#Ruin Freddy
jellycreamjammedart · 5 months
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 10 months
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spaceforraquet · 9 months
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idswolf · 5 months
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This au doesn’t really have a name atm cuz it was just a fun silly idea I had and had no reason to expand on but that might change if enough ppl want more of it
Anyway, basically in this au Cassie ends up teaming with Mxes and glam Bon and they survive the horrors of the decrepit pizzaplex together now the more in-depth explanation will be down below :D
So before Cass gets to Bonnie bowl Mxes finds a way to communicate with her so the they can finally get her to stop taking apart the nodes and say why they’re up in the first place around the plex, feeling bad about being in the wrong Cassie offers to help set them back up but also asks Mxes for help in finding Gregory cuz that’s why she’s there in the first place. Mxes agrees to help and the two decide go to the last couple of nodes that cas hasn’t turned off yet and find a new place to hide them better. Cassie looks around the bowling alley and stumbles across the entrance to the hidden Bonnie room so she calls Mxes over to ask if this hidden room is a good spot without going into the room itself. Mxes agrees so Cassie starts to move the items into the room by herself cuz Mxes can’t physically interact with them and that’s when the two discover broken glam Bonnie. Cass suggest that Mxes try to control the broken animatronic so they can help her out physically and tada they’re able to control the body but they somehow kickstart Bon’s AI so now they’re back online and the control over the body is split between the two and Mxes can’t force full control so they jump out but without them in there Bon’s AI deactivates. Cassie tells mxes to go back in but they say no until Cassie convinces them by saying that having 3 heads to deal with everything is better than 2 plus she wants to try and fix bonnie like how she did with Eclipse. So they jump back in and the two explain to Bon what happened and Bon agrees to help them and to start off he suggests that they find a security office to look through the old camera footage to see if there any sign of Gregory on them.
And that’s just about everything I have for this au, sorry for the giant wall of text I just copied and pasted this explanation from my discord DM when I explained it to my friend, but uh if y’all want me to make more of this au just let me know by like sending me asks or something 
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naruhinaluvrx · 10 months
FNAF Ruin Theory
The Freddy in the game isn't our Freddy
Protype Freddy,which is what I shall call Ruin Freddy,looks like Freddy after the Vanny endings,but there are some differences I noticed from our Freddy.
Protype Feddy has "protype" on his foot,which our Freddy never did.
His present box is not only still in his chest,which odd given Gregory opened it and would've needed to throw it out so he can fit,but it's also a different color. Protype Freddy has a green present while our Freddy had an orange present
But on the flip side,I also have a theory Protype Freddy is our Freddy,but not from the Vanny ending. Because stuff like "protype" could have simply been added for the sake of whatever plot,like Madagascar 2 giving Alex his little paw birthmark,and the box color simply being from forgetting what color they used (tho still odd it went from Freddy orange to Monty green 🤔),but maybe he got left behind,possibly from sacrificing himself to get Gregory out when the Pizza Plex collapsed,and got beaten up by the other three animatronics or whoever afterwards.
I say this because why is Chica's voice box still there in Ruin? In the good Vanny ending,Freddy is still able to talk,meaning he would still have a voice box.
I personally prefer Protype Freddy not being our Freddy simply cause FazDad deserves a happy ending,but Protype Freddy seems to have Monty's claws. Though I'm not sure what our Freddy would be a protype of besides just a new model they happened to roll out right before the events of SB,which would be kinda odd with the Gltichtrap virus unless it spreads fast as hell to this new protype Freddy,unless the casing was a protype for a new look which also doesn't make sense given Freddy's art is everywhere. Also the idea that our Freddy is just rotting under some rubble somewhere while his body is a monster makes me very sad.
I'd would also like to add that when we put the mask on,Protype Freddy just doesn't exist,but i'm not sure if that leans into Protype Freddy not being our Freddy or if it leans into that is our Freddy,but something about his head being missing makes his body just not exist in AR.
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hunthehunter · 9 months
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prettybbychim · 10 months
security breach ruin dlc spoilers discussed below
theory/analysis of a character’s origin
so the reigning theory is that the freddy we see in the ruin dlc is not the freddy we know. that it’s a completely different animatronic
i was watching some astralspiff videos on YT where he goes out of bounds to see behind the scenes and what happens while we’re in cutscenes. it’s very cool and kinda funny the way everything works lol
he showed freddy, fazer blast, and the cutscenes and animations.
i noticed something that i didn’t notice before and it has me thinking..
i believe that is our freddy
obviously this is all speculation lol all pictures here were snagged from google, sorries 🐸
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here’s our guy in question. his right foot clearly says prototype and that is obvious even during gameplay. this is the main reason everyone assumes that it’s a different freddy. that the entire animatronic is a prototype.
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we see many times in the base game that neither foot reads prototype
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now, looking at the body as a whole, notice how nearly every piece is torn to shreds: chest, thighs, calves, arms, shoulder pads, he’s got no goddamn head. three out of four limbs do not have external casing.
the right foot that does have casing, the one reading prototype, is completely intact
it has no deep scratches or even warping. it’s a little dirty, yes, but the paint is not even chipped.
all that to say..
this is a replacement foot.
with all the damage freddy has sustained, this is the only part without a scratch. why would his attacker leave a single body part in pristine condition, when it’s clear that everything else was damaged?
his attacker presumably being monty based on the pattern of destruction being identical to the damage sustained to the pizzaplex in areas monty has been, as well as the identical damage sustained to bonnie.
a theory for another time about why bonnie was murdered, why freddy has similar patterns of damage and why he was damaged in such a way, and if it was actually monty who killed bonnie
freddy must have lost his foot, just like he lost his head. so it was replaced, by him or gregory or whomever.
the foot is a prototype
this is not a prototype animatronic. this is our freddy with a replaced piece
in summary, that is our himbo dadbear
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lemonmatronics · 5 months
Did Ruin Chica and Freddy last night since they were pretty simple
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I started Ruin Monty but he ended up having more issues then I expected he would so, idk who’s next jfjshx
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sillyahhchana · 7 months
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Hi fnaf movie dump but it’s mostly bonnie and abby
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jellycreamjammedart · 3 months
Lost and Found (Super)Stars
PT. 7 (index/parts) (Tag: desktop/mobile)
read on AO3 (registered users only)
FNAF Security Breach Ruin, post-"betrayal" elevator ending
hurt/comfort, Found Family, something I like to call "Hopeful Horror"
Summary: Having had her kindness stomped on then spat back at her, betrayed by who she thought was her friend, and now stuck at the ruined remains of Freddy Fazbear's Mega PizzaPlex, Cassie tries to find the slightest bit of meaning and worth in all of this.
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Roxy had a surprise for her? Cassie honestly found it hard for anything to be able to save this birthday party...
Nevertheless, she doesn't want to doubt the wolf.
"It's time for the birthday cake! So I asked a friend to help me make this a little extra special." Roxy stepped further away from the door, and seemed to mouth a 'Come in!' to whoever was next there.
After her, came in the very familiar face of a bear beloved by many. "Happy birthday, Superstar!"
Glamrock Freddy greeted with his usual charisma and joy, though pauses for just a second to take in the drastically empty party room save for literally only two kids. "... you were not exaggerating, Roxy. This looks like a very sad party." He discreetly whispers to Roxy, his ears dropping slightly once he could actually set his eyes on how precarious the situation was for this girl's birthday. Still he tries not to waver in front of the lone kids.
"I am truly terribly sorry that your birthday party has not been a bright experience here at the Mega PizzaPlex. We try our best to make sure every child has their special day as something to smile back at. So of course I had to help my good friend Roxy!"
Cassie does smile softly; it's not even like it was the Glamrocks' fault her party was disappointing. If anything, they're single-handed the ones who kept it from being a totally unsalvageable disaster.
"You got it with you, right?" Roxy asks Freddy, to which the bear nods, his ears wiggling.
"Of course I do!" He confirms joyfully, before lightly clearing his throat to address the kids again. "Anyway, Superstar, it is on behalf of both me and Roxy that I bring you this!" He states before there's a light hiss coming from his gears, and the front of his torso opened up, revealing a fresh birthday cake resting inside.
"It's your birthday cake, Cassie!" Roxy elaborates cheerfully, while carefully taking the confectionated treat out of Freddy's stomach hatch; Roxy's frame was much too thinner to deliver cakes like that so she lacks the feature. And she thought getting at least Freddy to also chant Cassie happy birthday as well and deliver the cake could be more enticing than just she bringing the cake over by tray.
"It is a delicious carrot cake! Roxy told me it is your favorite!" Freddy says once he could close his stomach hatch.
Roxy carefully sets the cake down on the table in front of Cassie. "It's a carrot cake made especially just for you on this special day!" The cake had a light hued creamy cover, stripes of orange icing on the sides. The top had the likelyhood of Roxy in a kart with Cassie sitting on the hood, drawn with colored icing, the kart's wheels being actually icing each with a cherry on top. The words 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASSIE' were written in colored icing with orange and blue little lightning bolts surrounding it.
Naturally, the candles were unlit; it would have been hazardous to have them lit up inside Freddy's stomach hatch.
"Ah. Allow me." Freddy politely excuses himself past Roxy to approach Cassie and the cake. "Please lean back, Superstar." He requests as his index finger folded back, revealing a built-in lighter. The bear carefully uses the little flame to light up the candles on the cake. "There we go!"
"Are you ready, Cassie?" Roxy excitedly asks while her hands rose in front of her while Freddy did the same, indicating they were about to start clapping to the birthday song. The only boy to show up to this party readies his hands as well.
"Happy birthday, Cassie!!"
Cassie felt her heavy eyelids flutter and creak open slightly, still feeling much too heavy to do so. She barely squinted them open so all she saw were dim blurs. Slowly she registered feeling her side to be resting on a soft but mildly unkempt surface.
Huh, she could feel some kind of fabric on her forehead, and when she tried to sit up it slid off and onto her chest, her elbows propping her up.
"Oh! Cassie!" Roxy was across from her, her endoskeleton ears wiggling lightly. She sounded happy to greet the girl.
"Uh... uh. What happened?" Cassie slurred, still a little disoriented. And if Roxy still had her eyelids, she would have blinked.
"... nothing? You fell asleep."
"Oh." Yeah, okay. That actually made sense. The girl slowly shifted until she was sitting up, slowly registering her surroundings again. She had been asleep on one of the couches in the ruined Winner Lounge room of Fazer Blast. Looking down at her lap now, she realized that what had been on her forehead was a piece of cloth, torn off one of the couches, and it had a round dark red stain on it. Roxy must have tried using it to stop or slow the bleeding on her forehead.
"You really looked like you needed to rest, so we let you be." Roxy explained; after everything Cassie has gone through down here, that was an understatement however true.
"Wait..." Cassie begins once she realizes something, looking around them. "Where is...?"
"... Freddy?" Roxy guessed. "Actually that's a different Freddy. A prototype version." The wolf felt the need to clear that up; Cassie's brain might not have had the chance to process that information. "But I don't think that matters right now, really. A prototype Freddy is better than no Freddy. He was fretting really badly over you actually! So he went back out there looking for any medical supplies while you were asleep."
But if Roxy is being honest, she doesn't think there is much of that that could be found. But if Prototype Freddy found anything at all, it would be better than nothing.
"You may have survived that elevator, but you didn't come out of it unscathed, Cassie. You need medical attention."
Cassie frowns a little but not because she disagreed with Roxy. Rather, she just didn't want to think about her moments in that elevator. "I'd... I'd rather not remember that right now, Roxy..."
The wolf goes quiet in apology... though something nags at her. "I'm sorry Cassie, but... what even happened?"
The girl groaned softly while shaking her head; she didn't want to think about it, but also understood why Roxy asked.
"I... I managed to get in the elevator, I could've escaped... but..." Cassie felt an imaginary lump form in her throat while having to hear the voice of who she thought was her friend in her skull, over and over, telling her he was willing to throw her under the bus, willing to kill her for his own benefit-- then actually attempting to do so. "... Gregory didn't let me. He... he cut the elevator... s-sent me crashing back down..."
Just thinking about it made her head hurt.
Roxy is eerily quiet, but then her ears slowly pinned back. "Gregory!? Gregory did WHAT!!?" The wolf's voice cracks with red hot anger and hatred while also trying not to blow up in front of Cassie... though her claws clearly dig into the old couch, leaving holes in them. "Why, when I get my hands on that brat..." She sneers, but doesn't finish her sentence. Her vendetta against Gregory was of no real use at this present moment. Her ears unpin from her exposed endo skull, then drop.
"... I'm so sorry, Cassie." Sorry for what, exactly? Roxy didn't have words for it. For helping Cassie escape into what essentially became another trap, perhaps?
It's not like she could've predictated that Gregory would have accessed the elevator, much less sabotage it thus sabotaging Cassie's way out. No one could truly have predictated that. Who would have imagined the brat was that much of a selfish monster, anyway? But the wolf still felt sorry.
"No matter what he did or tries to do, I'll make sure you are safe and sound, Cassie." Roxy promises through a low, subtle growl, trying to suppress her anger.
Cassie doesn't really have it in her to continue on that topic, but knew Roxy meant her words seriously. "... I know. Thanks, Roxy. You're the best." That made the ruined wolf's ears wiggle and improve her mood by a good deal; She was the best. It was great to hear that again, it's been so long.
Cassie's expression shifts, lightly fidgetting with the cloth that had been on her forehead, rather antsy to move away from that topic for the time being. "... why did Freddy want to hurt me?" She asks; it's especially confusing with him now being friendly to her. What changed his mind?
"He didn't 'want' to hurt you, believe me." Roxy starts a bit candidly, thinking how she's going to explain the situation to Cassie without getting too technical.
"A lot of his systems and protocols were down, and he didn't have his head to command a booting of those protocols. He was sticking to barely any running programming he had, which was contain and apprehend trespassers and potentially dangerous individuals." That probably explains why Prototype Freddy tried shoving her in his hazardous stomach hatch, it was just to apprehend her, and he couldn't tell how hazardous his own body was without his head to assess it.
Roxy continues. "When he detected your blood, it... let's say it force-booted or 'jump-started' those protocols into booting even without his head. We all are programmed to act immediately to help in case of injuries or symptoms of sickness. So when all those dormant systems booted back up in him, he could assess things a little better and realize you were not a dangerous trespasser, but just a child. An injured child who needed aid, no less."
So... Prototype Freddy just didn't really know what he was doing. He was just trying to do what his programming could tell him in his sorry state.
"Ah! Speak of the devil..." Roxy looks out the Winners Lounge, but with her ears twitching, it seemed like she was 'seeing with her ears' Prototype Freddy returning from outside.
The headless bear walks in with a few things in his arms, which looked like old table cloths, which Roxy took from him. "I mean... those could be useful as bandages, I guess." But they needed more than that for Cassie, both robots knew that. But it's still much better than nothing at all.
"Hello, Freddy." Cassie greets softly, to which the prototype responded with a low rumbling of his inner mechanisms that almost sounded like purring. His shoulders rose slightly as if to convey excitement to see her awake. "What did he find, Roxy?"
"Table cloths." The wolf folded them then handed them to Cassie to tuck into her backpack. "Could be useful, but not much by themselves. If only we still had the Medical Stations at least..." Roxy laments, Prototype Freddy dropped his shoulders to indicate a shared feeling.
Cassie looks down at the folded fabric in her hands, looking a bit deep in thought. Until a certain thought came to her.
"I think we could ask the Daycare Attendant."
"The Daycare Attendant!?" Roxy parroted with a knee-jerk reaction. Prototype Freddy, even without a head, was clearly cringing. "You can't be serious, Cassie! That guy's clearly missing all their screws!"
"No no! It's okay! They're okay!" Cassie tries to reassure. "I had to reboot them but they seemed fine afterwards!"
"You- you rebooted them?? The Daycare Attendant???" Roxy asks incredulously, her endo jaw dropped. Prototype Freddy matched with his jagged stomach hatch lids hanging open. "No offense, Cassie. But I can hardly believe that you managed to get close enough to that lunatic to reboot them, and make it out in one piece. Any endoskeletons that wandered into the Daycare got torn to pieces!"
"Well, I never said it was easy." Cassie retorted with a shrug.
"But even then... why them?" Roxy asks at first then immediately facepalmed mentally; it's not like there were many left in this rotting place to nit-pick. But the Daycare Attendant still seemed especially volatile.
"I mean... they were always serious about having supplies and having things be organized. If anyone would know where to find things here, it would be them." Cassie points out, thinking back when she was younger and put under Sun and Moon's supervision.
One of Roxy's ears twitches as she thinks the child's reasoning over. "You make a fair point, Champion... But are you sure they're trustworthy now?"
"Yes! They actually helped me out of the Daycare after I rebooted them!" The little girl reassures.
Roxy crosses her arms, mulling over the topic, lightly stomping her foot in mild anxiety. Prototype Freddy, meanwhile, stood quiet, occasionally turning his upper body between Cassie and Roxy. "... okay. Okay. The Daycare's going to be our next stop them... But getting there might be tough. A lot of the place has collapsed thus a lot of paths have gotten blocked off by junk!"
At this, the headless Glamrock chimes up, chittering a grinding noise. Roxy's ears perk up at him. "What, you think you can open a path for us?"
"I think he could, Roxy." Cassie interludes. "He's burst his way through Fazer Blast several times!" Which was scary to think back on, when he was chasing her.
"I see..." The wolf reflects. "I guess we have a plan, then."
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To Be Continued...
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FNAF Monty and TADC Gummigoo are so alike!
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spaceforraquet · 10 months
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idswolf · 10 months
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My own versions of Cassie and ruined frebby, the two are based on my won’t die au versions of Roxanne and Freddy :]
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dasketcherz · 10 months
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it was a pretty cool dlc, i enjoyed it a lot
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juniperarts · 6 months
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Bonnie Bunny Brothers Pt 1 ✨️
I never knew I needed these two interacting until I saw this art/comic 🐰
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eofdragons · 8 months
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day 15 head less
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