#Russian media
russianperioddrama · 2 months
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Welcome to the Russian Period Dramas Bracket everyone! The order of things will look something like this:
Polls will start posting tomorrow. One group (A, B, C, D) will be posted per day, starting with Group A. Polls will run for a week. Once all polls for a round close, polls for the following round will begin posting within 24-48 hours (depending on mod availability). You may send in asks with “propaganda” if you wish.
Round 1 matches are listed out below for a full text version. Note that titles are listed in the format: English tittle (official/”official”* or translated) | transliterated title. (*There are occasionally some variations in what is the “official” English title. I tried my best here, usually prioritizing what is used by a major streaming service or wiki).
Ekaterina: The Rise of Catherin the Great | Ekaterina (2014) vs. Pushkin: the Last Duel | Pushkin: Poslednyaya duel (2006)
The Barber of Siberia | Sibirskiy tsiryulnik (1998) vs. Tchaikovsky's wife | Zhena Chaikovskogo (2022)
The Duelist | Duelyant (2016) vs. Life of a Mistress | Volnaya gramota (2018)
Catherine the Great | Velikaya (2015) vs. Poor Nastya | Bednaya Nastya (2023)
Detective Anna | Anna – detectiv (2016) vs. Gardes-marines Ahead! | Gardemariny, vperyod! (1988)
Bloody Lady | Krovavaya Barinya (2018) vs. Institute For Noble Maidens | Institut blagorodnykh devits (2010)
Union of Salvation | Soyuz spaseniya (2019) vs. Star of Captivating Happiness | Zvezda plenitelnogo schastya (1975)
Russian Ark | Russkiy kovcheg (2002) vs. Poor Poor Paul | Bednyy bednyy Pavel (2003)
The Silver Skates | Serebryanyy konki (2020) vs. Sins of Our Fathers | Grekhi ottsov (2004)
Bezsonov (2019) vs. Voskresensky (2021)
Sunstroke  | Solnechnyy Udar (2014) vs. The Fall of the Empire | Gibel imperii (2005)
Matilda (2017) vs. Gloomy River | Ugryum-reka(2021)
The Road To Calvary  | Hozhdenie po mukam (2017) vs. How the Steel Was Tempered | Kak zakalyalas stal (1973)
Admiral (2008) vs. Quiet Flows the Don | Tikhiy Don (2015)
Morphine | Morphiy (2008) vs. Battalion | Batalyon (2015)
Rasputin | Grigoriy R (2014) vs. Christmas Trees 1914 | Yolki 1914 (2014)
War and Peace | Voyna I mir (1966) vs. The Queen of Spades | Pikovaya dama (1982)
Pechorin (2011) vs. A Hero of Our Time | Geroy nashego vremeni  (2006)
Eugene Onegin | Yevgeny Onegin (1959) vs. A Cruel Romance | Zhestokiy romans (1984)
Gogol (2017) vs. The Idiot | Idiot (2003)
Anna Karenina: Vronsky’s Story | Anna Karenina. Istoriya Vronskogo (2017) vs. Anna Karenina (2009)
Crime and Punishment | Prestuplenie i nakazanie (2007) vs. Brothers Karamazov | Bratya Karamazovy (2009)
Fathers and Sons | Ottsy i deti (2008) vs. Lady Into Lassie | Baryshnya krestyanka (1995)
Two Women | Dve zhenshchiny (2014) vs. The Emperor’s Love | Lyubov imperatora (2003)
Sophia (2016) vs. The Youth of Peter the Great | Yunost Petra (1980)
Furious | Legenda o Kolovrate (2017) vs. Alexander: The Neva Battle | Aleksandr. Nevskaya bitva (2008)
Viking (2016) vs. Iron Lord | Yaroslav: Tysyachu let nazad (2010)
The Terrible | Groznyy (2020) vs. Tsar (2009)
Godunov (2018) vs. Schism | Raskol (2011)
Land of Legends | Serdtse Parmy (2022) vs. Golden Horde | Zolotaya Orda (2018)
Conquest | Tobol (2019) vs. Secrets of the Palace Revolutions | Tayny dvortsovykh perevorotov (2000)
Elizabeth | Elizaveta (2022) vs. Cathedral | Sobor (2021)
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workersolidarity · 2 months
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🇷🇺🇦🇿🇦🇲 🚨
The Press Secretary for the Russian Federation, Dmitry Peskov, confirmed on Wednesday the withdrawal of the Russian Peacekeeping forces from the contentious Nagorno-Karbakh region of Azerbaijan, an Armenian enclave that had been under independent administration by the Armenian population of the area until Azarbajani forces reclaimed the region in a large-scale offensive, beginning on September 19th, 2023.
A Russian Peacekeeping force numbering 1'960 military personnel with small arms, along with 90 armored personnel carriers and 380 units of vehicles and special equipment where stationed in the Nagorno-Karbakh area, beginning with the tripartite statement issued on November 10th, 2020 by the President of Azerbaijan, the Prime Minister of Armenia and the Russian President.
The mission was scheduled to continue until 2025, however, since the Armenian President recognized the area as belonging to Azerbaijan, discussions around the administration of the region were ongoing between the leaders of the three countries.
Yesterday, footage emerged showing Russian forces withdrawing from Nagorno-Karbakh.
Following the release of the footage, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov was asked about the withdrawal, to which he responded, "Yes, this is true."
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Okay, so I wanted to send my mutual an episode of KikoRiki to familiarise him with Pin — a character I really like (one episode isn't enough to say EVERYTHING about him, but dear god, he's the best, I love the kid robot's German mechanic dad :> )
Which meant I had to watch one episode to see what his name is, since some were changed in the English dub
And holy hell........
(English dub)
The difference is driving me insane. Literally
I know that dubs aren't always good at conveying the original's intent, look no further than Gumball's Russian dub with its censorship of "harsh" words like "butt", but THEY STRAIGHT UP CHANGE LINES TO SOMETHING THAT BARELY MAKES THE DIALOGUE FLOW AND THE VOICES ARE KILLING ME
so yeah i found another thing to be mad at
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New Ukraine War Losses Send Russian Propagandists Into Frantic Meltdown
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o-kurwa · 2 years
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"They have Nazis and females with AIDS, you see that we had no choice but to invade"
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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A great report from Ukraine TV (English edition) showing how the Kremlin is blackmailing and imprisoning any Russian who condemns the war in Ukraine. Ivan Safronov, pictured above, has been sentenced to 22 years in prison. 
Since protests across Russia against the war in Ukraine, Putin introduced laws against so-called “false” information that discredits the Russian army. Condemning the war is also illegal; you have to pretend that it is a ‘special miltary operation’. Police can check phones, and several sites have been blocked. People have lost their jobs for opposing the war, such as the former director of the Bolshoi Theatre and many others. 
The Kremlin is also instructing Russian teachers to promote hatred and war against Ukraine. One teacher quoted in this video lies to her children by claiming that NATO has put weapons in Ukraine to attack Russia, and that Russia has the best weapons and needs to fight against this. The Kremlin has used this tactic before, especially when promoting Putin’s anti-Western propaganda, and has also encouraged teachers to help it stuff ballots at elections. 
The video description to this report also shows that the respected independent Russian newspaper, Novaya Gazeta, has been denied a licence by the Russian federal services. The Novaya Gazeta has a long history of exposing war crimes committed by Russian soldiers. One of its most famous and internationally respected reporters, Anna Politkovskaya, exposed the crimes of Russian soldiers in Chechnya, as well as the morally repugnant internal system of the Russian army which turned young men into savages, often killing them in large numbers. 
Telekanal Dozhd, another independent Russian news outlet, was forced to operate from abroad, providing Russian viewers with the truth about the war in Ukraine and other ‘forbidden’ topics. Telekanal Dozhd is considered a ‘foreign agent’, another fraudulent term introduced by the Russian government in 2012 to attack anyone who condemns Putin’s dictatorship. Many other groups and people have been designated as ‘foreign agents’, threatened, shut down, imprisoned, or even murdered. 
It is clear that Putin is desperate to shut down anyone who condemns his war because he knows that many in Russia do not support it. As we have seen from Russian history, it only takes a small number of people to spark national upheaval, and Putin’s regime has been in constant danger over the last decade as anger increases over fraudulent elections, rampant corruption, disgraceful poverty, and Russia’s international isolation. Putin knows that information is power, which is why he has total control over the television, radio, and many websites in order to promote his lies. 
The truth is still getting through, however slowly. It is clear that Putin has no victory to announce, even though we know he thought that he could seize control of Ukraine within five days. It is also clear that thousands of Russian soldiers have died, and the Kremlin has remained silent about this, as it is trying to encourage more Russians to join the army. A Russian soldier recently published a book exposing the dire state of the Russian military and his anger with the Russian authorities for starting this war. Much of Russia’s military equipment has been destroyed, including the flagship Moskva. This too cannot be hidden. 
Recently, Ukraine has seized back over 1000 square kilometers of its territory from Russia, with more counter-offensives planned for later this year. Each town liberated is another international humiliation for the dictator, Vladimir Putin, and his criminal supporters. 
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politicoscope · 1 year
EU Now Takes War to Russian Media in Africa, Middle East
EU Now Takes War to Russian Media in Africa, Middle East
The European Union plans to block the broadcasting of Russian media in Africa and the Middle East with the help of sanctions in the satellite area. This was reported to Izvestia in the European Parliament. On December 7, the head of the European Commission (EC), Ursula von der Leyen, said that three new Russian banks and four TV channels would also be hit. According to Izvestia, a number of…
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taiwantalk · 2 years
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this is excellent! oh I wish someone would do the same on taiwanese pundit shows! he’s doing a great great service! niki proshin. you can tell he is good because he talked about how much of wilderness is on the other side of kherson across the river where russian troops retreated themselves & made civilians retreat with them. hence, the ukrainian civilians are indeed being used as hostages by russian troops.
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karamelise · 8 months
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Promotional material for the canceled 2004 anime film "t.A.T.u Paragate", a film centered on the Russian pop duo t.A.T.u. Newtype Magazine, 2003
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russianperioddrama · 3 months
Russian Period Dramas Bracket - Submissions Open!
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Hello everyone! I am happy to announce that I’m jumping on the tumblr bracket bandwagon and going to run a Russian Period Dramas bracket. We’re hoping to do a 64 titles bracket, and while I could populate it entirely myself, since you guys are going to be voting on this, I want to make it submissions based as well (if not entirely).
Submissions will stay open until March 30, 2024.
I hope to start the bracket on April 2, 2024. You can submit by sending an ask!
While there are varying definitions of what constitutes, e.g., a period drama, please keep the following criteria as applicable to this blog (and thus this tournament in mind):
Set in any historical period through to the end of the revolution/civil war (so roughly up until the early 1920s).
The production must be a Russian, Soviet or largely-Russian/Soviet production (co-productions such as Barber of Siberia are allowed – this is a bit of a grey area, so I will reserve judgement).
At least half of the plot/action should be set in the Russian Empire or a Russian/Ancient Rus land/principality (again, a fluid concept the further back you go, so I’ll reserve judgement, but this is a lenient criteria).
Historical-based dramas with some magic or supernatural elements (e.g. Detective Anna) are allowed, but primarily fantasy/fairy tale settings are not.
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workersolidarity · 5 months
[Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks about Ukrainian attacks on civilians in Donetsk City and Bolgorod city-center on New Year's Eve and Day.]
🇷🇺⚔️🇺🇦 🚨
Russian President Vladimir Putin responded to Ukraine's New Year's Day strikes targeting Donetsk City while visiting the Vishnevsky Military hospital and speaking with soldiers wounded in the Special Military Operation in Ukraine.
While making rounds speaking with soldiers and answering questions from reporters, President Putin broached the topic of Ukraine's recent missile strikes targeting the city center of Bolgorod and then again in Donetsk City overnight on New Year's Day.
“What just happened in Belgorod is, of course, a terrorist act. Why? Because, under the cover of two Vilkha missiles they fired from multiple launch rocket systems, right in the center of the city, where people are walking in front of for the New year," President Putin said.
“Should we respond in this way? Of course, we can hit squares in Kiev or any other city. There are children walking, mothers with strollers. I understand, everything is boiling inside me."
Pointing to the terrorist nature of the attack, Putin added, "I want to ask you: Do we need to do such things? Hit city-center squares?"
President Putin, emphasizing that Russian Forces focus on military targets rather than civilian ones, added, “And that’s what we do. We strike with high-precision weapons at places where [military] decisions are made, at places where military personnel, mercenaries gather, at other centers of this kind, at military facilities, first of all. And they are quite sensitive, these strikes."
Putin added that in launching these terroristic strikes aimed at civilians, the Kiev regime is trying to intimidate Moscow, and induce fear and uncertainty in the Russian population.
“We, for our part, will increase the strikes that I mentioned. Not a single crime of this kind - and this is, of course, a crime against the civilian population - will go unpunished, one hundred percent, there can be no doubt,” Putin assured.
Pointing to Western assistance to Ukraine, Putin added "The point is not that they help our enemy, but they are our enemy. They solve their own problems with [Ukrainian] hands, that’s what it’s all about."
Putin emphasized that ordinary Ukrainians were not their enemies, but that the collective West wants to destroy Russian sovereignty and to inflict a strategic defeat on the Russian Federation, and pointed out that Western elites have wanted to split the Federation into five parts for many years.
“That’s why they nurtured the so-called Kiev regime for quite a long time. It was precisely in order to create this conflict. Unfortunately for us, they achieved this, they created this conflict and are trying to solve their problem with the help of Ukrainians, namely the task of fighting Russia," the Russian Commander-in-Chief said.
Though, according to President Putin, the situation on the ground is gradually improving, with the enemy slowly losing ground, and pointed to the ammunition shortage the Ukrainian Armed Forces are suffering from at the moment, with Ukrainian Forces firing more munitions than the collective West can produce.
“And we are increasing and will continue to increase [production], and in multiples. They were supplied with more than 400 tanks - 450 or whatever it is - and in a year we will produce and overhaul 1,600. This is not a state secret, in fact, there will probably be more," the Russian President said.
"And this is true for almost every position. Therefore, despite the fact that from time immemorial they have set such a task, - to [destroy] Russia, we ourselves will [destroy] them faster, it seems."
President Putin also spoke about the importance of the consolidation of Russian society, and fulfilling the task set for the Russian Armed Forces. He mentioned the changing rhetoric of the West as evidence of the progress of Russian goals, pointing to Western leaders who are already talking about how to quickly end the conflict. However, President Putin emphasized that the Special Military Operation would only end on Russia's own terms.
Speaking of the progress by Russian Forces, Vladimir Putin stated, “Firstly, we have weapons that no army in the world has. And secondly, the ability to use everything that [is produced]. Thirdly, what [is produced, is produced] quickly enough.”
The Russian Head-of-State also discussed the situation with regards to military production and supply-lines, saying that the effectiveness of the armed struggle is determined by how quickly an army can isolate what it needs at any given moment and respond to it from a production point-of-view, implementing plans as quickly as possible during combat operations.
“We are doing this better and better, and probably better than anywhere else. And this is a very huge advantage that our armed forces have,” Putin added and recalled that although he wouldn't give themselves the highest evaluation, he assesses the progress of the SMO as "satisfactory".
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tomorrowusa · 2 years
Julia Davis at the Daily Beast monitors the Russian media so that we don’t have to. And what she’s been hearing is more disturbing than usual.
State-approved media in Russia is about all the media you get there unless you have a VPN or use Telegram to get accurate news from outside the country. So the airwaves are filled with lickspittles, apologists, cheerleaders, and propagandists for the régime. And they are absolutely outraged that Ukraine is successfully repulsing more of Putin’s invaders.
Appearing on Wednesday’s broadcast of the state TV show 60 Minutes, military expert Igor Korotchenko said: “This is a new reality, which is why we should be acting quickly, harshly and uncompromisingly. First of all, we need to scale up our strikes against critical infrastructure in such a way that one region after the next, one district after another, Ukraine is plunged into darkness... By December, 20 million residents of Ukraine should flee to the West, to the European Union. This is our goal and the task we should accomplish.”
Hasn’t Russia has already been doing something like that? Does Igor think that Russia has been dropping rose petals on civilian infrastructure since February 24th? BTW, that’s a totally different 60 Minutes show.
Other commentators seem to be actively calling for war crimes against Ukraine.
On Monday, appearing on The Evening With Vladimir Solovyov, Andrey Sidorov, deputy dean of world politics at the Moscow State University, explained why those international conventions are irrelevant: “The rules of war, according to international conventions, are of an advisory nature: not to strike [certain objects], if possible. But it’s no longer possible.”
Appearing on the show The Meeting Place on Monday, Bogdan Bezpalko, member of the Council for Interethnic Relations under the President of the Russian Federation, argued: “As far as what needs to be done, as I previously said, we need to strike the infrastructure—which can’t be separated into military and civilian. If all of Ukraine is plunged into cold and darkness, if they have no fuel, reserve armies won’t help them and no one will be able to deliver equipment or ammunition... These strikes should go on for two, three, five or six months in a row, leaving not one gas station intact.”
Right, bombing gas stations is the sure way to win wars. </sarcasm> Oh wait – Russia is running out of ammo and has had to buy war supplies from North Korea lately. So those gas stations are probably safe for now.
Of course it’s not only Ukraine which this so called “special operation” is aimed at.
Professor Alexei Fenenko, leading research fellow at the Institute of International Security Studies, attempted to lay the blame for Russia’s increasing brutality upon the United States. 
[ ... ]
Fenenko argued that in order to be respected by the United States, Russia has to reduce much of Ukraine to rubble. He said that America respects only those who can inflict devastating damage upon their adversaries: “Either you can do this to your enemies, or else you’re a nobody. If you can’t do it, you’re a coward and a loser.”
To Professor Fenenko – if Tumblr isn’t blocked in Russia: Fewer people here in the US respect Russia than ever before despite all your country’s war crimes, genocide, and indiscriminate destruction in Ukraine. We don’t respect your violence, we think the men (and it’s overwhelmingly men) in Russia who perpetrate this war are probably trying to compensate for their tiny cocks. You are not just in the process of losing this war, you have already lost the battle of public opinion here. With a few high profile exceptions, Americans do not admire Putin, we think he’s a pathological bullying creep who is guided by Soviet nostalgia for the past rather than by making Russia a viable 21st century economic power.
America will respect in Russia the people who remove Putin and his cronies from power. And Russians will admire them too.
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cgvijesti · 2 years
Zelensky: EU should ban all Russian state media
Zelensky: EU should ban all Russian state media
Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky has called on the European Union to ban all Russian state TV channels and “propagandists”, apparently referring to employees of Russian state media. “No Russian propagandist should remain on the territory of the EU. No Russian state TV channel should be allowed to continue working in the Union,” said Zelensky, addressing the participants of the forum in…
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Russian lies are meant not only to disinform, to make action more difficult, but also to demotivate, to make action seem senseless. Russian memes work not by presenting Russia as a positive alternative, but by demoralizing others. No one wants to be close to "Nazis," and the simple introduction of the lie is confusing and saddening. The same holds with the Russian meme to the effect that Ukraine is corrupt. A completely bogus Russian source introduced the entirely fake idea that the Ukrainian president had bought yachts. Although this was entirely untrue, Representative Greene then spread the fiction. Senator J.D. Vance also picked up the "yacht" example and used it as his justification for opposing aid to Ukraine. The larger sense of that lie is that everyone everywhere is corrupt, even the people who seem most admirable; and so we might as well give up on our heroes, on any struggle for democracy, or any struggle at all. Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelens'kyi, chose to risk his life by remaining in Kyiv and defending his country against a fearsome attack from Russia which almost all outsiders believed would succeed within days. His daring gamble saved not only his own democracy, but opened a window of faith that democracies can defend themselves. It confirmed the basis lesson of liberty that individual choices have consequences. The lie directed at Zelens'kyi was meant not only to discredit him personally and undermine support for Ukraine, but also to persuade Americans that no one is righteous and nothing is worth defending.
Timothy Snyder
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