropping, stunning, gorgeous, a work of art right?
but after deciding to come onto here and look for some sol content, only to find out the book ends on a CLIFFHANGER and there’s no recent information about the fourth book..
yeah i really don’t want to do that to myself. plus, i don’t have a single other book series to read after this so im clinging onto it for dear life atp
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mary-and-james · 2 years
“I haven’t actually met your family, but if I do? I think I’m going to do a lot of punching.” “This isn’t a joke.” “I’m not laughing,” I said. “Somehow, you ended up this way where you think you can sacrifice yourself for everyone and no one can do it for you.”
The Shadow Cabinet, Maureen Johnson
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stereopticons · 2 years
tagged by @rosedavid @lizzie-bennetdarcy @hippolotamus and @writingschitt 
1. David Rose
2. Patrick Brewer
3. Rebecca Bunch
4. Rory Deveaux
5. Wednesday Addams
Judging by the number of times I was tagged, I’m assuming everyone has been tagged at this point, but if not, please consider this your tag!
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libertyreads · 5 years
Book Review #78 of 2019:
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The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson. Rating: 4.0 stars.
Reread from August 28 to August 29.
It’s getting down to the wire for my second round of the Nostalgia TBR, but I managed to read this in two days. I remember reading this during the last year of college and obsessively waiting for the next books to come out. I think I had trouble enjoying my reread this time because a book hasn’t come out in this series in four years. I know that Maureen is working on the next book now that she’s finished with the last book in the Truly Devious series, but having loved the Shades of London series since the beginning makes me a little angry about the next book being put off.
I still really enjoy the London setting and the Jack the Ripper theme to the murderers. The book feels really atmospheric because of that which has been perfect over the last two days while it’s been storming here in Texas (thank god, that heat was killer). I also love seeing the differences between American Rory and the U.K. students. I especially love the time at the beginning of the novel when it’s just Rory and Jazza and how they mesh.
I also really love the mystery and seeing what having the Sight can do to someone over the long term. I wish there had been more bonding between the Squad and Rory before this epic battle with the Ripper. I think it would have made their choice more heartbreaking.
If you haven’t read this series, I suggest picking it up this fall on some dark and stormy night. It will really give you those spooky vibes. And hopefully by the time you’ve read the series the next one will be on its way.
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thenameofthestar · 6 years
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Rory x Stephen
“There was something about your demeanour that told me you were in love, but obviously not with Jerome. It all made sense once I saw this one. The way you reacted to seeing him only confirmed it. This is the boy you love. “
“That’s true.”
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ellewhile · 6 years
Shades of London Discord Server?
Hey guys, I’m a huge fan of Maureen Johnson’s SOL series! If anyone is interested in joining a Discord server about it, just let me know. I’ll make one if enough people respond and post or DM the link to you :)
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martisa · 3 years
A Princesa que nos pedirá para mudar o seu destino pt. 4
Parte 1
Parte 2
parte 3
Lewis Carroll terrorista? (eu dei esse título no arquivo que eu preparei no Drive com cenas de A Princesa que Nos Honrará que eu posso postar aqui, espero que entendam)
-Terrorismo? Sério? Francamente! Depois de tudo o que aconteceu....- Eddie acabou bem, para a raiva de Charles, bem pendurado de cabeça para baixo em na London Bridge com Charles gritando 
-Retira o que você disse! Agora! 
-Você não é nojento, você é o cara mais lindo e maravilhoso do mundo 
-Quero sinceridade- fale coisas assim com sinceridade para o cara que está preste a te soltar da ponte 
-Eu te amo 
-Por favor, me larga!!! Socorrooo!!! 
-Senhor, acho que já deu- Martin estava apavorado de medo, Eddie respirou fundo tentando se acalmar e pensar nas palavras certas 
-Onde eu estava com a cabeça? Você respeita o consentimento e abomina o estupro, você não é nojento, eu sou nojento- Charles o puxou de volta 
-Eu não pretendia poluir o Tamisa nos tempos de hoje, vocês do futuro fizeram um excelente trabalho com ele- e saiu, Eddie fez um sinal para Martin de que Dodgson era completamente pirado, eles entraram no carro e lá estava Micael 
-Senhor Dodgson, o senhor é o terrorista? 
-Micael? O que está fazendo aqui? 
-Cadê a polícia?- perguntou Martin preocupado 
-Sabia que foram os cruzados que invocaram o anjo Raziel?- perguntou Micael 
-Eu pensei que tivessem sido os templários- disse Eddie 
-Eu invoquei o poder da visão, mas na verdade eu sou um caçador de sombras, descobri a pouco tempo e cara, há muitos demônios no islã, sabia que os gênios são como demônios? E ah, eu também mato pessoas 
-Onde está a polícia?- perguntou Martin quase entrando em histeria 
-Roque, do outro lado da ponte tem uma cabine azul da polícia, vá lá e a chame 
-É serio?!- Roque perguntou entusiasmado 
O que foi que eu fiz agora?- suspirou Charles 
Será que ter saído tentando me atropelar pelas ruas e calçadas quando esse tipo de ato é considerado terrorismo nesse tempo, e depois ter me pendurado de cabeça para baixo na ponte não foi algo suficiente para você?- perguntou Eddie 
-A polícia não encontrou o carro porque está sob um símbolo de invisibilidade que eu desenhei, é assim que eu os mato- disse Micael e Martin (após não ter encontrado nenhuma cabine azul da policia) respirou aliviado. 
-Micael, eu não sou terrorista, só estava tentando dar uma lição nesse sujeitinho,ele me chamou de pedófilo nojento, e ainda insiste que isso é um pleonasmo!Você acredita em mim? -Eu não usei essas palavras e não disse que é um pleonasmo, embora seja- retrucou Eddie 
-Ta vendo? 
-Eu achei que fosse terrorismo antes de ver que era teu carro, depois eu o escondi, se continuasse achando que você era um, eu não o teria escondido da polícia e teria te degolado, mas eu sei que não é o caso aqui. 
-Ainda bem...- Martin sentiu muito medo ao ver aquele homem vestido de templário, mas agora viu que ele era aliado 
-As vezes eu tenho medo que você enlouqueça nessa história de cruzado e me veja como um... você sabe 
-Senhor Dodgson, eu só entrei para essa vida porque eu era muito (trecho censurado por motivos de força maior)
-Estou muito comovido com sua historia, sempre que puder te ajudar, eu o ajudarei, meu bravo cruzado 
-Reverendo- Micael deu um aceno 
-Nos estávamos indo para Whitechapel, mas desta vez era para ver a Rory, não quer ir junto? 
-Ver a Rory...- Micael pareceu sem palavras- O senhor... o senhor está me convidando 
-Você merece mais do que ninguém Micael 
-Não tenho como agradecer 
-Eu é que tenho que agradecer a sua bravura!Vamos- e assim eles foram, Charles ligou o som e estava tocando All About That Bass e ele cantou como aquelas (trecho censurado por motivos de preconceito da autora)
-Só podia ser a BBC- disse Eddie e todos riram, ninguém morreu nesse “atentado” 
Não, não tem nenhuma foto
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maevemilllay · 7 years
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moonstonediaz · 2 years
UNO REVERSE!!! give me book recs madam 🔪
i have done a few book recs in my answers so i’m going to give you the GOODS. the stuff i don’t think i’ve recommended to anyone yet. so here we go with some of my top faves!
zodiac, wandering star, black moon, and thirteen rising (series by romina russell) - YA, this series follows rho grace, a 16-year-old academy student on House Cancer. when a collision of moons causes a mass casualty of her House—including the Guardian of House Cancer—she and a few of her classmates are some of the only survivors. the stars foretold she would be the next Guardian so she’s coronated. but she’s the only one who has been able to see exactly what who caused their moons to collide; an ancient being long believed to be just a boogeyman told to children to make them behave. but he’s real and rho is the only one who can speak to him. when he tells her he’s going to keep targeting Houses, she and her friends travel across the Zodiac trying to gain the resources to be able to fight him. ITS SO GOOD OK? idk what else to say, but it’s SO. GOOD.
storm born, thorn queen, iron crowned, and shadow heir (series by richelle mead) - adult. eugenie is a powerful shaman whose trade is to banish spirits and fey who cross into the mortal world. she’s hired to recover a teenager who was taken to the Otherworld and it’s there that she discovers a dark past to her bloodline and a prophecy about her firstborn. the prophecy puts a price on her head and she has to hastily find allie’s within the Otherworld to protect her. it’s….fantastic. my book spines are so worn down i may need to repurchase soon bc i’ve reread them so often. richelle mead is easily one of my favorite authors so if this series doesn’t tickle your fancy, try literally anything else she’s written. i’ll be screaming about her when i’m on my deathbed
the love that split the world by emily henry - YA, the mc natalie is having a normal teenage time when she’s visited by an apparition with an ominous warning “you have three months to save him”. that’s when she meets beau. it’s hard to explain but she kind keeps jumping in and out of different timelines/universes? it’s been a while since i read it, but i really enjoyed it!
house of salt and sorrows by erin a. craig - YA, the story is from one sisters pov but there are 12 sisters total. one by one the sisters have died from oldest to youngest. annaleigh, the mc, is struggling to figure out what sort of curse their family is under when she keeps running into a stranger. there’s ghosts and gods and magic and glittering gowns and parties. it’s very very good!!
the name of the star, the madness underneath, and the shadow cabinet (aka the shades of london series by maureen johnson) - an old favorite, YA, louisiana teenager rory deveaux arrives in london to attend a boarding school just a series of brutal murders mimicking the jack the ripper killing spree has broken out across the city. rory is the only one who saw the man believed to be the killer, and the only one who can see him, but she’s become his next target
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Horror, Suspense, Murder, & Ghosts
A Madness So Discreet by Mindy McGinnis
Mindy McGinnis, the acclaimed author of Not a Drop to Drink and In a Handful of Dust, combines murder, madness, and mystery in a beautifully twisted gothic historical thriller perfect for fans of novels such as Asylum and The Diviners as well as television's True Detective and American Horror Story.
Grace Mae is already familiar with madness when family secrets and the bulge in her belly send her to an insane asylum—but it is in the darkness that she finds a new lease on life. When a visiting doctor interested in criminal psychology recognizes Grace's brilliant mind beneath her rage, he recruits her as his assistant. Continuing to operate under the cloak of madness at crime scenes allows her to gather clues from bystanders who believe her less than human. Now comfortable in an ethical asylum, Grace finds friends—and hope. But gruesome nights bring Grace and the doctor into the circle of a killer who will bring her shaky sanity and the demons in her past dangerously close to the surface.
How to Hang a Witch by Adriana Mather
Salem, Massachusetts, is the site of the infamous witch trials and the new home of Samantha Mather. Recently transplanted from New York City, Sam and her stepmother are not exactly welcomed with open arms. Sam is the descendant of Cotton Mather, one of the men responsible for those trials—and almost immediately, she becomes the enemy of a group of girls who call themselves the Descendants. And guess who their ancestors were? If dealing with that weren’t enough, Sam also comes face to face with a real, live (well, technically dead) ghost. A handsome, angry ghost who wants Sam to stop touching his stuff. But soon Sam discovers she is at the center of a centuries-old curse affecting anyone with ties to the trials. Sam must come to terms with the ghost and find a way to work with the Descendants to stop a deadly cycle that has been going on since the first accused witch was hanged. If any town should have learned its lesson, it’s Salem. But history may be about to repeat itself.
The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
The day that Louisiana teenager Rory Deveaux arrives in London to start a new life at boarding school is also the day a series of brutal murders breaks out over the city, killings mimicking the horrific Jack the Ripper spree of more than a century ago. Soon "Rippermania" takes hold of modern-day London, and the police are left with few leads and no witnesses. Except one. Rory spotted the man police believe to be the prime suspect. But she is the only one who saw him—the only one who can see him. And now Rory has become his next target. In this edge-of-your-seat thriller, full of suspense, humor, and romance, Rory will learn the truth about the secret ghost police of London and discover her own shocking abilities.
Deep and Dark and Dangerous by Mary Downing Hahn
Just before summer begins, 13-year-old Ali finds an odd photograph in the attic. She knows the two children in it are her mother, Claire, and her aunt Dulcie. But who's the third person, the one who's been torn out of the picture? Ali figures she'll find out while she's vacationing in Maine with Dulcie and her four-year-old daughter, Emma, in the house where Ali's mother's family used to spend summers. All hopes for relaxation are quashed shortly after their arrival, though, when the girls meet Sissy, a kid who's mean and spiteful and a bad influence on Emma. Strangest of all, Sissy keeps talking about a girl named Teresa who drowned under mysterious circumstances back when Claire and Dulcie were kids, and whose body was never found. At first Ali thinks Sissy's just trying to scare her with a ghost story, but soon she discovers the real reason why Sissy is so angry. . . . Mary Downing Hahn is at her chilling best in this new supernatural tale that's certain to send shivers down her readers' spines.
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bitchthefuck1 · 1 year
I feel like everybody has at least one highly specific AU that just rotates in their brain 24/7 like a rotisserie chicken
#please tell me this is not a singular experience lol#funnily enough mine isnt actually for six of crows#its a shades of london au that I thought of randomly like six months ago that hasn't let me go where rory never goes to the boy's dorms on#the night of one of the murders and therefore never sees newman and never goes to the cops as a witness#so she never meets the shades#she still gets stabbed and survives but either Newman isnt terminated or its done after he leaves and she doesn't know about it so shes#left being able to see ghosts and knowing one tried to kill her and might still be out there but with nothing to do about it#anyway she drops out of school but stays living in london splitting an apartment with jazza and works as a barista and ends up running into#the shades after she gets pulled into other ghost shit but its like 3-4 years after the events of the books and she's just spent that time#basically completely unable to process what happened to her because she can see people no one else can and got stabbed by one of them#and she knows that she can't tell anyone or they'll think she's lost it and even though she knows the people are at least real enough#to stab her (and she can't do anything to stop them if they try to hurt her) she also can't fully dismiss the idea that she's hallucinating#idk it's just really compelling to me.#also she has a doberman pinscher as an emotional support dog. idk why that detail is so important to me but it is#aurora deveaux#rory deveaux#stephen dene#callum mitchell#boo chodhari#bhuvana chodhari
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bookaddict24-7 · 5 years
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The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
“Jack the Ripper is back, and he's coming for Rory next....
Louisiana teenager Rory Deveaux arrives in London to start a new life at boarding school just as a series of brutal murders mimicking the horrific Jack the Ripper killing spree of more than a century ago has broken out across the city. The police are left with few leads and no witnesses. 
Except one. 
Rory spotted the man believed to be the prime suspect. But she is the only one who saw him - the only one who can see him. And now Rory has become his next target...unless she can tap her previously unknown abilities to turn the tables.” ___
Add this book to your TBR on Goodreads here. ___
Have you read this book? Would you recommend it? ___
Happy reading!
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readingwithwrin · 5 years
The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
Title:  The Name of the Star Series: Shades of London #1 Author: Maureen Johnson Publisher:  Speak Published Date: October 2nd 2012 Genre: Historical Fiction, Mystery, YA Page Count: 372 Format: Paperback My Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ .75
Goodreads Summary: 
Jack the Ripper is back, and he’s coming for Rory next….
Louisiana teenager Rory Deveaux arrives in London to start a new life at boarding school just as a…
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stereopticons · 2 years
Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order. Then send this to 10 people.  🎥🎬📺
Thanks for the tag, @roseapothescary even though you know this made me forget every piece of media I’ve ever consumed! ILY!
David Rose (Schitt’s Creek)
Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)
Rebecca Bunch (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)
Guildenstern (Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead)
TK Strand (911:Lone Star)
Rory Deveaux (Shades of London)
Nick Nelson (Heartstopper)
Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn 99)
Noam Álvaro (Feverwake)
Tagging @rosedavid @alienajackson @jettestar @plainest @apothecarose @treluna4 @hippolotamus
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its--ali · 6 years
mira odile jessamine nadia kimiko nyneve!
the oc meme
ooo two original lore and four loz lmfao here we go
Full Name: MiraGender and Sexuality: cisgender female, pansexualPronouns: she/herEthnicity/Species: shadow/demon/humanBirthplace and Birthdate: Nice, France; November 19th, 1992Guilty Pleasures: mmmmmmmm Murder and Sex.Phobias: HeliophobiaWhat They Would Be Famous For: MurderWhat They Would Get Arrested For: MurderOC You Ship Them With: lmfao noneOC Most Likely To Murder Them: RoryFavorite Movie/Book Genre: Suspense/ThrillerLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: happy endingsTalents and/or Powers: shadow/dark-based magic (becoming/blending in with shadows, etc). super strength. very hard to kill in general.Why Someone Might Love Them: idk man your guess is as good as mineWhy Someone Might Hate Them: oh god she’s just a Bad Egg there’s any number of reasons why someone might hate herHow They Change: ………… she doesn’tWhy You Love Them: …. do i?
Full Name: Odile Isabella DeveauxGender and Sexuality: cisgender female, bisexualPronouns: she/herEthnicity/Species: humanBirthplace and Birthdate: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i haven’t pinned that down yet lmfaoGuilty Pleasures: she collects empty perfume bottles. has a whole bookcase dedicated to them.Phobias: arachnophobia, thalassophobiaWhat They Would Be Famous For: The Worst Memory EverTMWhat They Would Get Arrested For: sheeeee wouldn’t tbhOC You Ship Them With: mmmm noneOC Most Likely To Murder Them: Mira? Mira.Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Historical fiction/dramaLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: NoneTalents and/or Powers: uhhhhh none but if curses count then she’s cursed to forget any new memories she’s made after every full moon so that’s Fun.Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s a little naive and very trusting and just Good in general.Why Someone Might Hate Them: she can be pretty bossyHow They Change: MMMMMMMMmm well at some point she breaks that curse so.Why You Love Them: lmao im just gonna keep bringing up that curse aren’t i. basically she was a thought experiment and i haven’t done much more thought yet but it’s Going Well I Think so it’s good enough.
Full Name: Jessamine Elina YoungGender and Sexuality: cisgender female, homosexualPronouns: she/herEthnicity/Species: hylianBirthplace and Birthdate: Kakariko Village; dunno the date yetGuilty Pleasures: she has a Big Weakness for tea cakes honestly her sweet tooth is her downfallPhobias: claustrophobiaWhat They Would Be Famous For: nothing tbh she keeps it pretty lowkeyWhat They Would Get Arrested For: mmmmm also nothingOC You Ship Them With: ViolaOC Most Likely To Murder Them: mmmmmmmm LucreziaFavorite Movie/Book Genre: romantic comedyLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: tragic endingsTalents and/or Powers: she’s good w/all kinds of housework - you name it, she can do it. also v talented at dancing.Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s v sweet and kind and she couldn’t hurt a flyWhy Someone Might Hate Them: uhhhhhhh No Reason What So Ever Because She Is An Angel????How They Change: mmmmm she wasn’t v personable as a kid, v shy and afraid of people? eventually she opened up and let herself be the warm kind person she wanted to be and it was Great.Why You Love Them: she is an Angel.
Full Name: Nadia HakaarGender and Sexuality: cisgender female, bisexualPronouns: she/herEthnicity/Species: gerudoBirthplace and Birthdate: Gerudo Desert, no date yet :VGuilty Pleasures: i dont know that she has any, actuallyPhobias: ophidiophobia (which is hilarious, considering the seeming prominence of snakes in gerudo religion)What They Would Be Famous For: best luck charms in all of Hyrule.What They Would Get Arrested For: swindling everyone out of their money for said luck charmsOC You Ship Them With: Galatea OC Most Likely To Murder Them: LucreziaFavorite Movie/Book Genre: mysteryLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: love trianglesTalents and/or Powers: very good w/magic and spells for improving/boosting a person’s luck or bestowing blessings. spirit magic.Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s a Blast. very sarcastic and caustic on the surface but a big soft teddy bear underneath and she turns into the nicest person around kids she just. Melts it’s adorableWhy Someone Might Hate Them: probs swindled them out of all their money tbhHow They Change: fairer prices?Why You Love Them: do i have to have a reason i mean really
Full Name: KimikoGender and Sexuality: cisgender female, asexualPronouns: she/herEthnicity/Species: KokiriBirthplace and Birthdate: kokiri forestGuilty Pleasures: sitting in the log entrance to hyrule field to try and see outsidePhobias: thanatophobia, nychtophobiaWhat They Would Be Famous For: strongest potions in all of hyruleWhat They Would Get Arrested For: not a thingOC You Ship Them With: noneOC Most Likely To Murder Them: LucreziaFavorite Movie/Book Genre: ancient textsLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: romanceTalents and/or Powers: v good potion brewerWhy Someone Might Love Them: mmmmmm good questionWhy Someone Might Hate Them: she’s actually very cold and monotonous and can come off as kinda rudeHow They Change: she learns what tact isWhy You Love Them: i love my bossy rude lil potion maker ok she’s great i just do
Full Name: NyneveGender and Sexuality: agender, pansexualPronouns: they/themEthnicity/Species: zoraBirthplace and Birthdate: zora’s domainGuilty Pleasures: racing down zora’s river to lake hyliaPhobias: none, they’re a fearless lil fish indeedWhat They Would Be Famous For: fastest time to swim from the domain to the lakeWhat They Would Get Arrested For: nnnnnnothing, i dont thinkOC You Ship Them With: SatoriOC Most Likely To Murder Them: LucreziaFavorite Movie/Book Genre: RomanceLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: “It was me all along!” stuffTalents and/or Powers: very fast swimmer, as previously mentioned. water magic.Why Someone Might Love Them: fun and bubbly personalities attract dont u knowWhy Someone Might Hate Them: they beat them in a raceHow They Change: gets less competitive as time goes on but still enjoys a good raceWhy You Love Them: they’re just. A Good Fish.
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