#São João
fireheartwraith · 11 months
What is Festa Junina?
You may have heard the brazilian cc's talking about throwing a festa junina in the server, but what is it exactly?
Festa Junina translates to June's Party, and its origins go back to pagan midsummer and harvest celebrations. Time went on and it mixed with catholic beliefs, especially those centered around Saint Anthony, Saint Peter, and Saint John the Baptist (which is why it is also known as São João).
The tradition was brought to Brazil with colonization. It's no longer a summer fest since it's winter, but you can still see the influence (maybe the bonfires are part of it).
Nowadays, Festa Junina is known for the traditional square dancing and the food — seriously, the food is amazing (look up pamonha, cural, canjica, pé-de-moleque, bolo de fubá, cuzcuz nordestino... damn I'm hungry)! Most of it is made with corn or peanuts. Mulled wine is also a must! People dress in a "country" fashion, with straw hats, puffy dresses, and drawn freckles and mustaches. Everything is VERY colorful.
School kids will put on shows (known as quadrilhas), which usually include a "wedding" comedy sketch. In my high school, the twist was that the best man was in love with the groom. It was very dramatic. I loved it.
Here are some pictures and traditional songs! I wish we could get a mod with the foods to the server or something, but just the skins and decorations will already be so much fun!
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the-offside-rule · 8 months
João Felix (FCBarcelona) - Fatherhood
Requested: anon wattpad
Prompt: 3) "I'll stay with you as long as you need me to."
14) "It's too early."
'Where João and Y/n jist had a baby and they bring it home but the baby keeps waking up so João goes to help so Y/n can get some sleep.'
Warnings: nada
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While it seemed that each and every person I the busy city of Barcelona was asleep on this warm Summer's evening, that was far from the case. Not because of the people awake to get ready for their jobs, or the people on the metro, but because of a tiny newborn baby, screaming down an entire house. Y/n put her hands over her eyes and she listened to her newborn son crying and it didn't seem that he was going to quieten down anytime soon either. "It's too early." She mumbled to herself. Y/n felt the bed move beside her to see João, her boyfriend, sit up and toss their duvet sheet off himself. "Oh no, João. I'll go. You have to training tomorrow-"
"You go back to sleep. I'll take care of him, don't worry." João said, moving the hair from his girlfriend's face and pressing a gentle kiss onto her forehead, before leaving the room and heading into the nursery. He opened the door and looked straight to the crib where his son, Paulo lay crying. "Bom dia, homenzinho." He whispered, leaning over the crib to pick him up. He rocked the child in his arms, shushing and humming, mixed with some reassuring 'tudo bem' the odd time. "Let's go get you some breakfast, homenzinho." João held the baby against his chest and placed a blanket over him to keep Paulo warm.
The pair headed downstairs carefully and into the kitchen to grab some milk. The crying had calmed down to the occasional cough or usual baby noise. João heated the bottle and shook it before he checked if it was cool enough and fed Paulo. João's head fell back in relief to finally have the baby quiet. "Take you time." He chuckled as Paulo drank the bottle quickly, having to stop to take a breath. "I'll stay with you as long as you need me to, homenzinho." He whispered. "I always will."
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lanaflowerz · 11 months
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Sapphics celebrating “Festa Junina” from Brazil.
“Festa Junina” is a popular celebration that takes place in June and is strongly related to indigenous culture. Traditionally, this festival has its origins in the pagan harvest festivals, which were held by European peoples in honor of the fertility gods and the summer solstice.
In the Brazilian context, the June festival also incorporated elements of indigenous traditions, such as the indigenous new year and the corn harvest. For indigenous peoples, the period of June is marked by renewal rituals and thanks to the deities for the abundance of the harvest. Corn, a basic and sacred food for many indigenous ethnic groups, is a central element in this celebration, symbolizing abundance and connection with nature.
During the June festivities, it is common to find typical foods based on corn, such as pamonha, hominy and popcorn, as well as games, folk dances, bonfires and colorful decorations. The mix between European and indigenous traditions results in a festivity rich in cultural diversity, representing the importance of valuing and preserving the country's historical roots.
Thus, the Festa Junina becomes an opportunity to celebrate union, gratitude and respect for nature, bringing with it the influence of indigenous inspirations and highlighting the cultural plurality of Brazil.
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fsgalaxy713 · 11 months
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aquariorising · 11 months
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we love São João
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russadocachorrobranco · 11 months
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Heitor dos Prazeres. Festa de São João.  Party, dedicated to Saint John, 1961.
Эйтор дос Празереш. Праздник святого Иоанна, 1961.
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piiinkfreak · 11 months
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É São João!!! So a lil while back i decided i wanted to learn guache and decided Tanya's a good test subject, and since it's São João here in Brazil I wanted to make it a lil festive!
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ogamipukobye · 11 months
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São Luís Culture, Maranhão, Brazil.
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marcoacf · 11 months
Hoje é um dia especial e ao mesmo tempo agridoce. Hoje celebramos o aniversário da minha mãe, uma mulher incrível que estaria completando 78 anos se ainda estivesse aqui conosco. É difícil colocar em palavras a falta que ela faz em minha vida desde que nos deixou em setembro de 2021.
Minha mãe foi uma pessoa extraordinária, cheia de amor, sabedoria e bondade. Ela iluminou cada momento da minha vida com seu sorriso acolhedor e suas palavras reconfortantes. Seu amor incondicional e apoio sempre foram um porto seguro para mim, e eu sinto sua falta todos os dias.
Hoje, enquanto celebro seu aniversário, meu coração se enche de memórias preciosas e alegres. Lembro-me dos momentos divertidos compartilhados em família e das risadas intermináveis que ecoavam pela casa. Suas comidas deliciosas, seu carinho nas horas difíceis e suas palavras de encorajamento continuam vivas em minhas lembranças.
Embora a tristeza da sua ausência esteja presente, quero lembrar a todos que hoje é um dia para celebrar sua vida. Quero honrar sua memória relembrando as lições valiosas que ela me ensinou: amar incondicionalmente, ser gentil com os outros, buscar a felicidade nas pequenas coisas e nunca desistir dos meus sonhos.
Mãe, onde quer que você esteja, espero que esteja rodeada de amor e paz. Você deixou um legado incrível neste mundo e continuará vivendo em nossos corações para sempre. Sua presença é sentida em cada pensamento amoroso e em cada momento de alegria compartilhado em sua memória.
Feliz aniversário, minha querida mãe. Seu espírito brilha eternamente, e hoje e sempre, celebramos a mulher maravilhosa que você foi e a influência positiva que teve em nossas vidas. Sinto-me abençoado por ter tido você como minha mãe e sei que seu amor me guiará pelo resto da minha jornada.
Descanse em paz, minha doce mãe. Eu te amo hoje e sempre.
Feliz aniversário, mãe!
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vanessa-az · 11 months
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al3x-y · 11 months
Omg face reveal!? Yes ;]
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Guys istg i'm not that ugly irl, i dunno what this camera fucking did to me on this shit😭💔💔
Anyways, I'm ready for São João y'all💋
Also, voice reveal. On the start I sai "I'm soo gonna regret that" but it got kinda cutted😔
Sorry for my bad english😭💔
@nottefierr u gave up doing ur face reveal so I did for us both🙌
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Festa de São João, Maranhão
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nailsandinspo · 1 year
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weherzit · 2 months
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amesakigami · 11 months
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Tem festa de são joão em Monster High e a Lagoona recebeu uma carta do correio elegante! (eu adorei fazer esse vestido =w=).
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brasilbrasilbrasil · 1 year
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