runefactorynonsense · 9 months
Here's a query for YOU: who do you think Lynette befriends first outside Guna and Mist in Kardia? And who does she befriend first of HER own volition?
I love this ask so much you don't even know.
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For some clarity; for most Rune Factory games, when it comes to their protagonists and the possible love interests, I usually headcanon their ages as older than the game(s) hint at them being. So keep that in mind, and maybe add between 5 to 8 to even 10 years to your headcanon age. [I won't name any numbers, and that'll just lock me into my own math.] But treat these folks as their prime adult selves after the events of the first game, not ""kids""~
Mist is obviously the "friend whether (you) like it or not." Raguna is roped in by that genuine, adorable charm and Lynette would fall for it, too. Look at her, a second person so ready to extend care and forgiveness... And Lynn will just have to accept it and begin to move on into her new life. It's the easier choice. Better than feeling so goddamn sorry for herself (or worse, as we saw the lengths Ethelbard was pushing her to). Even if it feels strange being in such a tight knit and supportive environment, and even if she'll look for cracks that prove it's all a lie.
After Mist, though, once she forces herself to try and live in a new place...
Lara and Tabatha and Jasper wind up becoming nice to talk to.
[ With a bonus of Sabrina and Godwin, with the questions of Newmann and Felicity. ]
Lara likely puts up a furious air at first, How many people could have been hurt, how many HAD as those stupid things were put around town... (Not to mention those RUMORS that spread about how Raguna lost his memory....) but quickly comes to realize that Lynette was involved, but not solely, entirely responsible. Not to mention she sees Lyn as someone who is... Tired. Dragging themselves through every day. Lara gives a deep sigh. So. She aids this new member of the town under the promise that Lynette helps others as she tries to help herself. While those medical visits become less and less, both women can't help but cross the street and seek one another out to talk. They may not have much in common when it comes to interests or tastes, but. It's nice. Sometimes you don't need all that. A connection can just be there.
Tabatha and Jasper feel like easy conversation. Both are used to more sharp natured persons, so they wouldn't be offended. And both don't put stock in local prejudices, political lines, and the nonsense of governing bodies (Jasper with his ties to the Sainte-Coquille business affairs, and Tabatha connected to that+comparing to her original home). I feel like both would be very quick to see past where Lynette is from, and her previous "occupation."
Jasper is such a kind and happy fellow. I could see him just wanting to know about what it was like as a person in Sechs Aristocracy, if it's similar to what he's heard from x, y, z.... Asking Lyn about her life, not job, probably helps break some ice. Maybe Lynette gets to gossip about petty, tiny things that she hadn't gotten to enjoy before. And how about that line of meats from those critters native to the heart of the empire...? Oh Jasper NEEDS some of those cuts- marinated in a very specific way, Lynette swears on her life (and it's just a joke this time).
And Tabatha? She's so calm. So soothing. She won't force Lyn to talk, but will listen when the other dares to break the silence. She seems to know how to enter a conversation and could find the perfect, small gift to make someone's day. I've drawn Lynette before in alternate clothing before so she's not in her military gear, and I stand firm that Tabatha made that set. They're good for the local weather, they're made of comfortable, fine material... and it's got to feel better not being in something that made Lynette stand out so much.
Bonus in Sabrina and Godwin, who are names that wouldn't leave me alone when thinking about this.
Godwinnn. He's skeptical and rightfully so, but as everything calms down, he has to take a chance. It's either hold that grudge and be retaliatory forever, which would strongly influence those looking at him for his decision, or choose to trust this person and get back to some semblance of older life. He prefers the peace of the latter, and is rewarded- especially when she does find her own pattern in the town. In fact, he's able to, well, "forget" about her, in a good way. She's a face he'll greet with an "Oh-! Didn't know you were coming, how are things?" since he doesn't hear much about her. But it's a positive feeling. A hearty greeting. Not just a nod and a walk past.
(She has to be brought up in tangent given our affinity for her, as well, but Felicity was watching that decision- and she's. It's not that she didn't support the decision, and she doesn't think it was the wrong choice... but Felicity's going to need to see some effort and proof. This is a risk. Like Lara, but a deeper rooted feeling. Stronger if she's paired with Raguna, as she'd hear those rumors, and be disgusted by them. But she could be won over, if more slowly, as her patient FP/LP mechanic implies.)
I feel like, for some reason, Newmann would keep some distance, questioning Godwin's decision, while Sabrina would be able to immediately see this new townsperson means no harm. Sabrina keeps an open seat at the bar and the restaurant and could act as a conversation or a buffer- detract attention from some of those who haven't yet become comfortable with their new neighbor. Sabrina doesn't care for bullshit, and she's got a good example to set for her son. I almost wish Lynette were a jump older still, as these two could've been a fun freaking dynamic!
Double bonus; Ivan hates the living daylights out of her and there is absolutely no recovery, due to my headcanon of him having witnessed Raguna's abduction before his memory loss. Lynette also knows who Ivan really is, she'd done her research. This is a pact to act civil among civil people. That's it.
I know I've joked about not absolutely adoring RF4's characters as much as most people, but one thing it did that I appreciate was those conversations you could trigger if multiple towns people are standing near one another in a scene/on a holiday/etc. It'd be fun to get others talking not to Raguna, but to each other, to hear what they'd think. Early game, invasion time, post game...
RF1s. Please. I'm begging you.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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The math just adds up!
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egophiliac · 16 days
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bring your son to work day
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stuckinapril · 2 months
I love Tumblr because nothing matters here truly. There are no influencers. Having followers doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a site where people post their sporadic thoughts and rb pretty pictures. Anyone who thinks any of this matters is woefully missing the point
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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Holy crap this is like world record breaking pace guys
Speedrun/Time Travel AU masterlist
#speedrun au#one piece#time travel au#op fanart#sabo#monkey d. luffy#portgas d. ace#asl brothers#time travel aus are my favourite trope for any fandom's fanfic#but this especially is why i want it for one piece#because I needed ace to die in canon. luffy NEEDED to get that wake up call and his whole crew NEEDED badly to get stronger#but ace is so much more than just a plot device for luffy... he was a person who was loved by so many people because#he made so many people happy#if luffy and his crew travelled back in time... they wouldn't need to worry anymore about their strength#Ace could live you know....#He could meet sabo while he was an adult#sabo could meet ACE while he was an adult#ALSO SIDE NOTE BUT SABO ALSO REMEMBERS THE TIME TRAVEL SHENANIGANS!!! but def not as well as any of the strawhats#i think the thing he remembers most is what he felt when he regained his memories in the first timeline#u guys... this comic was so vivid in my mind i HAD to draw it out... like i was planning on doin other time travel au comics before#but like I HAD to draw this because i had such intense ASL feelings#I tried to think if Ace would just start cussing sabo out cause like WHY DID YOU LET US THING U WERE DEAD ; - ;??? WHY DIDNT U CONTACT US??#but i think ace is really tired... like he's been worrying about luffy... and suddenly his brother starts uncharacteristically start#full out bawling in his arms... and he's really confused right now but both of his brothers are here and they're both crying#so there's really only one thing he can do#anyways i hope u enjoyed the comic#op spoilers#<- oops forgot to add that my b
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sofflepoffle · 1 year
Stories loooove to have someone get hit over the head and dramatically pass out but no one ever wants to the deal with the concussion that comes afterward
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mossterious · 3 months
Something really poignant about Lisa Frankenstein, to be at least, is the fact that when the creature attacks Janet, it’s not when she’s being rude to her. It’s not when she’s just saying rude things, or beoittling Lisa, or anything. It’s when Janet says that she’s going to admit Lisa.
Because the creature is from the 1830s. And even if he knows about modern culture and inventions, which he sort of seems to?, he’s still FROM the 1830s. And when Janet says the word admitted, he hears the word committed. When Janet says Serenity Manor, he knows that that means an asylum. And he knows what asylums are. They are dangerous places. They are places where you’re stripped of all autonomy. They are places where you send people away to become someone else’s problem, and they normally don’t come back. And so he attacks. He protects Lisa.
And I think that draws a really important comparison between what asylums were, and what mental care is now. Because in a lot of ways, it isn’t much better. There’s still a lot of abuse in the system. There’s still a complete lack of autonomy. There’s still so much ableism and bias within the system. And people are still sent there to get them out of other peoples ways, rather than strictly to help them. And, sure, this movie is set in the 80s, so it’s not exactly modern. I mean, the movie points out that times are different. But with Janet, it almost seems intent on pointing out of similar everything is. Sending Lisa to a psych ward. The diet culture. The “intuitive person” thing. That one line about narcissists needing to be vanquished. And all these things are still a pretty big issue now.
There’s just a lot of comparison. ESPECIALLY a lot of comparison when it comes to disability and madness in these three distinct time periods. And like, it’s obvious that mental health was used as a weapon against people, and especially WOMEN, in the 1830s. But Lisa Frankenstein highlights that in the 80s, it was still a weapon! And that psych ward programs still poses a threat. Theres a comparison between how Janet and Lisa’s dad erase Lisa’s grief and say that she’s “acting out” compared to female hysteria of the creature’s time. There’s also the creature’s reaction to being physically disabled vs Lisa’s, with Patch and everything, but that honestly is another post entirely.
I just think that the discussion of mental health in this film is really important and, frankly, really well done. Especially especially especially through the lens that Lisa is a girl. And Lisa Frankenstein is a movie about GIRLHOOD. And so the movie took the extra step to talk about the denial of women’s feelings and specifically grief, and the pathologization of them. When women feel in a way outside of a norm, they’re wrong. They’re crazy. They’re dangerous. And idk I just think it’s done really well and the comparisons are all right there.
And this is all in a movie based on Frankenstein. This is all about a character based on Victor Frankenstein. The MAD scientist. So I feel like it all fits together incredibly well.
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ruporas · 1 year
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[ID: A limited palette of green and pink, Vashwood comic. The first page serves as a prologue. The first panel shows Vash speaking to someone off screen while Wolfwood is lingering behind him. A black arrow is drawn pointing at him. In the second panel, Vash is buying donuts in the distance while Wolfwood is once again in view, lingering. and the black arrow is drawn pointing at him. In the third panel, Vash is leaving a cubicle and turning towards his right with a slightly peeved expression. He sees Wolfwood, leaning against the cubicle, waiting for him, and with the black arrow drawn, pointing at him, implicating the consistent hovering of Wolfwood’s presence during Vash’s everyday. At the bottom of the page, they’re drawn out of panel with Vash turning to Wolfwood and saying with an irritated expression, “You’re really following me everywhere, huh?” Wolfwood responds, “What, you got a problem?” Vash responds without hesitation, “Yeah, kinda...”
The second page starts with a new day. In the first panel, Vash is seen alone, weighing apples in his hands at a mart, with crowds passing behind him. In the second panel, he turns to his right and starts to say, “Hey, Wolfwood...” In the third panel, he’s startled from seeing a stranger, whom he’d accidentally called out to when he was expecting to see Wolfwood. He says, “Oh, you’re not him. Sorry!” In the fourth panel, the stranger walks off and Vash muses, “Right, he said he had something to do today...”
The third page begins with a close up of Vash's miffed expression, the continuation of Vash's thoughts, "Now that he's not here, this is just like how I used to be, but... It feels lonely somehow. Oh well, I'll see him again tonight, like always." In the second panel, it shows Vash walking through the marketplace crowd, alone. In the third panel, the door panel is a close up of the door opening with a peek of Vash's head. He says, "Wolfwood!" In the fourth panel, Vash is holding a bag of food with a bright smile and says, "Are you hungry? I got you something to eat today!"
The fourth page begins with a shot of the room, two beds being highlighted, one of them being made properly with the blanket draped over the bed and the other with the blanket folded and pillow sitting on top of it. There's no sign of Wolfwood. The second panel shows Vash with a disappointed look as he thinks, "He's still not here?" The third panel shows Vash putting the bag of food on the table. Stapled to the paper bag is the receipt with a written note "For Wolfwood." Vash's thoughts continue "He does like to stay out so, I guess there's no reason to worry..." The fourth panel shows Vash sitting his bed somberly with his thoughts continued, "It's not any of my business anyway..."
The fifth page starts with a close up his blank expression as he looks downwards, thinking, "Even if he left completely... That'd be understandable and better for him. I'll just travel alone again... like before... Huh?" The next panel shows Vash's composure break, tears welling up in his eyes suddenly, as he didn't expect to cry. He starts to sob, putting his hands to his face to quiet himself and wipe at his tears, as he says, "Ugh... Dammit... I miss h..." The last panel shows Vash leaning over into his hands, still crying, and in the back, the door swings wide open with a bam as Wolfwood walks through with the punisher swung behind him. He shouts, "SPIKEY! You in here?!"
The sixth page starts with Wolfwood confused, looking at Vash and Vash looks back, just as confused, with tears in his eyes and snot out of his nose. Wolfwood starts saying, "Ah? You..." No longer in panels, at the bottom of the page, Wolfwood takes the Punisher off of himself and starts to walk towards Vash, continuing with slight concern, "What's wrong with you? Did something happen?" Vash, hurriedly begins to wipe at his tears, denying immediately, "No! No, I'm fine! Nothing happened!"
The seventh page, Vash points towards the table, with a hand still wiping at his tears and he smiles as he says, "I uh got you food. On the table." Wolfwood looks towards to the table and responds, "Oh. I was getting hungry, thanks." He turns his head back to Vash immediately after with an uncertain expression, knowing the other wasn't responding to his concern, and says, "But, I know you're an idiot with this stuff, so I'm reminding you again. Don't brush it off if it's an issue, alright?"
The eight page, Vash's tears have dried and he looks to Wolfwood with a soft smile and responds, "Yeah. It's okay though..." A panel at the center shows a side view of Vash approaching Wolfwood. At the bottom of the page, with no panel, is a close up shot of Vash's hand, holding onto the edge of Wolfwood's jacket sleeve, as he says, "Because you're here now. Wolfwood."
The final page is a back shot of both of them standing next to each other, Wolfwood's head tilted slightly to the left, not fully believing Vash as he says, "That doesn't answer anything, Spikey." Vash responds, "There's no need to talk about it! You should enjoy your food. Let's have a drink too?" Wolfwood responds, "Tsk, tsk. Fine, yeah. I could use one." END ID]
#vashwood#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#trigun#trigun maximum#but onto this comic... i think and talk a LOT about vash's loneliness bc trigun is just. kind of central on that for a good while! esp in#the original manga he was alone for a good portion of it and he tends to keep others away like how he ran away from meryl and milly when#they tried to tag along. and he was kind of bothered when he realized ww was following him around Too. at the core even though he loves#humans and he loves deeply the people he does know -- he isnt really much of a people person and i think thats been the case since he was#young considering his initial doubts towards humans... with the exception of kids bc kids dont give him moral conflicts. so suddenly#here comes wolfwood!!! his guide. someone TRULY affixed to him until he has to get to knives. someone who isnt budging and someone whos#really good at following him around and even seems like he goes like 5 steps ahead to make sure vash doesnt run on him#in one way its - i don't want you to follow me bc i don't want to burden you and i don't want you to kill the people i want to save.#in another way its - i like this companionship. i like waking up to you and i like ending the way with you. i like talking to someone who#knows my world. i like being in your space and sometimes i enjoy talking about our day#theyre just living together. like. roadtrip buddies or theyre also under the same roof because they're going everywhere together.#trimax they mainly spend their mornings together and if they had personal business attend the other person would usually know and itd only#be during the midday. anyway bc of this kind of companionship i figure that vash eventually grew accustom to it and he really. cant go back#to the kind of loneliness from before. it's harder to imagine and it'd be harder to withstand. esp after 2 years with lina and her grandma.#ruporas art
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lucabyte · 4 months
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gone tidepooling
[followup doodle to (x)]
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se-hos · 7 months
“i sleep with women but i’m emotionally involved with mac” haunts my every waking minute
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aliencatart · 3 months
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having himerita thoughts and missing them everyday of my life
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barely in time for dunmeshi thursday - the shopify is finally live!!
there are posters (not pictured) and mugs and totes, and shirts from toddler sizes all the way up to 5x!! there are also other shirt colors than white, i just don't like them as much so i didn't bother screencapping; see for yourself in the listings
some of the designs are single-sided prints and others are double-sided to spread the art out more
there's also a bonus design inspired by episode 21 which you can preview under the cut >:3
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there is only one color for this shirt. that's all you need for it.
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eyes-of-nine · 1 year
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truly what a guy
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egophiliac · 6 months
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I have SO many thoughts about everything and they are in no kind of order yet, so here's just some quick little bits in the meantime!
I am not normal about any of these characters!
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 6 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 6 spoilers#me just staring at the ceiling thinking about anime characters#if i start talking about the big stuff now it's going to turn into a huge rambling mess so in the meantime#i did not get sebek (yet) (i need to contemplate my gems...) but i did see his groovy#he is just full-on cinderella-sparkles bibbidi-bobbidi-booing into that armor! magnificent.#and i really don't have enough words for how much i love tiny malleus. he is perfect. he is precious. he is everything to me.#he knows who his dad is no matter what some crusty dead talking ectoplasm blobs say#(man no wonder lilia's got hangups if THAT was the general attitude he was getting)#('eww you got your dirty bat cooties on the prince' go sit in the corner with mrs. rosehearts you absolute garbage)#(...i did kind of love that lilia started to wake up because the senate said one nice thing to him)#(and he immediately was like 'this is not reality')#(sounds about right)#on a lighter note i was just. SO charmed by the little throwaway about ✨dragon lord consort esteemed diplomat revaan✨#who picks the vegetables out of his food and hides them under the tablecloth#everything i learn about this man makes me like him more. he was SO dumb.#now we know where malleus gets it from i guess#also unrelated but once again the fact that i named my mc tamago has had unintentional consequences#tamago take the tamago and tamago tamagao tamago#frikkin love that when yuu gives the egg back you can just be like 'i love him. this is my baby now.' 100% accurate.#also yuu continually referring to malleus as tsunotarou even to the senate = amazing. yuu really has NO self-preservation or awareness.#they fit right in with everyone else#<- see what did i tell you. huge rambling mess.#and i haven't even BEGUN to talk about MELEANOR -- (is dragged offstage by a hook)
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
Sanji and Usopp during The Sabaody Incident™ won't leave my mind.
Usopp standing in front of Sanji protectively because he is wounded and he can't fight, so Usopp will do it for him ("I'll do what you can't do").
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There is just something about Sanji's expression when he realizes he might actually lose Usopp. This is my interpretation, at least. He is literally frightened.
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Usopp helping Sanji stand up to run away. This is crucial for something I want to point out later: Sanji needs help to stand up. (Also, Brook disappears trying to protect them both and saying he will do anything to save them even if it costs him his life. I am feeling sick).
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Sanji being self-sacrificing and blaming himself for not being able to protect them/act sooner is not new. But he does manage to gain the strength to fight when Usopp is the only one left with him and the possibility of losing him is even more real now.
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The thing that I love the most about this is not Sanji sacrificing himself for Usopp, because he does that. He is like that. But Usopp not running away or moving in the slightest because he refuses to leave Sanji on his own.
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Something I'd like to point out too is that Sanji actually touches Kuma before Usopp disappears. He tries to fight and protect him and Kuma could've easily sent Sanji to Momoiro Island right away, and yet Sanji was just sent flying far from the scene and forced to see Usopp disappear in front of him.
And I am not saying that "not being able to protect both Brook and Usopp (especially Usopp) is needed for Sanji to realize he has to become stronger and find more reasons to go back with the crew" but not being able to protect both Brook and Usopp (especially Usopp) is needed for Sanji to realize he has to become stronger and find more reasons to go back with the crew.
Not to mention that we can't deny (right after Water 7/Enies Lobby) that Usopp is one of Sanji's strongest bonds within the crew. This specific scene focusing on them both is more than enough to prove it.
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Sanji seeing Usopp disappear in front of his eyes without being able to do anything to save him.
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Remember what I said about Sanji needing help to stand up seconds ago? Well. This is him the moment Usopp disappears. What adrenaline and the power of love do to a mf.
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They are so "I can lose everything, but not you. Oh God, not you" shaped.
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foolsocracy · 2 months
I can't help but notice you haven't posted any angst in a while and I'm suspicious
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whipped this one up just for u anon
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