sabrinass · 11 months
does this (☝🏾) sound like a song from jjk or am i trippin? 🤨🎤
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it sounds like mahito’s theme or smth like that
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Eek! Dove you have a tumblr now?! yayay! Oop am I being too loud? Sorry... but more and more of us are finally getting tumblr so this is time for yays- :D
Ah, hello there Yue, it's nice to see you again! And it would be great if my friends from Camp Sky would get some tumblr blogs...so I can annoy them online, of course.
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tailsmaster · 1 year
u should draw discord .. i miss that little fella of yours
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🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
1. Metal Kingdom by Babymetal
2. Yuve Yuve Yu by The HU
3. Bloody Tears by the Belmonts
4. Kai Tangata by Alien Weaponry
5. Wolf Totem by The HU
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nuppu-nuppu · 1 year
Hiiiiiiiii, how are you today? (^_^) I'm okay, but just tired hehe.
Is there a genre of music or an artist/band that you like that's surprising or unexpected for you?
Hello. I am doing good <33333
Hmmmm I don't know if it's actually surprising but I love Muse!!!!! Absolution is my favorite album of all time
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143htg · 1 year
// gutting, eyestrain maybe
inside me there's so little that matters
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sorry for not answering any asks lately, I just can't really bring myself to do that for now. I think and think and everything hurts and I really want to asnwer when I'm in a decent headspace, maybe tomorrow I will take a bit of time to think and answer. There are asks that I really want to respond, despite being something that is difficult for me to answer
I really hate this piece. Maybe because I've been staring at it for days not knowing how to finish it.
Digital art is not my friend and I struggled a lot ugngh
Thank you!
Below always me talking how I'm doing lately. Sometimes people ask and I think I should not lie about that too much. So, you know, suicidal things, just to warn
Kinda did bad things to myself last week and fortunately there was someone that helped me out, otherwise I don't know if I could have drawn that, so I don't know how good I'm doing, really bad. I feel like I'm breaking faster that usual
All I do to cope with it is draw and drink till I don't know how to use a pencil anymore
And maybe I should stop drinking, I'm feeling worse physically and maybe it's the alcohol
Everyday and every hour it's like I'm at the brink of a panic attack. I've been losing more hair that usual and I'm sure it's the stress, I'm scared to brush it and see chunks one day, I want to look pretty still
I eat and it hurts, I fill my stomach and it's like it tries to reject the food, it's so bad, I'm so tired
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sorbeau · 7 months
hi its me again i feel legally obligated to ask about your thoughts on the new riz design (but also extends to al of the other new art for the bad kids too!!!)
HI SHOKO sorry this took so long to asnwer, it feels a little late to the party now but I have lots of thoughts and this has been in my drafts for a hot minute so I'll break my thoughts down in order <3
GOD DO I LOVE FIG'S DESIGN. It hasn't changed too drastically in many ways, it's largely the same beats with the plaid skirt, leather jacket, biker gloves, and docs, but there's a lot more detail pertaining to her character now. Ayda's feather earring is abviously a huge win, everyone loves to see it, but I love the small details like the added wallet chain on her skirt, the added ear piercings, and her painted nails. If I had to choose something I didn't like, it'd be the color of her shoelaces, which isn't a huge deal bc you know spyre might have different cultural beats, but it's very reminiscent of punk doc lace codes, which were a way to sort of factionize yourself among punks. Fig wears one purple and one red, and traditionally purple means gay pride(which is great and i would've picked it for her too) but red usually means you allign yourself with neo-nazi's and similar groups which. is definitely Not Fig. It's not a HUGE deal but, maybe some more research could've been put into it.
Gorgug's new design is so. Perfect. Amazing. Spectacular. No notes. It's exactly the changes I wanted to see. The goggles, the dirt-covered face, the ripped jeans, the bags and tools, the gloves, the most disgusting worn pair of convers you've ever seen. It's absolutely amazing and the artist has managed to bring all the beats we loved about his original design(his extremely fashionable purple pants) and mixes them perfectly with all of the new facets of Gorgug's personality that have changed and grown theough their adventures. A little detail I love is how the color of his headphones has changed to match with the rest of his outfit better, creating a more cohesive design with the introduction of more red/maroon tones. This was always a little bit of an issue with the old design for me. The colors sort of didn't go together.
She's going through a break up. She's at the most chaotic she's ever been and she's trying to fix it. It is so genius to make her jacked. The bright yellow tracksuit is beautiful and exactly something Kristen would buy and wear every day. Plus the tiedye purple sports bra tying in her old church camp shirt aesthetic is brilliant. I'm mourning the loss of her sandals, but the matching shoes to her tracksuit can't be complained about. Not a whole lot to say, I'm excited about how this design will change and reflect her growth this season! Praise Saint Kristen Applebees!!
THE ELVEN ORACLE IS COOL NOW!!! I love her jacket, all the patches and the toned down fur lining is absolutely perfect. I also love the cool strapped bags on her hips and legs, it's just a really cool adventurer addition cementing her as a bad ass practical caster. Her entire face seems more assured and relaxed, which is absolutely amazing for her and reflects how her resting state is no longer as addled with panic and anxiety as it used to be. Her hair also seems a lot more her! Not sure how to describe it, but it seems like she's focusing less on keeping herself perfect, and more on just keeping herself, herself! Not very big design swings or changes, but she doesn't need to change, she just needs to be true to herself. (Also. a huge fan of her cool magic circle shirt.) My only gripe. Give her blue hair. And pronouns. And glasses pretty please.
That boy is the future of dance!!!!!!!!!! I love the color palette shift for his design, it's a really great way to show how he's grown out of Bill's shadow and embraced his own passions with the grey tones with red and gold accents. Also a huge fan of the fancy robed pants, tons of great movement lines and something a dancer would totally wear. On the same note however, I feel like it doesn't really go with the rest of his outfit. I love how the changes made are geared towards movement and dance(his shoes changing from sneakers to dance shoes is great) but I feel like the changes are all sort of mismatched? The dance shoes look a lot like tap shoes, but the pants look more big and flowy, better for a more leaping and running style of dance, and his jacket has almost nothing to do with dance. It's delightfully artsy and detailed, which is so chic and Fabian, but the shapes of it don't really match up, and especially without a clear view of the front it makes him look like he's wearing half of a matador outfit. I would've loved to see a more dramatic silhouette without the use of the battle sheet(which is absolutely perfect, no notes) with either lots of flowy parts for movement, or a sharp jacket with skinnier pants for that exaggerated silhouette. Again, I think this is really all due to a lack of research, but the spirit of Fabian is still in the room with us. The colors are great, the bandages on his hands are perfect, and the fanciful element is very on point, just needs some better shape language and cohesiveness.
There he goes, he's gone from gritty detective to gadget-heavy superspy. I LOVE the character choices that Murph made for Riz, he's become even more of a loser and seems a lot less hard and fast, and more generally passionate. In freshman and sophomore year, he was entirely goal oriented, completely focused on completing his mission and solving the mystery, this time around he's still got a mission, but because he can't do it all himself, he's sort of given the opportunity to branch out and explore himself. This is all to say, i love the insufferable loser hipster kid that he's become. He is truly the trinket goblin of all time, I love all his wild little gadgets and jewelry, and all the extra arcano-tech screens on his glasses are brilliant. I'm also a huge fan of his torso gun-holdster, which is a beautiful homage to his detective nature. The undercut is also obviously perfection. The loser teen-boy urge to cut away your beautiful hair for a nerdy undercut is so painfully lore accurate that it's one of my favorite details. It's probably because he's a dork. but I would love to know why he has rolled up pants and no socks. What is that. Why would he do that. ALSO STOP BEING A COWARD D20. GIVE HIM DIGITIGRADE LEGS AND A TAIL. CAT GOBLIN TRUTHERS UNITE!!!!!!!!!!
anyways that's probably the end of my rant for now. I love the bad kids and overall their designs are great. constantly wishing all of my headcannons were real but understanding that the cannon will never relent.
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saytr · 1 year
hello!! hope you're doing great!!
I was just going to thank you for being a great source of inspiration to me and probably so many other people!! before I found your blog, I wasn't ever going to post anything on this platform but seeing your posts was really really encouraging so thank you!!!
(btw I love love LOVE the anatomy in your drawings whether it's people you've drawn or dinos/animals, keep up the good work :>)
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I WILL THANK YOU! <3 I am so touched, i am sorry for the late answer/reply. Summer was a very hectic and stressful time in my work, therefore i had no vacation. BUT, i am on vacation now, now i can look thru all my ask i had no time to asnwer to! I am so happy to know i give ya and others inspiration! It is one of the highest honor an artist get! <3 <3
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heavens-sin · 3 months
gonna post this here too. A HUGEEEE apology to those who ive yet to send anything. ive had a lot going on and hope ya can forgive me for that. im gonna be deleteing inbox asks due to me wanting to start off clean and i have a lot i havent asnwered due to my inactivity and im so sorry babes. im gonna be posting some things that were WAYYYYYY OVER DUE. and a late birthday gift to ren. since the starter was delayed for so long so thats priority.
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ne0nlightzz · 1 year
Can u write an agere fic about ftm Raphael re living his childhood as a boy? He's my fave turtle 😭
hey heyy!! this has been in my asks box for a lil bit and im sorry i havet answered this yet! i usally wait to asnwer any requests with the written work but i havent quite gotten started on this yet because im sorta stumpped and wanted to ask what gen Raph you wanted? im sorry im asking this so late, ive been trying but not being sure which raph to write is throwing me off! hoping anon sees this because id really love to write this cuz i love the idea but i just wanna double check that im writing the correct gen!:]]
[i write for mainly 2k12-upto s.6 but ill also write for 2003-s.1 and rise-s.2 if they dont follow specific episodes and i write for mutant mayhem!]
-Luv Lee<3
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sabrinass · 11 months
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beetlewine-art · 1 year
Lol starting to think you don't like deer...
LOL, sorry i for asnwering so late XD i forgot i to respond, i am having a hard time at university. About your question @robanilla the asnwer is: I do. Is not that i don't like deer in general, they are okay, i don't fear them like i fear spiders for example. But i do find amusing how animators saw this animal and went: Yeah, that has so munch horror/angst potential. I mean:
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Look at this creepy mfs, well Alastor isn't really that creepy and the nowhere king is an Elk not a deer, but still clone enough.
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teaxeee · 3 months
First of all I loved all the recent works thank you so much and I'm glad you're feeling better. Second of all...that other anon is smoking some random ahh shit cuz bruh...comfort person is literally someone who makes you feel less anxious or sad...like comfort movie, comfort character??? The fact that the first thing they thought of was comfort women...says a lot. Like yes it was a terrible, heinous crime but you don't see people looking Germany and first thing is "ah jew murder" (I'm sorry if this is offensive btw) and...I feel like being obsessed with football, pop or anything else is the same?? Like people have fan pages for the most random things...honestly I didn't think you should have apologised...that anon was very rude and me personally, I would have given them a piece of my mind.
Tbh I would've too but since it was late and my braincells were almost non existent at that point, I asnwered then that way. And you're so right about it, I said comfort IDOL not comfort WOMEN (but thanking that anon for teaching me something new, even looked it up and read about it, sad how so many women got tortured and used) BUT ANYWAYS thank you for liking my work! I do feel better now (after a long cry cause I do needed one lol) and I answered so many asks (big achievement for me) which honestly shocked me, so I'm glad to say that I'm back and won't be stopping with writing again any time soon, ILY 🥞 ANON 🫶🫶
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fieldofdaisiies · 4 months
I hope you have one of the best birthdays ever and it's filled with all the joy, laughter, and love that you bring to everyone around you. You are so so so so sweet and genuinely the nicest person I have ever talked to. Like you are one of those people that if someone asked who is the nicest person you've talked to your name would be on my mind in an instant. Your writing? Omg so top tier. You are literally so talented and i fall in love with every piece of writing you do. I love talking to you and honestly you give off the best girls girl vibe ever. I hope you have the happiest year ahead of you filled with lots of memories because you deserve it ten times over. I love talking to u soooo much, you literally make me smile. You remind me of sunshine, so warm and friendly and just happy to be around. Ily have an amazing day <33
(ignore that this is extremely late, im sorry lovely)
thank you soooooo much for this extremely cute message and making me cry😭 thank you for the lovely words, oh my god!!
you are such a sunshine and I am so glad I've met you!!💛💛💛💛
sending you sooo much love, and sorry for only asnwering this now
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ghost-pasta · 2 years
I like headcanoning that Danny starts aging at a slowing rate. He ages to 15 "normally", but then it takes two years for his body to age to 16 so that he's physically 16 but has existed for 17 years, then three years so he's physically 17 but existed for 20 years, then four years to look 18 while being 24, five years to 19 and being 29, and so on. He'll reach 30 in just 150 years, he'll be fine
(sooooooo sorry i'm asnwering this so late. it's just my blood curse)
I love that. amazing. you see some 60 year old man and he's actually several hundreds of years old. love it. half dead wizard vibes.
but then also the angst of slowly losing his loved ones to time hahaha :')
thank ancients his accident didn't happen to him in middle school. the beginning of puberty would've lasted even longer. that would've been a nightmare.
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sunfish999 · 1 year
No because i started playing during.... Girl paints with a robot (i forgot her name) and i got her because I LOVE her and no one told me to not continue pulling after getting her (igot her on my first 10 pull) so i wasted allthe crystals on her instead of the stigmas and i wanna remake my acc but 😭😭😭 i love her maybe i should wait for a rerun for her and still make a new acc
If u talking about griseo the blue hair paint girl u can get her super easily at any time bc shes in the shop!! You just farm asterite and get her fragments, shes even easy to SSS (with lots of time). her gear will most likely return soon bc they just reran pardo, eden, and now spina astera gears! so totally remake your account and get her, her gear hopefully soon, as well as whatever other valks you want:)))
sorry if i asnwered this late i hope u still see it
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