aiodi · 1 year
Los dioses del olimpo me han abandonado....
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lastsamaritan-blog · 2 years
Just finished watching the first episode of Dahmer and I cannot help but think about building muscles.
Thank god for the guy with the muscles who got him caught .
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borkdork · 5 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day!
wanted to try and do each Slender I have on my Ask Blog on DevaintART but I couldn’t get to all of them, sadly, but here’s Offenderman, Masqueraderman (my own OC), Trenderman, and our OG Slenderman!
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mrs-spindelle · 4 years
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I gave animation a try using Pencil2D. It was fun using it on Offenderman and my OC Dahlia. I haven’t done any 2D animation since like...2015 in college x.x
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askmymaster · 4 years
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Serial, Cereal, surreal.
Pg 75:
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pnotfounderror · 5 years
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yay, my comic is ready!! With my oc not completly original :D
names :
 X (the girl with long hair and black  jacket) \ 
Amy ( the girl with curly and long hair) 
info .: 
Amy is bigender ( that meand she fell to be both of the genders same time)
(a lil spoiler) X is bisexual 
Skull is over 1000 years old 
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spinatia · 3 years
The way people gushed over slenderman/sexualoffenderman in 2014... brsind damaged
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askmymaster · 4 years
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Oh shit! I’m back?! Craaaazy~!
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #341
“Offender Arrives, The Wicker Man, TLOT's Memories”
-Ringleader has joined the server-
-SexualOffenderman has joined the server-
-Splenderman has joined the server-
[Doc] Frantically throwing on clothes-
[TLOT] Is loafing next to the water on the beach below the castle garden and sits up abruptly-
[Steve] Pops up out of the shallows
[Yaunfen] Sniffing the air while Waffles gives a warning growl-
[Splender] Has entered the server near the castle and waves at those he can see- Hello everybody!
[Yaunfen] perks up with whiskers twitching- Hi Splender!
[TLOT] Waves back as well and Steve is climbing uncertainly up onto the shore- you brought us a guest?
[Splender] - Weeeell
[Offender] Yawns- Due to certain circumstances, brother wants to make sure at least one of us is with Splender
[TLOT] Are you I'll? Or in some supernatural danger?
[Offender] - I suppose you could say that
[Steve] Who would want to hurt Splender? He's one of the nicest people I know
[Ringleader] - Splendy why don't we go find Pinwheel?
[Splender] - Okay!
[Offender] Waits until the other two are out of hearing distance- Our father...
[Yaunfen] Flicking their tail- someone else with a mean dad? Thats not okay.  
[Waffles] Sniffs Offender and gives a tiny kitty style sneeze.
[Offender] - Yeah, it wasn't a problem until they managed to fix the portal between our dimensions
[TLOT] Well he's got a decent place to hide at least.
[Steve] dawning realization- You're Offenderman, right?
[Offender] Grins- Yes
[Yaunfen] I know an offensive word! Fuck!
[TLOT] ho boy
[Offender] Laughs- Good one kid!
[Doc] Comes racing up fixing their coat hurriedly- is there an emergency?!? What's going on?!
[Offender] - Not much, just making sure the baby bro stays safe
[TLOT] His father...
[Doc] Pales - Zalgo?
[Offender] Laughs- Oh fuck no!  That douche is not our father!
[Doc] I thought he was king of demons or something?
[Yaunfen] What's a douche?
[Offender] - He's basically a very old minor god in terms of power, but he's probably only barely stronger than our father, the Wicker Man
[Doc] Wicker? Doesnt that have something to do with furniture? [Steve] Watches two touchies that have crawled out of his skull helm fly lazily around him- a furniture man doesn't sound too scary.   [TLOT] and Yaunfen, douches are for cleaning girl parts. [Yaunfen] Oh yeah! Like mom has. - nod nod-
[Offender] - Think more the shape, the tangle of branches deep in a forest that you can barely see through.  He's so old his tendrils can resemble the deepest and deadliest parts of a forest
[Doc] So a mess.
[Offender] - And deceptive
[TLOT] Somehow I think any untidy branches are going to stick out here. -gestures at the trees nearby- even jungle trees are rather chunky and uniform.
[Offender] - Good point, but his goal wouldn't be to hide here, but to get my brothers and I back home and destroy Splendy
[TLOT] You're all in danger of being kidnapped?
[Offender] - In a sense?  In our world you obey whoever is strongest...  Which is one reason why it was odd for brother to not accept Zalgo's offer for us to live under him...
[TLOT] We prefer a more... democratic approach.
[Doc] Sort of. I mean, I get final say because I pay the bills, but certain people have their own areas or expertise and subjects to rule.
[Yaunfen] Mada is head admin!
[Offender] - Don't know what that means but good for you!  I'm gonna go help Splendy find his little biting fluffball
[Doc] Well before you go... I don't mean to be rude but...  did you... feed before you came in? We're used to accomdating Splender. And Trender and Solace would be equally easy... I'm just concerend. We have a lot of children here and plenty of inhabitants who already have trauma they're trying to work through...
[Offender] - Yeah, I got plenty of fuel last night
[Yaunfen] You eat coal like Crim?
[Doc] Uncomfortable- no... - Hir words have a certain emphasis- Offender, this is my child Yaunfen.
[Offender] - So one of the many Splendy already berated me for on being off limits, gotcha
[Doc] That would be appreciated-
[TLOT] Mentally to Offender - They're young, and as far as we can tell, completely non-binary with no organs of either type.
[Offender] Responds mentally in kind- Hasn't stopped me before, but I'll leave them be since I don't think any of us want a raging Splendy on our hands
[TLOT] Mentally- Or me. I've made a few bad mistakes of my own in the past, and now consent is very important to me.
[Offender] - Welp, I'll be off then!
[Doc] Wait! One more thing. - Xe clicks near him and brings up the display- You're a guest player for now. Just type my name in the chat like this- does some finger motions like on a keyboard- if you need anything or have any questions.
[Offender] - Noted, oh and we brought Ringleader to help keep SPlendy's mind off of what's going on
[Doc] Oh! I'll have to drop by. We had a nice little adventure last time. It'll be good to see her again.
[Offender] - Yup, well, you'll probably find her and my brother around the kids quite a bit
[TLOT] That's normal. The kids really enjoy his company. My Testificates are used to seeing him around the village.
[Offender] Starts walking off- Yeah well I'll probably be stuck baby sitting the biter
[Doc] She's a bit more advanced then you remember. Be nice to her. She's basically Sally's age now and about her level too.
[Offender] - Oh joy
[Yaunfen] Should I find Big Fire mada?
[Doc] Go ahead, I need to check in with your mom. Everything looks like it's holding steady, but I want to add a few things just in case.
[Yaunfen] I'm on it! - Goes trotting off with waffles following at a loping pace.
[Doc] Turns to TLOT- ...
[TLOT] You don't have to ask, I'll keep an eye on him.
[Yaunfen] Runs down the spawn road sniffing around for Cp's brimstone smell-
[Lie] Is walking towards Doc's place with CP following her.  He's still in cat form-
[Yaunfen] Leaps over her in an effortless bunch and bound- HI LIE!
[Waffles] Saunters up more leisurely - mrrrr
[Lie] - Hello Yaunfen, is your Mada home?  I'm trying to find somebody
[Yaunfen] Yep! They're at Castle Thunder! Talking to mom.
[Waffles] Sniffs at Cp-
[CP] Hisses at Waffles-
[Waffles] Show of teeth and pokes Cp with one toe of one huge paw-
[CP] Fury swats-
[Lie] - CP!
[Waffles] Thumps a paw down flat on Cp's head to knock him down-
[Yaunfen] Is circling several blocks away- Lie? Where's Big Fire?
[Lie] - Hm?  Oh, well he's catified and being a bit squished by your cat by the looks of it
[Waflles] Is roughly patting Cp with a playful expression-
[Yaunfen] Waffles!
[CP] Manages to escape and runs over to Lie, doing a butt wiggle to jump up on her shoulder-
[Lie] - Don't you dare
[Yaunfen] Leans down and tangles Cp up in hir whiskers- Hey Big Fire!
[CP] - Growls-
[Yaunfen] Mada said to tell you Offenderperson is here!
[CP] Freezes as does Lie-
[Lie] - I'm sorry Yaunfen...  Could you repeat that?
[Yaunfen] Offender is here? Splender came back too, with someone called Ringleader.
[Lie] - Okay then...  I'm going to go barricade myself in my room for the time being then
[Yaunfen] Be safe Lie! - Looks at Cp who's still slightly tangled-
[CP] Wants to follow Lie and pulls a little-
[Yaunfen] Lie? Does Big Fire need to go with you?
[Lie] - Yes!
[Yaunfen] Puts the cat down-
[CP] Darts off to follow Lie, a fire charge already building in his mouth just in case-
[Pinwheel] Is rather happily laying in a patch of sun in the workroom-
[Karla] Is tinkering curiously with the workroom crafting table.
[Pinwheel] Rolls onto her back with a bit of lip smacking, her tail swishing a little-
[Karla] Glances over with a small smile. - Deadly little dreamer...
[Splender] Teleports into the room, having heard from Alexsezia that Pinwheel was there- PINWHEEL!- He quickly scoops her up and is hugging her
[Pinwheel] Is very much awake now- Splendy no!  No!  No!  No!- Each no is punctuated with a bite
[Karla] Is understandably startled- You probably should not- Oh GODS!
[Splender] Just happily snuggles Pinwheel as she hisses-
[Ringleader] Runs in- Splendy not so fast!
[Karla] Do you need medical attention?! You should put her down!
[Splendy] - Hm?  Oh!  Hello!
[Karla] Composes herself - She's a rather sensitive creature, you shouldn't grab her like that.
[Splender] Laughs a little- Oh don't worry, I do this all the time!
[Pinwheel] - Splendy down!
[Splender] - Oh alright...  What happened to your scales?
[Karla] The little one ran away and got caught in the rain...
[Splender] - Oh Pinwheel...  Why didn't you go home?
[Pinwheel] Huffs-
[Karla] She had a disagreement with her friend Crim. Children get overwhelmed sometimes. It's hard being young.
[Splender] - Yes, I was there when it started, I unfortunately got called away for some business, but I trust she and Crim have made up and that's good
[Ringleader] - Awwww, she's gotten so much bigger the last time I saw you
[Karla] Yes, well enough. I don't believe we've met? I'm Dr. Karla Emmerich. Currently Lie's houseguest.
[Splender] - I'm Splenderman!  And this is my proxie Ringleader!  And this- He turns towards empty space and freezes
[Ringleader] - Yeah this is why I was yelling at you not to go so fast, I have no idea where your brother is
[Karla] Nice to meet you both... Brother?
[Ringleader] - Sexualoffenderman...  Should I go out and look for him sir?
[Splender] A bit ashamed- Yes please
[Karla] With a name like that he sounds like Hell on wheels.
[Ringleader] - Just don't take any roses and you'll be fine
[Karla] Laughs lightly - My playmate is more likely to come with a whip in his teeth and a pleading expression then flowers. Thank you for the warning though.
[Ringleader] Heads out to find Offender-
[Splender] Turns towards Pinwheel- Have you been a good girl while I've been gone?
[Pinwheel] - Don't care
[Karla] She's been calm and happy for the few hours we've spent together.
[Splender] - Wonderful!  Little biting?
[Karla] Just once, but I'm over it.
[Splender] - Oh dear, you didn't hit respawn did you?
[Karla] No, she'd spent her venom on the mobs. It's fine.
[Splender] - Oh dear, still, I'm sorry...
[Offender] Teleports in behind Splendy- There you are, ah, and the biting fuzzball
[Karla] Is this the aformentioned brother? I can see the resemblance in height.
[Splender] - Ah!  Yes!  Offender, this is Karla!  This is my brother Offender!
[Offender] - You can just call me Smexy
[Karla] Chuckles lightly- I like it! And the flasher coat. - She crosses one leg over the other, the light catching the shiny black leather on her feet and hands.
[Offender] His trademark grin spreads across his face- Oh I like her
[Karla] Most men do. Unless they fancy being able to tame me. - She lifts her chin to see him better and her massive chest scar and cleavage are easily visible from above.
[Pinwheel] - Hungry!
[Karla] Endrea left you some bottles. Give me a moment. - She gets up and brushes past Offender to open a trunk and retrieve the bottle of void energy-
[Offender] Lets a couple of his tendrils curl out only to have Pinwheel bite them- Ow!  Stop that fang face!
[Karla] How interesting... - She brings Pinwheel the bottle and tips it so she can drink from it.
[Pinwheel] Lets go of Offender to eat-
[Offender] - Yeah, slender beings like my little bro here and I all have tendrils
[Karla] I believe I've met your... oldest brother? Cp and I had a bit of fun, and he was kind enough to clean up after our mayhem. - across the room the Wunderwaffe seems to wake up and makes a few small happy electrical noises from the bed it's resting on.
[Offender] Chuckles again- Oh yah, that.  He griped a little bit, but that was more for show than anything else, he was almost playful when he got back
[Karla] That's an amusing thought in and of itself... - she tips the bottle a bit more, it's nearly empty. -Good Pinwheel. Get big and strong.
[Splender] - Doc said I could possibly ride her when she's full grown!
[Pinwheel] - No
[Karla] Diplomatically- I think that will take a lot more good parenting and patience. A young lady of such caliber doesn't let just... anyone ride her.
-Up in the main room the doors can be heard opening and closing-
[Lie] - Anyone home?
[Karla] Lie! You have company.
[Lie] Comes down into the workroom with CP following- Splender!  Glad to see you again!- She then notices Offender and stiffens
[CP] Begins growling at Offender-
[Karla] Now then Cp, we were just having a nice chat. Why so angry?
[Splender] - CP, you know Offender won't touch you or your mate, he knows how strong that bond is
[Offender] - Besides, your ass is too tiny right now to do anything too
[Karla] Off-handedly- Such things are easily adjusted, but it's innapropriate either way.
[Offender] - Oh I can adjust to fit just about anything, however...- He sniffs the air and turns towards Lie- Oh that smells delicious...  You're pregnant little lady...
[Karla] Indeed. She's the talk of the village. As far as we know, two Herobrines having a child is unprecidented.
[Lie] Is bright red-
[CP] Knowing Offender can hear him- Fuck off!
[Pinwheel] Finishes eating and licks her lips- I go find Cri now
[Karla] Are you sure Pinwheel? I could just try calling over the... chat? And see if anyone has seen him.
[Pinwheel] - Mmmmmmmm
[Karla] I think that might almost be a yes- She types a little and then waits for the words to come back-
[Buff] Over chat- I saw him out in the desert by the shrine miss. Only a little while ago.
[Karla] See? That was easy enough.
[Pinwheel] Takes off running-
[Splender] - Ah!  Pinwheel that was rude!
[Karla] She's just eagar to play with her friend some more. Her first friend. I wonder if I might be her second with time?
[Splender] Excitedly- Oh I hope so!
[Offender] - Calm down bro, your getting ahead of yourself again
[Lie] - I...  I think I'm going to go start on dinner...
[CP] Concerned mew-
[Splender] - Oh!  We should leave you to that then, don't want to be rude...
[Offender] - I like food
[Splender] - Come on, let's go brother, we'll get some food from Doc!- He starts pushing his brother out the door
[Karla] Watches them go with a little wave- Nice meeting you both.
[Lie] Lets out a very shaky breath and her body starts trembling a little-
[Karla] I take it 'smexy's' given name is not merely for show? You seem very upset Lie.
[Lie] - There...  There's some history...- She turns and removes her collar, her now very naked husband pulling her in close and smoothing her hair
[CP] - Shhh, it's alright...  I won't let him do anything
[Karla] Shamelessly takes a look at Cp's equiptment and makes the faintest snort before smiling.
[CP] Snarls at Karla a little-
[Lie] - I just...  He was in our home
[Karla] No shame Cp, it's a generous peg for what I imagine is a small square hole that's usually happy to invite it in. And he seemed well-contained by his more amiable sibling.
[CP] - He's lazy, that's what, but he terrifies Lie, and for good reason...
[Karla] I'm guessing he prefers his sexual partners to be random and unwilling?
[CP] - He doesn't care what they are, willing or unwilling, old or young, human or not
[Karla] Hence the name. Anyone would have every right to be terrified.
[CP] Glances down at Lie, as if asking her permission and she nods a little- He never actually attacked her, but she witnessed him taking a victim, we think that may be what led Insanity to choosing her as a suitable mate...
[Karla] That explains a lot, you're decently well matched but it still seemed a random choice for something fated.
[CP] Shrugs a little as Lies shaking starts to die down- Either way, she's mine
[Karla] And you are her's. I think that's just as important. From everything I've heard she's been quite a good influence on you.
[CP] - Whatever, I need to get dressed, Lie, are you okay now?
[Lie] - Yeah, I should be fine now...
[CP] Nods and teleports to their room to get dressed-
[Steve] Is whistling cheerfully as he makes steaks in a furnace by the water-
[TLOT] Is making a fish stew on top of the same furnace - I could use maybe... Two more?
-There's a commotion in the water as the golden dragon breaches and goes chasing after a fish-
[Yaunfen] is doing a little dance for Deerheart. Xe has a sprig of smoke berries in one hand and is trailing the particle effects everywhere.
[Deer] Smiles happily and is encouraging Yaunfen-
[Splender] Is approaching with Offender and Ringleader-
[TLOT] Signals to Doc-
[Doc] Surfaces with a fish in hir mouth and makes for the shore with just the top of hir head and mane showing.
[Yaunfen] Does a couple of graceful leaps and then stumbles a bit, breaking a rough stone block to nothing with their feet- whoops!
[Splender] - Are you okay Yaunfen?
[Deer] Goes to help Yaunfen up
[Yaunfen] Yeah- the smoke berries fell on the ground and some of them squished, making a bit of ground fog- two feet are just harder then four. Pfft!
[Splender] Laughs- This is true!
[Doc] Rises up like a sea monster from the water and tosses TLOT the fish- did you find Pinwheel?
[Splender] - Oh yes! She was at Lies place!
[Ringleader] Looking at Yaunfen- Awww, you've grown so much too!
[Yaunfen] Blinks at her for a moment- I know you... I think? - tiny tail swish-
[Doc] You were pretty little when you met her. This is Ringleader, Splender's proxy.
[Ringleader] - You had just learned how to say Mada when I last saw you
[Yaunfen] Really?
[Doc] Leans down and gives them a little bump with hir snoot- You were super cute then and you still are.
[Yaunfen] Yee! Mada. - smiles-
[Steve] Foods done. Anybody hungry?
[Offender] - Oh hell yes!
[Steve] Looks slightly unnerved by Offender but gamely starts passing out steak and warm bread and bowls of fish chowder.
[Doc] Shifts down to join them. It's a lovely day and a few touchies are buzzing lazily in the garden.
[Offender] Takes the food offered and swallows it in one go-
[Splender] - Of thank you Steve
[Yaunfen] Pulls out a full block of end sponge cake and starts nomming happily-
[Steve] shaky- There's more....
[TLOT] Passes a roast chicken and a baked potato from his inventory to Offender. His expression changes slightly as he brushes the Slenders hand-
[Offender] - Cool
[Splender] - Brother, don't eat all of their food!
[Doc] It's okay Splender, I can access creative easily. So we've always got plenty of basic meat and vegetable stuff.
[TLOT] Tilts his head slightly before addressing Offender- Your mind is quiet.
[Splender] - Yes, but you've seen my innards, his are the same
[Offender] - My mind is what?
[TLOT] It's quiet, clear almost. When Cp punched Lj and he retreated into his box, who found it?
[Doc] Is listening intently because of TLOT's tone-
[Offender] - I did, why?
[TLOT] You touched it, didn't you?
[Steve] You mean he's...?
[Offender] - Well yeah, how else was I supposed to get his box home
[Ringleader] - I'm confused...
[TLOT] Yes. He's clean.
[Doc] Okay, I feel about 1000% better hearing that.
[Yaunfen] You don't have the crazy lady!
[Steve] Wow!
[TLOT] Your Insanity was purged the moment you touched it. I understand that Slender beings aren't as controlled by her as normal creepypastas, but it still makes a difference.
[Offender] - Eh, never heard from her much anyways
[Doc] Well if someone has godlike powers it's always good to know they won't suddenly go bananas because someone looked at them funny. I adopted a dragon form partly because I wanted one and partly because I needed to be big in order to subdue Cp whenever he got out of hand. I spent a lot of time with him actively on fire in my coils while I tried to talk him down.
[Offender] Laughs at the mental image-
[Doc] Had to sit on him a few times too. And thankfully TLOT can use his powers to pin people in place.
[Offender] - Eh, everyone has their tricks
[Steve] Glances at his feet and smiles very slightly-
[Yaunfen] I can be heavy! Mama and I have been practicing. - so proud-
[Doc] Heavy?
[Deer] Sputters- Yaunfen! That was going to be a surprise!
[Yaunfen] But I can kinda do it! ... Sorry mama.
[Doc] What's this all about?
[Deer] Sighs- We've been practicing Yaunfen's powers on the candy seed and were going to surprise you with them once they got good
[Yaunfen] I can be stubborn as fuck! Just like Big Fire!
[Doc] Why does that worry me?
[Splender] - Yaunfen, that's not a nice word
[Doc] But it was one of the first they learned. So it's okay.
[Splender] - If you say so...
[Yaunfen] Moves a little bit away and shapeshifts back to a dragon. They're decently large and pad over to Splender- Try and move me! I'm like bedrock!
[Splender] - Okay!- He stands and proceeds to try and lift Yaunfen
[Yaunfen] Streches a little in the middle like a sleepy cat but the feet stay firmly on the ground. - That tickles!
[Offender] Grins a little, a tendril slinking along the ground-
[Splender] Keeps trying-
[Yaunfen] Is being shoved around a little but not moved. The dirt under them is looking a bit crumbly. - hehehe!
[Offender] Suddenly tickled both Yaunfen and Splender-
[Splender] Shrieks in laughter and let's go of Yaunfen- Brother!
[Yaunfen] Goes suddenly down so they're standing with one foot each in a one block hole- whoops! That's cheating! HEHEHHEHE!
[Offender] - Nah, it's called having fun kid
[Yaunfen] Uses their tail tip to tickle Offenders ribs- Sneaky!
[Offender] Retaliated with more tendrils-
[Yaunfen] Rolls over laughing-
[TLOT] Well at least they're playing nice.
[Ringleader] - Yeah, all of them get subdued around Splender
[Steve] He is a really nice guy.
[TLOT] Good neighbor too. - glances in the direction of Mb's house.
[Ringleader] - Is everything alright?
[TLOT] Eh, just a brine with an attitude. He was given to us to save him from being deleted. MasterHerobrine. He's been quieter since we gave him a dragon to raise but he still likes to fight. Reminds me of Cp now and again.
[Ringleader] - I see...
[Splender] Finally gets enough tendrils out to tickle Offender back-
[Yaunfen] Is pouncing and playing and acidently drops a tablet from their inventory.
[Ringleader] - Hm? What's this?- She picks up the tablet
[Doc] Is too fixated on Yaunfen playing to notice.
[TLOT] Looks at her- that? It looks like a painting maybe? Try putting it on a flat surface.
[Ringleader] Looks around before approaching the wall of the castle and pressing the tablet there-
-The image springs up. It's a healed zombie pig woman. She's lovely and dressed like a tribal princess. Behind her are images of dinosaurs. She seems to be almost pleading, reaching out with one hand from the picture. -
[TLOT] Goes absolutely white and still - I... remember... Zaya... oh gods...
[Steve] Runs to him- what is it???
[Yaunfen] Stops playing - oh no! TLOT?
[Doc] Comes to look as well- What's wrong???
[TLOT] Starts to cry and wipes his tears on his cloak edge-
[Steve] I don't understand.. OH GODS. - He's seeing the memory in TLOT's mind-
[TLOT] How could I forget...?
[Splender] He and Offender stop playing- No, don't cry, sadness doesn't taste good...
[Yaunfen] Don't cry TLOT.
[Doc] What happened? Who is she?
[TLOT] I... need to sit down... - He takes a few steps away and flops on a stair block, shaking his head-
[Steve] Is still reeling-
[Doc] Dammit, of all the times not to have some of Lie's flowers.
[Splender] - I could go get some
[Yaunfen] Scrabbles at the picture, taking it down and putting it away. -I'm sorry!
[Doc] If you want, it might help-
[Splender] Teleports away-
[Ringleader] - No, I'm sorry, I put it up...
[Deer] - TLOT, what's wrong?
[TLOT] It's so vivid... At least parts of it. She was.. someone important? My NOTCH... Revenge, he destroyed her in front of me...
[Steve] Yaunfen! Where did you get that?
[Yaunfen] I found it! I sifted it out of gravel! And fixed it with the anal-lyser.
[Doc] Where did the gravel come from?
[Yaunfen] Notch gave it to me.
[Doc] You mean Markus, right?
[Yaunfen] Uh-huh!
[Doc] How in the world...?
[Deer] - The leak... The mods from TLOT's seed are leaking into the others...
[Doc] So... we have artifacts now?
[Deer] - Maybe?
[TLOT] Mutters- There was a man there too... with a face like a.. wolf?
[CP] Teleports in with Lie-
[Lie] - TLOT?
[Yaunfen] I've found all kinds of stuff....
[TLOT] Is still shaken and teary-
[Steve] He suddenly remembered part of something terrible our NOTCH did....
[Lie] Nods in understanding before spawning calming blossoms-
[TLOT] Makes eye contact with Cp, and in that moment he also sees the memory. The woman standing firm and defiant despite being weaponless and being suddenly cut down by the misty form of TLOT's NOTCH. Her screams are terrible and his overwhelming fear and anger in that moment is sour and consuming.
[CP] Growls, the memory reminding him off what happened to his mobs-
[TLOT] Swallows hard. Reaching down to tangle his fingers in Lie's calming flowers-
[Steve] Wraps his arms around his husband as if to protect him-
[Doc] His NOTCH has such a long shadow... even dead...
[Lie] - Then we simply need to be brighter
[Doc] Adds hir arms to the hug- It's okay... it's over.
[TLOT] I need to know. Somehow... what happened... This hole in my mind is maddening sometimes.
[Yaunfen] Slinks over, laying their snout against his shoe-
[Splender] Teleported back and gives a burst of happy energy-
[TLOT] Lets it roll over him like cool water, and sighs, calming down.
[TLOT] Thank you... Sorry to bring everyone down. And Yaunfen, I'm not mad, but you need to let me know if you find anything else.
[Doc] Burst of guilt and a guarded expression-
[Lie] - It's okay, that's what we're here for- She's a bit nervous being so close to Offender
[Doc] Moves back a little-
[Deer] - Doc?
[Doc] Yes?
[Yaunfen] Also looks guilty
[CP] - The fuck is wrong with you?
[TLOT] Looks at them as well with narrowed eyes- What do you have?
[Doc] It's nothing!
[CP] - Doc you are surrounded by psychics
[Doc] quiet- fuck...
[Yaunfen] Mada cussed.
[CP] - Is there something you want to share?
[Doc] Not really?
[CP] Teleports behind Doc and grabs them- What is it?
[Lie] - CP...
[Doc] YIKES! Not so hard!
[TLOT] Doc what. do. you. have?
[Doc] Eh... I kinda.. found a tablet too....
[CP] - Show us
[TLOT] resigned- Let me see it.
[Doc] Fine... you won't like it though. - Xe pulls out the tablet and holds it out as much as xe can for TLOT to take.
[TLOT] He puts it against the castle wall and gasps-
-The painting is much bigger and shows a silhouette with glowing eyes and the shape of his own helm standing small at the apex of a giant pile of human bones and corpses. Behind him is the shadowy form of his NOTCH looming menacingly with his titanic head in the clouds. -
[CP] - Shit...
[TLOT] I....
[Doc] I hid it because I didn't want you to be upset...
[Steve] All my brothers...
[Lie] - Oh TLOT...
[TLOT] So quietly- I just.. didn't want to be alone...
[Yaunfen] But you didn't hurt them! It's not your fault!
[Doc] We understand TLOT... Loneliness can drive one mad... Mine almost killed me.
[CP]  - We've all been there
[TLOT] Its the not knowing that makes it even worse...
[Lie] - But at least you can remember.  It may take time, but I'm certain you will
[Doc] if the evidence exists maybe we should be looking for it? Cp... Where is all the dirt you removed to make the cage? If it's boxed it would likely have been sitting at ground zero of the leak for quite some time.
[CP] - I don't remember
[Lie] - Wouldn't the block under the seed be ground zero?  It's been in direct contact with the seed for a longer amount of time
[Doc] Yes... But sifting destroys the blocks. I was trying not to use anything that would be missed. I didn't want to tear up the floor in Cps build either. And speaking of Cp, can you put me down please?
[CP] Drops Doc- I can look for the blocks...
[Lie] - But I may have used them to fill in places...
[Doc] ow... That would be helpful.  I Don't want to make a giant hole someplace taking too many blocks away.
[Lie] - If there are still any they would be in my store room
[Yaunfen] We're gonna sift stuff? That's a good way to find treasures!
[Lie] - We could head over now?
[Doc] TLOT? Are you going to be okay?
[TLOT] I'll live. I'm going to stay here though.
[Steve] Me too.
[CP] Goes to pick Lie up again-
[Doc] Deerheart my love? It looks like we're going to go play in the dirt for a bit. Wish us luck.
[Deer] - Good luck
[Doc] checks on Offender and Ringleader and Splender- Splender? Are you okay? Maybe show Offender around the seed a bit?
[Splender] - Sure!
[Doc] Take him to the library for sure. I think he'd get a kick out of the second floor in particular...
[Splender] - Second floor?
[Ringleader] - Come on Splendy, let's go
[Yaunfen] That's where all the books for tall people are!
[Steve] They mean adults...
[Yaunfen] That's what I said! Tall people. And Splender is a super adult because he's so tall.
[Splender] - Awwww, You are so adorable Yaunfen
[Doc] What about Gk? Hes old but short.
[Yaunfen] grimaces-I've seen him eat a booger. He's not an adult.
[Offender] - What about me?  I'm shorter then Splendy
[Yaunfen] Gives him a calculating look- mmmm tall enough.
[Splender] Laughs-
[CP] Just starts walking off with Lie-
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5millionfriends · 8 years
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THIS MAKES ME LAUGH ALL THE TIME • • • #creepypasta #crapypasta #slenderman #jef...https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14134547_1077209238999087_1589231985_n.jpg
THIS MAKES ME LAUGH ALL THE TIME • • • #creepypasta #crapypasta #slenderman #jeffthekiller #eyelessjack #janethekiller #BENdrowned #bendrowned #russiansleepexperiment #ticcitoby #sally #smiledog #smiledogjpg #masky #hoodie #slendermansproxy #nurseanne #ninathekiller #cherrypau #lui #clockwork #janathekiller #sallywilliams #splendorman #sexualoffenderman #abandonedbydisney (/^▽^)/
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fearofaherobrine · 8 years
Roleplay Server Log #152
"Ninja Plant,Smiles Power, Lie vs SexualOffenderman, Wake Up...”
-The next day-
[Doc] Is playing in the lab with some kind of plant and there's a small explosion that sends a greyish cloud billowing out of the door at the top of the steps.
[Grinny] Smells the smoke but is still mostly wrapped up and thus decides to ignore it-
[LH] Flops over in his sleep and licks Grinnys face.
[Grinny] Hisses and scratches at LH-
[Deer] Catches a whiff of the smoke and opens the door to the lab- Doc?  Is everything okay?
[Doc] Coughing- Yeah! I'm good!
[Deer] Descends the stairs, covering her nose and mouth with her vest- Are you sure?
[Doc] Yeah, I just overdid it a bit... - more hacking-
[Deer] Reaches Doc and sees the plant- Are you trying your hand at Lie's abilities?
[Doc] Kinda... I built it from scratch, raw pixels like TLOT does. -The plant is a skinny curling vine with glossy black berries. It's emitting a bit of purplish bedrock fog.
[Deer] - Is this what TLOT meant by smoke yesterday?
[Doc] Yeeeah... I kinda copied the Gastly in the same way as the mob head I made of Cp's face once. The berries are literally pokemon ghost pixels.
[Deer] - Oh...  Okay...  And is this a just for fun experiment?
[Doc] Pretty much. I was uh... - blushes- Reading ninja junk on the internet....
[Deer] - Ninja?
[Doc] They're a type of peasant warrior, they're really sneaky. The berries aren't meant to be eaten, they're smoke bombs.
[Deer] - Smoke bomb?
[Doc] You throw it down and it makes a big cloud and while the other person is coughing and can't see, you run away. Or you, know. Stab them.
[Deer] - Interesting...  Somehow I don't think we should let CP get a hold of these...
[Doc] Well it's not like he can't drop someone instantly by commanding them to sleep, or just teleport away. Besides, I like the way they look, they could use Lie's special touch. Then I can get seeds. They might look nice growing on the garden side of the castle.
[Deer] - Should I call her over?
[Doc] If you want. I thought it might come in handy with the pastas too. Even a slender being has to breathe. It's always good to have a last resort.
[Deer] - I'll send a quick message to Lie then- She sends off a quick burst through chat asking Lie to come over
[Doc] Remind her she can just tp over.
[Deer] - She said she was already on her way because she wanted to speak with TLOT about something, so she'll be here soon anyways
[Lie] After a few moments Lie can be heard coming down the stairs with somebody else and she and Stevie come into sight- Hey, you wanted to see me?
[Doc] Yeah I have something to show you. - Indicates the plant- smoke berries
[Lie] - Oh that is interesting, what is it?
[Stevie] Runs over to Idolus' tank- Fishy!
[Doc] You know what a ninja is right? They're little smoke bombs.
[Lie] - Oh that is interesting, what do you need from me?
[Doc] I just wanted you to give it a little coaxing in the usual way so I can get some seeds, and I thought you might like a copy for your greenhouse. The bedrock fog that's constantly swirling around them makes a nice spooky ambience.
[Lie] - No problem- She cups a small part of the plant and focus' her own power on it
[Doc] If you want to use one for a distraction you just smush a berry in your hand or throw it down. I crushed a bunch, that's why it's smoky in here.
[Stevie] Taps at the glass-
[Idolus] swims over and makes a weird groaning noise while eyeballing Stevie.
[Doc] Don't eat them though, I think it might make some killer gas.
[Stevie] Giggles before looking at Doc, Lie, and Deer- Where's other Steve?
[TLOT] Comes around the corner. - Hiding from the mess Doc made.
[Doc] Hey!
[TLOT] I'm just playing. He's decorating the rooms around the underwater garden.
[Lie] - Got it- She pulls her hand back and has a small bundle of smokey little seeds-
[Doc] Copies them from her hand- Perfect. Thank you
[Stevie] - Brother said to go ask him to take me mining!
[Lie] - Oh, TLOT, there was something I wanted to talk to you about...
[TLOT] Oh, okay. I'll ask him - goes quiet for a moment. - All right. He's coming up. Hmm? What is it Lie?
[Lie] - Uh, well, it has to do with the shared dream planes...
[TLOT] Is all ears- what about them?
[Steve] Hey Stevie! - Opens his arms for a hug-
[Stevie] - Other Steve!- Runs over into his arms
[Steve] Swings him around a bit and puts him down. - You wanted to go mining?
[Lie] - Well, you see we...  Haven't entered it the past two times we've fallen asleep...
[Stevie] - Uh huh!  And brother told me to ask you!
[TLOT] That's not good. Do you feel like you're out of sych somehow?
[Steve] eyebrow- I'm sure he did. Oh well. I'm happy to take you, but first I have to give Doc something.
[Doc] Is it.. done?
[Lie] - I don't know, the first time we were at the pasta manor so I figured it was stress, but it didn't happen last night either...
[Steve] Yeah, here. I don't have the cubes to talk to him, but I made it nice. - passes over a small book.
[Doc] Thank you Steve. Have fun with Stevie. You guys be safe.
[Steve] I will - he's already making a new pick for Stevie on the table by the wall
[Stevie] Watching closely-
[TLOT] Growls - do you think something got between you two that's blocking it?
[Steve] Okay, lets go! - Leads back down the way he came. - There's a long skinny tunnel down to the ship and I know there's a lava room with some gold already exposed.
[Lie] - I don't know...  CP said we're still entering our dream plane because he gets there and he finds me, but every time he's found me I've already been asleep...
[Stevie] - Okay!-  Follows Steve, taking his hand
[TLOT] Cp is actually the one that's good with dreams. Can he bring people from one persons dream into another?
[Lie] - I don't know, but I could ask...- She sends a quick mental burst and he's quick to respond- He says he can't, but Smile can
[Doc] And Smile is at the manor... great....
[Lie] - CP could probably just pop over and get him
[Doc] Jeff will have a fit if Cp just steals his dog.
[TLOT] I would too!
[Lie] - True...  Hmmm...
-There's a sudden opening and Splender's familiar form can be seen on the other side, there's plenty of yelling on the other side-
[Splender] - Ah, perfect, you're right here Doc
[Doc] Leaps and accidentally knocks a berry off the vine, the room is filled briefly with smoke-
[Splender] Coughs a little- Oh dear...  Are you okay!?
[Doc] I'm fine!
[TLOT] Oh fuck.
[Doc] Nothing as heinous as what you just did to my ears.
[Splender] - Jeff, calm down please
[Jeff] - FUCK NO!
[TLOT] whats the matter with the dog?
[Smile] Happily trots through, tail wagging-
[TLOT] He looks fine to me
[Jeff] - Weird shit just came up saying he learned Tackle!?  What the fuck is that!?
[Doc] Bursts out laughing, - he what?!
[Splender] - Some odd words came up over Smile saying he learned Tackle
[Deer] - Oh, I think Silver mentioned something about pokemon learning moves?  And something about one called Tackle?
[Doc] It's a really basic move. Oh good grief. It's nothing Jeff. But it does mean you can tell him to use that move and he'll be much stronger when attacking in that way.
[Jeff] - He already nearly knocks Slender down without it!
[Doc] Snorts at the hilarity of that thought - So? He'll scatter the SCP like bowling pins. I'd think you'd be happy.
[Smile] Barks loudly-
[Grinny] Perks up at hearing Smile-
[Doc] Jeff..... we needed to talk to Smile anyway. Could you just take a walk? Cool down. Go see your brothers new house or something.
[Jeff] - New house!?  Oh for fucks sake!- Just storms off
[Splender] - Well you guys have fun!- He closes the hole
[Smile] Happily looks at everyone there-
[Doc] Well, I'd ask how you are but I can't understand you directly - Pats Smile in a friendly way.
[Smile] Licks Doc's hand -
[Doc] Is grossed out but smiles anyway - good dog.
[TLOT] Types - Cp? Smile is here, can you come talk to him?
[CP] Groans- Fiiiiiiiiine
[CP] TP's down to the lab-  What?
[TLOT] Lie tells me you two are having trouble connecting in your dreamstate. I was thinking Smile could get me in so I can try and help.
[CP] - The only thing about Smile entering dreams is that you will have had to have fallen asleep naturally, I can't force you into sleep
[TLOT] That's easy, I'm practically part cat. I can nap anywhere.
[CP] - Yeah well me not so much
[TLOT] I bet I can make you sleepy. - Pulls out a big sprig of catnip
[CP] Quickly backs away-
[Doc] Is making three beds and lays them out.
[TLOT] What? I thought you wanted help? I know Lie does.
[CP] - But does it have to be now!?
[TLOT] everyone we need is here
[Doc] Stares at one of the beds for a long moment and then adds another bed to the end of it. - That's better
[CP] - Oh shut it!
[Lie] - Come on CP, please?
[Doc] What? You're super tall.
[TLOT] Flops on one of the beds and turns into a big yellow cat. He does some treading and lays down in a ball.
[CP] Grumbles but let's Lie lead him to a bed where they curl up together-
[Smile] Sits at the foot of the beds panting-
[Lie] Closes her eyes, focusing on sleeping-
[TLOT] Pulls out the catnip sprig and lazily waves it near Cp.
[CP] Flips TLOT off-
[TLOT] Take a big whiff of the stuff himself and begins purring loudly.
[CP] Curls around Lie and closes his eyes-
[TLOT] Looks at Smile - please don't leave me alone in there for more then a few minutes. It's dangerous to do this without Steve.
[Smile] Barks a little in response-
[TLOT] Thank you.
[Lie] She eventually falls asleep and CP follows quickly-
[TLOT] Feels them slowing down and falls asleep as well. He looks around with dismay and sighs wearily. The desert is much the same as it was before. Thought the oasis has grown quite a bit. Oddly a few of the plants look like some of Lies. He trudges over to the little pond, his bare feet leaving a scuffling trail in the sand and looks in the water. His reflection stares back, looking oddly naked without his usual armor.
[Smile] Goes eerily still out in the real world as he enters TLOT's dream realm.  He trots around a bit before entering the oasis-
[TLOT] Is waiting by the pond. - Hello Smile. Sorry I don't have much to provide in the way of hospitality. My mind is rather barren without my beloved.
[Smile] - What are you talking about!  There's lots of places to pee!
[TLOT] I didn't really think about it that way. But we should still go, it's not safe here.
[Smile] - Okay!- He grabs the edge of TLOT's pants with his teeth before dragging him into CP and Lie's dream realm.  The large volcano in the center is calm, but the forest surrounding it seems a little agitated
[Smile] Let's go of TLOT's pants and starts sniffing everything-
[TLOT] Whoah.... - looks around at the expanse of ocean and then back at the island.
[Smile] - So many pee places!
[TLOT] Rolls his eyes a bit, thankfully no one could tell.
[CP] Comes out of the forest- Oh, well there you are...
[TLOT] Just got here. Where's Lie?
[CP] - Don't know, that's another problem these past few days, she shows up in random spots instead of our shelter
[TLOT] I'll help you look. I can usually sniff her out. - Starts casting around
[CP] - Let's hurry
[TLOT] Picks up a whiff and heads straight into the woods.
[CP] Follows with Smile-
[TLOT] Finds Lie laying in a flattened patch of grass, she's right on the edge where the forest ends and the black rock of the volcano begins.
[Lie] Is completely asleep-
[Smile] Sniffs the air- I smell fear
[TLOT] I wonder if she's having a nightmare. Why haven't you just commanded her to wake up?
[CP] - I tried...  It won't get through.  I've only seen that happen when somebody is having a night terror, but she doesn't show any external signs of it.  I've also tried to get in, same thing and same reason
[TLOT] Maybe I can see what's going on. - He sits down next to her and focuses his mind to try and slip into her thoughts.
-Lie's thoughts are scrambled and covered by fear-
[TLOT] It's mostly nonsense but she's terrified of something.
[CP] - Damnit, what could it be?
[Smile] - I could go in!  I could go in!
[TLOT] Please. I'm not having much luck.
[Smile] Once again goes eerily still but pulls CP and TLOT with him-
-Lie is crouched in terror, whispers of voices surrounding her, and flashes of an old memory around her-
[CP] - Lie!
[TLOT] Excercises some of the old powers he used to use when fear was his only way back into the world. He swells monstrously, his shirt streching tight across his chest. He's taller and broader then Cp in this shape and snarls as he claws out at the velvet darkness with the white flames that wreath his shoulders.
[CP] Rushes for his mate who jumps in surprise as her mates arms are wrapped around her.  She struggles, thinking that she's in danger-
[TLOT] Is glowing so brightly they're standing in a pool of his light.
[Lie] Is near sobbing from fear-
[CP] - Hey, easy, it's okay....  It's just me- He tries brushing her hair out of her face
[TLOT] Is just trying to protect them now, drowning out the whispers with his growling.
-There's a distinct voice in the whispers, a female voice-
[Smile] Perks at the voice-  It's her!  It's her!
[TLOT] Howls, also recognizing the sound. His hunting howl echos horribly in the undefined space.
[Lie] Nearly screams at the sound and CP has to tighten his grip around her-
[CP] - Damn it, we need to try something different!
[TLOT] Makes an aggravated face. - I feel like things are touching my skin!
[CP] - Well she does hate being touched...
[TLOT] Swipes around them angrily, he's trying to push back the darkness.
[CP] Stomps the ground, creating a bit of lava around them to help light things-
[Lie] Her mind is starting to grasp the situation and she recognizes CP and shifts so she's sobbing in fear into his shirt-
[CP] - There you go, it's okay, I'm here
[TLOT] Shrinks back down to his normal shape, he's decently pissed off but trying not to scare Lie anymore then she already is.
[Smile] Pees on the darkness-
[TLOT] Hears the noise and stares at him. - Good dog.
[Lie] - CP...
[CP] - I'm right here, you're safe
[TLOT] I'd ask where we are, but the answer is probably; nowhere.
[Smile] Scratches himself- Bad dreams live deep in heads
[TLOT] Is there a way to get rid of all this?
[Smile] - Waking up
[CP] - And dealing with the cause
[TLOT] But how do we figure out what that is? This is all just darkness and whispers.
[Lie] Whimpers and a memory becomes a bit more distinct.  It's her as a young human with brown hair with her mother and there's an alley-
[CP] - Oh you have got to be kidding me...  It must have surfaced while she was at the manor...
[TLOT] She got near Offender?
[CP] - At the same table close, but no closer than that
[TLOT] For a Slender being, I'd say that's close enough. And confronting him here is safe. Lie I think it's time to tell Offender off. You're not a helpless little kid anymore. Give his dream version a taste of your powers. Stuff a pine tree up his ass, make me proud.
[Lie] Whines and presses in closer to CP, she's still shaking and there's still tears falling from her eyes-
[CP] - I don't think that will work tonight TLOT...
[TLOT] No, this needs to be tended too. Lie, you respect me, don't you?
[Lie] Whimpers- Just make it stop...  Please, make it go away
[TLOT] Stand away from her Cp. She has to do this herself.
[Lie] - No!- She grips CP a bit tighter
[TLOT] She'll never be free from it if she lays it on you Cp. Step away please.
[CP] - Don't wanna
[TLOT] Then I'm no use to you here.
[CP] - Would you leave your mate if they were in this much terror?  I highly doubt it
[TLOT] I know when people need to handle things on their own. You weren't there for her when it happened.
[CP] He's feeling very conflicted in wanting to protect his mate but knowing this will help her-
[TLOT] Waits patiently.
[CP] Sighs and gently frees his shirt from Lie's grip, she's quick to start pleading him not to leave her alone- Shh, it's okay, I'll be nearby, I won't actually let anything touch you- He kisses her forehead
[TLOT] Stands in front of her, - I know you hate this, but it will wake your powers in this place. - He bites hard into his thumb and smears the blood across her lips, making them cherry red.
[Lie] Flinches away but instinctively licks her lips, her expression showing her immense dislike of the taste-  Please, don't leave me alone again...
[TLOT] I won't leave you alone. But you do need to be more appropriately dressed. - He spawns a full set of diamond armor, already glistening with enchantments and force equipts it on her.
[Lie] Whines in fear-
[CP] Wants to rush right back to her side-
[TLOT] And I'll be right there for you. - He turns sideways and vanishes for a moment in fog before emerging as a pure white steed with diamond armor. There's also a diamond tipped lance with a wicked hook strapped to his saddle. He kneels gracefully so she can just step over his back.
[Lie] Hesitantly Lie slips onto TLOT's back-
[CP] Mutters- That armor isn't strong enough...
[TLOT] In Cp's head - It's only a dream Cp, it's as strong as she believes it is. She needs to carry light into the darkness.
[CP] - Still...  Not strong enough, I do actually own a set that's stronger
[TLOT] You're missing the point I think. Please just let her do this without interfering.
[CP] - ...  That might be asking to much...
[TLOT] Then I'll stop you myself - piles a lot of netherweight around Cp so he can't move.
[Lie] - CP?
[TLOT] Let her be a brine Cp. Not just the wife of one.
[CP] - I hate you so much right now...
[Smile] - I wanna help!  I wanna help!
[TLOT] Come on Lie. We have a damsel to save. See if you can wake up that offensive plant of yours.
[Lie] Closes her eyes and concentrates, from the darkness of the ground the black thorny vines curl up and near TLOT's hooves, a single pod rises up, ripping open and staying by Lie's shoulder-
[TLOT] Take the spear and hold it out straight with your other hand.
[Lie] Fumbles a little as she shakes from fear but manages to grip the spear-
[TLOT] Snorts fiercely and stamps his hooves. Turning the ground under them to white quartz.
[Lie] - TLOT..  I don't think I can do this...
[TLOT] If I didn't believe in you, I wouldn't have offered to take your eyes Lie.
[Lie] - I don't even know what's causing this TLOT, how can I face what I don't know?
[TLOT] It doesn't matter, just plunge your spear into the deepest part of the darkness. I'll carry you forward no matter what.
[Lie] - O...  Okay...
[TLOT] Goes towards the alley, his hooves ringing sharply as the street flips to white blocks underfoot.
-The memory becomes clearer and Lie can see her younger self pause as she hears a noise down the alley.  It's a muffled scream and there's a shadow darting down it, tall and with several tendrils waving behind it.  There's a brief flash of a wicked grin before a woman is lifted up and her clothes beginning to be torn off before Lie's mother tugs her farther along-
[TLOT] Charges forward, hooves flying like iron against the stone- Strike at his rotten heart Lie!
[Lie] Lines up the spear and then shuts her eyes-
[TLOT] Jumps to make sure her aim is true-
[CP] Is fighting against TLOT's nether weight with everything he has-
[TLOT] The horse flies against the Slenderbeing. His hooves crunching bone as they thrash into Offenders skinny legs. The woman falls with a scream and drags herself frantically away as the being topples. The glittering lance piercing his chest and coming out the other side as it's wrenched violently from Lie's grip. Offender shrieks and flails at the weapon, breaking it off in his frenzy. He claws at Lie, but before his fingers can touch her the offensive plant is on him, sprouting extra heads and biting chunks of flesh off in it's fury to protect it's mistress. TLOT turns in rage and stamps on Offender as the plant mauls him, spattering him and Lie both with black blood. He turns from the mess and lifts his head to brush his stubby mane against her chest, - just breathe. It's over.
[Lie] Lets out a chocked sob-
[Smile] Growls a bit at Offender before shitting on him-
[TLOT] Good doggie.
[TLOT] Releases the weight.
[CP] Darts towards Lie who turns and lets herself be pulled into his arms-
[TLOT] Shifts back and the horse armor he's wearing clunks to the ground around him. - Be proud of her. She made the first strike and her plants finished him off.
[Lie] - I just want to wake up...
[TLOT] Then wake up Lie. It's your dream.
[CP] - I'll help, you're calm enough now for me to take control
[Lie] - Thank you...
[TLOT] Pats Smile
[CP] - Wake up
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5millionfriends · 8 years
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Which Creepypasta(s) should I post next? Seriously, I'm asking. Tell me in the c...https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/16464872_372128196491802_6507977572112924672_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQ0NjYwMjM2NzcwMDk1NTQzNA%3D%3D.2
Which Creepypasta(s) should I post next? Seriously, I’m asking. Tell me in the comments below! #creepypasta #splendorman #offendorman #eyelessjack #smiledog #lavendertown #masky #therake #urbanlegend #abandonedbydisney #jeffthekillercreepypasta #laughingjack #red #hoodie #masky #janethekiller #bendrowned #ben #tailsdoll #sonicexe #marioexe #sexualoffenderman #isaacgrossman #herobrine #ticcitoby #tikkitoby #sally #laughingjill #clockwork
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