#ghost félix au
bittersweetresilience · 11 months
miraculous masterpost 🦚
sentitwin soulmate au (Félix and Adrien are soulmates. Amélie and Emilie used to be just as close. Ongoing.) ghost félix au (Félix just wanted it to stop hurting. Ongoing.) sentitwin omori au (Adrien wakes up. Emilie is home. Ongoing.)
never been in love (Félix comes to terms with being aromantic.) metempsychosis (Félix is in a time loop.) i've drowned and dreamt this (Adrien has a problem.) no one listens to the dead (Félix and Adrien switch places.) oh, no, not again (For Félix, time travel is a dangerous thing.) band-aid (Adrien helps Félix through a panic attack.) for what we've done (During Emotion, Marinette chooses differently.) garden of dreams (Adrien takes care of Félix when he dissociates.) i want to hold the hand inside you (Félix gives Marinette his ring.) loose leaves (Marinette shares a morning with Félix and Kagami.) come alive when the light dies (Ladybug remembers Patte de Velours in the Burrow.) in certain light, i can plainly see (Félix lets Marinette kiss his hand.) handle with care (Félix takes Adrien to meet his horse.) aftertaste (Ladybug brings Adrien to a picnic date.)
better left unsaid (Snake Noir visits Félix after Réplique.) brave, truthful, and unselfish (Five times Félix lied to Adrien.) ephialtes / reverie (Félix survives the night of the Diamonds' Dance.) sleep (Runaway Chat Noir and Félix have a conversation.)
and a couple others i haven't made posts for which you can find here!
why félix makes me insane why i read félix as aromantic why félix would go by his father's last name random félix defenses in my stash timeline of félix events
félix and flairmidable as pandora's myth félix as a classical or method actor sentitwin sun and moon symbolism
sentitwin soulmate au meta / more / more
every scene where the miraculous theme song plays in minor definitely not every scene where in the rain plays
parallels between marinette, adrien, gabriel, and émilie parallels between exaltation and chat blanc parallels between gabemilie and feligami
french history and gabriel's color palette plikki at the end of the world
adrien agreste and borderline personality disorder
félix fathom amélie graham de vanily felinette / more / more philosophy / more the whiteness of the whale hearth and thirteen paris special chat blanc twins / more feligami ladyvelours team is a four letter word
how far we've come / miraculous ladybug i could fight on a wall / ladynoir emperor's new clothes / félix fathom i can't decide / félix fathom end credits / felinette this side of paradise / ladrien savior / ladyblanc tightrope / djwifi are you bored yet? / kuro neko way down we go / félix fathom
émilie agreste kitty section
sentitwins felinette / more / more / more feligami / more félix fathom the wish
fic recs
félix sentitwins feligami ladynoir
miraculous frozen au miraculous infinity train au
murder at the graham de vanily dinner party birds of a feather
as time goes by podfic
thirteen poem félix poem
in the rain a capella
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sorryiwasasleep · 1 year
Bruno Madrigal is a ghost.
It’s not all bad, he doesn’t have to use his gift anymore, doesn’t have to answer to anybody, doesn’t have to eat or sleep really.
Plus, he can still talk to his family in their dreams.
Chapter 15: Félix II
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artzychic27 · 2 months
Have some crack School for Monstrous Youths incorrect quotes
Félix: Think about it, Lucien. You, me. All the control! All the POWER! ALL THE FREE CRUMPETS!
Lila: Hey, Alya. You know how you did that ghost force field thing that kept the volcano from cooking us?
Alya: Yes.
Lila: Well, why didn't you use it to save me from that mob?!
Alya: Because, Lila. I don't like you.
Jean: *Dramatically* Why, Austin?! Why do the good die young?!
Austin T: Well, usually because I get confused.
Kim: Don't make me go savage on your-
Lila: *Interrupting* As I was saying...
Max: At the rate this monster hunter is finding and arresting us, I predict this cell will be full in... Four hours!
*Two Hours Later, the Akuma Class and Science Kids are all cramped in the prison cell*
Max: Damn, he's working fast!
Vivica: I'm not even in this AU!
Lila: Hey, we got to this far. Not bad for a weenie, a dope, and a useless bag of bones with no powers. You figure out the rest.
Rose: Am I the weenie or the bag of bones?
@msweebyness @imsparky2002
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spidertalia · 1 year
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I want to finally introduce my beloved boy, Florida !!
Florida is the oldest state in my AU, going off of settlement (St. Augustine was founded in 1565, 20 years before Roanoke) and is physically 24, older than Alfred himself. His full human name is Félix Agustín Avilés-de Leon, though he typically just goes by Félix Avilés.
Félix is generally loud, excitable, cheerful, weird, energetic, talkative, friendly, welcoming, shameless, good-spirited and a jokester with a good sense of humor. He will even make jokes at his own expense on occasion, and he's the type that can joke about just about anything. He's very entertaining and is the type that easily makes friends and can make people laugh without even trying.
Some fun facts about him:
He's 5'11 or 180 cm in height
He has roughly 3A hair
He has a lot of specific quirks that make him seem weird to others, but he doesn't care. These include decorating palm trees with christmas lights, being overly obsessed with Publix, always wearing flip flops or sandals and handling alligators with his bare hands
He's indigenous hispanic, with some black heritage as well.
He's had his current hairstyle since the late 2000's, but he does change his hairstyle up every other decade or so.
He loves falling asleep to rain and/or thunderstorms. He actually finds thunder comforting
He's honestly a lot like Alfred, minus the hero obsession. The two are unsurprisingly very close and get along really, really well
He owns a pet alligator he named Flagler
He's very shameless and proudly himself. He doesn't really care too much about what others think of him; he'll do what he wants and be as loudly himself as he wants to be. He knows he's weird, and he embraces it
However, he will absolutely shut people down when they bring up outrageous stereotypes. Yes, he finds Florida Man memes funny, but he won't hesitate to shut someone down if they try and generalize his citizens.
He's actually friends with Texas, Ohio, Georgia, Alabama and New Jersey. He, Texas and Ohio have formed a little 'weird states' club. He does bicker with Georgia a lot, but they are ultimately friends.
He has the vibes of that free-spirited, really fun oldest sibling or weird uncle who swoops in every once in a while to throw a party and then dip.
He owns 8 houses- in Miami, Saint Augustine, Tallahassee, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville, Daytona Beach and Key West.
He's completely unaffected by heat, and actually thrives in temperatures of 82 degrees or higher (28 celsius). He especially loves weather between 85 and 92 degrees (29-33 celsius)
He's also unaffected by rain, and actually loves storms and rainy days
He's actually very intelligent, despite what his eccentric nature might suggest. After all, he did contribute quite a bit to the Space Race. He still has a lingering deep love of space as a result.
He's incredibly fucking weak to the cold, reverting to putting a jacket on at 70 degrees (21 celsius)
He tends to prefer owning 'weird' or misunderstood animals, like pitbulls, snakes, reptiles, etc. In terms of dog breeds, he exclusively owns pitbulls and no other breed.
He has owned a Florida Panther before. Don't ask
He has an annual pass to Universal, Disney World and Busch Gardens. He absolutely adores roller coasters- the bigger and faster, the better. His personal favorites are Velocicoaster, Cheetah Hunt and The Hulk.
His fashion style largely consists of button ups (especially summer-y ones), loose graphic t-shirts, muscle shirts, shorts and flip flops or sandals. He owns very few hoodies, jackets and cold weather clothing.
He's actually quite strong, partly owing to his childhood of dealing with dangerous animals
He absolutely loves key lime pie and will take any excuse to make it. He also just loves key lime flavored things in general
He's very hard to scare
He thoroughly enjoys ghost stories. He can actually see ghosts, and has encountered a number of them.
He tans easily but never burns
He's one of the better and most powerful swimmers
He's very adventurous with food, and will eat literally whatever you put in front of him. He'll eat anything fried, and has eaten gator before. He can even stomach England's cooking, but he's only ever had it once.
Despite this, he's actually a pretty good cook. Not phenomenal or anything, but good nonetheless.
He's great at dealing with wildlife, especially dangerous animals. He will pick up a 200 pound alligator snapping turtle with his bare hands like it's nothing, and he'll gush over it too. He thinks they're just so neat
He's quite creative in how he deals with wildlife
Outside of his Indigenous languages, he speaks English, Spanish, Haitian, Portuguese and French fluently.
He most enjoys action, animated, adventure and horror movies. He also enjoys objectively bad/awful movies.
He throws really good parties
He enjoys singers like Pitbull, Flo Rida, Jason Derulo and T-Pain; all from his state, of course. That's the general type of music he enjoys most, stuff he can dance to
One of his absolute favorite songs is absolutely the Bayside Boys remix of the Macarena.
His state bird is the Northern Mockingbird, but he constantly jokes that it's the mosquito.
He throws hurricane parties every time there's a hurricane incoming
His absolute favorite kind of movie is literally anything with pirates in it. He just really loves pirates
His main hobbies are fishing, swimming, going to the beach, being outdoors and going to theme parks
He does have a micronation- The Conch Republic. He's currently raising her as his daughter
He's not a great driver, but he's not an awful one either. He's truly in the middle
He's actually quite hard to make truly upset or angry. However, when you do truly upset him, you better run for it.
He loves being outdoors and around people. He's actually rarely indoors, preferring to always find something to do.
He fucking hates DeSantis
His likes include: Pirates, theme parks, rollercoasters, oranges, grapefruits, key lime pie, the beach, swimming, hot weather, kayaking, canoeing, floating down rivers in an inner tube, springs, NASA, Publix, Winn Dixie, boating, fishing, sports, hurricane parties, animals, alligators, latino music, dance music, rain storms, parades, Gasparilla.
His dislikes include: The cold, love bugs, roaches, humidity, driving, traffic, most tourists, Spring Break
I will be including/posting more about him later on, but this is all that I have so far ! I love him so fuckin much so expect more of him :))
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exaheva · 2 months
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ENFIN DISPONIBLE ! Avec mon ami et compère éternel Félix Laurent on ressort Mekka Nikki en version directors cut grâce aux Humanoïdes Associés ! Cette édition nous tient beaucoup à cœur car elle nous a permis d'ajouter plus de 100 pages sur l'ensemble de la série qui va sortir en 4 tomes tout au long de 2024. Cette édition a également une nouvelle typo qui nous a permis de refaire toutes les bulles afin de faire beaucoup respirer le dessin. Il y a également eu un nombre incroyable de retouches et corrections autant dans le texte que dans les images pour améliorer l'expérience de lecture ! En plus ya de nouvelles couv dont j'ai fait les couleurs ainsi que des bonus par Marie Spénale et Mortis Ghost !! Vois y croyez ??? Je suis ravie de cette nouvelle édition, j'espère qu'elle plaira aux fans de la 1ere ainsi qu'à ceux qui vont découvrir cette histoire qui traverse quasiment les dix dernières années de ma vie... C'est un truc de dingue. On se retrouve en juin pour le tome 2, et peut-être en dédicace ? Les premières dates Bruxelloises ont été annoncées (ce week-end Félix sera au salon du livre). Bisous à tout le monde 💖
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chaterbox1237 · 10 months
Ive mostly planned out my miraculous rewrite up to season three so feel free to ask me about some things from my au so that I have an excuse to talk about them.so here are some of the things that I think a few of you would like to hear(so feel free to ask!)
The new miraculous system
Gabriel and his parenting
Emilie and her parenting
Félix accidentally frames adrien for murder
Alya is a detective(literally)
Kagami and Zoe somehow end up dating.
Master fu is a ten year old ghost who teaches adrien about having a sibling,hilarity ensues.
Master fu is also a 186 year old ghost who teaches marinette about stuff.
The order of the guardians are assholes.
Marinette believes she can fly.
Adrien causes thousands in power outages.
Alya almost sets her house on fire.
Nino stop doing the water bender moves whenever you control water.
Chloe accidentally causes an earthquake.
Zoe stop thinking you’re toph.
Gabriel sees the light(circles)
Félix the shadow man.
Nathalie gaslight gatekeep girlbosses because gabriel is an idiot who got himself killed.
(Butternut) Lila is a master at psychological manipulation.
Chloe does character development
Zoe and Chloe share everything(miraculous included)
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glitternightingale · 2 years
If we're still taking AU ideas.... I am foaming at the mouth for anything spooky season, autumn, halloween. PLEASE 👻 🕷🧹🎃 🐈‍⬛️
Who dresses up as what in the Modern AU
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Bring the spooky vibes!!
Mirabel dresses up as a witch, simply because I think she would look adorable with a pointy hat. She also has the perfect hair for it and, not to forget, ripped a broom right out of Bruno's hands in the movie (and has probably also done so in the Modern AU when Bruno said he "wanted to make himself useful and clean the house" after his release).
Isabela picks a skeleton body suit, I think, and Luisa a bee or ladybug costume.
Camilo dresses up as a zombie but he insists he's just trying to imitate Bruno's post-prison looks (eggs are thrown at his head after that). A jaguar costume would fit Antonio very well while Julieta turns into a "scary" nurse. Agustín chooses a clown costume and actually manages to make it look funny.
Pepa knows she looks hot in a pirate outfit and bullies Félix into being her sidekick parrot. Dolores and Alma play it lowkey, becoming a ghost and a vampire respectively.
Bruno is forced to wear a cow onesie. (Yes, this is a nod to Milk Day and his "cow eyes".)
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shrunkupthejams · 7 months
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hey! it's been a hot minute and my writeblr intro could use some refreshing, so here we are!!
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my name is achilles! im 18, and im a hobby writer. im in university right now, but i still try to make time to write when inspiration strikes! just here to share my stories, have fun and goof around! my target audience is always, first and foremost, myself.
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my favourite things to write are high fantasy and world building!! mostly, my stories all take place in the same universe, an archipelago on a planet named dirt. in my works, i like exploring trauma, sappy fluff, and unconventional relationships.
when it comes to storytelling formats, i'm most often just holding handfulls of writing snippets and hoping for the best while i piece them together. i tend towards short stories, or short story collections, though most of my works will probably become novels or novel series. (im just a bit allergic to structure.) (though, i think i might just hate chapters.)
i also dabble, just a little and very self-indulgently, in fanfiction! inspiration for fanfiction tends to strike me very randomly (in frequency and in content), though i do have a few small finished fanfics! fanfiction is actually what got me into writing, way back in middle achool. it's all very much an exercise in cringe and heartfelt silliness for me.
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with my wips, i tend to bounce rapidly all over the place and not get much done for it, but here's what i've been working on! some old (since middle school!!), some new!! (for my sanity and the sake of the length of this post, none of my fanfic wips will be included in this list.) (however, i refuse to exclude any of my original wips, so buckle up!! there are a LOT.)
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working title: camilla marie & co.
the gist: what starts as a sort of chosen-one magic school shenanigans becomes a wild goose chase around the archipelago of dirt when camilla is taken by the knights of the capita. a high-fantasy coming of age story about chosen family, fate, and figuring out who you are in the face of adversity and others' expectations.
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working title: double a batteries
the gist: an accident that leads to kesh discovering they have superpowers turns their life upside down. a sci-fi/fantasy story that explores morality and familial obligations.
related aus: the adventures of jet astriak, jaiw au
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working title: isr: afters
the gist: two childhood friends, moriah and charo, reunite years later after becoming affiliated with the same magical gang. explores parental issues, with a healthy helping of childhood friends to lovers, organized crime, and vague religious trauma.
related aus: moriah & the greasters, cutiepete future au
[☆ intro post] (none yet!)
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working title: shielda x dlade
the gist: follows the relationship between shielda, a reluctant chosen one, and her friend sabine as her newfound status moves her up through the ranks of iroma's military. explores intimacy and the line between right and wrong.
related aus: théqet & ardain, apartment neighbours modern au
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working title: seeing ghosts
the gist: when rea moves to calderine city to finish her practicum, she isn't really looking to make any friends or connections, not even with her very sweet new roommate, madden. but when she begins to be physically haunted by ghosts of her past, she is forced to learn to trust and rely on the people in her life, madden included. a fun little exploration in being haunted by your past (physically), self-sufficiency borne of trauma, and intrusive thoughts, maybe.
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working title: nnsei
the gist: existing on the fringes of the teenage academy population in their own ways, victoire, félix and aeliane all have their own problems in addition to clawing their way through their last year of school. victoire won't stop exploring the catacoumbs below the academy, even at the risk of his own health and safety; aeliane is still grappling with the trauma of her mother drinking herself to death; and félix, well, félix won't ever tell his friends what's going on behind that ever-present smile, but rumour has it his sister was offered up as a blood sacrifice in a solar cleansing ritual a few years ago. and in addition to all that, there might just be something sinister going on behind the closed doors of the academy, especially if the monsters stirring in the catacoumbs are anything to go by.
related aus: the sacrifice of brinelle somer
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working title: of sea jewels and great lords
the gist: after being tasked to find a group of missing villagers, geo finds themself responsible for imprisoning chad, a lackluster, troublemaking magician beneath a mountain. the trouble is a) finding such an uninhabited mountain, and b) travelling with said troublemaking magician. the trouble is also a third secret thing: the choice between duty and love once geo finds themself falling for chad against all odds.
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working title: as cherry wine
the gist: rosy is killed the night before she is due to return from her bride's pilgrimage to marry leisel. she awakes as a vampire and is forced to reconcile with her new identity and eventually, to reconcile her relationship with her former fiancée, who still believes her dead.
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working title: waldosia
the gist: after seven years at sea, wallie fischer, the last person shia wants to see ever again, returns to their hometown and all the things he left behind with a warning for shia of an imminent threat to their smuggling outfit and loved ones. shia is forced to work with wallie against the threat, but they can't seem to let the past rest, especially given they had been wallie's fiancé before his abrupt departure seven years before.
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working title: bentley
the gist: how bentley met her wife, and how her loss led bentley's descent into madness and misfortune. (could probably be considered an au off of waldosia)
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working title: giselle & darius
the gist: not long after her marriage to darius, the vampire king, giselle decides she must get her hands on the crown, through any means necessary. *any* means. (could be considered au of [REDACTED] <- literally the only thing i will ever fuss abt spoilers for lol)
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working title: timekeeper kiddos
the gist: the life and times of oaken and her friends, beginning with their discovery of a door between worlds that takes of the appearance of pvp battle arena, where they take on the roles of otherworldly deities called 'timekeepers'. when the lines between reality and the arena begin to blur and people begin to get hurt, they're forced to figure out how to send the timekeepers back to their own reality. beyond that, the web that connects these six friends, and chaz, flows them through adulthood, as they go their separate ways.
related aus: jungho at psu au
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working title: jmg
the gist: when enki and akira fight to help sora and his siblings escape their abusive and negligent father, they're surprised to learn sora has been dead the entire time.
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working title: cymothoa exigua/modern au
the gist: a tragedy about socio-economic and individual power, gender roles, and self-censorship; leaving behind the rigid expectations of a conditional parental love, only to leave yourself behind in the pursuit of romantic love. despite getting out of the negligent household of his childhood with several of his siblings in tow, zenith fails to escape the patterns of his parents, repeating his mother's sacrifice of individuality for love.
[☆ intro post] (none yet!)
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hausofmamadas · 1 year
✸ FOR THOSE THAT SEEK THE JUNGLE'S FORGIVENESS | Mika Camarena & Connie Murphy + Mika x Javier Peña (Narcos/Nmx crossover) -> Part 1, Part 2
✸ ONE LAST SECRET OF DESOLATION | Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham (Fic in a Box 2023)
✸ SO MUCH FOR MY NINE LIVES | David Barrón & Benjamín Arellano Félix (Narcoctober 2023 - Day of Horror)
✸ HARD TO HATE UP CLOSE | Andrea Núñez & OC! Julián “Bugsy” Barrón Corona (Naroctober 2023 - Day of Monsters)
✸ THE OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS OF LIVING | David Barrón & Rustin “Crash” Cohle & OC! Ziggy Morenas & OC! Ernesto “Chato” Quintana Colmenaro - Nmx/True Detective Crossover (Narcoctober 2023 - Day of Cross Pollination)
✸ TO LIVE AND LEAVE FAST | Andrea Nuñez x Horacio Carrillo (Naroctober 2023 - Day of Surprises)
✸ IN DEFENSE OF WONDERBREAD WHITE | Eureka! Character Moments - Analysis of garbinge’s Foldin’ Clothes (Narcoctober 2023 - Day of Support)
✸ TU CÓMPLICE | Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada x Benjamín Arellano Félix (Narcoctober 2023 - Day of Firsts)
✸ WHAT’S WAITING DOWN ZUNI ROAD | Gabrielle Castillo x Ignacio “Nacho” Varga (Mayans/BCS Crossover - Rarepairs Exchange 2023)
✸ OUR MAN IN MEXICO | Andrea Nuñez x Horacio Carrillo (NFF Smut Alphabet, July, 2023 - ✷ ✷ 18+ NSFW ✷✷)
✸ ONLY GOOD FOR A GOOD TIME | Isabella Bautista (heavily implied Isabella x Enedina Arellano Félix - ✷DRIVEL DRABBLE)✷
✸ THIS IS WHY THE EARTH EATS THE DEAD | Rafa Caro Quintero x María Elvira
✸ EVERY ALLEY IN MEXICO HAS ITS OWN GHOST | David Barrón x Ramón Arellano Félix
✸ CHASING GHOSTS AND CHOICES | David Barrón x Enedina Arellano Félix x Claudio Vasquez (Narcoctober 2023 - Day of Life)
✸ THE DISTANCE BETWEEN US | David Barrón x Enedina Arellano Félix (NFF Smut Alphabet, July, 2023 - ✷✷ 18+ NSFW ✷✷)
✸ ALWAYS SHORT TO THE GATE | David Barrón x Enedina Arellano Félix (Candyhearts Exchange 2023)
✸ OJITOS ANOCHECIDOS | David Barrón x Enedina Arellano Félix (aka Dinarron, ft. AU Barron)
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toaverse · 2 years
AU Masterlist
(Basically most of my Encanto AU’s compiled in one list! I’ll definitely add more!)
💚The Two Seers (fanfic, finished)
💚Dimention travel AU
Is Alma still an ass to Mira?
What about their copies?
What about Bruno?
Is everyone’s name changed?
Do the gifts change?
Mariana’s quince and dealing with family duplicates
Exact copies?
Carlos and Mariano in our Encanto dimension :)
💚Hans Madrigal AU
A bit changed here, ‘cause it would be more interesting😅
Hans’ gift and the events of Frozen.
But what about Mirabel? (Also includes this, ‘cause I’m a dumbass😅)
(Side AU) Both Hans and his mother end up in the Encanto.
💚Anna Madrigal AU
💚Elsa Madrigal AU
💚Baby Alma AU
Everyone’s reactions
Alma’s “gift”…
💚Role swap Mira and Bruno AU
💚Protagonists Dolores and Bruno AU
💚Pedro lives AU
The cause of the cracks
The two endings
Color coordination
How Pedro would scold the kids
💚Cursed AU
Bruno helping the cursed kids out
It gets worse… (Drabble)
What about Casita?
💚Papá Bruno AU (my version)
The aftermath
Mira’s mom shows up again
💚Papá of 6 AU
Bruno’s relationships with the 6 kids and Mira’s ceremony
But who would leave…?
Someone send a meme!
💚Tower AU
The rescue
The aftermath
How Alma would treat Mirabel
💚Encanto!Gravity Falls AU
Pepa and Félix’s friendship/relationship
Potential Pepa and Dolores bonding episode
💚Alberto Madrigal AU
💚Encanto!Amphibia AU
Oh no, the obvious…
Isa’s behavior, Bruno’s calamity powers, and possible interactions
Julieta going with Bruno and the Plantars to Amphibia
Isabela summoning a plant army (and that tomato plant)
💚Cursed gifts AU
💚Age swap AU
💚Nice Alma AU
Mirabel’s room
💚Wolfwalkers AU
💚Restoration AU
💚Orphanage AU
The conflict
How the grandkids survived, their reactions to the adults’ deaths, the townspeople, and Dolores’ guilt of being seen as a mom
💚Hanahaki AU
💚Encanto!Walking Dead AU
Who’s still alive, Antonio, and reunions
Alma’s death
Bruno and Fish Lady becoming an iconic duo
Do the Madrigals still have their gifts?
💚Ereasing memories AU
💚No gift Camilo AU
💚Role swap Bruno and Camilo AU
💚Giftless Isabela AU
The marriage proposal
💚Moon Knight Mirabel AU
Strange things are happening…
Mirabel and Beatriz interacting (Drabble)
Regarding Bruno
💚Encanto!Wreck-it Ralph AU
💚Deaf!Bruno and blind!Dolores AU
Navigation, communication, and bullying…
When the cracks appear, and after Casita collapsed…
How Bruno and Dolores communicate
Adjusting to their hearing/sight
Do the disabilities return?
Communicating without both hearing and sight
💚Encanto x Onward crossover AU
💚Ghost Bruno AU
Bruno accidentally possessing Mirabel
💚God AU
💚Kidnapped Isabela and Dolores AU
Agustín finding the girls, Isa and Dolores’ ages, the doors, and how the family found out
Camilo, Mirabel and Antonio wanting to know about Isa and Dolores, the adults’ reaction to that, and Luisa
How Agustín found out (plus a plot hole fix)
Would Bruno still leave?
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plaggs-blog · 2 years
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New witch au just dropped. It’s called “Ghosts and dragons” 
Félix is a necromancer and Marinette studies dragons.
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bittersweetresilience · 3 months
Félix wakes from his dream.
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sorryiwasasleep · 2 years
Bruno Madrigal is a ghost.
It’s not all bad, he doesn’t have to use his gift anymore, doesn’t have to answer to anybody, doesn’t have to eat or sleep really.
Plus, he can still talk to his family in their dreams.
Chapter 2: Félix
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queer-cosette · 2 years
for this : marius & courfeyrac !
Favourite thing about him: he just. Believes in his friends so much. He doesn't understand their political convictions but he loves them so much that he follows them to the barricade to help them
Least favourite thing about him: he's technically a Conservative and I am of the death to tories brand of socialism.
Favourite line: God he's got some good ones but I think it's gotta be "I have come to sleep with you"
BroTP: Marius and Courfeyrac, they make each other worse and I'm here for it
OTP: Marius and Cosette, they love each other so much!!! They kiss once and spend the rest of their time together talking about everything and then only at the end of the conversation do they realise they haven't actually introduced themselves. Romance goals.
NoTP: Marius and Éponine. She believes she is in love with him on the basis that he's the first man in her life who has treated her politely. Like in the story it obviously doesn't work out, but irl, you pursue someone who is longterm in-love with someone else (Marius loved Cosette before he ever met Éponine in the brick) you don't just hurt yourself, the hurt is an AOE destruction deal. You hurt yourself, you hurt the person you love, you hurt the person they love, you hurt your friends who now have to take sides. Self care, girl.
Random headcanon: modern AU Marius loves ABBA. He's actually not into cheesy pop love ballads like everyone assumes. To him, Fernando is the ultimate love song to dance to with your gal.
Unpopular opinion: I think the musical actually interpreted him accurately to the book - in the musical he has a lot more information about Jean Valjean and Javert. In the book, he thinks Jean Valjean probably murdered Javert because Valjean never specifies why he was in prison, but in the musical Marius knows it was because Valjean stole bread to save his nephew, which is why he asks Valjean to stay.
Song I associate with him: Line Without A Hook by Ricky Montgomery
Favourite picture of him:
Favourite thing about him: he's the centre - he's the friend who keeps the group together. He's so bright and loving and friendly!
Least favourite thing about him: the implication that he is at all like Félix Tholomyès. He's a good boi shut up Victor Hugo
Favourite line: "I have just seen Marius's new coat and hat going for a walk, with Marius inside them." Best way to say "he keeps buying clothes that are too big for him"
BroTP: Marius and Courfeyrac. They are BROS for LIFE
OTP: Courferre. Best friends to lovers couple ever.
NoTP: I used to ship Courfhan when I first got into the fandom but... nah. Not for me. Wrong vibes.
Random headcanon: he has ADHD and absorbs information like a sponge, but can't remember parts of it when he drinks alcohol and this has resulted in him drunk-crying because he couldn't remember pi to one thousand digits
Unpopular opinion: he's like the least superstitious Ami after Enjolras. Even Combeferre believes in appeasing the supernatural, but Courf is like. Nah we're doing this logically with all the information before we start thinking it's ghosts or bad luck. That being said, he's super respectful and understanding of his friends' superstitions. It's why he's the centre of the group, because he's so good at pulling people away from panic.
Song I associate with him: the Anaconda Of The Opera remix
Favourite picture of him:
Thankyouu 🥰💫
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Les Mis High School AU
except it's the 1823 characters
Valjean transferred to a new district when he started high school
Almost immediately he establishes himself as The Guy
He's on the football team, he tutors, he provides emotional support, he'll pay for your lunch if you're short, he'll talk with your bully for you
The Guy(tm)
Thing is, he has a dark past: at his last district, he was known as Glue Kid
Glue Kid had coke bottle glasses and headgear and ate paste in elementary school but never lived down the reputation
He would never shame someone for it, but it'd be social suicide if it got out
There is only one other person who Valjean suspects might know
Javert isn't really popular, but as the resident AV kid (think Michael from 10 Things) he knows his place: take pictures and videos of the beautiful people who should be remembered
Maintain the social norm, the status quo
So when he's doing research for yearbook committee to see what other schools have done with formatting and how they can take home the gold, he takes great interest in a picture from middle school of a decidedly Unpopular Valjean
He doesn't snitch, though, not yet; he bides his time, watching and waiting and knowing
Meanwhile over the summer before her freshman year Fantine had fallen in with a crowd of girls and into a summer romance with a to-be senior named Félix from a different school (before Valjean's senior year)
Come September Félix has ghosted her and her friend group is dissipating
Which would be fine except that Fantine is pregnant
She's still in shock and hasn't decided what she's going to do yet, but it doesn't matter because a girl named Victurnien finds the pregnancy test and quietly spreads news of Fantine's pregnancy through the school
Fantine finds herself kicked out of her parents' house, friendless, and struggling to keep up with her studies before she even knows what's happened
She convinces herself that this is Valjean's fault and blames him for everything
Valjean has seen her in the hallways once or twice and knows literally nothing
It isn't until he sees Javert pushing her around that he offers to help, which she sees as him further embarrassing her or, worse, joining the legion of guys who think she's "easy" and want to harass her like that
Valjean ends up inviting her to stay in his family's spare room, and they take her to her doctor's appointments and help her with homework, and she becomes like a younger sister to Valjean
Javert, on the other hand, is gearing up to blow Valjean up on his dark past when a new kid transfers in: Champmattieu
Champmattieu has the coke bottle glasses and the headgear and seems obvious pickings for the kid from the yearbook
Javert is getting ready to make an example of him, but before he does he's prepared to let Valjean socially crucify Javert in retribution for almost ruining his life as A Popular Kid
Valjean (obv) doesn't?
But now he has a decision to make: let Champmattieu take the fall, or own up to his dark, glue-eating past (which could also mean backtracking on the progress Fantine has made)
On the day he anticipates the reveal happening, Valjean digs up his old glasses, forgoes his contacts, and strides into high school with his head held high
And everyone's okay with it because there's nothing wrong with thick glasses or headgear or growing out of eating paste and everyone comes to realize this and treats him and Fantine wth respect and Javert starts seeing the guidance counselor and eventually a real therapist about his need to police social circles THE END.
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slusheeduck · 4 years
A Surprise
Confession time: we weren’t QUITE done with Teacher!AU. There was still one loose end in Hector’s life we thought needed to be tied up.
              “Oye, you killed it, Turi! Practically carried us through the whole practice!”
              Arturo chuckled as he shut his cello case. “Que genoroso, Thiago, but I hope that’s not the case on Saturday. It’s a full house, and no one wants to hear a cellist for two hours.”
              Thiago laughed, giving Arturo a friendly punch to the arm as he walked by. “Don’t worry, viejo, we’ll sound perfect on Saturday. We always do.”
              “Well, I…viejo? Oye, I’m not even fifty!” Arturo shook his head with a chuckle as Thiago shrugged and hopped off the stage, then stretched out his back with a grimace. Well, maybe he was getting up there. After all, he’d been doing these same jazz gigs for almost twenty ears now, and the newest crop of orchestra members were practically young enough to be his kids.
              Speaking of…was that who he thought it was, hanging in the back row there? As Arturo took off his glasses, he grinned as he called out, “Oye, Chimo! You actually came to visit?”
              The young man said nothing, just shifted awkwardly, but it wasn’t until Arturo had hopped down from the stage that he realized that was not Chimo.
              “Ay, perdón, perdón,” he said, pausing halfway up the aisle. “From up there, I thought you might be my son.” He laughed, but trailed off as the young man’s face went pale as a ghost. He walked up to him, brows drawn together in concern. “You okay, chico?”
              The man swallowed, staring at him with wide brown eyes before nodding quickly. “Sí! Sí sí sí…I, uh…” He took a breath, then shook out his head and shoulders as he let it out. “You’re…I mean, are you…Arturo Félix?”
              Arturo smiled. “That’s me.”
              The man nodded again, head bobbing slightly. “Bien, bien…uh, I heard you playing, earlier. I-I asked to come in, by the way, just so you know. But it was absolutely beautiful. The way you use staccato in your improvisation was…” He let out a quick laugh as he shook his head. “Sorry, I’m a music teacher. From…from Capula. So I get a little excited with music.”
              Arturo laughed. “Chico, don’t even think about apologizing for that! My daughter, you know what she calls me when I talk about music? A geek. Can you believe that?” The young man laughed, but it seemed a bit choked, and Arturo stuck his hands in his pockets as he looked over him. “You got a name?”
              The man blinked, then pressed a hand to his forehead. “Ave María Purísma, I haven’t even introduced myself. I’m Héctor…ah, Héctor Rivera.” He held out his hand sheepishly, and Arturo gave it a nice, solid shake.
              “Mucho gusto, Héctor.” He looked over Héctor again. “You’re from Capula, sí? So what brings you all the way to Monterrey?”
              Héctor swallowed hard. “Ah…do you mind if we sit?”
              “Not at all.”
              Héctor dropped into one of the seats­—not a moment too soon, given how pale he’d gotten again. Arturo settled down in the seat beside him, watching him curiously but waiting for him to speak first.
              “I…well, my wife and I…we’ll be having our first child in just a few months…”
              Arturo smiled warmly. “Felicidades, Héctor. There’s nothing like it, I promise you.”
              Héctor’s eyes flicked up to him, then he gripped his knees before he continued, “I…well, everything’s going well and all. But…” He pressed his lips together tightly before taking a very long, slow breath. “Do you know a woman named Mariana Rivera? O-or Mari?”
              Arturo frowned slightly, then squinted hard at nothing as he racked his brain. Did he know a Mari? Well, he knew a few Maris, and a few Riveras, but together? As he thought, Héctor added, “It, ah, it probably would have been close to thirty years ago? Well, twenty-nine, I guess. But she’s my mother and…”
              Thirty years ago? He’d still been in university, then, and in Fernando’s stupid band. Though, now that he thought about it, there was one night…
              Arturo’s heart flipped in his chest, and he looked back at Héctor with wide eyes, just barely keeping his jaw from dropping. No. No, it couldn’t be. He’d never let that sort of thing happen. But…dios, if this man didn’t look just like Chimo. That could be a Félix nose, and even the faces he made looked so much like Sole when she was in trouble…
              “You think I’m your father.” To Arturo’s surprise, the words came out very even and calm.
              Héctor held up his hands, nearly looking like he was expecting to be yelled at. “I-I don’t…I mean, there’s, ah, there’s three potential…candidates? Let’s say candidates…that we know of. I’ve already talked to one—he’s a violinist in El Distrito—and you’re the second and obviously there’d be no way of knowing until there was a test done but my wife, Imelda, when we pulled up your picture she said you were the spitting image of me so I figured I had to at least see you and…”
              Arturo watched silently as Héctor continued to speak a mile a minute, letting out a slow, shaky breath as he let the possibility sink in. A son he’d never known about. Not only that, but a music teacher. None of his children had gotten his love of music; they liked it certainly, but none of them had the passion he’d seen in Héctor’s eyes just a few minutes ago. Despite the shock, he very nearly wished…but then again, if he was Héctor’s father, he hadn’t been there for thirty years. He couldn’t expect some sort of automatic bonding…and if there were two other potential fathers in the picture, then this might all just be a moot point.
              But…he was already a father to three children. So he could certainly be one, even if for a few hours, to the nervous young man sitting beside him.
              He set a hand on Héctor’s shoulder, cutting off his rambling, and gave him a warm smile.
              “Tranquilo, Héctor, tranquilo,” he said soothingly. Once Héctor relaxed, he added, “Well, I can’t say for certain if I’m your father or not. But, if you have the time, I think we’d have a much better time chatting at the café down the street.”
              Héctor swallowed. “Oh, I don’t want to bother you. I mean, you’re obviously busy rehearsing for a show and I…I just popped up in here with that news and you probably don’t want to…” He trailed off as Arturo chuckled.
              “I would like nothing more than to put off rehearsing. And if you think, of all things, staccato is exciting, then I think we two músicos will find plenty to talk about for an hour or two.”
              Héctor blinked once, twice, then gave a big grin—showing off a pair of dimples practically matched Arturo’s. “Well, if you insist.”
              Their talk in the café lasted much longer than an hour or two. It took a bit of prodding, but Héctor was eventually coaxed into being chatty. He had a primo that he was in the process of adopting (“I’d give all the details of what happened leading up to now, but we’d be here for months.”) and had, until very recently, been a part of a reasonably successful musical duo (“We had a big YouTube presence, but…it’s better that we split. I think one of us would have killed the other if it’d gone on any longer.”). And he asked question after question about Chimo (“He’s doing sales and married and has a baby and he’s 24? Ave María Purísma, when I was 24 I was still sleeping ‘til noon.”) and Rocio (“She’s going to be a doctor? Now I’m nervous about you being my father; it sounds like I’d be the underachiever in the family.”) and Sole (“Seventeen’s hard. My tía likes to remind me of how much of a pain I was compared to my primo Enriqué, and I’m not looking forward to it with Miguel.”) and just about every other thing about Arturo’s family, obviously committing as much of it to memory as he could.
              By the time they agreed that they’d best be heading out, Arturo couldn’t help pulling Héctor into a tight hug.
              “Éscuchamé, chico,” he whispered. “I don’t care what the results end up being. You are a bright, kind young man, and if you ever, ever need anything, I don’t want you to hesitate to call me. Claro?”
              For a moment, Héctor stayed frozen in place. But then he practically melted, hugging Arturo back just as tightly.
              “Sí, claro. Gracias, Señor Félix.”
              Arturo tutted as he pulled back, giving a very gentle swat to Héctor’s shoulder. “Ay, none of that. At the very least, call me Turi.”
              Héctor laughed. “Okay! Okay, okay. Gracias, Turi.” He smiled as he rubbed his left arm. “I’ll, ah, I’ll call you in a few days about the test. After that, it’s just a few weeks and…” He shrugged. “…then I’ll have an answer, I guess.”
              Arturo smiled. “And I look forward to hearing all about it, Héctor. I’ll talk to you soon.”
              The tests were done the next week, and the results came in just over a month later. And, six weeks after showing up in Monterrey, Héctor was back in the city, standing in front of the Félix’s front door. This time, though, he had support.
              “Don’t be so nervous,” Imelda chided lightly, noticing how his hand shook as it hovered in front of the door. “You’ve been talking with them for weeks now. They were the ones who invited us over, remember?”
              Héctor gave a light, strained laugh. “Yeah, but…it’s a little different now, isn’t it?”
              Imelda rolled her eyes, then raised herself onto her tiptoes—no easy feat at seven-months-pregnant—to press a kiss to his cheek. “Everything will be fine, mi amor. I promise.” With that, she rapped her knuckles on the door before he could argue.
              “They’re here!” came a girl’s voice through the door, along with a rush of footsteps.
              “Sole, we aren’t done with…!”
              The door opened, and a tall teenager with a mouth full of braces practically lunged at the two of them. “You’re here! We’ve been waiting all day! You’re so much taller than I thought you’d be; I guess you’re always sitting during Facetime and the screen makes you look normal-sized but I think you’re taller than Chimo and…”
              “Soledad!” Another woman came to the door, sighing with a fond annoyance as she ushered her daughter back. “I’m so sorry, you two. It’s a long trip and the last thing you need is someone…” She sent a pointed look at Sole. “…launching herself at you.”
              Héctor laughed, leaning down to give her a tight hug. “Valeria, we work with kids all day. This isn’t anything new for us.”
              “Ah, we talked about this. It’s Mamá Valeria now,” she corrected, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before turning to Imelda. “And I finally get to meet you in person, Imelda. Though we really could have gone down visit you all instead.”
              Imelda shook her head. “If I can still work, I can still travel. It’s fine, Val—” She stopped at Valeria’s raised eyebrow. “Mamá Valeria.”
              “Well, let’s at least get you settled,” she said, ushering the two inside and taking Imelda’s arm. “The first one is always the hardest, I think. And my sister says by the fourth…”
              “Four? No, no. That’s not happening. No.”
              Sole grabbed Héctor’s arm with a grin. “So I’ve been going back through your entire Youtube channel and I was actually hoping you’d tell me some more about…”
              “Soledad. The table still needs to be set,” Valeria called over her shoulder. Sole let her head fall back with a loud groan.
              “Fine, Mamá!” She let go of Héctor’s arm and mouthed, “Later,” before heading off to the dining room. Héctor chuckled and nodded, then ran his hand through his hair as he looked around the entryway. There were pictures all over the walls—quinceñeras and weddings and Navidads and school events…Héctor could practically see the family’s whole story laid out right here. Ah, there were some of everyone as kids: Sole playing fútbol, Rocio winning some sort of prize, Chimo at a school fair…
              …and himself, sitting in the shoe shop with a guitar in his lap.
              Héctor’s throat tightened, and he didn’t even have time to calm himself down before he felt a warm hand on his shoulder.
              “So you noticed our newest addition,” Arturo said, squeezing his shoulder. “Your Tía Elena was nice enough to give me a few.”
              “I…you didn’t have to…” Héctor croaked, laughing a bit as he struggled to get the words out and giving up as Arturo looked at him seriously.
              “Escúchame, Héctor. Yes, I had to, because you are a part of this family. And you deserve to have your pictures here just as much as you deserve to have them in Santa Cecilia. Claro, mijo?”
              Héctor swallowed down the quickly-growing lump in his throat, and he nodded as he leaned against Arturo. “Gracias, Turi.” He gave a wobbly smile. “I’m sorry, I can barely handle having my picture on the wall. I might just fall apart if I call you papá right now.”
              Arturo chuckled, rubbing Héctor’s back. “I’m not nearly as strict as my Valería, so you’re welcome to take your time, mijo. We’d better head toward the table, though; Sole’s been wanting to talk to you all week and she might just burst if we keep her waiting any longer.”
              Héctor chuckled, letting himself be guided to through the house. And, while he’d only been there for all of fifteen minutes, it felt like he was being welcomed home.
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