ritsmew-sakunya · 6 months
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koko !
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rainbowbeanstyles · 2 years
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bruhnze · 1 month
Personal records - Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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This is for the pookie that asked. Thank you @okaybronze i had fun writing this, this one is dedicated to you!
Thank you to this, this, this, this and thisssss anon. (you guys sure know how to inspire me)
Summary: This is in an alternative universe where Ona and Lucy are not footballers. Lucy is a personal trainer, Ona is a buisnesswoman.
Wordcount: a bigggggg one 12k+, so i advise to get comfy
Warnings: Minors DNI, smut. It has a lottt of plot bcs i got carried away, but what's new :)
I hope you like it, and i hope i didn't make any mistakes while copy-pasting this thing to here, as this was quite the big one and i proofread in Word so.. if something doesn't make sense, you can ask me, i think i did it right tho :)
Personal Records.
The Batlle family was one of the richest families on the whole planet of earth. In the last years of his working life, Ona's grandfather had completely invested in the internet and technology. His eldest son, Ona's father, had taken over the business and helped it to even greater success. They dominated the tech industry, from hospital equipment to mobile phones and coffee machines.
With so much money and only two children, Ona and her brother Joan were doing anything but bad.
Yet, especially since she had that head start, Ona wanted to create a legacy of her own. Unlike Joan, who filled his time with vacations and his DJ career.
But Ona’s passion wasn’t tech, she liked using her iPhone, yes, but she had no special talent or interest in the subject.
No. Her passion was architecture. She had studied it in college and with her dad paying her tuition,  it gave her all the time in the world to go networking at business events. One thing led to another, and by the age of 20 she already owned 15 buildings.
Now, just after her 25th birthday, she had a portfolio of hundreds of buildings and apartments, and was a very well-known high-class real estate agent all over Europe.
She didn’t like the way her life was filled to the brim with meeting after meeting and the fact that she sometimes felt like she was living in airplanes more than in buildings, the thing she loved most in the world, but it was worth it if she could once again sell a characteristic old building to the right owner.
That was the most perfect thing about her profession in Ona’s opinion, sometimes a house was perfect for a certain type of person, she couldn't explain it, it was just a feeling, but when she closed such a deal, it was one of the few moments that Ona could feel a little bit of satisfaction and happiness flowing through her body.
This had been a problem for a long time, she had been through some difficult years, feeling lonely at times and working far too hard without having an outlet.
After talking to some professionals and trying a few things, Ona discovered what worked perfectly for her: so she hired a personal assistant and got on weekly exercise sessions.
Sophia was a perfect PA, she was a 33 year old woman who was dedicated to work just as much as Ona was and most of all she could speak English perfectly, as she was from the United Kingdom. That was exactly what Ona needed as she got most tired from answering all the endless calls that she received.
The exercising also worked out perfectly. Her PA always found a personal trainer for her, no matter what city they were staying in. The first few months Ona really had to get in shape, but now she always came back with a wonderfully empty head after sweating for those two hours and of course, the six-pack she ended up with was also a great bonus.
This summer she had to spend in London, it was not really her preferred place to be for the next month or two, as English summers were not really something to write home about, but with the deals she had waiting for her, she happily went.
What also helped was the beautiful apartment she had in the center of London, overlooking the bridge, it was one of her favorite houses.
But besides the deals she had to close, she also wanted to relax and exercise a bit. Maybe she would even have time to go shopping.
Wednesday – Ona’s penthouse, London
A week before the big deal, Sophia and Ona arrived in London.
"Miss Batlle," the doorman said, as they walked into the building where Ona ‘lived’, or at least she did for 1 or 2 months a year. She was surprised they guy remembered and greeted him happily.
‘’You sure you don’t want an hotel room?’’ Ona asked as they were standing in the elevator.
Sophia shook her head, ‘’for me it’s easier to be close to you, safes me travel time’’ she sincerely confirmed, ‘’oh gosh, do you want some privacy, I’m sorry I didn’t-
‘’No, no, está bien’’ Ona smiled, ‘’I admire your work ethic, I was just wondering if you didn’t miss privacy’’.
‘’Well your penthouse is very big’’ Sophia smiled, ‘’and it’s not like I have a husband to call or something’’.
‘’Yeah’’ Ona grinned, ‘’our love lives are doomed’’.
A careful smile tugged on Sophia’s mouth, ‘’well, it has been a while since I had to leave space for a date in your schedule’’.
Ona smiled internally at the way Sophia got more and more comfortable with her, she was usually very professional, something Ona admired, but sometimes she felt Sophia and her could be friends a bit more, as she suspected her PA was actually a pretty funny person.
‘’It has’’ Ona confirmed, ‘’i'm basically celibate at this point’’, she added chuckling.
At the same time the elevator stopped at the top floor with a ding.
‘’It is true though’’, Ona said as she stepped out the elevator to open the door ‘’maybe I should add searching dating sites to your to do’s’’.
Sophia groaned as she followed her, ‘’I’ll do it if you would really want that, but I do want to show you my current to do list before’’.
‘’I’m joking Soph’’ Ona said as she took of her heels and dropped her handbag, ‘’I trust you a lot, but, I do think love is something that just needs to happen, I don’t believe in dating apps’’.
‘’Well I do think you need to go out to make that happen’’ Sophia chuckled, ‘’or are you hoping to have a really hot woman buying a house off of you?’’.
‘’Hmm’’, Ona said as she walked into the big living area and stared outside of the windows, ‘’that would be the best thing ever, and I’d know she got taste’’.
Laughing Sophia walked in behind her, pulling her suitcase along ‘’do I got the same room as last time?’’.
Sophia laughed to herself as she walked to the familiar room she had slept in before, recognizing that Ona had entered her thoughtful mode, something that often happened in places with a good view, and when Ona was thinking it was best not to disturb her.
They had ordered dinner, a bit tired from the travel they had decided to eat in and discussing the details of their work trip and calling it an early night.
Sophia had already set up meetings with various clients in a rented meeting room, made a list with properties they needed to visit and when the viewings would be and had booked a personal trainer.
‘’Sadly she is only available once a week’’ Sophia had said, knowing Ona liked to exercise two times a week for two hours, ‘’but she was the only one available in this period, apparently most trainers have this thing called -summer break-‘’ she joked, ‘’but she is really good, I read a dozen of reviews and she also trains athletes when they’re in between seasons’’.
‘’She?’’ Ona asked after the PA was done talking.
Sophia stilled, ‘’oh is that not-
‘’It’s okay, just surprised’’.
‘’I read she can be quite the pusher, helping people break their personal records’’.
Ona laughed, ‘’well I hope she doesn’t expect such a level of me’’.
Sophia frowned, ‘’you’re well fit, I’ve seen you in the pool, you have a killer body’’.
‘’Aesthetics is different to performance’’ Ona decided, ‘’anyways, thanks for arranging that, you’re the best’’.
Friday morning – Ona’s penthouse
‘’Okay I’m heading out to the gym then’’ Ona called through the living space.
‘’Have fun’’ Sophia called back, ‘’don’t break too many personal records!’’.
Friday morning - Bronze Fitness Forge
It was a nice building, Ona was pleased as she walked inside to search for the gym owned by one ‘Lucy Bronze’.
Ona thought it was a perfect name for a business owner and she liked the way the nameplates that showed the way were also done in Bronze, it was chic.
The Catalan businesswoman got to the front desk and told the lady behind it her name.
"Ah for Bronze herself" the lady smiled, "you may use dressing room 2, you will recognize it by the number on the door, when you've changed you just go through the other door in the changing room and then you're in the gym".
"Great. Thank you." Ona said in her business voice. It just happened whenever she spoke to people that were working.
"You can leave your bag inside the changing room but we've also got lockers".
"It's okay" Ona said, "only have some clothes with me".
The changing room looked very nice, Ona appreciated the way that this whole place was set up, it was not clinical or characterless, but it was very neat.
After changing, Ona went into the gym.
A dark-haired woman, just a little taller than her stood with her back to the door, the silhouette was muscular built, broad shoulders protruding from the tank top she wore.
Ona cleared her throat, ´´hello´´.
 The woman turned around from what she was doing and met her with a smile, ´´oh hey´´ she said, ´´uhm´´, she strutted over to Ona and offered her hand, ´´Lucy´´.
´´Ona´´, Ona replied as she mirrored the smile Lucy was wearing. Ona was delighted to notice the woman infront of was rather hot, but she didn´t want to be objectifying and most of all, she was here to clear her head, not to drool over a woman. So she shook the thought from her head and focused back on what she was here for.
´´So´´ Lucy said as she retracted her hand.
Only then Ona realized she was shaking it for a little too long.
´´Oh yes, I´m here for a two hour training session´´.
´´Yes´´ Lucy chuckled, Ona thought it made her look cute, ´´so what are we working with, you didn´t attach a schedule or any of your records or something, did you bring them?´´.
‘’What?’’ Ona said confused, ‘’records?’’.
‘’Yeah what field are you in?’’ Lucy tried, ‘’What do you need working on this summer?’’.
‘’Ohhh’’ Ona breathed out with a laugh, realizing what Lucy was thinking, ‘’I am not an athlete’’.
Lucy scrunched her nose and her head turned slightly in confusion, ‘’not?’’.
‘’No I’m town for business and I always train with a personal trainer, my PA booked you’’.
‘’Do you not train, uh, regular people?’’.
‘’Oh uh, yes’’, Lucy blushed.
‘’Okay no offense’’ Lucy said carefully, ‘’but they’re usually.. a bit.. older’’.
Now it was Ona’s turn to be confused, ‘’why?’’.
‘’it’s expensive’’ Lucy said, hating herself for being so awkward.
‘’ohhh’’ Ona chuckled, ‘’well we better spend those expensive minutes good, shall we?’’.
‘’Yeah I’m sorry, I’m trying to work on that whole -not judging people by their cover- thing’’.
‘’It’s okay’’ Ona said cheerfully ‘’I come to clear my head before I have some important meetings next week’’.
‘’Great’’, Lucy said as she had called herself back to her senses ‘’and how can I help you with that’’.
‘’Well, I always go to a personal trainer because I don’t know anything about training, so I just - listen, do it and enjoy the muscle ache the day after’’.
‘’Hey’’ Lucy laughed, ‘’people always call me crazy when I say - I enjoy that’’.
Ona shrugged, ‘’one of the few things that make me feel alive’’.
“Okay, so you want to get completely worn out” Lucy chuckled, “we’ll make that happen”.
Ona gulped as Lucy took off, damn, this woman was cute.
They had been working out for almost 2 hours without much talking, Ona enjoyed it, Lucy respected the fact that she was doing this for relaxation, not for dumb chit chat, she hated when trainers were like that.
‘’Do you have a neck issue?’’ Lucy asked out of the blue.
Ona looked up, surprised but not in a negative sense ‘’yeah, how did you notice?’’.
‘’It’s stiff’’ Lucy stated, ‘’ I graduated as a sports physiotherapist’’ she offered as an explanation.
 ‘’Yes and right now I’m working on some injury research, stretching and massages are a great interventions for stiffness’’.
‘’So next time we start with neck stretches?’’ Ona joked.
Lucy nodded, ‘’best recipe is stretching – exercise – tissue massage’’.
''Well then, guess I'll do that next time, sometimes my neck really hurts, so I hope it will help''.
‘’Your neck hurts?’’.
‘’Yes, I always just assume it’s my stress traveling to my weak spot’’.
‘’Do you want me to massage that right now really quick? We’ve got-‘’ she looked at her watch, ‘’-10 minutes left’’.
‘’You?’’ Ona let out before she could stop herself.
Lucy crooked her head ‘’yeah?’’ she laughed, ‘’who else?’’.
‘’Ahh’’ Ona chuckled as she spotted the physio bench in the corner of the gym, ''that's where that thing is for''.
‘’Yup’’ Lucy said as she swayed on her feet, ‘’So cooling down? Or quick rub down of the neck?’’.
‘’Well if you’re offering..’’ Ona said as she looked at the big hands Lucy fiddled with, ‘’I do have to warn you that I’m a bit sweaty’’.
Lucy chuckled, ‘’if you weren’t I wouldn’t be good at my job’’.
Friday - Ona's penthouse
‘’Hello’’, Ona called out as she stepped back into her apartment. She felt amazing, Lucy was great with her hands and after the hot shower she took, she felt totally relaxed.
‘’How was it?’’, Sophia asked from behind her computer.
‘’fucking amazing’’ Ona said dreamily, before she stepped into the living room and snapped back to reality, ‘’uh yeah, it was good’’.
Sophia chuckled, ‘’whattt happeneddddd?’’.
‘’She’s hot’’ Ona said as she went through the fridge, ‘’and great with her hands’’.
‘’WHAT?’’ Sophia yelped, ‘’did you hook up with her?’’.
‘’Oh dios mío Soph! no, who do you think I am!’’ Ona shook her head amused, ‘’she gave me a sports massage’’.  
‘’Ohhh, hot and handy’’ Sophia chuckled.
‘’You sure you couldn’t book her for more than once a week?’’.
‘’I’ll try again for you’’ Sophia said with a grin, ‘’maybe I can book her for some nightly exercises’’.
‘’Soph!’’ Ona said sternly, ‘’no objectification!’’.
‘’Sorry miss Batlle’’ Sophia answered timidly, ‘’I’ll call them later’’.
‘’It’s okay’’ Ona smiled, ‘’thanks for getting groceries’’ she said as she took eggs from the fridge.
Tuesday evening - Bronze Fitness Forge, London
It was a couple of days later, Sophia had bribed Lucy Bronze’s secretary if she could at least ask the woman herself if she could do a couple of more lessons, ‘’Hello, yes, Miss Batlle’s PA, uhm, my boss, she wants to exercise two times a week and I was wondering if you had some more spaces available, she doesn’t mind if it’s outside of office hours, or if it costs extra’’.
Eventually she had persuaded the woman, one and a half times the rate for two hours in the evening, when Lucy actually exercised herself.
Sophia didn't mind making a little effort, she was just happy that Ona was okay with the trainer, that couldn’t always be said.
So this night, at a quarter to eight, Ona walked towards the building with the ‘Bronze Fitness Forge’ logo and headed in.
‘’Hey, miss Batlle’’ Lucy called out from a few meters behind and started jogging towards the door.
Ona held it open for her, ‘’you can call me Ona’’ she said as she let the woman pass.
‘’Oh right, hi Ona’’ Lucy smiled awkwardly, ‘’uhm, to the gym?’’.
Lucy unlocked the door and let Ona in, out of habit Ona walked to dressing room 2, the one she’d used earlier this week too.
Lucy hesitated about what to do, she cringed at herself, she wished she was a bit smoother, ''hey uhm, my stuff is also in 2'' she said as she stopped the door from closing.
''Oh'', Ona looked up, ''i can go to the other-
'''No i'll just take my bag'' Lucy rushed to say.
''Oh no'' Ona said, ''it doesn't bother me, you can change in here as far as I'm concerned''.
‘’O-Okay’’ Lucy said as she looked at the smaller woman, ‘’sure you don’t mind?’’.
Ona looked up with a smile, ‘’should I?’’.
Lucy looked startled ‘’No no, I was just --’’ she mumbled and swallowed the rest of the sentence.
Ona zipped her bag open and got her gym shoes out, she now stood with her back to Lucy, ‘’anyways, had a good dinner?’’ she asked, trying to start some conversation.
‘’Uh yeah’’ Lucy said, now also starting to get her things ‘’I cooked some chicken and vegetables’’.
‘’Nice’’ Ona said as she shimmied down her pants.
Lucy gaze fell on the Spaniards behind, she shook her head, she couldn’t be looking at a client like this, ‘’d-did you have a good dinner?’’ she asked, taking of her shirt.
Ona turned around and sat down on the bench to put her shorts on ‘’yeah I had-‘’  she lagged as she saw the shirtless woman infront of her, who was currently standing with her arms up, struggling to find her arm holes it seemed, she cleared her throat ‘’uhm, I had a business dinner, it was nice but sometimes I get a bit tired of it’’.
Lucy’s head popped up and they looked at eachother. Lucy smiled, ‘’is that why you needed more exercise?’’.
Ona didn’t feel the need to explain anything, frankly, there was not really anything to explain. She had settled for one time a week as she hadn’t known the woman was hot an amazing personal trainer, now that she knew, her assistant had booked her some more time, so she settled on just saying ‘’yes’’.
‘’What branch are you in anyways?’’ Lucy asked as she switched her pants.
‘’Uhm’’ Ona said as she took of her top, ‘’I am a real estate agent’’.
‘’Really’’ Lucy stared at her, partly because she was surprised, partly because the woman looked mesmerizing.
Ona sat up and digged through her bag, it was awkward that she still had to put on her sports bra ‘’yes, I have real estate in a few cities throughout Europe’’ she said and finally found the sports bra. She figured she just had to put no attention to it and quickly get it over with.
Bronze sat down to put her shoes on, ‘’oh.. real estate in a few cities throughout Europe’’ she repeated, ‘’impressive’’.
‘’Thanks’’ Ona said as she took her bra of, ‘’your business is too’’ she turned her head to Lucy ‘’how old are you anyways?’’.
Lucy looked up and blushed when she saw Ona’s bare back, ‘’uhm, I’m 32, and you?’’.
Ona smiled at her, ‘’25’’.
‘’Ah shit, we aren't past your bedtime, are we?’’ Lucy mocked and grinned.
Ona clutched her sports bra infront of her chest and turned around with narrowed eyes, ‘’don’t mock me’’ she said sternly, like how she’d put her workers in place. She had dealt with enough age discrimination, it annoyed her that Lucy did this.
Lucy apologized ‘’oh I’m sorry.. uhm.. I didn’t mean it like that’’. Ona turned around and quickly pulled the sports bra on,.
‘’Uhm, I will start to set up some things, see you in a bit’’ Lucy said before she quickly rushed out of the locker room.
Ona finished dressing up by putting her shoes on and followed her.
‘’Hey I’m sorry, it’s just-  Ona stopped as she saw Lucy carrying a weight plate to the matts.
Lucy smiled ‘’I’m sorry too, I am a bit stupid sometimes, you should take everything I say with a pinch of salt.. i suck at talking to people that’s why I chose sports’’.
‘’-sometimes people do not take me serious because of my age’’ Ona confessed, ‘’it’s a bit of a sensitive topic for me’’.
‘’I am sorry’’, Lucy said sincerely.
Ona shook her head, ‘’you’re aloud to make jokes, I should be able to deal with them’’.
‘’Noted, see if I can help you improve on that front too’’ Lucy grinned.
‘’Oh yeah-‘’ Lucy said with renewed energy, ‘’I mean, I was going to ask you about it - but by the way you move, I think your neck feels better’’.
Ona smiled, ‘’oh soo much, I have had the best days honestly, how could I forget - I wanted to thank you for it, I feel so… loose, uh, supple’’.
Lucy held her hands up, ‘’magic hands’’ she said with a wink. Immediately cringing at herself.
Ona laughed, ‘’they seem to be’’.
‘’So’’ Lucy cleared her throat, ‘’stretching, than exercising, which I will leave you to do a bit more on your own than last time because I need to do mine as well, and then last 20 minutes another tissue massage’’.
‘’Sounds good’’.
The stretching went well, Ona learned a few exercises she had never done before, 'good for the back and neck' Lucy had said, and had followed them all before the real work started.
Lucy finished her warm up a bit earlier than she did, which made sense, as she had been warming up all day and she went to set up some weights for herself.
When Bronze started squatting weights with her back to Ona, she couldn´t help but have peek every once in a while.
After her lunges were done Ona asked what she was doing next.
Lucy proposed for Ona to do a bit of cardio on the stair-master, a machine she hated, but Ona agreed and went on it.
Lucy kept squatting, Ona saw her adding small, little plates to the bar each time she got it.
After a few minutes, the Spaniards thoughts got interrupted, the low grunts were swapped with a yelp, she was startled and almost fell of the stair-master, luckily enough she could jump of in one piece and put the machine off.
‘’What happened?’’ Ona said as she walked towards the English trainer.
Lucy looked up as she undid her waistbelt and wrist wraps, ‘’hm?’’.
Ona came closer, ‘’it sounded like you were in pain’’.
‘’Oh’’ Lucy said as she looked better at Ona, ‘’no I just broke my squatting record’’.
 Ona chuckled.
‘’Wait did it sound like was in pain?’’ Lucy laughed now too, ‘’I don’t know what to think of that’’.
‘’Well I’m glad you’re alive’’.
‘’and broke my PR’’.
Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’how much was it?’’.
‘’139,5 kg’’ (307.5 lbs) Lucy stated as she took out her phone, ‘’let me put it in my notes real quick and then I’m all yours again, I’m sorry for just directing you to the cardio machine, I had this on my agenda for tonight’’.
‘’You have a schedule for when you’re gonna break which record?’’ Ona laughed.
After Lucy had typed it in her phone she looked up, ‘’is that weird?’’.
‘’No’’ Ona shrugged, ‘’I like when people are driven’’.
‘’How much is your squatting PR’’.
Ona laughed, ‘’not even half of what you do, I think 50 kg, and that includes the bar’’.
Lucy chuckled, ‘’want to do 55?’’.
´´Let´s see if I can do 50 first maybe?’’.
Lucy first had her squat the bar alone and with 5kg increments she guided Ona to a 50kg squat.
At 50kg Ona had trouble getting up, her legs shaking as she did a rep for the 3rd time. She felt Lucy stepping a bit closer, ''you can do it'' Lucy said, ''and if not, I got you''.
Instead of feeling more at ease, Ona became more nervous. She felt Lucy's hands hovering just above her skin.
When she remained in her squatting position, with wobbly legs, Lucy held her sides, ''together then''.
With a little help, Ona stood up again, and immediately she racked the weight and stepped forward, shaking her legs.
‘’Legs tired from the stair machine?’’ Lucy asked.
Ona nodded ‘’think so, maybe next time we can try again’’.
‘’Oh we are’’ Lucy smiled, ‘’and now you’re doing 45, 3 sets of 4 reps’’ she said as she started changing weights.
‘’I don’t know if i-‘’
‘’-I believe in you’’ Lucy cut her off, ‘’and I’m spotting you so if you can’t I’ll help’’.
Ona looked at her with dark eyes, ‘’let’s just do something else’’.
Lucy’s head tilted, ‘’no, why?’’.
‘’I’m tired of squats’’ Ona said, mostly because she was and partly because she didn’t want to fail and have Lucy saving her, as she got way to distracted by the way she felt under their skin contact.
‘’Do your other trainers just accept that?’’ Lucy asked as she finished preparing the bar of weights, she stood infront of Ona now, ‘’in 5 sessions I’ll have you squat 55’’.
 Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’I don’t care about how much I can squat’’.
The English woman grinned, ‘’no but you did ask me to help you get sore muscles, If you just listen to me I can guarantee you will not be able to walk the stairs tomorrow, how does that sound?”.
Again Ona rolled her eyes, this time with a little smile ‘’fine’’ she said before quietly adding ‘’molest’’. (annoying person).
They took positions again, but Lucy stood a bit closer then last time. Ona was almost going to make a comment about needing room to breath when Lucy whispered something, ‘’think of your most annoying rival’’.
Ona took the weights on her shoulder, she figured to just ignore Lucy and started squatting, the first 4 went easy.
She racked the bar and stepped forward to shake her legs again.
‘’See, that helped’’, Lucy said ‘’come, another set’’.
‘’Your comment did nothing’’ Ona said, getting slightly annoyed at the woman.
‘’Oh’’ Lucy studied her face, ‘’sorry’’.
Ona took place under the weights again, ‘’okay, let’s get this over with’’.
With two squats her legs started quivering again.
Lucy let her figure it out by herself, she kept close, but didn’t say anything or touch her.
Ona took a deep breath and forced herself up with a deep breath out.
"Good job" Lucy said, but when Ona tried to hang the weight on the rack she was less pleased, "uh-huh, one more rep".
Ona groaned and kept standing there, doubtful about her abilities.
‘’Ona, one more’’ Lucy said sternly.
Ona was allergic to getting ordered around and almost wanted to stop but a fire lit inside her with Lucy’s next comment, ‘’what is it with youth and giving up’’.
She bit back a grumble and did one more squat easily before racking the bar again.
She shook her legs out while still being under the bar and after a few seconds she took it on her shoulders again, squatting with pure annoyance and anger, only at the last squat she had to do she struggled again.
‘’Is your anger already used up?’’ Lucy teased, ‘’I expected more spirit at such a young age’’.
With that she groaned and came up for a last time, angrily racking the weight.
‘’Good, shake it off and we’ll head to leg presses’’.
Ona turned around and looked at her instructor, ‘’more leg exercises’’ she grumbled.
Lucy grinned, ‘’I’ll talk to you on Friday, you’ll thank me’’.
Ona rolled her eyes and followed the English woman to the leg press.
After a long session it was finally time for the massage.
‘’You can take your shoes off, I’ll massage your lower body, back and neck’’ Lucy said.
Ona didn’t respond, ‘’sounds good?’’ Lucy tried.
‘’Oh yeah’’ Ona said tiredly, ‘’perfect’’ she said as she took off her shoes.
‘’Was I too harsh?’’.
Ona looked up at Lucy, ‘’hm, no’’.
‘’Yeah I am, I’ll tell you if you go too far, I’m not shy about speaking my mind’’.
‘’Okay, good’’.
Lucy started massaging Ona’s leg and Ona couldn’t help but closer her eyes at how good it felt.
‘’Okay that was that, how do you feel?’’ Lucy said as she was done.
Ona smiled, ‘’great, thank you, I’m sorry if I came across as a bitch at one point’’.
Lucy grinned, ‘’at one point? Hmm..’’.
Ona slapped Lucy’s shoulder playfully, ‘’oh come on’’.
Lucy chuckled, ‘’I’m kidding, you don’t come across as a bitch’’ she looked at Ona with a mischievous grin, ‘’just a bit spoiled’’.
The Catalans mouth dropped open, ‘’I’m not spoiled!’’.
‘’I’m joking’’ Lucy said as she rested her hand on Ona’s forearm, ‘’I’m proud you finished those sets, that proves character’’.
‘’Oh’’ Ona furrowed her eyebrows, ‘’because I had a choice’’.
‘’Ofcourse’’ Lucy tilted her head, ‘’you just said you would speak your mind if you really didn’t want to do it’’.
Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’okay, maybe I did want to do it’’.
‘’Good’’ Lucy said with a smile as she withdrew her hand, ‘’well, you go shower, I have to clean up this place’’.
‘’I can help?’’.
‘’No’’ Lucy shook her head, ‘’I like to do it myself and I want to do a couple more exercises’’.
‘’You’re crazy’’.
‘’I’ll see you Friday’’ Lucy chuckled, ‘’and then I’ll make you do even more, because you shouldn’t be able to be this much of a smartass if those exercises really were that hard for you’’.
Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’yeah see you Friday’’.
In the dressing room Ona jumped straight under the shower, after quickly washing herself and rinsing her hair out, she walked to her bag wrapped in a towel.
As she dug for clean underwear her phone rang, it was Sophia, she had a couple of questions about a client.
‘’Why are you still working Soph?’’ Ona chuckled but as she looked at the time her smile faded, ‘’no way, 22.45 already?’’.
Now it was Sophia’s time to laugh, ‘’yeah got a bit carried away exercising huh?’’.
‘’So it seems’’ Ona said ‘’anyways, for mister Potter you-
-did you ask her number yet?’’ Sophia interrupted her.
‘’Soph! that would not be professional’’ Ona said.
‘’You think she’s hot, what’s wrong with asking a number’’.
‘’Yeah she attractive’’ Ona confessed, ‘’but I don’t even know if she’s a lesbian, maybe she’s just sporty’’.
‘’So ask’’ Sophia simply said.
‘’No I-
A knock on the door interrupted her.
Ona looked up to see Lucy standing in the doorway, ‘’You forgot your shoes’’ she smiled.
Ona’s face got redder than the 2,5 kg weight plates that Lucy’s gym owned, ‘’oh uh thanks’’.
‘’No worries’’, Lucy said as her eyes lingered on Ona’s body for a second before she redirected herself to face Ona and , ‘’see you Friday’’.
‘’Yeah’’ Ona smiled, ‘’see you Friday’’.
Lucy turned around.
‘’Oh and’’ Ona called out.
Lucy turned back around with a smile.
‘’uh, thanks for my shoes’’ Ona said.
Lucy’s smile faded a little but she nodded, ‘’ofcourse’’.
The dressing room door fell closed behind her.
‘’Aahhhhhhgggg’’ Sophia screamed in her ear, ‘’I felt the sexual tension through the phone’’.
‘’What, you fumbled so hard, you said thanks twice, for a second I thought you were going to ask her number’’.
‘’Yeah’’ Ona sighed as she thought about the fact that she was originally planning too, before remembering she had Sophia on the phone, ‘’and give you a listen in on my rejection, don't think so’’.
Sophia groaned, ‘’she likes you too, why are you so uncertain’’.
‘’Why are you so sure, anyways we’ll talk about that client when I’m home’’.
Wednesday morning – Ona’s penthouse
It was the next day, Ona woke up in her big bed as the curtain automatically opened and stretched.
As she was completely stretched out, she suddenly shrank, ‘’merda’’ she groaned as a cramp hit her left leg, she tried to hold the muscle but it took a while before the cramp went away.
After the pain had disappeared she got out of bed, walking to the bathroom, when she wanted to lower herself to take place on the toilet she cringed, she couldn’t just normally take a seat, so she held the wall and let herself plop down.
When she got back to her room after peeing, she grabbed her phone to Google what she could do best in this situation.
A protein-rich breakfast, a warm bath and some stretching exercises later, she felt a little better and started her workday.
Friday morning - Bronze Fitness Forge
‘’Good morning Property Princess’’ Lucy said as Ona stepped into the gym.
Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’allright Lucy Lift-a-Lot, what are the plans for today’’.
Lucy grinned, ‘’how were your legs Wednesday?’’.
‘’Terrible’’ Ona smiled, ‘’so perfect’’.
‘’Well, I don’t really take those, but the toilet was a pain’’.
Lucy laughed, ‘’good, I suggest more squatting today’’.
Ona scrunched her face, ‘’not to much please, I have this event tomorrow’’.
‘’Work on Saturday?’’.
‘’Well no, it’s like networking event’’.
‘’Oh, is that one of those thing were you have a stand and promote your business’’.
 Ona chuckled, ‘’yeah, but i’m not there with a stand’’.
Lucy tilted her head.
‘’I got invited to look at peoples stands’’ Ona clarified.
‘’Isn’t that like..’’ Lucy didn’t finish her sentence.
‘’Yeah’’ Ona laughed, ‘’but its good for my image to show up, and the event payed me to show up’’.
‘’Really’’ Lucy said with disbelieve, ‘’so you’re actually a big name in the real estate world?’’.
‘’I guess’’ Ona shook her head as she laughed, anyways I’ll be bored out of my mind because Soph is taking this weekend off to see her family’’.
‘’’Sophia, my PA’’ Ona clarified.
‘’Oh right’’ Lucy nodded, ‘’she was on the phone bribing me’’.
‘’Yeah, you wanted two sessions a week’’.
‘’Oh that’’ Ona nodded slowly, ‘’yeah, I hope she was sensible about it?’’.
‘’Oh yeah yeah, it was not actually bribing, she asked nicely’’.
‘’Good, but anyways, I will be walking around all day, so I need some power left in these legs’’.
Lucy nodded and explained some stretches they were starting with.
After the session, where they went a little less extreme as the last time, Lucy gave Ona a massage again. Whilst working her back she broke the silence, ‘’do you not know anyone else in London?’’.
Ona looked at her confused, ‘’what?’’.
‘’For the event, you said you have to go alone, do you not know someone you could take?’’.
Ona shrugged ‘’everyone is on holiday, it’s very last-minute anyways and I wouldn’t drag someone with, I wasn’t kidding when I said it was boring’’ she said into the table.
‘’I think it would be entertaining to see how you talk to everyone professionally’’ Lucy chuckled and acted out a conversation she imagined Ona would have with another realtor. She mockingly acted out the situation, putting on different voices.
Ona’s shoulders shook from her laughter, ‘’I think you will greatly disappointed’’ she laughed.
‘’Yeah?’’ Lucy sad as she put on a pouty face, ‘’is it not like that?’’.
‘’No not at all’’ Ona chuckled, ‘’way more boring’’.
‘’I don’t believe you’’ Lucy challenged.
‘’Well you’re free to join at your own risk’’.
Lucy’s face twisted up in a weird mischievous way, ‘’are you asking me out Batlle?’’.
Ona grinned, ‘’no, I offer you the position to be my plus one to a very boring event so you can entertain me’’.
‘’Well I am free tomorrow’’ Lucy contemplated, ‘’would you like me as your companion?’’.
‘’As long as you don’t publicly mock me’’ Ona rolled her eyes.
Lucy grinned, ‘’I’ll try to keep that for when were alone then’’.
Ona sat up and narrowed her eyes at the taller woman ‘’or like, not do it at all’’.
‘’I’ll see about that’’ Lucy grinned, ‘’what’s the dress code?’’.
‘’uhm, I think you’re best to wear a suit, a light color’’ Ona said as she studied Lucy, ‘’ if you have that’’.
‘’I don’t know’’ Lucy scrunched up her nose, ‘’I’ll have to dig through my closet’’.
‘’Send me a pic, if it’s not good I’ll send some things you could try on’’.
‘’are you going to judge if I look good enough to join your side’’ Lucy laughed, ‘’wow’’.
Ona shrugged, ‘’it’s a cruel world’’.
‘’fine’’ Lucy smiled, ‘’can I get your number?’’.
Ona looked at her with big eyes.
‘’Or do you want me to send Sophia that mirror pic?’’ Lucy grinned.
‘’Oh right, no we’ll exchange numbers, it’s more convenient for tomorrow too’’.
‘’How late is it anyways?’’.
They spoke about the details until Lucy noted that her new appointment would arrive in two minutes. With that Ona went to the changing room and got under the showers, she couldn’t hide the fact that the thought of spending tomorrow with Lucy made her feel giddy.
Friday afternoon – Ona’s penthouse
‘’Okay, I’ll see you Monday morning’’ Sophia said as she embraced Ona, ‘’have fun with your hot date’’.
Ona rolled her eyes but didn’t deny her PA’s words, ‘’you have fun at your parents’ house’’ she wished Soph.
‘’Mhm, I will’’ Sophia said as she walked towards the door with her suitcase, ‘’see you Monday!’’.
‘’Bye Soph’’ Ona called out as she got distracted by her phone buzzing.
An unsaved number had sent her texts, she opened her phone curiously.
@ Bronze Fitness Forge: hey, this is Lucy, hereby my outfit, hope you approve 😅
@ Bronze Fitness Forge: *mirror selfie of Lucy in a mint green suit with a white blouse*
@ Bronze Fitness Forge: ignore my bare feet, sorry, I’ll wear shoes tomorrow I promise
Ona changed the contact name to Lucy and texted back.
@ Ona Batlle: Looks good, what shoes do you plan on wearing?.
@ Lucy: sneakers?
@ Ona Batlle: no.
@ Lucy: i don’t have much else
@ Ona Batlle: what size are you?
@ Lucy: a UK size 7
Ona asked her for her address and ordered her a few shoes and a few white blouses, from a store she had great relations with, making them deliver the products before 10 o’clock tonight.
Friday night – Ona’s penthouse
@ Lucy: why did I just receive 4 pairs of shoes and 3 white blouses
@ Ona Batlle: fit them, see which you like best
@ Lucy: I have blouses
@ Ona Batlle: your suit is nice, can’t ruin it with a cheap blouse
@ Lucy: how can you recognize that from a picture
@ Ona Batlle: I got taste
@ Lucy: spoiled
@ Ona Batlle: do you want to come still?
@ Lucy: *3 pictures in the different blouses*
Ona admired the way Lucy’s arms looked in the blouses, the woman was well fit, with one particular blouse she swore she could even recognize the outline of abs.
She chuckled when she noticed the shorts Lucy was wearing, Barcelona football shorts.
@ Ona Batlle: nice shorts 😉
@ Lucy: shut up, which blouse.
@ Ona Batlle: deffo the one with the green buttons
@ Lucy: that one feels a bit tight
@ Ona Batlle: it looks good, but if you feel like it will rip, I’ll go for the one with the collar that’s got leaves on the inside.
@ Lucy: what shoe do you like best, they all fit
@ Ona Batlle: blouse got brown buttons so maybe the brown Loafers
@ Lucy: great, they were the comfiest
@ Ona Batlle: pic of the complete fit?
@ Lucy: tomorrow, I don’t want to put everything on again
@ Ona Batlle: lazy
@ Lucy: demanding
@ Ona Batlle: you know me so well
@ Lucy: you send a pic of your outfit then
@ Ona Batlle: no.
@ Lucy: then you’ll just see tomorrow
@ Ona Batlle: fine
Lucy was disappointed Ona didn’t ask her to send a full outfit picture more, she would’ve done it with a bit more insistence, but she guessed Ona wasn’t someone who lowered herself to such things, she was sure Ona would never beg for anything.
Saturday afternoon – London, network event.
The event went great, Lucy had been the perfect acquaintance. Making jokes in quiet, boring moments, but shutting up when Ona was talking to people she needed to talk to.
Lucy had on her part also enjoyed the event, there had been going around servers with appetizers and drinks, although they tasted amazing, Lucy tried to stay modest and allowed herself to accept something once in every three time she got offered something.
It was also fun to be around Ona, the woman was classy, she looked beautiful in the emerald colored dress she wore. She wore white heels and had a white bag with her, Lucy didn’t know if she had seen anyone walk as comfortable and elegant in heels as Ona did.
The event had gone by quite quickly, it was already passed eight o'clock.
‘’Oh fuck’’ Ona whispered, pulling Lucy from her thoughts.
They were standing together after Ona had just finished another conversation with an old guy, Lucy had introduced herself too and Ona had told the man they were working on a project together, it was not true but Lucy didn’t mind, and the guy didn’t ask any questions about it anyways.
‘’What?’’ Lucy asked, turning towards Ona.
‘’Don’t look’’ Ona said discretely, ‘’my ex is there, I didn’t know she’d be here’’.
Lucy suppressed her curiosity and kept looking at Ona, ‘’didn’t end well?’’.
‘’No she cheated’’ Ona grimaced, ‘’she’s the worst, she plays unfair both in business and in her private life’’.
‘’That sucks, how long ago-
-oh my god’’ Ona interrupted her, ‘’she’s coming over’’.
As Lucy stood straight again to prepare for an uncomfortable encounter, Ona leaned in and whispered something to her ‘’It was a year ago, if you like you could act like my girlfriend, that would be funny’’.
Lucy grinned and looked at Ona’s face ‘’ofcourse babe’’.
Ona chuckled at the way Lucy took on the role immediately, ‘’if she questions us we answer one after the other’’ she quickly whispered when the women almost had reached them.
‘’Ona!’’ the woman said as she looked at the pair, ‘’nice to see you again’’.
‘’Evelyn’’ Ona said coldly, ‘’how are you’’ she said as the woman forced a greeting with two kisses on her.
‘’I’m good’’ Evelyn said as she directed her gaze to Lucy and eyed the woman, ‘’you to it seems’’.
Lucy extended her hand to the woman who was also wearing a suit, Lucy giggled a little inside at the fact that it was a dark colored suit, since Ona had asked her to wear a light colored suit, ''Lucy, Lucy Bronze'' she introduced herself.
‘’Evelyn Thomas, Thomas real estate’’ the woman said, ‘’what do you do’’.
Lucy smiled, ‘’I am a sports physio, I help injured athletes with their recovery, I am currently also doing research into knee injuries''.
‘’Charity work?’’ Evelyn rudely asked.
Lucy replied with a smile, ‘’well the research doesn’t really bring in money, but that’s a passion of mine, no, I earn my money with my gym, but I get if you’ve never heard of it, it is an quite expensive membership’’.
Evelyn huffed, ‘’sure’’ she turned to Ona.
Lucy stepped closer to Ona rubbed the small of her back before she let her hand rest there.
‘’How long have you two been together?’’.
Ona smiled ‘’about half a year, right Luce?’’. She asked sweetly as she turned to Lucy, who already had her eyes on her.
‘’Best half year of my life’’ Lucy smiled, ‘’It feels like last week that we met’’.
‘’Right babe?’’ Ona sighed out and reached to pet Lucy’s face and kept looking at her, hoping Evelyn would just take the hint and leave.
‘’Allright’’ the woman said, but the pair didn’t look up.
‘’Well, great saying you again Ona’’, she tried.
Ona let her hand glide from Lucy’s face and turned back to Evelyn ‘’oh yeah, I’ll see you around’’.
Lucy smiled, ‘’nice meeting you Evelyn’’ she said in an overly sweet voice.
Lucy took two glasses of champagne from a server that passed them, ‘’here you go darling’’ she joked as she handed Ona one.
‘’Thank you’’ Ona sight as she looked around, ‘’wow, this bitch is still looking at us’’ she whispered in Lucy’s ear.
‘’Behind us?’’ Lucy asked quietly, getting a bit more into Ona’s personal space.
‘’Yeah, don’t look’’.
‘’No I was curious if I could get your consent’’.
‘’For what’’ Ona chuckled.
‘’Touch your butt, I bet she would eat herself up, she is so hung up on you still’’.
Ona grinned and leaned in to kiss Lucy’s neck softly, ‘’do it’’.
The Catalan peeked from Lucy’s neck at the woman a few meters behind them, she saw the woman had her gaze already fixed on Lucy’s hand, the hand that had rested on her lower back until now, smoothly Lucy let her hand travel south and squeezed Ona’s bum. Ona looked back at Lucy’s neck, she didn’t feel the need to watch Evelyn’s face a second longer then necessary.
Ona chuckled as she felt a shiver run down her spine from the way Lucy’s strong hand dug into her clothed flesh.
Lucy rubbed the place she had just squeezed gently and let her hand rest on the small of Ona’s back again, just a bit lower then she had been before.
‘’Thank you’’ Ona quietly said.
Lucy looked at her with a wicked grin, ‘’it was a pleasure’’.
Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’not that, for playing along’’.
‘’I was talking about that’’, Lucy said with raised eyebrows, trying to come across honest, ‘’okay squeezing your butt was fun too I guess’’ she sighed.
Ona’s mouth hang open to act as if she felt offended, ‘’liar’’.
‘’No I feel a bit like a cheap whore’’.
Ona chuckled, ‘’a cheap whore?’’.
‘’You buy me clothes in exchange for physical services’’.
‘’You make it sound like I’ll make you sleep with me’’.
‘’are you not?’’ Lucy said acting disappointed.
‘’Lucy!’’ Ona said in disbelieve, ‘’are you proposing to come home with me’’.
‘’I mean, the house of the best realtor is probably very impressive, maybe you can give me a tour’’.
‘’I thought you joined me to distract me from work, not give me more’’.
Lucy shrugged, ‘’okay, worth a try’’.
Ona grumbled on the inside, she wanted Lucy to come with her, but she wasn’t about to beg, ‘’fine’’ she stated, ‘’let’s go then, this event is dead anyways’’.
They were stood in the elevator of Ona’s building, ‘’how are you so bold all of a sudden?’’ Ona asked.
Lucy smirked, ‘’bold, how?’’.
‘’You straight up asked me to sleep with you’’ Ona said as she studied Lucy.
Lucy held her hands up, ‘’I’m confident in my abilities to break personal records with you in several areas, the bedroom being one of them’’.
Ona’s jaw dropped, ‘’does that work on all the girls you hit on’’.
‘’No just the one that are attracted to me’’ she answered with a smug smile.
‘’I’m not- i- how do you-
Lucy grinned, ‘’the dressing rooms are not call-proof, or at least, if it’s a private call, you should probably choose another place from now on’’.
Ona blushed and groaned, ‘’you heard that?’’ she said with a scrunched up nose and palmed her face.
The elevator stopped and with an elegant tone it indicated the arrival to the top floor.
Lucy smiled as the smaller woman walked away with cutely blushed cheeks and opened the door, Lucy followed Ona who stepped in to her appartement.
When she took of her shoes Lucy did the same.
‘’wow’’ Lucy gasped as she walked over to the windows, ‘’this is amazing’’.
‘’Thanks’’ Ona said, ‘’do you want something to drink?’’.
Lucy turned around with a smile, ‘’maybe after the tour? I had some drinks there already’’.
‘’Okay’’ Ona said as she got herself a sparkling water ‘’Okay this is the kitchen, that is the living-
‘’nooo’’ Lucy pouted and walked back to Ona, ‘’the fun way, make me want to buy this place’’ she said as she discarded her jacket on one of the bar stools.
‘’You already would’’.
Lucy rolled her eyes ‘’Like how you-
‘’don’t roll your eyes at me’’ Ona blurted out before she knew it was happening.
Lucy’s mouth fell open, ‘’says you! You roll your eyes every once 10 minutes’’.
Ona walked around the counter and stepped into Lucy’s personal space, ‘’shut up, I can do what I want’’ she said with a grin.
Lucy looked her, quiet from the sudden closeness, ‘’you shut up’’ she said, coming out clumsier than she wanted.
Ona chuckled, ‘’make me shut up then’’ she said as she traced her hand along the row of buttons from Lucy’s blouse.
‘’If you don’t stop me I’ll kiss you’’ Lucy said as she leaned in.
Ona smiled against her lips, ‘’if you don’t kiss me I’ll book you a cab home’’.
Their lips crashed in a hungry, exciting kiss, Lucy was the first to introduce tongue in their facade and Ona cupped the back of her neck as she gladly accepted it in.
Lucy’s hands travelled to the hips she had been eyeing all afternoon, the smaller woman looking delicious at the way the dress hugged her figure just right.
The English pressed herself closer against the Catalan.
Ona broke the kiss.
They both panted as Lucy tilted her head in confusion, ‘’not okay?’’.
‘’How about a quick tour of the bedroom?’’ Ona answered instead.
Lucy gulped, ‘’please’’.
Ona grinned as she took Lucy’s hand and guided her to her bedroom, ‘’wow’’ she gasped for a second time this evening.
‘’Is this enough light for you?’’ Ona asked, ‘’if you want more light we have to close the curtains’’.
Lucy quickly turned to face the woman, ‘’yes, lights on and curtains closed please, I’m not about to be on display for everyone in London to see’’.
‘’that’s why you keep the light off’’ Ona chuckled, ‘’and it can be fun you know, exciting’’.
Lucy shook her head, ‘’nah, as much as I like the view, I bet the view in here will be way better’’.
‘’Oh quite the charmer’’ Ona said as she pushed the button and the curtains started closing, ‘’ let's see if you can live up to all that big talk’’.
Lucy walked over to her and went in for another kiss, much shorter this time, ‘’just give me the green light and I’ll make you experience things you have never before’’.
‘’sure Bronze’’, Ona said as she started to undo to buttons from her blouse, ‘’you have permission do what you want, just stop if I say so’’.
Lucy grinned, ‘’always princess, your wish is my command’’ with that she attached their lips again.
While they were kissing Lucy shook her blouse off, figuring Ona wanted that as she had been tugging on the ting for minutes now. She walked with Ona towards the bed, making her walk backwards. When they were almost there Ona broke the kiss ‘’take my dress off’’ she said breathlessly.
Lucy grinned, ‘’not yet, you look so pretty in it’’ she said before planting her tongue back in Ona’s mouth, a few small sounds escaped the smaller woman as Lucy deepened the kiss and reached to pull up Ona’s dress.
She pushed Ona on the edge of the bed and started kissing her neck, ‘’do you want this’’ she asked between kisses ‘’want me to make you feel so good’’ she asked before licking and sucking the sensitive spots on Ona’s neck.
Ona whimpered, ‘’yes’’.
‘’Allright pretty girl’’ Lucy said she dropped to her knees, she looked up to meet Ona’s eyes as she started to kiss the insides of her thighs, ‘’I bet you taste so good’’ Lucy said as her hands travelled along the skin of Ona’s legs, giving her goose bumps.
‘’Can I taste you?’’ Lucy said as she latched her mouth to Ona’s other leg, she saw the Catalan fighting to keep composure, ‘’y-yes’’ she said with a breathy voice.
‘’Are you so worked up already?’’ Lucy playfully asked as she redirected her gaze to Ona’s thong, a dark-green piece of lace, with an even darker green spot right between the Spaniards legs.
Lucy kissed closer and closer towards the woman’s heat, until she could smell her wetness. Lucy groaned and sat back, ‘’up’’ she ordered as she hooked her fingers in the underwear.
Ona quickly cooperated.
Lucy dropped the thongs on the floor and went back to kissing Ona’s bare legs.
‘’Fuck Lucy, get your mouth on me’’ Ona said jaded.
With a smug face Lucy looked at her, ‘’you still think you’re calling the shots here?’’ she said as she let two fingers glide along Ona’s slick.
‘’Please’’ Ona whimpered.
This was all Lucy needed to hear, the rest of the begging could be done later, now she needed to get a taste.
She spread Ona’s leg wide with her hands as she dove in, letting her tongue glide softly along Ona’s core to make her get used to it.
She reached out for Ona’s hand and placed it in her hair as she kept up the gentle exploration.
When she had found a spot that she felt made Ona quiver, she grinned and kept Ona’s legs apart more strongly before diving in completely.
Ona’s eyes rolled back in their sockets, she head never experienced head like this before.
The skilled tongue rippling against her clit, the strong hands, making her spread out for the English woman on the edge of her bed.
With the hand that was guided to Lucy’s hair she gripped the woman’s dark brown hair, pushing her deeper against her, Ona felt the orgasm building up already. If it didn’t feel this good she would surely have been embarrassed about it.
‘’merda, se sent molt bé’’ (feels so fucking good) Ona moaned before she bit her lips as she struggled to keep herself up, leaning with one hand on the mattress.
Lucy didn’t know what the woman above her was muttering about, but she figured the words were positive. With two fingers of her right hand she teased Ona’s entrance, at this her legs shocked. Lucy looked up.
Ona groaned at the loss of stimulation and looked down at Lucy, ‘’fuck, you can use your fingers’’.
Lucy smirked as she put the fingers inside Ona’s mouth, as Ona sucked at them, covering them in her saliva. Lucy returned to what she was doing, she let her tongue dance along Ona’s clit.
When Ona opened her mouth and moaned, Lucy pulled her hand away and with very little preparation she plunged them inside of the dripping hole between Ona’s legs, deserving a loud guttural moan.
Lucy curled her fingers and searched for Ona’s weak spot, when she’d found it she started thrusting her fingers in a steady but provokingly slow pace.
The difference in paces from Lucy’s tongue and her fingers drove Ona mad, she couldn’t keep her eyes open as her eyes kept rolling back and the arm where she was leaning on was shaking.
After a few second she dropped on her, the leg that Lucy wasn’t keeping open with a hand almost crashed into Lucy but she didn’t budge.
Lucy sat up a bit more and kept working her tongue and hand as she felt Ona’s walls convulsing around her fingers.
She groaned as she felt a new gush of wetness covering her fingers, and dripping on her hand.
With a loud moan and a tight fist in Lucy’s hair, the woman below her orgasmed.
Lucy smiled as she slowly came to a stop and sat back when the hand left her head.
Ona's legs came back together and she stretched with her arms above her, "that was…" she breathed out.
Lucy grinned, ‘’quick?’’ she offered.
Ona sat up and rolled her eyes, ‘’I was going to say good’’.
‘’Both can be true’’ Lucy with a smug face.
After a few hours well spent, Lucy and Ona were standing under her rain shower.
‘’Do you want to sleep here?’’ Ona asked as she was lathering herself up with soap.
Lucy grinned ‘’are you asking out of politeness?’’.
‘’Maybe’’ Ona grinned back, ‘’don’t want you to feel like a cheap whore’’.
Lucy laughed, ‘’no I’ll book my own cab home, thanks’’.
‘’I had fun’’ Ona said sincerely, ‘’thanks for coming along’’.
‘’Me too’’ Lucy returned, ‘’and I’m happy for it to be a one time thing’’.
‘’Mhm’’ Ona said, ‘’perfect’’. She was amazed with Lucy’s maturity about the matter, some woman could get very offended.
‘’What do you want me to do with the shoes and shirts?’’ Lucy asked as they were drying off.
Ona smiled, ‘’keep ‘em, give ‘em away, I don’t care, it costs me more to make effort returning them, then what I would get for it’’.
Lucy shook her head in disbelieve but thought it was very kind she had bought her the things, ‘’thank you’’.
Ona nodded, ‘’it was my pleasure’’.
As Lucy walked back to the bedroom to put her suit back on, Ona just put her robe on, she was home alone anyways, she couldn’t help but look at Lucy’s back and ass, looking perfectly toned.
She bended to pick her clothes up and turned around to lay it on the bed, she looked at the clothes before looking at Ona.
Lucy caught the Catalan staring at her abs and grinned, ‘’could I borrow a pair of briefs?’’ she asked, ‘’I can’t put this back on’’, she said as she held her underwear up.
Ona gaze traveled form Lucy’s muscles to the piece of cloth and she smiled, ‘’ofcourse’’ she said before going into her walk-in wardrobe.
She came back and handed Lucy the underwear, ‘’and you can keep this too’’ she winked.
After that, Ona left Lucy to get dressed and went to the kitchen, she downed the glass of sparkling water that was still on the counter and went to her table, opening the laptop that laid there.
In a few minutes she was completely indulged with the things on her screen and hadn’t noticed Lucy been done with getting dressed, now standing infront of her.
‘’Bye Ona’’ Lucy said as she walked closer to the woman.
Ona jumped at the voice breaking the silence, but quickly got her composure back and smiled, ‘’sorry, I was reading something’’ she stood up, ‘’I’ll see you Tuesday Lucy, thanks again’’.
‘’I had fun’’ Lucy smiled, ‘’I’ll see myself out, see you Tuesday’’.
Tuesday night –  Bronze Fitness Forge, London
Ona and Lucy had another session. They both thought back at their one nightstand as a perfect encounter, the sex had been good and they were both on the same terms as far as relationships are concerned.
Lucy didn't think Ona was the type of girl she’d ever date, but she could say that she was absolutely perfect in terms of appearance. The fact that she was shorter, the freckles, her slightly defined muscles and most of all her perfect butt. Ona’s ass might be her favorite thing about the woman.
Ona was happy Lucy had been on the same page as her about at sleeping over, she didn’t like waking up next to people, they often looked and smelt bad and Ona didn’t like anyone in the world enough to deal with that. Ona was happy to go to the woman’s gym again this day, she felt like her sexual frustration had been cleared up and was ready to maybe even break that squatting PR.
Lucy was a little bit nervous about seeing the woman again, hoping it wouldn’t be awkward, she had gotten in a bit earlier than last time, to make sure they could at least get dressed separately. Even though she would be lying if she’d say she wasn’t at least a little bit curious if the hickey’s she had left were still there.
She shook her head, she shouldn’t be thinking about this. Ona had been perfectly clear, heck she had wanted it herself, this was a one time thing and in a month they’d maybe never see eachother again.
Ona came walking in to the gym, disrupting Lucy’s string of thoughts.
‘’Hey Ona’’ she cheerfully said, but she couldn’t help but notice the fact Ona was wearing a shirt and shorts now, rather then the sports bra she had worked out in until now.
‘’Lucy’’ Ona smiled, ‘’ready to break some records?’’.
‘’I sure am’’ Lucy said, ‘’do we go squatting straight after warm up?’’.
‘’Yes’’ Ona replied, ‘’I hope I can do more then 50 today’’.
‘’Enthusiastic, i love it’’
‘’Oh you know me’’ Ona joked.
‘’Always enthusiastic to break records’’ Lucy said, after which she cringed at herself.
They warmed up and went to the weight rack, ‘’hey have you already set it up?’’ Ona asked, smiling.
‘’Ofcourse’’ Lucy said smugly, ‘’six sessions left until you’re doing 55’’.
Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’if you weren’t hot I would’ve hired another personal trainer six sessions ago’’.
Lucy chuckled, ‘’well first off all thanks, second off all, what do you think a good personal trainer does then’’.
The Spaniard shrugged, ‘’not being annoying’’.
‘’I am not annoying’’ Lucy said as she quirked her eyebrows.
‘’How would you describe a person using insults as motivation’’ Ona challenged her.
‘’did you do those reps or not’’
‘’so, motivational’’ Lucy stated as if it was settled.
Ona shook her head and walked over to take place under the bar, ‘’please keep from your motivations until really really can’t go anymore’’ she stood up and took the bar on her shoulders, ‘’until then, you spot me quietly’’.
‘’yes ma’am’’ Lucy joked as she took position behind Ona, ‘’I kidding, I’ll shut up’’.
Surprisingly, Ona squatted the 50kg the first 8 reps perfectly, without any problem.
‘’I’m impressed’’ Lucy said as Ona was shaking her legs to get ready for the last set, ‘’you finally found your right mindset’’.
Ona smiled but kept quiet, she couldn’t get distracted now.
She took place under the bar again and accidentally walked into Lucy with her butt.
‘’Oh sorry’’ Lucy chuckled as she took a step back, ‘’okay last 4, let’s go’’.
Ona blushed at the way heat traveled to her core from the brief touch.
She took the weight on her shoulders for the third time and for some reason they felt twice as heavy.
Ona didn’t squat but kept standing there with the weights in her neck.
‘’Come on Ona, you can do it’’ she felt Lucy’s hot breath in her neck.
‘’I don’t know if I-
‘’You can do it Ona’’ Lucy pressed up against Ona, and put her hand under her arms, ‘’we’ll do it together’’.
Ona gulped as she felt Lucy front pushed against her.
She squatted and easily came back up with Lucy’s strength supporting her, she wanted to rack the weights as she stood straight again.
‘’3 more Ona’’ Lucy said in her ear.
Ona groaned as she did another.
‘’Good job Ona’’ Lucy said, in a voice close to a whisper. Ona couldn’t help but think the woman was doing this on purpose, she was so close, Ona could feel her abs in her back, and her thighs against her own, no other trainer had ever spotted her like this.
After the four squats Ona racked the bar and turned around, Lucy stepped back.
She studied the woman’s face, Lucy casted her eyes to the ground.
Ona ducked under the bar and stepped into Lucy’s personal space, she noticed a slight blush on the English woman her cheeks, but then again that could be from warming up.
Ona shook her head, thinking it was her mind playing tricks with her, ‘’so what next’’ she asked.
Lucy looked up at her with surprise but quickly put on a neutral face again, ‘’have you ever bench pressed?’’.
‘’Ofcourse’’ Ona chuckled.
Lucy insisted on showing Ona the best technique and did a few quick sets with the weights she had grabbed for Ona.
However, when Ona did the sets with those weights it went a lot less smoothly.
After the set Ona set up and set the weights down on the ground.
Lucy took place on the bench next to her, ‘’have you ever heard about the mind-muscle connection?’’.
‘’no’’ Ona said as she shook her head.
‘’Okay, so during an exercise touching the muscle is a great way to help increase the mind-muscle connection. When you physically touch the muscle, it provides tactile feedback that can be used to better understand which muscles are being targeted and how they should feel during an exercise’’. Lucy explained.
‘’Look’’ she said as she did a bicep curl, ‘’I am working my bicep right now, so then I’ll tap or touch the muscle and that will eventually help with increasing strength in that muscle’’.
Ona sighed, ‘’okay, so you are going to be poking my biceps as I bench press’’.
‘’With a bench press we target arms, shoulders and chest’’ Lucy said, ‘’one of the most useful exercise to work on your mind-muscle connection with, as you automatically start to use the muscles that are touched more then when you just do it, it helps with knowing from where you need to provide strength into the push’’.
‘’Okay lets do it professora’’ Ona chuckled.
While she was benching the weights Lucy poked the concerning muscles, but Ona couldn´t really take it serious, she was getting distracted with the way Lucy´s hands were resting on her chest now, just above her boobs.
´´don´t be so distracted Ona, focus´´ Lucy said, as she noticed Ona slowing her pace.
´´Allright´´ she said, and Lucy retracted her hands at her sudden harsh voice, the effect she hoped it would have, she dropped the weights besides her, ´´you sit here´´ she said as she stood up.
Lucy looked at her confused, ´´what?’’.
‘’Go sit here and do bench presses’’.
Lucy was confused but went to do what Ona ordered, as she had took the weights in her hands she started, ‘’just like this’’ she carefully said.
‘’Yes’’ Ona said as she took place on Lucy’s lap, ‘’go on, keep going’’ she said as she let her hands travel along Lucy’s arms, shoulders, chest and ended at her abs, as Lucy stopped and looked confused at her she repeated what the English woman had told her earlier, ´´don´t be so distracted Lucy, focus´´.
Lucy chuckled, ‘’I wasn’t sitting on your lap’’.
‘’I wasn’t grinding into your ass’’ Ona bit back.
Lucy set the weights besides her, ´´I’m sorry.. I couldn´t..
´´couldn´t what Lucy?’’ Ona sat as she leaned closer towards Lucy’s face, ‘’couldn’t help but wanting to feel my ass?’’.
The English woman swallowed hard, she knew it wasn’t professional of her.
Ona bit her lip as she looked at the woman squirming below her.
She leant to whisper something in Lucy’s ear, ‘’I am going to take a shower’’ she said before softly laying a single kiss in Lucy neck and getting up.
Without turning around she walked towards the changing room, hoping Lucy would follow her.
Lucy scrambled to sit up and wondered what the fuck just happened, she was very confused, a part of screamed that she should follow the woman, another part said to stay in the gym, as she had done more then enough.
-I am going to take a shower-, the words repeated over and over in her head, if Ona really wouldn’t have wanted her to follow her she would’ve surely said something else right, and not give her a kiss.
Without more contemplation Lucy jumped up, she hurried to the changing room and got in, the shower was already running, Lucy spotted Ona’s clothing on the bench.
‘’Uhm’’ Lucy cleared her throat, ‘’sorry’’.
‘’I can’t here you’’ Ona called from under the water, ‘’what did you say?’’.
Lucy  stepped closer to the shower, the shower was just an extension of the dressing room, separated by a tiled wall and a corner, in there were 4 showerheads, which turned out to be the stupidest setup ever, as only one person showered here at a time, but they hadn’t thought about it like that when she helped designing the place.
‘’Sorry’’ she tried again.
Ona chuckled, ‘’Luce come here’’.
Lucy stepped along the wall and was met with a very wet, very naked Ona.
Ona grinned and walked towards Lucy, ‘’it’s okay’’ she said before pressing the taller woman against the wall, ‘’but now you've triggered something in me’’.
‘’Strip’’ Ona said coldly.
Lucy did as told and stepped out of her shoes before she threw her clothes in to the dressing room, in the same undressed state as the Spaniard she walked back to her.
‘’Good’’ Ona said as she pulled Lucy by her wrist to join her under the weak beam of warm water.
Lucy closed her arms around Ona and pulled her in for a deep kiss.
Ona groaned and broke the kiss, ‘’I don’t know what it is but I feel a weirdly big amount of attraction towards you’’.
Lucy narrowed her eyes, ‘’thanks I guess, I think you’re very hot too’’.
‘’No’’ Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’I mean, I have never not been able to suppress the urge to fuck someone’’.
Lucy smirked, ‘’it’s hard when it’s that good’’.
Ona rolled her eyes again, ‘’shut up, your dumb words turn me off’’ she said before kissing Lucy again.
The English woman grinned against Ona’s lips as her hand roamed Ona’s body until they settled between her legs, ‘’Do you get wet when you’re turned off?’’ she asked with an annoying smirk on her face, ‘’or where you lying’’.
‘’I am not lying’’ Ona said as turned them around, ‘’you’re the hottest when your mouth is closed’’.
Lucy chuckled as Ona dropped to her knees and kissed along her upper thighs. ‘’Or when you are cumming’’ Ona added before tugging one of Lucy’s legs on to her shoulder.
She made sure Lucy’s other leg was planted firmly on the ground before she buried her head in between the woman’s legs. Lucy closed her eyes as the shorter woman hungrily started eating her out. Ona reached around Lucy to grab her ass and guided her to grind down on her face. The muscular woman let out a groan and gripped Ona’s hair. The groans of Lucy and humming of Ona echoed in the tiled room.
 With a hand coming down on the Catalans shoulder, pressing into her, she almost lost balance for a second, but she recovered and gripped tighter into the flesh of Lucy’s ass while she kept fucking with her tongue in and out of her entrance.
The leg that was hanging over her shoulder started jolting as Ona heard the breath of the woman above her get more and more unsteady. Lucy felt she was about to come undone and braced herself on Ona and the shower wall, grabbing the rod where the shower was connected to.
She bit her lips as she looked down at the beautiful woman bobbing her head between her own legs, she grabbed the hair she was holding and pulled at the roots as she pushed the head deeper into her core. Ona moaned at the act, a shiver traveled along Lucy’s spine at the vibration.
‘’Fuck’’ she breathed, ‘’I’m cumming’’.
At that last word her voice went up her voice went up an octave and her eyes rolled back while an electric pulse travelled through her body. Ona kept lapping at Lucy, dirty sounds filling the room, only when Lucy’s hips started jerking from sensitivity, she stopped. Only now she realized how hard she had been holding onto Lucy and she caressed the skin gently before pulling her hands back. She sat back and stood up to look at Lucy.
The English woman wore a dopey grin, with hooded eyes she smiled at Ona, ‘’that was amazing’’ she said as if she was under the influence of drugs.
‘’Good’’ Ona said, ‘’because I need this to be our last time’’.
At those words Lucy seemed to get sobered up immediately, ‘’I’m not done’’ she said.
Ona rolled her eyes but couldn’t ignore the way she felt her core pulsing at Lucy’s hungry gaze. Lucy stepped closer and kissed her. Lucy grinned as she felt the Catalan pushing herself against her, almost searching for some kind of relieve with the way her core searches for one of Lucy’s thighs.
‘’Not here’’ Lucy said as she broke the kiss, ‘’come home with me’’.
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justkeeptrekkin · 1 year
Resurrection and The Second Coming
There is a recurring motif in season 2, and that is the image of resurrection and being raised from the dead. I think this all points to what will happen in season 3 and tie into the Second Coming plot that was mentioned by Metatron. I’m not sure what exactly it’s indicating, obviously, but here are the clues:
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1) 25 Lazuri miracle
I enjoyed the reference to Lazarus, and I found it quite striking! It IS interesting, isn’t it Crowley, that Heaven measure miracles by how many times it could have brought someone back from the dead?
And isn’t it interesting that Aziraphale and Crowley, combined, could bring back 25 human lives with a single, half-arsed miracle?
I’m getting the impression that bringing people back to life and the power to resurrect is going to be a bigggggg deal in the future plot.
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2) The opening credits
The opening credits have been said to hold a few clues for season 3. One of the things I've noticed is that there’s plenty of apocalypse and hell imagery, none of which we see in season 2. For example, above, we see A and C moving underground, like they’re navigating some route to the underworld. Then we see them leading a growing crowd of people through a very traditional portrayal of hell, with fire and giant spiders etc., through the blitz, through a SPACE (?) and a very modern perspective of the apocalypse, with scrapheaps and riots. 
There’s a LOT to unpack in that, but what I want to focus on here is the concept of the afterlife. We’re presented with an almost Dante-esque, Ancient Greek view of Hell: A and C are walking through dim tunnels to a fiery, wretched view of the underworld. Where is this??? In the show, I mean??? We’ve never seen this version of hell. as far as we know, it has always been the bureaucratic landscape that we’ve seen in S1 and S2. We can assume it’s always looked like this because Heaven has always had the office-style setting since even Job’s time. 
So what are we seeing here? A and C leading people to Hell? Then... walking out of it!? It is very reminiscent of the ancient myths of Greek heroes attempting to bring the souls of their loved ones back to Earth. 
And, notably, we do not see either of them walk through heaven in the opening credits. 
Who are they leading through this opening credits scene and why?
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3) Give me Coffee or Give me Death
I don’t actually have a lot to say about this other than there was a lot of emphasis on the name of the shop. Possibly just because it’s a fuckin’ cool name for a cafe... but even Metatron makes a pointed remark about it. 
Call me a tin-hat bitch, but I actually have a feeling that Nina, who is sooooo hyperaware of all the bizarre events going on around her-- to the point that she’s lucid at Aziraphale’s party-- is an angel. I think she was removed from the Book of Life, so no one knows she ever existed as an angel. She seems to have some connection with the supernatural, with Sight, and perhaps, given the name of her shop, the afterlife. 
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4) The Resurrectionist and Mr Dalrymple
The whole minisode of The Resurrectionist was bizarre-- I really enjoyed it, but it does make 100% sense that it’s referred to as a minisode. Because it feels oddly separate from the plot (until of course we find out the connection with Beelzebub and Gabriel). Even then, though, it’s a little jarring. 
WHY this particular flashback in history? 
And WHY do B and G meet there in the first place? Out of all the places for them to meet in the universe? 
This is another rather heavyhanded hint towards the concept of resurrection and being raised from the dead. Mr Dalrymple, ethics aside, is using the dead to bring life to others. He’s giving the dead a new lease on life. 
And, listen, I’m a fan of the classics, so the connections to Shelley’s Frankenstein is VERY blatant-- bringing in the question of morality and playing god and the creation of life and modern prometheus and responsibility and resurrection etc. AND Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. (The latter especially in the sense that Stevenson was a doctor from Edinburgh.) 
I just think the minisode is another example of a thread left untied in season 2. 
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5) Gabriel’s prophecy
“I remember when the morning stars sang together and all the angels of god shouted for joy.” (A reference to Job, see below)
“There will come a tempest and darkness and great storms. And the dead will leave their graves and walk the earth once more. And there will be great lamentations. Everyday is getting closer.” 
I mean, what else is there to say here? This is explicitly a prophecy about what will happen later in the story-- the dead returning and walking the earth. This HAS to be a reference to the Second Coming, which I talk about more in point 9. 
What if this is hinting at a giant rehaul of heaven and hell? The living and the dead facing true judgement?
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6) Zombies in the blitz
Have any of you noticed that we’ve seen plenty of Heaven and Hell, but the only time we’ve ever seen any signs of human beings in said afterlife is with the Nazis? It only occurred to me while piecing this post together, but we’ve never seen anyone in heaven aside from angels. No saints, no good people who went to the good place. In hell we’ve seen lots of shuffling people, but honestly I’ve always thought they were demons. Now, we’re seeing the check-in process in Hell, which I thoroughly enjoyed, but... it’s just occurred to me that it’s the only time we’ve explicitly seen any human afterlife in hell rather than just demons.
What does it mean? Not sure. Perhaps it’s hinting at what will occur in season 3. Perhaps it’s suggesting that there is a major fault in how heaven and hell actually organise human afterlife. Maybe the system is broken beyond the institutional abuse we’ve seen among the angels and demons...
Zombies are undead. Life resurrected. Lazarus kinda. Right? Obvious connection. But what *is* interesting is that these Nazis specifically were resurrected as a part of the plot to survey A and C. Out of all the people to bring to life... they are a pretty depressing and unsettling choice. Even if they’re like, comedically terrible/evil. Eek. 
Lazarus, after all, was supposed to be a good guy. (I think. Jesus brought him back to life after all.)
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7) Job’s children
The various versions of this story I’ve looked at have been fantastically vague about what Job heard and what happened to him at the end-- which is, I gather, the whole point. The message appears to be about having faith in God. It’s a test of faith and love for the Almighty. 
But like, even the idea of the children being returned to life is vague. In some versions it looks like he gets his original kids back plus more, in others, it’s not specified. In this version, we see Crowley’s kindness in saving them in the form of metamorphosis (at least temporarily). Job’s children aren’t brought back to life as such, then, but they are returned to Job. In a way, the whole of this series is bringing stories back to life by retelling them on the screen. (Stop it, I know it’s a stretch...)
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8) Magic tricks
Ok, so the most famous magic tricks in the book are the idea of DEATH EVADING ESCAPADES! Such as sawing a body in half. Or, in Aziraphale’s case, the bullet catch. 
I dunno where I'm going with this, but it feels relevant. Especially given that there’s the whole scare of ‘oh no we can’t use miracles! I could be discorporated! Then there’s all the paperwork... for RESURRECTION...’
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9) The Second Coming
So, I am not all too familiar with the Second Coming. It appears across various religions and interpretations of the scripture. 
My understanding of it is LIMITED even after research, so I would appreciate others chipping in if they can clarify for me and for others. 
- It involves Jesus returning to Earth (often during a time of war and destruction among humans, though not in every religion).
- Jesus’ second coming to Earth will trigger Judgement Day. The living and the dead will be judged on whether they go to heaven or to hell. 
- Some Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the second coming of Jesus occurs after Armageddon and brings the ‘conclusion of the system of things’. A giant rehaul, I think.  
- For Catholics, the second coming will cause ‘the fullness of the reign of God and the consummation of the universe and mankind.’ What this essentially means is that mankind and the universe get to share in Jesus’ resurrection, so the dead will walk again. Just as God manifested himself through Jesus once, now, God will appear through the whole of mankind and the universe. Personally, I've always appreciated this interpretation of God-- that the Holy Spirit is everywhere and in everything, rather than a person in the sky.
- Catholics also believe that “at the moment of Jesus' arrival, three events will happen all at once in an instant, in the blink of an eye: the living will die, the universe will be transfigured, and the dead will be resurrected, judged, and recompensed. After this single instant or moment, the church does not know what will happen for the rest of eternity - only that the damned will continue to be in hell and the saved will continue to experience the beatific vision.” (thank you Wikipedia)
- Most religions see it is as the final true judgement of God over mankind. 
I don’t know what it all means, but I think it all boils down to the Second Coming, the final judgement, and perhaps a big reshuffle of heaven and hell. 
In my opinion, Heaven and Hell as we know it in the show will be completely deconstructed and reconstructed. I think perhaps Metatron has been the ‘man behind the curtain’, an imposter meddling with mankind, their prophecies, and even the Book of Life. 
Perhaps, all of these little hints are an example of Metatron’s ‘Second Coming’ plan bleeding through whatever reality we’re in. 
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some homura akemi hcs !! (part 1)
- huuuge cat person (like madoka)
- likes sweet and unsweetened chocolate (there’s also official art of homura w a chocolate dessert while on a date w madoka so it’s technically canon lol)
- bigggggg tea lover
- orphan with a catholic upbringing (this is actually more canon than just being a hc but i rarely see ppl mention it or bring it up)
- favorite colors are black and purple
- has an interest in/dresses in gothic fashion/aesthetics and music, esp catholic horror (think of her mourning dress in rebellion + homura’s overall dark, religious character/aesthetic)
- autistic (she just reads as autistic to me)
- closeted lesbian (duh) w internalized lesbiphobia
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acourtofthought · 9 months
I received an anon about an hour ago and I wanted to respond to it but because the ask itself could be considered spoilery to HOFAS and my response as well, I wanted to create a new post where I added the question under the "keep reading" button.
Here was the anon:
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The first thing I'm going to address is the theory about Truth Teller.
From what I've gathered (though I am not claiming this with any kind of certainty), there is a scene where it's revealed that Az has no idea what Truth Teller is capable of, then we're also told Truth Teller is not able to kill the unkillable in the way that Ataraxia or the Starsword can.
That does leave room for Truth Teller to have some sort of unique ability but I have to say, I think anyone believing that it's super special power is to "cut" mating bonds is being a little silly.
This mysterious dagger that Az uses to torture with, that once belonged to someone of importance in the history of the NC (I'll leave that as a mystery) and it's BIGGGGGG SECRET IS.....drumroll please!!!!!! It's ability to break bonds!!!
That would be cheesy, I"m sorry, but it's true.
My second argument to their theory is that the Asteri / Daglan ruled 15,000 years ago in Prythian.
So if they corrupted the Cauldron 15,000 years ago and it's corruption has lasted through the current events then every single bond that currently exists is corrupted.
Feysands bond? Corrupted.
Vivianne and Kallias? Corrupted
Nessians bond? CORRUPTED
The Cauldron isn't some sort of twisted claw game where every fourth bond is the unlucky recipient of the leftover corruption from what their past masters did 15,000 years ago. Either every bond is tainted because of the Daglan's influence and misuse of the Cauldron or mating bonds have nothing to do with the Daglan.
Yes the Cauldron can be used for evil as the Asteri did to create monsters but once it leaves that persons hands, they have no further hold on it, the Cauldron doesn't remain under evil influence. When in the right hands, when held in a females hands, it creates life (as in the case of the Mother). When in Drakon and Myrim's hands, they were able to turn her fae.
All signs point to the Mother being responsible for mating bonds, the Mother who first used the Cauldron to create life. Bonds that are determined before a characters birth (considering Rhys had dreams of Feyre before she was ever in the fae lands).
And Amren confirms that even the King, even while using the Cauldron for evil, was incapable of breaking mating bonds. So regardless of what we discover about Truth Teller, there is NO WAY that his dagger can do something that even the Cauldron cannot do.
Edit: just figured out more info on TT.
It seems that while the sword is "Made" and considered "matter", TT can undo things, "antimatter". "Done and Undone".
It says with a command from the one destined to wield them, they can be fused, create a place where there is no life or light. A place that is nothing.
To me, that still doesn't suggest anything regarding mating bonds but possibly a place that the weapons, when used together can create and be used to send enemies away.
If they're claiming it can "unmake things created by the Cauldron" then I hope they're prepared to see Az "unmake" Elain as she's Made.
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nikethestatue · 1 month
Nike, what do you think is behind the reason for the radio silence we've had for nearly 4 years? I know it's all just speculation, but I'm curious what your personal view on it is. It just feels like romantasy is at its peak and - dare I say - ACOTAR kinda jumpstarted the whole thing to begin with. Just seems strange to drop off the face of the earth like this, especially when last September she said she was writing the book.
I thought about it--I think honestly, she kinds of misfired on the crossover.
I really think she thought it was going to be THE THING. The BIGGGGGG thing.
And it fell totally flat.
So she is rethinking things? Is she just pouting and is really pissed? Is she reworking the entire strategy for the whole series? Is BB making her rethink the whole thing?
I am also wondering if they said no to another CC book?
I think the fact that she's been completely silent post HOFAS is kind of telling. There might be some trouble in paradise. Maybe BB realized that she can't deliver any time every time? There isn't a way they aren't aware of the crappy reviews.
So maybe they sent her back to the drawing board and told her to work hard and deliver a good product?
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lovinpelova · 6 months
noooo because why are those photos of niamh just standing leaning against the wall talking to magda so specifically hot……like she would just stand like that and be talking with you and occasionally trailing her eyes up and down your figure before landing back to your face, eyes dropping to your lips before she says something flirty…ugh shes so bf i need her so bad !!!
OH MY GOD THE FIC IDEA I'VE GOT FROM THIS😭😭😭 gonna give you a hint; pr stunt fic!
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yandere-fics · 6 months
A One Night Stand With Selene
"Good morning! oh..." you groaned, realising your bed was empty, the woman beside you long gone. You tried to recall her name as you searched around your apartment for her, but she was gone. Not even a note.
Your entire body ached as the warm shower water sprayed you down, washing off the evidence of last nights adventure as your head throbbed with a nasty hangover.
You'd been so wasted, wandering around the bar making out with any girl who'd give you the time of day, they were cute, but not your type. That was until you saw her. Impossibly tall, straight black hair and piercing eyes. Built like a goddess.
"Tall ladyyyyyyy~" you squealed, stumbling over to her, clearly catching her a little off guard
"Wowwwwww you're so bigggggg~ can you lift me up?!?!" You giggled, she kind of stared at you for a moment, the cogs turning in her head, deciding if you'd be her prey for the night.
"Uppies!! Uppies!! Gimme uppies!!"
"Careful pretty girl, if you hop too much those lovely tits of yours might spill out of that dress" she cooed smugly, scooping you up into the air. You squealed at the feeling of being so high up, earning a bunch of stares as you giggled. She gently placed you back down, trying to gauge just how wasted you really were.
"Do you want to run along now pretty girl? Staying around a woman like me could be dangerous for a sweet thing like you."
"Pshhhh nuh uhhhh. You're not scary at'all. You're just. Big. Big lady. Big sexy lady."
"My my, how forward of you, how about we get a booth together? You can sit on my lap if you'd like~"
You spent the next half hour in her arms, she forbid you from drinking anymore, she told you it was for your own sake but really it was for her own conscience. It didn't stop her from getting tipsy though.
"So what brings you here pretty girl? You have any friends here with you?"
"Nnnooooo I'm here by myself. My stupid girlfriend... stupid... ex girlfriend... cheated on... on me.... and... and..." you choked on your own words, starting to tear up, Selene shuffled awkwardly as you burst into tears. She rubbed your back and shushed you, letting you get it all out.
"Hey... big lady..." you whispered in her ear, the tears not yet even dried off your cheeks as you grinded against her lap
"Do you... wanna take me home?"
You felt her cock throb in her jeans, you didn't even need to say another word before she took you to her car.
You stumbled through the door, cramming your lips against eachother, her hands gripping and squeezing every part of you she could grab as her tongue slithered down your throat. You moaned as she pulled your dress down, letting your tits spill out, she cupped a hand tightly around them and squeezed, causing you to shiver and grip onto her tighter. Your head spun and your insides burned, you always got horny when drunk but tonight you were another level of desperate.
You soon found yourself on your knees, her hand pressed against the back of your head as you bobbed up and down on her cock. It was huge, making you gag and drool messily all over her, thick lines of spit dripping from your chin.
"Fuck, pretty girl... how about I give you what you want?" She teased, you looked up at her and nodded, but before you could lift your head back up, her hand gripped tightly to your hair
"First I just need one more thing ok?" She chuckled, forcing your head down to the knot at the base of her dick, luckily it didn't get stuck in your throat, her cock was big enough she could see the bulge it made in your throat. She held you down there for a good ten seconds, letting you gag and struggle to breathe, before she let you rise. She admired the way you sat there gasping for air, your spit-covered tongue hanging out of your mouth.
Before you could say anything else, you were beneath her, hands desperately grabbing at the pillows as she fucked you mercilessly, her fingers gripped into your hips tightly, using them as handlebars as she pulled you onto her cock. She wasn't even moving her hips, she just pulled you back and forth onto her, fucking you like a toy for her own pleasure. Her cock abused your cervix, it was painful, but fuck it was amazing. She continued to pound into you, before her rhythm became faster, and faster, you felt yourself getting close and then -
She pulled out, moaning to herself as she pumped her cock, covering you in thick ropes of cum. It was all over your dress, your tits, even a bit on your mouth. You whined and curled your lip, pouting as she stared at you.
"What?" She huffed
"I didn't get to cum..." you sighed, she only chuckled in response, flipping you over, causing you to squeal as she pressed back into you.
"Don't worry, we're not done."
She had you every way she wanted that night, fucking your brains out, turning you into mush as the two of you came over and over. She had enough stamina to the point you couldn't believe she was still going, she fucked you from behind, had you ride her, fucked you against the wall, held you in the air, she even ended off the night with the grand finale of a mating press. You begged her every time to cum in you, to knot you, and though she refused each time prior, she agreed when she had you in the mating press. She pushed herself deep inside of you, as deep as she could go, locking inside of you with her knot. Your legs shook violently as you felt her fill you, you screamed and cried at the sensation, it was so warm. The two of you were sweating like crazy, the room stank of sex, and now here she was, knotting this drunk girl at 3 in the morning. You fell asleep in her arms, still covered in bodily fluids, sticking to eachother as you were too tired to shower.
But that was three years ago. And to this day you never saw her again. You never got into another relationship after that night, after months of trying to find her you tried sleeping around again, but no one quite filled the void she left behind... both emotional and physical. So here you were again, getting wasted at that very bar, prowling the crowd for any tall women, that was when you felt those long arms wrapping around your waist.
"Hey pretty girl~"
Selene is such a fuck boy, now I need the aftermath of Selene realizing that was her mate she abandoned.
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nomkiwi · 2 months
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I will soon do a full retheme , and delete most of my posts that have nothing to do with editing.
im trying to actually join this community.
also ANOTHER Anouncement ! @bblonney (who I already was moots with before she joined tumblr… go check her out btw) showed me how to make those tumblr layouts, I’ll be adding them to my list of stuff I can do.
And ANOTHER ANOTHER announcement.
i will soon be hosting an event, due to my editing burnout FINNALY being gone (🎉🎉🎉) and me having learned how to use GIFS in editing ! So… that’s cool I guess.
my whole blog has been a mess for a while, and uhh. Yeah I wanna change that so there you all go I guess.
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
I don't know why, but this song feels like a Walker (Yellowstone) special
This song from reader to Walker if he went to prison without them knowing and they think he abandoned them 😭🫣
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I think the first song is a really good song for them trying to reaquaint after prison esp since he cut off contact while he was in there so she could 'move on' because 7 years is a long time to wait for someone.
The second song I love and is already on my BIGGGGGG country playlist. In my head she's the reason he went to prison so there's no way around her knowing. However I think it really suits him falling off the wagon a couple of years before the event.
I cannon that Walker has had a few addiction issues in the past and I could see Belle and him making a deal to go LA with their music and him falling off the wagon just before that and her going alone for a few years.
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
that baby wants to d*e….anyways thinking about bringing your fresh baby to a show to see her dad😔 Harry’s still a bit nervous about having her come to a show, worried about her tiny ears and eyes with all the lights, but you assure him you’ll be ok with her in the back and if it gets too much you’ll go back stage😔😔 so she’s got her little headphones on in her cute little fruit onesie. Of course by the 3rd song she’s knocked out sleeping😔 but when he looks over (very very often to check on her) he sees you holding her to your chest swaying and just thinks his girls are the most precious😔
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emmale011 · 1 year
Time: 11:12 pm Today was an interesting day! I woke up to meet with Ms. Charlotte Su and Hayley Wong and I ate epic at Ackerman! GUYS I ATE FUNGI PIZZA FOR THE FIRST TIME @atom-wang put me on that and it is quite delectable yum! Then I walked to Upside down cafe to get lavender matcha lattes with Ms. Kadee Pham-Nguyen! It was so fun it wasn’t even an interview we just hung out and sipped lattes and did work :) then I went to my LS lecture and met up with my friends at the Court of Sciences! I was asked some questions that I thought were p easy and fun I got to see another side of some ppl I thought were scary which was interesting! I then filmed a tiktok with Kauipee and Jakepee I love them both with my entire heart :) after that I called my alum mentor Ms. Jewel Ng and she is the sweetest person ever why am I meeting so many genuine ppl this quarter!!! I then walked to Mr. Gian Boco’s apartment and made chicken pasta with him #fire I still need my binder tho bigggggg
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puff-world · 2 years
To get my mind off my sads rn let's rank some fnaf animatronics like a smash or pass but twitch out the implications of smashing a possessed animtronic
Starting with frebby and alt bears
Freddy fazbear: big man, smonks, awarded the most likely to fill up pants award
Toy freddy: stinky, probably says gamer words, but he does sound a bit like markiplier
W. Freddy: eternal deep eyes, cute, BIG
Nightmare freddy: daddy, literally, his children are feral, buff
Fun time freddy: the voice kills it, big, hand frien
Rockstar freddy: CAPITALISM
Glamrock freddy: daddy...literally, has that triangle body but, himbo so better
Golden freddy: same but dead, doesnt move, lives in a kitchen with rats
W. Goldie: also dead, big head
Shadow freddy: same mf
Phantom freddy: this place causes you to hallucinate one legged daddy's
NIGHTMARE: same but looks like a 2000s transparent controller
Lefty: the only girl freddy and she big, she uses leftist sites and is a communist as seen by her red drip
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femmesswitch · 2 years
I would like y’all to see how close I was to one of my favourite artists. Not to mention for someone who has only been big for a small amount of time she did so incredible on such a bigggggg stage
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menalez · 2 years
ok not controversial, BUT she is slept on... nia vardalos shes soooo beautiful
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BIGGGGGG yes. she looks like so many crushes i had growing up 🫣
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