skulandcrossbones · 1 year
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You don’t need to tell me any of the details. ↳ TED LASSO S03E06: SUNFLOWERS
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liam-summers · 5 months
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4.03 The Harsh Light of Day ⥋ 1.03 In the Dark
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waywardted · 1 year
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I really do have love to give. I just don't know where to put it.                - Magnolia (1999)
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ohrevienssoleil · 2 months
I understand why it wasn't possible, but it's such a shame we couldn't get Jenny back for The Wish. She and Giles fighting a losing battle side by side and being hardened from it, but remaining each other's solace. Them piecing together the puzzle Cordelia presents to them and having faith in a world better than this, only for Anyanka to try and throw them by hinting at Jenny's death should they return. Giles faltering at the thought of losing her and Jenny, once again, sacrificing herself and destroying the necklace. The way she sees it: she'll either be dead by The Master's hand or by her own, and only one of those inevitabilities gives the man she loves a chance of survival. She kisses him as she plunges herself into the abyss, wanting the last thing she experiences to be his love.
Giles waking up the following morning, the pang in his heart he always feels whenever he remembers Jenny accompanied by a newfound feeling of emptiness, and he's not quite sure why.
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
Always lowkey simmering a Leverage AU in the back of my head hear me out:
Ted is an ex-insurance investigator who was able to get his son life-saving medical treatment because his first, original Crime Pal Beard was like ‘Ted if your company doesn’t come through with the coverage, we’re doing things my way.’
The company did not come through. The company did let him go due to suspicion of Ted’s involvement in the incident, but Ted will happily remind folks that no charges were formally pressed. Henry is alive and healthy and living with Michelle, who divorced Ted shortly thereafter (not just because of pre-existing marital problems, but because Ted wouldn’t tell her anything about why the doctors “””suddenly decided to do the procedure for free”””). Shortly thereafter, Ted fled the country.
What Ted learned from the whole experience is that there’s a lot of people out there, good people just trying to live by the rules, but sometimes things happen that are just out of their control. And well- if we’ve got the means to help the good people out when no one else will, then shouldn’t we try?
“We’ve got means,” Beard agrees. “And motives.”
They do things Beard’s way now.
#also Rebecca is a grifter who gave it up when she married into money and her name(s) echo mysteriously through the back alleys of London#“did you hear about this Secret Princess Lydia who went missing in the 90s?’ ‘yes Ted that was me’#the woman is constantly dodging every half-told lie she made on a lark twenty years ago but she is amazing at keeping them straight#and Roy- Roy long ago took an injury that ended his career as a footballer before it started#and he fell into a bad spot as a hitter#and then he fell into a worse spot#and then he dug himself out for his neice that no one knows about (see: everyone knows about think mafia kid no one is allowed to touch her)#the problem now is he’s getting old#the hits hit harder and his speed isn’t what it used to be#(Roy Kent’s slow is still leagues beyond what these young wannabe punks can do these days)#keeley! she is a sneak thief. very charming. tiny. great with repelling down sides of buildings#loves money and shiny rocks and thinks Rebecca is the bee’s knees#and then there’s Jamie who is a 24 year old hacker with gaudy taste no knack for accents and a problem with authority#in this au him and ted have basically split Nate’s backstory#Ted’s dad took him to bars and taught him little tricks and mind games- nothing fancy just stuff an HR person might know#meanwhile Jamie’s dad took him to shady deals in bars because his dad was a fixer who’d put bad guys in touch with each other#jamie keeps a tracker running on his laptop with his dad’s whereabouts at all times#unfortunately he didn’t think that anyone else would bother looking for him- he’s not exactly a big time crook#but Ted and his crew have pissed off Rupert Mannion who is big time and who wants to hit back at Rebecca for making a fool of him#and Mannion’s people have identified that the way in to breaking their little crew is through Jamie#who’s name sounds so ridiculous people have assumed it was fake this whole time#anyways#thanks for reading#I will likely never write this but boy I have ideas 💡#leverage au#ted lasso#jamie tartt#roy kent#keeley jones#rebecca welton
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coachbeards · 1 year
something something parallels between beard and rebecca on how their abuse shaped them and altered personal dynamics…something about rebecca plotting to ruin rupert via ted vs beard plotting to get back at nate for what he did to ted-
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twelve being sweet with little kids is something so special to me
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piraticaltwit · 8 months
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d.i chandler + panic! / 3.02 ↳ i know you're trying to be nice, but, really, this is way beyond your remit as a sergeant.
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rebeccasbiscuits · 2 years
This may be more to do with behind the scenes logistics, but I do think it's interesting we haven't seen or heard anything about Bex (or the baby!) yet this season, despite Rupert's presence. I know that the settings have been work ones, but I don't think previous season's Rupert would have missed the opportunity to bring Bex to the match where he knew Rebecca would be. We know, in the most horrifying way, that to a pretty strong extent, him marrying a woman called Rebecca and having a child with her (involving two actual real human beings!), was at its core to upset Rebecca. And it's sort of like that now he has a team to use to upset Rebecca with, and Nate to manipulate for his own purposes with the charming over attentiveness we know is his abusive MO, he doesn't bother to bring them around with him anymore.
Suddenly he isn't the 'family man' of 2x10, because he can do more damage as a team owner. Which is just a further insight into how Rupert uses people, and how much all of these people need to get away from this man.
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silasplaskett · 1 year
thinking about how out of all the big main characters the only ones that never really interact or even mention one another are rebecca and jamie. thinking about this bc they literally hug in the end scene and thats so so funny to me
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tandytoaster · 1 year
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ritsmew-sakunya · 1 year
wuaghhhhh i recently finished rereading your majesty please spare me this time and whaubhghhhhhhhh this manhwa makes me insane. how much theyve all changed since the start as well....and how a certain 2 have basically switched attitudes towards lari.....waughhhhh
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bumblee-stumblee · 3 months
The Telegraph
Scores of actresses turn down roles in play critical of JK Rowling’s gender views
Craig Simpson
Thu, June 13, 2024 at 6:49 AM PDT·3 min read
A play that criticises JK Rowling’s views on gender is struggling to cast women with 90 actresses so far rejecting parts.
The stage production, which is set to debut at the Edinburgh Fringe, has already caused outrage over a working title which labelled the gender-critical Harry Potter author a c----.
The production is yet to cast any of the female roles, including that of Rowling herself.
The part of Harry Potter film star Emma Watson has also been repeatedly turned down, and around 90 actresses have refused to take part in the project amid concerns over its critique of Rowling.
The author has become a figure of hate online among some activists, and received death threats after publicly sharing concerns about the encroachment of transgender campaigning on women’s rights.
Actors have been found for male leads, who will portray Harry Potter cast members Rupert Grint and Daniel Radcliffe.
Creative producer Barry Church-Woods told the Telegraph: “This project has met some kind of resistance every step of the way, though I’ve been generally surprised by how difficult it has been for us to recruit the female cast in particular.
“It’s a well-paid gig meeting industry standards and the script is terrific.”
He added: “I think it’s fair to say that a few things are coming into play in casting.”
The play, which was written by queer-identifying Hollywood scriptwriter Joshua Kaplan, tells the story of a fictional intervention staged for Rowling by the stars of the Harry Potter franchise, Watson, Grint and Radcliffe.
The three actors publicly denounced Rowling in 2020 when she first raised concerns about the spread of gender ideology, the belief that gender is unfixed and changes according to how people self-identify.
The work was initially titled TERF C***, with TERF standing for trans-exclusionary radical feminist, a term which has been deployed pejoratively against women who have opposed trans ideology.
It is understood that 30 actresses have turned down the role of Rowling in the play, and 60 have refused the part of Watson, while agencies representing aspiring female stars have been nervous to put their clients forward for the project.
There is some suggestion that the actress may have ideological misgivings about the play, or be concerned about a potential backlash.
It has been suggested by producers that some actresses may not want to appear in a play critiquing Rowling and ruin their chances of appearing in the lucrative new Harry Potter TV series on the Max streaming service.
Rowling is acting as executive producer for the series, and will be involved in key decision-making.
Mr Church-Woods said: “We’ve had agents reluctant to put names forward, I suspect, because they do not want to damage their clients chances of landing roles on the new Potter TV series.”
Writer Mr Kaplan has insisted that his play does not carry a set message, and is more about “relationships and how Rowling’s opinions evolved” rather than a work “interrogating the substance of her opinions”.
TERF plays the Sir Ian McKellen Theatre from August 2 to 25.
But I thought TWAW? Why aren't they looking to hire Transwomen actors to play the women's roles if they truly believe that they are women?
Isn't it funny how they seem to know what a woman is when they want to use them to mock other women?
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lnlightning81 · 5 months
Winners [MV1]
Summary : Max decides that it's finally time to put rumours to rest and share your relationship with the world.
Pairing : Max Verstappen x Ice Skater!reader, Reader x OC
Word Count : 0.8k
Faceclaims : Isabella Flores and Ivan Desyatov
Max Verstappen Masterlist
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Max was jealous to start off with there was a connection between you and your partner -Luca- but that was just something that he learned to deal with over time. He started to understand that you put your life in Luca’s hands every time you stepped out onto that ice. If Luca dropped you wrong or if you fell wrong, that could be everything over for you, and he learned to accept that.
Everyone had warned you about not falling in love with your partner, and that was never exactly a problem. You tried it once, but the connection wasn’t a dating connection. It was a trust connection. 
Finally, your competitions and Max’s races finally lined up - Miami - it allowed you to visit a race, and Max visited one of your competitions. Luca decided to join you because there was nothing better to do. 
Walking into the paddock laughing with Luca, Max passed you with a couple of members of the Red Bull team. He reached his hand out, and you took it. He pulled you forward with a smile. His arms wrapped around your neck to hold you close. One hand sliding down your back and into the pocket of your jeans 
“What are you doing, Max?” You whispered, looking up at him. 
“I think it’s about time we share all of our relationship with the world and not just the part we were planning on” Max replied, and you looked up at him, eyes wide. 
“You want to go public more than just dating?” You asked as he took a step back 
“Yeah, I left a little surprise in your back pocket. GP and Rupert are waiting for you in the garage. They’ll get you both sorted” Max walked away, and you turned back to Luca and started walking. Your hand reaches into your back pocket to see what Max had left in there. Your engagement ring.
Max had proposed a few months ago, but everything about your relationship was private. Only people close to you knew about it. 
“You’re doing that today?” Luca exclaimed, hand resting on your lower back as he led you into the Red Bull garage. Slipping the ring onto your left ring finger, you nodded 
“Max decided it was time, and if he’s ready, then we’re doing it because I’ve been ready for months” You smiled. GP greeted you with a hug as the SKY TV and F1TV cameras panned into the garage. Luca and yourself showing up on the TV with your names written in the bottom of the screen as Rupert handed you both a pair of headphones connected to the radios that also block out the noise for when the race starts. 
Luca’s hand stayed protectively on your lower back until Max came back into the garage. Max wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pressing a kiss to your head with a smile 
“I need to go get ready. I’ll see you before I get into the car” Max explained
“Luca make sure she’s safe” Luca nodded
“Obviously, wouldn’t let anyone or anything hurt her” Max hummed in response to Luca and walked away to his driver's room. Luca and yourself walked over to the VIP corner bit they had and sat down. 
It felt like forever until Max kissed you before getting in the car watching the race in person was terrifying. Max made his way up the grid from P9 to P1, also setting the fastest lap. His trainer walked over after the race 
“I’ll take you down to the podium Y/N. Luca, you coming?” He asked as you got up 
“Made a promise I’d keep her safe so I’m coming” Luca laughed. Luca’s hand rested on your waist you kinda leaned into him as Rupert led you both down to the podium. Surprisingly, even while being in the public, eye crowds were the worst thing you’d ever come across. 
Standing at the front of the barrier, when Max got out of his car, he jumped into the arms of his team before moving along to greet you. His hands rested on your jaw as he leaned forward and kissed you. You smiled into the kiss before he pulled back 
“You did so great love” You smiled, holding his hand 
“I’m so glad you’ve finally been able to come to a race” He smiled 
“You get weighed and that trophy so we can celebrate later” You pushed him away as he laughed turning to the podium before you knew it the Dutch anthem was playing through the speakers the team cheering for Max and Checo during the Austrian anthem. Walking back to the garage, cameras were now focused on you and Luca after your helmet kiss with Max. 
Getting into the garage, Max pulled you into a sweaty champagne covered kiss one with true meaning this time. Your hands wrapped around his neck as his rested around your waist, pulling you closer to him 
“Looks like we’re both winners here” He pulled away, referring back to you and Luca winning your competition the other day. Winning felt great, but nothing would ever feel better than being able to be in public with Max sharing how much you truly love him with the world. 
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yourusername Just a couple of winners this week. I love you so much, Max, and I'm so happy to spend the rest of my life with you. Luca, I have the most respect for you being able to deal with us over the last week.
There's nothing more I want in this world than to continue skating and spending the rest of my life with you and start creating our future even with Luca as our adopted son.
tagged : maxverstappen1, LucaSkating
Liked by maxverstappen1, LucaSkating, redbullracing and 2,283,192 others
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maxverstappen1 : I love you so much, Schat. We're gonna be a power couple winning all these competitions with our adopted son nearby
↳ yourusername : Baby, you're gonna make me cry
landonorris : Congrats to the couple. Never thought I'd see the day where Max settles down
redbullracing : Looks like we need to get you and Luca a Red Bull sponsor now
↳ lucaskates : Please, please sponsor us. I'm begging
user3 : Wait? So, Y/Nca aren't really a thing?
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A/N : I might write a part two if anyone's interested in it. My only problem is that I know nothing about ice skating and only had this idea from the movie I was watching. But if it's requested, I'll do it.
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hacash · 1 year
‘Nate hasn’t earned a redemption arc yet!’ my dude no-one on Ted Lasso ‘earned’ a redemption arc, that’s the whole damn point
‘redeem’ literally means to compensate for. to give something good in repayment for something bad, to ‘buy back’ the shit you’ve done. And Ted Lasso has never tried to do this. Rebecca didn’t ‘earn’ a redemption arc: she couldn’t unsay all the cruelties she’d said to Higgins, couldn’t bring Jamie back from Man City, couldn’t undo the damage that let to Richmond being regulated. Jamie couldn’t unsay his ageism to Roy or his snottiness to Ted. he couldn’t buy his way out of the bullying he’d imposed on the team – he tried, don’t get me wrong, and then Ted put the breaks on buying the team’s love because he knows how poorly that’s going to go down. earning redemption is an exhausting arc, and Ted Lasso’s been very clever in never really doing it.
what these characters did, however, is resolve to change.
Ted Lasso has never been about redemption: it’s been about reformation. reforming your life, and giving other people the space to acknowledge that and appreciate that. former ‘villains’ in Ted Lasso don’t abase themselves or spend episodes earning back people’s good opinion or their trust: they acknowledge that they’ve done something wrong, and they resolve to turn themselves around. and vitally, they can’t do that until they’ve escaped from the shit place they are in their lives, from their own personal dark forest. Rebecca can’t reform until she’s removed herself from the mental state of obsession with Rupert and instead finds herself in a place of community. Jamie can’t reform until he extracts himself from Man City and his desire to get his father’s approval. mentally, they have to be in a better place themselves before they can start being better for other people.
And then, crucially, I think the crux of a Ted Lasso reformation is a demonstration that you are now a safe space for others when before you weren’t, even if it means putting yourself in a position of vulnerability. for me Rebecca did this not just when she apologised to Ted, but when she offered him an out to share her whole story with the press – risking the press intrusion she so hates. Jamie did this when he joined a potentially risky protest against a prominent sponsor, risking further potential reputational damage (at a time when Jamie’s brand has never needed more of a boost) if it means being part of a team.
and because of that, I think it’s impossible to argue that Nate isn’t in the middle of his reform. He’s already extracted himself from his dark forest: he’s put Rupert behind him, he’s sorting his father issues, he’s proven himself to be less dependent on external validation while having greater confidence in himself. and he’s also starting to show that he’s a safe person to be around, even at the risk of vulnerability. he owns a humiliating nickname that we know carries a lot of painful baggage for him for the sake of conveying to Will that he was wrong, and I think for someone who’s had so many self-esteem issues as Nate, owning a name which he saw as minimising and infantilising and humiliating was a big gesture.
I don’t think that Nate’s arc is finished yet. but I think it’s impossible to claim that he isn’t ‘mid-turn’. and no, he hasn’t ‘earned’ redemption, but ma’am, this isn’t the earn your redemption on your hands and knees show, this is the make the changes to your life that are needed and accept other peoples’ grace if it comes to you show. And there’s a big difference between the two.
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gaytedlasso · 3 months
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Oh absolutely not. No way in hell. Pride flag and camera set up in one corner of the press room equals nightmare fuel. Trent looks over at Keeley, glaring daggers at her — and she just giggles. Goddamnit. Apparently that 'pissed off journalist who will end you' expression of his has softened quite a bit over the past few years. Suppose that's what happens when you're married to a literal ray of sunshine.
"So Rebecca and I thought a pride campaign this year—"
"Flattered but no thank you." Trent's voice is clipped, arms crossed in front of his chest.
"But whyyyy?" Keeley pouts up at Trent. "It's not like this is breaking news any more!"
Trent is well aware. The media frenzy when the press caught wind of their fledgling relationship was nothing short of a firestorm. (Trent will kill Ernie. That is non-negotiable at this point.) They always knew it'd be front page headlines, but Trent grossly underestimated the vitriol thrown at them both. Colin's kiss on the pitch was barely a blip on the radar; the press saved all their ire for Ted-and-Trent.
But as with all things, it died down once Rupert had yet another scandal and the news shifted to that story like a flock of magpies gravitating to the next shiny thing. Sure they all circled the proverbial wagons (fucking hell Ted, Trent's tired of thinking like you.) the day Ted showed up on the pitch with a wedding band and Trent, in the press room at his new job as ~~lion tamer~~ press wrangler wore a matching one.
Neither of those were planned events. Ted and Trent had always tried to just keep their relationship quiet — never secret just... quiet. Never flaunting.
This... this is flaunting. This is a public display. This is in your face...
Trent isn't concerned about his own queerness, he's worried about Ted. He's worried about their children. He's worried —
"Don't overthink," Ted says, wrapping his arms around Trent from behind, moustache tickling Trent's ear. "I can smell just how hard those gears are turning. When Keeley asked I said you'd have more reservations than a sold-out Marriott on super bowl weekend."
Turning around in Ted's arms, Trent lifts a hand, threading through the soft tawny strands at the base of Ted's neck.
"You're not worried?"
Ted chuckles, the sound warm and slithers down Trent's spine like a warm hug. "Not a whit, Walt Whitman," Ted replies. "I look at it as an opportunity. Besides, some wise woman once told me to fuck the haters and—"
As always, the f-word spilling from Ted's lips incites some sort of pavlovian response in Trent.
Trent doesn't even hear the sound of the camera click.
- drabble written by my beloved @singaroundelay
Fuck the haters! Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈
inprnt / redbubble
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