#Sins of a Solar Empire 2
alphamecha-mkii · 6 months
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Sins of a Solar Empire 2 - TEC Ragnarov Class Titan
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Yesterday’s multiplayer vid. First match was a wash out. The second match on this reel, however, is absolutely epic. Clever plays all around. Games like that one are why I play RTS, so thanks, guys! And finally got my first multiplayer win in Sins2 ^^
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general-kalani · 11 months
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Peak Vasari performance in Sins 2. Girlies will say it's fake.
(the zoomed out screenshot was literally taken just because I got overwhelmed with how many missiles were on screen because of all the bombers and missiles from the ships LMFAO)
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ganthritorchic · 21 days
So after thirty odd hours with Sins Of A Solar Empire 2, I can say with much emphasis(same as the first game) that I can NOT wait until we start getting some baller mods going. I'll put my dash stretcher under the read more for those of you who don't give a fuck about a sci fi RTS game lolol....
Its nice they basically imported much of the first game if not all the actual bits. It's beyond dumb to me that they fuckin used generated AI images for all kinds of shit and it doesn't even look that great and for UI components it's absolutely shit when in SINS 1 you could easily tell what research items were.
Supposedly I am in the minority, but I LOVED their main game screen UI in SINS 1. You had a planner on the left and you could get to any planet easily and AT A GLANCE, see buildings fleets etc without navigating to the actual planet. You can kinda still do that that but it is not the same.
For what is basically a port it does run well and when modded for greater fleet supply the game only chugs on my desktop with like three to four times max fleet supply in vanilla. Which is a fuckton of ships going pew pew, which is great! It's much less impressive when you know it's had a year out on Epic and they didn't even have all three main factions in until they released on Steam very recently(basically, I'm not super sure on the timeline but it's not impressive either way). And it still released with dumb shit and issues.
They honestly need to emphasize further race/faction differences. This IS much better than the first game, just more please. Fuckoes on the discussion boards complain about different races "needing" something another race has and I'm like. If you want that just fuckin play the first one again, bc every race had the same classes of ships(this ultimately was tied to AI limitations for the computer players) and while there was minimal rock paper scissor class balancing it wasn't very exciting or interesting to watch it play (hence my insane amount of time playing modded with Stargate races or Star Trek). It was so fuckin miserable to play vanilla Sims honestly. So damn boring.
I ain't mad I spent my money on it. I'm just not surprised that while there ARE good things here, it was already in dev for however long and then on Epic. There should be... a more-ness. And the future DLC stuff is just whatever honestly.
If you like pew pews and space it's a good time! Modding is already included and ppl have already done some good stuff for the basic/less complex things like fleet supply and upping stats on stuff. I'm excited to see what the community gets up to!
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twohitgames · 20 days
GeForce NOW anuncia sus lanzamientos para septiembre
GeForce NOW, la plataforma de videojuegos en la nube de NVIDIA, ha anunciado los títulos que llegarán a la biblioteca a lo largo del mes de septiembre. Los usuarios del servicio podrán acceder a 18 nuevos juegos, incluyendo una docena de lanzamientos que estarán disponibles desde el primer día, como FINAL FANTASY XVI, Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed, Age of Mythology: Retold, The Casting of Frank…
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savingcontent · 2 months
Sins of a Solar Empire II, the long-awaited 4X RTS sequel releases onto Steam on August 15th
Continue reading Sins of a Solar Empire II, the long-awaited 4X RTS sequel releases onto Steam on August 15th
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arc-misadventures · 26 days
So, for your consideration for the VTuber line. VTubers tend to have their specific circles, their regular collab groups. In every group, there is always one in particular who just can't help but suffer from scuff almost every stream, and there is always the one who fills the role of group tech support. I feel like Jaune would absolutely be the tech support for his circle. If that's the case, then who'd be your scuff queen/king. Someone we've already met? Or somebody who has yet to be introduced? Maybe I'm wrong, and Jaune is the scuff king. I'm curious to see what you'd do with this thought.
The VTuber: Circles Within Circles
Among the vast, VTubing community there tending to be many circles of, VTubers that tended to exclusively interact with one another, be this because of similar interests, or from hailing from the same academy, or in some occasions being a part of the same family. There was always a circles one could find someone being apart of.
Such as the quartet that was, CookieMonster, SushiandShibari, DraGunShow, and IHateMyDad2.0. While Cookie, and DraGun were half-sisters, the four of them all hailed from, Beacon Academy, both the agency, and fictional academy, and were once part of the same Huntress team back in the day.
This was just one of many examples of circles being formed, and made by the various, VTubers. However, there was always the outliers of this trend. Then again, he was always the outliner of any particular group.
But, what would one expect from the lone wolf of the VTubing community: ErrantyPaladain.
If the circles among the VTuber community were to be made into a Venn diagram, Errant would be smack dab right in the middle of all of them. Just like when he played, 'The World of Remnant: Hunter's, and Monsters.' A Huntsmen of no, Academy nor a single nation. The vagabond of Hunters' as he was sometimes referred to as.
ErrantPaladin would, as he often still does, would join any VTuber for the occasional collab if asked to, regardless of which VTuber, or agency asked him to. But, in the end just as always, he stood alone.
Some may see this as a weakness that. ErrantryPaladin possessed. But, many would see this as a benifit for one to gain his unique perspective that others often overlooked, or never saw.
The Genshin Impact update was one such example:
SushiandShibari: I don't understand why they couldn't just add more diverse characters to this latest update!
DraGunShow: What are you talking about; The latest update added some pretty interesting roaster of characters, what's wrong with the new characters they added?
SushiandShibari: They didn't add any diverse characters! Look at them, that's basically a tan! Why not add some black characters to the game? It should have more diversity in it!
DraGunShow: I wouldn't mind seeing some more diverse characters to the game. I mean, they all look pretty similar to one another.
SushiandShibari: Exactly! This is what many of the, English voice actors have been saying! There should be more diverse characters, then it just being a bunch of white people!
DraGunShow: Okay...? Look, Sushi, I'm not really sure about what should be done about this, and I don't really think I'm an expert on... any of this. Why don't we ask someone else, and get their opinion on this?
SushiandShibari: Fine. But, who are you going to ask?
DraGunShow: Let's see who's on...
DraGunShow: Hmmm...
DraGunShow: Ahh! Errant's online! Let's ask him!
SushiandShibari: Do you seriously want his opinion, or do you just want to talk to him?
DraGunShow: Don't you?
SushiandShibari: ...
SushiandShibari: Call him.
DraGunShow: I've already done it~!
ErrantryPaladin: Hello, DraGun. May I be of some sort of service?
DraGunShow: Hi, Errant! Is this a bad time?
ErrantryPaladin: No, I was just playing a few rounds of, Sins of a Solar Empire 2. But, I can pause it.
DraGunShow: Oh good! Sushi, and I have been having this debate, and well... I don't know much about it. So we were wondering if you could add your two cents to it.
ErrantyPaladin: Possibly. What is this debate about?
SushiandShibari: We're debating about how the latest update to. Genshin Impact isn't diverse enough, and that they should be more inclusive, and add more characters of more diverse back grounds. A lot of the, English voice actors are in agreement that, Genshin should add more diverse characters, and how the game should be more inclusive!
ErrantryPaladin: Ahh, that pointless argument.
SushiandShibari: P-Pointless?
DraGunShow: What do you mean by that?
ErrantryPaladin: What I mean is the, Genshin Impact is a, Chinese game made by a, Chinese company. They do not give a damn about inclusivity. And, the complaints people are making about that will only fall upon deaf, and uncaring ears.
SushiandShibari: What? What do you mean, surly they care what their player base thinks?
ErrantyPaladin: Not really, no. Listen, this isn't a western game company where a dozen people on, X can complain about something, and cause the game studio to change everything about it just because their encouraged to do to some higher ups being detached from reality, and being swayed by cheap coin.
ErrantryPaladin: This is a Chinese company, they are going to do things their way, and their way only.
SushiandShibari: But, they already have so many white characters, why can't...?!
ErrantryPaladin: Whoa whoa whoa! Did you say, 'white?' Sushi. they're, Chinese. Everyone in the game is based off of, Chinese characteristics. There is nothing 'white' about any of them.
DraGunShow: What are you talking about, a lot of their character designs look... white?
ErrantryPaladin: Pale would be the correct term you're looking for. Okay... Look, look up, 'Chinese movie stars,' and you'll get a wide array of skin tones, and facial features. Of which you will find that many of the, Genshin characters, both male, and female adopt. And, for the record, slim, pale skinned with angular jaws seem to be their standard of beauty. At least I believe that to be... seems evident.
DraGunShow: Whoa... there is a lot of skin tones here, Sushi.
SushiandShibari: Okay... I conceive the point to you... But, couldn't they still add more diverse characters to the game?
ErrantryPaladin: By 'diverse' you no doubt mean that white savior complex argument of adding black people to every, and any game. Of which they won't do, regardless of how much people whine at them to.
SushiandShibari: Why not?
ErrantryPaladin: Nor denying that one, eh? Okay, the reason why they will never add any 'diverse' characters is for one simple reason: The, Chinese are really, really, racist.
SushiandShibari: Eh?
DraGunShow: What?
SushiandShibari: They're racist, what do you mean by that?
ErrantryPaladin: I mean exactly what I said; The Chinese are really racist. Well, most people in, Asia are really racist actually. But, the, Chinese are no exception to this rule. They are racist towards, Americans, towards the, Europeans, towards the, Africans. They are particularly racist towards the, Japanese, that's a whole can of worms right there as to why. But, they are even racist to themselves!
ErrantryPaladin: So that's why I consider it a pointless argument. You're trying to force, Western ideals on a nation, that is actively fighting against them on a global scale. It doesn't matter what you do, nor say, they will not give a damn about any of it.
SushiandShibari: Oh... I see...
ErrantryPaladin: Now, I'm not saying for certain that I'm a hundred percent accurate. There are no doubt gapes in my memory, or I misinterpreted things. But, I am sure, that no matter how much anyone complains about inclusivity to the creators of, Genshin Impact, they will not give a damn. Honestly, I would advise the voice actors who are making these complaints to shut up; They are after all... replaceable.
ErrantryPaladin: Now, does that answer your question, or is there something else you'd like to ask?
DraGunShow: No.. I think that answer it... Sushi?
SushiandShibari: I... I need to do some research... Thanks Errant.
ErrantryPaladin: My pleasure! Now excuse me, I have some heathens to cleanse.
DraGunShow: ...
SushiandShibari: ...
DraGunShow: So...?
SushiandShibari: Shut up.
DraGunShow: Okay.
Sometimes people found his opinion, and thoughts to be rather controversial, and counter to most peoples beliefs, and often caused a mild controversy. But, ErrantryPaladin, stuck to his convictions, and paid them no mind.
He was asked to express his opinions and he did just so. If people got upset by them, then so be it.
Other times, people went to, ErrantryPaladin for simpler things. His opinions on games, sports and the likes. He was often asked by a fellow, Vtuber who hailed from the, Beacon VTuber Agency name, MochaFashionista for his advice on woman's fashion. Something many found to be quite odd that Vtubings fashionista would ask someone else, much less a guy for his opinions on woman's fashion.
That was until he gave his reviews, and opinions on woman's fashion with her, and everyone came to the same conclusion: 'This guy knows what he's talking about.'
When asked why, and how he knew so much about woman's fashion he simply replied: 'I have a lot of sisters.' And innocent, and simple answers that once again lead to speculation among his fans as to how many sisters did he really have, and if that was the sole reason he knew so much about woman's fashion.
But, being a fashion commentator was an occasional activity he almost exclusively did with, MochaFashionista. What he often did with other VTuber's was something he began to regret having to do. Less so with him being the only one capable of helping with other, and no one else was seemingly capable of fixing their problems themselves. And, more so how they managed to develop such problems.
What were those problems, ErrantryPaladin was so capable of helping others fix you ask? Simple really:
Tech support.
Fall4Me: Shitshithsitshitshit!
Panic coursed through, Fall4Me's voice as she looked at the bugged out screen before her. She was about to do a co-op game with several of her fellow streamers. But, her screen had begun to glitch out before she even started. She had to fix this before...
ErrantryPaladin: Hey, Ember, ready to play?
Fall4Me: Hey, Errant~! Yeah, I'm totally ready to play, just give me a moment!
ErrantryPaladin: ...
ErrantryPaladin: Haaa...
ErrantryPaladin: What is it this time?
Fall4Me: ...
Fall4Me: My screen is bugged out...
ErrantryPaladin: God dammit...
DraGunShow: Okay, I'm ready to play!
ErrantryPaladin: Are you sure, because it says you're not live?
DraGunShow: What? I'm totally online! It says so right here.
ErrantryPaladin: On which account does it say that?
DraGunShow: On my other account...
ErrantryPaladin: Other account? Wait, does that mean you bought two copies of the same game?
DraGunShow: Yes...?
ErrantryPaladin: Why are you saying that like it's a question?!
DraGunShow: I don't know?!
Another usual stream from, Fall$Me, one where she'd be joined by her precious, Wolf as they played another game together.
That's if her mic was on.
Fall4Me: ...
ErrantryPaladin: Ember?
Fall4Me: ...
ErrantryPaladin: Ember you're muted.
Errant had decided to change his stream to her to see what was up, and based upon how her model was moving, he could tell she was live, however.
He saw the panic look that filled, Fall4me's face as she struggled to turn her mic on, but based on how she seemingly developed this panic complexion.
ErrantryPaladin: Is your mike on?
She shook her head as she look at him in confusion.
ErrantryPaladin: Then turn it own.
She proceeded to do so, or at least, Errant assumed she was based upon her body movements. But, since nothing was heard from her end, and how she started to panic again, Errant could only shake his head in disappointment at her.
ErrantryPaladin: Did you at least plug your mic in?
He saw her model move to the side, and then appear stiff, no doubt a sign that she was going to check her mic. She soon came back, and and her model moved in front of the camera, her body adopting a bashful, and embarrassed posture.
ErrantryPaladin: It wasn't plugged in, was it?
Fall4Me: No...
ErrantryPaladin: How the hell did that happen?!
Fall4Me: I don't know!
The amount of times, Errant had to provide tech support to his fellow, VTubers had forced him to adopt a tech support persona, that eventually lead him to getting a new, VTuber model for people to understand what he was doing, and more importantly:
To shame those that needed his help.
Fall4Me: Errant?
ErrantryPaladin: Yes?
Fall4Me: Can help me?
ErrantryPaladin: Haaa... one moment.
ErrantryPaladin: What do you require of me, a humble servant of the, Machine-Spirit this time?
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ErrantryPaladin's model became that of a, Warhammer 40000, Tech-Priest. He liked using this model because it helped him better understand, and focus on helping other, VTubers with their technical problems. And, generally make fun of those that needed his assistance. Again.
Fall4Me: Nooooo! Not, the Tech-Priest! I'm not having any problems with my computer! You don't need to put that mask on!
ErrantryPaladin: Your record prompts that this form should be the natural form taken upon this devotee of the Machine God when one addresses the, Scuff Queen.
Fall4Me: I'm not a scuff queen! This has nothing to deal with my computer!
ErrantryPaladin: Records prove otherwise. Now, what seems to be the problem; Did you forget to light the sacred incense?
Fall4Me: No! And, I'm not falling for that again!
ErrantryPaladin: Have you beseeched the, Machine-Spirit?
Fall4Me: Does calling it a hunk of junk count?
ErrantryPaladin: What! You dare insult the, Machine-Spirit in such a crewel manner! You have offended the, Machine-Spirit! Light the sacred incense at once to appease it!
Fall4Me: I'm not doing that again! It didn't work that time anyway! It has nothing to do with my computer!
ErrantryPaladin: Then what seems to be the problem that requires me?
Fall4Me: Is 0/bs a bad thing, or...?
ErrantryPaladin: ...
ErrantryPaladin: Omnissiah preserve me...
ErrantyPaladin's, VTuber career has been marked with a cloister of things. His interactions with his fellow, VTubers; The good, the bad, the weird, and the confusing. The mild controversies he had seen, and been a part of. The fights that broke out between, and withing the various agencies.
Errant had seen it all with in his own little eye of the storm upon a Venn diagram that was the, VTuber community. He occasionally ventured out to experience the thrills, and parrels of the storm, but at the end of the day, he would return to the center where he chose to stay. Called out only to join his fellow streamers for some fun.
And, copious amounts of tech support.
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catgirlforeskin · 26 days
The problem with having played Homeworld is that it makes going to any other military rts (Sins of a Solar Empire 2 especially) painful because you know the unit barks are going to be nowhere near the same quality *realizes I’m on the puppygirl website and shouldn’t say bark* do you think the fleet radio operators struggle not to call the Kushan Mothership mommy on comms
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dankxsinatra · 2 months
Sins of a Solar Empire 2 on steam in 11 days!!!!!!!!!!!!
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v1leblood · 1 month
did anyone get sins of a solar empire 2. tell me how it is
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For epic space battle games I'd recommend the following:
Stellar warfare
Sins of a solar empire 1 and 2
Nebulous fleet command
Home world 1,2 and cataclysm (skip 3)
Children of a dead earth.
Thank you for the recs!
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alphamecha-mkii · 2 years
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Sins of a Solar Empire 2 - Kol Battleship
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Was off to a great start and then someone sent a pirate raid to my homeworld. This was early game, prior to me even engaging any players. In the original game, if I recall correctly, the pirates had to use the space roads, so you wouldn’t get a raid at the very back(?). Anyway, this is no longer the case. The knockout was fair, ‘cause it’s allowed, but it effectively meant the match was settled with one button press, for me at least. QQ and gg.
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general-kalani · 9 months
New commission post, this time gifs! Prices can be negotiated but I'm thinking temporarily $5/two gifs.
Icon commission post here, Dinosaur gif commission post here, Writing commission post here, TWD commission post here
Can be in AUD or USD but if you want to negotiate with any of the options below, lmk! Paypal here and Ko-Fi here
This is an ever growing list and if you ask for a specific movie/show/game/etc I'll do my best to get my hands on it.
Options under cut for what can be chosen:
Dinosaur (2000)
The Land Before Time (1988 movie)
Walking with Monsters
Walking with Dinosaurs
Walking with Beasts
Walking with Cavemen
Walking with Dinosaurs special - Ballad of Big Al
Chased by Dinosaurs (episodes 1 & 2)
Sea Monsters (episodes 1, 2 & 3)
Prehistoric Planet
Planet Dinosaur
Dinosaur Planet
Prehistoric Park
The Hunt for Red October
The Mist
Alien Planet
Dog Soldiers
Dragonlance Dragons of Autumn Twilight
The Last Voyage of the Demeter
Wing Commander (1999 movie)
Babylon 5
Battletech Cartoon
D&D Cartoon
Stargate SG-1
Transformers: Beast Machines
Transformers: Beast Wars
Transformers G1
Transformers the Movie
Transformers Prime
Voltron Vehicle Force
Vox Machina (season 1 only atm)
Cosmo Warrior Zero
Galaxy Express
Gun Frontier
Harlock Saga - The Ring of the Nibelung
Interstellar 5555
Queen Emeraldas
Queen Millennia (might not be high quality)
Space Pirate Captain Harlock
Space Pirate Captain Herlock: Outside Legend - The Endless Odyssey
SSX Endless Orbit
Arcadia of my Youth
Space Pirate Captain Harlock (2013 movie)
Space Pirate Captain Harlock: Riddle of the Arcadia
Irresponsible Captain Tylor TV series
Irresponsible Captain Tylor OVA series
ANIME - LEGEND OF THE GALACTIC HEROES (original series only)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes series
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Golden Wings
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - My Conquest is the Sea of Stars
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Overture to a New War
Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden
Macross 7
Macross Delta
Macross Frontier
Macross Plus
Macross Zero
SDF Macross
Revolutionary Girl Utena tv series
Revolutionary Girl Utena movie
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (Reboot)
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - Odyssey of the Celestial Ark
Space Battleship Yamato 2202 (Reboot)
Space Battleship Yamato 2205 (Reboot)
Space Battleship Yamato I (OS)
Space Battleship Yamato II (OS)
Space Battleship Yamato III (OS)
Arrivederci Yamato
Be Forever Yamato
Final Yamato
Space Battleship Yamato (2013 movie)
Uchuu Senkan Yamato (1977 recap movie)
Yamato - The New Voyage
Yamato: Resurrection
GAMES - FAR CRY (only games I own, sorry!)
Far Cry 3 (Can be modded for Jason in Vaas' place)
Far Cry 4 (Can be modded for Sabal and Pagan to switch places)
Far Cry 5 (Can be heavily modded)
Far Cry: New Dawn
Far Cry 6
KOTOR (I and II)
Star Wars: The Force Unleased (I and II)
Star Wars: Rebellion
Star Wars: Republic Commando
Star Wars: Starfighter
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic)
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Star Wars: Jedi Knight series (Dark Forces I and II, Mysteries of the Sith, Jedi Academy, Jedi Outcast)
Borderlands (GOTY and GOTY Enhanced)
Borderlands the Pre-Sequel
Borderlands 2
Borderlands 3
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3
Dead Island (Definitive Edition, can be modded to get rid of lens flares and more)
Dead Island Riptide (Definitive Edition)
Generation Zero
Left 4 Dead 2
Iron Harvest
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion (Can be specific matches, races, etc)
State of Decay (I and II)
Strange Brigade
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basedhighsenberg · 15 days
What games are you playing these days? You seem like the kind of guy to play games that are easy to defend against scrutiny since they're already good games. I would like to expand my library a bit and I trust your taste
Right now I'm making my way through Space Marine 2. I've also been playing Sins of a Solar Empire 2 a bit.
Other notable mention- Gunner, Heat! PC. Fantastic tank combat sim.
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queen-vv · 1 month
Jeez I've only had Sins of a Solar Empire 2 for three days and have already played 20 hours
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