minaharkers · 4 months
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edgar x shadowheart (bg3) || ryem x kira (swtor) leondas x baurus (tes 4) || lorelai x merrill (da2) theron x euurydia (swtor) || dorian x merethel (dai)
ty for tagging me @leviiackrman to feature some couples with this picrew!!
tagging: @risingsh0t @chuckhansen @fashionablyfyrdraaca @imogenkol @thedeadthree @statichvm @rhettsabbott @unholymilf
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orangetubor · 6 months
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This what we got so far ..
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h-------heh-ggg · 2 months
I'm in the halfway break of the new episode
maybe to put her in her place i dunno
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@gyubby99 you cannot sit there and tell me that Mal and Lilly wouldn't totally love early 2000s Taylor swift, because those are the songs they grew up on.
You cannot sit there and TELL ME that these girls didn't have sleepovers and sing "Wicked the musical" songs as elphaba and Galinda.
You cannot TELL ME that when Lilly first started hanging out with Jason their freshman year, Mal would not have Google every little fact about the fucker to make sure he even came CLOSE to being good enough for her best friend.
You cannot tell me that when Lilly and Jason almost broke up one day, Mal was right there by her side with tissues and their favorite CD with all their favorite songs.
You cannot TELL ME that these girls don't trust each other with every little bit of their life, because I know for a fact that if Mal held up a gun to Lilly's head, Lilly would smile and trust that Mal wouldn't pull the trigger.
You cannot TELL ME that Mal hasn't poured out her soul to Lilly about how much of an asshole her dad was, and Lilly about how much of a bitch her mom was.
Anyways. I made a Mal and Lilly playlist filled with songs they would sing together, and love, and songs that remind ryem of each other.
Thank u for coming to my TED talk.
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dhampiravidi · 2 years
ok so I mentioned that Jayn made all the Bats’ Halloween costumes. I figured that, like Rihanna (who I sometimes imagine to be her FC 😅), Jayn totally has a fashion thing on the side of her main job (CFO of WayneTech). It’s mostly lingerie for all genders, but every now and then they do limited-edition stuff or special orders. This is what I’m thinking (for Jason & Jayn bc you did a moodboard for Ryem):
- Jason: think one of those leather jackets w/the fur lining that wraps onto the lapels, but it’s a suit jacket worn w/o a shirt. The pants are artfully ripped with material that looks like fur (but is actually stretchy) showing through. And ofc he has some tiny ears on a headband. All the fur matches his hair.
- Jayn: a tight-fitting, one-sleeved gown that’s partly sheer made w/strips of cream material made to resemble gauze. It has a thigh-high slit. She’s wearing heeled sandals & the classic Elizabeth Taylor-style kohl makeup, plus some gold jewelry. Her hair’s in free braids.
- oh & Jayn had custom lingerie made for her lovers, but that’s a secret gift!
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program-251 · 1 year
pictures of the characters will be under the cut
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Fly Whisperer
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The Expeditionist (gotta update their design woog)
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Ryem (gosh i have not drawn them in forever)
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atletasudando · 1 year
Noah Lyles cumplió la primera parte de su misión: campeón de 100m
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El estadounidense Noah Lyles, campeón mundial vigente de los 200 metros llanos, llegó a Budapest con una misión clara: el triplete de la velocidad. Y la primera parte de esa misión –y tal vez la más difícil, ya que no era un “especialista”- ya está cumplida. Este domingo 20 de agosto se apoderó de los 100 metros llanos, durante el segundo y caluroso día de competiciones del Campeonato Mundial. El formidable rush final de Lyles le dio un triunfo nítido de 9.83 –su mejor marca personal- mientras que entre el segundo y cuarto cronometraron lo mismo (9.88) y todo se resolvió por milésimas. El joven de Botswana, Letsile Tebogo, se quedó con la medalla de plata, delante del británico Zharnel Hughes. El jamaiquino Oblique Sevilla repitió su cuarto puesto del año anterior en Eugene. El estadounidense y ex campeón mundial Christian Coleman produjo nuevamente una partida fulminante, pero luego fue desbordado y terminó 5° en 9.92. Completaron el japonés Hakim Sani-Brown con 10.04, el keniata Ferdinand Omanyala con 10.07 el jamaiquino Ryem Forde con 10.08. El estadounidense Fred Kerley, defensor del título, se quedó esta vez en semifinales (por una centésima no accedió a la prueba decisiva). Y también allí se quedó-con sus 10.05. el campeón olímpico, el italiano LaMont Marcell Jacobs, después de una temporada con varios problemas físicos. "No me siento hundido. El objetivo de esta prueba es ese, encontrar a los mejores. Y mis rivales fueron mejores hoy", admitió Kerley. "Ahora debo pasar a otra cosa. Fue una carrera terrible para mí. Estoy bien, en buen estado, la vida continúa", se resignó Kerley. El italiano, por su parte, afirmó: “No he competido mucho este año, es una temporada difícil para mí, demasiadas lesiones, demasiados problemas. “Pero quería poner mi cara aquí porque mucha gente hablaba de mí como si tuviera miedo de competir, miedo de correr con oponentes serios. No tengo miedo de nadie. Si puedo correr, lo hago, y estoy aquí”. Tras confirmarse en los videomarcadores los cronos oficiales en la carrera decisiva y tras unos momentos de tensión, Lyles no ocultó su euforia: "Dijeron que no podía lograrse. Dijeron que yo no era el elegido. Pero gracias a Dios, lo soy", afirmó dirigiéndose a una cámara en la pista. Desde el retiro de Usain Bolt, Estados Unidos ha recuperado el control de los 100 metros en los Mundiales a través de Justin Gatlin en Londres 2017, Coleman en Doha 2019 y Karley en Oregón el año pasado. Por su parte Tebogo, dos veces campeón mundial junior y recordman de esa categoría, se convirtió en el primer velocista africano en subir al podio mundialista de los 100 metros. Y Hughes, procedente de la isla de Anguila, es entrenado por Glen Mills, el mismo coach que llevara a la gloria a Usain Bolt. Entre los sudamericanos, el mejor velocista de 100 metros en Budapest fue Emanuel Archibald, de Guyana, el único que accedió a semifinales y allí consiguió su marca personal de 10.13, a una centésima del récord de su país. En la ronda de prensa posterior al triunfo, Lyles manifestó: “El año 2022 me mostró que era posible (título mundial en 200 m, mientras probaba en los 100 metros en diversas reuniones). Comencé a trabajar los 100 metros sin que eso afectara a mi rapidez en los 200 metros. Eso me permitió concentrarme esta temporada en los 100 metros. Trabajando los 100 metros voy a mejorar mi primera mitad de carrera en los 200 metros. Intentar el doblete es importante para mí porque quería probar que soy el más rápido. Estaba seguro de ello, pero para demostrarlo tenía que ganar los 100 metros. La gente verá este año como habré ganado los 100, 200 y el 4x100 metros, y ese será el inicio de una era". También dijo que uno de sus sueños es batir el récord mundial de los 200, en poder de Bolt desde Berlin 2009 con 19.19:  "Sé en qué punto estoy, me queda mucho trabajo en los 100 metros. Con los 200 metros es diferente, tengo una conexión especial. Conozco esta carrera desde que tenía 13 años, conozco esa curva, esa recta, cada metro. En los 100 metros todavía necesito mejorar para pensar en un récord. En los 200 metros simplemente tengo que mejorar en la primera mitad y ese sueño podrá hacerse realidad".     Read the full article
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studentrado · 1 year
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this is the book that we had to make of neary ryemes I didn't put too much effort into it becase we had other porjects due on the same day. I did all the illetarones on illsterater and just used the pen tool and clibming masks and played with partaggh styles and chaters stlyes but not much becuese it just look clean like this
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minaharkers · 1 year
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template | insp @chuckhansen
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bluehatr3d · 1 year
oh shit he talking in rimes. r. ryems. fucking. doctor seuss words.
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Walking down the street I do my best to conceal my nervousness, I dreaded to townsfolk noticing. But as I continue down the street in the corner of my vision I was clearly able to see their stares, that realization made me tense and stiff. It wasn't until I heard a child sing that nusary ryeme that I nearly stopped in my tracks.
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artblooger19moon · 2 years
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Very Old drawing / picture of Grin
[ When he was known as Ryem ]
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nilesflynn · 5 years
Some of the rare few lines I still like from my writing, all of which happen to be in the same book
“You ready for the real world?”
    “Based on our previous conversations, I am going to have to say no.” A wicked, Cheshire cat smile drew itself across Val’s lips at his words.
    “Don't worry, none of us really have a clue what we're doing most of the time anyway. You'll fit right in.”
    “I don’t think any of us are really human anymore,” she was quiet, “at least not completely.”
“You’re aware this is breaking and entering, right?” Val paused at Case’s question as if honestly contemplating it before she shrugged her indifference.
    “It’s not the worst I’ve done and it probably won’t be the last. Don’t sweat the details.”
 “How’s it look, Doc?” Val broke the silence, her discomfort clear in the drumming of her fingers on her thigh. Myra took a deep breath, straightening up. “Not the worst I’ve seen, not even the worst I’ve had to patch up for you, I don’t think,” she used her “mom voice” and Val knew she was about to be lectured, though she couldn’t be sure what it was for this time; she figured Myra probably had a rather long list by now, “One of these days you’re going to get yourself hurt and there’s not going to be anyone around to help you. What will you do then, Valerie? What then?” Val seemed to honestly think about it for a moment. “I dunno, die probably.”
“Smoking has been known to take years off your lifespan.” Val smirked at that. “I’m well aware,” she didn’t bother pointing out that smoking was almost as unlikely as old age to be her cause of death, but he seemed to read it in her expression. “I will do what I can to help lessen your risk of death by unnatural causes if you promise me to stop smoking.” She studied him curiously, not sure what to make of the proposal. “Introducing you to Myra was a bad idea.”
“You heard about Bloom, right?” She glanced up at Myra again just in time to see her eyebrows raise in surprise. “I never took you for the type.” She paused at another rack of dresses, eyes focused again as she examined them. “The guy who shot me will be there.” It wasn’t a total lie, but Val was deliberately vague in her answer. “There it is.”
“Thanks, Myra.” “You can thank me by not doing anything stupid at that party.” Val looked up at her again, eyebrow raised. “You remember who you’re talking to, right?” “That’s why I’m worried.” Val was quiet for a moment, thinking it over. “I can’t make that promise,”
"Val?" She smiled softly at the uncertainty still in his voice. "You make me feel human," she spoke softly. "You are human." Val separated herself from Case as his hand dropped back to his side, but she didn't answer- didn't explain that she hadn't been considered human in years.
"and I’m going to kill them," she started towards the door, "every single one of them." Case stared at her for a moment, slightly surprised by her bloodlust. "I wouldn’t recommend it, your criminal record already resembles a lengthy novel."
“To survive here, we had to adapt, so much so, we practically became a different species- a deadlier species, and we were exterminated because of it.”
“I swear to God, Case, I am not above transferring you back into Virtual.” Her voice was low, a warning in itself as she spoke the words. “You don’t believe in God.” Val didn’t bother correcting him, living almost entirely to spite God wasn’t all that different than being an atheist and or worshipping technology, just like much of the rest of Adytum’s population. “Fucking try me,” her words became an icy growl.
“To my knowledge, all humans are worthy of love and understanding, therefore I am forced to draw the conclusion that you are not human.”
"The only way to end this is to become like them." Them. They both knew Val wasn't talking about Deius Industries, but still, she'd spoken so simply; it wasn’t that she sounded as if she knew she was going off to die, she sounded as if she were already dead. "I don't believe that." Case had come to hate that perpetual look of resignation she wore as she opened the chamber of her rifle, double checking that it was empty before cycling through the firing motions like it was muscle memory. The broken, haunted young woman Case had gotten used to dissipated; the Valkyrie- the monster had come out to play. "You will..."  She checked the chamber again, letting the bolt slide snap shut again as if for emphasis as she finally looked up at him, "in the end."
“What did I do that finally set you off, finally made you decide now was the time?” Val was silent, no hesitation in her eyes, no wavering in the hand that held her pistol. She took a deep breath, deciding that after all these years, maybe she owed him an answer. “I’m tired,” she spoke softly and, though to him the words did little in the way of an answer, to her they explained everything. “You’re tired? That’s it?”He looked angry, frustrated even; she didn’t blame him. “That’s it.”
“Why?” She let slip a harsh laugh, like she couldn’t believe he still hadn’t figured it out. “I was there when he ordered them to gas Vaztakki. You have any idea what it’s like to watch your home tear itself apart? What it’s like to kill your own family and not feel a thing? Veivain didn’t kill the Valkyrie, we did that to ourselves because it turned us into the very monsters you were so afraid of.” “They said you were all dead; the drones-” Val scoffed. “I programmed the two most advanced AIs Dusolis has ever seen, you think I can’t hide from a few drones?”
“You should’ve died on Vaztakki!” She saw the muzzle of her gun began to shake with Dukai’s rage; he was going to kill her right here, there would be no more talk of trial and public execution. “Just like the rest of those monsters!” Val moved then, one singular purpose filling her mind: kill him before he killed her. Val struck out with lightning speed, the solid heel of her boot connecting with his human shin in a painfully loud crunch, causing him to bend over it reflexively in pain. He fired a shot, but her empty hand had already come up to wrench his aim clear of her. She twisted and in one smooth motion, she jammed the glass into the side of his neck. “Funny thing about us monsters,” her voice was cold and cruel as Dukai fell to his knees, the shock writing itself plain across his face, “we’re rather unpredictable.”
“Let’s get something straight,” Val snatched a handful of the man’s uniform and slammed him hard enough into the bars of her cell to break his nose and bloody his face, “I’m not in here for my safety,” she flashed her wicked cheshire smile, “I’m in here for yours.”
“Would you like to confess your sins, child?” Val looked up at the generic priest with a blank expression, quiet a moment before answering the question with one of her own. “How much time do you have?”
“Do you seek forgiveness for your crimes?” “No,” she spoke simply and with no hesitation, much to his surprise, “forgiveness implies guilt and I stopped feeling guilty about anything when they gassed Noceo.” The priest’s eyes widened slightly at her nonchalant attitude. “You’ve got the Devil in you, child.” Val’s cheshire grin spread across her lips at his words. “Haven’t you put it together by now?” Her dark blue eyes sparked, “I am the Devil, and hell is in my head.”
“Just let me stay, Case,” years of exhaustion and pain were etched into her words, “let the pain end,” she paused with another weak smile, “don’t you think I’ve suffered enough?”
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werewolf240moon · 7 years
You can just call me Ryem Fallen Ryem is just a code name and nothing more
Ooh okay I understand
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sweetponyherd · 7 years
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mistletoe kiss request from @hartrauma
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terriamon · 7 years
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