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Today in Hip Hop History:
Cam’ron released his second solo album S.D.E. September 19, 2000
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odinsblog · 2 years
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OMG she vaporized him 😬
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reysamoranos · 13 days
Consultation Frenzy: Week 3 Insights!
On August 29, 2024, our group had a consultation session for our Software Design and Engineering course, specifically for Activity 3.4, which focuses on the implementation and the hardware and software requirements for our system. Two of my groupmates met with our instructor, Engr. Suasola, to review our progress. Following the consultation, we were advised to add images to the other categories of our hardware and software requirements.
My groupmates and I plan to discuss this addition, along with other necessary tasks, during our next meeting. We are aware that this is a challenging process, but we are committed to addressing all feedback and completing the requirements efficiently.
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Software Design & Engineering Subject Orientation | 08.15.2024
August 15th, 2024, marked our first meeting for this subject. I felt a mix of excitement and nerves, not quite sure what to expect. Although I had some ideas about what this course might entail, the uncertainty made the experience even more thrilling. The first day was quite fun! We had an “introduce yourself”session, which gave me a chance to get to know my classmates a little better. I’m really hoping this will be a fulfilling school year.
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marian-claire-bacas · 1 month
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August 15, 2024 - Software Design and Engineering Orientation Day
Week 1 Starting in August, I am officially a third-year college student studying at USTP CDO, and classes start in the third week. And the day to return to reality was last Thursday, August 15. That day marks not just the start of class or the return to school but also the orientation for the Software Design and Engineering course I am taking. So I got up early and started getting for school, despite the fact that our class starts at 12 noon. You may be asking why so early given that I live near the university, but you may be familiar with the tense, thrilling feeling in the night before our trip the next day, which makes it difficult to fall asleep. Yes, I felt the same nervousness that day or night before I went to bed, but for the opposite reason. I did not think I was ready to go back to school, and based on the name of the subject, it sounds like a rather scary one, so that's why I was nervous. Nevertheless, I have to do it. So I arrived at school, entered our classroom, and before we began, we were asked to introduce ourselves by stating our name, age, address, and favorite music (I went with Castles Crumbling by Taylor Swift). Following that, we talked about the course's objectives and requirements, including the grading system, and then we recited the student pledge together. That's basically what happened during our orientation. And, I hope that we finish this subject as well as we started it.
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monoex · 2 months
After a long time trying to figure out what I'm doing with my Sonic AU, I'd like to announce that I'm rebranding the Verglas AU to the Sol Dimension Expanded AU, aka SDE or SSDE!
Over these past 2-3 years since I got back into Sonic, I've realized there's so much more I want to do with my own Sonic AU, beyond my take on a "Sol Dimension Shadow" type character. Verglas was admittedly always a placeholder - a name one of my friends helped me come up with for Vendetta's super form, which I reused for the AU name since I lacked direction at the time.
But I've grown a lot, both as an artist and as a writer. Vendetta's story has completely changed (for the better) since her conception. Although she's still my favorite OC, I realized I've wanted to do so much more with my version of the Sol Dimension. I want to make this forgotten, sometimes debatably canon dimension into a fully fleshed out world of its own.
Although I'm far from being even a quarter of the way done with what I want to do with this AU, I hope I can start providing more lore and intriguing information about it. I hope other people can get as excited as I am about it.
I think a big problem with "Verglas" as a name was that it only referenced one of my OCs, and it's not like I'm some well-known artist in the fandom lol, nobody knows my OC. So SDE aims to capture the broader scope of the project. Within SDE, I'd like to write in things like:
- Seedrians (they'd live in the Plant Kingdom)
- Mao, a Sol Dimension variant of Chao - referencing the Mandarin word for cat. They'd basically be like Chao but more catlike
- Lore and residents of neighboring kingdoms
- Darker secrets of the Sol Empire / Blaze's Empire, from before she took the throne (ties into Vendetta's story)
- Blaze isn't evil, but her being the princess of an empire isn't meaningless/without consequences either. She's part of the system whether she likes it or not. Empires aren't built on good deeds. Blaze has the power to change things, though...
- Lore about other groups & territories, like the sungazer clan Navette was exiled from, Cash's syndicate, a mysterious organization (currently unnamed) with 50 members that all go by numbered names
- The Were-Animal Virus (WAV) - In this Sol Dimension, Dark Gaia and Light Gaia created the elements of light and darkness, which formed the white and purple Sol Emeralds. So instead, WAV is simply a rare virus that works like your standard werewolf trope. It's not incurable, but not everyone chooses to get cured. Were-forms are typically characterized by extra fluff/feathers/spines, spikes, and exaggerated features (such as an avian having massive wing-hands rather than regular arms & hands)
- Origins of the Elements/Sol Emeralds
Those are just a few ideas - note that stuff is subject to change. My current plan is to have a primary story (Vendetta's, Navette's, AU Blaze, AU Shadow, and a few other characters), with side stories for supplemental lore.
Maybe one day I'll open it up as a collaborative AU, if the right folks get interested. I dunno. Gotta set up the world first tho lol
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cappitek · 1 year
JUST finished my Stardew Valley Capitalist Run - and honestly I'm pretty chuffed with how it went.
I didn't hit every single point goal but got to experience a storyline in Stardew Valley Expanded I never would have otherwise (Joja completion), alongside just getting to use a different playstyle entirely with the 1 year cutoff.
Super fun, and I'll definitely look into doing other challenge runs in the future!
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sassy-ahsoka-tano · 2 years
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sde 👀 thank you that is all 🥰
no this is so sde it's unreal. this is EXACTLY the face when he sees you in the crowd and he knows that you know what you're in for tonight
your honor, i would like to personally thank hugh stewart for this picture and also make it clear that i owe him my life. as for mr. butler, if it please the court, i would like to lick his chest thank you
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reysks · 2 years
Superwonder= TURD🤮🤢
I hope you give this energy to your fandom. Maybe you do not and have my fandom live rent free in your mind.
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nedison · 1 year
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Worth the price of admission for the swirling flanging/phasing effects on Moving alone— simply stunning to her this LP in surround.
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chedilyn · 11 minutes
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Week 6
On September 19, 2024, our instructor gave a discussion, and afterward, we had a group activity. Our teacher shared their screen, showing a GUI design with various symbols and elements, and our task was to identify any inconsistencies in the design. It became interesting as we had to carefully observe the layout, spot the misplaced or missing symbols, and then redraw the corrected version. Each group worked together, discussing how to improve the design, making sure everything aligned properly.
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ldebs · 2 days
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Week 5!!!!
September 19, 2024. Today, our professor asks us if we ever advance study about the pdf he sent to us. He told us to have advance reading about it. When he asked us. I was nervous cause i didn't read it. So, I kept quiet about it. Until our professor asks us who didn't read it and I was embarrassed but I raised my hand. And so we started our discussion. It was easy to understand since our professor was not relying by the ppt. I learned about test cases, test script, testability. Although i got prior knowledge about those, it was still a nice review. And he tackled about verification and validation. which is very easy to absorb since he was using real life scenario. Basically verification is a step by step process and validation is how you see it as a whole. He also tackled about the testing activites, debugging and etc. After discussing everything, we did our group activities. It was fun. To find, where the problems of the given scenarion and stuffs. It was quite challenging but i had fun today.
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jeshuae · 2 days
CPE312 - Software Design and Engineering
Class Discussion + Group Activity
September 19, 2024
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Today, our instructor discussed about Software Testing and Quality Assurance. Although I was a bit sleepy during the lecture, I managed to catch a few important parts of the discussion. We learned about different testing methods like Black Box and White Box Testing, and John Brooke's System Usability System (SUS). Our instructor also discussed Regression Testing, which checks if changes in the software create new problems, and System Testing, which ensures that the whole program works properly before release.
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After the lecture, we had our group activity where we analyzed UI (User Interface) problems. Our group included Sean Quincy Manquilimotan and Earl Cagaanan as note-takers, while John Raynier Tejano and I focused on discussing the issues in the UI design. We looked at problems users might face, like unclear layouts or confusing buttons, and tried to come up with ways to improve the overall experience.
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We were also given another task involving John Brooke’s System Usability Scale (SUS). This scale helps measure how easy or hard it is to use a system by asking 10 questions. Each question is rated from 1 to 5, and after calculating the responses, we get a score that tells us how good the usability is. A higher score means better usability. To calculate it, you subtract 1 from the odd-numbered questions' answers, subtract the even-numbered questions' answers from 5, and then multiply the total by 2.5 to get a score out of 100.
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For this task, Tejano worked on solving the SUS with responses from 3 participants through google forms and google spreadsheets, while I did it manually. We added up all the scores, divided them by 3 (since there were 3 participants), and this gave us the average score, showing how usable the system was overall.
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I really enjoyed the activity because we worked as a team and made sure no one was left behind. Everyone’s opinions were welcomed, and we didn’t have any arguments. I hope that when we work on our EduConnect TutorHub software, we can use the same strategy we showed today—doing teamwork and everyone participates.
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Week 5 of the SDE class!
During this time, the students are partaking their 2nd part on the first quiz. The quiz began on an identification test and followed by an analysis in which the students are given a situation where they are needed to connect specific aspects of the given analysis and create a new function to the given function.
Most of the students were able to answer several questions yet some had a hard time answering as well (including me). During the quiz, we encountered an earthquake drill which paused the quiz-taking and had to "evacuate". Afterwards, the quiz then began after the drill.
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cece-sabunod · 5 days
It was a roller coaster and, at the same time, kenopsia. I can't really describe how it was for me. While giving hints, I'm the Nedovtipa one, haha. Funny how things unfold before I knew it was already done. I guess I have to strive even harder next time, hoping to carry more. Carry the information and understanding well to be better. Yes, we made a mistake, but there’s no use crying over spilled milk. Let’s focus on finding a solution. Gotta go extra mile. 🏃🏃
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cappitek · 1 year
Year 3 in the (modded) Valley~ LIVE
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