#Valerie Sinclair
Tobias: Wonderful to have you home, son.
Aaron: What's going on? Mom, you told me Dad fell down all the stairs.
Valerie: Oh? Must've been a typo. Anyway, if you'll just step into this room. *ushers Aaron into a room full of high-class, high-status women*
Aaron: What is this?
Valerie: An intervention.
Tobias: We know that you're the only single in your group of friends.
Valerie: We're trying to help you.
Aaron: I'm leaving.
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wsdk-artwork · 3 months
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What’s up ppls, So with Pride month coming to a close and with it a season of Doctor Who which included a Gay Romance with an openly Queer Doctor, played by a queer Icon, it only felt right to create a special piece celebrating Doctor Who’s long history of LGBTQ+ Representation.
Celebrating as many of the Whoniverses Queer or Queer Coded characters as I can think of, from the main TV show, to its spin offs like Torchwood and Class, to Big Finish audio’s which have given a litany of well written Iconic LGBT characters, to the Comics even. This show has such a queer identity and resonates so much with the community, it’s in the fabric of the show, even if there are those who would deny it. People will try and act like the Ncuti is terrible or that the show is dead when that couldn’t be further from the truth. Doctor Who now is no more political than it has always been. Doctor Who is Woke and it has been since it was first made in 1963 by A gay indian director and a young female producer, whith enlightened political views and commentary. It has always been Woke.
The Show has such a solid LGBT identity, it’s spin offs and EU even more so, with Fantastic Queer Stories and Characters throughout all mediums. So many of my favourite comfort characters are on this poster and come from the World of Doctor Who. this is my celebration of a show and it’s representation that means a lot to me. Having Come out as NB last year and knowing for Years that I was Bi, Prise is something that means more to me and gets closer and closer to my heart each year. It means the world to me that my favourite thing in the whole world, the franchise that made me feel safe, warm comforted and happy ever since I was 4 years old has such a brilliant history of inclusivity.
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wenclair-rights · 2 years
Wednesday: I think I feel Homo..
Kinbott: Homosexual or homicidal?
Wednesday, thinking about when Enid was talking to someone else: Yes.
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I genuinely feel sorry for Jenna and Emma, because a majority of their fans doesn’t treat them like they are actual human beings, they treat them like they are dolls they can project their fantasies on to.
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I will never fall in love.
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lovelyamara5 · 2 years
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The women of Wednesday 🖤
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This is big... like... 6 years of storylines big... it isn't called by name here, but this is our first real look at the Legacy Virus...
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i-oooo · 2 years
8 times where Wednesday Addams and Rosa Diaz were basically the same person
Wednesday x Brooklyn99 mash up
I made a reversed follow up on this post with Rosa's face on Wednesday scenes. You can find it right here
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
The verdict
As always. Be prepared for unpopular opinions
A solid 8/10. It loses two points for an atrocious lack of Pugsley. And yes. I know it’s the Wednesday show. But Pugsley’s my favourite. So I’m biased
Mormez do have impeccable chemistry. But it’s framed through a different lens because it’s about Wednesday and not the family as a whole. So you don’t see it as much
Both Tyler and Xavier are solid love interests for Wednesday. Xavier is already acquainted with the Addams’s so he’s got that advantage. But Tyler is, well, a bit more her speed. (Read: a little twisted). So it’s a very close race so to speak.
I’ve seen more people bitch about Enid’s mother than Bianca’s mother. You know. The one trying to blackmail her daughter back into a cult.
I still say that conversion therapy’s the wrong terminology both in universe and out. Enid’s problem wasn’t religious based homophobia against her sexuality. It was belated puberty pure and simple. Also probably the cat obsession. In any case. I may not know the correct term for it but exactly. But conversion therapy is definitely the completely wrong terminology for it.
I don’t get the Wednesday and Enid pairing. Enid gives me too many Pugsley vibes for it to happen.
Gomez and Morticia are the parents Bianca needs and deserves. And I won’t hear any arguments to the contrary.
I hated weems. Granted 90% of my disdain for her is due to Randall Weems from recess. But my point still stands
Valerie was….interesting. But she crossed a line by trying to get Wednesday committed. So I didn’t shed a tear when she got mauled.
I need Pugsley to meet Xavier, Enid and Eugene. Especially Xavier and Eugene. They’d get on like a house on fire
Tyler. Was. Groomed. Just because he’s a Caucasian heterosexual male who supposedly “gets in the way” of your non canon lgbt pairing doesn’t give you carte blanche to throw away his very real trauma. In addition. I’m of half a mind that the whole enjoying it thing is just a fear adaptation to prevent him getting punished by the predatory psychopath colloquially known as Laurel
I like Enid x Ajax. They compliment each other well. And it also lends credence to my theory that Enid’s wolf problem was a puberty issue
I HATED the fact they gave Gomez and Morticia their own personal Snape’s. It’s the other 10% of why I hated weems. Because it definitely coloured her interactions with Wednesday.
I fucking despise Donovan. It was his shitty parenting that led to Laurel getting her claws on Tyler in the first place.
Fester was perfectly insane as always. The electrokinesis was just an added bonus
Thing’s almost death and Tyler’s backstory were the two most emotionally devastating parts of the show
I’m so freaking thankful it didn’t go down the riverdull or caos route.
Rowan was interesting. Nice subversion of the hunted bully victim Wednesday usually defends.
I definitely wanna know more about Vincent Thorpe
I don’t know who Wednesday’s stalker is. But I’m leaning towards Laurel. After all. We didn’t see her corpse did we? And if Tyler can come back, why can’t they bitch come back so he can kill her and free himself from her influence?
All in all a good show that, while not perfect, has definitely piqued my interest for a season two. I just hope they don’t end up screwing it all up.
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do i all of my V's in one canon timeline? yes. are my streetkid and nomad in a polycule together? also yes. is my corpo a lesbian? also yes. do i also still have separate timelines for all of them as the main V of the game who fall in love with johnny? also yes. i cant be stopped
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shrutithemisfit · 2 years
When I watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 in 2011, I remember my exact thoughts were I will never get to experience another magical moments ever again.
Then I watched Wednesday today and it gave me the same magical world that I fell in love with when I was a kid. A different story, but I got that same vibe.
I will miss the adults who tried to maintain peace. R.I.P. Specially Principal Weems. I loved her. Her dedication, her loyalty. She might have some beef with Morticia, but she never projected her grudge on Wednesday. And was always looking out for her.
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I wish I had friends so loyal, so caring and supportive like them. I'm jealous of you, Wednesday.
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Can't wait for their romance next season hopefully... All depends on Wednesday.
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Loved them too.
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I was rooting for them too.
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Thing. I love you too.
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sims-creations · 5 months
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[valerie concerned] “heather, please! you need to tell me right now what’s actually going on or else I cant help you! what does that ethan-guy want from you?! this is unprofessional and you know it!”
[heather sighing in defeat] “were consenting adults, val. these things can happen.”
[valerie] “so you are screwing him?”
[heather] “we had sex once, yes!”
[valerie] “and you want me to believe he brought two bottles of wine to drink them all by himself?! come on, its just not adding up...”
[heather] “I had a glass of each bottles that night, but that was it, I swear it!”
and while valerie continued to preach to her friend about the dangers of drinking during a pregnancy, heather was feeling even more guilty for telling yet another lie just so she could get away with an even bigger one. she did drink them both on her own and these were just the ones she hadnt gone rid off yet. cursing herself for being so careless and getting caught, heather couldnt help but to crave another glass.
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Here’s my Take on the Three Wednesday Ships.
Wavier, Wyler and Wenclair.
Wednesday and Xavier are complimentary. (They are both psychics, She is a writer, he is an artist, she has mommy issues and he has daddy issues)
Wednesday and Tyler are enemies to lovers.
Wednesday and Enid are opposite attracts.
And the truth is that I believe that all three of these Ships have potential and could definitely work, but not in this type of series and not with this version of Wednesday Addams.
They would work much better with the other interpretation of Wednesday Addams. (In which she is depicted as a sensitive, polite and friendly girl, who has morbid interests.)
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hislittleraincloud · 1 year
New pinned post, but I'll post it here too.
Because that's what happens when I get locked out of AO3.
Pinned it with the graphics. I have not the time/hardware to do better (i.e., video work...I would if I did). Plus I still feel like crap...I've had additional issues since 2019 and they're tearin' me up.
But being able to create extras for my fics has always been a thing and it gets my mind off the pain. This was particularly exciting for me, because in the past I struggled with the shittiest text-to-speech programs that pumped out robotic-sounded fuckwits who couldn't pronounce words properly.
ETA: The background song is called "My Little Gothic Nightmare". 🫠🔥
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vyther16 · 2 years
wip wednesday!
today is from Wednesday Time Travel chapter 2. please enjoy wednesday’s scathing reactions to everyone’s early episode selves
(@myhamartiaishubris here you go; enjoy the gratuitous references to Judith)
snippet under the cut
Wednesday’s first week at Nevermore goes much like it did in her past life. Enid is marginally less annoying than she remembers, which may be due to the fact that Wednesday had grown used to her in the last time. Weems is somehow even more suspicious of Wednesday. 
Bianca is haughty as ever, and while Wednesday knows that they came to some sort of understanding by the end of the semester, she wants to wipe the smug smile off of Bianca’s face. She challenges Bianca in the fencing room, and she wins this time, because she knows what moves Bianca favors. 
Xavier saves her from Rowan’s pathetic murder attempt with the gargoyle. Wednesday considers trying to sneak away at the Harvest Festival just to get rid of him, but she decides that would be too easy. Xavier himself is an annoyingly eager puppy dog around her. Again. He only started to act vaguely normal around her after she framed him for murder. Maybe she should do that again. Rowan would be a good victim.
Weems drives her to her therapy session with Dr. Kinbott, prompting Wednesday to remember the new court-ordered therapist she had received in the last timeline. Dr. Judith Tan was not nearly as ridiculous as Kinbott.
Dr. Kinbott opens up the session with a question about her mother disguised as a question about Viper de la Muerte. Wednesday needs to bring Judith to Jericho as soon as possible. She frowns and Kinbott. “You know,” she says, a plan forming for how to make these sessions actually worthwhile as she waits for Judith, “Viper’s relationship with her mother isn’t reflective of my own relationship. It is something called fiction. Have you heard of it?”
When Kinbott gapes at her, Wednesday continues, “If you are so interested in Viper de la Muerte’s journey, you may help me plot the next installment of her journey.”
And so she does. Wednesday talks through her entire plan for the unveiling of the Hyde and the downfall of Laurel Gates, making absolutely certain to only use the names of the Viper de la Muerte counterparts. At the end of the session, Kinbott looks even more shell-shocked, and she hasn’t managed to say a single word past that first question. Wednesday allows herself to feel pleased at a job well done.
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jiminysjournal · 2 years
I know they have different last names, but if Dr. Kinbott isn’t Enid’s mom, what was the point of casting actual Riki Lindhome and Mini Riki Lindhome?
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