henreyettah · 1 year
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Pyrrha Dve being the milf she is (she gives Nona the best braids)
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nicksstrongrugbyarms · 9 months
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this has me spiraling
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abunnsburrow · 2 years
Listen, I like Skybound, I think there's some great moments in it But I cannot get over the fact that Nya's dying words were basically: "Lol this friend group was lame anyway, PEACE ✌️"
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junkart96 · 10 months
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Who wants some slightly old, slightly angsty wrightworth content???
This was probably sometime after his disbarment
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macey-wacey · 10 months
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Hanako and Tsukasa acting like siblings is everything i didnt know i needed
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claireburke · 1 year
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so, this,
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skylandart · 1 year
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Rain is cold because it reminds you to go cuddle someone.
I’m someone who falls in love with rain every time I find myself caught in one… and rains in June are the best~
So have some rainy day Chiley?? Happy Pride!!
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heresronnie21 · 2 years
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Finished my assignment finally and drew the sillies for the first time in a While. So here’s a lil dump.
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padfootastic · 2 years
don’t tell me bc i don’t know want to but i saw ralston potter being involved in some tiktok drama and may i just. present my little james oneshot from years ago that included this dude way before it was ~cool? (wrote this in 2017 so uh. be gentle. thx)
James Potter stood in the antique room, one hand on his hip and the other on his chin. His inquisitive hazel eyes were hid behind his glasses. He cocked his head to the side as he stared at the object in front of him. The object in question stared right back at him. Steeling himself a little bit more, the eight year old took a tiny step forward, the intensity in his gaze increasing.
He was so engrossed in his task that he missed the large oak door being opened and his parents entering the room. However, when Euphemia Potter placed a hand on his shoulder, he jumped in surprise, his glasses sliding off his nose.
“Mum! You scared me!” James scowled.
“Oh, I’m sorry, sweetheart, I thought you noticed us entering,” Euphemia spoke in her soft voice. James merely shook his head at her and turned back to his observations.
A few minutes later, Fleamont Potter said, “What...are you doing, son?”
“I’m looking at Mr. uh,” He looked at the nametag and continued, “Mr. Ralston Potter.”
“Oh?” His father questioned.
“Yes,” James replied, voice eager, “I want to be a portrait just like him!”
Euphemia couldn't quite muffle her laugh at his triumphant expression and wrapped her arms around his tiny frame, pressing a kiss to his mane of messy black hair.
Fleamont, on the other hand, amused as he was, continued his line of questioning to see where it would take him, “And why, pray, do you want to be a portrait, of all things? Wasn’t it a quidditch player just a week ago?”
James, having managed to get out of the clutches of his mother, waved his hand impatiently, “Oh, dad, that’s so boring now. I mean, LOOK at him! He died like a thousand years ago- ‘three hundred, his father coughed’- and he’s still here! It’s so awesome!”
The man in question, Mr. Ralston scowled at the boy, the ancient portrait not able to do anything more than employ a rather limited expanse of facial expressions, as compared to the more modern portraits of his ancestors who could walk and talk.
Fleamont nodded once, as if he understood everything the little boy was talking about, but it was Euphemia who spoke up this time.
“How do you plan on becoming a portrait, James?”
James turned to her, a slight frown on his childish features, “What do you mean how do I plan on becoming a portrait, mum? Just like everyone in this room, that’s how.” He looked at his dad, “I bet you know how to turn people into portraits, don’t you dad?”
Fleamont coughed into his hand, “What gave you that idea, son?”
James spoke in a nonchalant voice with all the innocence of an eight year old, “Oh come on, you know everything dad, and if you don’t, then mum will.” He shrugged his shoulders as if that settled it and went back to his previous staring match with his ancestor.
The two parents looked at each other with identical grins on their faces, already planning what they would do next.
“MUUUUUUM!” James Potter, with a pout on his face, whined.
Euphemia smirked, “Yes, son?”
“What is this? Why am I sitting like this? IT’S BEEN HOURS!” James’ distraught voice echoed all around the antique room they were sitting in.
“Weren't you the one who said you wanted to be a portrait? Well, there you go.”
James’ mouth dropped, “You mean, you mean this is how I become a portrait? You’re not gonna wave your wand over me or anything?”
Euphemia shook her head, taking far more joy in her son’s misery than what was appropriate.
Fleamont and her had called over a professional portrait artist, from India nonetheless, to fulfill James’ wish. Of course, they hadn’t told him what would happen, just that they had a way to turn him into a portrait. He had been jumping around the house in excitement for the past two days since he had gotten the news.
“I’m going to be a portrait! I’m going to be a portrait!” He was singing, as he twirled around.
“Just like you, Mr. Ralston,” He had told the surly faced man, who merely glared in response, “And when I become a portrait, The High and Mighty James Potter The First, you and I can have tea and crumpets together. Just like the Muggle Queen!” He had gasped, waving an invisible sword around.
His parents had merely shook their head at him, knowing he wouldn’t be quite so excited when he found out exactly what he had to do to ‘become’ a portrait.
Now, tired and grumpy for he had been sitting on the uncomfortable armchair for over three hours, he had lost all the will to become a portrait and was positively whining.
“Muuuuuuuuuum,” He wailed again.
Euphemia shushed him, “James, love, don’t move, or all of this would go to waste. You don't want the portrait to be ruined after so much hard work, do you?”
James’ eyes widened comically in horror at the thought of all of this going to waste and he dutifully shut his mouth and sat ramrod straight, earning an approving nod from the portraitist.
Feeling an arm wrap around her shoulders, the Potter matriarch turned her head to see her husband standing beside her.
“Don’t you think we’re being a bit cruel by making him do this? I mean, he can’t sit still for more than a half hour and here he is, in the same uncomfortable position and chair for over three hours,” Fleamont sounded slightly concerned and now it was him she shushed.
“Oh, please. Think of this as payback for all the times he’s been a little terror around the house. A little calm won’t hurt him,” Her mind flashed to all the times she had found various rooms in the Manor painted in all the colors of the spectrum, her clothes stuck to the ceiling, Fleamont’s potions mixed in with pumpkin juice to give rise to some truly disastrous results and so many more. And he was just eight! She was simultaneously dreading and anticipating what he would do as he grew older.
However, she reasoned, the premature grey hairs taking root in her husband’s and her hair had to be avenged, and well, what better way than this?
It was another hour before James was finally allowed to get up, which he did with quite a lot of relief and excitement. In fact, he was so excited at being allowed to move that he completely forgot about the portrait for which he had painstakingly sat in one position for four hours.
When, after some time of zooming on his broom in the backyard, he remembered , he immediately dashed off to the antique room where his portrait was covered with a black silk cloth.
He could hardly contain his eagerness as he gingerly removed the cloth. When his eyes fell upon the portrait, his mouth fell open in disbelief.
“MU-UM! My mouth does not look like—like that!”
Ralston Potter smirked at him from his place on the wall.
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catgirlxox · 2 years
in case you didn't know Ben's voice actor is on an actual album and it's turning me into a whore
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8golden-harvest8 · 1 year
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cringetober day 4- angel x demon (bunnies)
felt like making edits :3
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royalight · 9 months
HC: In any loop where Sarah returns Garland's feelings. She dies. but ONLY if they become 'official'
she is light and he is darkness.... a difficult mix .... maybe too different.
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moondoposting · 2 years
anyway go follow @everymoonknight for every line from moon knight daily until season 2 is announced
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axvwriter · 1 year
Pop Music Club Silly
I came across a song that Caleb Hyles was covering as a metal version. Listening to it I could tell it must originally be a pop-generic song. Little bit disappointed that the video description didn't link to the original song, but with the name and artist I was able to find it rather easily.
So, I had a silly idea involving my oc, Bobo, @ryker-writes's oc, Jaxon, and Twisted Wonderland's Pop Music Club. Cater gets the club together and even invites over Bobo. He has the grand idea of them all playing Ed Sheeran's Bad Habits song for Magicam. Bobo having been invited over to help film it and also help decide who gets to be lead singer.
At some point Lilia, Kalim, and Cater lose interest and drop the whole thing before they can get a nice and cool recording. As the three resume their usual chattering and snacking, Bobo turns to Jaxon. The two spend their time creating their own cover of the song to a genre they like. Basically ending up with Caleb Hyles's metal cover. They don't record it or anything, just have fun messing around with changing the song's genre.
I think it would also be pretty funny if it wasn't until Bobo and Jaxon were half-way through the song that Cater, Lilia, and Kalim realize something's different about the song. They then all get hyped to play the song again, wanting to do the metal version too. Yet Bobo bows out, she's not going to help with recording this time. As they might just lose interest before they can properly record again.
Plus Bobo's not a member of the Pop Music club. Actually she's still uncertain if she's technically a part of the Gastronomy club since Grim's in it and her and Grim are one student. She'd like to think she's a member of the Mountain Lovers club, but hasn't bothered to actually ask Crowley about that.
So Bobo skedaddles, leaving Kalim, Cater, and Lilia to rock, papper, scissors over who gets to be the main lead. I assume Jaxon just tolerates their shenanigans and doesn't try to compete for lead singer..?
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musezieren · 8 months
@threecardtrick liked for a starter
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"I know this sounds ridiculous... but could I get something else than enchanted boots? I mean, I get it, beggars can't be choosers... but SHOES? It reminds me too much of a man that I once met with a weird obsession with worn shoes... I think he choked to death on one in the end... or I read that in one of Volo's books..." he was now drifting off further into rambling while looking at the boots in his hands. Yes, he'd rather absorb those than kill everyone in the valley and probably beyond. But asking didn't hurt, right?
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elemental-alien · 2 years
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