lordofshitposting · 2 days
In case that anyone (no one) is confused, here are my favourite JJK characters in order (nobody asked):
Getō Suguru ㅡ He's my biggest kinnie. I refuse to go into details because it's going to result in a long rant because it goes too deep. Make of this whatever you will.
Okkotsu Yuta ㅡ I love everything about him. His compassionate and brave nature, his CT, his character design, his story, hell, I even love Rika. Actually, even looking at his name I'm like oh that dude is fire, like yeah, "Okkotsu Yuta", yeah that's a bad bitch
Inumaki Toge ㅡ The way he looked at Yuta in JJK0 when he was blaming himself for his injury was so gentle and reassuring, and right after they're done with the fight we see him watering the flowers?? I love how he's so calm and kind all the time, I love the silly and cute side of him because he's so goofy. And of course, he's handsome, damn. He's sweetheart, my love.
Gojō Satoru ㅡ He was born with a burden only he could possibly carry, so there was always a wall between him and others emotionally; he didn't understand them, and they never really understood him. After Getō left he matured and saw how flawed the order of Jujutsu society actually is, and dedicated himself to changing it, so that no one had to carry the burden of strength alone and no child had their childhood stolen from them like his was. He's magnificent in every way, his humour, his strength, his dedication to the future of his students. But then in ch261 he tells Getō how he tried to make his students understand him thorough his love and humour but they just couldn't; there was a gap is responsibility between them they couldn't comprehend. The truth is, I never saw it that way. Which shows that even we can't fully grasp hid emotions. We paradoxiacally think we understand him but in reality we don't, so big is his burden.
Kamo Choso ㅡ I started liking him in Shibuya. From the way he spoke to Yuji when fighting, when he asked him if his brothers had any last words, from the way he looked at his hands confused and defeated when he realized he can't use his CT for some reason, one sees how gentle he is. His heart holds on everyone close to him dearly, it's in his nature to love and to protect. I love his character design like this dude wakes up every morning and ties his hair up in 2 buns. Even that shows that he's so sweet to me idk. And he's so effortlessly FUNNY, I adore that.
Hajime Kashimo ㅡ Meh, there's nothing striking about his character. The first thing that catched my attention about was his character design which is spectacular, my favourite in the entirety of Jujutsu Kaisen. I wish I were male just so I could steal it, like, so big is my admiration for it. Other than that, I love his passion and craziness, and how cute he is. His definitely not a big-brainer but he's so pookie ♡
Tsukumo Yuki ㅡ I think she's very underrated, and her research on the soul is way bigger than people realize; I actually believe that breaking away from cursed energy is the road that society should take. A part of her that is not talked about is her fierce personality and determination. Also, she's so cool, going around and asking people what they're type is like it would tell a lot about them as people to her. She definitely has a unique way of perceiving people and it's part of her charm. Also, the impact she has on people is really underrated. Take Todo as an example, and of course, Geto. Now, I'm not the typa guy to blame his downfall on her, but they're conversation did influence him to a certain degree.
(And so I realise that I'm actually horrible at describing people's personalities. You guys will definitely not understand how I see them but whatever)
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stellar-skyy · 7 months
in my 'no one appreciates them like i do' era with kujou sara
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oreo102 · 24 days
See I think yaz and ruby meeting would be beautifully chaotic.
Yaz would show her a picture of 13 and Ruby would contemplate every single decision that lead her to having a crush on her bestie’s old body (fight me, Ruby would think 13 is hot)
Ruby would casually mention something about the doctor’s past (smth tame) and yaz would stare in barely disguised jealousy
By the end of it they’re besties and Ruby has convinced yaz to meet 15
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laceyagate · 2 months
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tea-earl-grey · 6 months
oh god watching I, Borg after watching all of Voyager and Picard is much more painful actually.
i also don't think it ever really occurred to me how instrumental Beverly was in making the Enterprise crew see Hugh (and the rest of the Borg) as people (also obviously Geordi was too but i guess i just erased Beverly from this episode even though she was the one who literally forced the Enterprise to bring Hugh aboard and not leave him to die). i really wish Beverly got to have a proper scene with Seven in Picard s3 given that she was literally the first person to not just see the Borg as a weaponized object.
also like? i imagine in the gap between tng era and picard era Beverly would have been involved in advocating for xB rights – both legal and medical – and would have reconnected with Hugh and helped him on the Artifact while doing her whole freelance doctors without borders thing. anyways please hire me to write Star Trek novels i have so many good ideas.
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nexo-nex · 4 months
i hope that in this new idw mh comic casta makes any sort of appearance or cameo 😖 i want to see her again after mattel doing jackshit with her in g1
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gmanwhore · 6 months
No she deserves her own post. Shoutout to Judith Mossman who didn't get the job she wanted because some guy had it first and then survived the seven hour war, joined the Resistance and became attached to a man who had lived her dream and who honestly cared about her and she loved him but not enough to stop the incoming dread that the Resistance will fail and the Combine will kill everyone but also never gave up hope in it because Eli never gave up hope in it. Judith Mossman who threw away everything because she wanted comeuppance from something Gordon didn't even know he took. That throughout everything she couldn't remain loyal to one thing but did her best at everything and all she really got for it was...well, not even her own satisfaction. But she got forgiveness. She got forgiveness and she got love and she got to choose. And good for her.
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 8 months
OH MY GOD I COMPLETELY FORGOT MIU EXISTED. You're right she is most likely to roll her eyes out of the V3 cast. And even then I'm like squinting to make it happen. Like I said, I don't really think the V3 cast is that calloused - maybe if they were having a bad day? But honestly they're pretty nice people. Kirumi would have to have a very stressful day of being overworked to do so I feel, and like I said, even then I feel she'd be too polite. Tbh I would love to see Maki cheering up a child now though.... we know how much she cares for kids & how much they supposedly love her so I think more content with her cheering some up would be fun to see! I can't believe I totally forgot Miu existed for a second there though. Wow
To be fair to you I literally sat there and ran through all the characters in death order to try and remember them all. I have to do that every single time or I always end up forgetting somebody (and its usually Tsumugi even though she's one of my favourite characters... girl is too plain for her own good)
I feel like even though Maki says she doesn't like kids she obviously really cares about everyone in her orphanage. Its kind of unfortunate that we don't see a lot of fanworks explore her relationship with kids/the orphanage but I kind of this maki is a bit underrated as a character
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abernthyss · 8 months
are we gonna gloss over the fact that Emma has a new way of getting small???? Like what r we thinking??? Is it tied to her emotions or does her body just need a release of some kind and then intake some kind of new energy???
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Calisto Yew was so cool, honestly. Wish they'd bring her back
#me and my constant melody of 'they should bring this underrated amazing female character back'#everyone's always going on about simon keyes this & simon keyes that like. you all really saw a twink in makeup and lost sight of all else#huh#shih na did it so much better. she was the moment and she was soooo cool. she literally used aa fans' predisposed sympathy towards sad#sister characters against them. gave a performance so convincing she tricked a top prosecutor and detective into working with her for YEARS#turned around and got close enough to a top interpol agent again for YEARS without any of them catching on#and all without using the soft docile saccharine persona most the other deceptive characters use#she was so brilliant and poised and clever i miss her so much#i know they probably executed her but i feel like she could be one of those people who get taken in by the govt and used in their own#secret services and shit. she's good enough for it. also she was so? complex? like she was EXTREMELY good at keeping her personal feelings#out of her professional work but she didnt have that malice or hostility that a lot of these types do. she calls lang an idiot but that#mockery is just who she is. she does that for everyone. it's not personal. and there are times when you can tell that she did like the#people she was with. she admits as much with lang yet she always maintained her distance. because she's a professional. she's just so.#she was brilliant truly. what an amazing woman#i miss her so dearly#calisto yew#shih-na#ace attorney#ace attorney investigations
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parkerpresentz · 1 month
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resolvebound · 2 months
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@quiiscnt im taking the opportunity to do 3 😅 so here's #2/3
Send ⭐ for a sample of a new muse I am thinking of writing // accepting
The shop filled with ‘pre-loved’ wares caught her eye. Her heeled boots clicked distinctly on the pavement as she crossed the street towards it, her reflection in the window growing clearer as she approached. Her red cape fluttered behind her, the vibrant colour popping against the dark dress she wore and the drab structures all around. Standing out from the crowd had never bothered Laki, so it was no matter to her that judging stares followed her as she went. Due to her brisk movement, a section of her lavender fringe shifted across her field of vision, she fixed it with a brush of gloved fingertips as she came to a stop.
A little step closer and her image disappeared from the window, allowing her to peer inside the shop. Various items were arranged in a little scene. A worn armchair sat flanked by an old coffee table that was laden with a delicate tea set. Beside them, a scuffed bookshelf housed a scattering of figurines and other knickknacks, while a few old paintings were propped up against the sides. She scanned her eyes over the contents of the shelf, skipping the well preserved and paired items in the search of, well….something she didn’t know yet. Something delightfully strange. Something odd.
Bending her legs, she slowly eased into a crouch to examine the lower items. Her gaze shifted behind the shelf, further into the shop, and her heart skipped. Immediately, she straightened and headed inside the building. Around chairs, tables, displays and racks, she moved over to another bookshelf holding an assortment of pieces. On the lowest shelf, beneath the matched sets of dolls and glassware…there.
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She reached forward and picked up the wooden figure with care, a smile growing as she traced the unusual features. It was not the same one from her childhood (she still had that one at home of course), yet she recognised this one as being from the same series. The company had released two lines of similar toys, one made of quality porcelain with expertly painted detailing and well-crafted clothes, and one made of wood and cheaper materials. In her younger years, she’d first had the porcelain dolls, as her parents had spared no expense in her toys (or anything in the house for that matter). Until they lost it all of course.
After that, well…she’d considered herself lucky to have anything to play with at all, and had been touched when her father had humbly presented her with the cheap toy one quiet afternoon. She recalled the way he’d almost seemed to be wincing as he held it out to her, his worry apparent in his explanation of the fact that he’d only been able to get a set that had been returned to the store as damaged. He promised that he would get her a brand new and much better toy once things improved, but she’d assured him what he’d given her was more than she could hope for.
Like her own doll, this one she held now was…unique. Imperfect, as some might say, broken. Whoever had previously owned the figure had attempted to style the woollen hair with some sort of dye and a cut that left the strands half unravelled.
Laki smiled warmly, fingertips caressing the unruly hair. As she smoothed out the scratchy fabric of the toy’s outfit, the shopkeeper approached her. The elderly man gave a disapproving gasp and shook his head, “Oh, I’m sorry Miss, I don’t know where that thing came from. Please, allow me to dispose of it.”
Clutching the doll tightly now, Laki turned her gaze to the man, her smile unchanged.
“I want it. How much is it?”
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fdragon-art · 7 months
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Day 20 (30 Days | Homestuck - Day 6) - Exiles/Consorts (PM (as Parcel Mistress))
"Even a broken and bloodied world cannot stop the call to duty."
I had intended to something perspective-wise like the past few pieces (Jake excluded), but it seems that I wasn't able to quite imagine how that would look. It's hard to reduce the awe this particular scene displays, though.
I went for something pretty simple in the end: A stalwart Parcel Mistress, eyeing the next steps of this treacherous and deadly fetch quest, all in the name of maintaining civility. I didn't really want to draw much of the background, but the small piece of the battlefield at the bottom was just plain necessary; this was a big moment for her.
Clothes are not something I tend to do much with, so a lot of this is very much just looking at references shots of her and duplicating the outfit. It's funny just how many parallel lines are involved in the fit. It's funnier again that the skirt(?) portion just seems to flat-out change when it's torn up.
There's not really much else to say about the piece, aside from smoke being really annoying to draw.
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just wanna know ur top 5 gintama characters bestie
ahh i love and appreciate lots of Gintama characters so the top 5 is gonna be so hard 😭
but here is my top 5 (not in this order at all)
sadaharu & tama
i guess these are my top 5 :p but haha I love all the idiots in gintama :)
thanks for the ask bestie 🫡🫶
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kyros-tha-soldier · 1 year
Kyros and Rebecca may not look the same (duh, even Cobra and Vivi, Shirahoshi and Neptune, Yamato and Kaido...etc etc) but they do share some personality traits like being shy yet brave. We Stan a lil princess who loves her papa 👏
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creatorofstarrealm · 2 years
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Kronika is a cool Kharacter.
Original post
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