#Rory the dachshund
scampthecorgi · 25 days
Happy International Dog Day! Here is Scamp with all of the dog siblings he knew: Blaze the Collie, Rory the Dachshund, Maple the Leonberger and Rufus the Golden Retriever!
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mapletheleonberger · 2 months
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Maple would have been 11 years old today, but passed away just two months ago. Here are some of her past birthday celebrations- Frosty Paws for all! And I’m sure she, Scamp and Rory are enjoying an unlimited supply today! 😋
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icarus-star · 1 year
ive come to the realization that rory culkin looks like a long haired dachshund
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spot the difference game. level: impossible
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happyorangehound · 9 months
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Ref sheets for my two Blueysonas: Flynn and Rory. Flynn is an antisocial, grumpy Dachshund and Rory is cheerful Duck Tolling Retriever who enjoys beach parties. c:
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threadsun · 1 year
Anonymous Asks: "Any headcanons on how would swwsdj werewolf versions look like? Doesn’t have to be wolves exactly, though I think you could call them weredogs at this point
For me it’s Jack being a golden retriever, labrador and/or landseer mix, and Joseph being a Pyrenean mastiff or another type of a shaggy livestock guardian pup. Not sure about the others as of now"
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So for the Wolf Den AU, I've mostly just been imagining them as like... giant wolves? When they're in human form, they're just themselves with... varying levels of wolfishness on top of it. But when they're in wolf form, they're just... Big Wolves. Which is saying something cause wolves are already big.
But as for what dog breeds they'd all be if they weren't wolves:
Jack - Samoyed
Ian - Chihuahua
Shaun - Newfoundland
Nick - Pomeranian
Joseph - Cane Corso
Jean - Dachshund
Rory - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Barry - Basenji
Bo - Shiba Inu (obviously)
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madphantom · 9 months
New Susan's Hell Sprint snippet droppedddd
Diary of Paul Killarney, November 17th, 1994
Rory was a curious man.
Not just because of the way he looked - tall, gaunt, like he hadn't slept or eaten in weeks, perhaps formerly handsome but now merely a ghost of himself, walking with a noticeable limp and smoking outside the church with his red hair hanging into his sharp face and the trinkets on his belt clinking in the cold November breeze, like some sort of ageless washed up rockstar. It was the entire way he was.
He had a profound melancholy to him that seemed to transcend time and reason, like a character from a fairytale that had inexplicably found itself in the dullness of everyday life in reality. His beringed fingers clicked and his teeth shimmered in the pale sunlight. They were oddly long, the canines pronounced; I noticed this when he approached me before the funeral, held out his hand and politely smiled at me. The smile reminded me of a snarling fox.
“You were her husband, isn't that so? My condolences,” he said, and his voice chased a shiver down my spine. It sounded like long forgotten childhood memories. “Susan was a wonderful person. The name's Rory. I'm an old friend of hers.”
I shook his hand. I would've imagined it to be cold, but to my surprise, it wasn't. “Hi. Paul. Uh, I am. She…mentioned you a couple times. Said you met in this village back in ‘73.”
Rory tilted his head while I withdrew my hand and put it in my pocket. “Yes, indeed. She was here after her aunt, whom I knew quite well, passed away. We were the closest thing to neighbours we could get back then.” He chuckled melancholically. “The house was out in the woods, an hour or so away, and I live over there.” He pointed between the fading orange trees. “The house there on the edge of the forest. If you squint you can kind of see it.”
I squinted and saw a cozy looking house against the fir trees, the overgrown wire fence before it mostly broken down. An old green car was parked in the driveway. “Oh yes.”
Just then, we heard a bark, and I groaned internally. The Dog had probably freed himself from my sister again. Ever since Susan passed the beast has been unmanageable. I didn't realize what a problem it could become one day that he only listened to her.
The Dog came running around the corner and I prepared for a lot of wrestling and trying to get a hold of his leash, but to my surprise he very calmly pranced up to Rory, and once he had knelt down to pet him, put his heavy head on the man's bony knee.
“Hello there, good boy,” Rory whispered. “Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? You are!”
“Wow, he doesn't usually act like this,” I commented and Rory glanced up, a big smile on his face. “We've met before.”
How old is this dog?, I wondered, but didn't ask. Honestly, for now I was just glad to have found someone the beast didn't scare half to death.
During the service, the Dog was as if swapped out. Calmly he lay under the bench Rory was sitting on, only whining a bit every now and then. But something else struck me as peculiar, something I had not expected. My sister's dog was going crazy.
It started when we entered the church and she uttered a low, menacing whine as soon as the doors closed behind us. The whining soon developed into a quiet, but steadily louder growl, which, after a few minutes, began to be interspersed by barking. It was at this point that my sister hurriedly left the church to get the dog away from the service.
I was at a loss. Peanut was a kind-eyed, well-behaved dachshund that had never been noticeably disruptive and an angel at family gatherings. Our dog - or, rather, Susan's dog, since he had always made abundantly clear he only accepted one master - was a man-sized shaggy three-legged German shepherd that looked like he ate babies for fun and acted like a werewolf on cocaine. And this, frankly, scary beast was now sweet as a lamb, as if the brain behind those too-intelligent dark eyes understood who or what the funeral was for.
Can you tell I'm afraid of this thing? I don't want to be alone with it.
Throughout the service I kept glancing at Rory. I wondered what he thought, but that face was impossible to read. I wondered whether he regretted something, but all he did was sit there, beringed fingers occasionally clicking onto the wood of the bench in front of him.
The truth is, I had known about him. Susan had kept a photo of him in her wallet, all scratched up and faded, but she had never ever left the house without it, except on the day she had left for good. It was her talisman, her lucky charm. And she had told me, way back when I'd met her, that she would never love me like she had loved a boy in the fall of ‘73. And I had accepted that, because at least I got to have her in parts, if not whole. I loved her. That was all that mattered to me. The other man seemed like nothing but a distant fairytale.
But now here he was. Like a forlorn prince. And I felt sorry for him.
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rorythedachshund · 6 years
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Happy Howloween from this little witch!
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whymaraner-blog · 6 years
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zip-a-dee-lady · 7 years
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thanksgiving isn't real it's only christmas from here on out
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georgiemusson · 7 years
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@thewishingtreecoshop on Etsy!
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scampthecorgi · 3 months
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Happy 4th of July from Scamp through the years! That boy sure knew how to wear a patriotic bow tie!
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mapletheleonberger · 7 years
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Maple turned 4 years old today! She and her siblings had a party with toys, treats, and green beans (her favorite!)!
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shesasupergeek · 4 years
20 Questions
Tagged by @oskarlindbloom 💞 ILY
Name: Emma but not really I just go by that on Tumblr
Nicknames: Emma, Em, Emmy, Emzilla, Melia, Miel, Teacher, Dummy Thicc Bitch, My Little Russian Lady™, Egg?, Ms. [first or last name depending on who it's coming from]
Zodiac sign: Libra
Height: 5'6"
Languages: English, two years of high school Spanish, Italian/French but only when I'm reading music and by proxy to Spanish, some truly awful Czech (plus like two words each of Polish and Slovak)(by proxy to Czech)
Nationality: American
Favorite season: Fall 🍂
Favorite flower: Sunflower or any tiny lil wildflowers
Favorite scent: baked goods being baked, pine and wood, frankincense and myrrh (not for religious reasons they just legit smell nice)
Favorite color: Blue, but also green right now?
Favorite animal: Dogs (esp. dachshunds!), cats, bears, owls
Favorite fictional character: OH boy. So many. Monroe and Rosalee Calvert on "Grimm", Claudia Donovan on "Warehouse 13", Amy and Rory on "Doctor Who", Alec Hardison and Eliot Spencer on "Leverage", Peggy Carter, Scarlet Witch, and Bucky Barnes in the MCU, Ed Nygma/Riddler and Selena Kyle on "Gotham", Michael Carpenter in "The Dresden Files" series, Polgara in "The Belgariad/Polgara the Sorceress", Willow on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", Daniel Jackson on "Stargate SG1", and there are so many more but I won't go on forever
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: TEA and hot chocolate if it's late fall/winter and I need to be cozy. I've only ever had coffee I didn't immediately spit out once (1ce).
Average sleep hours: 7-9 depending on the day and what the homework situation is.
Dog or cat person: Both are wonderful 💞
Number of blankets you sleep with: Usually two, three if it's super cold/I need the weighted feel. One/half??? if it's summer and hot
Dream trip: I literally have so many but right now I'd love a road trip either along the Pacific Coast or east through Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, etc.
Blog established: Sometime during my senior year of high school I think? So like 2017?
Followers: It says 43 but I only count 18 but either way oof
Random fact: I work at a food truck/stand that sells shaved ice and mini doughnuts at my local farmer's market(s) and Renaissance Faire during the summers and it's the best job ever!
I'll tag @hockeyauzzie @3-c-i-a and @marialovesdean and anyone else who wants to do this!
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Does Quentin like dogs?
Yes, he does! He even has a Shiba Inu called Shelby and a dachshund called Rory. :)
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ohsimheavens · 6 years
Aww thank you!
1. thrift shopping!!
2. MOVIES (i just saw incredibles 2 and….. it was really really good)
3. My two dachshunds Rory and Napoleon!!
4. …panera….im white alright
5. J A N E LL E MONAE!!!111
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rorythedachshund · 6 years
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Last night we had to say goodbye to Rory after a battle with kidney failure.
Years ago we started calling her Bru, short for Bruce Wayne, since she used to sleep in a “bat cave” of pillows and blankets, and she’s always been our protector. Just two days ago, she was still woofing to keep us safe from trick-or-treaters on Halloween! She also earned the nickname Nurse Rory. Whenever a human or dog in the family wasn’t feeling well, she would always sit by their side and take care of them.
Goodbye, sweet Rory. You were small in size but huge in personality!
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