#Runeterra Rewrites
goldlightwriting · 7 months
My Lore vs Riot's Lore
It's no secret that Riot Games, specifically the corporate entities at the top, have been horrible about the handling of their own IP and fictional universe. Since the Great Retcon that happened nearly a decade ago, myself and other creatives in the League community have taken it upon ourselves to do what they seemingly refuse to.
TBSkyen, Nickyboi and other such creators have put to voice our issues perfectly: that for a company as massively successful as Riot Games, it is difficult to fathom how and why they cannot do in the course of ten years what independent, passionate fans can do in their spare time. I have gone out of my why to create new backstories for characters that have no place in the current lore out of spite. Artists have redesigned Champions whose visuals are woefully behind. And to top it all off, Riot clearly has no consistent vision for where they even want to take things.
Right now they're allegedly trying to make sure the game universe fits with Arcane: something that fundamentally does not and cannot work due to the variety of discrepancies between both properties. They discontinued Riot Forge because they weren't able to instantly dominate the indie market with like four games (big surprise) and actively butcher existing characters and lore for the sake of selling skins.
And that's what it ultimately boils down to. The higher-ups do not care about the world of Runeterra, at least not as much as the Esports scene and the shills who will spend ungodly amounts of money on cosmetics. They leave characters and storylines to rot for years on end unless they're marketable or profitable enough to bother with. Even then, it feels like they can never truly stay consistent.
Perhaps this arrogant of me to say, but as far as I'm concerned, the world of Runeterra belongs to us: the fans who are dedicated enough to remain passionate about a world Riot has no interest in. This is by no means a knock against the artists and writers that Riot employs... But the corporate entity holding this world hostage has, in my opinion, no real right to call themselves the owners of these stories and characters that they intentionally leave neglected and abandoned.
Ever since the Rise of the Sentinels event, I have been forging my OWN canon out of a mix of passion and spite. I know not everyone agrees with all the changes I've made, and that's fine. As far as I'm concerned, those people are more than free to develop their own versions of the lore. The point is that, as things stand, I genuinely don't know if Riot's version is ever truly going to be complete. Even then, there are aspects of the existing canon that I just don't like for some reason or another.
Below is what I call the Gold Continuity: a summary of my alterations to the League mythos or headcanons that I've created to fill in the gaps that Riot left behind. So, without further ado...
Regions and Plotpoints
-Yordles have indefinite lifespans, but they are NOT immortal. They can be killed and harmed.
-Yordles survive by adapting to their surroundings. A yordle who spends enough time among other races will eventually come to mimic their behaviors.
-Yordles are not cryptids, nor do they have glamour, but they are rarer in some regions than others.
-Vastaya are chimeric beings that resulted in humans mingling with an ancient race of shapeshifters called the Vastaya-Sharei. They are not immortal, nor can they shapeshift (except for the Oovikat), but they do have slightly longer lifespans than humans.
The Shadow Isles
-The Ruination happened because League's equivalent of Pandora's Box (which would later become Thresh's lantern) was opened and unleashed centuries' worth of evil energy to corrupt the Isles.
-The Black Mist is the accumulation of negativity in a person's soul, while the Hallowed Mist is positivity.
-Relicstone, AKA Lightstone, can be used to harness the positivity or negativity in a person's soul. It emits a golden yellow or ghastly green glow depending on the emotion fueling it.
-The Sentinels of Light were originally an order that used Lightstone weapons to combat malevolent spirits and criminals on the Blessed Isles. Members of this order fled with a supply of Lightstone in tow and remade themselves into an organization devoted to fighting the Black Mist.
-The Ruination did not happen all at once; rather, it took several hours for the Black Mist to completely corrupt the Isles. This allowed some Sentinels time to trap Viego in the vaults of Helia.
-The Harrowing is a period of time in which Viego's seal weakens and his power is able to freely extend across Runeterra.
The Darkin
-The Darkin are ancient, demonic weapons of unknown origin that corrupt the minds and bodies of their wielders.
-The Darkin harbor a deep hatred towards the Celestial gods of Targon for unknown reasons.
-Aatrox, the strongest of the Darkin, aims to lead his kin in a war that will destroy Targon.
-The Celestial gods of Targon are, in fact, powerful cosmic spirits that have become the embodiment of mortal beliefs regarding the workings of the universe.
-Targon once boasted a polytheistic religion that worshiped and respected all the Aspects. However, sects and cults devoted to individual gods rose up over time, dividing Targon's people.
-Aspects bond with mortal vessels to better enact their wills upon Runeterra, offering power and extended life in exchange for servitude. An Aspect can, however, completely overtake their mortal host and transform them if the host's will isn't strong enough.
-The death of an Aspect doesn't necessarily cause the destruction of celestial bodies, but it does have an impact on Runeterra itself; if an Aspect is killed, then its corresponding stars or moons will no longer be visible to the people of Runeterra.
-Aurelion Sol was once revered by a cult of dragon-worshipers on Mount Targon. They offered him praise and gifts whenever he deigned to descend upon their home. The god of war, Pantheon, saw the potential in Aurelion Sol as a weapon and enacted a scheme to enslave him. Aurelion's followers were tricked into forging a giant crown that bound him to Pantheon's will. Thus, the war god could call on the Star Forger as a weapon whenever he pleased.
-The Solari and Lunari once fought together to defend Runeterra from the Void. However, when the Lunari began to meddle with Void powers in an attempt to better understand this, they were deemed heretics. Though the reasons why have been lost, many sun-worshipers still regard the cult of the moon as heresy.
-The Ascended waged war on each other after the empire's fall because of the power vacuum that Xerath created. This resulted in a period known as the Godly War.
-The entirety of the Ascended Host (save for Nasus and Renekton) died during Twilight of the Gods.
Twitch was a rat captured and experimented on by human scientists. He was injected with an experimental drug meant to bolster his physical and mental abilities. After a time, the mutated rat escaped confinement and fled to the sewers. There, he began to build his own personal kingdom amidst the filth and refuge, ambushing anyone foolish enough to enter his territory without permission. Twitch hopes to one day overthrow the surface dwellers and claim revenge on them.
Kog'Maw is a doomsday weapon created by the Void. He builds energy within himself by consuming things, and releases that energy in a violent explosion when his body takes severe damage. Kog'Maw's purpose is to build enough energy that he can one day tear apart reality itself in a violent explosion, creating an opening for the Void to invade Runeterra once more.
Shaco is a Demon of Delirium, who drives people mad with his twisted games. He appears before the sad and depressed to lure them in with his playful antics, only to leave them surrounded by bodies and covered in blood. Those who fall under Shaco's spell are completely unaware of the atrocities they commit until the Demon Jester has left their side.
Corki is the leader of a the Screaming Yipsnakes, who defend Bandle City from airborn threats. He pilots a special flying machine that he co-developed with Professor Heimerdinger in Piltover. Corki has grown a touch senile in recent years, but remains as skilled and devoted to his cause as ever.
Shyvana is the last descendant of an ancient tribe of dragon-worshipers from the Kumungu Jungle. Long ago, this tribe made offerings to element dragons in exchange for their blood; by consuming dragon blood, these people were able to become half-dragons. However, the dragon Yvva saw this as an affront, and single-handedly brought an end to the entire tribe... Or so she thought. Shyvana alone survived the onslaught and spent years wandering the world. Eventually, she arrived in Demacia, where she would unite with Prince Jarvan IV to bring an end to her tribe's killer.
Akshan is a Shuriman rogue devoted to his own personal brand of justice. He steals from and even sometimes assassinates scoundrels who misuse their wealth and power while fighting for those of less-fortunate means. Some even say he carries an ancient relic capable of draining and restoring life essence, sacrificing one soul to resurrect another...
Zyra is an ancient Ixtali witch possessed by a deadly carnivorous plant. The Zyr flowers once threatened to consume all of Kumungu, but their spread was halted by the mages of Ixaocan. A lone sorceress thought it wrong to exterminate an entire species, however, and saved a single Zyr sapling. That sapling, however, would go on to infect her and create the being now known as Zyra. Zyra now seeks to resume her plan of conquering the jungle and spreading her seeds to all living things, more dangerous than ever with a human intellect to bolster her wicked intent.
Thresh was once a monk of the Blessed Isles, charged with safeguarding a lantern filled with the evils of humanity. Thresh began to grow resentful of this duty and the order, and extended exposure to the lantern began to corrupt his mind. Thresh longed to release the evils of the lantern, but was unable to as it could never be opened by those with impure intent. When Viego arrived, Thresh saw his opportunity and manipulated the king into opening the lantern, convincing the king that its power could revive Isolde.
Vex was a yordle serving in the Brotherhood of Dusk on the Blessed Isles. She was once a cheerful, upbeat spirit who excelled in soothing the souls of the departed. However, when the Ruination came, the evils of the lantern inverted her cheerful demeanor into one of nihilism and despair. Vex now seeks to spread gloom and misery wherever she goes, though her shadow reflects the once-kind soul that she still harbors deep inside her...
Viego was the king of Camavor, though he was never intended to inherit the throne. He spent much of his time and attention doting on his beloved wife, and fell to madness after her demise. He went to the Blessed Isles, birthplace of his Blade of Kings, in the hopes of finding a way to resurrect her. There, he was promised the power to do so by Thresh; all Viego needed to do was take the power stored within an ancient lantern. Viego became a vessel for the Black Mist, which snuffed out the last of the genuine good in his heart and turned him into the Ruined King.
Kalista was once a royal guard of Camavor whose father was slain by insurgents in her youth. For this reason, Kalista grew up with a deep-seated hatred for traitors and rebels of all kinds. She believed that loyalty to the crown was absolute, even as Viego's actions slowly drove the country to ruin. Only when he ordered his soldiers to kill the monks of the Blessed Isles did Kalista realized that Viego himself had betrayed his country did she choose to stand against him and all his supporters. When the Black Mist swept over the Isles, Kalista was transformed in her dying moments, becoming a mindless agent of vengeance whose obsession with punishing betrayers has consumed her completely...
Viego's uncle and a formerly influential politician in Camavor. Vladimir sought to gain his nephew's favor by uncovering the secrets of blood magic so that he might resurrect Isolde; to that end, he traveled across the sea to the land of Noxus. There, he became exceedingly proficient in the art of hemomancy... Enough to be invited into the Black Rose. Upon learning of his homeland's fall to ruin, Vladimir accepted the offer and has spent centuries keeping himself young and influential through mastery of his craft.
Elise is the head of House Kythera: one of the oldest and most influential noble houses in Noxus. Unbeknownst to most, House Kythera reveres an archaic deity from the Noxii Tribes of old: the spider god, Vilemaw. In exchange for human sacrifices, descendants of House Kythera are granted power and lasting life by their deity. Elise has forged an alias with the Black Rose to ensure a steady supply of offerings for her deity, in exchange for using her power and influence to aid the Pale Lady...
Syndra is the living antithesis of Karma, though she had, at one point, been the spirit's vessel. Syndra was chosen by Karma at an early age, and immediately took to the power she was granted by Ionia's ancient protector. In fact, her latent magical potential made her the most powerful incarnation of Karma anyone had ever seen. Though the monks of the Lasting Altar tried to teach her restraint, Syndra ignored them all, believing herself to be destined for greater things. Syndra's obsession for power ultimately led the monks to try and extract Karma by force, but rather than removing Syndra's magic entirely, it merely took on a dark and twisted form. Syndra was sealed deep below the Lasting Altar for decades, but now she is free and seeks to reclaim that which was taken from her.
Jarvan IV
The heir to Demacia's throne, Prince Jarvan IV was a prodigy warrior and seemed well-suited to the role of kingship. His skill and pride, however, led him to one day make the most foolish decision of his life. When world a powerful fire dragon ravaging the Demacian countryside reached his ears, Jarvan led a battalion of soldiers against the beast despite his father's orders not to do so. The result was the tragic death of every soldier under Jarvan's command, and his own shameful retreat into the forest. Jarvan would have died from his injuries were it not for Shyvana, who found him and eventually aided him in defeating the fire dragon Yvva for good.
A vastayan warrior captured during the Noxian Invasion of Ionia. Though initially set to be brought back to Noxus for sport, the mad scientist Singed arranged for him to be brought to Zaun instead, as payment for the Mad Chemist's assistance in the war. There, Warwick was experimented on as Singed tried to uncover the chimeric properties of the vastaya, even forcibly augmenting his new experiment in a variety of ways. Eventually, though, Warwick managed to escape the lab. Though his mind has been broken by Singed's cruel experiments, a semblance of nobility still remains within Warwick, even as he prowls the undercity for prey...
Lillia is dream spirit who once traveled the spirit realm to ward off nightmares. Despite her shy and timid nature, Lillia is quite effective in her task, keeping night terrors at bay with her mystical bough. After an encounter with a particularly fierce nightmare long ago, Lillia was forced to enter a state of dormancy for many years... But now, as dark dreams have begun to spread throughout Runeterra once again, Lillia has awakened to resume her duties and bring peaceful slumber to the mortals of the world.
Cassiopeia was transformed into a Baccai by Xerath when she released him from the tomb. Though she initially viewed this as a curse, Cassiopeia soon took to the myriad of powers she gained from the Magus's 'gift.' She now works alongside the Black Rose in Noxus to maintain a foothold in Bel'Zhun, keeping an eye on the Ascended on behalf of her new patron.
And that's everything for now. This is Runeterra as I imagine it, completely unfettered by any requirements or existing canon. I may go back and add to this in the future, but for now I think that's plenty to chew on.
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melmedarda · 2 months
Praying that Medardaheads eat good in season 2, I need to know Kino, I need LORE.
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heartate · 11 months
riot is constantly retconning and rewriting their lore for not only individual champions, but runeterra as a whole, and while i love getting more lore, it gets so irritant with how often it happens and i am particularly attached to my own lore at this point so i’m going to have to sit down and figure out what i’m going to do about the vesani lol 😭
because they certainly did not exist when i wrote my origin lore post for ahri years ago, and i would like to retain my lore of ahri where she doesn’t learn and develop empathy until she’s been eating the memories and emotions of her victims, and draining them to husks without remorse 😫
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lolalvrrgurl · 2 months
Hoping the arcane folks will give vi a better final design so league will update her basic skin to match the final arcane one and not the other way around lol. caitlyn's skin rewrite a few years ago was so good, esp her look in legend of runeterra, i hope they go with something similar for arcane.
Aaaa maybe they will? they prob will update the characters and their look to fit what happens in Arcane and oh....Cait is so pretty in LOR...
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snailstrailz · 2 months
Working on a lore rewrite for Morai, especially in conjunction with my other league ocs, especially Jasper and another one I've been sitting on for a while. Turning her in a more side character than a champion direction, my ocs are going to focus more on being some randos getting into shit with each other. These guys aren't moving mountains and they play a much smaller role in Runeterra.
These guys, Morai especially are like if you shifted the cameras off the champions. Take the camera off Kench for a second and looked at one of the people that associates with him. What's she up to? (Beating the fuck out of people and being addicted to her pipe that's what)
Jasper leaves Piltover after she left Ionia, finding purpose in her life again after effectively becoming Zac's sidekick. What happens when she gets tangled up in Morai's wrath? Is she gonna wind up dead?
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blueares · 3 years
Casually promoting my YouTube series here once again. Quality gradually increases per episode as I find my footing.
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sennamybeloved · 4 years
hi i’m here to tell u guys that i love seraphine again
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smemento · 3 years
Hi! I dunno if this is weird or anything but I rlly like your writing and have been wondering if you’re ever gonna plan on doing Arcane projects? I just think you’d be rlly good with writing up all that stuff!
Hello! Thank you for the question and your liking to my writings! <3 I’ve actually been getting some DMs of Anons who asked me a similar question. Which is lucky for you and the others because I am planning and currently writing two different long fanfics/slowburns (no particular shipping yet) and some requests.
Again, I really thank you! And I’m ecstatic you enjoy my things! <3
Things expected to be posted eventually:
Characters Reacting to a Physically Affectionate Reader.
- Silco || Vander || Jayce || Viktor (x GN!Reader, Separately)
Characters Reacting To Meeting “The Zaunite Healer”/ A Mage.
- Silco || Vander || Jayce || Viktor || Marcus (x GN!Reader, Separately)
Epiphyllum oxypetalum.
A planned multi-chapter, slow burn fanfiction with a expected gender neutral reader. Expected Romance, Angst, Drama, Horror and more. (A mix of lore of LoL and Arcane)
They fight and claw at each other like siblings. Their personalities are similar, horribly alike even. However, their appearance differs, and appearance has always been the number one of first impressions. Whilst Zaun is dirty, bitter- however dependent, and has some issues; it's the older sibling. With the empathize on the absolute misunderstanding of a being they are… Piltover is alike. But, it's the favored, clean, immature, yet gifted and smart. The standard younger sibling in those fairytales.
Following the lines of a mage/magic based reader.
“The entirety of Runeterras´ cities have a conflicting spar with magic, some who praise and wish to embrace it by those who visit and others who truly will ‘never’ want anything to do with it. Seeing it as some sort of unnatural thing, not even acceptable to be casted on their grounds… It makes it feel like a naturally born mage is a true sin upon society. Expected to be shunned or killed by their own blood. “
— reblogs welcomed but do not copy and paste my work and post it even with credit, revise, rewrite or do anything of the like. It’s not only rude but hurtful to an artist of the alike. My longer stories will be going on ao3 and shall follow the rules and be treated of the same. Any work that is found that obviously is word for word will be expected to be removed. This sounds rude but I really don’t want my work distributed like that.
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blood-starved-beast · 2 years
I hope now that they’re reworking how they’re structuring lore that Sentinels of Light gets a proper rewrite with actual depth considered. I want the characters involved to matter and that everyone important or added in gets a proper role in the resolution. That would mean characters like Yorick and Kalista get their dues but also newcomers like Pyke and Irelia and Gwen and Vayne also get good stuff as well.
Again, the problem wasn’t the characters involved (other than the ones that should’ve been included not being part of the event) but how they were handled and written. Riven and Irelia interacting, while not relevant to the lore of the Ruination directly per se (though they fit the overall theme of relationships, though not romantic in their case, that is a dominant theme in the Ruination) it does play into the greater overall role of Runeterra as a whole. In their case, it’s a buildup to whatever occurs in the Second Ionian Invasion and how Irelia is there.
The same could be said for Vayne and Graves. Vayne and her Graves-decides-he-has-a-new-friend-and-does-not-take-no-for-an-answer dynamic is a great way to social an antisocial individual so that at the end, Vayne deciding to remain a Sentinel makes sense. That is, she’d want to be part of a group dynamic, not just some solo monster hunter. It’ll be the first building block for her to become a better person, and hopefully, come to terms with her trauma (man does she need it). Also, as part of an international organization, it’ll give her a good chance to meet up with Evelynn, and that would fun. Especially with a Vayne that has gone through some character development.
I could go on. Irelia and Karma actually getting the proper set up and pay off for Irelia going to rescue Karma. Like it would not just be for Ionia but also personal too. I want that. Also Pyke with his experience from Ruined King contributing to handling Viego, and also coming face-to-face with Ruined Miss Fortune. Yes, yes. Also allow Olaf and Rengar to be actual characters in the event (heck would be fun if it’s with Yorick and the gang). I want Senna and Lucian and Viego and Isolde parallels to be given the proper development that they need cause the potential was so good man.
I wouldn’t mind a book series if it comes to it. Or heck, an animation. But I hope it’s good regardless.
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veigarthevile · 3 years
//my take on Veigar.
A formerly altruistic person who in good faith tried to help Runeterra recover from the savagery of the great darkin wars, abandoned by anyone he had faith in to help the him in his time of need, lost to the celestials that used to guide him, and mostly forgotten to his current self.
In essence he is the saddest type of villain. Unwanting to change and unwilling to accept anyone’s efforts to change him for the better. That being said, he is pitiable, but only for the cause of his change.
Since his fall from grace, Veigar has only leaned harder and harder into being utterly villainous. He has had chances to change, to be good, to rewrite his story as a hero, but has chosen time and time again to not do so.
Mine does good deeds only incidenteally unless it benefits his own “grand designs”, and boy howdy does Veigar design grandly (even if they aren’t exactly foolproof) oftentimes you could assume it’s akin to a child’s take on an andavced blueprint for a car. Crude and only technically right in the broadest of senses.
I try to follow the lore as exactly as I can while making Veigar more than the walking joke he seems to be in EVERYONE ELSE’S LORE EXCEPT HIS OWN.
I don’t know what else to put here, but I’m always open to questions and honestly I’m floored by the concept y’all like reading content from me. Thanks for sticking around
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heraldofzaun · 3 years
what are your thoughts on viktor and being neurodivergent? though like, obligatory disclaimer that if riot ever did come out and say that "hey! viktor is canonically [something]" that would be catastrophic but i think it is a little bit of fun for consideration
Oh! Well I like to think he's autistic, which is partially because I am too. (Of course in canon it would be catastrophic because haha, oh man, look at how they've treated Blitzcrank's biographies ever since they gave him an updated one. There's some coding in there, alright, and I am... not a fan...)
I’ve posted a lot of long posts recently (this is no exception) and this is also on a kind of tricky subject, so I’m readmore’ing it.
So anyways, while I have to admit that some of the reason why (my) Viktor is autistic is because I am - I think that you can make a general semi-convincing argument. Or I'm so wrapped up in my own interpretations that I can, at the least. Anyways, from here on out when I say Viktor I mean my personal take. Your mileage may vary on applying this to other interpretations.
(Also, thoughts on new lore Jayce's being kind of coded to be like, a stereotypical autistic dude? (If you have any I mean.) I don't like that Riot is doing it, of course, but I've seen a few good rehabilitative takes on it in fandom. @hamartio's Jayce springs to mind, because their Jayce has been developed over the years and also written by someone who like. Cares. Anyways, I have my own personal Jayce ideas that rely on his old lore so he's not really an asshole there, at least in those regards, so I don't really have many thoughts on new Jayce. I think new Viktor is... pretty coded as well, but it’s also insanely stereotypical. The whole “always working, always wants certainty, gets into automation not because he (primarily) wants to help those injured by catastrophes in Zaun but because the catastrophes interrupt his work” thing makes me uncomfortable. Maybe I’ll write sometime on why the rewrite of his lore fails, in my opinion, to hit upon the same themes of his first - would that be of interest to folks? Anyways, this parenthetical is too long.)
I think that autistic Viktor is cool and makes sense, somewhat because of the fact that the ways he goes about solving his problems are, er, unorthodox. (Of course I am not saying that the GE is because he’s autistic, because that’s stupid. This is why I’m kind of squirrely about talking so openly about what I think Viktor’s got going on, and why I don’t really trust if a non-autistic person headcanons him as autistic. There’s a lot of room for that headcanon to just reinforce the “autistic people are supergeniuses with no emotions that work based off of Facts and Logic” trope, and I hate that.) Since a lot of autism is about feeling adrift from/at odds with neurotypical society, I think that Viktor’s general solutions and also his idealistic leanings in the face of everything Zaun is tracks for that. Roboticization makes sense as a way to stop suffering and death, because it’s more achievable than individual feats of immortality through magic or whatever. Viktor doesn’t really get why people would be so opposed to it - he’s made it clear that while he dislikes his own emotions and wants them gone, he doesn’t expect others to cast off theirs. (Maybe he expected that when he was in the thick of his emotional pain, mostly because he couldn’t imagine others choosing differently than he at the time, but not in the current day.)
Of course, externally, when the scary cyborg man who admits to cutting off his own limbs says “no, being a robot is cool, you can keep your emotions even”, any Zaunite (or any person) is going to interpret that as “he is definitely lying”. Viktor doesn’t quite make that leap. (I have thoughts on the whole Theory of Mind concept and I don’t mean to say that Viktor can’t empathize - he does, and does too much - with others, but I think that in this instance he just can’t quite understand sometimes why people don’t believe him.) He also doesn’t quite get why people would be so attached to the bodies that they’re currently in, especially if he can make a mechanical replica. Or why people might want to die and pass into non-existence after a life well lived. (To him, personally, there’s always more to do. Also he’s terrified of death but that’s another topic.)
I also think that Viktor’s empathy is of the hyper- rather than hypo- kind, partially because I feel like outside of self-advocacy groups the mere concept of autistic hyperempathy is seen as like... impossible? It’s also because he generally seems to be kind of an emotional guy in canon before Stanwick, what with the lore saying that “almost no trace of the original man remained” in reference to Viktor reemerging as someone without emotions. That, combined with the fact that he was described as having a “hope to better society” before everything went down, kind of makes me believe that he was a naive idealist type. (Again, not that autism makes you naive, but...) But yes, hyperempathy. Hence "no pain, no wars, no suffering, no death” being part of his ideology for the Glorious Evolution. He gets pretty ripped up about people being hurt, and it’s really only gotten worse over the years as he’s grasped the full scope of pain in the world.
Personally, I write pre-Stanwick-incident Viktor as someone who is still somewhat awkward with expressing emotion, but it’s not due to him not having them. It’s due to the fact that the ways in which he naturally expressed them and in which he interacted with the world were just... seen as odd/different/etc. (I don’t think Runeterra has an autism diagnosis or particularly excellent psychology, even in Piltover and Zaun, so he just gets the “you’re a weird dude” treatment for his entire life.) Stimming or smiling a certain way or talking a lot about his interests or, you know, the general autistic existence is weird to most people around him, as it unfortunately is in real life. So he’s more reserved until you actually know him, because he’s just masking all the time. (Fun fact about my Viktor: he’s pretty expressive under that actual mask of his. It helps to not have to micromanage expressions all the time when he isn’t experiencing a bout of flat affect due to [gestures vaguely at everything else going on with his mental state], although he sometimes feels poorly about not being able to manage himself. But that’s his issues, and I think it’s good for him to show emotion.)
Side note - Stanwick was able to do such a number on Viktor due to: a) Stanwick being very charismatic and manipulative, on top of being an actually smart man and scientist - he’s really a great example of a “good Zaunite”, in the sense of being good at being what the culture rewards, b) Viktor actively dealing with the death of his parents and Stanwick being an older adult who’d treated him kindly and had never seemed put-off by Viktor’s oddities, and c) Viktor not realizing that he’d get backstabbed, because yes he knows that that happens in academia but Stanwick’s nice. Whether or not the outcomes would have been the same if Viktor were more competent at being “a good Zaunite”... well, probably not. Viktor ended up where he did because of who he is.
(Secondary side note: Viktor has a very strong and very black-and-white sense of what’s right and wrong, as well as general black-and-white thinking. You can see how that would have... not helped in the situations he was put through.)
This is getting kind of rambling, but I guess the point of this is that Viktor’s wanting to remove his emotions may be cloaked in the language of them being “inefficient” or “unhelpful”, which would feed into autistic stereotypes, but it’s really more of a matter of them being too painful and raw for him to process. He feels too much and hurts too much, and no amount of positive emotions in the world will (in his mind) make up for the pain he’s felt and will feel. So it’s better to not feel anything at all, isn’t it? At least then you aren’t overwhelmed by it all.
Viktor just hasn’t fit in with Zaun for all his life, really. Not as an odd child who can tell you all about science-fiction and techmaturgy, not as an odd and reserved teenager/young adult, not as a bright young doctoral student still dealing with grief but trying to make the best of it, and... not as the Machine Herald. But now he’s given up on trying to fit in, for better or for worse.
(Other miscellaneous and less serious autistic thoughts on him: generally a pretty fixed diet, partially due to being autistic but also due to what’s easily available in Zaun + what agrees with his stomach. A fan of weight and pressure - I like to think that the reason his outfit is like that is that he finds it comforting, and also that he has a weighted blanket or two around. Special interests of general techmaturgy, robotics, and science-fiction. He can talk for hours about any of those, and has. Both his parents were mildly spectrum-y, his mother a little bit moreso, so they just kinda assumed that him being him was out-of-the-ordinary and a bit strange but not something “horribly wrong”. Oh! And his third arm, which is under a little less conscious control than the rest of him, still stims sometimes when he’s working or otherwise not paying attention to it.)
This was very long and jumped around a lot, because I find it hard to give a convincing paragraph-by-paragraph argument about exactly why I think that Viktor is autistic, or rather why I headcanon him as such. But hopefully it was interesting! I just have a lot of thoughts on him, as well as the general state of autistic-coded or perceived-as-autistic-by-individuals (both allistic and autistic) characters in media and so it’s very hard to do anything concise without branching out into discussing other topics.
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goldlightwriting · 1 year
Ruination Reimagined
It’s been two years since Rise of the Sentinels, one of the most infamous story events in League of Legends history. Every aspect of the story has been broken down, dissected, analyzed and criticized, from its mishandling of iconic characters to the fundamental misunderstanding of its own premise.
Two years have passed, and the world has more-or-less moved on. We all know, understand, and accept that the event sucked, but it’s sadly too late to turn back. For better or for worse, Rise of the Sentinels has impacted the stories of both characters with significant ties to the Shadow Isles plotline as well as those who who were shoehorned into it for the sake of selling skins.
I’ve offered my own take on the story not just once, but twice before; the first was a rewrite of the visual novel’s script with more-or-less the same general restrictions that Riot had (ie one Sentinel/Ruined character per chapter, ten chapters split into 5 parts plus a prologue and epilogue, etc), while the second was an essay about how the story’s scope should have been greatly expanded to include far more characters and affected each region far more significantly... Because, you know, an undead apocalypse isn’t something that should should realistically begin and end in like a week with almost no impact.
Anyways, since that second rewrite, I’d more-or-less moved on. Every now and then I’ve taken the opportunity to dunk on RotS in a video, but never as much more than a gag or to make a point. However... For whatever reason, I’ve recently found myself thinking about the Shadow Isles lately. Maybe it’s because of some new cards added to LoR, maybe because of that Illaoi and Yorick story released a while back. I’m not really sure, but the more I think about it, the more I can’t help but feel like the Shadow Isles, as a whole, deserve a complete and total reboot. Not just a rewrite of Sentinels, but that the whole region and all characters connected to it could be executed so, much better.
I know it’s never going to happen, obviously. I know that many people will probably disagree with that take. That’s fine. Still, I wanna get my ideas out there, if for now other reason than to get them out of my head.
Below is a list of all the changes I would make to the story of the Shadow Isles and its core cast. Some characters I’ve kept more-or-less the same, while others I’ve almost completely re-imagined. Maybe you’ll like some of these changes better than the actual canon, maybe not. I’m not even sure how many will have the time or patience to read through all this, but whatever. Without any further ado, this is how I would reimagine the Ruination:
Fundamental Changes
-In this version, the Black Mist (otherwise known as Harrowed Mist) represents the evils of the human soul, while the Hallowed Mist represents its virtues.
-Those turned by the Black Mist are not technically undead, but rather warped into avatars of their own inner darkness.
-The monks of the Blessed Isles used a secret ritual to siphon the Black Mist (ie the literal evil in their souls) from the Isles’ criminals and sealed it inside a magical lantern, so that even their greatest sinners could find redemption and overcome their darkest urges.
-The Blessed Isles were hidden in the spirit realm, rather than being concealed by a mystical fog. However, they manifest in the physical realm during specific times; while such occurrences seem random, those who are able to learn and predict the pattern may land on the Blessed Isles before they vanish.
-The monks of the Blessed Isles were split into two main groups: the Sentinels of Light and the Order of Dusk. Both groups were devoted to spiritual study and enlightenment, but had different roles.
-The Vesani, a tribe of fox vastaya skilled in the art of manipulating emotions and memories, were crucial members of both groups.
-The Sentinels of Light defended the residents of the isles from those who threatened their way of life, primarily demonic entities. They wielded weapons capable of conjuring spirit light to combat their enemies.
-The Order of Dusk was responsible for purifying the souls of the wicked and laying the dead to rest. They were the keepers of many dangerous artifacts capable of tampering with the spirits of living things.
-Relicstone, originally called Lightstone/Soulstone, has the ability to channel the full power of one’s spirit, not just its virtues or vices. Those who wield it with righteous intent will manifest a golden light, while those who use its power for selfish means will cast a sickly green light.
-Thresh’s sickle and lantern are made from Lightstone.
-The Blade of the Ruined King, originally called The Blade of Kings, was a gift given to the Camavoran royal family long ago by visiting monks of the Blessed Isles. It is imbued with Lightstone, which was meant to serve as a means of testing a future monarch’s heart.
-The Waters of Life are no longer a thing. We literally already have a magical healing oasis in Shurima.
-The Ruination occurs when Viego is tricked into opening the lantern by Thresh. This, in turn, tears open the boundary between realms and causes the Shadow Isles to exist between the physical and spiritual worlds.
-When it becomes evident that their homeland is doomed, some Sentinels choose to flee the Isles with as many of their relics and teachings as they can hold.
-Thresh is the Warden of the Lantern, whose job is specifically to guard the lantern wherein centuries’ worth of evil is sealed. Unbeknownst to anyone, being in its presence for too long has corrupted him, allowing dark thoughts and sadistic tendencies to take hold of his mind.
-The lantern is enchanted so that it cannot be opened with malicious intent.
-Thresh initially just wants to set the evil of the lantern free, but when he sees that Viego has become a vessel for it, Thresh plots to take full control of the power for himself.
-Viego unleashed the Black Mist believing it could revive Isolde, but its corrupting magic could only resurrect Isolde’s inner darkness, creating the Maiden of the Mist.
-Isolde’s actual body remains in the Lantern Chamber.
-Viego is not trapped sleeping in his own sword, but rather was confined to the heart of the Isles by a handful of monks who resisted corruption just long enough to trap him there. He can command the Black Mist and those corrupted by it from afar, but cannot venture far from his confinement. However, the spell holding him periodically weakens, at which point he can expand the Black Mist’s domain, causing Harrowings.
-The Maiden rejects Viego and flees the Isles, returning to Camavor. There, she haunts the war-torn land, contributing to its eventual abandonment. Eventually, though, she comes across her old doll, Gwen, and the fondness for her creation stirs memories of love and joy in the Maiden’s heart. These feelings pass on to the doll, imbuing it with Hallowed Mist that would swell and eventually bring Gwen to life. However, the Maiden is unable to resist the pull of the Black Mist, and finds herself summoned back to the Shadow Isles.
-Gwen comes to life and makes it her mission to save her creator from Viego, no matter how long it may take.
-Realizing that the Maiden is but a perverse corruption of his love, and failing to see the irony, Viego casts her aside. She is eventually found and taken in by Yorick.
-In this version, Yorick’s body is altered by the Black Mist, but he is able to maintain his mind thanks to his discipline and training as a monk, even as others of his order have succumbed.
-Yorick continues to try and help lost souls find rest, though the process is slow and arduous as few willingly accept his aid.
-The remaining Sentinels of Light who fled the Isles devote themselves to opposing the Black Mist and one day purifying their ancient home. Their order slowly expands to every region as Harrowings become an increasingly large threat to the people of Runeterra, but to date, all attempts to storm the Isles and purify them have failed...
-The Reclaimer is a special Relicstone weapon deemed taboo by the Sentinels of Light. It was created by by the Brotherhood of Dusk in secret as a way to revive the dead by stealing a person’s life force and instilling it into the deceased. However, the Reclaimer can only be used so many times. This will be replacing the Absolver.
-The Reclaimer has been a closely-guarded secret of the Sentinels of Light since the Ruination. It has been moved from one hiding place to another across Runeterra. Its last known location was Shurima...
-Vladimir ventured to the Immortal Bastion during Mordekaiser’s reign to seek a means of reviving Isolde, only to be enslaved. Nevertheless, his twisted personality caught Mordekaiser’s attention, and so Vladimir was eventually allowed to start studying blood magic as one of the Iron Revenant’s acolytes. He would later ally with LeBlanc to send Mordekaiser back to the death realm and become a founding member of the Black Rose.
-Rather than seeking the Blessed Isles for him, Kalista is instead devoted to finding the one responsible for Viego’s attempted assassination. As head of the royal guard, she despises any traitors to the crown, and works with Hecarim to put down any and all rebellion. Even so, she harbors reservations about Viego’s ability to rule...
-Kalista accompanies Viego to the Blessed Isles to keep him from harm. However, when Viego escalates to violence against the monks, Kalista tries to dissuade him, insisting that his brother would never go to such extremes. In a sudden outburst, Viego counters that his brother was too soft for the throne, which was why he had the previous king assassinated. This revelation marks Viego as a traitor as well, prompting Kalista and several other soldiers to stand against him in defense of the Blessed Isles.
-Though the Sentinels of Light and the soldiers allying with Kalista fight hard, Viego’s remaining troops and artillery prove to be a match for them. Sensing an opportunity, Thresh tampers with the Sentinels’ defenses as Viego pushes further inland.
-Eventually, Thresh approaches Viego and offers to bring the mad king to the lantern chamber, in exchange for Viego sparing his life. This is, of course, a ploy to get someone else to open the lantern; Thresh believes that, because the mad king is ultimately driven by love and only wants to save his queen, such pure desire will be enough to bypass the lantern’s protection. This assumption proves correct.
-Kalista fights valiantly, but when the Ruination occurs, she is felled by a transformed Hecarim. As her life fades, she feels a burning resentment for Viego and all true betrayers; this hatred is amplified by the Black Mist, allowing Kalista to rise as the Spear of Vengeance.
-Kalista’s obsession with hunting betrayers overwhelms her mind and spirit. In time, she learns to harness the grudges of others as well, though doing so causes Kalista to slowly lose more and more of her own identity. Eventually, she starts roaming the Isles and even the lands beyond in pursuit of traitors, no longer even recalling the true cause for her hatred.
-Vex is no longer gloomy and depressed from the start, but is affected by the Black Mist due to staying on the Shadow Isles for too long; her shadow represents the cheerier personality she keeps locked deep inside of her.
-Karthus’s story remains more-or-less the same, but his obsession with death is changed to an obsession with viewing the darkest desires of humanity.
-Lucian and Senna maintain more-or-less the same backstory, but Senna won’t be revived until much, much later.
-Senna doesn’t have a fragment of Isolde in her this time. She joined the Sentinels because her home was attacked during a Harrowing.
-Akshan was once a young thief devoted to stealing from those who abuse their wealth and power and distributing his ill-gotten goods among the needy. He perished in an ambush set by one greedy aristocrat, but was found and saved by the Reclaimer’s previous keeper: Shadya.
-Shadya recruited Akshan into the Sentinels for his righteous heart. Their story plays out more-or-less the same, up until Akshan learns of the Reclaimer. Believing that such power shouldn’t be kept hidden away, he steals the Reclaimer and starts roaming Shurima, using its power to revive those he believes were wrong murdered.
-Devising a plan to take control of the Black Mist, Thresh manages to completely break the seal holding Viego captive. He informs the Ruined King of the Reclaimer, persuading Viego to trust him once more in the hopes that it will truly be able to revive Isolde’s corpse.
-Rise of the Sentinels becomes a race to find the Reclaimer, rather than a hunt for fetters.
-Lucian encounters Gwen on the Shadow Isles while hunting for Thresh. There, they encounter the Ruined King, who proves too strong for them.
-Lucian and Gwen are forced to retreat and seek out allies, but the Sentinels of Light have waned in numbers since Lucian went rogue. Thus, the two of them must travel around Runeterra seeking allies to stand with them against the Black Mist.
-Viego begins to spread his Black Mist across Runeterra with the help of Vex and her knowledge of Bandle Gates. He seeks the Reclaimer while occasionally corrupting the minds of Champions with excessive negative feelings he can exploit.
-Those recruited into the Sentinels of Light have Relicstone weapons made for them by the order’s Stonecarver, rather than just conveniently having their perfect weapons already made for them.
-The new Sentinels of Light include: Fiora, Quinn, Vayne, Poppy, Garen, Draven, Riven, Samira, Katarina(?), Braum, Olaf, Jayce, Vi, Seraphine, Ziggs, Irelia, Wukong, Shen, Yasuo, Ahri, Miss Fortune, Graves, Illaoi, Diana, Rengar, Sivir, and Akshan.
-Those Ruined by Viego include: Shyvana, Jarvan IV, Darius, Swain (demon goes feral), Ashe, Tryndamere, Viktor, Caitlyn, Akali, Yone (demon goes feral), Gangplank, Twisted Fate(?), Pantheon, Nidalee, and Shadya.
-After Viego is defeated in a duel by Gwen, Thresh steals the weakened king’s soul and seals it in his lantern. This allows him to take control of the Black Mist, and even revert to a more humanoid form if we MUST have Unbound Thresh be a thing.
-Vex goes into hiding after Viego’s defeat, with none knowing her whereabouts...
-Senna is ultimately revived using the last charge of the Reclaimer. If we must insist that she still has Mist powers, perhaps we can say that because her soul was being held captive in Thresh’s lantern, the Reclaimer is only able to bring a part of her back. Senna and Lucian can then dedicate their arc toward recovering the piece of her still bound by Thresh, and Senna struggles to keep her darkness from overwhelming her. This might make for more compelling relationship drama than what the original story gave us.
-Thresh becomes the new Lord of the Isles, with the intent to cover all of Runeterra in Black Mist. To do this, however, he needs to slowly but surely expand the Mist’s territory by adding yet more negative emotions to it. Thresh starts roaming Runeterra to extract as many souls as he can gather, adding their darkness to the Shadow Isles.
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infinite-xerath · 3 years
Runeterra Retcons 9: Shaco
The time has come to discuss League’s resident killer clown… Or killer jester, I suppose. There is a difference, not that it really matters because even the lore doesn’t ACTUALLY know what Shaco is. To be frank, Shaco is a weird character because he’s NEVER had a proper place in the story, even from his conception.
Shaco’s original lore paints him as a complete and utter mystery. Nobody knows who or what he is, where he came from, or what he really wants. All anyone has ever known is that Shaco loves killing people because he thinks it’s funny. He could be a demon, a rogue weapon, or just a homicidal madman who’s really good at what he loves. That’s where his character begins and ends, so there’s really not much to actually analyze here. Shaco’s second lore attempts to give us a little more detail but all it really does is say the exact same thing with more words added in.
Of course, Shaco’s first two lores were written at a time with the Institute of War and Summoners were still canon, so after the retcon back in 2015 Riot opted to give him a new backstory to make him fit in with the new world of Runeterra. That backstory, as we can see, is ultimately little more than a placeholder. I mean, his extended bio doesn’t even match the blurb on his Champion page!
In summation: Shaco is a haunted doll who belonged to an unknown prince of an unknown kingdom and was transformed by unknown magics for unknown reasons. This backstory now feels especially redundant with the introduction of Gwen into the game, a living doll with a similar backstory albeit far less evil. To be frank: there’d be room to have some interest thematic parallels between Gwen and Shaco if Riot had written these two in such a way that they were creations of the same person or belonged to the same kid but wound up becoming wholly opposite of one-another.
For example: perhaps in an alternate version of the lore, Gwen comes to embody the childlike innocence and hope of her maker/owner and seeks to spread joy and cheer while Shaco is a corrupt and perverted manifestation of those desires who seeks only to amuse himself in the suffering of others. This, I think, would have been a fantastic way to go about it, but given that Gwen is already so heavily tied to the Shadow Isles plotline and Viego is set up to be her primary enemy, I feel like it would be kind of difficult to work Shaco into that dynamic at this point.
Besides, it’s clear that Riot DOES have plans for Shaco: namely, that they aim to retcon him into being a demon. This is somewhat evident by his champion title, the Demon Jester, as well as his relationships are listed as being Nocturne and Fiddlesticks, the demons of nightmares and fear, respectively. There’s also that branch on the demon family tree labeled “Delirium” which would fit a murderous jokester pretty well.
To be honest, I was initially hesitant to even bother doing an episode for Shaco given that Riot clearly has at least some vague idea of what to do with him, but since reworks are coming out a lot slower now and Shaco’s not even on Riot’s priority list as far as we’re aware, it’ll probably be a WHILE before we actually see them do anything with this particular concept.
So, given what we know about Riot’s current plans, the general direction of this rewrite is simple: make Shaco a demon. Admittedly, though, that’s a little easier said than done. Demons in League are creatures who feed on mortal pain and suffering, but each of them has a different way of going about it. Fiddlesticks mainly uses paranoia and trauma to drive his victims mad while Nocturne takes a more Freddy Krueger approach of just invading dreams and turning them into nightmares. Tahm Kench likes to make Faustian Bargains by giving you everything you want and then tearing it all away from you, while Evelynn lures you in with seduction and then proceeds to tear you apart piece by piece.
Every demon takes a different form and has different ways of going about things, but all of them share a core concept: they feed on suffering and misery, be it physical or emotional. That said, there’s a bit more to demons in Runeterra than just that. See, back when Fiddlesticks was released, Riot went and released what the community has dubbed the “Demon Family Tree,” which appears to be a chart displaying the hierarchy of demons and different emotions that different kinds of demons can prey on.
Now, admittedly, there’s a LOT about this chart that we don’t currently understand, and frankly I wouldn’t be surprised if Riot doesn’t either. There’s a key that resembles the one around Zoe’s neck in the top-left, a bunch of circles in the top right we don’t know the meaning of, and a whole bunch of text written in what I think is supposed to be Old Noxian that we can’t currently decipher. There have been theories and discussions about this already, so I’m not going to get too deep into it, but the main takeaway, I think, would be the words on the chart that we CAN read: Fear, Delirium, Nightmares, Secrets, Bliss, Frenzy, and Obsession. There’s also the term “Azakana” at the bottom, though we know thanks to Yone that this basically just refers to a demon that hasn’t fully matured yet.
Tying the chart back to the demonic Champions in the game, it’s easy to piece together the connections that they each have: Fiddlesticks is fear, Nocturne is Nightmares, Raum (the demon bound to Swain) is Secrets, Evelynn is commonly believed to be Bliss, and Tahm Kench is most likely Obsession. That leaves Delirium and Frenzy untouched, which leaves us with two spots to fit Shaco into.
Now comes the hard part: the decision. Delirium refers to a state of mind in which one’s awareness of their actions or environment is significantly reduced, whereas frenzy is a sudden burst of frantic, uncontrolled emotion, typically rage or aggression. Either one of these could work well for a killer jester, but I personally think that delirium would suit Shaco better in terms of how his personality is portrayed in game. So, with that said, let’s dive deep into the realm of demonic and see what can be done to turn this cursed puppet into a proper Demon of Delirium.
It is often said that misery and comedy are but two sides of the same coin. Laughter often comes at the expense of others, and one person’s despair may be another’s delight. Most entertainers would tell you that walking the line between humor and malice is key, but to Shaco, such distinctions are a joke for which he himself is the final punchline.
The demon known as Shaco has stalked Runeterra for ages, spreading his twisted influence far and wide. There’s nothing Shaco loves more than to bring joy to those who need it most, often appearing to mortals who have experienced great loss or tragedy. Those coping with grief or misfortune may find themselves unexpectedly visited by a grinning jester, who assures that his only desire is to take away their pain with the power of laughter.
At first, Shaco’s antics are innocent enough. Some cheesy jokes to lighten the mood, some harmless pranks to lift the spirits of the downtrodden, all with an unyielding smile that one cannot help but start to imitate. Soon, those enthralled with Shaco’s antics are invited to play games with the jester to help distract from their worldly worries. Those who accept are whisked away to partake in a day of fun and merriment, playing all manner of pranks on friends, family, and even innocent bystanders.
When the games end, Shaco leaves his playmates cackling insanely in the aftermath, often surrounded by bodies and covered in blood. None laugh louder than Shaco, however, who delights in watching his playmates slowly regain their sanity and come to realize all the atrocities committed at his side. Some cry out in despair, while others break down laughing or crying harder than before. Some go mad, others are executed for their crimes, and some even opt to take their own lives. All outcomes are equally hilarious to Shaco, who soon sets out in pursuit of his next playmate.
Stories of the Mad Trickster exist all across Runeterra, often told as children’s tales to teach valuable lessons: don’t trust strangers, never give in to sadness or despair, and always be mindful to never take a joke too far. Few truly believe in Shaco’s existence, but those who fail to heed such warnings may find themselves to be his next playmate, as well as the butt of his joke…
So, this one was a bit shorter than normal, but I think it serves to get the point across. As the embodiment of delirium, I wanted to give Shaco a set-up sort of similar to Tahm Kench: he appears to offer help to those in need, only to end up ruining their lives in the long run. The difference, of course, is that Shaco lures people in to help them forget their troubles with fun and games, only to escalate to full-blown murder and mayhem.
In essence, Shaco drives others to delirium, making them believe the carnage is all just fun and games until his spell is broken and reality sets in. I’d like to think he particularly likes preying on the downtrodden because those who are suffering mental anguish already are easier for him to cast his spell on.
This is just my take on Shaco, though. Who can really say what Riot will do with him in the future? Who knows, his rework might end up even better than what I have here, but of course, anything is bound to be better than his current, non-existent lore.
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foxydivaxx · 5 years
Eren x Ahri: The Beginning
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Finally gonna talk about Eren’s relationship with this little fox
- Now Ahri in the League of Legends lore or at least the OG lore was a gumiho. In the current one, she is a vastaya, a race of chimeric beings that descended from the Vastayashai'rei.
- OG gumiho Ahri is the original version of Ahri
- The lore of League of Legends takes place around the same time as the AOT story albiet with some alterations (will try and elaborate on that in a different post) Also it happens years after Eren’s death
- Ahri is a champion that represents Ionia
- Since she was a gumiho or rather fox vastaya, she is a seductive creature by nature. However, she actually regrets being born the way she is.
- You see, Ahri absorbs not just the life essence of her victims (she needs it to survive), she also absorbs some of their memories as well and the more she learns about humanity, the more regret she feels
- A war takes place at some point and all the champions perished
- Years later, they all get reincarnated
- Ahri is still a little foxy princess but compared to her past self, she can conceal her powers and actually act and look human and will reveal her foxlike nature only when she wants to fight or when she is pissed
- Still the poor baby was abandoned as baby by her unknown parents possibly due to her vastaya powers and was left in the snowy woods somewhere in Korea with only two green gemstones
- Now this is where the lore differs from the game. Instead of icefoxes finding her, an elderly couple find the child and adopt her as their own
- The gemstones are soon turned into earrings for her
- Poor Ahri had a tough time growing up as she got bullied by other kids in school due to looking a little different
- Aside from that she was getting odd memories of her past
- Regardless of everything, Ahri was quite an intelligent student and was an A Star student that she got a scholarship to study at Runeterra High which is ironically where all the LOL characters go and also the anime heroes as well
-When she first arrives, she is a shy nervous wreck but thankfully, three guys meet and befriend her and help her out. The three are Vladimir, Darius and Ekko
- Along the way they come across a boy seated with a goth chick and a nerdy blinde boy who seems to be bored and in a world of his own
- That boy is Eren Jaeger
- Ahri not only develops a crush on the guy but she begins to grow curious about him as well but at the same time she does not want to creep him out as well so she just keeps her distance for a while
- Opportunity presents itself when Jean starts to say horrible things about Eren in the presence of everyone
- What disgusts Ahri and the others the more is the fact that Mikasa and Armin Eren’s so-called bffs did not bother to defend him
- Ahri springs into action and slaps the hell out of Jean and tells him off
- Eren smiles and thanks her for this and from there the two become good friends much to Mikasa’s annoyance of course because Eren soon begins to distance himself from Armin and Mikasa and starts hanging out more with Ahri and the others because he soon realizes that Armin and Mikasa never truly cared about him and only cared about themselves, Mikasa most especially
- Ahri and the gang help him come out of his shell and become the confident Eren everyone is familiar with. This is just the beginning as more exciting things are gonna happen.
Might as well go and rewrite my fanfic again
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saurianbutcher · 4 years
So apparently the Sun Disc was created after the Aspects/Targon stole the ideas and power from Aurelion Sol via the crown. The Sun Disc also steal/channels Aurelion Sol’s power to create the Ascended.
Remember when Shurima used to be the one GREAT ancient civilization from Runeterra? I ‘membah! Now its Targon the great mastermind behind the curtain and mankind’s development would have not been possible without them.
I need to rewrite some stuff...
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blueares · 3 years
Ruination Rewrite: Interlude IV
The light fades and you find yourself standing in Sentinel headquarters, though an ominous sense of dread lingers in the air around you. Your base seems to be in even worse condition than it was before, and the screams of wraiths seem to surround the entire island.
Riven: “There you guys are! Where were you!?”
Lucian: “Nevermind that! What’s the situation? Where’s Senna?”
Diana: “She has been taken… As has the seamstress.”
Lucian: “No!”
“What happened?”
“Taken by who?”
Shen: *Cough cough* “The Ruined King came in the dead of night. He assaulted the island, raided our vaults, and seized the fetters.” *Cough*
Jayce: “Hey, take it easy! You’re hurt.”
You look around the map room to see your comrades tending each other’s wounds. Sure enough, Senna and Gwen look to be missing.
Akshan: “I have a great many questions, but I suppose now is not the time to be asking them.”
Vayne: “And just who the hell are you?”
Rengar: “One of your clansmen from Shurima. He carries a fabled Relic with incredible power.”
Akshan: “Indeed! I am Akshan, and this is the Absolver! I am here to aid my comrades in their time of need, although… I appear to be a little late this time.”
Graves: “A little!?” *Cough* “Boy, this legendary weapon better be somethin’ else.”
Lucian: “Damn it… It’s my fault! We went all the way to Shurima to find some ‘secret weapon’ that may not even work, and now Senna is-”
Akshan: “It does work! I would not be standing here otherwise.”
“What do you mean?”
“Where would you be standing then?”
Akshan: “I… Died. A long time ago. It was Shadya who saved me, using the power of the Absolver. She killed my murderer and used its power to resurrect me. So, here I am, all thanks to her and this weapon.”
Olaf: “A weapon that undoes death!? Ugh… Keep that thing far away from me!”
Shen: “Such a weapon… Defies the natural order. It goes against everything the Kinkou stand for!”
“Come on, it can’t be worse than the Black Mist!”
“Maybe we need an imbalance to stop an imbalance!”
Shen: “…You are beginning to sound like my brother. Tread carefully.”
Riven: “So what are we supposed to do now? Our base is ruined, our commander is gone, and Viego has all the fetters. This… Isn’t looking great.”
Lucian: “We go after him, that’s what! Rookie, fire up the Wayfinder again! Rumor has it that there’s an old Sentinel base built within the Shadow Isles themselves! Dunno if it’s occupied, dunno if it even has a Nexus, but it’s the best chance we’ve got!”
Jayce: “So, what, you want to just storm the Shadow Isles? That’s your plan?”
Lucian: “You got a better one?”
Olaf: “I say we do it! The bastard stormed our base, now let’s storm his!”
Vayne: “Do you ever think about anything OTHER than getting yourself killed?”
Once again, the Sentinels begin to bicker amongst themselves. You feel a familiar anger building within you, but before you can speak, someone else beats you to the punch.
Akshan: “Hmph! So these are the Sentinels of Light? Not at all what I was expecting. If Shadya were here, she would surely give you all a proper scolding!”
Diana: “Who is Shadya?”
Akshan: “My teacher. The one who saved my life. She is the one who took me in and made me a Sentinel. I might not have always paid attention to her lessons, but the one things she made sure I remembered was the Sentinel oath.”
I swear by the light of the ancients...
I will not run from darkness. I will light the way with a steadfast heart, And face each shadow with a ready weapon As a beacon, a warrior, a Sentinel, I defend myself, my fellows, and my world. May we stand together in the light, or fall in darkness. Fight bravely and remember your oath."
Akshan: “Shadya lived and died by those words. She gave her life to uphold the creed, and though I have not abandoned my quest to save her, I will not allow her death to be in vain. She would want this scoundrel, this Ruined King, to face his comeuppance, and I intent to honor that wish!”
Diana: “…Well said.”
Riven: “Huh. Looks like Rookie may have a rival when it comes to giving speeches.”
“That wasn’t half-bad.”
“Let’s go give Viego his comeuppance!”
Akshan: “Thank you, thank you. Now then, shall we be on our way? As I said before: talk is cheap. Now, we must act.”
Though still weary from their previous battle, the Sentinels all gather around the world map in preparation for one last mission. Your final battle is hand: one last effort to stop the Ruined King’s ambition and save Runeterra.
Lucian: “Hang on, Senna. We’re coming for you.”
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