seirindono · 3 months
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The Missing Scarf VIII - part 59
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y’know what, I have a newfound appreciation for the Rolan stans. i always liked him just fine and i got why people wanted to be able to romance him on a basic level, but I didn’t really think deeper than that. and then i found out that he is solely responsible for the survival of several of the adult tiefling refugees and all of the children (outside of Mol and Arabella) because he was able to fight back against the Absolutists and take out enough of them to allow the others a chance at escape. and he feels like he’s useless because his siblings got captured even though so many would be dead if not for him. and then he finally gets to his apprenticeship and the master wizard he’d looked up to turns out to be an abusive shitbag to him. and when he becomes the master of the tower the first thing he does is immediately move his siblings in with him because he wants them to be safe and settled. this man needs a hug so badly i get it i really do
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royalarchivist · 10 months
Pac: I said, "Hey, let's do something fun, you know? Let's kidnap the [Federation] baker!" And we are kind of like, locked up, and [Richarlyson's] even sadder now, right? Phil: I can put my hand through the bars. Pac: [Laughs] Can I ho– Please save us! Phil: Do you miss human touch, Pac? Pac: Yeah, I miss human touch. Phil: I'm here for you. [...] We can smuggle things into jail. [To Richarlyson] It's okay, mate. Pac: Can you smuggle me a cellphone?* I know information is power here.
Phil visits Pac and Richarlyson in jail.
* Pac's quote here is a direct reference to Fuga Impossivel, where Cell (Cellbit) had a cellphone he used to threaten people with his "contacts from the outside." (In reality, the phone had no signal, but that's how he earned his name "Cell")
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[Full Transcript ↓ ]
Pac: Richarlyson feeling a little bit sad 'because 'cus he's locked up, you know? That's why he's using a different kind of hat.
Phil: Oh, Jesus Christ. Wait– why's Richarlyson's [happiness] bar gone down?
Pac:Yeah, 'because 'cus he's unhappy, 'cus, well, we kind of like, got locked up, and it's his birthday today, and he's feeling a little bit sad about like, growing up, you know?
Phil: Is that why he's got a different cow head on?
Pac: Yeah, yeah, and to try to help him, I said, "Hey, let's do something fun, you know? Let's kidnap the baker!" And we are kind of like, locked up, and he's even sadder now, right? [Richarlyson shakes his head] Yeah, but look – jail is fun!
Phil: I can put my hand through the bars.
Pac: [Laughs] Can I ho– Please save us!
Phil: Do you miss human touch, Pac?
Pac: Yeah, I miss human touch.
Phil: I'm here for you. [Cracks up]
Pac: I miss human touch. Oh my god, a hand! Richas, you want to touch a hand? Touch uncle Phil hand. [Laughs]
Phil: Yeah, right here.
Pac: Touch it, Richas! Connect with every–
Phil: I can get you out, I can get you out, I don't know if I'll get punished though, but we'll see. [Laughs]
Pac: I don't think you're going to get punished. [He looks at Richarlyson] Right? [Richarlyson shakes his head, holding a camera] There's nothing wrong about setting two persons out of the jail.
Phil: Yeah, I feel like you've learned your lesson, right?
Pac: Yeah, I won't try to kidnap the baker.
Phil: Oh, Richarlyson wants you to take a photo of, like, hands touching, I think.
Pac: Oh. Ok, let me...
[They stand there, holding hands in silence until Richarlyson takes a photo, then they burst into laughter.]
Pac: Well, Richas, you wanna do the same? I can take a picture of you! I just need a paper. [Pac checks his inventory] ...I don't have any papers, if you have one?
Phil: [Still cracking up as he holds hands with Richarlyson]
Pac: I need the paper, Richarlyson!
Phil: I have paper, there you go.
Pac: Oh, thank you.
Phil: We can smuggle things into jail. [To Richarlyson] It's okay, mate.
Pac: Look! [Laughs and throws Phil the photo] Can you smuggle me a cellphone?* I know information is power here.
Phil: I can – hold on, let me see, let me see...
Pac: Maybe like a cellphone? Or maybe a gaming setup so me and Richarlyson could put some gaming in here, you know, so we can play games?
Phil: I can – I could just break you out. [Laughs] But it's up to you – do you want to be out?
Pac: Yeah, if – Richas, you want to get out of this prison? I know it's bigger and better than our house. Look at the size of this, Phil! You wanna, like–
[Richarlyson breaks the jail bars and lets himself out, then replaces the bars to keep Pac inside]
Phil: [Dying]
Pac: ALL ALONG? Wait – we have been in here for the past 15 minutes, Richas! Oh my god. Ok, ok, I'm done, I'm done. I'm just gonna stay here. I'm just gonna stay here. [Pac walks to a corner of the cell and sits down facing the wall]
Phil: [Still wheeze-laughing] Dude...
Pac: I'm just gonna stay here.
Phil: I can't– [wheezes] I can't break these blocks, he's locked us in!
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vilevexedvixen · 4 months
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commentgoblin · 4 months
There’s something that gets me about Colin Provolone man. About hating the one thing you are best at and needing to be good at it for the good of the world but not wanting it. Being cursed when ‘I don’t think I even did anything’ just because you were born. Trying so hard to make something right even when you know it is never enough. Not being included in the group until the end right before everything falls apart (everyone else used telepathy. No one told him. No one told him.) never belonging anywhere until finally you stop trying. You stop hoping you can be more.
You hunt the evil because you’re good at it and someone has to.
It doesn’t matter what you want.
It never has.
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cimmanonrowl · 2 months
Do you ever see a clip or rewatch an episode of Aaron and Jack and you think to yourself “Omg Aaron Hotchner is such a good father,” only to remember that he actually grew up in abuse? And now we’re both crying because it took him a lot of pain, suffering, and trauma as a kid to be that soft and brave to break the trauma cycle. Oh, Hotch you big, old man come here and let me give you a hug.
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slaymiedrysdale · 11 months
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Kinda crazy how these are like a month apart.
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owlsie-hoot · 11 months
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"How are we supposed to just..."
"Carry on without them? Haven't a damn clue. Take comfort in those we do have, I suppose? There's also whisky?"
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zomboire · 1 year
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colored sketch of mike afton :B
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Client: I'll have a martini, dry
Desmond Miles, on his first day bartending after escaping a cult, looking at all the wet ingredients under the bar counter: uuuhh... I don't know how to tell you this, buddy...
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I'm sorry this is super angsty and sad…!
König and the things he's heard when trying to date women:
"You're too clingy. If you're looking for a mom then maybe go hook up with some other girl."
"You're too eager, it's making me uncomfortable."
"Let me give it to you straight, I mean someone has to… The way you brought me flowers and then tried to get into my pants? Sorry but you're a walking red flag. You really need to work on yourself."
"You're a very nice guy, but I already found someone :)"
"Military...? Ahahah, sorry, but no." *leaves table*
"I'm sorry. You're just not my type."
"I'm sorry, that's just… You're too big." *doesn't even stay for the night*
And the worst of it happened when he was on the brink of cumming inside this cute girl who finally smiled at him and allowed him to go in without a condom, when their gazes locked for a moment and he asked: "Can I be your boyfriend…?"
"Oh König… I already have a boyfriend."
After the session, she just pulled up her briefs and pulled down her skirt and gave him a pat on the chest. "Don't worry big boy. I'm sure you'll find someone nice soon!"
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0spookymoth0 · 6 months
Currently reading through the Cosmos arc and ngl,the idea that Discord is a traumatized abuse survivor whose coping badly adds some really dark connotations to his behavior in show that isn't discussed enough tbh.
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dimigo-cromwell · 6 months
Losing oneself in their battle
Writing type: Prompt
Pairing: Xiao x GN!Reader
Tags: Killing genshin monsters but not detailed :O
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"You should not have followed me, mortal."
With the Lantern Rite in full move, the presence of monsters seemed to escalate, troubling Xiao more than ever. Xiao found himself locked in ceaseless combat throughout the past nights, seeking solace only within the familiar confines of the Wangshu Inn. Yet, even there, the looming threat of nearby monsters cast a pall over the sanctuary, prompting urgent warnings from the innkeepers. Amidst the cold embrace of the night, Xiao grappled with the relentless torment of his Ceramic Debt, its insistent ache gnawing at his very being.
In the shadow of the inn, an open field bore witness to Xiao's valiant struggle against a small band of hilichurls, a few mitachurls and slimes. Each slam of his spear tore through the earth, sending patches of dirt flying with each resounding impact. Rocks were hurled, and slimes burst into a flurry of gelatinous fragments, the cacophony of battle drowning out all else. Lost in the tumult, Xiao's grip on reality began to slip, the distinction between friend and foe blurring amidst the chaos.
From the inn's vantage point, you and a few others watched in horror as Xiao fought with unmatched ferocity. Concern etched upon your faces, you exchanged worried glances, something was off about Xiao. Despite facing only a few mere monsters, Xiao appeared exhausted, his movements erratic and seemingly fuelled by an insatiable hunger for battle. Even with his mask on, his mental fatigue was evident, a stark contrast to his typically fast and concentrated fighting style.
Racing through the night, you charged towards the battlefield, each step kicking up dirt and dust. As you drew closer, the sounds of battle grew louder, the clash of steel mingling with the desperate cries of combat until suddenly it all stopped. And then, as if emerging from the darkness itself, you stumbled upon the scene unfolding before you.
It was in this frenzied state that Xiao abruptly halted, his spear poised perilously close to your face. Fear etched upon your features, you held your breath, hands raised in a desperate gesture of surrender. Before you could utter a word, Xiao's sharp interjection pierced the silence, a stark reminder of the danger lurking within his turmoil. Yet, even as he cautioned you, his spear remained unwavering, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the encounter.
"Xiao, it's me," you stammered, your voice trembling with trepidation. But before you could utter another word, Xiao's attention was drawn to the distant glow of lanterns ascending into the night sky from Wangshu Inn. "Xiao, the battle is over," you implored gently as you followed his gaze, your words a beacon of reason amidst the chaos. "You've protected us all. The fight is over.".
Slowly, as if emerging from a haze, Xiao's gaze cleared, taking in the aftermath of the skirmish surrounding them. The once-bustling field now lay barren, the echoes of conflict fading into the night. With a heavy sigh, Xiao reluctantly lowered his spear, his gaze meeting yours. As you extended a tentative hand towards him, urging him to return with you, his internal struggle flared anew, forcing him to claw at his head. His eyes squeezing shut as his breath speeds up again.
A part of him yearned to flee, to escape the battlefield before he inadvertently harmed those around him, including you. Yet, before he could retreat into the safety of solitude and flee any confrontation, you switched to a sudden embrace, catching him off guard. For a moment, he hesitated, the weight of his burden threatening to overwhelm him. As you clung to him amidst the chill of the night, Xiao felt a flicker of warmth stir within him. His spear slipped out of his hands as he moves to hug you back, dissolving into gentle particles before it could hit the ground.
"Let's go," he murmured softly as he leans into you, his voice barely audible above the whisper of the wind.
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uluvjay · 9 months
Trevor saying Jamie’s trade doesn’t feel real🥹
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raemeansnothing · 2 years
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*crushes his spine*
lil basterd got me all obsessed
Ok but legit check out this fic by @threestripeslider it's insane and deserves more love!
(Have a look at their blog too! They make sick art and reblog stuff from other f!leo fics!)
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jessoloslemons · 8 months
I don't think anyone has seen John Dory cry.
Not because he's good at masking things up
It's just that he doesn't cry anymore. He tells himself he can't.
Because it's pathetic and useless - it shows imperfection. He can't show that
Because if he isn't perfect, he's nothing.
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