riemmetric · 4 months
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queenmelancholy · 6 months
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Thomas' relationship with clocks and what they symbolise have always intrigued me.
“…seeing Daisy and Thomas, both of whom are wonderful characters, that you could say, maybe there is a typical Downton character that is characterised by being trapped in their circumstances. They are looking for fulfilment, but they can only see the barriers between themselves and fulfilment. They sort of don’t realise that these barriers are gonna come down. They can’t see into the future, but we can see into the future.  Thomas is a gay man, and it seems to him to be something that he can never do anything about. But one day, that will be fine. Daisy wants to get educated. One day she will be able to be. And I wonder whether that is something very special that Julian has found, which is sort of a hope into the future.”  Peter Fincham, ITV Director of Television (Farewell Downton interview)
Clocks are living things. I grew up with clocks. I understand them.
"Will they ever see it our way?"
"I don't know. 50 years ago, who'd have thought man could fly?"
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remyfire · 5 months
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The three of them 🥺
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eleni-cherie · 1 year
Translation of the Greek in WWDITS s5e4
Hellooo, I'm back! Since y'all enjoyed my last translation I figured I could do another one for the latest episode :)
*Nadja and grandma sitting at the table*
grandma: ela. ela! apo to fourno zestes einai. fae! - come, come! they're warm from the oven. eat! [typical greek grandma lol]
*Nadja introducing Laszlo to the family*
Nadja: yiayia! - grandmother/grandma!
*after Laszlo greeted the dog instead*
Nadja: ohi - no [can't comprehend what she says after that, sorry. either the pronounciation is off or the word just doesn't exist]
hazos - fool/idiot
hazoulis - little fool/idiot [basically the cute/lighter version]
*song Laszlo was singing*
skotose antipaxos - kill antipaxos [the greek isn't grammatically correct here tho, it should be 'skotose tin antipaxos']
*Nadja explaining in the interview what was wrong w the song*
Nadja: nisitha Moggonisi - islet of Moggonisi [the greek is a bit off again, usually you wouldn't add the 'island/islet of' in greek, especially since the name 'Moggonisi' already contains the name 'island']
[Moggonisi is a small greek Island that belongs to Paxos, the neighbouring island of Antipaxos. Paxos is the big island and Antipaxos its small neighbour. Basically Antipaxos means 'opposing Paxos'.]
nisitha Moggonisans - islet Moggonisans [tbh this part confused me a lot, bc she wanted to name their enemies and habitants of that island, so idk why they also added the 'nisitha' in the front. also 'Moggonisans' obviously isn't very greek and rather how an english-speaking person would refer to the inhabitants. The correct greek name for the inhabitants would probably be 'Moggonisii']
*after Laszlo held his monologue*
Nadja: panayia mou - holy Mary [Mary being Jesus' mother, it's an exclamation of surprise or frustration like "oh my God"]
grandma: the to pistevo! - I can't believe it!
ine o vasilias yourounion - it's the king of pigs
irthe o vasilias yourounion - the king of pigs came
[i swear I've never heard of this tale and I extra googled and only found a kids book but the author wasn't greek, so I'm pretty sure they invented that for the show]
it's not that much, bc Nadja & Lazslo were talking over the family, so most parts weren't audible and also sometimes the grammar/pronounciation was just so off, that I simply could not understand it. e.g. when they were throwing food at Laszlo for that song and Nadja yelled something, I listened to it like 20 times and I still don't no what she yelled. it could be 'skotoste auton ton malaka - kill that asshole' but it doesn't really sound like it.. idk sorry
like @FX hire me for actual correct greek dialogues haha
anyway i hope this post still helped a little tho😅
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oddlittlestories · 5 months
Okay so I can’t find it but I saw a post about wishing at least one other character would acknowledge there’s a reason House doesn’t want to go to his dad’s funeral. And I wanted to say that I agree with this. And I think it’s the point. And that House as a show was also subverting expectations, so I wanted to talk a little about this.
So first off, I think it does really interesting things when you take a non-diegetic / non-in-universe approach to the show.
One, this was Supernatural era. You know, the show that sometimes categorized the dad (who would leave his child sons alone for weeks at a time, was sometimes implied to hit them, and openly shamed them especially Dean) as the only true hero. And also iirc a lot of shows and movies at that time centered around the theme of forgiving your abusive parent.
Two, in the previous season, we get an episode that canonically parallels the severe traumas of rape and physical child abuse.
Three, House never apologizes or forgives his dad. Yeah, he’s a misanthrope, so there’s a narrative excuse there, but he’s also allowed to do it. And he’s right about his dad not being his bio dad.
Four, for the above reasons, it is reasonable to view the narrative as being on House’s side. He goes because of extreme social pressures (which exist in the real world!) and, possibly, because his mom wants him there. But the narrative essentially says that his dad was a bad person and House shouldn’t have had to go. (With the possibly caveat of ‘[even shitty] funerals are sometimes a place to reconnect with living people you actually care about.’)
Part Two: Diegetic / In-Universe
House’s mom. This is really interesting, right? House’s mom is brought up over and over again. And the narrative thread is—she was abused, too. Should House connect with her? And if so, why and under what circumstances?
And what’s really interesting is, House doesn’t want to under the given circumstances. Because it means submitting to social mores he doesn’t agree with, including the circumspect of implying, “My dad was a good guy.”
But his mom doesn’t seem to see it quite the same way. “He’s not going to care [that we started late], Greg. He’s dead.” Essentially saying, this really isn’t about him. He’s dead.
So it’s this moral ambiguity again. Can and should House align with his also-abused mother? What would it cost him to do so? (And implied: childhood abuse can have lingering impacts forever, especially when people dismiss it because - the war is not over.)
To me, this episode is one of the examples where many characters take on roles as foils to expose a narrative theme. In this case: social pressure around “respecting your parents.” And I think it’s brilliantly done. I think when you have the overwhelming suffocating feeling of WHY ISN’T ANYONE LISTENING TO HIM
I think that’s EXACTLY the point
These motives are, to a degree, being placed on the characters. It’s extremely well-written, so it feels authentic, but to me it’s just as likely Chase would say “he shouldn’t have to go” and Cuddy with her mom would be more sympathetic. But the writers chose to unearth all the reasons each of them would put social pressures on House. And this happens to people in real life.
And of course, Wilson. It’s not inauthentic for Wilson. He’s doing two things at once. One, he’s playing out his own issues around social obligation. Two, he’s grabbing onto “I am socially obligated to be around House” like a lifeline.
Which leads us to the second theme of the episode, which is inherently true to the characters and deeply humanizing.
Complicated grief.
House’s grief is complicated because of social pressure. And he’s not sad his dad is dead—he’s sad that it changes nothing. Like he says to the kid with the facial deformity: “you can change your face, but you can’t change who your face made you.” House can change his circumstances. But he can’t change who they made him.
And Wilson’s grief is complicated because his girlfriend died suddenly, violently, unreasonably. And his best friend was deeply involved—in trying to save her and in her ultimate loss. He’s terrified of losing people and he almost lost them both. And because it’s Wilson, he represses, justifies, and misunderstands his own motives which makes everything harder. And it’s also deeply real. People compartmentalize. They misunderstand their own feelings.
So yeah! This episode is a twofer. One is meant to make you scream internally about the social pressures around funerals and abusive parents. The other is about complicated grief and mourning, and reconnecting despite and sometimes because of death.
The complexity gives me brain worms. I love this episode.
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eggybug · 3 months
im always just a little curious about how much the angels are manipulating dean/sam when they do the whole time travel/alternate universe thing. like is that what really might happen, or are the angels putting pieces where they want them to get dean to make the choice they want.
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beeclops · 1 month
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sincetheducksleft · 2 months
"You don't listen to the president?" is a really good Christopher line. Yeah, it makes him sound ignorant, but there's also the fact that Christopher has always been easily manipulated by authority.
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strawberrryangel · 9 months
oh my. OH my. in season 5 episode 4 of supernatural aka endverse aka sexy. when they’re about to advance on the building where sam is as lucifer. and the dean from 2014 is like saying that they’re gonna use their team as bait and the dean from our timeline is like. “you’re gonna lead our friends into a meat grinder? cas, too?” and the. and the fact. and the fact that. because. dean and cas are boyfriends. and so of course he wouldn’t lump cas into their group of friends because cas is so so much more than that. and he’s. so so so so so much more. and. they’re litrrsylly boyfhirenids.
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geordieandhisvicars · 9 months
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no personal space besties
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renew-leverage · 5 months
LEVERAGE REWATCH MARATHON Streaming today: The French Connection Job
It’s Sunday, Leverage Marathon folks, time for another episode!  This week we’re watching the 4th episode of season 5, The French Connection Job, in which Eliot is a teaching chef, Hardison plays with a laser, Parker connects with her emotions, Sophie plays a hippie, and Nate knows the value of mushrooms.  Watch the episode with us on our Sunday Leverage Marathon discord server and post all about your feelings, thoughts, comments, anything & everything.
Come on in, say hi to your fellow fans, get comfortable.  We’ll be starting in about15 minutes at roughly 3:30 PM Eastern U.S. Time.
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cow-and-chicken · 2 months
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Season 5 Episode 4 - Leave It to Weasel
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frau-rainyfox · 1 year
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Bonus: Hello, Papa Joe
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to @merlinssister
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osinthewhite · 1 year
HOW are Wilson and House not together?! HOW is Birthmarks not about them MAKING UP AFTER A BREAKUP?!
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lifewithaview · 6 months
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The X Files (1993) Detour
While driving through northern Florida with two other FBI agents en route to a team-building seminar, Scully and Mulder are drawn into the disappearance of several men in a wooded area. Rumors are soon circulating in the nearby town that there are monsters in the woods. Mulder soon believes there is definitely something in the woods causing these deaths and nature itself may be seeking revenge in the form of invisible creatures. He and Scully go off into the woods and encounter the creatures firsthand...forest monster, or perhaps ancient spirits...
*Gillian Anderson deliberately sang "Joy to the World" slightly out of key, in keeping with her character who "can't carry a tune." She says she can sing it a lot better in real life.
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eggybug · 3 months
the look dean gave cas after cas pulled him outta the room with zachariah!!!!
the "we had an appointment"?!?!?!
the shoulder grab???
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