gigidagia · 2 years
Dubfire - Swerve (2017)
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alphamecha-mkii · 6 months
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Sins of a Solar Empire 2 - TEC Ragnarov Class Titan
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nerds-yearbook · 2 years
In 1994, the TEC (Time Enforcement Commission) is created to regulate time travel and prevent time abuse. The Aaron McComb of that time is met by his future self (who is running for President) from 2004 who gives him important financial advice. The wife of one of the first time cops is murdered. Walker (the cop) from the future learns she was pregnant and attempts to prevent her murder. (Time Cop, flm)
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neutrinojem · 1 year
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(via "NJ Comic Book Superhero Character with Guns" iPhone Wallet for Sale by NeutrinoJem)
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themaclean · 5 months
hi i just came from ao3 and firstly, i have read ur vaultghoul fic probably 20 times already it’s just so good with spot on characterization and amazing writing, thank u so much 🙏
secondly, i was reading the comments on it and came across one abt wanting to see a pre-war au where cooper and lucy start an affair and immediately my ears perked up like 👀 all i could imagine is her being cast as his love interest, her being a big fan of his already, and them having a wedding scene where they fuck in her wedding dress after they call cut
n e way so sorry for rambling haha but unfortunately ive got the brainrot now
I MEAN HYPOTHETICALLY -- I'm mobile (and somehow wrote 2k words still wheeze) so I'll finish this when I'm on my PC but I played around with the idea a bit thanks to this ask. :)
Summary; Cooper Howard x Lucy MacLean, 2077 AU where Lucy and Cooper star in a movie together.
There's a whole host of ways that Vault-Tec could have cracked down on Cooper. Given the infringement of their security protocols and the divorce and the way they choked him out of all the good roles...
It wasn't such a far stretch that he'd have to take place in the biggest circle jerk of a film production where his super-fan shoved his daughter into a starring role using Cooper's connections.
Because, so far as the public knew, he was still a supporter of Vault-Tec and he'd do just about anything to sell that delusion.
Cooper crushed the heel of his palms against his eyes, a limp cigarette hung between his teeth.
The girl was a nightmare.
Stiff, picky, absent-minded. No emotion, either, no semblance of self-awareness. It was like some Disney Princess popped out of the cartoons in the worst way, quick to parrot the lines she was meant to say with perfect diction but nothing more than that.
And it was somehow his fucking job to coach the girl -- Lucy -- into a leading lady. The idea was that she was the daughter of the Overseer, played by her actual father, and Cooper was some vault dweller from another section.
The whole thing was convoluted. He did cowboy flicks and the sort that had a showdown at the end. This sci-fi garbage went right over his head, this future projection of the what-if. He didn't have time for the what-if.
He had a daughter he needed to vy for custody of and an expensive divorce on the horizon. And Barb had the best lawyers money could buy and he'd never thought they'd end up like this. There was no pre-nup and nothing to protect him.
And he didn't have a goddamn lighter.
"You shouldn't smoke."
Cooper near growled around the butt of his cigarette, only just keeping himself civil at the last moment. He turned towards Lucy, unable to mistake her for anyone else. There was something about her vacant, pretty face that irked him, those giant goddamn eyes.
"It's bad for you. I read an article about it."
"Maybe you'd be better off reading your lines again," Cooper said with a wave of his hand. He dug in his jacket pocket, the one he'd worn to set.
Lucy crossed her arms and leaned against the vault railing. It was strange to do the filming down, a hundred feet or so beneath the surface, but it made for impressive sets. They were around the corner from the rest of the camera crew and cast.
And they were alone for the first time since shooting. Most times, Cooper had a few stage hands or interns at his heel. And he didn't see Lucy around much, except for scenes. Didn't chase her down, didn't much think of her.
Except now he's aware she's still in the wedding dress she'd been in earlier. Stage blood soaked the stomach of it, thick streams of blood from where she'd been stabbed. But he'd saved her and they'd shared a chaste kiss for the camera.
And then he hadn't seen her.
"I thought you'd be a better kisser."
Cooper didn't withhold the glare, couldn't bring himself to give a fuck. "Pardon?"
"Just -- the kiss. Didn't really..." Lucy narrowed her eyes at him. "I grew up watching your movies. My dad is a big fan. I always figured you'd be a good kisser, but you aren't."
"You ain't much yourself, either," Cooper said with a raised brow. "Like a fish, sweetheart. Cold."
"I'm not a fish," she snapped back. "That's very mean. I -- I know I was mean first but I just thought you could do better."
Cooper couldn't help but laugh to himself at this miserable brat who'd sought him out to complain about an on-screen kiss. He took a long drag, his gaze slanted across the backs of his knuckles.
"You're here 'cause your daddy yanked some strings," Cooper shrugged a shoulder. "My only obligation is to make a movie for the studio. I'm not your damn boyfriend-for-hire, trying to get you off for the cameras."
Cooper was a professional and on his best behaviour -- usually. But the long days of filming for a corporation rooted in the exploitation of the country he'd fought for... That patience wore thinner with each moment he was alone with this brat.
"I'm here as an actress -- "
"You can act?" Cooper asked, mock surprise as he pressed a hand to his chest.
Lucy had the gall to look offended.
Cooper took another drag, his hip notched against the railing. "It's a movie, darling. I've been doing this shit for years. They ain't gonna let people tongue each other to high hell."
"That is exactly how it works," Cooper said as he ashed his cigarette onto the grate beneath his feet. "It's not about you, it's about the shot."
Lucy looked at him like he'd slapped her. "I know it's about the shot."
"Could've fooled me." Cooper huffed out a breath. He'd kissed plenty of women for his films and he was a consummate professional. If the audience bought into it, that was all he needed. He didn't give a damn if his co-star got butterflies over it.
Especially not the daughter of some jackass at Vault-Tec, for a project that was nothing more than an empty propaganda piece. But he didn't have much choice.
"I'm here because it's important to my father. Vault-Tec wanted to keep as many roles as they could within the company -- "
"To promote the culture they want within the movie, which is carefully curated -- "
"To their... Could you stop doing that?"
Cooper crossed his arms, his cigarette nearly finished. The vault had good enough ventilation that the smoke disappeared but the smell lingered. He pushed away from the railing, his expensive smile slack across his lips.
"I had my fill of the Vault-Tec propaganda, sweetheart. Don't make a difference if it's from a pamphlet or a pretty girl, I'm just doing what I'm being paid to."
"Wasn't it your wife -- ex-wife -- who brought you in originally?"
Cooper's neck twitched as he looked down at Lucy, as she smart-mouthed her way right into some shit she didn't know anything about. He tipped his head to the side, the annoying collar of the vault suit biting into his jawline.
"So you believed what Vault-Tec thought originally." Lucy toyed with the stain on her white dress, her fingers tugged at the frayed edge. "What changed?"
"Nothing," Cooper said, his voice flat.
Lucy met his eye, her head tilted to contrast the angle of his head. She settled a hand on the railing, uncertainty replaced her uppity edge from before. "I'm not trying to spy on you or get information. You just -- had your life together, and then you're getting divorced."
"It happens," Cooper said, aware now that she was between him and the crew. The vault split into spidery webs in all directions, though. He could leave her if he wanted. But then he'd end up who knows where, deep in the belly of this steel nest.
But they were alone, and she'd inched closer to him.
Cooper saw the leading ladies he worked with as colleagues. Sometimes they'd have to kiss or imitate gentle moments or intimacy -- but for the most part, he could compartmentalise it. But Lucy didn't act. She couldn't. She was an atrocious leading lady and she read everything as if she were saying it herself.
Like a porn actress, saying shit to get through to the action, rushing through the writing like it didn't matter.
It wasn't her fault. He had the sneaking suspicious she had no interest in acting or in this movie; that she was only doing it because her father asked her to do it. Maybe even so she could have an excuse to meet him, he realized dimly as she looked up at him with wide hazel eyes.
That separation -- of leading lady and of a romantic partner -- muddled with her. Because he didn't even like her. He didn't want to get to know her. He hated her father and he wanted nothing to do with this company.
And she was closer to him than not, and they'd kissed a handful of times, and she'd said he sucked at it.
Cooper rolled his jaw as Lucy didn't have the guts to do more than she had. Her moony eyes fixed up at him like a challenge. And then he felt his resolve snap because it wasn't like he had much to lose. This wasn't a real acting gig and she wasn't a real leading lady.
His hand snapped out, fingers and thumb dug into her cheek. He brought her close, to see what she'd do. The answer was -- not much. She didn't shout or push him away, their mouths inches apart as he hovered close to her, examining her beneath his lashes.
"Bad kisser -- that what you said?"
Lucy swallowed hard enough to nudge his hand. "Well, you were. I'm not going to lie to you to spare your ego."
Cooper made a soft sound from the back of his throat as he kissed her. The distant crack and shift of the crew as they moved their cameras from one vault room to another should be a deterent but Cooper doesn't care.
He's single, isn't he. Has been for a few months. He'd not acted on it, hadn't felt the urge to, but he's as trapped as ever in the shadow of what Barb had done to him. It's only fair he make use of that shadow to indulge, even if it's just to prove a point to this girl Lucy.
There's some inherent amusement to how she melted into the kiss. She wanted it far more than she'd let on, that soft mewing, moaning neediness as he stroked her long brown hair out of her face. He threaded his fingers softly through her hair, hand on either side of her face, fingers combing through her hair.
Her back was arched over the railing as he gave her the kiss she'd probably expected earlier, the one he wasn't about to throw out on camera. There's standards for cinema and he didn't want to waste film or time.
But then her fingers were on the zipper of the stupid fucking vault suit. He didn't stop her, even as she yanked it down and slipped her hand along his stomach.
If anything, he pushed harder against her. The fluffy white skirt of her wedding dress made it hard to get much for himself. But with a yank of her knee and the shift of her weight, he had her seated on the railing. Her shoulder caught one of the metal frames, to keep her pinned in place.
If this were any other job or any other actress, he'd give a fuck.
But it's Vault-Tec, through and through.
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wendiglow · 7 months
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I started this drawing in December, burned out, but I liked where it was going. Frankly it's been too long and I don't have the drive to do it justice. Let's pretend I didn't do really lazy shading to finish it and call it a day. Not enough time has passed for a redraw yet, but it's definitely getting a redraw. Maybe next year.
Anyway, here are my oldest and still active OCs, Kano and Zad! (There is a third character as well, named, Randall and they make a trio. He's just as important, just didn't have the patience to add him.)
Kano is a pre war robot that was part of a RobCo line commissioned by Vault Tec to be distributed into various vaults to fill in roles where humans were lacking (such a teacher, doctor, parent etc.). The bombs fell and they never made it post production. I made Kano quite a while before Fallout 4 or institute synths were a thing, so he's not affiliated with the institute lore wise.
I was 9 when I first played Fallout 3 and made Kano, and naturally I was excited at the choice of hair color as any little kid would. The pink hair became so integral to Kano's character, I couldn't change it. When he was first made, his hair was blonde like the rest of the robots in his line. It turned pink over the couple hundred years from being exposed to various chemicals ( I love using shitty Sci fi logic to justify my choices lol).
I'm in my early 20s now, and these characters have grown up with me. I have PLENTY of Fallout characters as Fallout is my one true love, so I'm sure you'll be seeing them again!
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Here's an old drawing of Randall (lowkey looking yassified the fuck), since it's strange to show Kano and Zad without him.
P.S. I had Sticky with me when I was trying to take this screenshot for the picture, and he wouldn't shut up.
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
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My thoughts on how the Milgram mv machine works based on the evidence we have:
(I know there’s been discussion about where exactly the interrogations take place, but wherever they are,) the prisoners are made to sit in a specific chair near the wall that houses the machine.
It’s ordinarily hidden, but the wall panels shift aside to reveal it when the mechanical sounds play in the dramas. As well as the walls moving, the chair transforms to restrain the prisoner and attach whatever it takes to access their brain. The fact that none of the more frightened prisoners try to run or break it makes it seem like they physically cannot. This is why Fuuta sounds so panicked, and why Amane is suddenly helpless in front of Es in their T1 vds.
(My mind conjures very classic sci-fi mad scientist machines with wires, pipes, lights, nodes, needles, etc, but I’d love to hear how other people visualize it.)
In some vds (maybe all? I’d need to check,) you can hear Es take some steps right before their iconic line -- it would make sense that for safety reasons, the power mechanism is placed across the room. Once again it could be anything, but the sound effect makes me think of one of those giant wall-mounted levers you have to pull down.
The voice dramas don’t really provide the type of crime details that an actual interrogation would reveal, and it’s odd that they’re placed before the extraction rather than after Es gets to see the new details. This leads me to believe the machine functions with priming. All Es needs to do is get them talking about their murder, so it’s on their mind.
The video produced is much like a (non-lucid) dream. Even if the prisoners figure out that this is how it works, they can’t control it just by thinking really hard about something else. The murders produce the strongest emotional affect, and that’s what it picks up on. If someone else used the machine, it would default to whatever gave them the strongest emotional reaction in the ~15 minutes beforehand, hence why Es’ video focuses on their daunting task ahead. (The Undercover theory is still a bit loose, though, given the private shots that Es wouldn't have known about). It’s why the videos are usually closely linked to the vd topics/beats. I also like to think that the reason their prisoner colors appear so much is because they’re looking at those colors on their uniform 24/7.
The bell rings to inform Es that it’s the optimal time to use the machine -- the prisoner has been thinking about things for long enough that the video will be about their crime, and if the conversation lasts much longer they’ll start thinking of other things. It’s at a different time for each prisoner because it’s based on the specific conversation. I guess Jackalope is listening in to the interrogation, timing it perfectly. (The only one that kind of messes with this theory is Yonah, because they just keep talking afterwards lol, but it could just show that the interrogation is still in Es’ control.)
Their “Sing your sins” is the final priming nudge to get them to think of their actions as a sin, revealing their guilt.
Once activated, the prisoner enters a sort of trance/sleeping state. It’s very much like REM sleep, with the machine forcibly activating neurons and recording the output. The prisoners have asked Es what they saw, meaning they don’t remember the mvs. I like to think the prisoners do experience the mv in real time, acting as the major version of themself that appears, but can’t remember it afterwards. It’s when you experience a dream, but as soon as you wake up you’re just left with fleeting emotions and memories right on the tip of your tongue.
The video plays immediately upon extraction -- whether on a huge projection or little screen depends on which room it’s in. It simultaneously saves the memory so that Es can rewatch it later (on those old TVs in the jailbreak mix). The machine downloads the song and video together, but requires special parts to retrieve them. The technology is pretty new and fragile, so if one is broken, there might be a delay between when Es can hear the extracted song and see it with the video. (That’s my justification for Kotoko’s delays -- after 9 prisoners the parts wear out, or maybe Mikoto himself overheats it with his complex situation.)
Based on the lack of conversation we get afterwards, I picture Es leaving before the prisoner wakes from the trance. The machine adjusts their brain back to normal before they awaken, restraints freed and able to return to the rest of the prison.
It’s very much like a dream, so it’s not harmful despite the amnesia/head injuries the prisoners have. It does, however, exhaust them. Brain activity alone takes a lot of energy, so forced brain activity with added emotional strain would cause them to feel pretty drained the rest of the day.
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styxnbones · 4 months
i finally got around to watching the fallout show and the whole time i was like "the ghoul *should* be my favourite character, he hits all the tropes and traits that i love in a character but i just feel like he's Missing Something and its not just that i think he should look more fucked up"
and then last night i had a dream where in one of the flashbacks we saw him taking like Sci-fi Vault-tec HRT and woke up like ooooooooh yeah he needs more transmasc swag is what it is
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linashirou · 4 months
roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
face: Describe your OC's face. What's their smile like? Are their orbs cerulean? What would someone notice first when looking at them?
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU! (Besides DD of course lol)
Some requests from the oc ask game!
I have to thank you for each time you ask me about Lina. It makes me so happy, so from the bottom of my heart, thanks.
Second, as a MGS follower, I will talk about MGS Lina.
Roots: Well. Lina is a Kuro-Gothic Lolita. This is part of the "self insert" side of Lina, because I'm a Lolita since 2008. So her lolita wardrobe is almost entirely black (kuro) and sometimes she uses blue. As I talk sometimes before, her "signature" sweater and jeans is her working clothes in "H.E. Works", inspired in a mixure of Hal's sweater in MGS4 and Jeans as Hal in MGS1. She has the "otamashii" patch in her right leg (another kind of link to Hal's image) and a "Yatagarasu" crow holding a Snake.
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This is something that I made for Lina for my Yakuza fics but it's part of her personality, a symbolism that she carries in all her versions: The yatagarasu is seen, in Japanese mythology as the divine intervention over the human fate. Also as a god that protects you on your travels (because it guided the first emperor). And it is holding the Snake because she was the one capable to tame and calm Majima (Snake in MGS/DD fic)
And her Hairstyle is a huge reference to old anime/80's vibe.
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Face: Ok, I will be super honest here. Besides the inspiration I already mentioned, I have to say that Lina's appearance is also a self insert thing, but I will like to share this: I had a mistake with the last dye and my hair becomes a little darker. Now I look just like Walter's version of Lina, just a little bit older and fatter xD (Just how I canon her after TEC, Hal and her, being older and fatter)
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alternate: Because DD, I was thinking a lot about a real, medieval setting for Lina. I imagine her as a cook/baker from the medieval world. I like to imagine her dressing something like this
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(The two drawings are from DD artwork, and they're quite accurate to the medieval period)
Sorry about the loooong answer but I always feel like your questions are interesting and I try to dig in.
(Lina's tattoo was made by @mimi-akeblog)
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wadbot · 8 months
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WET.WAD: W E T MAP01 (1696, -4208, -16) Author: ANDY MCKIE aka MYSTIC aka RADAR Date: 2001-08-06 Description: Designed for Deathmatch, but as usual I have put a few monsters in. A Hi-Tec sci-fi style level. Features include deep water and real 3D floors etc.
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alphamecha-mkii · 2 years
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Sins of a Solar Empire 2 - Kol Battleship
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khaleesiofalicante · 9 months
Dani, help me turn my new work place into something more 🌈?
I recently started working at a local bookstore. It's a small place, but very charming and inviting. However it's in a dire need of more LGBTQIAP+.
Since I'm also responsible for bringing in new books to the store, I already got the two TEC books, all 5 volumes of Heartstopper and the two books of Aristotle and Dante.
So, Dani. What do you recommend me to get? It can be any genre, really.
I just saw this! I'm sorry, it got lost in the ask box.
Congrats on your job and it sounds so cool and fun! And kudos to you for making the bookshop gayer yay.
Instead of recommending you specific books, I'm going to direct you with broader suggestions instead.
More Than Just MLM - Make sure to have more than mlm books. Most popular LGBTQ books are about gay relationships and it's important that we make books about other queer people accessible too - especially queer woman! For instance, check out Alice Osmen's other works. I'd recommend Loveless (about asexuality) among others. Here is a list of book recs about Lesbian and Bi women. A list of trans books by trans authors. A list of books with asexual main characters.
2. Pick Non-Famous Authors - Don't just have the famous books by famous authors (like Heartstopper or whatever else). Sometimes famous books are expensive and some queer people (Especially teens) have to buy these books from the money they've saved up and can't afford all of them. Make sure to have books by smaller authors who are also good because these books might be affordable.
3. Find Accessible Books - I'd also recommend that you find books that have audiobooks versions and for readers who are not comfortable taking a physical copy home. So even if they can't buy it, you can say 'hey you can look up the audio book etc). This is also important for queer people who are blind or dyslexic. Here is a list of queer audio books that are freely available on Spotify.
4. Looks for Writers and Stories from Diverse Countries - Make sure the books you have aren't just about white queer people. And no, I am not talking about something like firstprince where one of them is poc. Mixed race queer couple stories are becoming a trend (not a bad thing but I can and will write a thesis on it later) but what I mean is that we need to promote more queer stories that are about queer people who live in countries other than the US and UK. For example, a queer story from India written by an Indian author - not just 'about' an Indian. Similar, a queer story about a Mexican trans woman, written by someone from Mexico, etc. This is so very important! Here are some LGBT books published by different authorise from different countries.
5. Find Books For and About Adults - Don't just go for YA books. I know YA books are more popular in queer media. But sometimes older queer adults prefer to read about older queer people. Sometimes young queer people want to know what it's like to be an adult queer old. So make sure to branch out more than just YA books. Some of the lists I've shared above already has many adult books (when I say adult I'm talking R rated but rather it's about adults - not teens).
5. Don't Stick to Romance - Make sure to have different genres, not just romance. Not all queer people (or cisgender people) want to read queer romance. Make sure to have different themes and genres including mystery, drama, poetry, short stories, etc. Here's a list of queer sci-fi and and fantasy books.
I know you can't get ALL of these - especially because it's a small place. But as I've said I can't recommend you which books to buy. (Other than Loveless hehe) But I hope these notes are helpful for you (in general) when you're trying to get more books in the future.
ALSO - everyone please reblog/reply with your fave queer books to help annie out 💙
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neutrinojem · 1 year
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(via "At Neutrino Jem, I strive to create art that captures the imagination. With a passion for science-fiction, technology, and the exploration of space, I bring these elements to life through my work." iPhone Wallet for Sale by NeutrinoJem)
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susartwork · 2 years
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Yesterday's RP in the Roleplayed Timeline went BAD.
Recap under the cut for who's curious.
Sci (by @ask-yandere-sci) fainted after king Odyssey!Asriel (by @tecwizard) kissed him right in front of Wiz. Asriel took him to his castle, literally looking at Wiz like "he's mine now b@#ch" (textual words by Tec) as he walked away.
Wiz went looking for Sci, but instead met Asriel who wanted to fight him to win their beloved. But Wiz didn't accept at first, because he doesn't want to use Sci as a trophy or as a object. Asriel kept insisting with threats to make him fight, otherwise he would've taken his beloved without giving him any chance.
So Wiz decided to fight to save Sci from such monster. But... nobody knew that Asriel's HP was low. Not even him knew, so... Wiz killed him in one hit. Panic starts.
Later a skeleton who calls himself "Bill Cipher" appears, asking Wiz for a deal to bring Asriel back, leaving Wiz in debt until he needs a favor.
Wiz accepts. After all, he killed Sci's childhood friend, and he can't bear to hurt his best friend (and crush), so Asriel comes back to life.
Sci finds them, check both their souls and their stats to clear a doubt he had. He realizes that Asriel is actually a clone of the real Asriel, but that he has fallen in love with Sci and doesn't know that he's not the real one.
And ye Wiz tells Sci what he did, but he stayed calm so
Next Sorry for repeating names so many times and my bad English.
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stardusthuntress · 1 year
EnigmaTech - Ch. 1
My Tech lives AU! This one is based on the idea that the Bad Batch just needs someone with a clear head to follow his trail and appreciate the man for what he is truly capable of! So far I’ve stuck to one-shots and imagines, but this one felt like it needed a little more. I’m not a many-chapter-fic writer, but this one I felt like it could be divided into 3-4 solid chapters that focus on the beloved brainiac. Consider it a mini-series! 
(Part 2)
Chapter 1 - Clues 
Tech x FAB!reader (eventually, but he doesn't meet her quite yet) (just female pronouns; no use of y/n, it’s all in third person [she/her]; no physical description in this one) 
Word Count: ~2.5K
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Chapter Summary: Using only what the batch has at their disposal (a lot more than they realize, thank you Tech), a new friend manages to convince them that Tech survived and is in need of their help!
TW: mentions of Tech’s demise (but he lives!); reader infodumping (self-indulgent, sorry! I really connected with Tech on this and this is how I'm coping with the writers' poor decisions at the end of s2); I am a scientist, so I wanted to bring my own experiences into this a bit, hopefully, I got all the details correct, I'm not a geneticist tho, nor a comp sci person, so please be nice if I messed up!
Author's Notes:
Somehow, this came out from Hunter’s pov. Wasn’t exactly the way I’d planned it, and this might change in the next chapter, but I needed a way to illustrate how Hunter was struggling with losing two brothers and his little girl (he's 100% a girl dad now, no going back).
Also, this is totally self-indulgent. I always write she/her/reader's pov like it's me because that's what I know how to do. If I can write from the heart it's more genuine. Hope you guys are okay with that!
I like to make references to other fandoms and stuff when I write, hope you guys don’t mind that. There’s at least 1 blink-and-you-miss it Hamilton reference, among others… hehehe!
Side note, this was not beta'd. I tend to just crank stuff out because it's on my mind, and post it asap so I can get it off my chest. Please lemme know if there are typos and if you guys like it!
Tech dividers by @/djarrex!
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She joins the team shortly after Tech and Omega are stolen from them. 
When the bad situation they were in got even worse, they ran to Rex, in need of a calm, collected, commanding presence that wasn’t in the grip of fresh losses to help them figure out what to do next. Rex brought them his best analyst, an old friend who quietly helped out in secret during the war, and now helped him rescue as many brothers as he could. 
Echo knew her. They came up with a few battle strategies together when he was with the 501st. He trusted her with his life. 
Hunter, who always held his trust in reserve to begin with, now trusted even less since Cid is the reason Omega is now in the clutches of the Empire. But Rex and Echo insisted, and he knew they were in dire straights and would not be able to rescue Crosshair and Omega (and Tech) on their own, especially not while their better judgment was clouded with so much pain. 
At first, she just helps AZI patch them up and keep an eye on them as they heal. Slowly, they begin to trust her a little more. As she brings them water so they don’t have to get up, and sits with and chats with Wrecker until he falls asleep, and helps Echo with his prostheses, and always makes a point to do everything quietly to go easy on Hunter’s senses. They appreciate how her effort says she cares.
Eventually they start letting her learn them a bit more. And they learn more about her. She’s an interesting mix. She’s somewhat neurodivergent like Tech - she can go on endless infodumps and loves to learn. But she also has moments where she exhibits what Tech once described to the as “neurotypical behaviors”. She jokes with the men and flirts with them when the time is right. She gets a lot of social cues, but she does miss a fair amount too. The boys learn why Tech describes his differences like a spectrum. 
Eventually, Hunter and Echo come to the realization that she is going to need notes, detailed notes, if they are going to find their lost siblings. They have all tried giving her as many notes as they can remember, but in order to do enough research to find them, she would need to know more about Crosshair and Omega, and no one took notes on everyone quite like Tech did. They decided to give her access to Tech’s notebook, if all 3 of them agree on it. So they confront Wrecker. He’s all in. He trusts her, despite Cid’s betrayal, his determination to see the best in people has hardly wavered. Anything she needs to help them get their brother’s back is fine with Wrecker. And he trusts that if both Hunter and Echo have come to the same conclusion, then it’s worth it. 
For days she sat reading his copious notes, it kept her quiet and distant from them - Hunter was grateful for that, he needed time to adjust to her presence He wasn’t used to being around a woman so often. She brought a different way of existing to the soldier’s lifestyle he was used to. 
Her habits and mindset was somewhat new to him. 
“It may seem like an enigma now, but there are clues everywhere. You just need to know where to look and how to read them” she had said when she began her quest to learn more about their fallen brother, lost brother, and stolen sister. 
He was just grateful he, Wrecker, and Echo didn’t have to re-live the pain watching that horrible moment all over again to try to get something out of it. 
One day she begins to surface from his notes. Hunter braces, he had gotten used to her presence like that, and didn’t think he was ready for the conversations about brother’s end that were certainly coming. 
“This passage here, about Omega… it doesn’t make sense, it’s not Tech’s words” 
“What do you mean?” Hunter peers over her shoulder “that’s him alright, watched him write that one myself shortly after we picked her up.” 
“Oh, that’s not what I meant, sorry… these words are phrased exactly the way he writes everything, his speech patterns, his grammatical ticks, he IS the one that physically wrote the words down, except one thing doesn't match his pattern: the scientific errors. The one thing he knew none of you could check.” 
“So, you’re saying that Tech tricked us?” Hunter’s annoyance is apparent in his tone. His temper was on a short fuse these days, but she understood why. 
“No! I’m saying he’s employing a handy psychology tactic here. Usually used only for one of two purposes: reassurance or manipulation, but it’s definitely the former.” You hold up a hand, knowing Hunter is read to interject and snatch Tech’s datapad away from you for implying Tech would ever deceive his brother’s and harm them. “I know, you watched him write it and he would clearly never hurt any of you intentionally. A later passage about his conversation with Omega about feelings clearly conveys that quite eloquently and explains how deeply he cares for each one of you, but I think he might be trying to protect you from the full truth here, at least until he knowns what it is. As I’m sure you noticed, almost everything he writes has a double meaning, if not a triple meaning.” 
Hunter’s eyes remain narrowed, but he’s quiet, waiting for the whole story before he makes any decisions. He was protective of his little family before, and that’s multiplied tenfold since Cid’s betrayal cost them so much. 
“This passage here uses the word “perfect copy” to describe Omega, but there’s a lot inherently incorrect about that from a scientific perspective, and Tech clearly knows that. Perfection is, technically speaking, unachievable. There’s always something that deviates from the original, just a little, especially when discussing the complexities of genetics. I’m no geneticist, but his notes from when you first met Omega states that according to his scan (the results of which are included in the notes), she bears the female genetic marker - two X allosomes, and no Y - and has since she was created, which in and of itself means that she cannot be a perfect copy of Django who was male at birth, and bears the same male genetic markers that you lot do - an XY allosome pair. Which means, his statement here that she is a “perfect copy” is incorrect and he clearly knows that… at one point he even goes on to describe how she displays more neurotypical traits like you boys, rather than his neurodivergent ones… (whispered) paternal traits indeed, you’re definitely a clone of Django, you shouldn't worry about that Tech... He could be referring to her as a ‘perfect child’, however, again, perfection is inhuman and totally impossible when referring to something as complex as a sentient being, so that’s also unlikely unfortunately, as sweet as it would be for him to describe her like that… Earlier he mentioned that Nala Se told Tarkin that there were 5 ‘genetically deviant clones’ and that that must include Omega because Echo is genetically a ‘Reg’…” 
She turns to face Hunter directly, “Tech knew you were reading this over his shoulder and had access to it. He’s doing his best to describe Omega in a way that will only fortify your protection of her, not because that would ever waver - he describes several times how your paternal instincts are very attached to her, and he is both certain and grateful that nothing could change that - but he does it because she is very important to something, some big secret thing the Kaminoans are doing, though I don’t think he knows what exactly…” she trails off, searching through the datapad for more as she thinks. 
Hunter is shocked, first by her analysis, second by how easily she read Tech, and third by the fact that he, Hunter, is starting to agree with her analysis. “But if they’re ‘not his words’ as you said… then whose words are they?” 
She’s silent for a moment, as she considered this, still scrolling back through Tech’s copious notes. Hunter is struck for a moment how Tech always seemed to write like he was running out of time… 
“I think… I think, based on the way he explains how you lot describe Omega when she’s asleep and your paternal instincts ‘truly appear’ as he puts it, and,” she emerges from Tech’s notes for a moment, and Hunter is struck by how she’s just like Tech “and from my personal experience around you lot… I think he’s using your own words as a way to reassure you. Again, a handy psychology trick when used by a kind hand.” she nervously dives back into Tech’s notes. Hunter notes how she seems to make an effort to not annoy him again. 
She continues with her thought as her mind races on “all of the words he uses to describe Omega have positive connotations, there’s no hidden negativity, which means his intentions are good and not manipulative.” 
She looks up, but doesn’t totally dissociate from the datapad this time, her eyes still glossy wand swirling with thoughts. She opens her mouth like she’s poised to say more, but worry crosses her features “I’m sorry, I’m rambling again. I’ll stop. I do that a lot, I know.” 
She looks around concerned, by this point both Echo and Wrecker have joined the conversation, but none of them can look at her right now. 
Hunter is the first to speak “don’t worry, we’re used to it, Tech does the same thing all the time… or… used to anyways.” 
She tenses a bit “understood, I’m sorry for your loss, I still intend to help you as much as I can. Loss like that is cruel, let’s see if we can get him back, yeah?” 
“Yeah” Hunter relaxes a tiny bit, but feels the sadness of loss settling in. He doesn’t believe Tech could have survived that fall. 
She dives back into the notes. There’s a moment of silence. She continues to read quietly, giving the men a change to exchange quiet glances, feeling better now that they might have someone like Tech, something familiar, who can help them find their family. They find comfort in the quiet as she continues to ponder his scribblings with a knitted brow for a few moments. 
Hunter breaks the silence. “I feel almost ashamed that none of us figured that out. He’s our brother. I guess we didn’t know him as well as we thought we did.” 
“It’s not your fault, Hunter. Same goes for you two,” she pats Echo and Wrecker. “Pain of loss can be blinding. You do know him well, but your own emotions got in the way. It helps to have an outside voice to help you see through the haze of emotions. Nothing wrong with asking for help. I’m  here to help in any way that I can.” 
Her attention shifts again, and she emerges from the datapad completely this time. The hand that clutches it falls to her lap as her eyes find Hunter’s, and he’s not surprised to find a new thought sparkling in them. 
“You said Hemlock gave you back his goggles, did he not?” 
“Yeah” Hunter’s hesitancy returned 
“Don’t worry, I don’t want to hurt any of you lot, either. I just need more information about the incident itself” 
Hunter sighs. 
“Did his goggles still have the recording device on them?”
“How did you know about that? None of us told you about that” 
“He includes many screenshots and videos from them in his notes” 
“Right. Sorry” 
“It’s okay. Hesitancy to trust is natural after being sold out like that, I understand. But please know that I just want to help you find your brothers and sister, they seem like good people, and this Tech fellow is clearly brilliant!” 
Hunter produces the goggles, recording device still attached. 
Echo chimes in “I checked for a recording from it, but scans said there’s nothing on it” 
“No backups? You’re telling me a man like Tech didn’t have backups of everything in a secure format? Is this not his backup datapad full of his notes I’m holding? I’m guessing that somewhere on here is a backup copy he fashioned himself that the Empire wouldn't be able to tamper with, one with a hidden access port - something the Imperials wouldn't know to look for since to them devices like this are usually only remotely accessed” 
She gently detaches the recording device from the goggles and inspects it carefully. The men gather around her and watch her with baited breath. Clearly the Empire did not remove it from the goggles, as there is still a fair amount of dirt on the side that had been next to the band of the goggles. As she gently brushes the dirt off, her finger nail finds the edge of something. Tracing it out, she finds a rectangle in the rubbery casing around the recording device, and gently pops it open. 
“Bingo” she whispers, as though a loud noise will shatter the moment. 
“I think I’m starting to agree with you” Hunter whispers in her ear, quiet enough that only she can hear. 
She inspects the port the silicone hatch revealed “I don’t suppose any of you lot have seen a cable that might fit this lying around somewhere?” 
They sit quietly for a moment, well aware Tech left cables for all sorts of things scattered everywhere. Each contemplating the most likely spot for Tech to keep an important cable like this, before Echo pipes up “I’m betting he’d keep a spare in his spare kit!” 
Wrecker launches out of his makeshift seat to grab the kit, and hands it to Hunter. “You better look for it, I don’t think he’d like me rummaging through his stuff… might break something…” he trails off, clearly sad. 
She pat’s the big guy on the arm and he sits back down, a little closer this time. Seeking her warmth for comfort. 
“He clearly loved and still loves you very much Wreck, even if he has his own way of showing it” 
Wrecker smiles, “thanks Y/N” 
Hunter produces several cords from Tech’s pack and holds them out. “One of these look like it might fit?” 
Echo reaches for the other end of the cable “what does the other end look like?” She let’s him inspect it while she attaches the one end to the recording device. 
“This one goes here,” he plugs it into the console they sit next to. “Let’s see what he got as…. Let’s see what trail he left for us” 
As the recording comes up on the bigger screen, they all gasp. Most of the contents of the recording are going to be a difficult mess to untangle, but one thing is clear: Tech is very much ALIVE!!!
(Part 2)
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Please don't steal my work! I pour my heart into these so if you like it please reblog to share instead of reposting it!
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bekah-reading · 2 months
My cat, Kovu, my reading buddy, had three books and three treats and of course he picked the chunker of the three.
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Wool is about a post apocalyptic (a theme this week I know). Humanity is living in a silo, and they never leave. This is about a woman who works as a mechanic and due to some unfortunate circumstance is now being assigned to be the new Sheriff.
This was recommended to me, because I like the Fallout franchise and they said if you like Fallout you’d like this. This book is for any Vault Dweller out there. 3 stars automatically; because it did just that. It had some vibes that fit right there with Fallout for sure. (Aka; also read as; Vault-Tec are dicks and so is the Silo.)
This was very immersive and atmospheric and I felt the Silo; it was a dynamic world and a very interesting center piece for the story. It had a presence.
The writing was a bit dry; but you got used to it. The reason it isn’t five stars is because of the characters. Thank God- this was written in third person and characters’ names were used often. The characters felt flat and lack dynamics and individuality. I felt like this could have very easily been a story about the last man on earth stick in a silo with his deteriorating mind as he plays the part of everyone. I disliked the characters.
All of that said- I can see why it’s being called a classic modern Sci-Fi; it has interesting and unique features. And I want to see where it goes so I’m going to continue the series.
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