wallycolours · 11 months
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needed to practice some sketching :o3
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foolsabode · 4 months
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I'm not late for maid day, any day can be maid day.
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nx42 · 1 year
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Ready, Maid?
Bri, the demi-skunk Nicole clone, gets ready for a shift at the Nicole Cafe~ For Gdhusali
Posted using PostyBirb
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undergroundartwork · 2 months
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Still got some Summer stuff coming but I wanted to do a little Fifi doodle for an anon over on the /toon/ threads.
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skaruresonic · 2 months
Being a Cream fan is suffering. The writers aren't hiding that they don't like her. Hello Advanced 2 anyone???
I can imagine.
She's milked for both humor and angst. In most cases, the fact that it's Cream specifically who is suffering/the butt of the joke is the intended takeaway behind the humor or angst.
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People try to rationalize such moments as "she's just a child," forgetting that Cream is also her own person and has a personality beyond the expected behavior of children her age. Shunting her into the box of Child(tm) and leaving it at that is like reducing Amy to Girl(tm). Or Shadow to his Black Arms blood. You're not wrong to say those elements factor in, per se, but you are being overreductive by focusing only on those isolated elements of their characters when they're not overall terribly important.
Apologies for the self-indulgence here, but before we proceed to talk about IDW 66 and 67's B-side story, I'd like to bring up Cream's chapter in my visual novel as a counterexample:
In a nutshell: OaS is a slice-of-life where Sonic goes about a normal Sunday, visiting his friends and helping them through their problems, alongside some funny shenanigans. He spends about half the game spending time with Knuckles, Amy, and Cream, respectively.
Chapter three sees his relationship with Cream evolve from friends to Big Bro-Lil Sis(tm) as he endeavors to look out for her the best he can and listen to her little kid problems. Math is hard. :<
You'll notice in the conversation Sonic and Cream have after they sit down to eat their carnival food - about halfway through the video - that "lol Cream's just a dumb kid" is the exact attitude I was trying to avoid.
On the contrary: I wanted to respect her agency while also emphasizing that her status as a child is something worth respect on its own. Just because her problems may seem trivial from an adult perspective don't mean they aren't real to her, and I hope I've portrayed it so that Sonic gives her the respect she deserves.
The gist behind the chapter's more humorous moments isn't to point and laugh at Cream, but rather make light of the awkwardness of Sonic navigating being a big brother figure.
That's why stuff like Cream spouting waterfalls really rubs me the wrong way. Folks will argue "she's a child" while neglecting the important nuance that it's not typical of Cream to wail like a toddler in the games... As well as the other important nuance that if it had been Games!Cream in IDW!Cream's place, Rough and Tumble would be ground into paste before the roast finished.
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The only punchline here is "Isn't it funny how Cream tried so hard to do right by her mother and some bully destroyed her work in an instant? LOL and then Vanilla went mama bear on them." When you drill down to the core of the underlying idea, you'll find it's just... meanspirited. The book is making fun of the fact that Cream is suffering what is, in her eyes, a humiliating failure.
It's not humor generated by Cream's personality, or the mood whiplash incurred by beating up bad guys one moment and tending to the roast the next, or inviting the bad guys to dinner after giving them a thorough ass-whooping, or anything like that.
How much better would it have been if, instead, following the food fight, we cut to Vanilla returning home to find an immaculate dinner table and two very twitchy skunk boys playing maid in fear of the goddess of destruction's wrath? Cream cheerily greets her mother while Rough and Tumble trip over themselves putting Vanilla's groceries away. Meanwhile Cheese and Chocola give them the evil eye. Vanilla is confused as G-merl pulls out her chair for her, but in no position to protest.
Imagine how amusing that could have been! Nope. The book has to point and laugh at Cream in a "ha ha bitch you thought" kind of way. Can't join in on the laugh track if we have any love for Cream ourselves.
To borrow the stans' logic, it's actually pretty fucked-up that you're meant to laugh at a child for crying in such a situation. At best, you're made to feel sorry for her, but given how the scene is framed to be absurd, it's probably a safer bet to say you're intended to laugh.
That's before we remember Cream doesn't sob buckets in the games. It took being kidnapped, taken to Eggman's creepy robot depot and watching Emerl gleefully tear Phi robots apart for her to sniffle quietly.
Sniffle. Not wail like a toddler. Because the games have this thing called "a sense of decorum," you see. xP
People contend that Cream's a pacifist based on her refusal to engage in Battle until Emerl gets hurt (and then they conveniently ignore how she stepped up and kicked some ass; rip), which overlooks the context that she was probably sick of fighting after having been forced to spar against Emerl and Amy to the point of exhaustion.
P.S. IDW!Vanilla wishes she was half as scary as OaS!Vanilla. Yeah, I said it xP
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rumbelleshowdown · 5 months
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Moderator note: There will be only one fic posted for Groups G, H, and J. The other person in each of those groups dropped out.
Author: Rose Tea
Group: G
Prompts: Goddess. Let us sail astray. Skunk in the garden.
Stuff of Legends
Belle opened the massive tome, eyes darting  across the first page.  Whether she’d read this one already the little maid couldn’t recall. But some books get better each time you read them. She couldn’t count the times  she’d poured over Her Handsome Hero; enthralled in the adventures of Alma and Gideon. 
Blowing away a tiny bit of dust, Belle turned the page. To her surprise, she hadn’t read this one. It contained various legends and stories of the gods and how they controlled  every part of the realms.  
Halfway through the first chapter; however,  at the sudden  noise of footsteps entering the library, Belle paused.   Rumplestiltskin said he’d be  back at sundown. 
Then who—
“Am I disturbing you,  Miss Belle? I could go back out to the garden and explore. Only  something is out there. A skunk, I think.” 
Belle sighed.  Peering over the book, she looked into the dark eyes  of the little master. Well, ‘little’ being a relative term, as Baelfire would protest he is now eight years old. 
“No– No.  You aren’t bothering me” She replied,   giving the boy a friendly smile.  “I have been exploring a little myself. “ She gestured around the room.  “There’s enough books in here for a lifetime!” 
The boy  sat down on the floor.  “So what are you reading  now?”  He asked, face lit up in curiosity.    
“Oh? “ Belle showed him the cover.  “It’s some old stories. About the gods and goddesses. “ She  chuckled. “ I don’t think you’d find it interesting, Bae.” 
Bae shook his head.  “Could you read me one?  I like hearing you read, Miss Belle.  And I think Papa likes it as well.” 
Belle swallowed; keeping back the forming blush.  “He- he does?” She asked, quavering. 
Bae nodded.  “He told me last night.” 
Well, Belle thought,  she could at least read one.  
“Let’s see” she muttered, flipping the pages until back at the beginning.  The page showed a simple drawing of a woman in a blue gown.  “This one?”
Yes!”  Bae moved closer to hear every word. 
There are many legends about this world. From  stories of the smallest ant who worked all summer, to the selkies who can change their shape, to the Black Fairy.  But none is more  beautiful than the tale of the man who loved a goddess. 
Long ago, there lived a lonely man.   No one wanted to  be around him.  And no one completely knew why: some say it was something in his eyes or how he moved.  Others said it was his attitude.  How he always acted rude and utterly callous. Either way, no one wished to come  close to him. 
The man had very few things that mattered to him.  Those being  his wife and son. With them, he felt like he had everything he needed. 
But one day, his wife grew unhappy. She wanted to  venture out into the world.  To see new things and meet new people.  
“Let us sail astray” she would beg at least once a day. 
But he’d refuse.  
Until one day,  the man came home to find his wife had done just that.  She’d  headed off into  the night  with no indication she would return and leaving their son  without a mother. 
This made the man bitter. His son was growing fast and would soon not need him anymore.  The thought of losing everything terrified him. He consulted with  sorcerers and found all sorts of magic. He wanted to try anything he could to ease the fear and hurt he felt. 
His son couldn’t bear to see his father in such a state. He wondered if something could be done to help him. 
Belle caught the wide-eyed look on Bae’s face.  “Should I stop?” 
Bae shrugged.  “Keep reading. I want to hear  how it ends. “ 
He developed a talent over time:   knowing exactly what someone desired the most and how to get it. Even  if it cost their lives.  This consumed him,  making him fall further  and farther into darkness.  So deep it took him over like a huge wave. 
One  day, however,  when the first flushes of springtime came to the land,  the man saw a beautiful woman. Her eyes such a bright shade of blue, they seem to pierce the darkness  for a moment. 
He could sense something special about her and had to find out. So he  took her to his home. 
“You will stay here for the rest of your days” he declared,  “And we shall never be apart.” 
The woman didn’t like this idea at first.  Why would she want to stay with such a disagreeable man?  She hoped and prayed each day  that he’d let her leave. 
That is until  an afternoon in early autumn.  She had gone out to gather fruit for a pie  when all of a sudden, a great bird attacked her and almost carried off his son.  
 A bit later,  she heard sounds coming from outside.  What the woman saw startled her more than the bird.  That this man, who had been so disagreeable to her cared enough to not harm the bird  upon learning it had a nest full of chicks.   In that moment, she knew there must be more to him.  
 “Miss Belle, this man kind of sounds like Papa.” 
Belle bit her lip as realization of what the boy said dawned on her “He does, doesn’t he?” 
Autumn turned to winter.  The trees once bearing fruit now wore a layer of frost.  The house became colder, as did the man. Any time the woman talked to him,  he snapped at her. 
His breaking point came when she inquired as to the fate of his wife.   He’d yelled at her to leave, to never return.   
The woman cried a pool of tears. She  had grown to love the man in spite of everything.  As she turned to leave the house,  the man noticed something not there before.  
A brilliant glow illuminated the woman: brighter than anything he’d ever seen. The man froze. 
What he hadn’t known was the woman was a goddess; one of great beauty and knowledge.  She came  to find someone who loved  her truly  and thought she’d found it. 
As she left, she said these words:  “You have grown so cold to love that  when it comes, you can’t see it .  I loved you.  And I do hope that  one day  you will come to realize you aren’t immune to the concept. “  
Marking her place with her finger,  Belle turned to the little master. “Did—--Did you like it?” 
There came a long pause before Bae answered. “Miss Belle,  if Papa is the man,  does that mean you are the goddess?” 
“I—-I’m don’t think I am.” She stood up, putting away the book. 
“But do you love Papa ?” 
Thoughts raced through Belle’s mind.  How could she answer that truthfully? 
“Do you?”  Bae repeated.  
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Saw your adorable Barbie background for your blog, and I had to share some cursed brain rot I had related to Barbie!
Rothbart from Barbie: Swan Lake, is a legitimate good father. Sure he had his moment where he left Odile as a pig, but the fact that he was about to try and end Odette and Daniel, but came to Odile when he heard her scream when she was being sprayed by skunks is still such a win for him!
So since your requests are open…yan hcs for Rothbart? When he younger of course…cause I was always so bummed his wife was never in the picture. I know this is so cursed…
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i’ve actually never watched barbie swan lake so i made the stupid decision of skipping to the parts the bird man was in. idk why i did that. i was so confused. bro really saw barbie in a forest, arched his back, threw some magical beam at her through a ring, turned her into a swan, didn't elaborate and flew away.
we're not going to talk about how i thought his daughter was his wife at first. i was about to come for you if you were simping over a married man in low qual 00s barbie 😭 him as a human in that ball scene tho- i listen to whatever doja says
anyway, here it is. love anything cursed i eat it up.
✮ft: yan!rothbart / yan!prince
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yan!prince rothbart who almost immediately took a dislike to you, his personal maid, personal servant, his own little retainer, and any other words that can fit that category. he hated the way you looked at him, so naive, as if you truly believed that he could rule over this forest, as if you truly believed he would be picked over his cousin. it was truly pathetic.
yan!prince rothbart who would study day in and out until the sun rose and fell into those trees, all the while you were there for every minute of it. need a new book or for you to return one that’s all the way in the back of the library just so your annoying presence is gone? of course, you’ll do it! it’s what the future king wants, isn't it?
yan!prince rothbart who hears the kitchen staff talking rather rudely about him after you take too long to fetch him some bread to eat. they weren't wrong speaking about how he just wants to rule the forest, but they would do the same. he wanted to wait until it died down until you finally spoke up to cut them off.
“prince rothbart isn't anything like that! he’s kind and studies more than any of you would! he would be a better ruler than any of you!”
yan!prince rothbart who maybe slowly starts to relish in your presence. you were one of, if not the first, to be on his side and want him to become king. after everything he’s put you through, you still want him as king. it was so dimwitted and simple. you were so dimwitted and simple. then why did you always make him seem so much lighter?
yan!prince rothbart who is still agitated how you followed him around like a lost duck everywhere he went. how you didn't understand anything about the land or policies, laws, politics, but it almost became therapeutic to him; his own little escape.
yan!prince rothbart who found himself slipping from his studies to escape with you. running away to the forest for a small picnic by the river, your laugh so elegant as animals would run to you and away from you. your teasing words as he pretended not to care if a hedgehog almost chopped off his finger echoed in his ears like a symphony.
yan!prince rothbart who wanted to spend more and more time with you. that is your job, after all. you should be more than willing to devote more time to him, whether it be sneaking off to help him find some berries or leaves or just a way to escape classes or studies.
yan!prince rothbart who decides that he should give something back to you after all these years of being by his side. specially brewed tea mixed with the finest wild honey and a scrumptious grayanotoxin. you would never need to be knowledgeable about the mad honey disease, as the common people called it. you’re just sick is all! the doctors can check, even if they find nothing.
yan!prince rothbart who has moved some of his studies to your cramped room. you don't want him in here? you don't want him to catch your little fever? he should be studying? oh, but he is studying. you're just here to keep him in high spirits! after all, it is so funny when you ask him what something means. just how could you not know what hunting laws indicate as a servant?
yandere!prince rothbart who is always the only one to serve you your favorite honey tea. it’s just so yummy, making you feel better! it’s not as if he’s the one holding you hostage in this bed with it! no, never!
yan!prince rothbart who once he is of age finally hears of who will be king or queen, finally snapping at you. everything imaginable is thrown at your cowering body. a teacup holding scalding tea goes first, shattering behind you, tea imprinting on the wall as a loud crash is heard.
“this is all your fault! if i had studied more and not spent so much time with you! you pathetic dumb little pauper! i should be king!”
yan!prince rothbart who hurried over to your twin-size bed, sitting down next to you, dipping the bed, cradling your weak frame in his arms. Whispers of sweet nothings resonated in your ear as he stroked your arm up and down. You’re always there; why should he not repay you by ruling over him? If you want to or not, of course, isn't up to you. If it ever was, it would never even be a question but a fact; that answer being no.
“my dear [y/n], this land no longer needs us. for now, be with me. stay by my side until i- no, we shall rule this forest.”
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All propaganda and what each competitor is from under the cut (spoiler warning for Stella's propaganda in full)
Stella Richmond (Scarlet Hollow)
Stella is kind and outgoing. She loves cryptid hunting, cooking, and her dog Gretchen. She's probably the nicest person in town, though she is a bit pushy, dragging you off to track down a Skunk Ape right after you meet. She also tends to jump into dangerous situations without considering the consequences. Losing her parents in a car accident was incredibly traumatic and she's still grieving. If you visit her house, you can see she hasn't even moved their boots away from the door. She still refuses to ride in cars, and has never left her hometown of Scarlet Hollow because of it. Part of the reason she started cryptid hunting is she wanted to find evidence of the afterlife by looking for ghosts. She doesn't remember a lot of those ghost hunting videos though, because she was so traumatized.
Shannon and Kanon (originally, only Shannon was submitted for, so she gets the propaganda. Sorry, Kanon) (Umineko No Naku Koro Ni)
Like Kanon, Shannon is a servant for the Ushiromiya family who owns their orphanage. She was selected to work as a maid at the age of 6, and has been working at the mansion since then. While she also thinks of herself as furniture, and lets herself get bullied and pushed around because of it, she's good friends with the heiress Jessica and her cousins. When spending time with them she's happy and cheerful, even teasing Jessica about her crush on Kanon.
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themurphyzone · 8 months
BatB AU: Ch 28: Under the Apple Tree
AN: It's been a super long time since I updated this story. But now I think it's time to get the ball rolling on the next story arc!
Ch 28: Under the Apple Tree
AO3 Link
“Over here, Brain!” Pinky shouted from atop the small hill. He swung the picnic basket in a wide arc, one hand on his floppy sunhat. The mint green ribbon tied around the brim swayed gently in the fresh spring breeze, matching perfectly with the cute bow around his waist. Marita had embroidered his sundress with beautiful white daisies and yellow daffodils, and he loved how the fair weather was just perfect for springtime fashion. “Come on! I’ve seen snails move faster than you!” 
Brain promptly dropped the red, apple-decorated blanket in his hands, his cheeks turning as pink as his eyes when he stared up at Pinky. Stunned, he hastily scooped up the blanket and hurried to the hilltop. 
“And how would you know that, Pinky?” Brain asked, breathless from his climb. “You can’t sit still long enough to watch a snail move that far.”
He spread the blanket on the grass, right underneath the blossoming apple tree. This spot had just the perfect mixture of sunlight and shade. The blooming flowers were beautiful shades of pink and white, gently fluttering in the breeze. 
Pinky reached up, catching a falling blossom in the palm of his hand. He inhaled slowly, taking in its sweet aroma. 
“You should smell this, Brain!” Pinky exclaimed, tail wagging in excitement. “It’s like a little whiff of heaven!” 
Brain hesitated for a moment at the flower in Pinky’s hands, but after an encouraging nod, he leaned over and scented the flower for himself. 
“The scent is…familiar,” Brain admitted, placing a hand to his chin in thought. He seemed rather puzzled by it. “I know I’ve smelled it in the castle before, but I can’t pinpoint the source.” 
“Maybe the maids were using it? I’ve been meaning to ask what they’re using to get those really stubborn stains out,” Pinky suggested. 
But Brain shook his head. “No, no, it wasn’t coming from them or their cleaning tools. I’m fairly certain it was in the library.” 
Pinky tucked the blossom behind Brain’s ear, giving his outfit an extra springtime touch. Brain tended to favor muted colors in his casual outfits, and he’d chosen a simple yet elegant white, short-sleeved shirt with black pants for this outing. 
Pinky smiled at his handiwork while Brain reached up and touched the flower, confusion all over his face before securing the flower and giving a small, hesitant smile of his own. 
“Really? I always thought the library had that dusty old book smell,” Pinky admitted. 
With all the time he’d spent in the library, it had become a comforting scent to him. 
“It’s not from the books either. In fact, I smelled it more when…we’re in close proximity to each other.” Brain’s eyes widened in realization. “Wait! Now I’m sure of it! You’re somehow the source of that scent, Pinky!” 
“Am I?” Pinky said, lifting his arm and smelling his fur. A pleasant, floral scent filled his nostrils. “Well I’ve been using this really nice apple blossom bubble bath lately…” 
Then a playful, mischievous idea came to mind, and he coiled his tail around Brain’s waist, pulling him close. Brain tensed up, his fur turning a bright shade of crimson. 
“Are you trying to tell me I smell nice, Brain?” Pinky crooned through half-lidded eyes, his voice low and teasing. 
“N-no! I mean, yes!” Brain stammered, unable to answer Pinky’s question. “Maybe? Y-you don’t smell like a skunk!”
Giggling, Pinky took pity on Brain and released him. Brain’s face was still bright red as he hurried over to the picnic basket and began unpacking items at lightning speed. 
Pinky’s stomach rumbled from hunger as the scent of freshly made cheese intertwined with the apple blossoms, and he couldn’t resist breaking off a piece of a large wheel that Brain had set aside. 
He popped it into his mouth, a sweet, nutty flavor exploding across his tongue. It was absolutely divine, and Pinky couldn’t resist taking a second helping. But before he could break off another piece, Brain reached behind him and moved the plate out of reach. 
“Don’t be greedy, Pinky,” Brain scolded, though his tone was light and lacked any real bite to it. “I’m not finished yet. You need to wait.” 
Pinky pouted. Withholding cheese just wasn’t fair! 
“But I’m hungry, Brain! Narf!” he protested, placing his elbows on the closed lid of the picnic basket and resting his head in his hands. “I haven’t eaten in forever!” 
Brain rolled his eyes. “You inhaled an entire stack of ten pancakes with cream, chocolate, berries, butter, sugar, and syrup this morning.” 
“Yeah, but that was then! This is now!” Pinky insisted. “Pleeeeaaaaaase?” 
He clasped his hands together, his tail hopefully wagging.  
Brain’s stern demeanor melted into uncertainty. “Pinky, don’t you give me that look now…” he stammered, crossing his arms in an attempt to remain in control. “You know I can’t re-I mean, of course I’m completely immune to your simple charms, and I will not surrender the cheese under any circumstances.” 
Pinky’s ears drooped against his neck. 
And with a sigh of resignation, Brain finally broke off a piece of cheese and threw it into Pinky’s open mouth. The cheese melted in Pinky’s mouth, and he licked his lips with a contented narf. 
“...you have got to stop doing that,” Brain groaned, running his hands down his face in frustration. 
Pinky just smiled, because amidst the spread of sourdough bread, cheese, berries, butter, and drinks, there were two very special items left in the basket that Brain hadn’t brought out yet. Brain had entrusted the food preparations to Pinky, while he focused on scouting the perfect spot for their picnic. Brain hadn’t seen all the contents of the basket yet. 
“Brain, allow me to present the creme de la creme of this basket! It’s a super special recipe passed down through the family for generations, and I can’t wait to share it with you!” Pinky opened the other half of the basket to reveal two slices of strawberry cheesecake. “It’s made with crushed crumbs, cream cheese, the first harvest of the ripest and reddest strawberries of the season, and love!” 
“Should we really be eating the dessert course first?” Brain asked, though he swiped a finger through his cheesecake and carefully gave it a test lick. His entire body perked up, a happy gleam in his rose-pink eyes. 
Pinky shrugged. “Who’s gonna stop us? We can eat cake first if we want!” 
“Dr. Scratchinsniff would have something to say if he knew,” Brain said, though he’d eaten half of his cake already, flecks of cream cheese dotting his muzzle. 
“Troz! Well, ‘ol Scratchy’s not here now, is he?” Pinky smirked as he shoveled the cheesecake down his throat. “And it’s not like he can stop us if he wanted to.” 
Brain shrugged. “I suppose not.” 
He finished his cheesecake and grabbed a slice of bread. But before he could bite into it, he suddenly let out a loud burp and quickly covered his mouth, cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
Pinky gasped, clutching his chest like somebody had just stepped on a puppy. “Now, Brain! Zu should not burp like ze chimney!” he exclaimed in his best imitation of Scratchinsniff. “Eet iz not very prince-y of zu, ja?”
He punctuated his outrage with an exaggerated, nagging wave of his finger. 
“Your imitation is truly impeccable,” Brain said, a short laugh escaping him. “Down to the accent and enunciation.” 
Fur bristling, Pinky quickly leapt behind Brain, glancing up at the apple tree and ready to duck for cover in case there were any birds perching on the branches.   
“I’m peckable?” he yelped, clutching Brain tightly. “Are there any crows up there?” 
Brain sighed, loosening Pinky’s arms so he could slip out. “No, Pinky. Only two songbirds, and they haven’t noticed us.” 
“Oh. Well, that’s a relief,” Pinky said, instantly relaxing. 
One songbird had bright yellow feathers splashed across its chest, while the other was a plain brown. The yellow-feathered bird sang a beautiful melody to its counterpart, fluttering along the flowers and budding leaves to entice her with his song. 
But the female only pecked at the branch, not seeming particularly interested. 
“Narrrf, I think he’s trying to woo her, Brain!” Pinky whispered in excitement. “He’s singing such an adorable song for her! That’s so romantic!” 
What sort of romantic imagery went with birdsong? Maybe a blue sky, or soaring somewhere exciting, or building a nest together? 
“She doesn’t appear to share your opinion, Pinky,” Brain said, crossing his arms with a frown. 
The female bird wasn’t outright rejecting her suitor, but she was flicking her tailfeathers at him, like he needed to work harder to win her over. 
And the male was trying awfully hard, but his song faltered, every beat of his wings becoming more unsure. If he didn’t find his groove, he was gonna lose her for sure! 
“He needs a wingman,” Pinky declared, his mind made up. He hurried over to the shadow of the apple tree’s largest branch, whistling along to the male’s birdsong. He filled in the spaces of the faltering melody with his own, but kept his voice lower so he didn’t completely overtake the song. 
The female stopped pecking at the branch, cocking her head as he listened more intently to the song. Bolstered by her rising interest, the male dared to hop closer to her, puffing out his yellow feathers to make himself appear more attractive. 
That’s it! You’re doing great! 
The male was just inches away from her, stretching out his wing as if inviting her for a flight. 
Suddenly, the female broke away and fluttered down to the roots of the apple tree. She regarded Pinky with interest. 
Pinky rubbed the back of his neck, feeling rather awkward now. 
“Oh…um, hi,” Pinky said, trying to be friendly without being too friendly. “I think he likes you?” 
He pointed up at the male bird, who’d stopped singing, his beak open from shock. 
But the female ignored Pinky’s hand, warbling at him with keen interest. 
“Don’t get me wrong! I’m flattered, truly!” Pinky waved his hands frantically and backed away. “But I don’t think I could eat worms straight out of the ground!” 
Yet the female hopped even closer, her beak pressing against Pinky’s nose. 
Then Pinky felt a hand clamp down on his wrist, yanking him backwards. 
“Stay behind me, Pinky,” Brain ordered with a warning glare directed at the female bird. 
His short white fur bristled, and Pinky giggled quietly to himself. Brain looked like an adorably spiky cloud with his fur puffed out like that. 
The female bird threw her wings open, feet scraping at the ground with indignation. 
“He’s. Not. Interested,” Brain growled, his voice low and dangerous. A deceptively quiet rumble came from his throat, and Pinky realized that Brain truly was growling the way he used to do under the curse.
Pinky rubbed Brain’s spiky fur between his fingers, admiring how soft it still felt. Brain’s growling faltered, then quickly picked back up, like he’d briefly forgotten and remembered why he was growling in the first place. 
Brain kept Pinky behind him while he stared down the female bird. 
Finally, the female bird chirped and lifted her tailfeathers haughtily, flying away until she’d disappeared over the treeline. The male warbled frantically and hurried after her, leaving several feathers behind him. 
Brain continued to glare at the horizon, as if silently daring them to come back. His fur still wouldn’t lie flat, so Pinky gently smoothed it down for him with soothing, broad strokes. 
The tension in Brain’s shoulders slowly disappeared, his growls becoming softer and quieter. He leaned back into Pinky, letting him support his weight as he returned the affection with a brief nuzzle of his own. 
“No more interfering in the love lives of avians, Pinky,” Brain sternly told him, though his exasperated scolding was punctuated with a kiss to Pinky’s nose. 
“Okey-dokey, Brain,” Pinky giggled, returning the nose kiss with one of his own. 
Brain’s face immediately turned as red as the picnic blanket lying on the ground. 
“G-good…” he stammered, quickly rushing back to the picnic blanket and burying his face in the fabric. 
Brain always seemed like he wanted to sink into the nearest fabric whenever Pinky kissed him on the nose. 
Before Pinky could surprise him with another kiss, several loud squawks came from somewhere in the sky.  
“Pesto, just calm down-” 
“N-no, I’m just saying-” 
Two avian bodies plummeted to the ground, tangled in a feathery gray ball. Pesto was completely incoherent now, while Squit ineffectually tried to push him off. But there wasn’t much force in Squit’s kicks. 
Pesto’s shrieks quickly turned into gasps and sobs, his entire body shaking as he collapsed on top of Squit. 
“Cheer up, Pesto. There’s plenty of other birds in the sky,” Squit said, patting Pesto’s back awkwardly. 
“N-not like Ebony! We could’ve made a beautiful nest together!” Pesto wailed. 
Pinky and Brain awkwardly glanced at their romantic picnic setup. 
Bobbi, who’d always been the calmest out of the Goodfeathers, ducked his head in apology. There was a brown satchel on his back, a piece of parchment sticking out from the flap. 
“Sorry to crash your little date,” he said diplomatically, ignoring Squit’s clumsy attempts to comfort Pesto, who was sobbing into his shoulder. “Pesto acts like this every spring. Always wantin’ to chase every pretty tailfeather that flits his way.” 
“Oh no, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it,” Pinky replied. Brain’s eyes were trained carefully on the picnic basket, and he fidgeted awkwardly next to Pinky. “So this Ebony…um, it didn’t work out, huh?” 
Bobbi nodded. “I told him not to chase that crow. Those birds like to be courted with shiny gifts, but they’ll steal ‘em and leave you heartbroken in the end.”
Pinky gasped, hands flying to his mouth. “Poor Pesto! That’s just horrible!” 
He felt a little better when Brain’s hand started patting him on the back.
“A most unfortunate outcome,” Brain added, turning his gaze back onto the picnic blanket with all their food lying haphazardly under the tree. 
Bobbi shrugged. “Eh, he’ll get over it. He’s probably just overwhelmed. Been a long time since any of us have really stretched our wings. The carrier pigeon gig’s doing wonders for us.” 
Ever since the curse had been lifted, the Goodfeathers had been flying in and out of the castle to celebrate their freedom and report on anything interesting that occurred from the surrounding land. Though Bobbi and Squit were willing to carry messages from the castle occupants to the outside world, only Pinky, his father, and Wakko really took them up on their offer, and the only recipients of their letters were Slappy and Skippy Squirrel. 
The entire castle was made up of a hodgepodge of misfits and outcasts with nowhere else to go and nobody to write to, and there was no need to send letters when the person you wanted to talk to the most was living in the same castle anyway. 
“Must be nice to have wings,” Pinky mused. The world must look really nice from a bird’s eye view. “Can you really see everything way up in the wild blue yonder?” 
“Yeah, you can!” Squit exclaimed, hopping over and dragging a despondent Pesto behind him. “Flying is the greatest thing in the world since bread crumbs! Oh, and that old squirrel lady responded to your letter. Here you go!”
He lifted the parchment out of Bobbi’s backpack and gave it to Pinky, an unwavering grin on his beak. 
“Egad, I’ve been waiting for this all day!” Pinky exclaimed, quickly ripping the seal and letting the parchment unfurl. 
“To the Godpigeon, you and your dodo-minded flock have slighted me for the last time. Make good on our deal or else-”
Before Pinky could read any further, Bobbi quickly ripped the letter out of his hands and forcefully stuffed it into Squit’s beak to hide the contents. 
Squit choked on the parchment for a few seconds before finally swallowing it whole, a visible bulge sliding down his throat all the way to his stomach. 
“You. Saw. Nothing,” Bobbi grounded out, and Pinky hugged Brain to his chest nervously. 
Bobbi’s eyes were blown open in warning, a confusing sight for Pinky since he’d never seen Bobbi act like this before. His feathers puffed out so that he appeared even bigger as he loomed over them. 
“Of course we haven’t seen anything! Ow, Pinky, not so tight!” Brain exclaimed to placate Bobbi, with a sharp gasp. Pinky loosened his grip so Brain could breathe a little better. “You accidentally gave us another job advertisement for a shepherd boy! There seems to be a high  demand in the nearby villages! Haha!” 
Brain’s elbow jabbed Pinky. 
Recognizing his cue, Pinky laughed alongside Brain. “Oh yes, somebody’s gotta watch those poor sheep! And I definitely did not accidentally read a vaguely terrifying letter from an unknown sender that wasn’t meant for my innocent eyes! Zort!” 
Bobbi’s eyes narrowed, a move that made Squit dive for cover under Pesto’s wing. Pesto, who finally snapped out of his heartbroken stupor, watched anxiously and didn’t try to shove Squit away for once. 
Suddenly, Bobbi shook Pinky and Brain’s hands with his wings, his feathers lying smooth like he hadn’t been enraged just seconds ago. His eyes were closed once again. 
“Well, it’s a pleasure being on the same page with you fine gentlemice,” Bobbi said affably, his tone calm like he was only talking about the sunny weather. “Here’s your letter, Pinky. The correct one this time.” 
He gave Squit a pointed look. Clearly, they’d be discussing the consequences of revealing such a dangerous message once they were alone. 
Squit only let out a nervous laugh.
“Thanks…” Pinky said, taking the letter from Bobbi’s outstretched wing, which smelled of oak leaves and acorns. He was still unnerved by Bobbi’s threat. 
“No prob,” Bobbi said. “Squit. Pesto. We gotta report to the Godpigeon immediately. Let’s leave these lovebirds to their picnic.” 
Pesto’s eyes lit up as soon as Bobbi said ‘picnic’. “Wait…that’s it! I’ll land a girl with a picnic! Well, maybe if I could find a really pretty birdfeeder with a flower pattern-” 
He continued to ramble about all the ways he could impress larks, nightingales, and doves all the way into the sky. Within minutes, the Goodfeathers’ silhouettes disappeared over the horizon. 
Now that they were alone, Pinky and Brain returned to the blanket under the blossoming apple tree. 
“Brain?” Pinky said as they settled near the trunk together. “Where would you go if you could fly like the Goodfeathers?” 
Brain lifted his head towards the sky, silent as he pondered Pinky’s question. His pink eyes glittered with curiosity, but it didn’t last long before they turned downwards. He heaved a sigh, like flying was completely out of the question for him. 
“Don’t know,” Brain admitted. “What would your answer be?” 
That was an easy choice for Pinky. 
“I think I’d fly to Warnerstock,” Pinky declared. 
“You don’t know anything about Warnerstock, Pinky,” Brain said. 
“Neither do you,” Pinky pointed out. “Or the Warner siblings, or anyone else! I’ll explore the country myself and tell everyone what I saw! That way, it’s not so unknown anymore and the Warners won’t feel disconnected to their homeland!” 
Yakko was the only one who had any solid memories of Warnerstock. Wakko’s were fuzzy at best, and Dot was an infant when they fled. Her brothers and their life in France were all she remembered. 
There was a gleam of admiration in Brain’s pink eyes. “That’s…a surprisingly noble reason, Pinky. And I can’t argue against the pursuit of knowledge either.”
Pinky nudged Brain. “Okay, now it’s your turn. Where would you go if you could fly?” 
He wasn’t going to accept an ‘I don’t know’ for an answer. There were lots of places in the world one could visit if they could fly! Brain had to have one, or two, or even eighty-four places he wanted to travel to at some point in his life!
When was the last time he even got out of the castle anyway? 
“I…well, perhaps my answer might be…somewhat childish,” Brain murmured, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. Pinky didn’t see what the big deal was. “I’d like to visit Sherwood Forest, the home of Robin Hood and his Merry Men. It’s always described with such vibrancy and life. Seeing the real forest where his legend began would be amazing.”
His hands were clasped to his chest with wonder, though he quickly caught himself and lowered them again. 
Pinky nuzzled Brain’s ear. “Then I’ll take you there myself, Brain. You can ride on my back while I’m flying!” 
Brain stared at Pinky in surprise, though he shook his head with a brief chuckle and returned Pinky’s smile. 
“I’ll look forward to it then,” he said. 
Pinky tilted Brain’s head and captured his lips in a kiss. He tasted like strawberries and cheesecake, and Pinky hummed in delight when Brain pressed back too. The letter fluttered in Pinky’s hand, nearly forgotten until Brain pulled back, his chest heaving for breath. 
Pinky could’ve kept going with the kiss forever, and all the way to eternity, but he didn’t mind reading Slappy’s letter while he waited for Brain to catch his breath.  
Gonna keep this letter brief, Pinky. Can’t give away too much in case someone swipes it before this reaches you. 
Skippy and I are packing everything so we can get out of this backwater village. They’ve treated us like dirt and I’ve only put up with it for this long so Skippy could grow up in a stable environment. He’s been maturing a lot though, so it’s finally time to say see ya suckers to those jerkwads. They haven’t learned squat ever since we beat the everloving crap out of them at the castle. 
You weren’t a half-bad neighbor (seriously, why couldn’t you have lived next to me instead of that prissy, pearl-clutching Candi Chipmunk?), and the kid’s gonna miss you too.
We’ll be leaving in three days. If you wanna come see us, that’s your window. 
P.S.. Hi, this is Skippy! Come visit us soon! 
P.P.S. Little scamp added this postscript while I was making dinner. Got some friends housesitting for you since your door isn’t fixed yet. Your rich new boyfriend can pay for any damages that happen when you let Daffy Duck crash at your place, can’t he? 
P.P.P.S. Be careful when you head into town. Trouble’s brewing. 
Pinky reread the letter multiple times, the reality of Slappy and Skippy’s situation sinking in with every passing minute. He couldn’t stop the worried thoughts whirling through his mind. 
Were the villagers giving them trouble after their defeat at the castle? They’d followed Snowball’s cruel orders in separating them on that horrible night. Were they still trying to accomplish that? Trying to take revenge for siding against them in the battle? 
He understood why Slappy wanted to move away from the village, away from all their judgment and stares and whispers. Neither he nor Papa missed the villagers all that much after they’d permanently moved into the castle. 
But Slappy and Skippy were the only ones who’d been nice to him for years. He’d never expected them to move away so quickly. 
While he didn’t expect everything in his life to stay the same, the change was still so unexpected that he didn’t know what to do. 
Brain carefully pried the letter out of Pinky’s hand. He read through it quickly, his fingers intertwining with Pinky’s for support. 
Pinky took a deep breath, taking comfort in Brain’s presence. He wasn’t alone, he wasn’t lost and wandering without a destination in sight. 
“...I want to check on them, Brain,” Pinky said quietly. “And not just through the mirror.” 
Maybe he could’ve used the mirror, but it wasn’t the same. He couldn’t talk to the Squirrels or wish them a safe journey through it. 
But at the same time, he couldn’t just leave Brain behind in the castle either, even if it was only temporary. The first and only night Pinky had spent away from him after an entire winter together had been the loneliest one in Pinky’s life.  
“Will you come with me?” 
Brain was silent, his eyes staring off into the horizon. His fingers twitched in uncertainty, his ears falling against his back. 
He wasn’t going to say no to Pinky visiting his old friends. No, his reaction was something else entirely. While Pinky wasn’t sure why Brain was reacting this way, he was sure Brain would tell him eventually. 
Finally, Brain’s pink eyes met Pinky’s. He swept his arm out to the picnic spread. 
“Let’s pack all of this away, Pinky. We’ll begin preparations immediately.”
And Pinky planted a grateful kiss on Brain’s forehead.
End AN: A nice, fluffy chapter so the mice can chill by themselves for a while. They deserve a break.
Brain being unable to say no to Pinky and being grumpy about it and protective Brain are my favorite things. I will never get tired of those.
Decided to let the Goodfeathers have a chance to shine in this chapter, just cause it's fun to let minor background characters have a little spotlight.
Next chapter, Brain's venturing out of the castle for the first time and we're gonna see how that affects him.
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pokemonxhyperfixation · 4 months
The Shady Stilt Lands
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"The Shady Stilt Lands is one of our more... off beat exhibits in the new and improved Zooge. A dark oak forest home to both one of the least and most extraordinary animals in the area.
While it is indeed true that there are Skunks who call this exhibit home, they are not the focus, but...
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The Stiltwalkers are the real focal point of the exhibit. We have three of these strange and wonderful herbivores here and the one pictured here is our most sociable one named Manbearpig.
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The exhibit has two viewing vents within, one looking on the watering hole and the other in a small clearing near the fence. Though it's hard to tell, one can actually see Manbearpig in this image as well. (Luna is just here because her legal guardian works here, and she likes this exhibit).
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Despite these creature's more menacing apearence, we've found that the Stiltwalkers (like Sams featured here) are more docile in nature, despite what their large size and dark colors may lead one to believe. Much of their diet seems to consist of grasses and leaves from what we've seen.
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Unlike most of our exhibits where the fences aren't super useful for seeing what's inside, due to the size of the Stiltwalkers (like Thatcher here), you can pretty easily see them over it when they are near by.
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And now to introduce and showcase our keepers for this exhibit, the returning Shion Yorigami and the new Kogasa Tatara! Due to Shion presently being in a (marginally) better financial situation than before, she no longer needs to live in the exhibit she works in. Kogasa just wanted an eerie job, and she didn't have the experience needed for some of the... more dangerous spooky critters, so the Stiltwalkers felt perfect!"
-Dr. D Clownberg, Zooge Owner.
So, uh, this is the new Zooge post format! Bigger, more screenshots, more information! Hardest shot was the keeper one, since god knows the maid AI likes to wander around and not look at you, even when they're set to follow... Anyways, I'll include little snipits on the main creatures of interest in each area, a little on what to expect, a blurb on the staff, and a pic of the Minimap view!
Also, this IS the area that won the poll, it's just that I got the name wrong. I'll also be signing all of these with the name of their in-universe Writer, so yeah. To think you could have seen some more shady shit if you chose the HQ ; ) So yeah! Hope you'll enjoy the Zooge Shenanigans!
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tiktaalic · 1 year
its really funny to go back in my likes a year to see tumblr fucking with dalle and other ai generators before they really became popular and using them to make. centaurs but the other animal is a guinea pig or skunk or alligator. and off brand logos that say peez huts. and destiel plushies. knowing that inevitably these programs find their way to twitter where the prompts are big boob blonde woman anime maid skirt hot tan blue eyes bikini. or donald trump tough strong muscular suit flexing
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Holidays 5.10
American Planetarium Day
Asian Pacific American Mental Health Day
AWS Smart Business Day
Bad Breath Day (UK)
Bear Witness Day (Canada)
Children’s Day (Maldives)
Clean Up Your Room Day
Confederate Memorial Day (NC, SC)
Constitution Day (Azerbaijan, Micronesia)
Dia De La Madre (Mexico)
Ependymoma Awareness Day
Fight Day (Japan)
Finger Face Puppet Day
Five & Dime Day
510 Day
Flower Festival (Azerbaijan)
German Shepherd Day
Golden Spike Day
Home Guard Day (UK)
Human Kindness Day
Indian Arrival Day (Jamaica)
International Day of Argania
International Monty Python Day
Library Legislative Days
Maid Day (Japan)
McHappy Day (Canada)
Mother Ocean Day
Mother’s Day (El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico)
Move for Health Day
National Bonsai Day
National Brand Day (China)
National Cactus Day
National Canine Companion Graduation Day
National Child Care Provider Appreciation Day
National Clean Your Room Day
National Day of Action Against Anti-Asian Racism (Canada)
National Lipid Day
National Mangrove Day (Thailand)
National School Nurse Day
National Ship Via Rail Day
National Small Business Day
National Tree Growing Day (Kenya)
National Washington Day
Native American Day (Indiana)
Occupational Safety and Health Professional Day
One Day Without Shoes
Pastele Blajinilor (Memory/Parent’s Day; Moldova)
Resistance and Liberation Day (Lebanon)
Ring Day
Royal Ploughing Ceremony (Thailand)
Skunks Born Day
Stay Up All Night Night
Tag des Buches (Book Day; Germany)
Thrift Day (French Republic)
Tower Technician Appreciation Day
Trust Your Intuition Day
Whacking Day (The Simpsons)
Windmill Day
World Day of Social Communications
World Facilities Management Day
World Lupus Day
World Orienteering Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Chocolate Fish Day (New Zealand)
National Liver and Onions Day
National Shrimp Day
World Poultry Day
Independence & Related Days
Constitution Day (Micronesia)
Hashima (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Romania (from Ottoman Empire, 1877)
2nd Friday in May
Child Care Provider Appreciation Day (a.k.a. Provider Appreciation Day) [Friday before Mother's Day]
Dia de la Madre (El Salvador) [2nd Friday]
Fintastic Friday: Giving Sharks A Voice [2nd Friday]
Flashback Friday [Every Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
International Professional Drivers Day [2nd Friday]
Military Spouse Day [Friday before Mother's Day]
Miniskirt Day [2nd Friday]
Mother’s Day (Guatemala; Women Employees only) [2nd Friday]
Mother’s Day (Mexico) [2nd Friday]
National Public Gardens Day [Friday before Mother's Day]
National School Communications Day [2nd Friday]
Shades Day [Friday closest to 5.15]
Working Mother’s Day [2nd Friday]
World PICU Day [2nd Friday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 10 (1st Full Week)
National Public Gardens Week (thru 5.19) [Begins Friday before Mother’s Day]
UN Global Road Safety Week (thru 5.14)
Universal Family Week (thru 5.16)
Festivals Beginning May 10, 2024
BBQ & Barrels (Owensboro, Kentucky) [thru 5.11]
Canadian Tulip Festival (Ottawa, Canada) [thru 5.20]
Canby Brewfest (Canby, Oregon) [thru 5.11]
FedCon (Bonn, Germany) [thru 5.12]
Genuss Festival (Vienna Culinary Festival; Vienna, Austria) [thru 5.12]
Lexington Craft Beer Week (Lexington, Kentucky) [thru 5.19]
McAlester Italian Festival (McAlester, Oklahoma) [thru 5.11]
Mesick Mushroom Festival (Mesick, Michigan) [thru 5.12]
Middle Tennessee Strawberry Festival (Portland, Tennessee) [thru 5.11]
Norfolk & Norwich Festival (Norwich, UK) [thru 5.26]
Piney Woods Wine Trail Festival (Lindale, Texas) [thru 5.11]
Rochester Lilac Festival (Rochester, New York) [thru 5.19]
Shepherds Harvest Sheep and Wool Festival (Lake Elmo, Minnesota) [thru 5.12]
Smoke on the Lake BBQ Festival (Acworth, Georgia) [thru 5.11]
Texas Crab Festival (Crystal Beach, Texas) [thru 5.12]
Vintage & Vino (Queen Creek, Arizona) [thru 5.12]
The WhiskyX (Boston, Massachusetts)
Feast Days
Alphius, Philadelphus and Cyrinus (Christian; Martyrs)
Antonius, Archbishop of Florence (Christian; Saint)
Aurelian of Limoges (Christian; Saint)
Calepodius (Christian; Saint)
Catald (a.k.a. Cathal; Christian; Saint)
Comgall (Christian; Saint)
Damien of Molokai (Christian; Saint)
Desmond MacNamara (Artology)
Feast of the Wedding of Shiva & Meenakshi (India; Everyday Wicca)
Fido (Muppetism)
Galepodius (Christian; Martyr)
Gordian and Epimachus (Christian; Martyrs)
Hannibal (Positivist; Saint)
Incense to Bring Love Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Job the Patriarch (Roman Catholic Church, pre-1969 calendar)
John of Ávila (Christian; Saint)
John Holmes Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Konstantinos Parthenis (Artology)
Lemuralia, Day 2 (Ancient Rome; Dedicated to Eradicating Malevolent Spirits of the Dead)
Lofn’s Blot (Pagan)
Mutant Awareness Day (Pastafarian)
Paul Wunderlich (Artology)
Rosalia (Ancient Roman Memorial Day)
Solangia (Christian; Virgin & Martyr)
Tin Hat Day (Chinese Goddess of the North Star; Hong Kong)
Wolverine Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lemuria (Day 2 of 3; Ancient Rome) [Unlucky to Marry]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [22 of 37]
Alligator Crawl, recorded by Louis Armstrong and His Hot Seven (Song; 1927)
All Things Bright and Beautiful, by James Herriot (Novel; 1975)
The Cider House Rules, by John Irving (Novel; 1985)
Cold Comfort Farm (Film; 1996)
Computer World, by Kraftwerk (Album; 1981)
Dorsai!, by Gordon R. Dickson (Novel; 1959)
Farm Frolics (WB MM Cartoon; 1941)
Feather Bluster (WB MM Cartoon; 1958)
Fish Follies (Phantasies Cartoon; 1940)
The Flowers of Buffoonery, by Osamu Dazai (Novel; 1935)
For a Few Dollars More (Film; 1967)
Gatsby (Film; 2013)
Good Omens, by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett (Novel; 1990)
Guntram, by Richard Strauss (Opera; 1894)
The Hot Rock, by Donald E. Westlake (Novel; 1970)
In Dutch (Disney Cartoon; 1946)
I Shot the Sheriff, recorded by Eric Clapton (Song; 1974)
Last and First Men, by Olaf Stapledon (Novel; 1930)
Lovesexy, by Prince (Album; 1988)
The Man Who Fell to Earth, by Walter Tevis (Novel; 1963)
Misunderstanding, by Genesis (Song; 1980)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Film; 1975)
The Muppets Mayhem (TV Series; 2023)
Murder in the Mill-Race, by E.C.R. Lorac (Novel; 1952)
Patriotic Popeye (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1957)
The Pink Panther: Pink at First Sight (DePatie-Freleng Animated TV Special; 1981)
Pokemon: Detective Pikachu (Film 2019)
Porky’s Ant (WB LT Cartoon; 1941)
The Professor and the Madman (Film; 2019)
Rabbit Transit (WB LT Cartoon; 1947)
Rio, by Duran Duran (Album; 1982)
The Silmarillion, by J.R.R. Tolkien (Novel; 1978)
Sock a Doddle Do (WB LT Cartoon; 1952)
Tolkien (Film; 2019)
Twister (Film; 1996)
Under the Counter Spy (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1954)
Up the Down Staircase, by Bel Kaufman (Novel; 1964)
Weezer (a.k.a. The Blue Album), by Weezer (Album; 1994)
Today’s Name Days
Gordian, Isidor, Liliana (Austria)
Ivan, Job (Croatia)
Blažena (Czech Republic)
Gordianus (Denmark)
Aina, Aini, Ainike, Aino, Ainu (Estonia)
Aina, Aini, Ainikki, Aino (Finland)
Solange (France)
Damian, Gordian, Isidor, Liliana (Germany)
Simon, Simonas (Greece)
Ármin, Pálma (Hungary)
Alfio, Antonino, Cataldo, Miro, Quarto (Italy)
Maija, Mairita (Latvia)
Putinas, Sangailė, Viktorina (Lithuania)
Asbjørg, Asbjørn, Espen (Norway)
Antonin, Częstomir, Izydor, Jan, Symeon, Wiktoryna (Poland)
Simon (România)
Viktória (Slovakia)
Damián, Juan (Spain)
Esbjörn, Styrbjörn (Sweden)
Cormac, Cormick, Gordon, Job, Joby, Jobina, Max, Maximilian, Maximus, Maxine, Maxwell (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 131 of 2024; 235 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 19 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 27 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 3 (Jia-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 2 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 2 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 11 Magenta; Foursday [11 of 30]
Julian: 27 April 2024
Moon: 8%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 19 Caesar (5th Month) [Paulus Aemilius]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 53 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 21 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Ing (Expansive Energy) [Half-Month 10 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 5.28)
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lightluxcollie · 1 year
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Commission Dump (10/16/23) I've had so many images I needed to post. So instead of torturing myself. I'm posting them all together. Commissions done for
Idonotsleep2023. Their poodle character. MedalOfConnor. TF TG into their Khajiit character. GerryAAB. Their skunk character. Tesser. TF TG into their new dragon character. Faros. This one is self explanatory. Boosh321. Adult Maid Smolder. DeadDino905. Their hybrid character Cole. BlackOwl. TF TG into their Owl Sona.
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doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
Ok, someone has to draw Figure as a Dino. But I got to know what the other's reactions to Halloween are? Especially the younger entities.
A split reaction. Mostly between the introverts or and the children/free spirited hotel residents.
The two contingencies being:
“FUCK YEA!! CANDY!!/I actually like this holiday and the festivities.”
Rush (Yes!! Candy!! ..and alcohol! And parties! Yippee!)
Ambush (Yes!! Candy!!..and alcohol! Yippee! And Rush in the maid outfit.)
Snare (the candy and attention it gets from wearing its little baguette or Lilly pad costume makes baby happi)
Screech (Yes!! Candy!! And costumes!! And the fun stuff!! And Dupe and Sally! Are very fun to hang out with!)
Dupe (Loves the candy!! Gets to hang out with friends! Gets to hang out with Screech! Tons of new things to bat and and chase and sniff! Dupe loves the fall!)
A-60 (surprisingly okay at parties, or atleast okay at eating with its family. Also seeing its little siblings bounce around is actually pretty fun.)
Sally (CANDY!! and then it wakes up in the punch bowl the next morning.)
El-Goblino. (Gets to play with people’s dogs, get a bunch of candy, hang out with Jeff.. what’s there not to like.
Jeff (Oh, it gets to eat some quality food! And it gets to see his grandchildren, how lovely! Jeff probably will use the situation to his full advantage and give out candy. He too, like Timothy has seen the holiday first take form. Oh how he loved the Samhain of old. When he’s not doing festivities. He’s praying and honoring his previous partner/Seek’s other parent or even his deceased ancestors.)
Dread (Used to be a human, and he liked this holiday when he was one. He’s just happy to be here. ☺️ He wears a little witch hat and a sweater because his frog body gets cold easily. )
Figure (Candy, the scent of autumnal flowers, the comfortable costumes, joyful calls of children. Its all wonderful to Figure.)
Timothy (Meemaw spider has seen very beginnings of the holiday. It enjoys it, and it makes fun inspiration for its webbed artworks. Finally an excuse to weave pumpkins and leaves. Oo! Pumpkin muffins!)
Revive (Actually? Likes Halloween and spicy candy a lot so this is actually pretty fun. And the children are..somewhat amusing to watch.)
Glitch (gets to wear a fun little Halloween hat and watch scary movies in the room’s projector. Enough said.)
Curious light (Gets to hang out with their chosen family. Gets to wear a cute little costume. Gets to mess around in their pirate costume with a sword.)
Jack (jumps out and scares the children whilst simultaneously stealing the candy. Only to be forcefully cocereed into returning said candy by an angry Rush.)
“I do not like the implications this holiday brings.”/“Too loud for them to enjoy.”
Halt (EW NO GO AWAY. Too much light, noise and sound. Being compared to a regular sheet ghost isn’t fun.)
Guiding light (too seeeerious + heathen holiday. It doesn’t understand why Curious would consider even liking this.)
Seek (..Doesn’t like being called a monster. Doesn’t like the implication that the costumes portray monsters. It wonders if this world is truly something it should be exposing its children too. Overall very uncomfortable with the concept of the holiday. But will celebrate with its family if it makes them happy.)
Shadow. (“No.” *Minecraft cave noise as it disappears.*)
Mystery entity (???)
A-120 (Doesn’t really like candy, but it’s fine. It can bake things for its friends and family.)
A-90 ( The skunk doesn’t really care tbh. Less dislikes and more so just simply thinks the holiday is mid compared to Christmas.)
*Introvert’s worst nightmare. Hates trick or treaters + anxiety.
I like to imagine Rush wondering if A-120 and A-90 are actually its kids because of the fact they don’t like Halloween /j
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nx42 · 1 year
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YCH: Nicole Maid Cafe
Running an auction featuring our clone-loving skunk (and human) OC, Nicole! https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52725568/ 
Posted using PostyBirb
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in-ennui · 11 days
The loops the lines the grime the crimes the limes the mimes the mines the signs the minds the rinds the rust the fuzz the bugs the buzz the bees the seeds the maids with mead the dump the lump the bump the skunk the stink that reeks the smell that seeps the hole the ground the town not found the base the boat the moat no goats
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