#SEGA of japan
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“Mission Street covered in powder snow 🌃 Shadow, walking alone in the crowd, is momentarily captivated by a store's show window. At that moment, the bright sky blue shoes have a slightly more mature atmosphere… What will Shadow see when he puts them on? ❄️ ハッピーホリデー ! I hope you all receive wonderful gifts 🌲 (Sonic Channel translation).”
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honoka-marierose · 8 months
28 years ago today, Virtua Fighter was released on the Sega 32X at JP. It was developed by Sega AM2 and published by Sega.
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shaddytheguyislazy · 11 months
I don't know exactly what is going to come of the AEGIS win, Sega of America and such. Sonic games tend to be SoJ efforts even when the English language team is involved, so it may not be too visible from the Sonic angle.
That said, I'm really happy for them and I hope good things come from SoA as a result (better working conditions makes better games).
My favorite thing has been watching young Sonic fans learn and be educated on what unions are during this whole process, and the old guard has been great at stomping out disinformation and lies. I really hope this is the start of a trend for game devs.
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bigbabygirl101 · 6 months
Hello am back and here to talk about,
Ian Flynn and his problem with Amy rose
It seems he something against her
amusing he's bais against Amy in the past
ever since Sega hire him to write Sonic stories,
Flynn has been putting less effort with Amy and put tasteless jokes with her,
Now any time he would write her well
maybe because he's no choice to write her this way he's just doing what Sega ask
I think he doesn't care or like her tbh
almost everybody noticed Amy is the only one doesn't have proper character growth in Frontiers ,make it seems Flynn don't care about her at all , also in Tails Tube 6 Amy gets mistreated by having Sonic replacing her photo right front of her and Omgea giving her a dead motorbug for the holidays , honestly that wasn't funny at all it was tasteless it's obviously Amy was hurt by it , not mention it made Sonic look like a insensitive jerk , this is concerning am worried Flynn will make Amy the Meg of the Sonic series , like are we gonna see more of her friends mentally abused her ? that's not a fun watch , also this makes Flynn unprofessional if keeps this up , Sega of Japan has been trying to market Amy and changing her character for the best and Flynn is trying to ruin it,
Look I don't care Flynn is not a Amy fan but
he's needs to cut it out and be professional otherwise he's going to be fired and is kinda disrespectful to write other creators characters like that it's no better how some people write the characters in fan fiction , the Sonic community needs to keep their eyes on Fynn every time we see Amy gets mistreated in any Sonic media
I don't trust him , I hate it people trying push their personal opinions onto us it gets tiring
feel free post this on Twitter we need to spread awareness that this is not okay , at this point western writers can't be trusted with the Sonic brand.
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krisartsimp16 · 6 months
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Pǝta: *Entering a room* Sorry for being late...I was...doing things.
*Sounds of running footsteps getting louder*
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blazehedgehog · 2 years
With the general perception that Sonic is better treated in the west compared to Japan, which in turn leads to some fans saying that the Western division of SEGA should've been the primary manager of the franchise instead of Japan. Do you agree with the viewpoint that the west would have managed Sonic better?
I forget if I said it here or in a discord somewhere, but I think even Takashi Iizuka realizes that, to an extent. For Sonic Mania, he and Kazuyuki Hoshino relocated to America to help direct work on that game. When Sonic Mania was finished, Hoshino went back to Japan, but it sounds like Iizuka's here to stay, because he wants to be where the most intense concentration of Sonic fans are.
Depending on how you view things, that could be part of a longer effort to hand Sonic over to Sega of America. Sega of America seemed to be the ones putting most of their weight behind Sonic 4, and then you have the whole Sonic Boom debacle -- that was very much Sega of America's baby, and it blew up in their faces hard.
Now, in the past, would Sega of America handled Sonic better?
Well... no. Keep in mind that Sega's biggest disaster was the 32X, a concept that was apparently born primarily from Sega of America. Depending on the source you believe, part of the reason it was a disaster is because Sega of America started production on the 32X without telling Sega of Japan, and plans for the 32X collided with plans for the Saturn, wrecking both pieces of hardware.
And you have to remember that for a very long time, there was a clear division between games made in Japan and games made everywhere else. Maybe what I'm about to say is blasphemy, but at least when I was a kid, the easiest way to tell if a game was going to be bad was to ask yourself: was this made in America? Was it made in Europe? If so, it's probably going to be awful. That's where you got games like Kablooey...
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Lester the Unlikely...
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Ballz 3D...
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And basically 90% of all movie/TV licensed games. They were often deeply ugly, obtuse, and frustrating games. It was the wild west where anybody could make a game about anything and everyone was still trying to figure out what "fun" even meant in context of a game.
Japanese games often felt like a step ahead of the rest of the industry. They were tighter, more focused, and more elegantly designed. Like, yeah, the world went crazy for Mortal Kombat, but compared to Street Fighter 2, Mortal Kombat plays like garbage. There's a reason there's been dozens of re-releases and remasters of Street Fighter 2 but only a couple for Mortal Kombat. Mortal Kombat didn't get good until after the gimmick hooked people.
And now consider the point of the Sega Technical Institute -- Sega identified that their western development teams weren't very good, so STI's role was to bring over developers from Sega of Japan in order to educate their American teams on how to develop games "the right way."
Out of this we got games like Kid Chameleon and The Ooze. Those were alright games, but you can still see how they were noticeably less, I dunno, "refined" than games typically made by Sega of Japan at the time.
That gradually began to shift over time, most notably towards the PS2 era, when sports games, shooters, and racing games really began to solidify themselves as big event games.
In that context, I don't think Sega of America was equipped to handle making good Sonic games. I mean, jeeze, just look at Sonic R, Sonic 3D Blast, and especially the canceled Sonic X-treme. Of those, Sonic R is the most playable of the trio, and it's literally a game that can be finished start to end in 10 or 15 minutes.
The west probably would not have handled Sonic much better then Japan did, if you really stop and break it down like this. Where we benefit now is having Sonic fans who can remember why they enjoyed the franchise back in the day that are now mature enough to be able to express why that was.
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tailschannel · 4 months
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Check out SEGA Japan's latest drawing in the "Sonic Travels Asia" series of promotional artwork.
In this one, Sonic and Blaze commemorates the Lantern Festival, marking the final day of Lunar New Year celebrations.
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53v3nfrn5 · 6 months
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SEGA Dreamcast: Sakura Wars ‘サクラ大戦’ Visual Memory Unit HKT-7000 (1999)
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zegalba · 11 months
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Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (1998) Illustration: Ayami Kojima
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misstangshan95 · 1 month
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🎎 "Peace With You At Last"
"Good morning, M'lady "
The newlyweds look across the morning mist. Both have longed for this moment to share in love's bliss, together at last🎎 😌🌹💙👘🌸.
I was over the moon when I saw the official Sonic JP site post up new artwork of Amy in traditional (Uchikake) WEDDING ATTIRE!!! .. then seeing her next to LORD SAMURAI SONIC! 🎎 I was like wait........ HUSBAND and WIFE!!!! AHHHHH .. 😱🤯💗 Yasssss! I love all of the JP Sonamy content, it's the best stuff, they have stayed faithful to them always. 🩷💙💎
Sonamy all the way babehhhh! 🫶👌👍
I had to draw this and make it special, kinda fitting for them, after the war is over they can settle and be at peace with each other😌
My happily ever after hedgies 💙🩷🦔
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honoka-marierose · 5 months
Today, SEGA and Sonic Team issued notice that Kotaro Nakamura will not be voicing his roles in the upcoming third season of Sonic Prime. In a post on Twitter/X, they cite that Mr. Nakamura is under a "temporary rest due to poor health," (quoted from machine translation). Aside from his role voicing Dr. Eggman across many Japanese Sonic series games and media, Nakamura also voiced Mr. Dr. Eggman and Dr. Done-It in the first two seasons of Sonic Prime.
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No further details are given on the nature or severity of Mr. Nakamura's condition; however his leave from the role is described as "temporary." In the upcoming Sonic Prime episodes, Mitsuaki Kanuka will be covering the role of Dr. and Mr. Dr. Eggman, and Seiya Yamanaka will be Dr. Done-It.
Nakamura has been the regular voice of Dr. Eggman since 2016 following the passing of Chikao Otsuka.
We at Sonic Stadium also offer our well-wishes to Mr. Nakamura and hopes of a quick recovery.
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2001hz · 10 months
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Seaman ad prints in Dreamcast Magazine issue n°23 (1999)
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posthumanwanderings · 23 days
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theyshapedlikefriends · 4 months
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monsterislandbuddies · 4 months
Flyer for Godzilla: Archipelago Shock, the 1995 battle simulator game for the Sega Saturn
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