#Runaway Adrien Agreste
runawaycatwalker · 4 months
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Part 27. Safely Seen (Oni-Chan 2.0, part D)
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Description below the cut
Astrowalker flies toward a mountain, near the base of which is a small clearing at the top of a sheer cliff.
Astrowalker (internally): Good, she's not here yet.
Adrien detransforms as he drops to the ground and reaches for the shoe that he previously cut a hole in.
Adrien: Claws in.
Adrien puts on his hat, pulls up the hood of his hoodie, and pulls out Rolland’s knife.  Plagg gestures towards the knife incredulously.
Plagg: A knife?  You came all the way out here to pull out a knife?
Adrien: I'm here because this is where Cosmobug is going to be.
Adrien peeks from behind the tree towards the sky, where Cosmobug is flying in.
Adrien: And there she is.
Adrien holds up the knife, where he looks at his own reflection.
Adrien: So here I am.
Adrien walks out from behind the tree as Oni-Chan teleports in.
Adrien starts to petrify as he grabs Oni-Chan’s sword and stabs his knife between the branches in the sword, locking it in place.
Adrien: Gotcha.
Oni-Chan tries to jiggle the sword out of the frozen Adrien’s grasp.
Oni-Chan: Some boy seizing my sword isn't going to stop me from...
A close-up of Oni-Chan’s face as she realizes who this boy is.
Oni-Chan: Wait.
Oni-Chan reaches a hand towards Adrien’s frozen face.
Oni-Chan: You're...
Cosmobug (wearing the red glove side of her Lucky Charm, still attached to the black glove part) flies towards the akuma and throws her yo-yo.
Cosmobug: Get away from him!
Oni-Chan teleports behind Cosmobug, attacking her with her sword.  Cosmobug, her yo-yo having gone too far to immediately be of use, blocks the strike with her Lucky Charm gloves.
Oni-Chan: Ladybug, you don't understand!  That boy down there is—
Cosmobug slips the black glove of the Lucky Charm into Adrien’s frozen hand so that they’re holding hands together.
Cosmobug: Adrien Agreste!  I know!
Cosmobug uses her grasp on Adrien to give her leverage as she simultaneously kicks Oni-Chan in the chest and uses her yo-yo to grab the sword and (using Adrien's arm as a way to redirect the yo-yo string) and yank it away.
Cosmobug: I figured out he was going to be here!  And I'm going to save him!
Oni-Chan goes flying off the cliff and into the trees below.
Oni-Chan: Aaahhhh!
Cosmobug: No more evil doing for you, little akuma!
Cosmobug breaks the sword with her yo-yo and captures the akuma in one smooth motion, then throws the Lucky Charm gloves into the sky to cast her cure.
Cosmobug: Time to de-evilize!  Miraculous Ladybug!
As the magical ladybugs restore Adrien to normal, he is startled (to the point to dropping his knife) as Cosmobug jumps on him, hugging him with her arms and legs as she wears a ginormous grin on her face.
Cosmobug: Adrien!!!!!!!  I found you!
As Adrien and Cosmobug fall together, he lets himself wrap his arms around her, relishing this moment where he can accept her embrace again.
Cosmobug: I can't even explain how worried I've been, Adrien!  I'm just so glad that you're alive!  I searched everywhere trying to find out where you'd really gone!  And now you're here!
Adrien: I'm here.
Adrien smiles sheepishly as Cosmobug pins him to the ground.  Cosmobug’s eyes bug out in embarrassment at the position she has him in.
Adrien: But, uh, Cosmobug?  Can I sit up please?
Cosmobug: Waaahh...?
Adrien: I don't mind being like this!  But I think I fell on something pointy...?
Cosmobug jolts up and flings the knife straight behind her.  Adrien holds up his hands and tries to laugh off his situation.
Cosmobug: Eep!  Sorry!  I didn't mean—!
Adrien: It's fine!  No harm done!
Cosmobug: It's not all fine!
Adrien leans into Cosmobug’s touch as she caresses his cheek, wiping her thumb at the tears that have started forming in his eyes.  With her other hand, she points her fingers towards the bruise on his neck, stopping short of touching it.
Cosmobug: I can't bear the thought of you getting hurt, Adrien.  Whatever you've been through?  You didn't deserve it.  None of your suffering was okay.  Which is why I refuse to let it happen again.
Cosmobug holds up her hands theatrically as she starts dreaming up the perfect plan.  Adrien is shown from behind, expression unseen.
Cosmobug: I'll personally see to it that you have someone who cares about you by your side 24/7, so you'll be completely safe!  I know you have some amazing friends who would do anything for you!
Adrien (talked over): Cosmobug, I don't think I—
Cosmobug: And since I know it can be hard to ask people for help, I'll ask them for you!
Cosmobug smiles and raises her hand towards her earring as it starts beeping loudly.
Cosmobug: I just know Marinette would love to—
Adrien (talked over): Really, I—
Cosmobug: Sorry!  I'm about to detransform!  Be right back!
Cosmobug hovers off the edge of the cliff, giving a wave and a thumbs up.  Adrien kneels, reaching his finger towards the ring he stashed through the hole in his shoe.
Cosmobug: The end is in sight!  Just sit tight for a second and you'll be home free!
Marinette, all starry-eyed, touches the sides of her face in glee.  Tikki is mostly focused on eating the space power up cookie.
Marinette: Adrien's here, Tikki!  Thank you thank you thank you for giving me that Lucky Charm!  It led me right to him!
Tikki: Lucky Charms are more the universe providing you what you need than me...
Marinette: Close enough!  If it weren't for you, I'd still be powerless to help Adrien.  But now I can protect him!
Tikki, halfway through her cookie, looks away uneasily.
Tikki: Aren't you forgetting to ask Adrien what he wants?
Marinette: I know what he wants: to be with the people he cares about.  His friends are all dying to help, so we'll be perfect for giving Adrien everything he needs to feel that he's safely home!
Tikki: I guess... but maybe you should first make sure that your other friend gets home too?
Marinette grabs the side of her head in distress at the reminder.
Somewhere in the trees at the bottom of the cliff, Cosmobug finds Kagami and waves to her.  Kagami shows Cosmobug the knife she found.
Cosmobug: Hey, Kagami!  I totally didn't forget to come get you!  I've just got a... surprise for you!
Kagami: Was the surprise this knife that almost hit me in the head?
Cosmobug: No!  I mean... The real surprise is going to be much better than a knife, ha ha!  Let me show you!
Cosmobug, having picked up Kagami to bring her to the clearing at the top of the cliff, gestures in front of them cheerfully.  Kagami looks confused.
Cosmobug: Tada!
Kagami: ...I am confused.  There seems to be nothing here?
Cosmobug turns her head in shock.
Cosmobug: What?  No!
Cosmobug kneels prone on the ground of the empty clearing, Kagami watching from behind at the cliff’s edge.
Cosmobug: Adrien was right here...  He was...
Below is the same image as above, only without text:
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d011zk1ll · 1 month
new au unlocked: trans adrien runaway au
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SO, Marinette does Ballet, Adrien being afab did ballet instead of fencing before he ran away, They met when they were about 8/9. Adrien never went to school, because gabe is SO much worse in this au.
Adrien and marinette did have crushes on eachother, since they were both around 10 respectivelyt, so about 6 years. Marinett ebgan to question if it was worth it, a few weeks before they get their miraculous because it was os long and she thought it was unriciprocated
Adrien in literally head over heels in lvoe with marinette, and this means he doesnt have a crush on lb
When ladybug and cn appear, Marinette develops a crush on cn, and this leads her to try and help him when her earrings are with Alya (Alya ended up getting the earrings for a bit in origins, but all in all decided after being scarabella, that they should switch between the two, allowing her to take over for the entire origins bit, and then scarabella comes in every other week.)
Mari and cn end up together,after a couple months
Cn ends up running away, and lying about his age to get top surgery (DON T DO THIS KIDS???) and crashes at marinettes until he's better, however Marinette see's how scared he is to go back and decides. "Hey. ur my bf. stay here. I can make you clothes and a way to hide ur identity"
he aslos uses chat noir to get t
i douvt i'll expand apon this but if u have any questiosn send me an ask
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asukiess · 1 year
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adrien from runaway catwalker by @pisoprano !! he is absolutely going through it. he is pathetic and sleeps in the sewers and probably wants to tell his mom he loves her and probably also wants to just go back to being chat noir. i love him <3
it's also just very clever and funny!! thank you for giving him such a cute outfit too!
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pisoprano · 11 months
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@panvampirething In lieu of the lackluster 'candy' provided while my computer was broken, here's your replacement treat--thanks for waiting patiently!
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kawaiichibiart · 1 year
*Adrien/Ren and Luka sitting in jail together*
Luka: So who should we call?
Adrien/Ren: I’d call Felix, but I feel safer in jail
Adrien/Ren, in a high voice, holding barbie: hey ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!
Luka, in a deep voice, holding ken: nonsense, barbie. you’re staying home and having my kids
Felix: what the fuck are you guys doing?
Adrien/Ren: playing systemic oppression
Adrien/Ren: How's the sexiest person here~?
Luka: I don't know, how are they~?
Adrien/Ren, flustered: I-
Felix, from across the room: I'm doing great, thanks!
Adrien/Ren: You have to apologize to Luka
Felix: Fine.
Felix: 'Unfuck you' or whatever.
*The squad is having dinner together*
Adrien/Ren: Luka, can you pass the salt?
Luka: *Throws Felix across the table*
Adrien/Ren: We need to get through this locked door. Luka, give me your credit card.
Luka, handing his credit card over: Here.
Adrien/Ren, pocketing it: Thanks. Felix, kick down the door.
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jheqiawrites · 16 days
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bag-chip · 2 years
Hey everyone!! I’ve been updating Instagram on the progress of the Runaway AU but completely forgot to tell you all what was going on.
I just graduated uni, I was directing and animating my own short film as well as working part time. BUT now that my film is finished, I’m so excited to go fully back into this comic.
I’ve spent the past week writing down and tweaking the timeline, it’s become much more detailed and intense than I was expecting but I know you all will love it. I’m starting to thumbnail the actual parts now, I’m trying to plan this stuff in bigger batches so there’s more continuity between the parts.
Look out for the next part soon!! It’s gonna be funnnnn
I update more on my Instagram story if you want to check me out there
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miraculousfanworks · 1 year
Fanfiction Prompt
When Adrien got the ring, he saw it as the way forward with all his dreams. Not just being a hero, not just being loved, not just a chance to escape from the four walls of his home, but to finally get away. So, shortly after dealing with Stoneheart, he starts on his plan. First things first: he tells Chloe that he's Chat Noir, he'll need her support. She takes it pretty well, in his opinion, and it's nice to have a confidant that he can trust. Secondly: he quietly starts to move some of the things he truly cares about to Chloe's room at the Grand Paris. It's not much, but it's his, and she promised to take care of it. And then, finally, he transforms, climbs out his window, and doesn't come back. Adrien Agreste is officially missing. Unofficially, people know that he's in Paris, they see him sometimes (he can't stay Chat Noir forever, after all). But no one can catch him, no one can pin him down for long enough to do anything about it. He runs, they chase, and then he just... vanishes for a little while, before turning up again a short time later where the entire thing will start over again. Chat Noir, meanwhile, has been enjoying going to school and making friends. Sure, it's not the easiest thing to have a normal school life as a superhero, but he's somehow managed it (a lot of the more annoying people backed off when they realized that Chat Noir is a gigantic dork, and any boost to their popularity is not worth being seen around such a massive goofball. The rest backed off when it became clear that Chat had absolutely no interest in fake, vapid friendships, and that he was pretty skilled at identifying them). So this is Adrien's life now: a superhero and a runaway. But it's his life, and he finds that he rather loves it, despite the difficulties and the hardships that it brings.
Prompt by BlueStarOfTheSouth
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flightfoot · 1 year
I know you read a lot of fics, so maybe you'll be able to help me, please? Do you have any fic recs with trans Adrien or trans Felix?
There ain't a lot of Trans Felix fics yet, but there are over a hundred fics that feature Trans Adrien, it has its own tag! Here's two fics I have bookmarked (Sorry for not leaving reviews of them though, I gotta skedaddle).
Rocking the Cat-Eyes by @buggachat
“I like being a girl.” “That’s the alcohol talking,” Marinette snorted. “I’ve always been a li’l jealous,” Adrien admitted. “... Of what?” “That you get to be a girl,” Adrien murmured, “and I don’t.” — When Marinette and Adrien host Girls' Night at their apartment, Adrien is easily welcomed to attend as "one of the girls"... but has a bit too much to drink. Some drunken confessions are spilt, some assumptions are made, and most of all... Adrien is confused.
Hello, We Love You, Won't You Tell Us Your Name? by Inkworld
Adrien has been Chat Noir for all of six months when he realizes… well, he had never runaway before because the reality of looking like a teenage girl and supermodel would not bode well for him on the streets even with his fencing experience. But Chat Noir doesn’t get misgendered—though Adrien imagines he’d still feel safe enough with Plagg around even if he did. Adrien has been Chat Noir for all of six month when he decides that he only wants to be Chat Noir. The only creature in the whole wide world that has ever called him by his name, his real name, is Plagg anyway. He’s sure that his friends from school won’t miss him half as much as he’ll miss them (he’s wrong, of course). Adrien has been Chat noir for all of six months when he runs away from a mansion that has always been more of a prison than a home. He’s not expecting Ladybug to be so upset when the Agreste kid is announced missing.
And here's the Trans Adrien Agreste tag on AO3 for your perusal!
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miraculous masterpost 🦚
sentitwin soulmate au (Félix and Adrien are soulmates. Amélie and Emilie used to be just as close. On hiatus.) ghost félix au (Félix just wanted it to stop hurting. On hiatus.) sentitwin omori au (Adrien wakes up. Emilie is home. On hiatus.)
never been in love (Félix comes to terms with being aromantic.) metempsychosis (Félix is in a time loop.) i've drowned and dreamt this (Adrien has a problem.) no one listens to the dead (Félix and Adrien switch places.) oh, no, not again (For Félix, time travel is a dangerous thing.) band-aid (Adrien helps Félix through a panic attack.) for what we've done (During Emotion, Marinette chooses differently.) garden of dreams (Adrien takes care of Félix when he dissociates.) i want to hold the hand inside you (Félix gives Marinette his ring.) loose leaves (Marinette shares a morning with Félix and Kagami.) come alive when the light dies (Ladybug remembers Patte de Velours in the Burrow.) in certain light, i can plainly see (Félix lets Marinette kiss his hand.) handle with care (Félix takes Adrien to meet his horse.) aftertaste (Ladybug brings Adrien to a picnic date.)
better left unsaid (Snake Noir visits Félix after Réplique.) brave, truthful, and unselfish (Five times Félix lied to Adrien.) ephialtes / reverie (Félix survives the night of the Diamonds' Dance.) sleep (Runaway Chat Noir and Félix have a conversation.)
and a couple others i haven't made posts for which you can find here!
why félix makes me insane why i read félix as aromantic why félix would go by his father's last name random félix defenses in my stash timeline of félix events
félix and flairmidable as pandora's myth félix as a classical or method actor sentitwin sun and moon symbolism
sentitwin soulmate au meta / more / more
every scene where the miraculous theme song plays in minor definitely not every scene where in the rain plays
parallels between marinette, adrien, gabriel, and émilie parallels between exaltation and chat blanc parallels between gabemilie and feligami
french history and gabriel's color palette plikki at the end of the world
adrien agreste and borderline personality disorder
félix fathom amélie graham de vanily felinette / more / more philosophy / more the whiteness of the whale hearth and thirteen paris special chat blanc twins / more feligami ladyvelours team is a four letter word
how far we've come / miraculous ladybug i could fight on a wall / ladynoir end credits / felinette emperor's new clothes / félix fathom i can't decide / félix fathom this side of paradise / ladrien savior / ladyblanc tightrope / djwifi are you bored yet? / kuro neko way down we go / félix fathom
émilie agreste kitty section
sentitwins felinette / more / more / more feligami / more félix fathom the wish
fic recs
félix sentitwins feligami ladynoir
miraculous frozen au miraculous infinity train au
murder at the graham de vanily dinner party birds of a feather
as time goes by podfic
thirteen poem félix poem
in the rain a capella
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awholelotofladybug · 6 months
Is it ok to make fanart of the AU's?
Absolutely. I would love to see it. Just keep the art SFW, please.
here's a list of my AUs
Stammering Adrien Agreste AU
Prankster Chloe AU
Adrien Addams AU
Gardener Adrien AU
Inventor Adrien AU
Brittle Adrien/Hero Emilie AU
Accident Prone Adrien AU
Guardian Gabriel AU
Miraculous Cousin AU
A Few AUs in my Head
Chloe Agreste AU
Chloe Frankenstein AU
Phantom of Paris AU
French Fangs AU
Clown Emilie AU
Grumpy Chat/Silly Mari AU
True Villain AU
Supervillain Chloe AU
Daddy’s Little Soldier AU
Two Moms and a Dad AU
Lila is Squidward AU
Chloe Can Cook AU
Workin’ Hard AU
Chloe’s Stripes AU
Hero Chloe AU
Runaway Chloe  AU
Theater Club AU
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runawaycatwalker · 1 year
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Part 24. Misaligned Approaches (Oni-Chan 2.0, part A)
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Bonus: The bread lesson Rolland teaches Adrien immediately before this page takes place that I had to cut to save space.
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Description below the cut
Alya sits on Marinette’s chaise lounge looking at her phone.  Marinette looks upwards, clenching her fists in vindication.
Alya: Preliminary results about Catwalker are in.  Verdict: Pretty skeevy.
Marinette: I knew it!  Tell me everything!
Alya scrolls through the messages on her phone.
Alya: My informant doesn't have any concrete evidence yet and most of this is just vibes, but...
Alya: Catwalker did specifically mention you by name.
Marinette: What??
Alya: When confronting my informant, Catwalker got defensive and asked if 'someone Marinette knows' sent them.
Marinette places her hand on Alya’s shoulder, looking shaken.  Alya looks up at her with a look of uneasiness.
Marinette: Does that mean he knows you're Rena?
Alya: Or he might be on the verge of discovering your identity.  Either way, I'm certainly not comfortable working alongside him anymore.
From behind, we see Marinette hold a hand up to the sky and clench her other hand in a fist in resolution.
Marinette: Because of Mayura we can't just fire him, but we can contain him.  We'll rely on the rest of the team for all battles and restrict his interactions with everyone.  If he steps out of line, all bets are off and we treat him like he's another akuma.  And we keep investigating.  I just know that he's up to something terrible right now and we've got to put a stop to it!
Rolland shuts a book between his hands entitled Pain.  Adrien holds up a hand and offers a wishful grin.  Behind them is the cabinet of things in Rolland’s living room, including the Lost flyer of Adrien, which is draped over a box.
Rolland: So: Shall we bake?
Adrien: I sure wouldn't mind if you showed me how to make baguettes...
Rolland: Bahaha!  Baguettes!  You are in no way ready to bake baguettes!  No, we start with something far more traditional: the boule!
Rolland holds up a finger.
Rolland: But first: you must wash your hands.
Adrien: Of course!
Rolland: And take off that ring.
Adrien: Wh—what's wrong with my ring?
Rolland grab’s Adrien’s hand and points at the indentations in his ring.
Rolland: Just look at it!  Flour is going to collect in all of those crevices!  It is much simpler to just take off your ring while baking.
Adrien looks at his miraculous in thought.  Behind him is the sink with the handle of a knife poking out of it.
Adrien (internally): I shouldn't take any chances of being caught without wearing my miraculous.  But maybe if I don't stop wearing it...?
Adrien kneels on the ground and uses a knife to cut through the front rubber part of his shoe.
Rolland: What are you doing?
Adrien: Making a hole in my shoe! If I can't wear my ring on my finger... I can still have easy access by slipping it on my toe instead!
Adrien turns his knife aside and uses his other hand to slip his miraculous through the new hole in his shoe.  Rolland’s hand reaches down from above dangerously close to the knife.
Rolland: You are using one of my knives to cut through rubber?!
Adrien: I'll clean it after I'm done, don't worry.
Rolland: That is not the point!
The knife’s edge cuts the back of Rolland’s hand.
Rolland: Give that b—Aaack!
Adrien touches his hands to the bottom of his face.  One hand is still holding the knife, which now has a small spot of blood near the tip.
Adrien: I'm so sorry!  I didn't mean to—!  Please don't fire me!
Rolland: Oh, hush.  It's barely a scratch!
Adrien: I'll get the first aid kit!  Where's the first aid kit?  Do you have a first aid kit?
Rolland: I'll handle that without you.
Rolland waves his hand grumpily.
Rolland: You just worry about washing up my knife!  Without cutting anything that is not food this time!
Adrien: Y-yes, sir!
Rolland slams the doors between the kitchen and living room shut, so that Adrien is alone in the kitchen and Rolland is alone with his collectibles.
Rolland (internally): Don't lose your temper, Rolland.  Baldy's still a child.  He's probably never been in a kitchen before.  Whoever raised him had no idea how it's done.  Teaching him that is your job now.
Rolland digs through the box on his cabinet, one hand picking up the Lost flyer to move it out of the way.  As he does so, Oni-Chan teleports behind him with her sword pointed over his shoulder.
Rolland (internally): Now where did I put those banda—?
Oni-Chan: Where are you keeping Adrien Agreste?
Oni-Chan grabs Rolland’s shirt and holds her sword above his head threateningly.  Rolland is still holding onto the flyer and looks panicked.
Rolland: Aahhh!
Oni-Chan: Tell me where Adrien is before I strike you right where you stand!
Rolland: You mean the missing angel boy?  I don't know!  What does a Chinese monster want with him?
Oni-Chan swings her sword.
Oni-Chan: I'm not a monster!
Rolland has now become frozen in place, covered in splotches of white, red, and black.  Oni-Chan stands behind him, looking back over her shoulder.
Oni-Chan: If anyone else stands in my way, they're getting petrified too.  And for the record, I'm Japanese.
Oni-Chan kicks down the doors into the kitchen.  No one is there, only a slight movement of the window drapes in the background.
Oni-Chan: Hi-yaaah!  Shadowmoth!  He's not here!
Shadowmoth (over akuma connection): The old man must have seen Adrien somewhere.
Oni-Chan: The only sign of Adrien anywhere is on the flyer that man was looking at!  Wait...
Oni-Chan, a butterfly light mask in front of her face showing her communication with Shadowmoth, grabs the Lost flyer and slices through Adrien’s face with her sword.
Oni-Chan: I was promised the ability to track the last person who saw Adrien, but these powers sent me to someone who was just looking at an Adrien picture!
Oni-Chan throws up her hand in frustration.  There is also a closeup of Shadowmoth (also with the butterfly light mask) from his lair, holding out a hand negotiatingly.
Oni-Chan: Do you have any idea how many people are looking at pictures of Adrien?
Shadowmoth: Millions every day.  ...I presume.
Oni-Chan: I will not sift through millions of people merely because you gave me unusable powers!
Shadowmoth: Would you rather I take your powers away and leave you without any leads at all?
Oni-Chan: No!  No, I'll keep my akuma.  But I'm not going to try to get Ladybug and Catwalker's miraculouses for you until after I find Adrien.  You want me to help you?  You help me first.
Shadowmoth: I could create a sentimonster to destroy all instances of Adrien's image until you find the real one.
Oni-Chan: Then do that!
Shadowmoth: I'll need time to prepare the amok.
Oni-Chan starts to teleport away, her expression resolute.
Oni-Chan: Well, I'm not wasting my time waiting.  Have your sentimonster summon me when it's ready.
Cut to Adrien and Plagg outside Rolland’s residence, watching as the light of Oni-Chan’s teleport flashes through the window curtains.  Adrien still has the knife and replaces his miraculous back on his ring finger.
Adrien: Do you think Oni-Chan really came here because Rolland saw me on Marinette's flyer?
Plagg: Probably not.  Akuma powers usually work however the akuma expects them to and Rolland was the last person to see you.
Adrien: But her expectations just changed.  So maybe people seeing pictures of Adrien will be tracked by her powers now?
Plagg: Even if you do turn out to be that lucky, you're still better off being Catwalker instead of Adrien.
Adrien: Right.  Plagg, claws out!
Bonus Scene:
Rolland holds up a hand invitingly.
Rolland: Baldy, you have returned from your morning walk!  Now we can begin your lessons in flour!
Adrien: Yeah, okay.
Rolland: What do you mean 'okay'?  I thought you wanted to be my apprentice?
Adrien pulls off his beanie, looking discouraged.
Adrien: Sorry, I just saw a friend and he... Never mind.  It's nothing.
Rolland: Nothing?
Adrien: Bread is the most important thing, right?  Teach me everything I need to know.  I'm... ready.
Rolland: You are not quite ready yet.  First...
Cut to Adrien taking a bite of bread, happily going ‘nom! nom! nom!’.
Rolland: ...You must eat!
Adrien: Ooh!
Rolland: It's from yesterday, but it is better than nothing!  We French know the value of bread, for we remember the days when we did not have it!
Rolland holds up the book Pain : pour les enfants! and reads to Adrien as he finishes his bread.
Rolland: This is today's lesson: how wheat shortage caused the Revolution!  Wheat gives us flour, flour gives us bread, and bread is life!  And when the wheat harvests failed, we survived by eating whatever awful bread from bran we could afford—if we could even afford that!
Rolland points to a picture of Marie Antoinette holding a purple rose in the book, which has the caption “Qu'ils mangent de la brioche”.
Rolland: But who wasn't starving?  The nobility!  They still ate fancy Viennese breads made with refined white flour!  And while France suffered, Marie Antoinette had the gall to tell us ‘Let them eat cake!’
Adrien holds up a correcting finger.
Adrien: Isn't that quote apocryphal?
Rolland: What?
Adrien: No one ever verified that it was Marie Antoinette who said that.  And even if she did, she would have been just a kid at the time.
Rolland: Bah!  That’s not important!
Rolland holds up the book in front of his face.  On one page, a pie chart with 75% blé (wheat) and 25% seigle (rye).  On the other page is a guillotine surrounded by bread and centering the French flag, below which is the caption “Pain d'égalité”.
Rolland: The point is that the people of France revolted because of this, because of bread!  And once we got rid of those pesky nobles, France could have one bread: the bread of equality!  It would be made from all our grains, from wheat to rye, and everyone would eat it!
Adrien: Sounds much simpler.
Rolland: Very simple!  But it wasn't to be.  People still want their fancy flour.
Rolland holds up his wooden peel in one hand and his metal peel in the other in a pose reminiscent of the painting Liberty Leading the People.
Rolland: But once there was no more shortage of wheat, the government decreed that bakers must follow strict rules.  You want to make a baguette?  It must be the right size and made with the right ingredients!  You run a boulangerie?  You must make your bread on-site!  And you must never close shop without warning!  We do this so no one will suffer the pains of being forced to eat terrible bread—or no bread—ever again!  Because here in France, that is how it is done!  So: shall we bake?
Below are the same images as above, only without text:
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 15 days
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sunabear · 3 months
Where Do We Go Now?
Adrien has followed the rules his whole life. Always done what he's told, always went through with anything that came his way. But in the final hours before his wedding, he's starting to think that maybe he's not cut out for all that being a husband, and an Agreste, entails.
Adrien leaves Chloe at the altar. Marinette gets a new roommate. (Adrien Runaway Groom AU)
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pisoprano · 11 months
Trick or treat
I had to reformat all of this to be comprehensible to someone who isn’t me, but here is the old version of the scene that takes place during pages 16-18 of Runaway Catwalker (i.e., the scene where Mayura tries to dig for any dirt about Adrien).
In this version, there isn't a lie detector sentimonster keeping the heroes restrained and honest yet, Mayura instead makes a senti of Chat Noir to use as a mouthpiece while she stays safe and sound in her own bedroom. Ladybug is not included in this version of the conversation—she sees Catwalker and SentiNoir talking from afar, but she doesn’t hear anything they say to each other. Catwalker is also a bit more willing to play Mayura's game here, whereas in the comic I thought it made more sense for him to simply stop answering all of Mayura’s nosey questions. While I think a lot of the changes I made were better for the story overall, there are parts of this that I wish I could have included in the final version, I just couldn’t quite manage to find a way to make them fit.
SentiNoir holds up his hands in surrender.
Catwalker: “Is this a set up for making Ladybug guess who the real black cat wielder is? Because I doubt you know her partner well enough to fool her when lesser akumas have tried.”
Mayura (via SentiNoir): “This is Mayura. I only want to talk to you.”
Catwalker: “Don’t come any closer or make any sudden movements, and I’ll consider it. Also, use your powers to destroy something so I know you can’t use it against me.”
SentiNoir destroys his own baton.
Mayura: “Shadowmoth remains unaware of Chat Noir’s secret identity.”
Catwalker: “You expect me to believe that, with all the times you two have tried to unmask the heroes, you wouldn’t immediately tell your partner in crime who one of them was?”
Mayura: “That was before I discovered that I was personally acquainted with Chat Noir’s secret identity. Enough to care about his well-being and not want to put a target on his back. Enough to recognize that it is in everyone’s best interest that no one learn Chat Noir’s identity, Shadowmoth included.”
Catwalker (internally): She knows me? In person? And I never suspected a thing? Thank goodness I was paranoid enough to cut off everyone in my life or I would be so screwed right now.
Catwalker: “Interesting. I presume that your charity towards Chat Noir does not extend to me?”
Mayura: “Our goals have not changed. The wielders of the ladybug and black cat miraculouses are still our enemy. But it is convenient that Chat Noir has removed himself from the line of fire, and for that I will hold off on attacking you today.”
Catwalker: “Very generous of you. Why tell me of your connection to Chat Noir at all? Or is this merely a ploy to get me to reveal information about where he has gone or get him to come back? One problem with that: he never told me anything about his secret identity or intended location. So I couldn’t corroborate your story even if it was true.
Mayura: “You expect me to believe that you don’t know who he is?”
Catwalker: “Ladybug didn’t even tell Chat Noir any of the temporary heroes’ identities after someone else found out. There is no reason for him to leak his identity more than it has already.”
Mayura: “What about to protect his family? You can’t protect them if you don’t know who they are.”
Catwalker: “We protect all of Paris. Chat Noir’s family would be included in that if they were ever put in danger, whether or not we knew who they were to him.”
Mayura: “And what if I were to say that Chat Noir was Adrien Agreste?”
Catwalker (internally): Time to sell this. She needs to believe that I am useless as a source of information about where Adrien is now.
Catwalker: “You really have no shame, do you? Adrien is a missing child and you’re just going to twist his circumstances to spin a narrative that no one in their right mind would believe?”
Mayura: “It’s true: Adrien Agreste was Chat Noir.”
Catwalker: “Let’s assume you’re not lying—leaving aside the logistics of how someone that famous could possibly pull off a superhero double-life. That completely undermines your other outlandish claim, that Shadowmoth somehow doesn’t know who Chat Noir is. Assuming that he is Adrien, the fact that recent akumas have been hunting Adrien would be proof that Shadowmoth knows he had a secret identity.”
Mayura: “Shadowmoth knows that I do not wish Adrien to come to harm and just wants to help me to reunite with him. Nothing more.”
Catwalker: “Whether he was Chat Noir or not, sending akumas after the poor kid is hardly going to make him think that he’s safe to return. Try akumatizing someone else for once and Adrien might consider coming back home.”
Mayura: “He might not come back at all if something doesn’t make him!”
Catwalker: “If you really believe that, then you don’t ‘care about him’, you just want to control him.”
Mayura: “Believe what you want. But know this: if Chat Noir ever wields a miraculous again, I will tell Shadowmoth the truth of his identity. Yes, I could be lying, but do you really want to take the chance that I’m not?”
Catwalker: “What is your proof that you know personally know Chat Noir’s civilian identity as well as you claim?”
[cut a couple alternate exchanges that are redundant here]
Mayura: “You are able to talk to the kwami that powers your miraculous, yes?”
Catwalker: “He starts blowing bubbles if he tries to mention the name of his previous holder to me, so he won’t be a useful source of information.”
Mayura: “No, but he does know the boy well enough to confirm that I know things about him that only someone sufficiently close could know. That should help prove my sincerity, hm?”
[scene break]
Catwalker: “Alright then. Prove you’re close to the real Chat Noir. Tell me something like, I don’t know, his favorite cookie flavor?”
Mayura: “Passionfruit.”
Catwalker (internally): Pretty sure that was published in a magazine somewhere, but the fact that she knew without hesitation means that she doesn’t just know my name and face by casual reputation alone.
Catwalker: “I suppose I don’t have enough information to tell if you’re right, so I’ll just file that tidbit away for now. Does he have any allergies? Wait, never mind, he was always sneezing at Mr. Pigeon, so that isn’t private enough. What are his parents’ names?”
Mayura: “That sounds more like you are the one fishing for Chat Noir’s identity. If I am not telling Shadowmoth who he is, why do you think I would tell you?”
Catwalker: “You come up with something, then.”
Mayura: “Chat Noir at one point was—and perhaps may still be—under the misapprehension that his father made him something for a recent birthday. The gift was actually from someone else entirely. You can tell because the true creator signed it.”
Catwalker (internally): The scarf wasn’t from Father? If it really wasn’t… Wait, this is absolutely a trap. I didn’t take the scarf with me when I left—I didn’t want to chance anything that Father or his company had made being seen on my person. So now she’s baiting Chat Noir to break back into the mansion to retrieve the scarf while she’s on the lookout so she can capture me once and for all.
Catwalker: “If Chat Noir is mistaken about something, how do you expect me to fact check it? If he didn’t know something, it’s unlikely his former kwami does.”
Mayura: “Anything more specific would risk exposing my secret identity. Take my information or leave it.”
Catwalker: “Very well. Anything else you feel like sharing?”
Mayura: “Just that if your predecessor had learned what Shadowmoth and I have been working towards this whole time, he likely would have wanted us to succeed.”
Catwalker: “Somehow I doubt that. You have proven yourselves more than willing to abuse, assault, and murder to get what you want. Nothing is worth that.”
Mayura: “The powers of Ladybug’s miraculous still fixes everything in the end, does it not? In Shadowmoth’s hands, that would not change. But I see I will not convince you. Too heroic for your own good, I suppose. And since my time is almost up, I bid you good evening, Catwalker.”
Mayura snaps SentiNoir out of existence.
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nightmare-grass · 4 months
I’m in the middle of rewriting Miraculous Ladybug cuz it had such potential as a concept but it was squandered (mostly because of Thomas Astruc) and I’m not exactly ready to share my story notes yet (still working on expanding on story bits) but I have worked out the main Miraculous powers, so here, check it out!
Miraculous Powers
- some of them need reworking, some are just too similar to others or are too overpowered, some are underpowered, they need to be balanced among their sets
- I like the idea of one set of Miraculous being the Chinese Zodiac, but having those in the same set as the primary Miraculous just feels a bit messy. What do the primary Miraculous represent in relation to the Chinese Zodiac ones? It’s unclear, so we’re changing it.
- Master Fu can still be the old guardian with the box, but let’s change things up a little bit. Maybe since Fu was a runaway from the Order of Guardians, he’s got a limited amount of Miraculous with him. In his escape from the temple he took the Ladybug, Black Cat, Bee, Fox, Turtle, Peacock, and Butterfly with him.
- How do we introduce the Chinese Zodiac box then? Do we have Fu find it due to his guilt over how he left the Order? Or do we have Gabriel Agreste find them in his quest to gain more power? That way, the heroes can steal them back, and learn about them while their enemy already has much more knowledge about them.
- The Ladybug represents good fortune, so its power is creation. You can get exactly what you need the moment you need it, and you can sense how to put it to good use. The Black Cat represents misfortune, so its power is destruction. A single touch is enough to rot something away entirely, and so must be used extremely carefully. Marinette needs a bit more luck in her life, so she’s paired with the Ladybug. Adrien is usually feeling trapped in his life, so he needs the power to break out if necessary, that’s why he’s paired with the Black Cat. Combining their powers of Creation and Destruction gives one power over life and death, making them like a god.
- Since it’s magic jewelry, it cannot be thrown away once it’s chosen a wielder, it’ll just return like Percy Jackson’s sword, Riptide, always appearing nearby or on their person. If it’s stolen, then it’ll become inactive unless it chooses to activate, choosing a new wielder. The Kwami are just kinda along for the ride, they are personifications of the power in the jewelry and the associations of what it’s based on, but they can’t go against what the jewelry does.
- Ladybug:
- Associations: Good Luck, protection, healing, grace
- Powers: Creation, with “Lucky Charm” they can summon any item they need the moment they need it; enhanced flexibility, strength, speed, agility, and perception.
- Weapon: Magic yo-yo
- Jewelry: Earrings
- Black Cat:
- Associations: Bad Luck, mischief, fear, death
- Powers: Destruction, with “Cataclysm” they can destroy any object no matter its size or mass with a single touch; enhanced flexibility, strength, speed, agility, and perception.
- Weapon: Magic staff
- Jewelry: Ring
- Turtle:
- Associations: Protection, wisdom, longevity, steadfastness, patience
- Powers: Shielding, with “Shelter” they can summon an impenetrable shield around anything they choose; enhanced strength, agility, and perception.
- Weapon: Shield
- Jewelry: Bracelet
- Fox:
- Associations: Trickery, cleverness, intelligence, mischief
- Powers: Illusion, with “Mirage” they can summon any kind of illusion that fits the situation, but they must choose between a large stationary illusion or a small mobile illusion; enhanced flexibility, agility, speed, endurance, and perception.
- Weapon: Magic reed flute
- Jewelry: Necklace
- Bee:
- Associations: Hard Work, teamwork, prosperity, fertility, protectiveness, community
- Powers: Stun, with “Venom” they can immobilize any target as long as they can make contact; enhanced speed, agility, flexibility, strength, and perception, flight.
- Weapon: Magic spinning top
- Jewelry: Hair Pin
- Butterfly:
- Associations: Soul, transformation, rebirth, freedom
- Powers: Power granting, they can imbue a magic butterfly with power and send it to find its target, turning said target into a Superhero or Supervillain as the wielder wishes; telepathic communication with the target once transformed, influence over the target’s actions and feelings; enhanced flexibility, agility, and perception, flight.
- Weapon: Magic wand (can be expanded to a staff)
- Jewelry: Broach
- Peacock:
- Associations: Power, confidence, beauty, dignity
- Powers: Minion Creation, with a magic feather they can craft a creature and imbue it with any powers they want, even using it to see and hear through; enhanced flexibility, speed, agility, and perception.
- Weapon: feathered fan
- Jewelry: Pin
- Chinese Zodiac:
- Rat:
- Associations: Intelligence, Resourcefulness, Adaptability
- Powers: Multiplication, can divide into smaller and smaller copies of oneself; enhanced flexibility, speed, agility, and perception
- Weapon: Shuko climbing claws
- Jewelry: Pendant Necklace (a design of intertwining rat tails making up the knot on the string, like a Rat King, shapes of rats indicate time left)
- Ox:
- Associations: Strength, Patience, Reliability, Stability
- Powers: Safe Zone, can mark off a limited area that becomes impenetrable, able to protect the defenseless or trap supervillains; enhanced strength, speed, agility, and perception.
- Weapon: Tonfa
- Jewelry: Nose Ring
- Tiger:
- Associations: Fearlessness, Passion, Flexibility, Ambition
- Powers: Hidden Strike, turns wielder invisible for a short time before making a super strong and fast attack; super strength, enhanced flexibility, durability, speed, agility, and perception.
- Weapon: Spiked Gauntlet
- Jewelry: Panjas Bracelet Ring
- Rabbit:
- Associations: Fertility, Gentleness, Vigilance, Peace
- Powers: Burrow, can enter a pocket dimension outside of time and reappear wherever they choose, making it look like instantaneous teleportation to outside observers, and giving extra time to the wielder; enhanced flexibility, speed, agility, and perception
- Weapon: Umbrella
- Jewelry: Pocket Watch
- Dragon:
- Associations: Power, Authority, Might, Wisdom, Good Fortune
- Powers: Heaven’s Might, can manipulate the weather, must choose between summoning rain, lightning, or wind, and can dispel storms; enhanced flexibility, strength, speed, agility, and perception.
- Weapon: Sword
- Jewelry: Arm Cuff (shaped like a curling dragon, spikes on neck indicate time left)
- Snake:
- Associations: Rebirth, Transformation, Immortality, Healing, Intuition, Wisdom
- Powers: Second Chance, can turn back time a maximum of 5 minutes, giving limited time to make a different choice; enhanced flexibility, strength, speed, agility, and perception
- Weapon: Chain Whip
- Jewelry: Bracelet (like a slap bracelet, scale pattern indicates time left)
- Horse:
- Associations: Independence, Freedom, Endurance, Sensitivity
- Powers: Traverse, basically super speed; enhanced flexibility, strength, speed, agility, and perception.
- Weapon: Horseshoe
- Jewelry: Glasses (with those horse blinds on the sides, rhinestones on the sides indicate time left)
- Goat:
- Associations: Resilience, Stubbornness, Strength, Compassion, Peace
- Powers: Unstoppable Charge, can enter a state of constant motion for a few minutes where nothing, even the powers of other Miraculous, can stop them completely, only maybe slow them down; enhanced flexibility, strength, speed, agility, and durability.
- Weapon: Battering Ram
- Jewelry: Hair Clips (ram horns)
- Monkey:
- Associations: Intelligence, Playfulness, Trickery, Adaptability
- Powers: Monkey Business, causes a target’s powers to malfunction; enhanced flexibility, strength, speed, agility, and perception.
- Weapon: Ruyi Jingu Bang (Monkey King’s staff)
- Jewelry: Circlet (shaped like Monkey King’s cursed circlet)
- Rooster:
- Associations: Confidence, Resilience, Honesty, Bravery, Observance, Pride
- Powers: Rising Sun, summons a powerful light that can illuminate hidden things and strategic points or just blind people; enhanced strength, speed, agility, and perception.
- Weapon: Feather fountain pen
- Jewelry: Single feathered earring (different colored feathers of different sizes)
- Dog:
- Associations: Loyalty, Guidance, Protection, Alertness
- Powers: Pack Bond, can lend temporary strength to anyone nearby and create allies; enhanced strength, speed, agility, and perception.
- Weapon: Frisbee (with a hole in the middle, like a throwable ring)
- Jewelry: Choker (studs and a single pendant to indicate time left)
- Pig:
- Associations: Prosperity, Abundance, Decisiveness, Pragmatism
- Powers: Pearl of Wisdom, remove a Pearl from the sack weapon and it shows the recipient what they truly desire; enhanced durability, strength, speed, agility, and perception.
- Weapon: Sack of Plenty (like Santa’s bag but smaller, except it acts like a D&D bag of holding and can be used like Sam’s butter sock)
- Jewelry: Anklet (curly wire like a pig tail and pearls to indicate time left)
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