I'll Forgive Your Sins | Blame It On the Mistletoe
Warnings: 18+
Krynn brings an old Falrosen tradition to the Little Palace and no one is prepared. (The thought of Christmasy vibes with Aleksander was too cute to resist also I'm not looking too deep into in-universe holidays)
Word Count: 2k
Blame It on the Mistletoe by Kendall Schmidt | Picrew Link |Dividers by @stcvcngrant
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It's halfway through winter, the Fete long since passed, and the Little Palace is oddly gloomy.
Even the Shadow summoner had been more brooding than normal, and Krynn wasn't having it.
So, one day, in the darkest hours of the night, when even the darkling himself was asleep, she crept through the hallways of the Little Palace, bringing a little Falrosen winter to Ravka.
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Kirigan is woken by a commotion out in the halls.
He pulls himself from bed and starts pulling his kefta on over his sleepwear, it's still early, the sun only just having risen, but Little Palace staff are already busy doing chores.
He opens the door and the reason for the commotion becomes apparent.
The top of both sides of the hallway are decorated with evergreen bough garland, lush with holly berries.
"What are those?" He asks, grasping the arm of a maid as she passes.
"I-I don't know, general," She stammers, "Th-they were there when the staff woke up."
He lets her go and she scurries off, leaving him to his confusion.
He gets dressed and goes to inspect the rest of the Little Palace.
Every hall is lined with evergreen and in every doorway hangs a plant he's never seen before.
He cuts one down, inspecting it in his hand. A plant he's never seen before... That points to only one grisha. Krynn.
He makes his way to her room, knocking heavily on the door.
She greets him a few moments later, her hair and cotton nightdress mussed from sleep, an olive green robe loosely wrapped around her.
"General?" She mumbles, her accent thick from drowsiness.
"Would you care to explain this?" He asks, holding the plant aloft between them, just above her head.
Her eyes go wide, a fond softness to them as she looks between it and him.
Instead of speaking, she reaches up, takes hold of his face, and pulls him in for a brief yet warm kiss.
He looks at her in shock, still bent over to her height.
"Is that all?" She asks as though nothing had happened. As if she hadn't just thrown his whole world for a loop, her eyebrows raised as she waits for his answer, "General Kirigan?"
"I..." He clears his throat and stands straight, "That isn't what I expected."
She laughs, "Sure it wasn't."
She shuts the door before he can ask for a further explanation, leaving him standing awkwardly in the hallway.
Something about the interaction lightens his mood for the day, until he sees her in the hallway pressing a chaste kiss to the lips of one of his tidemakers.
The other grisha finds the embrace as shocking as he had, big eyes watching her walk away with a swish of her purple kefta.
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Two weeks pass and nearly a third of the Little Palace has been kissed by Krynn, some twice even.
Yet Aleksander's mood only continues to diminish, having only known her lips once and craving them every moment since. A seed of jealousy burns in his stomach whenever he's forced to see her kiss anyone else.
That fact alone has him up late one night, trying to talk himself out of falling for another mortal as he paces the halls.
That's how he found her, hearing a soft humming in the kitchens.
She'd taken note of his worsening mood, even with the brightness of evergreen and holly in the air. Her mission to bring a merry feeling to the Little Palace would not be complete until he was no longer sulking as she'd seen.
So she takes to the kitchen to prepare a plethora of Falrosen winter sweets for everyone. Who can be grumpy with a slice of spiced cake and a mug of hot chocolate?
She hums to herself as she folds together a dark chocolate icing for the gingerbread cookies cooling on the table.
"What's all this?" He asks, stepping into the warm kitchen. The air is thick with the smell of chocolate and warm spices.
"General," She breathes, "Y-"
"Aleksander, please," He interrupts and she smiles softly.
"You startled me," She blushes, "I didn't think anyone else was awake."
"Neither did I."
He stands across the counter from her, watching her continue her work.
"I thought this would be a nice surprise in the morning. Something warm to fight off the cold weather."
He takes one of the gingerbread squares and dips one corner in the bowl she's stirring.
He chuckles at her exclamation, sighing when he takes a bite. It's still warm and the chocolate melts on his tongue, the bitter contrasting the sweet and a bite of ginger lightly burns at the back of his throat.
He looks at her like she's crazy and nods, making her giggle.
"I have no doubt," She smiles, "Though I've been told I use too much ginger, especially when it's so fresh."
"If you start spoiling my grisha with sweets like this, they won't go quietly back to the cooks' normal fare."
"Is that a warning, general?" She asks, eyeing him playfully.
''No, by all means, continue," He grins, motioning to the table, "I also benefit from this generosity."
She nods, saying something in her mother tongue and he looks at her curiously.
"Where I'm from it's called The Season of Kinship," She explains and he begins to step around the table, "We express our love and gratitude for the gods, revel in the glory of the year passed, and pray they bless the year to come."
"Revelry," He echoes, standing next to her, "With sweets."
"And other foods," She laughs, "And song, and dance, and storytelling."
"And what of the plants?" He asks, "The ones you've grown in the doorways."
"What do you mean? It's just mistletoe."
"Yes," She looks at him confused, "You've never heard of it?"
"Not until now."
Her cheeks flush bright red, finally understanding his reaction when she'd kissed him. She sets the bowl down and chuckles nervously, "It's a holy plant, blessed by the goddess of nature. We hang it in our doorways and kiss beneath it for good luck and to ward off the cold."
Her behavior begins to make sense now.
"I'm sorry, I thought... I didn't realize that..." She curses in Falrosen, "I must look like an idiot."
No more than he feels over his jealousy.
"No," He assures her, "It's a wonderful tradition. Just, perhaps some warning would have been nice."
"Yes..." Her voice is quiet from embarrassment.
He clears his throat, "Would you like a hand with the rest?"
He stays with her late into the night, until the cookies are iced and the spiced cakes have been removed from the oven to cool before they part ways to go to bed.
He sighs contentedly when he wakes the next morning, much later than usual.
His spirit is soaring after their time together and he strides toward the dining hall, hoping there's some spice cake left for him.
He suddenly bumps into someone as they turn a corner and he reaches to catch them when they stumble back.
The smile on his face only grows when he finds Kryn grasping his arm for stability.
"Are you alright?" He asks and she nods.
"Just startled me is all."
Her face lights up when she sees his smile, it's the happiest he's looked all winter.
His eyes flick up at the molding of the doorway, heart fluttering when he notices the mistletoe hanging from it.
Trying to not overthink his actions, he cups the back of her neck and ducks down to press his lips to hers. The kiss lasts more than twice as long as any of her others as he keeps her firmly held against him.
She trails after him when he pulls away, her cheeks flushed pink, and he smiles down at her.
"Good morning," He whispers, his breath minty as it fans across her face.
"Good morning."
He lets her go and goes about his way as though he hadn't just stolen the breath from her lungs.
As though four other grisha hadn't frozen mid-step to gawk when they saw them.
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Another year passes, feelings are confessed, and soon the gloom of winter settles back in at the Little Palace.
Aleksander wakes in the dead of night, bed empty and sheets cold. He had joined Krynn there a mere three hours ago, a near hour after she'd fallen asleep.
He gets to his feet, the floor frozen beneath them, and pulls on his black robe.
He wanders into the hallway, not surprised when he finds fresh evergreen and holly hanging from the ceiling.
He follows the decorations to one of the sitting rooms where he finds her trailing garland around the outside of the fireplace.
"What a surprise," He says and she jumps.
"I thought you'd gone to bed!" She hisses over her shoulder at him, "Couldn't sleep?"
"I missed your warmth, Snowdrop," He murmurs, coming up behind her and wrapping her in his arms.
She hums, leaning into him, "You've been coming to bed later and later."
"I've been busy."
"You've been morose."
"Is that why you do this?" He chuckles, "I begin to grump and you start to decorate?"
"It worked last year," She reminds him.
"It did, didn't it?" He kisses the side of her head, smiling into her hair, "I suppose I'll have to allow it, if only to lift the spirits of the others. But..."
"But?" She looks up at him.
"It's too late now," He takes her hands, stopping their twisting and flexing, "You can finish in the morning."
She threads her fingers between his, holding them to her chest.
"No, I think I'll finish tonight."
He lets her push his hands away and continue what she had been doing, trailing a few steps behind her, like a ghost, as she does.
She's half asleep on her feet once she's finished, after a day of training her abilities and then the energy used for this, it really isn't a mystery why.
She doesn't even remember making her way back to bed, but she wakes up snuggled warmly in her darkling's arms.
"Aleksander?" She mumbles, "What time is it?"
"Nearly eleven," He answers softly, stroking her hair, "We had a late night, I thought I'd let you sleep."
"And you stayed?"
"Of course I did. It is my room, after all."
She hums, leaning up to nuzzle her face against his neck, "Mm, we should get up."
"Must we?" He groans, pulling her closer, "I'm sure Ravka could survive a single day without their Shadow summoner."
"Yes, but I'm hungry, Virre'tcha," She laughs when he doesn't let her sit up.
"I can have food brought here," He negotiates.
She squirms until he lets her loose from his hold, gazing up at her as she sits above him.
"Beautiful boy," She coos, running her fingers through his messy hair. He leans into her touch, glowing under her affections.
"You spoil me," He comments, arms hooking around her waist and burying his nose into her stomach.
"Something I'm sure I'll live to regret," She teases.
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Krynn gets to the dining hall first, Aleksander having lagged behind in bed to watch her get ready for the day.
She finishes her coffee not long before he walks in, the two of them meeting under the doorway. The white of her kefta clashing brightly with his black.
"Good afternoon, General Kirigan," She smiles. He raises his chin, looking down at her with a small smile.
"Afternoon," He glances up, brows furrowing. But then mistletoe begins to grow before his eyes and he turns his gaze back to her.
One of his hands takes her hip and the other the back of her neck, pulling her against him and kissing her deeply.
He grins when she grips the lapels of his kefta, keeping him close to her.
He pulls away suddenly, leaving her breathless, his chin tilting up arrogantly, "For luck."
She grabs his face and tugs him back for another kiss, nipping at his bottom lip as she pulls away, "And to ward off the cold."
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K-pop Discography Deep Dives: Girls Generation / SNSD (Part ONE)
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Girls’ Generation debuted in 2007, with nine members: Taeyeon, Seohyun, Yoona, Yuri, Tiffany, Jessica (who left in 2014), Sunny, Sooyoung, and Hyoyeon, and soon became one of the most popular groups of the 2nd generation of k-pop with their catchy retro songs and down-to-earth image. Also, I’ll be using the names Girls Generation and SNSD (Sonoshidae, their Korean name) interchangeably through this.
Here are my credentials: So, I’m absolutely a fan of Girls’ Generation, although I’m in that weird space where I’m more than a casual one yet not quite a SONE (a full fan), but just like with Sunmi, I have a feeling that this deep dive will make me one. I’ve heard almost all of their title tracks, and a decent amount of b-sides, but since they have over 100 songs, I’m sure I’ll find some new ones to love too. I’m also a fan of both Taeyeon and Tiffany’s solo careers.
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Their 2007 debut was Into The New World, and I honestly do not know what to say about this song. It was the reason I wanted to do this review in the first place, because in my opinion, it’s the best k-pop song of all time, and I’m not even a SONE. It’s upbeat and ultra-poppy, cheesy as hell, wonderfully hopeful, and has an instantly recognizable, soaring chorus that I can sing from memory (although not as well). I’ve probably seen this MV dozens of times, but I still chuckle at the dance break and can’t stop smiling at the take-off in the last bridge and how young they are, just barely older than I was when I became a k-pop fan. In the years after Into The New World was released, it’s become an important protest song in Korea, and to many now—myself included—it’s more than just what it was meant to be.
Full warning: there is no way that I could view any song fairly after this strong a debut, but I do really like the song Girls Generation, and actually didn’t know that this was a cover until this deep dive, since I can only associate it with them. It’s very bubblegum from its first moment, heavier on the aegyo than its counterpart, but the song’s slower pre-chorus, SNSD’s great voices, and that smash of a chorus manage to prevent the cutesiness from being overwhelming.
From the 1st album, simply entitled Girls Generation, I enjoyed the springy, vintage (somewhat Christmasy?) vibes of Ooh La La, the lovely harmonizing in Complete and Tinkerbell, the elegant classical flourishes in the background of Kissing You, and the guitar and excellent vocals in Honey. Overall this album feels incredibly 2nd gen, and gave me waves of nostalgia.
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Gee is probably one of Girls’ Generation’s most well-known songs, and it’s easy to see why. With simple but fun choreography, and a chorus that constantly walks the tightrope of being incessantly catchy and just a little grating, it’s a total earworm. It takes a lot to make me enjoy such a cutesy song, but I think it was the combination of nostalgia and humor or maybe just how much I wanted to dance, and enjoy this one I did. As an aside, I’d forgotten that Minho from SHINee makes a cameo in this video, so that was a nice surprise.
From the EP, Gee, I had two main hidden gems. Way To Go is very much the kind of inspiring, upbeat bubblegum that I love, and also feels very nostalgic. Dear Mom, as I expected, is more of a ballad, and reminds me a little of Chung Ha’s Goodnight My Princess, with a sweet, heartfelt message to the girls’ mothers that made me text mine and ask how she’s doing. (Love you, Mom!)
Genie (or in Korean, “Tell Me Your Wish”) is a song that I thought was released later into their careers, with the slightly more mature image it uses. While still very bubblegum, it’s more polished, with a 70’s / 80’s synth background that began SNSD’s long run of retro-inspired singles. This isn’t one of my favorites of theirs, probably because in the years since it’s come out so, so, so many more k-pop songs have used the same style and thus it doesn’t sound as unique as some of their other tracks. I do still like it though.
From the EP, Genie, I had a good time dancing to the electronic beats of Etude, and the hrd-hitting synths of Boyfriend. One Year Later is a collaboration between Jessica and Onew from SHINee, so I was drawn to it right away; it chooses an understated coffee-shop feel that eventually blossoms into a strong ballad that really suits the warmth of their voices, and serves as a great album closer.
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Oh! goes back on the somewhat more mature image that Genie established, going for a cheerleader concept, but sticks with the retro pop, this time pulling from a much more 80’s video game synth. It’s very much emblematic of the era it’s from with the nearly cloying aegyo, but unlike with Gee, most of that is in the MV and less so in the song. I like this one too, more than Gee, but I don’t find myself repeating it that much; I think it needs more of a bridge.
Run Devil Run is the second single from this album, and was highly unusual for the time since “cutesy” girl groups did not do this kind of hard-hitting synth. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still very much a pop song, but today it would be considered “girl crush”, like TWICE’s later-career pivot with Fancy and I Can’t Stop Me. I was worried the first time I heard this one that it would have an anti-drop, but thankfully the vocalizing in the second half of the chorus assuaged my worries. I actually showed this song to a friend of mine who enjoyed it so much that she bought it! And now “you better run, run, run, run” is stuck in my head for the foreseeable future, which I suppose is my own fault, isn’t it?
From the repackage album, Run Devil Run, I had a lot to choose from as a hidden gem. I enjoyed the choppy hook of Echo, the runway-ready confidence in Show! Show! Show!, the full-speed-ahead chiptune in Stick Wit’ U, and of course Key from SHINee’s feature in the youthful Boys & Girls.
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Hoot is next up, and besides Into The New World, is my favorite so far. For some reason, it’s not talked about much as one of SNSD’s best singles, which always boggles my mind, because it’s just so delightful. I mean, it’s a spoof of classic spy movies with a percussive 60’s retro beat and such good clothes! That vocalizing under the last chorus gets me singing along every time. I even had a poster of it on my wall in high school, and it was the first k-pop choreography that I learned (albeit, very badly; I looked like a dying chicken). My only gripe is that I have no idea why this song is called Hoot and not Shoot or Trouble, which both would’ve been better names, but I digress. From the EP, my hidden gem was the jazzy, ballroom dance inspired Snowy Wish.
The Boys, admittedly, is one of those songs that I appreciate more than I actually like. I respect that it’s a classic and an important moment for k-pop, but as one reviewer said, “it feels more like a spectacle than a song, but what a spectacle it is.” Though it’s very catchy and I do hum along whenever it comes up on my shuffle, I’ve just never been a fan of anti-drop choruses, and even when they’re done well (like here or in many BTS songs), I always find myself thinking how much more I would like the song if it was changed. It feels more like a 2NE1 song than an SNSD one, though they sell it pretty well and their vocals make it at least twice as enjoyable.
From the album, The Boys, I enjoyed the dancefloor beats of Telepathy, the interesting distortion and slowdowns in Trick, the roller disco of Vitamin, the classical flourishes in My J, and especially the jazzy super-spy influence in Top Secret, which was my hidden gem and feels like a natural successor to Hoot. I also enjoyed Mr. Taxi’s Korean version, but we’ll discuss that later.
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I Got A Boy, like The Boys, is a song that I appreciate more than actually enjoy. Also like The Boys, it’s a song that popularized what’s now not uncommon in k-pop: the trend of songs that are a hodge-podge of genres and tempos, and admittedly, pulls it off. I’m not the biggest fan of the hip-hop segments, but the 1st chorus, the bridge, and the hook of “here comes trouble” are pretty great. I find myself caught off guard by the breakdown and switch up every time, even though I know it’s coming, which I know is the point, but it gives me a bit of whiplash, truth be told. This is more a me thing than an issue with the song, though, because it achieves exactly what it sets out to do.
From the album, though I liked both the choppiness of Talk Talk’s chorus and the guitar breakdown in Express 999, my hidden gem was absolutely the super catchy Dancing Queen. Though it’s named after the ABBA song, its very specific instrumental really reminds me of The Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour.
Mr. Mr. is one of those songs that arrives, like many of SNSD’s best tracks, with a “let’s go!” and wastes no time going into its excellent chorus. It pulls from bonafide disco, and feels like the best combination between a ballroom dance in its slower moments and a club hit in its faster ones. Its bridge and last chorus’ high note is, and I don’t say this lightly, perfection, and I can never resist replaying it at least once (or mouthing along). From the EP, my hidden gem was the pathos-driven Goodbye, though I’m sure it connected more with me since this was Jessica’s last release with SNSD, and I’m sad to hear her and her great vocals go. It’s hard to make a ballad engaging, but this is a catchy, somewhat bittersweet one, which is a personal weakness of mine.
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We’re ending with Mr. Mr. for this week because as mentioned, Jessica didn’t renew her contract after the seven years were up, and thus this makes for a natural stopping point. Next time, we’ll be doing a boy group supplemental and part two of this Girls Generation deep dive. Tschüss!
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mislamicpearl · 2 years
Amphibia vs. Star vs the Forces of Evil
People like to give Star vs. The Forces of Evil flak for having a bad ending, but I feel like everyone forgets that aside from that, the show was really good! It had a rocky start but it got better as it went on, with fun characters, both heroes and villains alike, that grew and changed. Also, more importantly I think, it was different. It had a vibe and sense of humor that was totally its own; you couldn't say the dialogue in that show could've come from Gravity Falls or Amphibia.
Speaking of Amphibia, that's kind of the reason why I started reflecting about Star. My sister and I love Amphibia, but we were both in agreement that it's not great; we enjoy watching new episodes as they come out, but we wouldn't go back and re-watch those episodes, or even be able to name too many episodes we remember watching aside from the plot-heavy ones. Amphibia has nice characters, but its episode structures are so... standard. It's a cartoon that feels like a cartoon made for kids, with morals that you can see coming from the beginning of an episode and very safe and done-to-death plot lines. It's like the show only slightly rose in quality since it started and then stayed on a plateau, never really peaking.
Star just let its characters and weird concepts carry it through - I couldn't tell you what the moral or lesson was in most episodes, because that was never the point (and even the ones that do have lessons were a lot more subtle about it than Amphibia). I could talk about awkward conversations, surreal situations, and hilarious interactions that we see between the characters. I could talk about the different dimensions and places Star and her friends visited. If you asked me to name random episodes, off the top of my head I could list the one where Star was caught in a time loop where she had to solve a math problem, the one where Marco and Tom bonded through a game of ping pong, the one where Star, Marco and Janna went to that weird supermarket to buy Marco a new wallet, the one where Star and her friends celebrated that Christmasy holiday about a stump, the Blood Moon Ball episode, the Mewberty episode, the one where Marco chased Heckapoo through different dimensions for 20 years, the one where we see what happened to Ludo after the season 1 finale, the Spider with a Top Hat episode, and literally every episode with Toffee because he was such a cool villain. And I could go on! The show had so much imagination and so many iconic episodes.
But if you asked me to name you some episodes of Amphibia? I honestly struggle with that. The season 2 finale of course. The one where Anne, Marcy, and Sasha play in a band together... The one where Sprig gets jealous of Marcy? The one where Anne and Poppop don't see eye-to-eye about some tradition or other? (That probably describes several episodes from the first season). The Gravity Falls crossover one? The one where Anne wants to feel useful to the Plantars? The one where Polly wants to prove she can take care of herself instead of being babied? You see what I'm getting at here? Aside from a few exceptions, I can only remember the episodes in relation to whatever lesson each character had to learn that day, not specifically because of what actually happened in the episode. Of course, that could just be me and maybe someone else can actually name a lot of their favorite episodes knowing exactly what happened in each. Different strokes and all.
But my point is, Star was a lot better than people give it credit for, even if not EVERY episode was good. But I would rather a show had really great episodes and arcs even if it had a smattering of bad ones in between, than a show where pretty much every episode is of the same middle-tier quality without really striving to do better. Now I haven't finished the third season of Amphibia yet, so maybe I'm judging too hard; I do like the show, I just got to thinking about it in comparison to other Disney cartoons (I haven't watched The Owl House, but even though it gives me similar vibes to Amphibia my sister tells me it's also a show where she really enjoys re-watching episodes). And my second point here I guess is, an ending does not a story make. Star is not suddenly a bad show because of a bad ending or even a bad season, so I hope people don't turn around on Amphibia either and call it a bad show if it doesn't get the ending they want (or on the opposite end, call it a masterpiece if it pulls off a perfect ending).
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illadvisedselfships · 5 months
Merry Christmas in Australia!!!!
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I have something to offer you on this holly holiday. F/O Christmas imagines!
Imagine celebrating Christmas with Callahan. He's pretty loaded, so you're definitely getting high end gifts. Buuuuuttt that's not all! You know those Christmasy fun things you see on YouTube or TikTok that you want to do, but you know it's out of your pay grade? Like a hot chocolate bar, or more fancy baked desserts that require specific ingredients? Well, sure Callahan is a jerk... But, for you, I'm certain he'll accommodate whatever you want to try... As long as you return the favor with whatever he wants to do with you 😏
Imagine trying to pull Cruella away from work. Before you, she probably worked through Christmas if she wasn't invited to any masquerades or parties. This year, nothing of the sort happened, so your mean wife is trying to get a head start on her spring fashion line. But you know that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to have a nice, at-home Christmas with your high class Cruella. Cruella may not be so easily swayed by your femine wiles like Callahan, though you are the only one on the planet who has a smidgen of a chance at getting Cruella out of her office and in her furs with a mug of cocoa. Do you succeed?
Imagine a cozy little Christmas with Jim!! He is a tad upset he didn't get a good poaching job before; he really wanted to treat you this year his inner sugar daddy shines through on your birthday and Christmas I bet. But you know how to take his mind off of it ^^ you tell him you don't need some fancy present or anything like that. All you need is your favorite outdoors man, some Christmas movies and snacks, and a blanket big enough for you two to share- or better yet, one of his flannels 😏
Imagine that since Otis celebrates Christmas early for you, you don't have to worry about fitting him in your Christmas Visits schedule so much. You can see him first! I.... Can't guarantee that the way the Fireflies celebrate Christmas is very family friendly. But I can say that Otis is definitely gonna try to be gross about the mistletoe tradition with you. Also, you can get away with putting a Santa hat on him this year. He'll be a grump about it, act like he doesn't want it, but note how he doesn't take it off (if it were Baby, he would have. But it came from you ^^)
I hope these put a smile on your face! Even if they are a little OOC I bet 😅 Merry Christmas!
Merry (belated) Christmas Eve In America!!!
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I completely wasn't expecting this- thank you so so much!! As you know I accidentally woke up way too early but it was completely completely worth it to read this and thank you before all the Christmas craziness began!!
Ahhh! These are so perfect, my heart is feeling all squirmy!! XDD They fueled me all day XD No really, whenever I got tired 💤💤💤 I started thinking about them and felt better XD
And- of course- I couldn't help it and had to write lil x reader excerpts for each of these ideas below the cut XDD I wanted to write them all, but the Christmas vibes are slipping away from me- so I just did Callahan and Otis! (Truly couldn't resist XD) XD I LOVED THEM ALL, THOUGH, I ASSURE YOU! XD
(Professor) Callahan x reader:
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You weren't sure about staying over Christmas eve and spending Christmas morning with Aaron- it seemed pretty close. Intimate. Sentimental, for him. Sure, you were becoming closer but he didn't seem the type to do Christmas.
Definitely a Scrooge type, you thought.
But you're surprised to see him put in some effort this morning! Sure, he's just sitting there at the kitchen table with bedhead in his pyjamas (An oddly casual navy blue t-shirt and sweatpants combo that always makes you feel a little hot. Or a lot depending on how close he stood to you) drinking a black coffee while you open up expensive presents he shouldn't have got you and peer excitedly into a box of beautiful Christmas breakfast pastries he ordered this morning for you both, but its nice. Its... conventional, except for the fanciness of his townhouse and the gifts he got you. Its just the two of you, not flirting not fucking not arguing, just spending an almost domestic Moment together. It would almost be traditional, if it weren't for the nature of your relationship hanging over your heads- though you don't really mind that. Its cosy!
Finally after thanking him profusely for the gifts, and telling him he really didn't need to get you that much!!, you go get him his present; setting it in front of him with a childish Christmas eagerness. "This one's for you! Go ahead, open it."
"I can see you wrapped it yourself," He teases, picking it up with one hand and silently laughing at the crazy bad wrapping. Sighing and rolling your eyes with a grin, you shake your head at him and urge him to go on then- go on- stop harassing me about my sad gift wrapping skills and open it!
While he opens it, telling you he was looking for one of these when he realises what it is, you go and pick out a pastry for yourself and a Christmas tree donut for him, and sit down in the chair beside him; angling your knees towards him and resting your own feet on top of his under the table. He picks up the donut and gives it a good assessment, smirking in amusement at the silly food.
Meanwhile you wait a moment, thinking about it (About how unexpectedly good this morning has been with him so far. How warm you feel inside spending it with him. You really never expected it to be good like this, you expected him to ignore the holiday, but he did all this for you... ), before leaning over and gifting him a sweet kiss on the cheek. You couldn't help it. "Thank you, Cal, Merry Christmas."
"As much as I like my gift Y/N, you can pay me back in bed later." He tells you offhandedly, not even looking up from his curious silly breakfast. You almost laugh.
"Of course." You grin instead, shaking your head.
Otis B Driftwood x reader:
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After the kiss under the mistletoe that leaves your lips bruised, your mouth tasting of all the shit that Otis puts in his (An amalgamation of bad alcohol, smokes, some cum, some blood, and bad - sometimes off, - food tasting something like rot and battery acid), and your ass in need of an ice pack from the way he squeezed it, he tries to just give you a dirty filthy smirk and leave you there- but you dig your fingers into the front of his tight shiur before he can and draw him back to you. "Not so fast."
"Wh- "
"Hold on." Giving him a mischievous look, you reach with one hand into your deep coat pockets (Your other hand still holding him there) and pull out something red and white, and fluffy. Immediately a groan rolls out of your feral boyfriend, his head actually falling back a moment. Your eyes widen at him with that cheeky smile, and you nod. "Uhuh, yes."
"Fuck. no."
"Fuck yes." You don't wait for him to agree, you know he never will; you just reach up onto your tip toes against him and pull the santa hat on over his hair. When you settle back down onto the heels of your feet and take in the full picture, his cranky unamused, bearded frown and stormy blue eyes and that innocent-looking santas hat on his head!!, you cant help but laugh. "You look so good!!"
"Really!" You laugh, covering your mouth. "I think I'm hot."
"Right." He rolls his eyes, setting his strong scarred hands on his hips- but not taking it off. That really just shows how good a mood he's in; allowing you your little joke. There's even a ghost of a smirk on his mouth. "Sure. I believe that crap."
Spurred on by his almost pleasant demeanour, you give him mommy finger and add; "You gotta keep it on the rest of the night.", a teasing grin on your lips to match his.
Giving a sigh and a shake of his head, Otis just shrugs at you, like- fucking fine! whatever~, walking off towards the drinks table. You watch him go, tucking your thumbs into your back pockets, the softest look on your face. If he was always like this... well, its not a thought even worth thinking about. But- its nice, when he is.
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misshoneyimhome · 6 months
Eek!! These requests have been too good, I wanna get this one off my mind now but it can wait until further into the holiday season closer to Christmas!!!
First Christmas together with Willy and you’re absolutely stumped as to what to get him…like what do you get a man that has (and or can buy himself) whatever his heart desires! You’re a regular human, with a normal job and while the other WAGs have big gifts and trips planned, you’ve decided to go the sentimental handmade route - knitting him a sweater that matches his favorite Nordic knit one he had as a kid, a small photo album of candids he didn’t know you’ve taken of him and his fam, and a necklace with your anniversary engraved - and you’re starting to regret that maybe you should’ve gone the more flashy route as you chat with the girls. But still Christmas rolls around and you finally give him his gifts🥹❤️
This just had my heart melt, bb ❤️🥺 and for some reason, don’t ask my why, i feel like Willy could actually appreciate such gifts - i mean, sure he’s all about being cool, and has a good fashion sense with expensive brands, but there’s just a vibe to him that screams Scandinavian cosiness, family love, and homey treats; anything that’s made with love and where true personal thoughts are put into he’ll love; mostly because he’d never think of it himself, however if somebody else does it to/for him, he can’t help but being feeling love and affection 🥰
Btw I’m always up for anything Christmasy, so no need to wait for the Holliday season - but, I do think this will be a perfect 1st of December celebration post ❤️
I think I've got a good idea for this one, so please, let me post it separately from your ask, and we'll get really into the Holiday cheers together 😊🎄
So, deadline set for Friday the 1st love ❤️
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 1 year
Okay so like...you are the only fashiony person that I know and I am...struggling
I have a formal party to go to in like....3 weeks and I was just going to rewear a dress I had before but then my husband got promoted and has to wear a very specific tux to the party and it's white and the tie and all the stuff is red....but idk what shade of red it is
My original dress was green and I just feel like with the red it would feel very "christmasy" and might look tacky
But now I'm at a lose because I have no idea what color to wear....
I don't want to wear red because I don't have any idea what shade his stuff is and there are so many types of red
I figured black might be safe? Black is a chill color, you can't really go wrong with black right?
Sorry about my crisis in your inbox...I just have 3 weeks to find a dress and I am STRESSED
anon, hello! thank you for trusting me with this and i love this fancy event for you!!
first things first-- no stress, deep breath. this is a party, a gala, a fun thing. dont let what your going to wear keep it from being fun. if you cant find anything else to wear the green dress is FINE. christmas year round is a vibe and bet you look great in it.
second-- you can never go wrong with a black dress. elegant, chic, timeless, and maybe you could find a pair of red shoes to go with??? compliment your husbands outfit.
third-- if you dont want to do black for whatever reason, i also really love silver x white together. you could even do like an off-white/champagne color (i personally love shades of white together. like a monochrome moment). also, if you dont know the exact shade of red, that's fine! you could still do a red dress moment (burgundy, deep wine red) and that'll look just fine with a brighter red. or if the tie is a deeper red, then you again have a monochrome moment (like when bridesmaids wear the same color in different shades? still goes together!)
i hope this is helpful! enjoy your event, have a blast, three weeks is plenty of time. you got this!
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colorsqueen · 1 year
Christmas makeup to dive into
Ho! Ho! Ho!
It’s the jingling time of the year and while you’re all set with your Christmas plans, holiday food, Christmas lights, and decorated trees, you’re definitely seeking to look picture-perfect, aren’t you? Dressing up is always fun when you have a motivation for a good Christmas themed instagram feed ahead of you. Right from shopping right to primping right, the rush and fun is an experience to wait for. And an essential part of looking good is great Christmas makeup.
Expert or not, once in a while you definitely awe in the make-up trends that you keep seeing around. You must’ve tried some, and might have saved some for the right occasions. Well, get ready, because nothing can be more right of an occasion than a magical Christmas Eve!
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The Red Lip Carolling
Fan of the lushy red lips? Great! It’s a perfect time to get into the Christmasy vibe with it. Combine the bright velvet red lips look with a classic winged eye-liner, mascara detailed lashes, and nude brown eyeshadow. Add a touch of highlighter for a mandatory christmas bling, and there! You are all set! (Ref: Image Link)
Get this look with Colors Queen:
Luscious Lip Lipstick
Fashion Club Eyeshadow
Tint & Lift Mascara
High-Tech Eyeliner
Fantasy Highlighter
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Glowy Glaze
While everyone is going crazy for the matte makeup trend, the glossy makeup isn’t going anywhere. It has its individual special place in the makeup trends. Gloss makeup puts a wow effect on your face and brings out a glamorous dewy freshness in your look. You can totally go for this look to add an additional bling in your Christmas celebrations. Try a juicy cherry lips look combined with glazed eyeshadow, and beautiful highlighter shine on cheekbones. (Ref: Image Link)
Wear this look with Colors Queen:
Lip Shiner and Super Gloss
Glam Highlighter Brick
Moon Dust Body, Face, Hair Iluminizer 
Fantasy Faces Eyeshadow
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Well, even you’ll admit that you don’t really need an occasion for this trend. One of the most loved eye makeup trends for almost every occasion, smokey eyes are bold and statementing, chic and stylish, perfect and extravagant, all at the same time. So it doesn’t feel right leaving it out of the Christmas celebration, right? (Ref: Image Link)
Beautiful brown smokey eyes, topped up with sleek eyeliner and full eyelashes, completed with Christmas Red lips. Sounds stunningly festive, right? 
Get this look with Colors Queen:
Fashion Club Eyeshadow Palette
Magnetic Eyes Eyeliner
Eye Lashes
Luscious Lips Lipstick - Red Coat
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No makeup look
From celebrities to your co-worker, you must have seen this trend traveling and getting hyped enormously around you. And if you are someone who flinches on the name of makeup, then this trend must have been an unmissable god-send blessing for you. Nodding in relatability? Well, perfect! Your Christmas look is sorted! You can definitely carry this trend for the Christmas festivities! While everyone else around you will have loud and outdone makeup, you’ll be slaying in the gorgeous subtle palettes of natural nudes. Fashion up well while staying in your comfort. (Ref: Image link)
Get this look with Colors Queen:
Color Stay Matte Lipstick
Gorgeous Professional Eyeshadow Palette 
Glam Highlighter Brick
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Golden Glitter
Christmas and glitter has an unsaid love story that everyone cherishes by heart. This Christmas, become a part of that tale by shining in the shine of the classic glitter shimmer. The golden glitter eyes is kind-of a classic, yet always a bang-on make-up trend. Many trends come and go, but this trend remains head-high and intact. If you’re a fan of going extravagant a bit, and are always looking for an opportunity to queen yourself up, then this one is just perfect for you. Go all golden with glitter eyeshadow on your eyes, and just the right tint on your lips. Wishing for Christmas magic? Well, become one! (Ref: Image Link)
Get this look with Colors Queen:
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Colorful & Graphic
Now here’s something you’ll have fun with. No rules, no boundaries, just your crazy imagination and a little bit of an artistic hand. Santa, snowman, mistletoe, bells, anything at all, paint your love for Christmas with makeup. You can go for a Red-Green-White palette Christmas theme, or go for the literal graphics; go for something abstract and thematic, or something extravagant and out-of-the-box. Your pretty face is your canvas, go on, you become the artist. (Ref: Image Link)
Get this look with Colors Queen:
Spotlight Glitter Eyeshadow Palette
Fashion Club Eyeshadow Palette
Magnetic Eyes Eyeliner
Eye Lashes
Luscious Lips Lipstick
So now that you have something to start with, don’t start just here. You can explore, experiment, and get out there with all the options you have. Among all the Christmas magic and celebration, don’t forget you’re one-of-a-kind magic too! Get picture-perfect and celebrate yourself well.
Merry Christmas!
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
Oh nice! I’ll definitely keep that one in mind next time I head to the library. I love a good rom-com 😃
And I totally get that!! I’m someone who has to be in that kinda mood. Like last year I was very much Halloween vibes all year and not feeling Christmasy 😂 this year I’m very much in the Christmas camp and that means baking and crafts ✨jazz hands✨
How fun!! I prefer oldies to newer covers but that’s just the nostalgic romantic in me 😝 I also like fun holiday music like Snoopy vs the Red Baron or the Chipmunk Song 😉 and if Joe ever put out Christmas music, I would never shut up about it!! — 🎠
Oh man I can’t wait to do holiday cooking and baking! I’m so ready for Thanksgiving food—which me and my family have the exact same thing for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners—so it just makes me happy to have it twice lol the only crafty Christmas things I’ve been doing is creating makeup looks. The last few years I’ve done 25 makeup looks to post every day from December 1st to December 25th. So far, I’ve finished 19 out of 25 of this year’s. Almost there!
Oh man, I wouldn’t either. Can you IMAGINE Joe’s covers? OR ORIGINAL CHRISTMAS SONGS? Joe I am on my KNEES begging for this.
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yanumii · 7 years
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Ten Years Later
My (LATE) gift for @koizumicchi​ for the RyoSaku Exchange! THANK YOU SO MUCH for your patience ;o; I decided to go with your fluffy canon(ish) prompt, and went with them recreating that (accidental) RyoSaku photo from episode 20 :D I hope you like it!  ❤
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randers198 · 3 years
For the 6th day of the @upsteadofficial Christmas word prompt--Mistletoe. (Rated T)
Note: Started this for the Presents prompt but didn’t finish it in time so used it for part of the 6th day instead. Hopefully it’s not too clunky.
“Upton. This has gotta stop.” Trudy Platt all but stomped over to Hailey’s desk. She unceremoniously dropped a small package on her desk. “See this?” She pivoted a bit to show her shoulder badge to Hailey. “Does this say ‘Postal Service’? No. It doesn’t. So stop having these delivered here.”
“Sorry, Sarge.” Hailey replied. Again she offered no explanation. The season would be over in another day and then this would all be over.  She slid the package to the far side of her desk without looking at it and got back to work as Trudy moved in to Hank’s office.
“You serious?” Jay asked over his computer.  “That’s like the fourth one. Who’s sending them?” He got up to round the corner to her desk but Hailey was faster. Barely looking, she palmed the package and slid it inside her desk drawer.
“It’s nothing, Jay. Really.” She tried for a smile but knew it fell flat. Just one more day. “It’s not important.”
“C’mon, you’re not even a little bit curious?” His brow furrowed. God knows he was. First came flowers. He’d made note of her face as she read the card, (It wasn’t a happy one) and later when he’d gone in to the break room for a bottle of water he saw them crammed in to the small trash can back by the couch. The next day there was a package. She’d checked the return address and slid it in to her bag underneath her desk. If Jay hadn’t been coming from the hallway after finishing up an interview with a suspect he wouldn’t have seen it happen. The next day there had been another package and now today.
“You have a secret admirer?” He asked, half teasing. For the first time since knowing Hailey he’d gotten her a gift. He hadn’t meant to, he told himself. He’d been with Will, killing time while he shopped for Hannah before they went for dinner and drinks, when he saw it. A simple necklace. A leather band with a small gold circle. He’d had it embossed with her initial and did his best to ignore his brother’s smirk as he joined him to pay. Now the thought that maybe there was someone else in her life, someone he wasn’t aware of, crossed his mind for the first time. He tried to tell himself that it was fine, she wasn’t his. But the only thing that gave him any solace was remembering her face at reading the card that came with the flowers. No eye roll—but a deep sigh and a scowl. If there was someone, it wasn’t someone she felt anything good for. That kept him going. Though he still wanted to know what was going on.
“You have a secret admirer?” He’d asked the question and she wasn’t sure how to take it. Was there some jealousy in that question? Concern? She shook it off on the inside. She’d rather not think about it let alone answer it.
“I wish,” she’d joked back and purposely got back to work.
Jay watched her for a moment. She was avoiding the question…and him. Rather than push him away, it only made him more curious, more prone to dig in and find out what was going on with her. He only wanted to help. She should have known better.
The next day brought no new case and one new package. Another slide in to the drawer as Hailey smiled in apology at Platt’s latest delivery. Hailey hoped that the gift card to her favorite coffee spot would soften her up a bit. She traded the envelope for the package and Hailey watched as Trudy peeked inside the card to see what was inside. “Well…” was all she offered before she walked away. But Hailey took it as a win and smiled at her back. She was still grinning as she turned back to her computer.
“Ah, there it is.” Adam clapped once and pointed at her. “Smile’s back, people!”
She rolled her eyes before looking up to see Jay watching her.
“It is nice to see again.”
She could feel the blush creeping up her cheeks so she ducked her head and tried to get back to focusing on finishing the paperwork she swore to herself she’d have done before clocking out for the night. Before she could just have the next 4 days to not think about the worst that Chicago had to offer, the innocent victims, the scenes she was called upon to see how the two factions met. She wanted to block it all out and just ‘be’ at home. Bad tv, sleeping in , a few late nights, these were the things she was looking forward to.
She didn’t mean to be a hard-ass lately but she knew she had been. This time of year, for as much as she enjoyed the majority of it, it was also a time that she dreaded. Knew the push that always came and this year had been no different.
“So tomorrow’s Christmas Eve.” Jay’s voice filtered through her thoughts as it always could. She looked up to him. “Got any plans?”
“Nope.” Her answer was cavalier as she closed a file.  “You?”
“Well,” he rubbed at his chin, not nearly as invested as she was in finishing his paperwork before their shift ended.  “Will’s working and…..no.” He smiled. “Soooo, would it totally kill your holiday vibe if I stopped over for a drink?”
“My holiday vibe?” she laughed. “Come over anytime, Jay. I’ll be home.”
He grinned and for the first time in a few years, realized he was actually looking forward to the holiday.
The next afternoon found Jay at Hailey’s door.  When she answered he found himself having to remember to breathe. She looked like herself, casual and relaxed, but at home that version was so much more her and it took his breath away for just a moment. It was happening to him more often and no matter how he tried to talk himself out of it, give justification to it, he knew he was simply lost in her. He’d finally realized his feelings but couldn’t quite figure out what to do about them.
“You okay?” She was staring at him, running their dynamic over in her head for the millionth time. There were times she thought they were both in sync, that he wanted what she did, to try and take the next step, to see if they could have something good past partners and friends. And then there were others where she was left feeling insecure and wrong and like she was spinning her wheels. She’d had offers of drinks, dinners…..of more, from other men. But none of the guys were Jay. None of them left her feeling like he did when he looked at her like he was right now.
“Yeah….yeah. Merry Christmas.” He offered a half smile as he walked in.
“You too.”
She’d already started on the tequila and had thrown some beers in the fridge. She offered him his choice, and they settled in her living room, and sipped their drinks in an easy silence.
Jay ran a finger around the rim of his glass and looked over to her. “Not too Christmasy around here.” He glanced around the room.
She huffed out a small chuckled and smiled in agreement. “Not usually around.”  At his look she explained. “I may have been known to pick up an extra shift here or there if the OT was available….or if not,” she smiled and inhaled deeply. “rent a place in Indiana or Michigan…some place on a lake. Quiet. Remote.” She shrugged a bit.
He looked at her nearly incredulous. “I really don’t know you at all, do I?” He meant it as a joke but shook his head at the information.
“You know me better than anyone Jay.” It had slipped out, immediate, quiet and earnest.
He nodded at her, solemn, quiet. Pleased at the comment.
“Okay then,” he breathed out. “Then what was the deal with those packages?”
He didn’t miss the small lip twitch, the flash of a dark look cross her face. When she didn’t respond, he tried again. “Hailey?”
Finally she spoke. She shrugged lightly. “I thought maybe…when I moved to this place….but my mom is smart.” She chuckled. “No address to send them to so she sent them to the district. They’re just…she never stops trying.”
“What do you do with them?” He probed.
“Donate them.”
“Do you know what they are? What they send?”
“Nope.” She shifted on the couch. “It’s easier not to.”
Jay nodded, trying to understand. “Sooo, nothing to open for Christmas then?”
She smiled a bit. “I don’t need presents, Jay.”
“Okay, that’s a lie.” He teased, reaching for his jacket and rummaging in a pocket. He pulled a small square box, neatly wrapped from it and passed it over to her.
Hailey swallowed hard. “Jay,” she whispered. “You didn’t have to….I didn’t…..”
“No, no, no. It’s not a big deal.” He chuckled and tried to play it down, now questioning his decision to give it.
“Can I…?” She glanced at the package.
“Yeah, of course. Go ahead.”
Hailey deftly unwrapped the paper neatly and Jay saw her eyes widen as she took the white top off the box.The dark band lay against the white cotton bed, the small gold circle shining in the living room light.
Jay found it necessary to start talking. “I just….you used to wear one like it and I saw it and just thought….”
“It’s beautiful.” She whispered, looking from it to him. “Thank you so much.” Her old one had broken off, she assumed, during a scuffle with an offender as she’d tackled him. When she’d gotten back to the district that day she’d noticed it was gone.
Hailey put the necklace on and Jay smiled, proud of being the reason she looked so happy in this moment. They sat and drank a bit for a while before Jay voiced an idea.
“Okay, so we’ve gotta get some Christmas spirit going.” He put down his glass and rubbed his hands together.
Hailey laughed. “I’m not getting a tree on Christmas Eve,” she laughed lightly. “so what are you thinking?”
“Molly’s. It looks like Christmas threw up in there. Like it should.” He grabbed for his jacket. “Whaddya say?”
The bar was packed. Locals having a few beers before going home to be with families, a few cops and fire fighters having a drink between ending shift and heading home, and a bunch of college kids home for break getting together with friends before being held captive by well-meaning family members wanting to know how school was and if they’ve met anybody special.
One of those kids stopped on his way back from the bathroom to do a double take at Jay and Hailey—and ogle Hailey.
“Bruh, you see where you are?” the kid asked. Jay didn’t and gave a mild one shoulder shrug, hoping if he ignored him he’d just move on. But he didn’t. “Better make your move dude, or I’m happy to step.in. Won’t have to tell me twice…though she may want to.” He smirked and grabbed suggestively and crudely at the front of his jeans.
Hailey grabbed Jay’s arm as he went to step up. The kid just smirked again and moved on.
“Let it go, Jay. He’s stupid and drunk.”
He was breathing heavier than normal with the adrenaline that pushed through his veins.  “Asshole,” he muttered, looking down the bar to where the kid had joined his friends.
He tried to focus back on Hailey and took a sip of his beer, calming down very little by very little. He took a deep breath and offered Hailey an apologetic smile that she returned with a ‘don’t worry about it’ one of her own. He was feeling better and glanced around the bar again, tipping his head up a bit as he drained the last of his beer. He choked.
“Shit….Jay, you okay?” Hailey was up off her stool and standing close to him, patting him on the back instinctively.
“Yeah….yeah,” he rasped. ”Just went down the wrong way.” He wiped at his mouth, and made a decision, quickly reaching for her hand. Feeling the warm skin and surprising softness of her hand under his, he dragged a quick thumb over her wrist. Hailey froze. She’d been about to sit back down when he’d touched her. She didn’t know what to do or say so waited him out, holding her breath.
He gestured upward, calling Hailey’s attention to the ceiling. When she saw it, she rolled her eyes with a grin and groaned lightly. But she didn’t move.
“Ohhh,  you gotta be kidding me.” Her laugh and smile faded as she caught Jay’s eye. His own had faded before hers and now he was just looking at her. Looking at her in that way that she never could name but that sent shivers down her spine nonetheless.
“Jay?” She whispered it softly.
“It’s tradition Hailey.” His voice was low.
She nodded slowly.  “Yeah. It is.”
Jay was still seated. He parted his knees a bit and took hold of Hailey’s waist, pulling her gently toward him. Her eyes never left his as she shuffled forward.
He pulled a hand from her waist to the back of her neck and she placed hers on his shoulders.
“We doing this?”
“I think it’s about time. So—yeah.” He huffed out a sly smile, genuinely happy.  She leaned in to him just as he gave her neck a gentle pull. The first kiss was soft, quick, and tentative. The second and third were soft and meaningful. Purposeful. The fourth was leading toward hungry.
When Jay pulled back slightly it was to find Hailey looking at him, her eyes bright as he thumbed circles at her waist. Neither said anything with both just enjoying the moment.
“Merry Christmas, Jay.” She smiled.
He chuckled lowly. “Merry Christmas, Hailey.”
She was knocked a bit closer to him by the group moving from down the bar past them, as they headed toward the exit.
Jay held on to Hailey tight as she was jostled in to him. The drunk kid from earlier threw them a look and Jay took advantage of it. “Hey bruh…..thanks!” Jay grinned before sliding a hand to Hailey’s jaw and pulling her in for another kiss under the mistletoe.
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buckevantommy · 3 years
'(Un)Happiest Season' review
Simply put, it wasn't enjoyable as a romance or a comedy or a Christmas flick. It failed on many fronts, but this reviewer from Salon.com puts the thing into words for Happiest Season's main failings: 
What's bad: There were two main criticisms of "Happiest Season." The first being: Can't LGBTQ audiences have a holiday movie where the main plot isn't about mining the anxiety and trauma associated with coming out, being closeted and casual homophobia? Then there's the fact that Harper really is just kind of the worst. After pushing Abby back in the closet, Harper ditches her in a town where she doesn't know anyone to go drink with her ex-boyfriend until two in the morning, then proceeds to call Abby "suffocating" when called on it. It's a pattern of s**ty behavior that is pervasive and present throughout the movie, so her redemption arc doesn't feel super genuine. 
Why can't we have main queer characters in Christmas movies without their presence being all about their queerness? We want fluffy festiveness, dammit! They could've made Harper less selfish and more attentive while still playing into the *I'm not out yet Because Reasons so we need to hide our gay relationship* trope, but they didn't. Who knows why, but what a waste. 🎄👩‍❤️‍👩☃️
^ Look at that trailer and tell me you don't expect Misunderstandings with fun and tropey antics + Domestic Christmas Shenanigans + Comfort for Hurt! You will be sorely disappointed. 😞 
NOTE: The flick does have a few good moments. And it's probably worth the watch just to see what's missing/mishandled when it comes to queer characters and queer romances in mainstream movies. 
But it's not really fun or funny or heart-warming - where are the snowball fights? Insightful conversations? Christmas elements like eggnog/spiced wine, candycanes, mistletoe? Where are the many colourful side characters and the hungover brunches? We get one scene of ice-skating for a few minutes and it's wasted on sibling rivalry bs rather than, say.. Abby and Harper skating together but not being aloud to touch—omg the tension!! 😍 
There's just not enough comfort for the hurt Abby (Kstew) goes through; the film wholly lacks those warm-n-fuzzy Christmas vibes; there's just way more wrong with it than is right with it - which sucks, because this had the potential to be such a great movie if only Harper was written as less ignorant/selfish and we'd gotten more enjoyable family interactions and more festive fun - like a celebration in town. Instead we get a few limited shots of the adorable town, a crappy bar, and an OTT fancy Christmas party for performative rich white folk on a career path for power and "perfection" (ie. wholesome family values). 
The story they went with was definitely better suited for a dramatic film, so in a romcom setting it really didn't work. Plus the side-characters were flat; we needed more depth from the supporting characters, more meaningful interactions. 
^ Look at those intro credits!! Look at all the domestic happy moments and tell me you don't want to see a movie filled with such fluffy festive goodness!! Well, if you don't want to see such moments, don't worry because you won't. I naturally thought we were going to get this kind of romantic-and-non-romantic happiness dispersed throughout the entire film, but no. Not a one. There's 5 minutes of Happy Couple at the start, and that's it 📸☹️ (unless you count a photo collage of the happy ending and year that follows stuffed into the end credits). 
BTW: That intro song is the most Christmasy song in the whole movie. The soundtrack features modern pop songs which 1) don't help set the festive vibe and 2) are really fucking annoying; the song choices are grating, not pleasant, not enjoyable, and they overpower the scenes with a whole lotta noise. I really wish we'd gotten more tunes like the one above. 🎶 
About the image below—Abby is actually miserable the entire time, getting worse by the day, barely a smile seen on her.. while Harper is the one schmoozing her family and contacts with teeth bared, so.. this image isn't what you'll get, just fyi:
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(also: the only POC actors they had were the perfectionist-stone-faced-bitch's husband and his girlfriend - wife + hubby being secretly separated.) 
The things that the Salon reviewer liked are the same things I did (see below), but imho even those elements weren't enough to save this film from being: 
an infuriating 102 minute-comedy of errors buoyed by a healthy dose of gaslighting 
More cons of the flick are pointed out by denofgeek.com: 
Some of its issues come from the structure of the film, which shoehorns very real queer struggles into wacky rom-com tropes too fluffy to contain the stakes at hand. Meanwhile the choice to have one half of the lead couple be so aggressively and repeatedly cruel—while her high school ex Riley, played by the ever-perfect Aubrey Plaza was standing right there having all the chemistry in the world with the other romantic lead—was a fatal one.
It really was a dramatic plot idea crammed into a fluffy narrative. You can see the conflicting genres fighting to stay alive and they both die a slow, agonisingly dull death throughout the film. The whole *Abby being converted to loving Christmas by Harper inviting her to spend the holidays with her family* thing, only to have Harper force their relationship + Abby into the closet. Straight conversion much? I'm 100% sick of heteronormative bs in my queer Christmas films. 
For the most part, when you're not feeling for Abby's harsh treatment by her would-be fiance and everyone but Riley ignoring her completely, you will be bored af from the lack of festive cheer - not just twinkle lights and boisterous seasonal music, but those good ol' homey family Christmas vibes. With the Harper house + family members, everything's a performance, so that lack of sincerity and warmth makes for a depressing viewing experience: 
^ Jane (one of Harper's 2 sisters) is the only character allowed to be consistently genuine in the narrative (aside from John, but he's restricted mostly to phonecalls, and Riley - but even she's keeping Harper's secrets). Jane is the only character who is naturally vibrant and reminds us of some of the reasons we get excited about Christmas movies: to feel joy and to enjoy the company around us during the holiday season! 🎄☃️🥳 But rather than give us a fun day out with Jane + Abby, we get Abby + the second sister (i don't even remember her name, just BitchFace) which leads to more bad treatment of Abby - this time by two spoiled af no-smile rich kids. *le sigh* Jane carries the spark of honest joy for the entire Harper clan and that is TOO MUCH to expect of one character, let alone a side-character. 😪 
There are so many ways the story could've been tweaked to make more sense and be somewhat enjoyable, including: 
The orphan!Abby thing is just bad. Rather than give Abby a voice, chances to let her personality shine, almost everyone interacts with her to merely briefly express their condolences for her long-dead parents 🙄 
Abby is a pet-minder, ie. she's an animal lover, yet at no point do we see her interact with animals! Not a dog or cat or hamster, no reindeer at the petting zoo, nothing. 🐕🐈🦎🦜🐠
Riley + Abby getting together (even just a kiss) 👄 
Abby + Harper separating so Harper can get her shit together - and then we get several flashforward shots of them separately living their lives (Harper especially), and then meeting back up again - maybe the next holiday season, after some much-needed time apart 🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️ 
side characters who engage with Abby in a sincere, meaningful way instead of ignoring her (again, we got Riley, but she was outside of the family dynamic) 😊 
MORE FESTIVE CHEER! where were all the staple Christmassy passtimes, the smile-inducing season-specific experiences??? 🎉 
More from denofgeek: 
Where the script gets into trouble is that it doesn’t distinguish between Harper being closeted and her poor treatment of Abby. The two are separate issues and treating them as one does no favors to Harper, nor others struggling with the closet. As Dan Levy’s beautiful monologue late in the movie alludes to, the closet is a safety mechanism—but it’s not a free pass to treat people like garbage. [...] 😟🏳️‍🌈
Even a brief conversation teasing out that being in the closet doesn’t justify how Harper acted, and that plenty of people in the closet don’t treat others like trash, would have been important. Instead once Harper is out (which the movie takes pains to make clear only happened because Harper’s sister Sloane outed her), and a gesture so small it could never credibly be called grand is made, all bad behavior is washed away. [...] 😤🙅‍♀️ 
The jarring underlying issue is that 'Happiest Season' attempts to apply the standard rom-com and made-for-TV-holiday-movie tropes to queer life. So Abby having to go back into the closet isn’t framed as a painful regression or being forced to deny an essential part of herself, but rather a fun twist, in the vein of “but the guy she insulted on the plane is the owner of the ornament factory she has to impress to win the Christmas contest!”🚪😒 
All of Harper’s behavior adds up to making her feel like something the audience wants Abby to be free of, not someone Abby should be fighting for. Once Riley tells Abby about Harper’s cruelty in high school, where Harper outed Riley and mocked her rather than standing up for her or finding an excuse that protected them both, it becomes incredibly difficult to root for the lead couple to get back together, or for Harper at all. 👏💃 
With this information, Harper’s other transgressions go from frustrating to part of a larger pattern. Sadly, it’s a pattern Harper repeats when her sister outs her and she throws Abby under the (lesbian) bus. 🤬 
all interactions between John (Dan Levy) + Abby (he's witty, honest, and 100% the most entertaining element of the entire film; i wish we'd gotten more of him) 😆 
Riley (Aubrey Plaza, Harper's ex) + Abby's scenes together because CHEMISTRY, both between the characters and the actors 👩‍❤️‍👩
Notable between Abby + Riley scenes include 3 instances of Riley comforting Abby's hurt: outside at the fancy party (Abby feeling excluded/ignored/not worth anyone's time due to the way they treat her even though they don't know she's gay), at a gay bar in town (sandwiched by scenes where Abby's made to feel like crap by Harper), and at the fancy home Christmas party where Riley gets Abby something stronger to drink after hearing Abby was going to propose to Harper (but it's been a helluva shitty week and those plans are dead) 👭 
Every scene with Riley was blessed relief from the hurt and discomfort and boredom of the rest of the time with Harper's family. 🤩 
Sister Jane, for being a genuinely fun character 🤗 who was written starkly different to her family and treated somewhat like an outcast 
Aubrey + Kstew killin it in various pantsuits 👀 
In contrast, Riley connects Abby to queerness, bringing her to an LGBTQ bar to decompress and enjoy a Christmas-themed drag performance. It’s the most relaxed and comfortable Abby is on screen since the opening scenes, a chance to glimpse Abby’s authentic self before Harper summons her back to heterosexuality, and where she once again ignores and disappoints her. Riley actually talks to Abby at the various holiday parties whereas Harper keeps leaving her to please her family, especially her father. It’s not hard for the natural chemistry between Plaza and Stewart to take over
I wouldn't watch this film again. For a hopeful Christmasy love story I'd just watch all Abby + Riley's scenes: 
In closing, here's a batshit article title from observer.com that just makes you go, huh? 🧐:
‘Happiest Season’ Isn’t Happy, But That Doesn’t Make It a Bad Rom-Com
Um.. yes, yes it does. 
Rom-Coms are supposed to be fun, light-hearted stories about love even when the plot deals with lying - The Proposal, Sweet Home Alabama - so a movie that leaves you hurting more than comforted in sympathy with one of the main characters because the (apparent) love of their life is treating them like shit, then it doesn't deserve to be in the genre of Rom-Com. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨💞🎬
In summary, Abby and Harper got 5 minutes of happiness in the beginning, and an eventual happy ending after a super rocky middle. The journey was painful and unenjoyable, and it made their happy ending unbelievable and, for Harper, undeserved because of her behaviour through 90% of the story. 
In short: it was not, in fact, the happiest season. 😕👎
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
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🎶 putting my 2 cents in on WONDER! 🎶
this post contains my own, genuine opinion, if you can’t take a different point of view than yours, don’t bother to read, i don’t want to be attacked because i speak my truthful thoughts! keep in mind that everyone is entitled to have their own opinion!
elaborate thoughts under the cut
INTRO - he genuinely had me with it when the teaser came out. love a good bomb dropped on me and that’s what it feels like when that odd, buzzing tune comes in after he sings ‘lost in wonderland’ and it never fails to send a shiwer down my spine
WONDER - i already expressed my love for wonder, i loved it when it came out, love it today, it’s my second most listened song of 2020, i guess this fact talks for itself
HIGHER - at first listen, i genuinely considered skipping it. i don’t know, something just didn’t clicked for me, maybe because it sounds a lot different from the kind of music i’ve been listening to and if im being honest, i can’t see myself listening to it, but it’s completely alright, i always have at least one or two skips even on my absolute favorite albums!
24 HOURS - the instrumental of it often reminded me of the tunes they used in very old movies so it kind of felt nostalgic to listen to it, though i didn’t find myself getting engaged with the song, again, it’s just not my cup of tea, but i can see it just gently playing when im going something entirely different and i put the album on randomly.
TEACH ME HOW TO LOVE - i was skeptical at first listen, but gotta admit i grew fond by the end of it, kinda digging the groovy tunes, it has a slight Bruno Mars vibe to it for me and that’s why i imagine him performing it with a very vintage vibe, like a nice ‘60s feeling, very old school, wearing a colorful suit with a band behind him and an old TV show like set, i can totally see it, even him rocking a John Travolta hairdo from Grease!
CALL MY FRIENDS - it starts a little dull, but i love the turn it takes when that buzzing background comes in. it has a vibe that makes me want to get lost in a busy city in the night
DREAM - dream is it for me. the harmonizing sent chills down me immediately and i chimed in with his voice. i think it’s easily my fav from the whole record after Wonder and Intro. the harmonizing literally makes me feel like im floating and im obsessed with it
SONG FOR NO ONE - it’s very flowy and catchy for me, love the simplicity of just the guitar playing sometimes, but then i also adore the sudden change when the beat comes in, it gives the song a nice push and doesn’t let it get too dull by the end.
MONSTER - i’ve been very conflicted about this song ever since it came out, because even though i used to be a huge belieber back in my early teenage years, i still felt like Justin wasn’t a good add for the song. i would have loved it more if it was just Shawn, because i liked the concept and the base of the song, but for me, his voice is throwing off the vibe a little when he first comes in, though he clicks with the refrain for sure and it adds up by the end. i just feel like his appearance is a little abrubt with the sudden, rushed lyrics.i would have opted for an easier opening for him, that would have pulled the song more together for me
305 - the upbeat style is a bright change of pace on the album, but i feel like his voice is a little too blue, i feel like it lacks that same, chatty, vibrant vibe the instrumental gives away. though i think it’s a nice song, makes me bop my head for sure, the beat makes it catchy and that little guitar in the bridge almost feels like christmasy, which is a vibe i can never get enough of.
ALWAYS BEEN YOU - the start feels a bit like At The Ballet by Barbra Streisand, but then it surely changes up. im still savoring this song, not sure how to feel about it, though i definitely like the abrubt outbursts in the chorus. i feel like he could have gone a little heavier with the vocals, feels a bit lost in the background, but i like the effort.
PIECE OF YOU - already posted it, but i was waiting for Freddie Mercury to start singing ‘another one bites the dust’ when the beat started, it surely gave me that vibe, but it took a different turn and i think i like it as a whole. it’s a little different, less melancolic then the rest, a little... darker? if that makes sense. but i think it’s just the base of the song that gives me that vibe.
LOOK UP AT THE STARS - oh yes, this definitely warmed my broken little heart, and i was happy to feel that his voice matched the instrumental, the kind of thing i was missing with 305! love the tunes, the whole song definitely brought a smile to my face and it’s surely one of my favs.
CAN’T IMAGINE - im not a fond of the repetitiveness, the same lines over and over again, the song feels like a very random, on the spot made up one he would just mindlessly play in a backyard by the fire, which is not a bad thing, it surely has a lot of feelings behind it, but i guess i was expecting a different kind of song to be the closure in the end of the album. but i can still see myself listening to it.
overall, i think i get the direction he was trying to aim for, i get the vibe he tried to channel through the album. it’s clear he worked hard on it, the change can be felt in him, the maturing, he is making a point about growing up. i think Wonder is the album before the one that will hit different. he is trying himself out in a different field, finding his voice and true self as a real, mature artist rather than be a teenager in the spotlight. i think Wonder was much needed for his own growth and personal journey, and it made me anticipated to see where he’ll take it, because i think it’s kind of the point where it can easily go anywhere from here. it was definitely an experience, for him. and i respect that, because the art of an artist truly serves the purpose of forming the artist, to channel their inner, most personal thoughts and feelings they harbour deep down. it doesn’t exsist to please anyone else but the creator and judging from how Shawn hasbeen treating Wonder, i think this album fulfilled it’s purpose. 
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alicemitch09writes · 3 years
hi hiii! so, i said once that i listen a lot to a japanese song that reminds me a lot of (un)loving miya atsumu and the song is called crystal snow. the overall vibe of the song and the lyrics just screams of (un)loving to me. here’s some eng translation lyrics that may not be too accurate because i found that the japanese lyrics are, as usual, more poetic.
like snow piles up, i remember what you gave me. you gave me the courage to live
i remember that the scene where atsumu took reader’s hand that left a huge impact on her was also winter. perhaps, it was the start of everything.
i want to hold you one more time before you disappear
ah, crystal flies high wherever it goes
hey, there’s nothing else i want. i just want to feel a little more, can i touch your heart? i want to touch it but it keeps slipping through my fingers. someday, someday....
so we all know about the time where atsumu found out about mika-nee’s relationship. now reader was willing to do everything and anything just so she could be enough to touch tsumu’s heart so he could heal; not even because she thought it was her chance to have him finally. she just wanted her best friend to come back to them. to smile genuinely once again. but the incident happened and well, all those thoughts were all left in the dust.
when you go and smile like that, it hurts a little somehow 
how can I be closer uh uh?
why can’t i find an answer for this love?
how am I gonna find it? how? oh, let me know
when atsumu started to ignore reader’s existence and lived his life blissfully. unaware of the pain and burden he left the person he also swore to protect and put first because he knows how much she put everything and everyone before herself. smh.
crystal snow only holds an ambiguous shape. i can’t bear my story of unrequited love. i’ll manage it on my own surely, i can promise you
again, reader the most selfless person in this universe, was more than willing to bear every single pain all on her own. even saying in one of the chapters that that is what she deserves. (spoiler, no you don’t stupid mf!).
i want to protect you one more time before tears run down your face
But crystal gets further from reach, the more I wish for it
Even after hundred years
I want to live with you, can I be your one?
There is no single star in this snowy sky
Oh, someday, someday
this one’s pretty self-explanatory.
the two of us are already far apart even though we are meant to be together now we can’t choose the pain that colours us even the black breath, even your thick white fog i feel, i feel, i feel, i feel
oh, crystal snow, crystal snow, inside the white fog even though you pass me by and turn to water you are still in my heart (you are in my heart) i watch you shining and reflecting on every sparkling thing i’ll wait for you whenever you may go i want to see you, even if you’re pretending, take my hand and let me know
the dreaded year. where everything is a mess and they went from people who are attached to the hip to people who barely spare each other a glance. “i watch you shining and reflecting on every single sparkling thing” again, while atsumu is basking on his own ignorant, blissful world and using every opportunity he gets to hurt reader, reader just takes it all while still holding onto her naive thoughts.
it’s always you, it’s always you, crystal snow
i also have said this before but in the foreshadowing of your story, it made me feel as though reader would always seek that love from the person who broke her heart. just like how natsume was it for her uncle. just like how even when her dad broke her mom’s heart, her mom still held that longing for him.
okay this is long and idk if i even explained it properly but, it’s a really good song that i fell in love with the moment i listened to it. when i read (un)loving miya atsumu, it immediately reminded me of this beautiful song. if you read all this and think it made sense, i respect u lmao. i just woke up and don’t know if im even coherent enough. - 🎨
hey paint anon, been a while! and no worries! i got what you were trying to say, i'm actually listening to the song now as of typing and got a little teary-eyed as i read through and the music played.
it's a bit christmasy, but its meaning is so profound and deep :">
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cominguplavander · 4 years
zeros appreciation post beacuse it is single-handedly saving 2020 and it needs to be talked about !!
(now before we get into subject,,, im wholeheartedly disappointed at the fact that we moved into another whole era and we only heard i am everyone else live once, unforgivable).
- first of all, what an intro !! gets you hyped from the beggining.
-'what do you think about the rocket i built' !!! that line makes me so happy, what a tribute to the previous era, what do you think about the car, ughhhh i love.
- be an astronaut is (one of) my favourite song in the world, im so happy he finally released it, even if it took him two whole years, the studio version is giving me life, and so does the live version in nashville!! work that solo, isabel!
-i love be an astronaut with my whole heart as you can tell, but tbh i wouldn't have placed it as the second track but, hey, we've got it out finally so, no complaints.
- the key to life on earth, my sister's favourite song (understandably), adds declan mckenna ™'s brand, dissing political stuff and we love to see it (talking about the line 'the out of touch scrounging rich kids are living here for free' especially)
- come on out come on out come on out come on out
- beautiful faces is sooo unique i love!! dec's wearing his iconic glitter make up in the vid which kinda holds together the mess that occurs lmao, name a more iconic duo than dec and greenscreens.
- daniel, honey, you messed up quite a few times, seek some help (i hope you got help in those ten years in prison, darling)
- 4 cans of pesticide to drink... questionable lyrics
- emily made me think of mika's emily for a sec lol!
- talking about emily, im getting a christmasy vibe in the instrumental (before the guitar kicks in) mixed with in blue?? it makes me think a lot about it, specially that line that goes like 'its hard for me to sleep when you lied'. i love it, and if it's a reference to it it's very smart and lovely.
- twice your size is a bop !! it must be incredible live.
- 'cut your hair cause its full of lice....' v cool dec.
- rapture omg !! the video is so funny to me because of the huge faces that change expressions so often. what a vibe of a song. also very happy that they 'recicled' that lyric thingy they used in the key's lyric vid. so original.
- saggitarius a* omg!!! im a sag im a star! cool connection (cause sag a* is actually a black hole i think??).
-one of my favourites in the album, for sure.
- and oh, that song is pure clickbait, dec's a capricorn 😠
- (it's so funny to me how he pronounces nature in like 8483 different ways in the same album)
- finally, eventually, darling. a beautiful song with amazing lyrics 'the backyard balcony view/was as lonely as hell without you', for example.
- idk why he'd write that song or where he got the need to make me cry in such an upbeat album. istg i cry every time. (he's so right, love doesn't care for me, i haven't heard an apology, i'll end up alone and everyone leaves eventually. so right)
- needles to say, this album was so worth the wait and the innumerable times it got delayed.
- isabel, nathan and everyone in the crew did a remarkable job, they're all so talented.
anyways uh that's about it !! if i could describe what i feel with every song id get into it in depth, but this was enough of a rant lol! i really hope the europe tour happens, hopefully ill attend a show but for now ill listen to it daily and hope i get a signed copy of the cd now that he's put out more.
pretty sure y'all love the album as much. a true masterpiece.
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leigh-kelly · 4 years
Elf Chapter 2
Chapter 1
After learning that Santa was actually going to come to this place, Brittany spent the entire night getting everything ready. She couldn’t let Santa walk into some place that was so un-Christmasy, even with the tree that Santana had decorated. Once she made everything perfect, she fell asleep right in the middle of Christmas Land and got her full forty-five minutes before she heard something coming from the back of the store. Brittany rolled over, wiping glitter from her cheeks and she crept back to where the noise was coming from. Someone was singing and Brittany couldn’t help but join in, opening the door and softly singing the contrasting lines.
“I’ll hold your hands they’re just like ice.” Brittany sang, being answered by my mother will start to worry.
The sound of the voice of whoever was singing was absolutely beautiful and Brittany sat up on the counter in the steamy locker room and listened and sang and just wished it would never end. Somehow, the sound of that voice made her feel more Christmasy than she ever had and though she didn’t want to startle the woman singing into stopping, she was dying to know who it was. Her heart swelled and her voice got louder as the song went on.
“Oh but it’s cold outside!” She wailed, her voice echoing off the walls.
The sound of a shower curtain being ripped open broke Brittany from her reverie and there was Santana, whipping her head around to see Brittany sitting on the counter. She looked pissed and Brittany was shocked that she could look so angry after singing so beautifully. It shouldn’t have surprised her that the most beautiful woman she had ever seen had the most beautiful voice she had ever heard, but still, it did, and she looked down sheepishly.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“I was just listening to you sing.” Brittany shrugged. “I knew you could sing.”
“I told you I could sing, I just don’t.”
“Well it sounded like you were.”
“Do you know how creepy it is to sit in the locker room and listen to someone take a shower? Why are you in here?” Santana snapped.
“I told you, I was listening to you sing. It was…really beautiful.”
“Tell anyone about this and I’ll kill you.”
“You can’t kill me, it’s Christmas.”
“What is it with you and Christmas?”
“I love Christmas! Don’t you love Christmas?” Brittany hopped off the counter as Santana closed the shower curtain and went back behind it.
“What’s there to love? I have no family to go home to, no girlfriend, I work in fucking Gimbal’s where I deal with snot nosed little kids all day. Only kids love Christmas, then, when you grow up and realize there’s no Santa, it all kind of sucks.”
“No Santa?” Brittany’s eyes widened in alarm. “What are you talking about? Of course there’s a Santa. He’s coming today!”
“Right. The unwashed dude who Schuester hires every year even though I told him I get major creep vibes from him. That’s Santa.”
“You’ll see when he gets here, Santa never lets anyone down.”
“You’re joking, right?” Santana chuffed and reappeared from behind the curtain fully dressed in her elf costume. “What are you, eight?”
“Papa Elf warned me this might happen down here.” Brittany looked off into the distance. “So you really don’t believe in Santa?”
“No, I don’t.”
“Give me a chance to prove that he’s real.”
“I don’t even know you.”
“Then you have nothing to lose.” Brittany grinned.
Mr. Schuester started banging on the locker room door before anything else could happen in their conversation and Brittany remembered her excitement about Santa coming. That’s all she needed to prove to Santana that he really was real—seriously though, how could she hear that he was coming and not think that he was real anyway? She rushed out of the locker room and ran into her newly fabricated meeting area and there were tons of children lined up. She grinned wide, knowing that all of them believed that Santa was real, and she got to the very front, excited to show Santa that she had found her way to New York.
When Santa came out, she started screaming at the top of her lungs, so excited for her a piece of her home that she couldn’t even contain herself. Then, she really looked at him. He was too skinny. His beard wasn’t real. His eyes didn’t sparkle. That absolutely was not Santa and she felt like crying. She was torn over what to do. If she made a scene, she would be telling all of the kids around her that this Santa wasn’t real and she would be proving Santana’s point. She couldn’t do that, so she bit her lip and held back tears. After only a minute of it, she couldn’t hold it in anymore and she broke into a run.
“Elf! Get back here!” Schuester screamed, but Brittany kept running, trying to get away from this imposter as quickly as possible.
Brittany ran out of the store and into the street, narrowly missing being hit by one of those yellow cabs. She got back to the Empire State Building and she charged through the security guards who had thrown her out the day before. She was just about to the elevator when she got caught up by them again and she thrashed and screamed in their arms.
“I’m just here to see my mother!”
“There’s a no trespassing order against you. Do you want to spend the night in jail?”
“Let me go! Let me go!” Brittany thought of what she used to do when she was a kid and Papa Elf would hold her back from doing something and then, without any forethought, she bit one of the guards on the hand.
“That’s it!” He roared. “You’re going downtown.”
Brittany had never been in jail before. She didn’t even think there was such thing as jail in the North Pole, so she was shocked when a police officer came, loaded her in the back of an SUV and tossed her into a cell with a dozen other women. One of them immediately started making fun of her clothes and Brittany pulled her dress down over her knees, crying softly into her sleeve. They told her that she could have one phone call and for a second, she wished that she knew Santana’s last name because maybe she would help her out, but then she realized that there was one person she could call, her mother.
“Mom!” Brittany cried out when Whitney walked into the police station. “I knew you would come! They told me I had one phone call and I knew right away that I would call my mom and you came, you really came!”
“Let’s go.” Whitney spit, pushing Brittany out ahead of her. “You claim that you’re my daughter, we’re going to get to the bottom of this.”
“Oooh, are you going to ask Santa? Don’t go to the one at Gimbal’s, he’s an imposter.”
“Look, I don’t know what’s wrong with you, kid. Are you crazy? You think you’re dressed like an elf, you think I’m going to talk to Santa. How am I supposed to believe anything you’re saying?”
“Because you’re Whitney Pierce, you gave me up for adoption when you were sixteen, Then I was at the New York City Children’s Home and on Christmas Eve, I climbed into Santa’s bag and was raised by Papa Elf in the North Pole. All I wanted since I found out I wasn’t an elf was to meet you, and I got to meet you! Now I want to make hot chocolate with you and go ice skating and make snow angels, and—”
“Who told you I gave a baby up when I was sixteen?”
“Cut the crap.” Whitney rolled her eyes. “Tell me who’s telling you all of this.”
“I already told you, you’re just not listening.”
Brittany followed Whitney until they were in some kind of waiting room in an office. She kicked her legs beneath her while she sat in the chair and then after a really long time, the lady behind the desk led them into a room with a paper table. When Brittany sat down, it crunched beneath her and she giggled.
“Why’s there paper on this table?”
“So it’s sanitary for the other patients.”
“Patience? Papa Elf always said I had none of that.”
“Mrs. Pierce, Miss…” The doctor came in with something shiny around his neck and Brittany was immediately intrigued by it.
“Brittany, Brittany the Elf. Adopted daughter of Papa Elf from the North Pole and real daughter of Whitney Pierce, publisher at the Empire State Building.”
“We’ll see about that.” Whitney chuffed. “Doc, just do the test.”
“Can I play with your necklace?”
“No.” The doctor shook his head. “We’re just going to do a quick finger prick.”
“Oooh, what’s that?” Brittany asked, but then immediately regretted that when he stabbed a needle in her finger and she started to bleed. “Ow! Ow! Why did you do that?”
“Give me twenty minutes, we’ll have an answer for you.”
“But I already know the answer, Santa told me.”
Whitney stayed in the room with the doctor while Brittany went out into the waiting room clutching her finger. She could feel her heartbeat in it and it was not exactly a pleasant sensation. To distract herself from the hurt, she thought of gum drops and sugar plums and ice skating with her mom and…Santana. Santana was really so pretty that it almost hurt Brittany’s eyes. Even though her singular mission in New York City had been to get her mom off the Naughty List, she realized that now she had two. She had to get her mom off the Naughty List and she had to make Santana believe in Santa. It seemed like with Christmas only six days away, that was a lot, but she was totally determined and she know that if she believed and wished hard enough, she could make it happen.
“Let’s go.” Whitney came out of the office and grabbed Brittany by the back of her dress. “I’ll get to the bottom of who told you where to find me, but you’re not lying about the fact that I’m your mother.”
“See! Mommy! I told you! Oh, now can we go ice skating? Please? Please?”
“We’re not going ice skating. Now I have to tell my husband that the daughter he doesn’t know I gave up just came out of the wood work and needs some serious mental help. The doctor said you’re regressing and if I bring you into my family, it’ll set you right again.”
“I’m already right. I was right about you being my mother, wasn’t I?”
All the way back to Whitney’s apartment, Brittany chattered away while her mother gave her monosyllabic responses. Brittany was just so excited that she was one step closer to getting Whitney off the Naughty List that she couldn’t come down. When Whitney opened the door, Brittany was ecstatic to see a Christmas tree in the apartment and even more ecstatic to see the little girl sitting on the couch beside it playing a video game.
“Not a word about how you are until I finish this conversation.” Whitney hissed in her ear and Brittany plopped down beside who she presumed to be her sister.
“Hi! I’m Brittany, Brittany the Elf.”
“Rightttt….” The girl rolled her eyes, looking a lot like Whitney. “I’m Deidre and what are you even doing here?”
“I’m not allowed to tell you until M—Whitney says it’s okay.”
Deidre went back to playing her video game and Brittany counted all the twinkling lights on the tree. There were so many that it made her a little dizzy but she counted as quickly as she could until she realized that Whitney and whoever was in the kitchen were talking about her and she wanted to pay attention to that.
“Wonderful? Harry, you think it’s wonderful that I have a kid that just came out of nowhere and thinks she’s an elf?”
“Human raised by elves.” Brittany corrected to no one in particular and Deidre gives her a side eye.
“You know I always wanted a big family. Let’s just give her a place to stay for a while, make her part of the family. I’m sure she’ll go back to normal after she gets some love. Now c’mon, let me meet her.”
Harry came into the room with Whitney and Brittany was surprised that he was in worn jeans and a flannel shirt, compared to Whitney’s fancy shoes and buttoned up blouse. Brittany gave him in the biggest grin and he smiled back at her, eyes warm and inviting like Papa Elf’s.
“Well Deidre, I see you met your sister.” Harry laughed, cupping Deidre’s shoulder.
“Whatever.” Deidre rolled her eyes again. “I’m going to my room.”
Brittany was so excited that Harry was so nice to her that after he made up the bed on the couch for her and everyone else went to sleep, Brittany wanted to do something really nice for him. It was hard to find everything she needed, but Brittany went a little nuts decorating the entire house from top to bottom, even more decorated than it already was, and then started it in the kitchen, making her famous spaghetti with maple syrup and M&Ms so he would have something for breakfast.
“Good morning Harry!” Brittany called out when he got in the kitchen. “I have to go to work because Mr. Schuester thinks I work at Gimbal’s now, but I wanted to make sure you had a nice sugary breakfast!”
“Thank you for…that.” Harry laughed, accepting the plate from Brittany as Whitney walked into the kitchen.
“Don’t worry, Mom, I made you some to take to work!”
“I’m…good.” Whitney grabbed a cup of coffee and made her way out the door before Brittany could say anything else.
“What’s up with her?”
“She just needs some time to adjust.” Harry promised. “She has a lot on her plate at work right now and finding out she has a daughter who was looking for her caught her by surprise. But she’s good at heart, I promise.”
“Good enough to get off the Naughty List?”
“That’s one way to put it.”
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A conversation with Leah on ‘Ancient Winter’
Leah’s new album Ancient Winter was released on November 15th (order here). The Canadian Celtic singer has wholly stripped out metal on her latest effort as it consists of five original tracks and three traditional century medieval songs. This record pairs well with fans of Loreena Mckennitt and Blackmore’s Night, and it’s the perfect “holiday” album for those who dread listening to classic “Christmassy” hits. We recently caught up with Leah to discuss Ancient Winter, crowdfunding campaigns, and more.
What made you decide to strip metal away from the new album, Ancient Winter?
I always planned on making some non-metal music. A lot of times when I’m writing songs, of course, I’m writing it without the metal at first. With the main structure of the song, I have the melody. I have the lyrics. The whole structure of the song is always done before metal is added. And then, I have to make a decision. Does this sound like a song that needs to be metal or not? I always wrote songs, growing up, without metal, and then I got introduced to metal and loved it. I wanted to combine my favorite things we did, but I always have to make that decision. Should this be a non-metal song or metal song? And I thought for this Christmas situation, or a holiday, that it would be best to make it more widely available to the average listener. Almost like it could be an introduction for some people, even into the metal world. I had a lot of fans who say they’re not even usually a metal fan, but they like my music. For them, it’s a way to be introduced to something they wouldn’t normally listen to. For this, I wanted to open things up a little bit for the average listener, and hopefully come up with something they would really enjoy. It’s a part of myself that I love to explore. I plan on doing, in the future, a full album that is not metal. Also, just maybe more fantasy-based. I think people could expect more of this kind of thing from me in the future.
How long have you been working on this album?
This is probably the fastest project I’ve done, I won’t say ever, but in recent history. It started with the idea in early January, and then I started writing for it in March. Everything was written and recorded by June. Pretty much mixed mastered at the end of July. And then, August forward was crowdfunding, and now prepping for the album launch. It’s been really bad, the whirlwind. I don’t recommend it for most people. It’s just a little bit crazy.
Since the record itself is different than your previous works, was the actual recording process any different from what you’ve done?
No. The process is the same, but it was much faster this time. I think because I had a very good idea of exactly what I wanted to do. Because it’s essentially a themed album, right? It’s a concept album in a sense. I went in this with a specific intention, knowing it’s going to have this theme, this is what it’s going to be about. That narrowed certain things. I could immediately eliminate certain songs that I was working on. I was like, “Well, if this doesn’t go.”
I read how this was supposed to be something for people who hate holiday music. Are there any particular songs on this album that’s more geared towards the holidays?
“Light of the World,” it has a Christmasy vibe to it, lyrically. Maybe not so much in the music itself, but lyrically it does. And then, also the traditional songs that I did, the Medieval ones, some of them are from the 15th, 16th century. There is Latin and French, where if you translate them, they’re very much like traditional Christmas carols from that era. In that sense, it is. But I feel like the way it’s produced and everything, that it’s highly enjoyable for much longer than just one month out of the year.
Can you talk more about the themes on the album?
Theme-wise, I always look at things in terms of mood and vibe and atmosphere. That’s how I approach things as a songwriter. That’s how I pick my music, what I’m going to listen to that day. Often had to do with what mood am I in? What kind of atmosphere do I need to create it myself at this moment? To whether it’s like I want to be focused, feel focused, or I want to feel driven, or I want to feel motivated. Music completely affects that for me, and I think for a lot of people. In terms of theme, other themes of the album, I would just say that it’s got a Celtic and Medieval backdrop. And then, there’s worldly elements and ethereal elements in there. Songs like “The Messenger” are completely different from the other songs, and it was not one all about atmosphere. It’s all about this ethereal feeling of something incredibly magical. You could paint a picture of anything you wanted while listening to that song.
You’ve been active with crowdfunding. There are companies such as PledgeMusic that seem to be going under, and this could be scary for artists. What are your thoughts about this possible new change with crowdfunding?
You’re right. I do quite a lot of crowdfunding. In my view, crowdfunding is a huge part of marketing. It should almost be done in every scenario. Just because of how much of a buzz it creates leading up to a release and launch. I’ve seen a lot of labels now, even though people are signed to a big label, they actually require their artists to do crowdfunding. Even the labels, they don’t have the capital that they used to. It’s also a way for a band to prove or validate the idea, or the album, the concept, or whatever they’re doing. In my view, it’s something that everybody is heading towards. I think this will be the new norm. And yeah, I mean, if you don’t get the support for it, you saw lots of people are getting partially funded, and even that is a huge help. I think we’re seeing a big return of the patron in the new music industry. I have a lot to say about that topic, so it depends how far you want me to go with it. But yeah, I think that it’s a wonderful thing. It means a lot more responsibilities for artists, but there could be nothing more rewarding. I’m willing to do the work.
Of course. Have you ever experienced a similar risk from what’s apparently happening with PledgeMusic?
I’ve never experienced anything negative. Usually, with those kinds of things, when companies go under like that, it’s a management problem. They certainly had enough people in terms of artists. They had enough customers. So, something was going awry in the management, and in the finances, and in that. I don’t know how they run things or why all that has happened, but there are plenty of other crowdfunding platforms that are doing just fine. I think the concept of it is not ever an issue. You have to look at each company as a case-by-case basis and be like, how are they doing? What’s the reputation? Do you like how they run? When I went to do crowdfunding, I always decided against using PledgeMusic. This was before they ever ran into trouble, just on the sheer fact that I didn’t like how it was run.
I tested the waters, and I didn’t like it. I also saw some significant marketing challenges, like they don’t allow Facebook pixel on their site. Most crowdfunding sites don’t. That, to me, tells me that they’re in the dinosaur age of marketing. They’ve no idea what they’re doing. Otherwise, they would allow for something as basic as a Facebook pixel for tracking. I’m always looking at things like that in my decision making. Of course, most musicians don’t know that if they’re not even attuned at all to what digital marketing is. Having some of that basic knowledge, for me, it helps me in making decisions. I’m less worried about what’s happening with this company or that company because I know,  at the end of the day, I’m in control of what I’m doing. So yeah, I hope that answered it.
Do you have any touring plans?
I’ve just been a recording artist since 2012, was when my first album came out. I am thinking about the future and about touring. I think it’s something I absolutely want to do. I’ve always wanted to do that. As many people know, I have five kids that I home school. They’re all very young. Especially back in 2012, they were really young. So, that wasn’t an option for me. Now they’re a little older, and I think that might be something I want to do and explore. Maybe even bring them along with me if it’s at all possible. I think that would be an amazing thing to do as a family. I will be thinking about it.
Is there anything else that you want to say or add about the new album?
If people love bands like Blackmore’s Night or Loreena McKennitt, any of those kinds of worldly artists that have a lot of influences in the medieval world, and middle Eastern traditional sounds, I think they’ll really enjoy this. And yeah, I think that it’s an album for people who don’t typically like holiday music because you can listen to it for much longer. There are no “Santa Baby” songs on the album. There’s no “O Christmas Tree.” There’s nothing like that. I think it’s unique and different from what you would typically expect. I hope people will enjoy it.
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