#Rosemary Prower
archiesoniconline · 4 months
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A double featured teaser for a double featured issue; StHO #254 releases TOMORROW! Old alliances are judged while new friendships are explored! What lies in store for our heroes now that the fighting is over? Tune in to find out...
Art by LeRoyalMess and @little30flames
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guiltypandas · 8 months
It's that time of year where I redesign Tails' parents!
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This year we got BIGGG changes--- including younger versions (bottom of 1st pic) of the two!
I just thought it would be funny to make them like theatre actors idkkkk! Give them something other than just "Tails' parents"
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Plus a bonus doodle! Feel free to check out my previous designs for them! I improved way too much in a year HELP.
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fyeahsonicthehedgehog · 3 months
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STH 177 - Bernadette miscolored, looking like Amy
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jadeyarts · 1 year
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redesign of tails’ mom cuz i dont like how in some panels shes basically indistinguishable from sally or alicia :joy: also color scheme influenced by sonic’s adoptive mom in underground 
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Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss
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wisemusiccheesecake · 9 months
I had another idea:
I want an au where Tails' parents do exist, and they do reunite with him (in the Archie timeline), but Tails just fucking hates them both.
They just try and justify why they dumped him on an island by himself in the middle of nowhere until Sonic found him when he was twelve, and Tails is just like "Fuck you asswipe." and refuses to ever listen to them, saying he's glad he's blonde so he doesn't have to look like either of his parents.
The rest of the Freedom Fighters are spilt on this bar Sonic, he's seen what Tails had to go through first hand, and knows his ass is justified in hating these mfs who don't appear to be all that apologetic about abandoning their kid. The rest of the Freedom Fighters believe they deserve a second chance and Tails just won't give it to them because they don't care about him, and never did judging by how they abandoned him to save face.
The House of Acorn actually house the Prowers in Knothole, hence Tails spends less and less time there, to the point where the majority of the Freedom Fighters believe Tails has gone AWOL and left the group.
Whilst on their own Tails and Sonic grow a little more distant, Tails picks up poor habits like binge drinking as a way to spite his parents and their 'holier-than-thou' demeanor, whereas Sonic's like "Dude, I know you're mad but this is a bit much." which causes a discourse that leads Sonic to check Tails into rehab and therapy, because he clearly needs it.
Eventually Tails refocuses himself on his duties as a Freedom Fighter, however the rest of the group just have to acknowledge that he'll never be able to forgive his parents.
Tails' mom and dad are obviously distraught, but eventually realise that for once their own misdeeds have come back to haunt them, and they won't be getting any second chances, so they have to swallow their pride (Rosemary really struggles with this) and simply move on.
Yeah, I just want a timeline where Tails doesn't just immediately forgive the people who abandoned him as a kid, and just hates his parents.
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nanashijt · 2 months
For your consideration, Tails’ mom and dad being good parents, or at the very least, trying to be, as per part of my expansive personal Sonic AU.
Instead of being straight up abandoned, Rosemary and Amadeus pull an Aleena, dropping Tails off at a foster home or orphanage to save him from the grasp of Eggman, because Tails and Rosemary are powerful kitsune. Yeah the two tails aren’t a mutation.
Rosemary and Amadeus were NOT happy about leaving their kid like that, and later admit the decision was stupid and rash and a little cruel. They try making up by writing letters to Tails every now and then to check in on him, firstly explaining the reason for the predicament as sort of like witness protection.
Anyways Tails eventually reunites with his parents, or rather, they find him again after being delayed by getting spirited away like Odysseus. They reveal the truth to Tails about being a kitsune, but not before personally thanking Sonic for being the best guardian Tails could have ever asked for.
Rosemary wants to make up for lost time and atone for what she did the most, being doting and very overprotective of her son, while Amadeus wants to take things one day at a time.
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onechanart · 4 months
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May 12th is mother's day and 13th is dog's day in japan.
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heartbot-2002-2024 · 4 months
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Amadeus and Rosemary (Tails' parents) in the "Sonic Boom" version in my AU
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konnichibot · 1 year
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A shitdoodle of Sonic and Tails' moms having some tea and a nice chat.
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carlycmarathecat · 1 year
They say some people fall in loves with those who remind them of their respective parent. 🤔 let’s see, for Tails…
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Her name’s Rosemary Prower…
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Cosmo has rosebuds on the sides of her head…
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ftwkcomic · 1 year
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Rosemary and Amadeus Prower on the beach
Another Sonic team beach commission for https://www.deviantart.com/scourgefan119 Hope you guys enjoy. c: Portfolio: https://ftwkcomicbooks.myportfolio.com
Socials and comms info https://ftwkcomic.carrd.co/
Posted using PostyBirb
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wild-saber1337 · 1 year
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Mr. And Mrs. Prower are the parents of tails in the archie comics. They had a interesting history in that comic series. But my question is can they join tails in the IDW comics? Originally the awnser was no because they were archie original characters and IDW didn't have the rights to them so they could never be added to the IDW comics. But resently the tides have changed and archie comics ended and IDW now owns the rights to the archie characters and if sega gives the green light any character from archie can be added to the new cannon.
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NEW CANNON THEORY: So how would IDW add the prowers in you may ask? Luckily the prowers never been addressed in the new cannon but it's assumed tails has been alone since he was a kid. So a story line that addresses tails lack of parents would be a good tie in, and the archie explanation with a bit of tweeking may work for a new story.
Archie cannon: tails parents were betrayed by robotnic and somehow ended up imprisoned by aliens (archie comics were weird) and sonic saved them by chance a reunited them with tails.
Hypothetical IDW cannon: my best guess for tails parents to be added in is to stick to the original cannon a bit, tails parents get kidnapped by some evil aliens or beings when tails was a kid and tails lived on his own and sonic finds them and saves them.
So what do you guys think any theory's or ideas you want to say leave in the comments.
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fyeahsonicthehedgehog · 4 months
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myymi · 1 year
Following your headcanons from ‘Online Fights’ that Tails’ parents aren’t dead but rather abandoned him, and his whole village genuinely wanted him dead, do you think Tails’ parents throwing him out was a way of trying to indirectly kill him themselves? Like they didn’t want him around cause of the “curse” but they also didn’t want blood on their hands so instead they ‘fed him to the wolves’ so to speak?
for the most part, yes. i talk about how his parents view him a bit more in another fic of mine; sleeping troubles
although it is the moveverse so most elements of tails's backstory are different, but the way i have his parents act towards him is the same
if you don't feel like reading that fic; basically tails's father wanted to actually kill him, but his mother decided that throwing him in the woods would be a more painful death which, in turn, causes his father to leave a year or so later
thanks for the ask!! 💛🌼✨
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toaarcan · 1 year
Neo Metal: I'm going to drag each of them down here and murder them in front of you until you give me what I want.
Tails: No!
Neo Metal: And don't worry, I'll save your mom for last. HEAR THAT, SALLY?
Sally: I mean, if you're just gonna say it...
Rosemary: I don't get it.
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