sketchedboba · 1 year
I get some people raise an eyebrow on how you write Bowser in this au but can I just say hes gotta be one of my favorite Bowsers out there!! ❤
Like no shade to other Bowsers but he's such an interesting and complex character to me I want to learn more about him in this au!
Like it's strange & interesting to me how he can neglect to raise his own imperfect creations yet be willing to take in other imperfect & abandoned koopalings, It makes me wonder about whether it was him being naive to parenthood in his younger years as well as seeing his own imperfections in them.
I actually like him doing poorly at being a parent the first time around but doing great with most of the next set of kids since these things do happen in life and it makes me want to know more about his relationships with not only his kids but their relationships with each other and how it effects everyone, like I'm curious about Bowser's mindset and what he regrets in his life and if he ever considers trying to mend broken family relationships with his older kids, I'm also very curious about how Luigi handles this info and if he calls him out on some things later on when he kinda has the right to do so as a queen and step parent
Im a huge fan but also super shy so sorry for this being anon but your story leaves me with questions and cravings for more it's so good and not just black & white keep up the great work!❤
After reading all of this, thank you 💚
I don't dislike other Bowser interpretations (heck I envy how simple or even more complex others make his character). However thank you!
I've also shared a few times that just because I've written a morally grey or black character, doesn't mean they're terrible overall or stay that way. It gets frustrating having to explain this over and over again especially when the version in my au gets compared to someone's personal version of him or another au. I have nothing against either.
Anygays, what a rant- moving on 😭
I'll reveal more on the Koopa Kids in the next post and I'm excited to share more of their personalities. 🎉 Surprise 🎉 they were the ones the new animatic is going to be about. It'll flesh out their lives a bit more.
As for Luigi's response, there's a comic planned for the confrontation so I won't spoil much outside of that. Just know it gets pretty messy.
Also for anyone doing the math, yes, Bowser wanted an heir at the age of 16, he was royalty AND the only other large koopa species. Kamek is a nice father figure, but he wanted company he could tend to. He was also naive in thinking about how fatherhood worked and Kamek spoiled him, so no wasn't really an answer he would take.
I genuinely found canon Bowser's treatment of different types of the younger koopalings over the years interesting. He praises Junior a lot and most of the others are an after thought (just like how Nintendo treats them...)
I know 10 is a lot of children for him (I've been told this before), but he's 34 almost 35 in my au. He has most definitely will and has fucked up whether it be with his children or his relationships with others.
It's good to know that there are people invested in the au though and don't worry about being anon 😌 I appreciate the support n luv ♥️
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Here are these two goofs eating spaghetti. 🧡
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holdmytesseract · 9 months
Hi luv, actually i am obsessed with ur baby fever series and was thinking how loki must have assured y/n that she still looks beautiful after giving birth
It would be so fluffy, what do u think??
Sorry for the rant just love you and ur writing to death
Hello there, sweet nonny!
I woke up, reading your ask - and it definitely made my day already. Thank you SO much for your kind and lovely words! I am utterly happy and delighted that you like this lil' AU so much! *hugs* 🥹🧡
As for your question... 🤗 I actually wrote a story about Y/N being insecure about her body after giving birth to Ella. Lemme just... Gotta find it...
Ahhh! There it is!
If you like to read that, nonny, feel free to do so! I hope this might answer your question. 😉
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velveteas · 5 years
KING forgive me if you've talked about it before a bitch is bad at keeping up but WHAT is this dotn u speak of 👀 (ps i love your ocs SO muchbro)
i’ma put all the info down below since it is Kind Of Long(TM)
SO ANYWAYS DotN (aka Demons of the Night, very silly name, the whole thing is very silly,) is an au ft. my main bois cole and hershey! they’re brothers; cole is 16 and hershey is 14 in this au :,)
for the setting it’s set in the early 90s in a small town kind of place bc i’m weak for that shit. cole & hershey move in with their aunt, rosalie ( @ad3ryn​‘s oc), after their parents die in an accident, so the ~story~ essentially kicks off with them getting used to their surroundings and feeling pretty isolated
buT, not long after, cole begins to have these AWFUL night terrors. he’d wake up screaming or crying and after some time hershey started sleeping with him to make sure he was ok, so they barely got any sleep (hersh would often read a bunch of books too to see if there was anything he could do to help). initially they both chalked it up to dealing w the trauma of losing their parents (sadface) not to mention cole already deals with some major depression/anxiety so it was just a Bad Time
UNTIL hershey also started having problems sleeping but simply because he’d have these weird ass lucid dreams rather than night terrors (and coincidentally, those nights cole would sleep just fine....). so one morning during breakfast he’s noticeably tired and irritated and cole asks whats up, hershey rants about this “weird black blob thing with only one giant red eye who keeps showing up in my dreams and annoying the shit out of me”
>cue the sound of silverware clattering on plates>cue cole shooting up and slammin his hands down yelling “THATS THE BITCH WHO’S BEEN GIVING ME NIGHTMARES”>hershey: shockedpika.png
as u can tell its a wild time. so yadda yadda theyre confused as fuck and not sure if its a coincidence or if something is Very Wrong, cole is not superstitious at all but he is scared and hershey’s always been v intrigued by the supernatural so he wants 2 get to the bottom of it, not much they can do w/o dreaming tho. later when they go to sleep hershey does have another dream and decides 2 confront the Weird Blob Thing, which i’ve written a transcript of here if ur interested !!! ksjdhg (info is kinda outdated but u get the gist)
TL;DR: it is revealed that Weird Blob Thing is a demon named Akumbra who’s been trapped to their family bloodline after fucking with their ancestors, information which was lost w their parents so cole & hershey had no idea wtf was going on, so aku takes advantage of their cluelessness + hersheys compassion and convinces him that he just wants to see the “real world” again (that way he’ll be free and stop annoying them!!) so hershey makes a deal w him. bad time all around have u learned nothing from gravity falls, hershe
ANYWAYS SLDSGHG THIS IS VERY LONG BUT THATS BASICALLY HOW IT ALL STARTS OUT and the rest of the au is just cole and hershey tryin to fight aku off while he’s possessing the both of them and at the end they manage to trap him once again in a kid’s body but this time he is full human and no longer demon, the end
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yoichichi · 4 years
Modern!au Hange Zoë Relationship Headcannons
Hange Zoë x reader
a/n: hi!!! This is my first post for aot on this blog! Plspls tell me your thoughts and if you guys like this :) requests aren’t open quite yet but will he soon, I just need to finish some things up in my drafts first :) you can look at WIP page on my pinned post on my blog to see some other aot works I’m working on atm before I open requests :) pls enjoy !!! I luv them on god
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gif not mine, credit to owner
Please tell them to go to bed, they have no self regard for their sleeping habits and WILL stay up for 2 days straight
It does not matter if they’re in bed with you either, they will lay with their back against the headboard and you cuddling into their side while they stroke your face until you fall asleep and then IMMEDIATELY start reading
The amount of times you’ve woken up to them still awake in the middle of the night looking at you like 👁👄👁😃 good morning sunshine~~ just go back to bed ~~ maybe you’re dreaming ~~ , cause they KNOW you’ll scold them and they’d like to avoid that at all costs
PLS they definitely wear one of those stupid little head light things so they can read while you sleep
* 💡
* 👁👄👁
“good morning sleepy head”
I truly feel like they’re a pro at getting you to fall asleep though, not even so they can stay up they just are so good at soothing you
That one spot in between your shoulders thats always sore? They’re hands find it without you even having to mention
The way you have to cuddle laying on your right side and your left? They’re already adjusting themselves on the couch so that can happen
The way you like kisses on the top of your head but not your temple? Check ✅ they’re fingers are resting at your temple to remind them it’s always the top of your head -as if they’d forget-
Expanding on this, they’re just so good at remembering details about you in general???
And of course some of it is the basics like your favorite snack, your favorite candle, the current show your binging, the laundry detergent you always buy, etc.
But some of it you wouldn’t have even asked them to remember?? Like it gets more and more obscure the longer you’re together
Like how you wouldn’t like the leather seats in their car, which you mention once cause the skin on your legs were sticking to them in the summer
And then they’re in the market looking for a new car and this one doesn’t have leather seats, which to yourself you’re like oh cool :)
But then they just bring it up while you’re driving with them one day like
“Isn’t it nice that now when you wear shorts your legs don’t stick? I tried keeping that in mind for you, babe.”
And it’s just??? You’re almost questioning how they even KNOW that until they tell you about the one ☝🏼 time you mentioned it and it was at least a couple years ago and it’s just??? Thank you?!?
But yes, anything you do Hange WILL remember it for better or for worse cause they just see it as a part of getting to know you and love the person you are!
Okok emperor fidgety over here ‼️
WILL talk with their hands so intensely that they’ve knocked over countless drinks, vases, has even flung their fork once
Queue wide eyes and awkward laughing while they blush a little before they rush for a towel to clean up their mess
But will still continue to ramble while they clean, nothing stops their talking
Carpet cleaner is your best friend
Let’s just say when the two of you decided to move into a new place together, hunting for hardwood floors was a must
But BECAUSE this fools always making a mess and needs to just ~lower the chaos a teensy bit ~ they WILL grab onto your hands while they talk
They’d be getting particularly animated and loud and you’d just let out a giggle and nod your head, letting them know you’re listening and they don’t have to be so loud
And they’d just giggle and shush themselves and be like sorry sorry I know with some big stupid smile on their face
They’d reach their hands out and grab yours and clear their throat and raise their eyebrows a little,
“Ok, so, here’s the best part though. Get. This.”
And they’d just go back to ranting but this time they have so much more energy being focused into you rather than combusting out of them
Their eyes are locked onto yours so hard, no longer darting all over the room while they speak
Their hands moving yours only a little, swinging them up and down, squeezing them when they get particularly excited
Their voice is more hushed and deep, their words shooting sharply at you with an intensity vibrating off them making your cheeks burn
Now, when something would normally result in a flying fork, instead it’s a tug on your hands to bring you closer while their voice gets heavier and quiet - almost a whisper - sharing this moment with you and ending it with raised eyebrows and a squeal - sometimes even shaking your arms about if it’s especially exciting news
Speaking of ranting, when you rant you better expect Hange to get JUST as involved as you
You’re frustrated? Yeah Hange is getting heated too, riling you up in the process, it’s their problem now too
You’re happy? Hange is squealing and jumping up and down with you as if they got the promotion ajakskajaja
I feel like the only exception to this would be if you were stressed, upset, or sad
They’re immediately quiet and looking all over your face for any sign of distress with the most sincere eyes
Nodding and responding with little hums of understanding, ready to scoop you into their arms the moment you need them too
The RULER of taking care of their s/o when they’re down or sick
Not only cause they know everything there is to know about your existence lmao
But cause I think they’re smart enough to be able to not be over bearing when they’re taking care of you
They’ll check in a lot for sure, but never smothering you more than you’d like lmao
Their love language is definitely quality time in my opinion
Do you remember how excited they were when Eren agreed to listen to them talk and they talked literally ALL night?? -I miss them like this pls-
Please just spend time with them while they’re doing research at home or reading, they’ll never feel more loved and appreciated
Ok but like :
It’s late, it’s been dark outside for hours now. Your eyes became heavy hours ago but, you don’t have work tomorrow, and you’d hate leaving Hange in here by themselves, so you decided on cuddling up in the living chair in their office - that they definitely put in there for you - on your phone. You were scrolling mindlessly through apps trying to keep your mind stimulated enough when you heard their chair move from the spot they were in for the first time since you’ve been in their. You looked up to see them crack their neck and stretch their arms above their head, they’re shirt riding up just above their belly button.
They sighed deeply and slowly walked over to you, running their hands down the side of your face and cupping your cheeks to turn your head up to face them.
They leaned down at an agonizingly slow pace and pressed a deep kiss on your lips
“Let’s go to bed now, yeah?”
And while you were laying together drifting off to sleep, they’d just kiss your head one more time and tell you how much they love you
Pls you’d mean the world to them
Like,,, WHEWWW
This isn’t even a relationship HC LMAO
I mean a little -
They’d LOVE to go on roadtrips with you, you can’t tell me otherwise
A fun stupid adventure to buy shitty souvenirs along the way? Meeting strange people and getting all these new stories together? Hange is at peace like this lmao
But more on them driving 👁👅👁
Definitely drives stick, and they’re a FAST driver
Always a little above the speed limit
So good at changing lanes, especially on the freeway
The way they check over their shoulder?? Lawd almighty
Sometimes they’ll check over their shoulder that’s facing you and flick their eyes to your’s for a moment, cause they can feel you staring at them in that brief moment, and they’ll just raise their eyebrows and shoot you a cocky little side smile
And then after they change lanes they reach a hand over and squeeze your thigh before they keep driving
Ok does have bad road rage though LMAO
Not in a dangerous way they just,, swear very loudly in the car and then roll their eyes and apologize that there’s idiots on the road LMAO
All in all, Hange is a very attentive and loud partner, so I hope you’re ok with chaos and intensity
a/n: thanks for reading yall!!! Feel free to check out my blog, more aot content coming soon! And I always love to hear from you guys :)
taglist: @plutowrites
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savagetrickster · 4 years
Stay with Me | BNHA
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request:  Hi! Can I request a scenario where Bakugou thought that reader was starting to lose interest, but in reality reader is just really busy and doesn’t realize she’s treating baku differently and Bakugou confronting her about it then it ends with some fluff fluff. 💖 p.s luv ur work
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anime | character:  bnha | bakugou katsuki x reader
word count: 1949
themes/warnings: soft!bakugou, insecure bakugou,  college AU
a/n: sorry for not posting a fic in such a long time, I’ve been SO busy. so anyway, okay I kinda went little off-track and ended up writing the way it is shown below but i hope you’ll still enjoy reading this, though i have to say I’m not really fond of how it turned out. this fic has not been beta-ed so pardon me if you find any cringey error.
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The city of Musutafu moved as sluggishly as possible for a city of its size and caliber. It was one of those days when the moon was mostly hidden behind the clouds.
Kirishima let his eyes roam the street outside. The inhabitants of the boulevard were constantly on the move despite being a Saturday; it was a startling contrast to the cafe they sat in where a comfortable nonchalance clung to every aspect of the little business.
The slow, sleepy music playing from the speakers.
The casual yet practiced movements of the baristas as they prepared the orders. 
The lazy, idling manners in the way the customers brought their cups to their lips. Carrying every bit of thoughtlessness and indifference in their actions.
Well, almost everyone but them.
A perplexed frown pinched between Kirishima’s brows as he turned his gaze away from the window beside them.
Bakugou Katsuki had been sulking at the window ever since he plopped into the seat across him. 
He had been sitting in brooding silence for what felt like fifteen minutes and the expression on his face hadn’t changed. If there were any at all, it was only that his scowl grew bigger.
“As much as I like hanging out with you, I have to say this is getting a little…weird.” 
Kirishima briefly flitted to the counter to see curious eyes on them, “My colleagues are starting to think we’re dating.”
Tonight was the fourth time Bakugou had come to find him right as he was knocking off from his part-time job this week. 
“Who gives a fuck about what they think?” Bakugou muttered gruffly,  finally looking away from the outside.  
Kirishima had known him ever since they met in middle school to know the scowl on Bakugou’s face was…well, his default expression. 
Long enough for him to tell at one glance that the scowl he’d been seeing on Bakugou’s face was different. This one seemed to come right out from the depth of his fierce vermilion eyes — Bakugou was upset.
And it was about you.
No matter how hard Bakugou tried to hide how much he was a sucker for you, Kirishima could always tell. 
Even though they had matured into college students, Bakugou was still the same stubborn guy who wasn’t the most comfortable displaying his affections openly.
Mere mentions of you would soften the scowl on his face, and the rough edge in his voice. It was easy for anyone else to miss the difference but it was obvious to Kirishima. 
His grumpy complaints about how clingy and touchy you are were one of their common topics in their conversations. The annoyance scowling in his eyes when he did was always subtly soft and warm. 
But something changed, as Bakugou had mentioned, in the recent two weeks.
Nights in his dormitory room were spent alone. He was so used to falling asleep and waking up, to the sight of you curling up right next to him.
The last time he saw you were from afar, watching you rushing off to somewhere. 
Dates with you, even as simple as a meal in the cafeteria was scarce. 
Your replies to his texts were late and sometimes curt. The usual ‘good morning’ and ‘goodnight’ from you, if you didn’t spend the night with him, were no longer…usual. 
Sometimes his messages to you would be left hanging for days before you replied.
The tone when Bakugou was telling him about all these strange distances between them was nonchalant, but the scowl on his face told Kirishima a different story.
Kirishima tried to think of something to say, but all he could think of in the end was the same thing he’d been saying ever since Bakugou shared this with him.
“Stop worrying man, she’s probably just busy?”
Bakugou’s face carried a carefully blanked expression as he raised his eyes to meet Kirishima’s.
“…Or maybe she’s losing interest in me.” 
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His arm was tucked between his pillow and his head as his other held his phone to his face. Vermilion eyes stared blankly at the quiet chatroom he shared with you, particularly fixated on your last reply to him.
Two days ago.
The gloom hung over his gaze these days were like the dreary seasons of dull, gray monsoons. 
The hopeful morning sun filtering into his room through the wooden window blinds above him was a startling contrast, and so was the lively laughter ringing out from the basketball court somewhere near the dormitory blocks. 
Probably some idiots shoving snow at each others’ faces, Bakugou thought seethingly as he clicked his tongue in annoyance at a particular spike of volume in the ruckus downstairs. 
It was Saturday and the morning was already—
His eyes flitted to the time written in the corner of his screen.
— halfway to noon.
A quiet sigh left him.
Like on Saturdays, he should be on the way to meet you for your usual brunch. Except things weren’t quite ‘usual’ anymore.
Bakugou released another sigh as he let his phone fall away from his face along with his raised arm, landing on the bed under him with a muffled ‘plop’.
His forehead ridged with a scowl. Just how did he fuck things up?
His memories sifted through the times he called you names and how you would still smile back at him like he was your whole world as if he didn’t just call you an idiot, a nerd, or a moron. 
A bitter taste of guilt entered his mouth.
Maybe he shouldn’t have assumed that you knew he was feeling affectionate when he did?
Perhaps you’ve grown sick of him? And realized that you didn’t need a shitty boyfriend who called you insulting names or would shrug off your affections as if they were annoyances.
His jaw clenched to his gritted teeth as a frustrated hiss slipped from him.
Shit, maybe he did fuck up afterall. Fucked up big time.
And he was probably going to lose you. Everything that made you…you.
The way you smiled at him with a loving, bright glint in your eyes as if he was the one who put the stars in the sky.
The sweet kisses you love to plant on his lips and forehead.
How your hand would hold onto his — small but warm with your love.
Bakugou felt his throat swell with the presence of forming tears as his heart twinged in his chest.
The idea of losing all that spurred a rush of panic in him.
Bakugou shot off his bed, put on the nearest shirt and jeans he could grab, and hurried out of his room.
The first place Bakugou thought to look for you was your dormitory but his worst fear made him hesitate at your door, with a hand hovering over its handle. 
In fact, he’d thought about doing this for the past two weeks but the wisps of doubts whispering nasty things wouldn’t let him.
His jaw clenched to his gritted teeth.
What if there was someone else— 
Bakugou shoved the unfinished thought aside; it was unbearable to even think about that possibility. 
His scowling gaze snapped to his hesitating hand and his lips instantly curled into a sneer to a spark of irritation within.
What was with him? He was starting to remind himself of Deku, hesitating outside doors with twiddling thumbs like a wimp.
He was Bakugou Katsuki and he should be announcing his arrival by bursting through one.
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Man, you thought you could finally enjoy a good night’s sleep after countless of sleepless nights.
But no…nope. 
The heater just had to break down at an ungodly hour when you were still trudging through the last thesis for your project and you could find no other alternative places to work on them. 
Bakugou came across your mind but again, it was crazy late or more accurately, early to budge into your boyfriend’s room.
Like every other night, you’d been tirelessly working on it so you could finally submit the project you’d been assigned since two weeks ago.
It was the infamous final year project you’ve dreaded ever since you heard about it from your senior — dubbed as ‘the project from hell’.
And indeed, it was a project from hell. It seemed to suck out your very soul. The exhaustion weighing you down like lead ran bone deep, that even lifting your head off your pillow was such a struggle.
With a broken heater sitting uselessly in your room, you’d spent the whole night wrapped in your blanket, with the lingering winter chill prickling at your skin. 
So you couldn’t help sighing at the sudden warmth enveloping your body after spending the night shivering away under your blanket at the mercy of the dropping temperature.
Your arms found their way around the heat source.
You didn’t see the tender curl of his lips when you sighed blissfully and nuzzled into his chest or the softening glint in the usual fierce edge held in his vermilion eyes.
It was like nestling inside a warm cocoon that…
— awareness seeping into your groggy senses pried your eyes open.  
What or rather who greeted you lifted you right out of your morning grogginess and struck you with an overwhelming barrage of emotions.
“…Ka-Katsuki!” You missed him so much.
Along with how the shadows and sunlight filtering in from behind you fell across and highlighted his chiseled profile, there was something about the way his intense eyes looked down at you with his head leaning against an arm. 
This sight gave your heart a fluttery squeeze.
You weren’t sure why Bakugou looked so strikingly handsome like this — maybe it was because you haven’t seen him for awhile?
“When did you come in here?” Words started pouring out of your mouth. 
You’ve always wanted to vent and rant about the dumb project to Bakugou so there was too much you wanted to say, 
“Oh my god, you’ve no idea how much busy I was these few weeks-” but the brooding look that hadn’t left Bakugou stopped you.”…Katsuki?”
You’d never seen Bakugou look this down before, and it didn’t sit right with you.
You hesitated but asked anyway.“…What’s wrong?” 
The cloud that fell over his eyes told you that something was definitely wrong.
“…I’m sorry, (Name).”
You grew concerned as you tried to understand his unreadable demeanor. “What’s this about— ”
“Are you losing interest in me?”
Your next breath was caught in your throat at his strange question and the only thing you could do was blurt out a —“What?”
You watch him exhale carefully with a bewildered look. 
Bakugou didn’t even care how he looked to you now.
“Look, I know I’m a huge fuck-up as a boyfriend and you probably think I don’t care about our relationship cause I act like I don’t.”
There was so much to say, so much guilt brimming inside him. 
“But shit, I do care.”
He was desperate. 
He didn’t want to lose you. He couldn’t. He loved you but he was an idiot for not showing that to you. 
So he needed to let you know now.
His hand on your waist pulled you up to him and his eyes were pinned on yours.
Your mouth opened, then snapped close at the silent, blazing gleam in his gaze.
Your voice had fled at the way he stared at you. 
Longing and heavy with remorse.
“Stay with me,” His lips brushed lightly across yours as his voice cracked with an aching need.” …please.”
He kissed you and the world fell away.
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luxekook · 5 years
love bites | ksj
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*written for the FWL luv library project*
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⇥ pairing: kim seokjin x reader
⇥ genre: non-idol au, co-workers to lovers, smut, fluff
⇥ summary: you’re stuck working the evening shift on valentine’s day at bangtan bistro. as the city’s most expensive and exclusive restaurant, the bistro draws in couples both old and new with partners looking to propose or to impress. your tolerance for PDA and cringey lovebirds has never been lower. throw a flirty chef into the mix and you’re in for a bumpy ride that might just conclude with a happy ending.
⇥ word count: 5.4k
⇥ warnings: 18+, smut, cursing, bad puns from jin, numerous health-code violations (from fraternizing all up in that kitchen), oral (m + f receiving), protected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it, folks), workplace romance, threats of violence from yoongi
⇥ beta'd by the amazing @shadowsremedy​ (thank you, heath! could not have done this without you, your feedback, and your general support!)
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“Will you marry me?”
I screech to a halt, completely astounded at the goddamned audacity of the man kneeling before me. Did he really just ask that? At a time like this?
I shift my weight from one foot to the other as I try not to outwardly show my disgust over the scene unfolding before my very eyes.
“Oh my god, Chad!” The date of this Chad finally launches herself from her seat and into his arms, “Yes!”
The restaurant breaks into applause. My forehead breaks into a sweat.
My left arm feels like it might snap at any moment under the weight of the tray of food that I’m meant to be serving this goddamn theatrical couple. The thought of quitting crosses my mind for the umpteenth time that evening.
A camera flash temporarily stuns me, and I feel a tiny twinge of satisfaction. My looming presence in that commemorative photo will hopefully be a reminder to let servers do their damn job before launching into a whole ordeal.
God, I must have been off my fucking rocker when I agreed to work the Valentine’s Day dinner shift. At least the tip money would be worth it.
Gritting my teeth, I flash my best fake smile and offer words of congratulations to the sniffling couple who finally reclaimed their seats.
“Enjoy your meal,” my mouth says with a smile.
“I wish I could sear you like that filet mignon you ordered, Chad,” my glare says with promise.
Thirty seconds later, I’m in full whisper-rant mode at the corner server station. My friend and fellow server Tabby half-listens as she punches in an order at the kiosk.
“And then this Chad in his fucking khaki suit flails to the ground to pop the question like he didn’t see me walking towards them with all seven entrees they ordered. So then I’m stuck hovering over their table with a giant-ass tray of food while they cry and hug and kiss until, finally, finally, they park it back in their seats so I can serve them.”
I groan, hitting my head against the wall, “What did I do in a past life to deserve this?”
“Kill someone, probably,” a voice pipes up from behind the station’s kitchen window, “Oh wait, you would do that in this life, too.”
Kim Seokjin, head chef of Bangtan Bistro and my partial employer, is leaning over the window’s counter, eyes full of mischief as he watches me.
“Oh, what’s this? Are you volunteering to be my very first victim?” I mirror his position leaning over the window’s counter and give him my best side-eye, “I’ll send you my application for victims on Google Docs.”
“Sounds kinky,” Seokjin grins, “Count me in. My Gmail username is Hugh Chefner. No capitals or spaces.”
“I despise you,” I say biting back a smile.
“You lo-o-ove me!” He sings, heading back into the depths of the hectic kitchen.
And, unfortunately, he’s right. Damn Kim Seokjin and his insane level of gorgeousness, charisma, and dramatics.
Against my better judgment, Seokjin has shimmied his chaotic self right into my well-guarded heart. Despite all of the prickliness my typical demeanor displays, I can’t help but melt under the warm gaze of such a handsome man.
Seokjin is the first person that has ever been able to pique my interest lately and keep it. Yes, it might have something to do with his extreme attractiveness; but, it more-so has everything to do with his genuine kindness and weird sense of humor.
Shit, I’ve gone soft. If we’re arguing Nature vs. Nurture here, this is totally Nurture’s fault.
Bangtan Bistro is co-owned by seven men - each as fine as the next. Being surrounded by good-looking and kind-hearted men day in and day out will definitely fuck with your brain, your body, and eventually even your fucking heart.
Kim Namjoon, a tall, dimpled sweetheart of a man, acts as general manager. Namjoon typically resides in the back office of the restaurant running numbers and going over other business ventures. He used to frequent the front of the restaurant to check on customers, but Jimin has since banned him from that activity after the infamous Spaghetti Incident of 2019.
Park Jimin, as the overseer of staff and servers, commands the restaurant floor with a crinkly-eyed smile and a ferocious temper. Fortunately for his direct subordinates (READ: me), his temper is most likely to be focused on rude customers and his messy business partners. Jimin honestly is the ideal boss because he has our backs and will never hesitate to help anyone out.
Late one Saturday evening, a man refused to leave the restaurant after being cut off from his bar tab. Jimin full-on squared up with him in defense of the poor server who had to break the news to the drunk patron. Luckily, the Bistro’s head of security, Jeon Jungkook, took over before Jimin actually popped off.
Jungkook, as the youngest partner, is shockingly tall and muscular. He definitely provides the intimidation needed for those types of escalating incidents. Despite his tough exterior, Jungkook is a complete softie.
I once caught Jungkook in the kitchen after close attempting to make cookies for a girl he had a crush on. I walked in to see Jungkook standing over a tray of the unidentifiable charred monstrosities and pouting in the most ridiculous way. Needless to say, I helped him bake a new batch with the oven not turned up to 500 degrees so that “they would cook faster”.
Min Yoongi had found the pair of us bickering and had just rolled his eyes and scooped a mouthful of raw cookie dough. As the head bartender, Yoongi is the absolute best at mixing drinks and the absolute worst at customer service. I swear the man gets far too much pleasure from getting people thrown out. He’s also notorious for watering down the drinks of customers he doesn’t like. He’s petty like that. I live for it.
Once, Jung Hoseok tried to take a picture of Yoongi for the restaurant’s website, and Yoongi threatened to shove a sharpened cocktail umbrella through Hoseok’s eye. I had never seen the Bistro’s head of marketing and resident sunshine flee so fast. Hoseok later ended up using an old picture of Yoongi in retaliation; rumor has it Yoongi is still plotting his revenge to this day.
Kim Taehyung often grumbles about how he’s going to be put out of a job since the restaurant naturally provides daily entertainment. As the head of entertainment and events, Taehyung helps to secure live music and special guests. He’s also the most handsome man I have ever seen - with the exception of one Kim Seokjin.
Seokjin, as head chef, is responsible for planning the seasonal menus, overseeing the kitchen staff, and preparing the more challenging dishes. He’s even taken it upon himself to be the resident comedian, which the other six partners vehemently and openly detest. Still, that backlash has not stopped him from naming each evening special with puns. His last Seokjin Special was called “Chicken Pot Bye Felicia”. It had resulted in Yoongi banning Seokjin from the restaurant for a full week. He still hasn’t dared to make another pun, but I can tell it will only be a matter of time.
Basically, Seokjin is an entirely goofy and beautiful mess of a human. Yet, I can’t stop myself from falling deeper and deeper into the trap that is loving someone outside of your league.
When I first arrived at the Bistro for my inaugural shift, I was greeted enthusiastically by Jimin, who I’d met previously in my interview. Jimin had introduced me to each of his partners - each as handsome as the last. Honestly, my eyes and nerves had been exhausted after meeting almost all of them. Then Jimin had ushered me into the kitchen.
“Hey, Jin-hyung!” Jimin had yelled over the cacophony of sizzling pans and murmured conversation. I had watched in awe as the hottest man I’ve ever seen entered my line of vision and stopped before me. Tall and broad-shouldered, he had a face that could inspire priceless works of art with full pink lips, high cheekbones, and devilish dark eyes.
“You summoned me, Jiminie?” The man had laughed in a slightly squeaky manner before he noticed my presence, “Ah, who might this be?”
I had cleared my throat in hopes that my voice wouldn’t crack under the sheer weight of this man’s attractiveness, “Hi, I’m (y/n). I’m starting today as a server.” and thrust my hand out with a shy smile.
He had blinked. Slowly, a smirk eased onto his face as he grabbed my hand. Instead of shaking it, he had brought it to his lips. “A pleasure. I’m Seokjin,” he had murmured, lips brushing against my knuckles. My cheeks had felt like they were on fire as Jimin screeched at Seokjin for harassing me.
“It’s her first day, Jin! Lay off the theatrics,” Jimin had turned to me, “Sorry about him, (y/n). He’s a desperate flirt.”
“Desperate? Me?” Seokjin gasped, “Worldwide Handsome does not do desperate.”
“Did you just refer to yourself as ‘Worldwide Handsome’?” I had gaped at his open arrogance.
Seokjin proudly had puffed up his chest, “Yes. What else could I possibly be called?”
“Well, definitely not Worldwide Humble,” My mouth had said before my brain caught up.
The room had seemed to pause before Jimin erupted in peals of laughter as Seokjin spluttered, “Yah, Jiminie, you can’t let her talk to me like that!”
Still laughing, Jimin had choked out, “(y/n), you officially have a job here until you die.”
Ever since that first encounter, Seokjin and I have established a working relationship based on banter or what Tabby refers to as ‘flirting’. I refuse to believe that ridiculous notion.
Tabby finally finishes entering her order into the kiosk and turns to me, “So, any hot plans for tonight?” Her eyebrows wiggle up and down suggestively.
“Does solo Netflix and chill count as hot plans?” I deadpan as I peer around the server station divider to covertly check on my tables. I lock eyes on Chad and his fiancé, who already seem to be arguing, and I make an executive decision to not go check how their meal is going.
“No!” Tabby’s whisper-yell commands my attention, “That definitely does not count, (y/n). Why didn’t you find someone on Tinder? I even made you that bomb-ass profile.”
I pointedly look everywhere but at her.
“You deleted the app, didn’t you,” she glares at me, arms folded, “I slaved over that profile! There were only so many tasteful cleavage shots of my best friend that I could stomach in one sitting!”
“What the fuck, Tabby! Since when do I have any—”
“Tasteful cleavage shots?” Seokjin’s elated voice practically shouts from the kitchen, “Let me at ‘em.”
His hands launch towards us through the kitchen window and make grabbing motions.
“Seokjin,” I tsk mockingly, “Are you trying to grab my tits again?”
“Again?” Tabby cries, whirling on Seokjin, who looks at us in horror.
“I wasn’t! I swear! I just wanted to see the pictures! I didn’t want to grab your boobs…” He trails off, mumbling something that sounded suspiciously like ‘not any more than usual, anyway’.
“Seokjin-hyung! (y/n)!” Jimin blazes into the service station, “I’ve had it up to here with your bickering. You’re both on closing duties tonight - alone.”
“What?” I exclaim as Tabby slinks away. Traitor. “We’re just joking with each other! Right, Seokjin?”
Jimin’s gaze swings from me to Seokjin, who is suddenly suspiciously calm. My eyes narrow. A silent conversation is definitely happening without my participation.
Finally, Seokjin just shrugs with a grin, “Sounds fair to me, Jiminie! (y/n) and I will work hard all night if we have to.”
“Fair?” I choke, “All night?”
Jimin, following Tabby’s lead, scurries away as my attention is diverted by Seokjin’s idiocy. “Scared to be alone with me, (y/n)?” Seokjin’s lips break into a sly smile, “Don’t worry, I don’t bite… much.”
With that parting remark, Seokjin winks at me and disappears back into the kitchen.
“Fuck me,” I breathe out. How would I survive this?
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Five hours later, the last patron has been ushered out of the restaurant with the staff right on their heels. I curse as Yoongi waltzes out the door, fanning himself with a crisp fifty-dollar bill and winking obnoxiously. “Have fun!” He cackles, locking the restaurant doors behind him.
“No, please don’t offer to stay and help,” I grumble, sweeping stray pieces of lettuce out from under a table, “I am more than happy to stay here until the ass-crack of dawn with the biggest idiot on the face of the earth.”
“The biggest, huh?” The voice chuckles right in my ear, “How did you know?”
“Goddamnit, Seokjin!” I slap a hand to my heart, “Don’t sneak up on me like that, you oaf!”
Whirling to face him, I stutter to a halt. He’s taken off his heavy chef’s coat and is now left in a tight black t-shirt that clings to his body in a manner that has to be illegal.
I swallow hard, and for a split second, I swear Seokjin’s gaze latches onto my throat.
“Is it hot in here?” I mutter distractedly, tugging at the collar of my stiff white button-down.
“Yes,” Seokjin practically purrs, “It’s scorching.”
Choosing not to acknowledge him, I spin on my heels, grabbing the full dustpan of debris I collected and head towards the back of the restaurant.
Emptying the dustpan in the trash, I walk over to the supply closet to return the broom. The restaurant floor is finished. Now, I just had to see how much of the kitchen Seokjin actually cleaned.
Pushing through the swinging doors of the kitchen, I screech to a halt as I’m faced with a complete and utter miracle.
“What in tarnation?” I gasp, taking in the pristine kitchen full of glistening stainless steel and sparkling countertops. “Kim Seokjin!” I yell, “You damn wizard! How the fuck did you clean everything this fast?”
“You could say I was motivated,” his reply sounds entirely too close. I spin to face him and gape as I notice the bouquet of red roses that he’s holding out to me.
Taking in my speechless appearance, Seokjin smiles smugly and opens his mouth to continue.
I cut him off, “Tell me those aren’t the roses from the fucking table centerpieces... I threw those in the trash, Seokjin!”
His ears turn an alarming shade of magenta, “Yah, just accept the gesture, (y/n)! This is peak romance, you know!”
“They are covered in filth, dude!” I squint, peering closer, “Is that a piece of spaghetti in there?”
Seokjin yeets the makeshift bouquet back into the garbage, “Why can’t you just appreciate my efforts?” He pouts excessively, “Don’t you like me?”
Red alert. Red alert, my mind whirs.
“Sure,” I let out a nervous laugh, “We’re friends. Of course, I like you.”
He steps towards me, “Sure, we’re friends, (y/n), but friends don’t usually want to fuck each other.”
That bitch said what now?
“Did you inhale too much Clorox?” I panic, “Quick, how many fingers am I holding up?” Thrusting three fingers in front of Seokjin’s amused face, I widen my eyes as he suddenly grabs my hand.
“Baby,” he says lowly, sending a delicious shiver down my spine, “If you keep being so adorable, I may just have to keep you.”
Well, shit, okay. “Say less,” I breathe and then immediately slam my mouth shut.
I receive a classic Seokjin grin in return for my idiocy, and my knees shake. Honestly, who the fuck allowed him to be that devastating?
Slowly, his grin slips away, and his eyes ignite with raw desire, “Tell me what you want from me, (y/n).”
My mind short circuits, automatically reverting to my default mode of sass, “Uh, peace and quiet?”
“Really?” Seokjin murmurs, stepping even closer still, “So you don’t want me to kiss you? You don’t want me to turn you over and fuck you until you scream?”
My breathing is ragged. His eyes burn with a hunger I had never seen before, and I’m crumbling.
“Answer me,” Jin demands, desperation seeped in each word, “Please.”
“Seokjin—” I gasp, dumbfounded, “Where the hell is this coming from? We’re coworkers! You’re my boss!”
His eyes flashed darkly as he moved his head closer to mine, “That’s all irrelevant, baby.”
“Irrelevant—!” I stab a finger into his firm chest, “Oh, you little shit, you can’t just say that you want to fuck me and then say that our working relationship is irrelevant! I could get fired. You could get fired!”
“That’s highly unlikely given the fact that everyone else knows my plans to ask you out right now.”
“Hold on a second,” I narrow my eyes, “Are you saying that you purposefully planned for us to stay late tonight to clean the entire goddamn restaurant just so you could ask me out? Are you fucking insane?”
“I prefer the term ‘quirky’,” he quips, “But, yeah, I may have paid everyone $50 to leave us alone for the night.”
“Well, that explains Yoongi… that shady motherfucker,” I internally make note to plot my vengeance. “Why couldn’t you have just slid in my DMs like a normal person, Seokjin?” I groan, “I would have responded to a ‘you up’ with a ‘yes, come over’.”
Seokjin whips out his cell phone. “Does this apply to right now?” he asks, typing furiously.
My phone dings with several Instagram notifications.
hughchefner: u up
hughchefner: wyd
hughchefner: date me?
(y/n): bet
Seokjin’s eyes shoot up to mine after he reads my response, “Really? You agreed to date me by saying ‘bet’ in an Instagram DM?”
“Yup,” I shrug, “No take-backs. Also, to answer your previous questions: Yes, I do want you to kiss me with your insufferable mouth, and, yes, I do want to sit on your dick. Okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?”
“Say less,” Seokjin echoes my earlier statement and captures my mouth with his. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back with equal fervor.
“(Y/n),” he groans right as my tongue swipes teasingly against his lower lip.
His hands slid down my body, pausing only to squeeze my waist gently before settling firmly on my ass. His fingers dig in hard and I let out an embarrassingly loud moan.
“You like that, baby? You like when I’m rough?” Seokjin pulls his lips off mine and murmurs sinfully, “God, I want to devour you.”
I lift my chin up and challenge, “Do it, you won’t.”
His eyes flare, “Oh, babygirl, you were made for me.” Seokjin’s lips return to mine, moving at a slow but ravenous pace.
Still kissing me, he picks me up and places me on one of the kitchen’s stainless steel counters. His hands grab my thighs, tugging them apart to make room for him to stand between them. A harsh groan rises from the depths of his chest as our bodies align.
I hook one leg around his waist and tug him closer still. Pulling my lips away, I lean my head back as I slowly trace his muscles through his shirt. He watches me with his puffy lips parted, his breathing hard. His eyes are wild and I’m loving every second of it.
The room suddenly feels too hot. My hands dart up to shakily begin undoing the buttons of my shirt. Seokjin’s eyes follow my movements with fascination. “Let me,” he purrs and proceeds to rip my shirt from my body. Buttons scatter on the floor with sorrowful little bounces.
“You bitch,” I yank his hair, “That was my good work shirt.”
“I’ll buy you ten more,” Seokjin’s voice is rough and full of desire as he takes in my lacy white bra. Suddenly, his mouth descends to suck at my nipple through the thin lace.
“Damn, you are so fucking sexy,” he pulls his mouth away, “Can I take this off?”
I nod like a bobblehead in 60mph winds, reaching around my back with one hand to undo the clasp and then throwing my bra clear across the kitchen. It lands on top of one of the fridges and I shrug. I’d retrieve it later.
Seokjin tugs off his own shirt, revealing planes of tanned skin. I don’t hesitate to run my hands up and down the definition of his abs and watch in fascination as his muscles constrict under my touch. I run my hands lower, tracing his defined v-line.
No wonder they call it the Adonis belt, I muse, pondering if he’d let me lick it.
Huffing in impatience at my slow exploration, Seokjin returns his mouth to my nipple and sucks hard. My eyes nearly roll into the back of my head. He bites down gently and then blows on my nipple slowly. I moan at the sensation. I watch him through unfocused eyes as his hand slides down the front of my body. He reaches the button of my pants and pauses.
Seokjin pulls his mouth away from my nipple, his lips swollen and pink. “You have to say yes, baby.” His breath hits my ear, making me shiver.
I hold out my hand for a high-five and declare, “We stan a man who asks for clear consent.” Chuckling, Seokjin slaps my offered hand and then links his fingers with mine.
“Also,” I continue, looking into his eyes, “It’s a fuck yes.” I pull our linked fingers close to place a kiss on his knuckles.
“Cute,” he grins, “Now, can I take off your pants?”
“Take off yours first,” I order.
“So eager,” he laughs, making quick work of his black jeans. My mouth instantly waters at the sight of his hard cock straining to be released from the confines of his bright red Versace boxer briefs.
“Why am I not surprised that even your underwear is extra?” I mumble, flicking the button of my pants open.
Laughing, Seokjin takes over, tugging my pants down my legs. He then pushes my matching white lace panties aside and cups my pussy, applying pressure. I roll my hips into his hand.
His fingers trace lightly up and down my pussy, before one dips inside me. “Fuck, you’re so wet for me,” he groans.
“Always,” I breathe out. Suddenly, he pulls his hand away from me. I pout. Seokjin laughs at my expression and then licks his finger.
“Jesus fuck, (y/n), you taste so sweet. Let me eat you out,” he pleads.
I smirk, saying, “I thought you’d never ask,” and then gasp as he kneels before me, grabbing my hips. Seokjin moves to tear my underwear off, and I’m quick to place my foot on his forehead to stop his approach. “I swear to god, Seokjin, if you rip these, I will get Namjoon to permanently ban Seokjin Specials.”
“You’re evil,” he grins, “I love it.” He makes a show of slowly taking my panties off before throwing them carelessly behind him. He then yanks the same leg I had used to thwart his panty-tearing plans and throws it over his shoulder before returning his fingers to my pussy. Seokjin’s thumb circles my clit while two of his fingers thrust into me at a maddening rate.
My fingers grip his hair when I finally feel his tongue licking up the juices that have started to run down my thighs.
After sucking what will probably become a massive hickey onto my left inner thigh, his tongue licks a path straight up my folds until it circles around my clit maddeningly. “Goddamnit, Seokjin, stop teasing,” my voice cracks in desperation, but my plea works. His tongue flicks at my clit lightly before his lips close over it and suck.
“Fuck,” I moan, “I think I like you eating me out more than I like eating your cooking.”
He pulls back to briefly land a light swat on my pussy and I choke on air as painful pleasure shoots through me. “Take that back,” he growls, “My cooking is second only to my handsome face.”
“God, I fucking hate you,” I drawl. The emphasis in my words portrays the exact opposite.
Seokjin sends me a shit-eating grin before his tongue returns to lick at my swollen clit, up and down, and then in a slow circle. His fingers brush open my folds just enough for him to sink his tongue into me. “O-oh,” I throw my head back, one hand moving up to pinch one of my nipples while the other latches back into Seokjin’s hair.
“I’m s-so close, baby,” my words slur as I shamelessly beg, “Don’t stop.”
He immediately pulls away.
“Oh, fuck you,” I seethe. I yank his head back by his hair until his neck is stretched in a long line. His hair is a mess, and I’ve never seen anything hotter.
“I just want to feel you come when I’m inside you, baby,” he smiles, my wetness glistening on his lips.
“Fine,” I shimmy off of the counter onto shaky legs, “Two can play at that game.”
“What?” Seokjin’s brows furrow in confusion.
It’s my turn to drop to my knees. “Oh, shit,” he curses as I tug his boxers down to reveal his hard cock. It’s silky and gorgeous, and I can’t stop staring at it. Seokjin, of course, notices. “You like my cock, babygirl? Take it. It’s yours.”
It already was, I think, as my gaze darts up to meet his.
Without breaking eye contact, I lick his reddened tip, almost moaning at his taste. “Fuck, babygirl,” Seokjin throws his head back. I smile wickedly. I could definitely get addicted to ruining this beautiful boy. “Look at me,” I command, feeling so powerful when he immediately listens.
Slowly, I suck down on his length, hollowing out my cheeks. My eyes stay on his as he groans, and I can tell he’s straining to keep from thrusting into my mouth.
“Please, baby, fuck—!” He moans as I swallow around him and then release him from my mouth with a pop. My hand darts up to grip him tightly, pumping him. Moving slowly, I suck one of his balls into my mouth, rolling my tongue around it gently. Seokjin chokes, “Fuck me.”
“We’ll get there, baby,” I tug my mouth away and grin up at him.
I suck him as far down as I can. His control snaps and he begins to thrust wildly into my mouth, panting.
“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,” his eyes scrunch up as he chants, “I’m gonna come.”
I release him ruthlessly.
“Goddamnit,” he cries, “I knew that was coming, but it still hurts.”
“Well,” I wiggle my eyebrows at him, “If only you had a pretty little pussy ready for you to fuck… Oh, wait.”
Seokjin chuckles, “I see I wasn’t able to fuck some of the sass out of that mouth. We might have to try that again later.”
“Gladly,” I grin back at him, “You have a condom?”
Seokjin picks up his discarded jeans from the floor and digs around in the back pockets. “Aha!” He yells, hoisting up the glimmering gold foil in triumph.
I roll my eyes before snatching the condom from the idiot. Tearing the foil packaging open with my teeth, I grab Seokjin’s length and pump him a few times in preparation.
“Stop being a tease,” he mumbles, thrusting shallowly into my hand.
“Stop being so hot,” I challenge, leaning down to lick his pre-cum dripping from the reddened tip of his cock.
“Impossible,” Seokjin smirks before tugging me back up to face him.
He drops his lips to mine and sucks on my bottom lip. Pulling away slightly, he tugs at it in a stinging bite. Withdrawing his mouth from mine, he spins me around and bends me over the counter.
I feel the head of his cock running teasingly over the folds of my pussy and I gasp, “Please, baby, I need you inside me.”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
He thrusts into me in one sharp movement. We both gasp as he fills me, gliding in and out.
“Harder,” I moan.
“Fuck,” he mutters, “I’m trying to last over here.”
“Why? We have all night,” I pout before an idea pops into my head, and I taunt, “Wait, are you telling me you’re a one and done type of old man?”
“Oh, you’re going to regret that,” Seokjin mutters darkly.
His hard cock fills and stretches me, pleasure emanating within me from every sharp thrust of his hips.
“Your pussy is mine,” he growls, “I’ll fuck you from against the wall after this. I’ll fuck you until you can’t sass me anymore. And I’ll fuck you all night, baby, and every night after that.”
I clench around him as his dirty words wash over me. “Those are all great ideas in theory,” I gasp out, “But I really want to ride you first.”
“Oh, babygirl wants to fuck herself on my cock?” Seokjin slaps my ass before pulling out, “Well, come on.”
I stand upright and turn to see him walking towards the large island in the middle of the room. He hops onto it and lays down, placing one arm behind his head, and the other one slowly strokes his cock.
“You better get that hand off your cock before I decide to never let you into my pussy again,” I say darkly as I move towards him.
His hand flies off his dick at the speed of light, his eyes wide as they focus on me.
When I get close enough, I climb up onto the island and kneel with one leg on each side of his tapered waist. I slowly sink down so that just his tip is inside me and squeeze.
A garbled moan escapes Seokjin, his hands shooting out to grab my waist in an attempt to push me down further.
“Someone’s eager,” I whisper, bending down to press a quick kiss to his lips.
“I’ve been fucking eager since you were hired.” He smacks my ass and then groans as I reflexively sink down another inch.
“Yeah?” I question, sinking down another inch as his eyes squeeze shut, “You should have said something sooner, baby. I could have been riding you hard for months.”
Seokjin pouts, “Well, there’s no time like the present?”
“God, you’re such a dweeb,” I grin before taking him to the hilt. We both let out strangled breaths as I shift slightly, before placing a hand on his neck.
Keeping my hand there, I lift up and begin riding him hard. My body slides up and down onto his cock at a fast pace. Sweat drips down my back. Seokjin grabs my ass, his fingers gripping my skin, and pounds up into my pussy with brutal and possessive force.
“O-oh, fuck.” There’s something about riding Seokjin that just feels so good. My hips swivel and roll against his. The pleasure steadily builds, and I try to distract myself by biting down on Seokjin’s neck.
“I’m gonna come,” he moans, “Are you close?”
I pull away from his neck and sit up, arching my back to give him a deeper angle. He thrusts up into my g-spot and I gasp, “Shit, yes, I’m close. Come with me, baby.”
I clench my walls around him. Seokjin’s eyes are scrunched shut as he continues to pound into me with harsh strokes.
He shifts one hand from my ass to gently circle my aching clit, and I light up. My walls clench and pulse, locking down on Seokjin so tight that he comes, his hot seed filling the condom as he shudders.
I collapse against him and shove my face into his sweaty neck.
I can feel his laugh bubbling up from his chest before I hear it. “What’s so funny?” I ask, lips brushing his skin.
“Namjoon’s going to kill us for the number of health code violations we just committed,” his laughter causes his cock to shift within me, and I bite back a moan.
“Well,” I lift my face up from his neck to look at him, “We have nothing to lose at this point then, huh?”
I slowly lick my lips, and his eyes drop to them. The only noise left in the restaurant is our heavy breathing. “Round two in Namjoon’s office?” he suggests.
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a/n: this was so fun to write :) hope you all enjoyed it! happy valentine’s day!
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
I think it's the first time I drop something in your ask box ?🤔 Anyway, congrats on the 300 followers! 🥳🎉🎉 So, I had a very hard time choosing a prompt👀 But here we are! Can i ask prompt 23 for Rosinante (Yeah I know, I'm a girl full of surprise 👀)with a fem! reader? You can put it in a Modern!Au setting if it's easier for you ❤ Luv u sweetheart 🥺
Hi babe! I went with in series, to give the softest clown a little in series love, he hardly gets enough love as it is! Due to the nature of the prompt, the story is a little angsty, but no worries, I can spoil a little that the ending is going to be good! I hope you like it and that it satisfies your wonderful Lusinante heart a bit! Much love!
Don’t ever leave again - Donquixote Rosinante (Corazon) x Reader 
Cliche with bae prompt #23: “Tell me why you did it” “because I love you”  Character: Rosinante - Word Count: 1.8k hurt/comfort - angsty with happy ending  ? 
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You were in love. Madly in love. Deeply in love. It wasn’t the easiest of relationships. It was all secret. But it didn’t matter to you, because you had never been this happy. 
You couldn’t even remember how you got close to Donquixote Rosinante. You certainly went out of your way to avoid his flamboyant brother. But something in his silence drew you closer. And before you knew, you had discovered his secret, and not long after that, you had uncovered his heart as well. 
The relationship was strange, sneaking around all the time, Devil fruit activated bubbles of silence in order to whisper words of affection. He preferred visiting you in your house, so he could ensure no one would follow him. He never stayed the night, never really stayed long. He never really explained what exactly was going on. Why all the sneaking around had to happen. But you knew the family could be dangerous and refrained from asking too many questions. He had told you himself: the less you know, the less danger you will be in. 
Often times you felt like it would be better to break it off, to let him go. But the mere thought of never being able to see him anymore, him never hugging you to his chest anymore, no more running your fingers through his soft blonde locks, no more kissing as if you were both desperate for the love you never got to experience outside the bond the two of you shared, just crushed your very soul. You’d never be able to leave him. 
So when he came to your house in the middle of the night, urging you to pack your bags, you complied almost immediately. You were going to run away together. Away from his crazy brother and away from all the madness, all the secrecy. You could finally take the next step in your relationship, maybe even settle down together. It was a hectic night, but you fell asleep on the little boat he was using fairly quickly, completely ready for a new start. 
It took you a couple of days to arrive on the island. Rosinante had already picked out and prepared a little house. He had been planning this escape for months it seemed. He had explained very little on the way, being even more quiet than he usually was. He was probably just still very much on the lookout for danger. Even you knew that his brother’s influence was reaching pretty far, his network only growing every single day. 
The best moment came when the both of you finally went to sleep in the house. The comfort of an actual bed, the very first time you could actually sleep in the arms of your boyfriend, listening to the sound of his heartbeat and his soft breaths as you cuddled close, made you fall asleep almost instantly. You had never been happier in your life. 
So you were incredibly surprised to wake up without that presence. Had he gotten up earlier to do something? You listened if you could hear him stumbling around the house but to no avail. He could’ve easily used his devil fruit to sneak around quietly though, so you didn’t think too much of it as you got dressed and made your way downstairs. 
He was nowhere to be seen. Only a letter on the dinner table. You immediately recognized his clear, but messy handwriting. 
Dear y/n. 
I hope you can forgive me for doing this to you, but if you cannot, I will understand. I will never know, because you will never see me again. My brother was growing suspicious and I cannot let my cover be found out just yet. 
I moved you for your own safety. This is a nice island, nice people. I left you some money and food. Start a new life here. Do not seek me out. I beg of you. Our relationship was never meant to be. Besides, you could not love me if you knew all about me. Forget me, start anew. That’s going to make you truly happy. 
Burn this letter after reading, erase all traces and memories of me. It’s for the better. 
- Rosi 
You read the letter over and over and over and over, crying harder every time more of its meaning got through to you. He left you. All alone, away from everything you knew and was never coming back. He never even said he loved you. Your heart was broken, crushed, the pieces shattered, and right now. It felt like it could never be fixed again. 
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You managed to adapt to life on the island relatively well. Rosinante had not lied: it was a very nice and welcoming place. In no time you had a job in a small grocery store, helping the elderly couple that owned it with picking up the heavier supplies and selling stuff all around. It was a nice life, and you were generally well accepted in the community. The initial pain of your one true love leaving you behind had subsided, but his absence created a hole that you didn’t think was ever going to be filled again. 
There was not a day you didn’t think about him or the letter he had written. You had burned it, like he had instructed you, but not before memorizing it. Every night in bed, you were thinking about it. It was almost a year after he had left you, and you still did not find peace with this sudden departing. And when you finally managed to fall asleep, he was almost always there in your dreams. Most of the time they were actual dreams, of green grass fields, and cuddles and soft kisses stolen as the two of you lay on the floor (he tripped, you lay down next to him so he wouldn’t be alone). 
Sometimes they were nightmares though, and tonight was such a night. Burning buildings, dark clouds of smoke making your eyes tear up and your breaths heavy,  your lover just out of reach as he left you behind. You, sitting on the ground, unable to move, unable to go after him, tears eventually falling from your eyes. This time around, rain was starting to fall, mixing with your tears as they slowly hit your face, creating even more smoke as the rain unsuccessfully tried to diminish the fires. 
You woke up with an actual wet face. It was raining outside, with pretty heavy winds, and you had forgotten to close your window before bed. You stood up to close the window when the very familiar scent of cigarette smoke hit your nose. You blinked a couple of times, your house was too far away from the village to smell anyone’s smoke, and it was literally the middle of the night. You looked through the open window and noticed a very familiar black feathery coat a step away from your front door.
You sprinted downstairs, not even sure what was happening. Maybe you were hallucinating, maybe even dreaming, but when you opened the door, your heart skipped a beat. There he was again, one finger to his lips, motioning for you to stay quiet. He had a sleeping child in his arms. You let him in, too confused to even speak if you wanted to.
You were not sure how to feel exactly. Your first instinct was joy. So happy that he came back, so happy to see him again, alive and well. But the more you thought about it, the more sad and angry you got about him leaving you behind in the first place. All the grief you went through, and only now you were healing again. You weren’t sure how much your heart could take still, and neither of you had spoken up yet. He put the child on your couch, placing his coat over it as a blanket and creating a silent bubble so the two of you could speak all you want without waking the little boy. 
“Y/n… I…,” he started off, hesitant to continue, not sure if he could ever say something to make it up to you, “I know I probably should’ve said something. But… it was for the best.” He took a breath, wanting to continue, but it was then that your brain finally caught up on the situation and your bubble burst. “Should’ve said something? You lied to me, took me here, promised me love, a life together and then just abandoned me! Far away from my family, my friends, everyone and everything I knew, in the middle of nowhere, all by myself! I didn’t get to say goodbye and we barely spent time together.” Your voice broke halfway through the rant, and you were trying so hard not to cry as you spoke. 
He walked over to you, touching your shoulder in an attempt to comfort you, but you didn’t seem to respond to his touch like you used to. You sank to your knees crying, and continued speaking, although is was barely a whisper.
“Why..?�� Why did this happen? Just tell me… why did you do this?” His heart was breaking at the sight of you like that. “Because I love you y/n, always have and always will.” He took a deep breath, sitting down in front of you. Close enough to be reassuring in some kind of way, but not so close that it could possibly make you uncomfortable. 
“My brother would have you killed. Your family too. I had to protect you. I thought, that if I just left without really saying anything, you could forget me and start a happy life. I did mean it when I said you’d be better of without me.”
“I was miserable Rosi. You made me think you never loved me… That hurt so much.” “And I am so so so sorry for that… I’d get it if you’d never want to forgive me.” You shook your head, leaping up a little so you could hug him, and he promptly fell over, having the general balance of an elephant on a unicycle, taking you to the floor with him, thankfully he served as a nice pillow. 
You sobbed as he rubbed your back, comforting circles as you repeated the same words over and over: “Never leave again. Promise me. I love you.”
He gets up a little, still holding you close to his chest, kissing the top of your head.
“I promise. I love you too.” You tilted up your head, and Rosi only had to dip down his for your lips to lock. The kiss was so much more intense than any kiss you had shared in the past. There was so much longing, loving, regret, and pure desperation. No fights for dominance, just your mouths fitting together perfectly as if it hadn’t been over a year. You were out of breath when he broke the kiss, resting his forehead against yours. “There is a lot I still need to do. But I won’t leave without telling. I won’t lie about my feelings. And I promise I will always come back.”
142 notes · View notes
jungshookz · 6 years
can you do a college ta!jimin where y/n is failing her class but she’s too scared to go to jimin for help even though he’s her ta bc every time she sees him in lecture she makes a fool of herself and is embarrassed bc jimin is also v hot
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→ pairing: park jimin x reader
→ genre: university!au, ta!jimin, neRVOUS!y/n, tae and kook are the dream team from hell, joon is a try-hard but we still luv him 
→ wordcount: 2.5k
→ note: ok i was going to write this tomorrow but i couldn’t wait because i need ta!jimin in my life right now immediately so i’m soRRY if it’s short but IT WAS SUCH A CUTE IDEA and i needed to get it ouT into the world also fun fact: a girl that i met during my first month at uni told me all about how she fucked her friend’s psychology TA to help her friend get an A in the class and i need me a friend like that
(gif isn’t mine!) 
quick question
why the FUCK did you think this astronomy course was going to be easy peasy
it was supposed to be your grade booster!!!!!
all you learn about are the STARS in the sky
they’re just flaming balls of gaS and you somehow are unable to grasp that concept for some reason
“how’d you do???” namjoon plops down in the seat next to you before looking at his own test and flicking through the sheets
you blink down at the test in your hands
49% written in an angry shade of red
you technically failed even though you were 1% away from getting a passing mark
this was the last chance to boost your mark before the final exam and you totally just bombed it
there are three midterms that you have to take in this course
which meant you had three chances to study hard and do well
you got 59% on the first one
63% on the second one
and this one?
you droPPED not 1% not 2% but a FAT 14%
o boy
you have a feeling you’re not going to do too well on the final exam considering the journey so far
“i, uh, i did okay.” you shrug and stuff your test into your backpack quickly “how’d you do?”
“eh, i did okay too. 86% is fine, i guess.” namjoon murmurs and circles one of the questions on the test “i didn’t study as much for this one so that explains why i did more poorly compared to the first and second one.”
you peek over at namjoon’s test and let out a sigh when you notice his has a significantly less number of red cross marks
you love namjoon but you’re ready to smack the back of his head because you would be ecsTATIC if you got 86% on a midterm you barely studied for
“i’m probably going to go talk to jimin during office hours and ask for some help with the questions i got wrong. you wanna come with-“
“nO” you immediately curl into yourself and wince when namjoon mentions jimin
park jimin, if we’re being more specific here
he’s the TA for this class and let’s just say,..,,..,,. there’s a reason why the class filled up so quickly at the beginning of the year
he is drop-dead gorgeous
like unbelievably gorgeous
like sculpted from the gods themseLVEs gorgeous
soft, perfectly tousled raven locks
pretty brown eyes
the cutest button nose
and his lips
his pillowy lips that curl around certain words so perfectly and you’re always mesmerised when he takes over a lecture because he does this thing where his tongue will poke out and swipe over his bottom lip in the middle of his rant and you will never admit to anYone that you’ve fantasised about what it’d be like giving him plump bottom lip a lil kith once or twice or thrice
he has a couple ear piercings and you never thought you’d be attracted to that but oH boy you definitely are
not to mention he’s like???? so fashionable???????
most of the time he wears like a button-up tucked into a pair of slacks just to keep things professional or whatever but SOMETIMES he walks in in like a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a loose white tee and a denim jacket or something and that just gets your gears gOING
one time you caught a glimpse of his bicep flexing as he ran his hand through his hair and you literally couldn’t focus on anything for the rest of the class
(today he’s wearing a white button up tucked into a pair of ripped blue jeans and he has his thick black glasses sitting perfectly on his nose)
and!!!!! on top of that he’s the sweetest human being in the entire world
everything about him is just so utterly, frustratingly perfect
he gigGles very often and overtime he does that you’re pretty sure an angel is born in the heavens above
and he’s always super helpful with everyone
even though it’s pretty obvious some of the people in here approach him with the dumbest questions because they just want an excuse to talk to him he will anSwer those dumb questions and help them to the best of his abilities
you haven’t really had a conversation with him before just because this is a class with 200 people and you obviously aren’t going to elbow your way through the crowd just to stand there with nothing to ask him
the only question you can imagine yourself asking is “…..wat is a star” and u don’t want him thinking you’re a big ol dummy
the times that you havE interacted with him or the times that prove to you that he does indeed know that you exist have been awful to say the least
absolute humiliating
you don’t know why but every time you make a fool of yourself it’s in this class and it’s riGHt in front of jimin
when you were doing your presentation with a couple other classmates you kept stuttering over your words because jimin was in the front row just staring at you and you could feel your face growing redder than a tomato
you kept stumbling and missing important parts in the presentation so your teammates had to step up and help you a little and afterwards you apologised proFuSely and treated them all to a drink from starbucks
another time namjoon asked if you could go down to the front and grab his paper for him and as you were walking down the steps of the lecture theatre you missed a step and fell riGHT in front of jimin
so, in conclusion: jimin probably thinks you have a speech impediment aND you’re clumsy as hell
you’re just glad that there are only like 2 weeks of class left because that means you’ll finally be able to get away from jimin
it’s not like you want to get away from him
it’s just that
you can.,,.,. u can feel yourself starting to develop a tiny crush on him (spoiler alert you already have a fat ass crush on him you stubborn walnut) and that ain’t good because then you’ll be all sad and mopey because you know for a faCt park jimin is way WAY out of your league and there’s nothing you can do about it
but you know what you should at least try and say something to him before the year ends because if you don’t you’ll probably regret it
oR you could make an anonymous page on that ‘university crushes’ page (there are already severAL park jimin posts on that Facebook page so you’re sure your contribution won’t make a difference)
“y/n!!!!!!!” you jump when you feel someone grab your shoulder and you snap out of it immediately “what’s gotten into you?? i said your name like a trillion times!” jungkook furrows his brows
“what? what?” you look around frantically and-
what the heck
when did you get to the dining hall
“i said her name a trillion times on the way here and she didn’t reply to me either.” namjoon snorts as he picks up an apple from the fruit basket “she’s probably daydreaming about jimin again” he teases and you resist the urge to roll your eyes when you see slow smirks begin to appear on everyone’s faces
oh god
here it comes
“ooOooooOOOHH-“ jungook and taehyung begin teasing you and you whack their hands away when they reach up to pinch at your cheeks “our y/n has a little crush on park jimin!!!!!!!”
“i don’T have a crush on anyone!” you scowl and grab a carton of apple juice for yourself “cut it out, you freaks”
“aw, don’t be like that! it’s okay! he’s a very pretty person.” taehyung nods and grabs the juice box from your hand
“get your own juice box.” you snatch it back from tae’s hands before whipping around and heading towards the table where they put all the muffins and donuts (you’ve been craving something sweeT)
as you walk towards the table you turn your head so that you’re able to send a glaRE at your friends “i’m terminating this conversation because i do not want to talk about my crush on park jim- oH-!” suddenly you’re stumbling riGHt into someone and you feel hands grip at your waist to keep you steady while your own hands instinctively reach out to balance yourself
you turn your head back quickly ready to profusely apologise to this person for your clumsiness and that’s when you realise you just stumbled riGHT into-
p a r k   j i m i n
jesus CHRIST
it happened again!!!!!!!!
whenever you do something humiliating jimin is riGHT there
“careful there!” he laughs lightly and you retract your hands from his pecs (ᵒʰ ᵐʸ ᵍᵒᵈ) immediately “you good?”
“great. i’m good!” you squeak out and feel your cheeks starting to warm “i- uh, are you okay? i’m so sorry, i wasn’t watching where i was going-“
“don’t worry about me, i’ll survive.” he jokes and your eyes immediately dart away because of your inability to hold eye contact for more than like fiVE seCONDS
“okay, cool, um, that’s good. ……anyways i’m just gonna pay for my juice box-“
“y/n, right?”
you immediately look back up at him
o god
he knows your name
okay okAY okay calm down just act cool you’re super cool you’re a cool gal!!!!!!!
[high pitchy voice] ʸᵒᵘ’ʳᵉ ᶠᶦⁿᵉᵎ
“yes. that’s me. i am her. i am y/n.” okay there we go we finally got there “you’re… jimin.” oOFhkj
u know what just shut up don’t say anything
“you’re the one who wrote about astronomy and its relationship with astrology, right?”
oH righhhhhht that paper you had to write for astronomy
while you’re not good at exam-type things you’re pretty good when it comes to papers because it’s just you ranting about something but make it ~professional~ aNd also cite ur sources
“yes! that was me!!” you perk up because that paper was the onLy thing you were confident handing in in the class lol “i actually changed my topic last minute but i’m glad i did because i had a loT to say about the subject - b-but you probably already know that because you’re the one who graded it, hah-“ you reach up and scratch the back of your neck awkwardly
you catch a glimpse of the boys over jimin’s shoulder
they already paid for their food and they’re sitting at your guys’ usual table and while namjoon is shooting you a thumbs up and a dimpley smile both tae and kook are being iDIOTS
kook has his fingers curled like an ‘o’ while tae is sticking his finger through the hole and they’re botH wiggling their brows at you and you feel your cheeks warm even moRE
that’s so embarrassing
why are boys like that
whY are you friends with boys like that
namjoon scowls and whacks their hands down before pointing to their food and you can practically hear namjoon telling them to cut it out and just eAT you dumbasses
“i thought it was really well-written and very well executed. i enjoyed reading it, actually. i enjoyed it so much i read it twice!” jimin laughs and you feel your heart skip a beat when you hear his cute giggle “how did you do on the latest midterm?”
you’re not… particularly sure why jimin is stiLL talking to you
it’s not like you’re complaning or anything
you’re just confused 
..,.,.,is he just being friendly because TA evaluations come out soon
“i did, um… let’s just say i could’ve done a loT better.” you clear your throat
you’re not about to remind him of your grades because u really reaLLy don’t want him to think you’re a moron  
“oh! i’m sorry to hear that…” he frowns and his shoulders droop slightly before he perks up again “i’d be happy to talk to you and help you out! i’m free at 5:30 this afternoon.”
“5:30 works for me! but don’t office hours end at 4?” you furrow your brows in confusion and your bottom lip pokes out a little in the tiniest of pouts and jimin uwus internally
“yeah, and?” he still has his bright smile on his face and you are just conFUSEd “i’ll help you out and maybe we can grab a bite to eat afterwards.”
wait what
wait hWAT
“are- are you sure? i don’t want to inconvenience you or anything-“
“don’t be silly, you could never. here, i’ll give you my number.” jimin plucks the pen out from behind his ear and grabs your hand and you feel your heart rate SPIKE almost immediately
you instinctively giggle when the pen starts gliding against your skin and jimin peeks up at you with a smirk “ticklish?”
you take your bottom lip in between your teeth and keep your eyes on your hand “a lil”
jimin clicks the pen and tucks it back behind his ear and you look at the digits that have been scrawled on your hand “alright, i have some more midterms to grade so i’m going to disappear but i’ll see you later?”
“yes, that sounds good” you swallow thickly because you’re still registering the fact that park jimin just,,, gave you his number
“see ya!” jimin waves at you as he starts to walk away and u literally almost scream when his right eye drops in a wink
you wave back at him shyly and press your lips together
what is going on
is this a fever dream
are you in a simulation maybe
and then you’re standing there just wondering.,..,,. what was THAT and also are u going on a….. date later
nO no no
don’t over think it
he’s just being nice
he’s a nice guy
jimin lets out a breath once he leaves the dining hall and he has to stop to let his heart calm down a little
god damN
that number thing was a bold move but he’s so glad you didn’t reject him or anything
hopefully you show up this afternoon otherwise that’d kinda suCK
he can’t believe it took him nearly two whole semesters to finally grow some balls and say something to u lol
better late than never!!
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
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zwritestuff · 5 years
Honey, my heart is well and truly sold to Astrology AU, so whatever from that universe would make me swoon
Hi luv! Sorry for the wait. I got inspo in the middle of my trip and finished this. Posting through my phone so apologies is there’s bad formatting x
The flowers of Elenia rarely bloomed outside of the volcanos — it took a well skilled gardener to successfully plant one and keep it alive. The only thing Scarlet knew about plants in general was that black water lilies only bloom at night and having a coral reef in her cave would never be possible.
So when she kept alive the Elenia Yvie gifted her for their five month anniversary for more than a week, A’keria and Brooke were completely baffled.
“Spill the pearls, Scarlet,” A’keria had once said, while she and Brooke were chilling on the rocks and the youngest blonde appeared to water the flower. “How on earth are you keeping that thing alive? Elenias need fire, not water.”
“To be honest, I’m not really sure,” she replied, “I asked Plastique if she could visit the Zodiac Library and look for a book about the Volcanos and it’s flora, but the book wasn’t really specific on Elenias’ care. So I been just watering it every other day and making sure it gets a good amount of sunlight.” She shrugged, joining her friends on the rocks.
“Well, you’re doing a great job, even when you don’t know what exactly you’re doing,” Brooke complimented, patting her on the shoulder. Scarlet smiled cheerfully and thanked her, saying how much the Elenia meant to her since it was a gift from Yvie.
As soon as she was back underwater, Brooke glanced at the flower with a fiery fear in her eyes.
“Oh, Astra, I can’t say to her face how much I wish it dies. If the rumors are true…” A’keria interrupted her, trying to remain calm.
“If they were, why would Yvie risk our safety by gifting it to Scarlet? We’ll be just fine,” she said, trying to convince Brooke and herself.
It was very well known that Elenias took their name after the fire Goddess, Eleni. The wise said that when Astra, mother of the Zodiac signs, gave Eleni the task of bringing the fire signs and their environment to life, she took an especial time creating Elenias, for when they bloom, they spill lava everywhere, consequently lightning on fire the whole flower; but it never burns, and it’s light lasts as long as the Elenia lives.
But of course, not only the flower is lit up on fire, the environment around it too; Brooke and A’keria worried every night that Scarlet would be hurt if it bloomed while she was around, or that it’d damage their surroundings.
Either way, A’keria tried to think positively and say Yvie knew what she was doing by gifting it to Scarlet. Perhaps it wasn’t even an Elenia, perhaps it was another inoffensive flower. A’keria and Brooke desperately hoped so.
Three months had passed since Scarlet was taking care of the Elenia, and surprisingly, it was still alive; in fact, it looked like it’d bloom any day now. Scarlet was infatuated with the flower, sometimes Brooke caught her talking to it when she thought no one was around. Brooke thought it was equally adorable and weird.
One day, Yvie and Scarlet were hanging out by the shore, just like they always did, when Yvie looked over at the Elenia, thoughtfully.
“Y’know, in the volcanos the Elenias started to bloom this week,” she commented, looking again at Scarlet. “Has the flower I gifted you showed any signs of blooming?”
Scarlet sighed heavily. “Not yet, I think I’m doing something wrong,” she lamented, pouting slightly. Yvie cooed at her girlfriend.
“No, don’t say that! Elenias take their time, I’m sure it’ll bloom soon,” Yvie tried to cheer her up.
The mermaid bit her lower lip, staring at it.
“I mean, I hope so. I can’t to help but think there’s something wrong with this flower, but I can’t tell what…”
Just as she was speaking, the Elenia’s petals began to open. Scarlet opened her eyes widely, coming closer to watch it’s blooming better.
“Scar, if I was you I’d step back,” Yvie advised standing in front of the flower. Scarlet frowned, confused.
“But I thought Elenias were inoffensive!” She said, folding her arms as she cocked a brow.
Yvie was about to reply, when she felt a familiar heat behind her. She turned to see the Elenia, and prayed that Sharon’s experiment worked. A wide smile appeared in her face when she saw the blue fire coming out instead of lava.
“Well, this one is because I might just have had Sharon do something to it for you.” She stepped aside, showing it to Scarlet.
The mermaid gasped in surprise when she saw the spectacle the flower was giving them; the blue flames resembled the waves of the sea, a place Scarlet had only been to once and was still in love with to this day. She recalled telling this to Yvie, many moons ago, and she didn’t think her girlfriend would remember it — it was such an insignificant fact, and the fact that Yvie remembered it made Scarlet’s heart jump of joy.
“Happy late Eighth month anniversary,” Yvie said, snapping Scarlet from her infatuation with the flower. “Do you like it?”
“Do I like it?” The blonde repeated, still at a loss for words. “I watered this flower for three months, talked to it as if it was alive, and unlike my failed Coral Reef, took extra care with it,” she ranted, and Yvie began to feel as if she had made a mistake by gifting it to Scarlet. The mermaid continued before her girlfriend could say anything. “I love it, and I love you for gifting it to me, and I love you for merely existing.”
The Leo laughed loudly, letting out the breath she’d been holding. God, Scarlet’s dramatic ass really scared her sometimes.
“I’m glad you do, ‘cause it took me a while to convince Sharon to make it — She said “such thing wasn’t possible because you can’t just mess with the elements like that,” but she’s the same witch that made possible for us to touch, so.” Scarlet scoffed, admiring the Elenia.
“Honestly, as far as I know, there isn’t a single thing Sharon can’t do,” she commented, “Who knows, maybe one day she’ll give me legs!”
They laughed loudly. Yeah, as if such thing was possible.
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sweetheartjeongguk · 6 years
pretty kitty (m)
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pairing: taehyung x reader
genre: hybrid au, camgirl au, smut, fluff with mild angst (in the future)
rating: nc-17
warning(s): (probably inaccurate) portrayal of cam porn, mention of impregnation and daddy kinks, squirting (lol)
word count: 3.3k+
summary: never in his life would taehyung have expected the shy girl from his history class to be the sex kitten on his computer screen. 
the discovery | the denial | the meeting | the aftermath | the payback
It happens when Taehyung is browsing the Internet for some porn - something not unlike Taehyung to do on a boring Saturday evening. His friends are out of town for the night for a concert, and Taehyung had been stuck covering two shifts at the restaurant where he applied to with Jungkook. Since Jungkook is one of the individuals who ditched work to go to the concert, Taehyung ended up being stuck with their gross co-worker who chews his food too loudly and has no shame in discussing his “herpes appointment” for the entire restaurant to hear. Taehyung still doesn’t understand how he hasn’t been fired yet.
Taehyung pointedly ignores the influx of messages that flood his social media. As a tiger hybrid, he is viewed as a prized possession at his college filled with both predator and prey hybrids. Some openly worship the ground he walks on while others cower in fear and rush out of the classroom before he could reach them. While attending one of the biggest hybrid colleges in the entire country has given him some of the greatest friends he could ever dream of having, it did attract not-so-nice people who either wanted to be friends in hopes of becoming popular or having him as their next heat partner.
Needless to say, Taehyung is in desperate need of a distraction from the chaos the day had brought him.
Taehyung sighs as he clicks ‘Next’, completely unimpressed with the boring selections the site recommends. On any other day, he would have been desperate to whack one off to one of them, but today just isn’t the day.
Before he could finally give up, Taehyung stops to recall one of the sites that Jimin had recommended a couple of weeks ago. They had been drunk and ranting together about different things, and one of the topics chosen was porn. Shoving the laptop off his lap, Taehyung grabs his phone, ignoring the thirst texts from Sana from English class, to text his best friend.
hey, what was the site you gave me a couple weeks ago?
It isn’t even a minute later when Jimin replies.
oooo, kim taehyung, are you doing what i think you’re going to do? ;)
Taehyung rolls his eyes, practically seeing his best friend’s greasy smile on his face.
what is it...please? :D
He grimaces at the stupid emoji, but he knows that it’s the only way to get Jimin to tell him what he wants.
*sighs* fine, here you go. enjoy ;))))
Taehyung scoffs but silently thanks Jimin as he copies the link in the text message into the search bar on his laptop. He prays that he hasn’t been given a link to a sketchy website - he isn’t ready to deal with the embarrassment as to why his laptop gained a million viruses in one night (again).
When the website finally loads, Taehyung can’t help but raise an eyebrow. Dozens of thumbnails pop up of different girls all of different hybrid species, most being bunny hybrids – a hot commodity among the hybrid porn industry – with a few feline and canine hybrids here and there. All were positioned in front of the camera in their most provocative poses, tongue seductively poking through and fingers dancing along the inside of their transparent panties.
Taehyung has never dabbled in camgirls before, but maybe tonight will decide whether he likes it or not.
Taehyung scrolls down the list, trying to pick the first one that catches his eye. Nothing seems to pop out at him – the concepts of each video pretty much the same throughout the page. He merely blinks stoically at the tempting shots of bare breasts and seductive lip bites.
‘Maybe I should just give up for tonight’ Taehyung grumbles to himself as his gaze shoots down to his dick which lays embarrassingly soft inside his sweatpants.
At the end of the third page, right when Taehyung is about to call it a night, one video catches his eye.
It is a pretty short video compared to the other videos – only 11 minutes in length – but it has garnered a fair amount of views. He couldn’t see a clear shot of the girl’s face, but she must be good if she’s had over 6,000 views and it was only uploaded a day ago?
“prettykitty?” Taehyung mumbles to himself.
Without another word, Taehyung clicks on the video and sits back against the headboard of his bed, mentally and physically preparing himself. As the video loads, he scrolls through the old messages saved in the chatroom from the day before.
daddyjeon – damn baby, you look so pretty when you cum
ygym12 – yeah baby, keep touching yourself but you better not cum yet
jxxhyun – fuck, i luv how wet u get. if u need another person in ur videos, send me a message xoxo
On and on, Taehyung scrolls through and sees the same type of messages – ones that basically groan and whine at how hot you are and how wet you are for them. He’s a little weirded out at how these people act as if you are genuinely wet for them and not for the impeding money flow going into your bank account after the stream ends.
Clicking play, he is first greeted with your breasts which is wrapped in one of the cutest pastel pink lingerie sets he’s ever seen in his life. The bra is practically see-through, a little tease of your nipple showing here and there as you shift across the screen. As you lay on your side, Taehyung catches a peek at the curve of your ass which is accentuated greatly by the matching lace panties. He even catches sight of your black tail lazily swishing from side to side.
Hybrids don’t usually show off their ears or tails in person (unless they’re in heat or they concentrate enough to make them appear), so Taehyung assumes that you show them off during your shows as a little treat to your viewers – giving off the illusion that you’re in heat for them.
“Hey guys, long time no see.” You giggle innocently to the camera.
Taehyung swallows the lump that lodges itself in his throat. You sound so adorable and yet the view in front of him is one of the sexiest things he’s ever seen in his life.
“Sorry, baby, I had school earlier,” you pout as you read one of the comments. “I would have gotten to you sooner, but my professor was killing me.”
‘Cute, she’s a college student.’ Taehyung thinks to himself. ‘I wonder if I know her.’
He tosses this thought aside – even if you did go to his school, he doubts that he’ll ever figure out who you are. Not that he cared in the first place, of course.
“What should I take off first, hmm?” You hum, teasing your audience with a little slip of your bra strap.
There is a tiny pause as you read through the comments, but it seems that one comment catches your eye.
“Hmm, someone said my panties…Isn’t that a little too easy, though?” You laugh. “I want to keep teasing you, baby. I can’t have you coming just yet.”
Taehyung gulps again – his dick is already hardening, and you haven’t even been doing anything. He hesitates to place a hand over top, but for some reason, he keeps his hands at his sides.
“Are you touching yourself yet?” You whisper, fingers tracing around your nipple which slowly pebbles underneath the sheer fabric. “God, you look so fucking sexy with your hand on your cock.”
This entices Taehyung to finally slip his hand underneath the sweatpants, kneading slowly. He wants to work himself up until the end, not wanting to come when you haven’t yet. For some reason, you have him under your spell, and Taehyung wouldn’t hesitate to follow your every word.
‘What the fuck is wrong with you, Kim?’
“God, I’m so wet for you.” You continue to caress the swell of your breasts in an agonizing pace. “I bet you wish you could fuck my little wet pussy, huh?”
Upon reading a comment in the chatroom, your hand trails down your stomach to slip inside your panties, teasing at the little bud above your sleek entrance. Taehyung desperately wishes that you would take them off, but you continue to leave the vision to his own imagination.
“F-fuck, that feels so good, Daddy.”
The wet squelching of your pussy as you push one finger inside becomes apparent to the microphone. By the sound of the “ka-ching” alerts on your computer and your breathy laughs, your viewers love it. Shifting slightly, Taehyung can now see your lips, reddened by your constant biting and licking.
Taehyung forces himself to hold back on his strokes. He couldn’t come just yet. You haven’t even gotten to the good part yet, and Taehyung is already reminded of when he was a virgin that came in less than 10 seconds at even the slightest image of perky tits.
“You want to see the toy one of my daddies bought me?” A sharp canine pops out of the side of your grin. “I’ve only used it once, but it feels so good that I want to try it on camera for you.”
The tipping doesn’t subside, even when you move offscreen to grab the toy from what Taehyung assumes is in a box somewhere. When you reappear, you’re holding a long, sparkly pink rabbit vibrator, humming adorably as you show off the gift to your viewers who all probably comment on how cute you are and how ready they are for you to fuck yourself on it.  
“All thanks to Mr. Kim for buying this for me,” You coo into the microphone. “I’ll make sure to come all over it for you, Daddy.”
Taehyung doesn’t know why he imagines that you’re talking about him. He doesn’t know why his cock fills out more at the idea of you talking to just him, telling him that she is all wet and ready for him – ready for him to breed her and fill her up with his kittens.
‘Focus, Taehyung, focus.’
When he finally opens his eyes after taking a breather, he chokes on the sight of you removing your panties and spreading your legs wide to show the camera. He groans in excitement at the clear string of wetness that clings to your panties – oh, how he longs to have a tiny taste of your sweetness. He muffles a growl inside his chest, his tiger counterpart ready to jump out and take what he thinks is his.
Thankfully, Taehyung prides himself on what little control he has left of himself. As you position the toy at your hole, all sleek and wet for the taking, Taehyung starts to speed up his movements over his cock.
“O-oh, Daddy,” Your voice cracks from pleasure as you slowly thrust the vibrator inside, pressing the rabbit piece against your throbbing clit. “You f-fuck me so well, I w-want to come so badly.”
Taehyung has the urge to talk to you and tell you not to come – that you’re only allowed to come when he’s done filling your pretty little pussy up. The sad realization that will never happens briefly visits Taehyung, a sharp pain in his chest – but he reminds himself that it’s his tiger talking and that after he comes, his common sense will come back. On the other hand, Taehyung craves the feeling so much that he wouldn’t even be mad if the lust for you doesn’t disappear even after he clicks out of the webpage and closes his eyes to sleep.
You hold strong in the beginning of your slow but deep ministrations, but it’s apparent that you’re ready to come when you switch on the vibrating setting. You mewl loudly at the sudden sensation, sounding more like a cat than ever. Your pussy seems to get wetter with each thrust, and Taehyung salivates at the sight of your wetness dripping over the toy and staining the sheets beneath you.
“D-Daddy, I can’t t-take it anymore.” You cry out as you grind against the length stuffed inside. “L-let me c-come, please.”
Even over the loud dinging of the tips and the vibrations, all Taehyung could comprehend are your desperate whimpers for release and the visual of your pussy being fucked by the pink vibrator. For a moment, he imagines the two of you in the same room – you underneath him, begging for him to fuck you until you can’t take it anymore and to fill your pussy deep with his hot come. Sweat drips down from his face as he fucks up into his hand, biting down on his lip to avoid moaning too loudly and alerting the neighbors of his not-so innocent activities.
“Oh my god, oh my god.” The moment builds up until it’s broken by your loud cries and the sudden wetness that drenches your bedsheets.
Taehyung finally comes all over his fingers, his release dripping down to stain his sweatpants. He continues to pump his length until he feels the sharp pain of overstimulation. His eyes never strays away from your form – you are now laying down and resting your head against your pillow, your breath hot and heavy.  
“Oh man, that shit’s good.” You laugh heartily, prompting a genuine laugh from Taehyung as well.
From some reason, your voice is starting to sound a little familiar to him. He feels like he’s heard it somewhere before, but he is quick to mark it off as a coincidence.
That is until you lift your head to grin tiredly at the camera.
Taehyung coughs violently as he nearly chokes on air at the sight of your face – your familiar face. The face that he most definitely remembers from his history class. And his English class.
More importantly, from his childhood as the shy girl that cried on the playground on the first day of school.  
‘What the fuck?!’
“Thanks again, you guys. We beat our tipping record! Woohoo!” You throw up two thumbs up, scrunching up your nose and wiggling your body in an excited manner. “Until next time!”
You send a kiss to the camera, your fluffy ears twitching curiously as you lean forward to turn off the stream.
The screen goes blank, reflecting Taehyung’s shocked face back at himself. Taehyung sits there robotically, hand still on his soft dick and jaw practically unhinged.
“What the fuck!”  
Tumblr media
“So, how’d your dick appointment with yourself go?” Jimin smirks.
All eyes go to Taehyung who sits there emotionlessly. Jungkook goes to poke him in the cheek, ignoring the growing snarl sounding from Taehyung’s chest.
“Hyung, I think he’s broken.” The youngest snorts. “What site did you show him anyway?”
“The one you introduced me to.” Jimin takes a sip from his coffee cup. “I didn’t think it was that hardcore. It’s just chicks fucking themselves onscreen.”
“You know Taehyung, he’s into all that lovey-dovey couples having ‘intimate relations with each other’ shit.” Yoongi jokes sarcastically, dodging the palm sliding across the table.
“Shut up, hyung.” Taehyung grumbles. “I’m fine.”
“Okay then, why haven’t you been eating your food for the past 10 minutes?” Jimin points at the barely touched chocolate croissant resting on the porcelain plate in front of his best friend.
“I’m just not hungry, I guess.” Taehyung sighs, pushing the plate away and taking a sip from his strawberry juice instead.
“That’s a new one,” Jungkook says in slight concern. “You always eat that every time we come here.”
“Just let him be, you guys.” Namjoon chimes in, not looking up from his cell phone. “He’s probably just having a bad day.”
The whole table hums in agreement and resorts to their own eating. Jungkook continues munching on the assortment of fruits on his plate – being a bunny hybrid calls for a strictly vegetarian diet – while the rest happily chowed down on plates of meat and fish.
Jungkook is the only prey hybrid at the table – Jimin and Seokjin being dog hybrids, Namjoon and Hoseok both wolf hybrids, and Yoongi a panther hybrid. Surprisingly, despite the difference in species, Jungkook fit into their group well and only ever freaked out whenever there were slight scuffles between members and the fangs were brought out.
“Oh, look, Kookie, there’s Ji-Eun…” Hoseok nudges the youngest in the side with his elbow.
“Hyung…” Jungkook covers his blushing face with two sweater paws. “You said you were going to stop making fun of me.”
“I thought you knew me better than that, Kook.” Hoseok grins evilly.
Jungkook replies with a despondent sigh.
“Who’s her friend?” Namjoon asks as he watches the group of three – Ji-Eun, Seulgi, and another girl – walk up to the cash register to order.
“Hmm…I’m not sure. She might be new?” Seokjin answers, cheeks full of meat and rice.
Everyone watches in disgust as he swallows the giant wad of food only to shovel another pile back into his mouth. How he fits all that food in his mouth without choking – the world may never know.
“Anyways…” Yoongi trails off as he wills himself to ignore the sloppy chewing sounds assaulting his left ear. “I think her name is Y/N or something. She’s been here since sophomore year.”
Everyone’s attention suddenly jerks back to Taehyung as he spews his strawberry juice all over the table. Even customers from other tables glance in distaste at the boy before turning back to their own conversations. Thankfully, the trio at the cash register don’t notice Taehyung’s embarrassing blunder.
“Jesus, Tae, what the fuck? I just upgraded my phone.” Jimin wipes away at the juice sticking to the table and to a good portion of his phone screen. “What was that about?”
Taehyung unknowingly glances at the cash register, his eyes briefly scanning over your face, before turning back to Jimin.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.”
Unfortunately for Taehyung, Jimin could read him like a book and immediately shifts in his seat to stare in the direction of the three girls. Upon turning back, Taehyung is greeted with his dumb, shit-eating grin.
“Oooo, Taehyung has a little crush!”
“Ooh, on who?
“Hyung, you like Ji-Eun too?”
“I never knew you liked Seulgi?”
“No, I don’t like Ji-Eun or Seulgi or…” Taehyung mumbles, unable to finish his sentence.
“Oh, I see.” Hoseok holds in a cackle. “You’re into that other girl, huh?”
“No.” Taehyung answers firmly, ripping off a piece of his croissant and sending a scatter of crumbs across the table.
“Hmm, we have a liar on our hands.” Jimin chortles alongside Hoseok, the two evils silently plotting their scheme.
“So, if I go ask her out right now, you wouldn’t mind?” Hoseok asks innocently.
“You don’t even know her name.” Taehyung hisses.
Hoseok raises an eyebrow. “So you do have a problem with me asking her out?”
“Nope.” It takes everything within Taehyung not to growl. “I don’t care.”
“Okay then…” Hoseok sends Taehyung a kind smile (Taehyung holds back an eye roll) before pushing himself off his chair and heading over towards the cash register.
“Oh shit.”
All laugh except Taehyung who consciously suppresses his burning jealousy as he watches Hoseok taps you on the shoulder. As you turn to face him, your eyes instantly widen at Hoseok’s dominating presence. Even before Hoseok can utter another word, you stutter out a quick response before linking arms with Seulgi and shuffling out of the entrance of the coffee shop with the other two girls who shake their heads, uttering unheard words of encouragement to their shy friend.
“What was that about?” Seokjin raises an eyebrow as Hoseok struts back to the table.
Hoseok shrugs. “I don’t know, I just said hi and she acted as if I murdered her entire family.”
“She’s just shy,” Namjoon surmises. “I think I had art with her last semester, and she was always really quiet.  I just didn’t know she was that shy.”
“So, how did you know her, Taehyung?”
Jimin is greeted with an empty chair and half-eaten croissant.
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spaceorphan18 · 5 years
multsicorn replied to your post “thedorkmark replied to your post “Thinking about All the Other...”
i think they feel a lot like kurt and blaine! 'feel' of course is subjective. they did to me, at the time.
most of all i wanted to question/push back on - what does it even mean when you say that kurt felt like a woman? female *coded,* narratively, in the ways he was vulnerable, yeah, i could see that. though it was imo mega complicated by the ways he was strong and even protected others.
and re: blaine getting the masculine role.... is that vis-a-vis kurt's vulnerability? cause they *both* have a lot of vulnerability and comforting/being there for each other in the series (which is a big part of why i loved it)... more of blaine's fuckedupness is in grey but still....
or is it in the way rainjoy in the narration reiterates kurt's feminity? cause that is one thing that was certainly a much bigger thing in the first couple seasons of glee than later on - but being feminine, sometimes, in some ways, which is all anyone is, no one is in all ways and all times - does not mean he's a woman. that's. kind of a thing with (yeah, early) kurt.
ANYWAY i am not posting all these things to say 'i am right and you're wrong' - (except that the idea that a character 'feels like a woman' troubles me in a general case? what does that mean??) - but also to zoom out and make broader meta points
which is that i'm sure you have very good reasons for saying they don't feel like kurt and blaine! idk how much podcast you did but maybe i'll try to listen to it though i really Don't Podcast! 
but - ha - i am kinda talking into empty space here due to not knowing what your problems with the characterization are
if it's that certain characteristics: vulnerability, coedependence, as mentioned, sensitivtiy, probably... maybe others... maybe heroism? of a certain type ... are dialed up to eleven, or even higher, yes, i'd agree with that
but that to me what's more important is connecting the characters again and again to their canon selves, which i felt atog/grey did, rather than keeping them acting within certain bounds. if that makes sense.
how many areas of similarity do they have, not how much difference don't they have. in a scenario that's au from (or after, not fitting within) canon.
and if you don't think they *do* have all those connections, all that similarity.... i don't know! maybe we read canon differently; maybe we read rainjoy differently; (i think the characters were consistent in canon throughout, so saying they are only s1/s2 chars is what. plus blaine's insecurity which is huge in grey is clearly from later on.)
but then also also.... i am ending this now... maybe i am just wrong and if i hear all your points about how canon kurt and blaine would never i would be persuaded. bc i realized a while ago now that i give a fic so much more room to do anything if i love what it does.
by which i mean: i will literally not even notice out of character-ness on a deep level, if the characters seem similar on some surface levels and all four of them are characters i love. /okay i am done with this crazy rant love you bye.
I AM SORRY FOR ALL THE SPAM, take your time
I started replying before I got all your posts! I hope you don’t mind - but I’m relying to as much as I can! 
Mults!! I’m so glad you replied - because I know we’ve chatted a little bit about this before, and you’re much better at understanding gender issues than I am, so I’m always glad to hear your thoughts!  Plus, I think this a civil conversation in general that I’m trying to have, so, I’m coming from an conversational debate and not from any kind of attacking place, if that makes sense! 
First of all, this is all so hard to define, I agree!  It goes to my thought is how far out can an AU go? I mean, we have extreme AUs where Kurt and Blaine are no where near what they are in canon - and yet we still call them Kurt and Blaine, so where is the line? Is there a line? Probably not..  
Secondly, I agree that canon can be subjectively read - and my issue with RJ’s writing in these stories stems mainly from my own viewpoint and reading of canon’s characters.  I do agree that the characters were relatively consistently written, but grew in a very different direction than RJ’s version of them (which is understandable since just much different experiences there).  And I, personally, like what they grew into and those dynamics more than the ones that RJ presented in her story - so my opinions are most definitely subjective, and not needing to be validated or agreed with.  
Thirdly, It’s what you say - that the characters are dialed up to eleven in certain ways -- the codependency, Kurt’s fragility and sensitivity, the hyperfixations they both have - it’s a bit much for me, and a left turn from canon (which is fine - but more on that in a second), therefore not really feeling that connective tissue back to canon that gives me the emotional resonance that I feel with those canon characters (if that makes sense?).  
About Kurt feeling feminine coded specifically - I feel often times as if Rainjoy is straight up writing a female character instead of Kurt at times.  I’m not saying that it’s wrong that Kurt has traits that are traditionally more feminine, but since he’s often put into a position that’s usually reserved for a female character - sometimes I feel like the story would have read better (to me) had the character been a woman.  So, it’s more of a narrative issue than a straight up character issue? Still not sure if I’m making sense.  
And yes, that leads to, a conversation about - what is feminine/masculine/etc? that I’m not sure I’m able to really define.  I don’t know if I have the tools, words, or the in-depth understanding to have that kind of a conversation - I’ll be honest, I’m a little out of my element when discussing commentary on gender (though I’m always happy to be educated).  
I do think there are elements of both Kurt and Blaine’s characterization in there - and I’m not trying to persuade anyone to agree with any of the subject feelings as to how they don’t feel like my own versions of Kurt or Blaine.  So, I promise, I’m not doing that at all - merely thinking out loud about how this story doesn’t work for me on the Klaine level.  
I will say - I think RJ is very consistent in her writing of the story, and I do think if this was an original story it might settle better for me.  But just because the Klaine characterization doesn’t work for me doesn’t mean it won’t for someone else - it goes back to my thoughts on how far can you stray from original source material in AU? And really the answer is whatever you want it to be, really.  
Hopefully this, and the other posts, help define what i’m talking about a little more? Maybe I’m just talking nonsense now, lol <3 luv you Mults!
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Requested by anon: Can you do a married!au with Seokmin where he asks you to dance with him after a long day? Like super romantic and stuff? Thank you! 
warnings: super romantic, super cheesy, super fLUFF THAT I ACTUALLY HAD TO TAKE A BREAK FROM WRITING BC IT WAS SUPER SWEET!!!!
i hope yall enjoy this piece as much as i loved writing it <33333333
The sizzling of the stove and soft BTOB melodies crackled from your speakers, the only sounds that drifted from the kitchen
You were humming along to the harmonies, the cute pastel pink apron Seokmin bought for you last month wrapped securely around your waist as you twirled with a spatula in one hand but u didnt twirl that much ok pls dont burn the house down
You were about to reach the peak of the song when the familiar bell rang
You glanced at the clock and smiled to yourself
“7, just as expected”
You quickly wiped your hands on a nearby towel and scurried off to the front door
“Welcome home, honey!!!” you chirped
He had a slightly worn out smile but the second he laid eyes on you, his eyes lit up and the tired grin became the embodiment of the sun and blinded you lmao i luv death!!!
“AaAhHhHhHH, who’s this cutie pie??!!??!” he says with his pearly whites displaying and bear hugs you, rocking you back and forth can he just be a model for all toothpaste commercials
Im dead do u hEAR ME IM DEAD
Your face is squished into his chest and he keeps cooing at you like
“SEOKMIN P L S WE HAVE BEEN MARRIED FOR YEARS ALREADY!!!!” you laugh, wrapping your arms around him awwwwwww :’)))))))))))))))))))))))
“YOU’RE JUST TOO CUTE <333333333333”
Gives you quick but a lOT of pecks on the head, cheeks, literally scattered every inch of your face
“Omg seokmin,,,, pls you are too much!!! But i like it” you say but you’re also pouting bc he kissed everywhere but your lips
He’s more than aware of that
“Oh? You want me to stop though?” he cheekily grins at your frown
You’re about to lean in when you smell something a little burnt
“oH CRAP MY BURGERS!!!!” gotta go fast
As you’re running towards the stove he follows shortly and he’s like oooo burgers omg????
And you’re like o ok its just slightly burnt nothing too serious phew
You’re in front of the pan doing your thing when he comes fROM BEHIND AND BACK HUGS YOU AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
“You cooked burgers today??? What’s the special occasion?” you feel his chest vibrating as he gently rests his chin on your shoulder
Ok im sorry i need a breather wow ok im crying omg this is real husband material pls someone hOLD ME
He turns his neck to the left and gives you another cheek kiss and you’re trying to decipher whether your cheeks are flaming from him or the proximity between you and the heat emitting from the stove
Maybe its both maybe its maybelline im sorry i rlly gotta stop bUT I LOVE THAT JOKE LOL
He giggles at the wide grin on your face and he just gives you aNOTHER ONE :’)))) PLS DATE OR MARRY ME SEOK
“Omg ok seokmin i love you but pls im about to finish w these burgers!!! Have a seat!! It should be ready in a few more minutes”
“:(((( but i missed you aaaallll daayyyyyy”
“We’ll have more time to ourselves after dinner hun!!!” you briefly kiss him on the cheek and turn back to the pan
Error: Lee Seokmin has combusted
He’s sitting back at the dinner table while admiring your back view and he’s literally the heart eyes emoji
The look on his face with the soft stare and the corners of his lips slightly lifted upwards aaaAAAWWWW
You present him with the final product on a plate, one in each hand of yours for the both of you
“Bon appetite!!!” you say as you place it front of him and place his utensils with it
His heart eyes are almost as intense as they were when he looked at you but he’s stuffing his face so it’s kinda hard to tell LOL
“Mmghglg so good!!!” he says in between huge mouthfuls
And you’re like :’))))) i luv my hubby also u have something on your face lmao
He starts venting about his day at work and how rehearsal was just insANE
“We practiced for 5 hours without a break,,, and then we took half an hour ish break,,, and went back to dancing for 4 more and repeated this cycle since 7am”
“Soonyoung told me this really lame joke”
“Why do you always laugh tho”
“That’s what friends do!!! Laugh at your bad jokes bc of how bad they are!!!”
“We also went in the studio to record more of the new songs”
“Jihoon kept wanting me to redo it,,,, i think we all did at least 15 takes. Individually.”
And his lil chatter mouth kept going on and on but you’re just happy listening to his voice
In the midst of ranting about how complicated the footwork is, he notices you just sitting there and staring at him
“You’re not gonna finish your burger?”
And you’re like oH RIGHT LOL
“I just always get so captivated when you talk,,,, it’s so soothing”
And at first he’s like “huh?” with a little confused look and then when he finally registers he breaks out into the bIGGEST SMILE EVER AND HE’S EMBARRASSED
As you and seokmin are finishing up your meal, he’s like aaa that was the best meal ever bless ur soul
You’re like alright time to clear the table and you get up and start gathering the dishes when he’s like wait!! and grabs your wrist
“Let’s dance” he says with a gleam in his eyes
“Seokmin we gotta do the dishes first ok? And aren’t you tired of doing your choreo for practically the entire day??”
“I’ll never get tired of you though :))” uM MY HEART I HAVE CHEST PAINS
“Ok,,, since you asked so nicely,,,,,,,,,” you reluctantly agree while you place the dishes in the sink
When you meet him in the living room he’s already at the speakers and scrolling through his phone to find a song
“Ah perfect!” he taps on the song and turns back to you
You’re both getting in position to slow dance and you’re just like
“This is the cheesiest you have ever been today,,,, are you sick?”
The familiar first guitar strings of “Photograph” start playing and he softly smiles at you
Wait can u guys actually play it rn
Like. right now. Now. at this instance.
Just pause reading and play it
You can continue now
“No,,, i just need you to know i appreciate you,,, whether you’re doing chores that i can’t do at the moment or just plainly lending me an ear,,,,, I love everything you do”
You’re so mesmerized by him that you can only gape back with your mouth slightly parted open
He shakes his head and chuckles, “you don’t have to say anything. Just relax”
As the song progresses you rest your head on his chest, your bodies comfortably pressed against each other as you slowly sway
He gives you another kiss on the top of your head and murmurs, “i’m so lucky to have someone like you” lsjddfsjdfjl my HEART MY H E AR T
“The person who has the luck is me, being able to find a catch like you” you respond, a small smile creeping on your face
He twirls you around, the both of you laughing without a care in the world
The song is about to come to an end when he dips you low and stares into your eyes LJSFDJDFJDFDF IM EMBARRASED AND THIS ISNT EVEN HAPPENING TO ME BYE
You’re both looking at each other so fondly and you barely notice how he lifts you back up bc you’re both leaning in
One arm is holding your waist up, and the other is caressing your cheek as your lips meet
His soft kiss has you weak in the knees despite how you should be used to them by now but he always takes away your breath every time
You break away, your foreheads touching
“,,,,,,,oH RIGHT THE DISHES you’re helping me wash” you say and drag him to the sink
All he can do is laugh and silently pray that he will always come home to this :’))))))))))))))))
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hyunjins-bebe-blog · 6 years
Primadonna Girl - K.W.J. AU
You were a model reaching the peak of your career, when your darling daddy just announced that you’re getting married to Kim Woojin, the heir of his best friend’s company.
Genre: Businessman!AU/Fluff/Some light Angst
Pairing: Woojin x Female Reader
A/N: ahh! This chapter is so emotional guys, like, it’s a rollercoaster. Anyways, there’s a special mention in this one! Guess who mehehehe :> thanks 4 reading luv u mwa
Word Count:  1209
Chapter 8/10
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I thought I got this guy fired already?
You groan and prepared yourself to take the call, Woojin watching you as he began setting the dining table.
“Hello?” you say into the phone, annoyed that he was still calling you.
“Uh hey, I just wanted to say sorry for the thing earlier, so I got you another shoot.”
“You what?!” you were screaming again, unbelieving in the nonsense this person was spouting at you. Woojin approached you from behind, hugging your waist.
You stiffened for a moment the relaxed, melting completely into his embrace. You leaned back on his chest and waited for Rafael to explain himself.
“Since you didn’t like the coat thing earlier, I got you a shoot with this soda brand that’s starting out, they’re releasing this cherry cola drink called ‘Ruby Heist’ and-,”
“What the hell?!” Woojin jumped from the tone of your voice and stepped back a bit, moving his hands to massage your shoulders, getting the feeling that he’ll turn deaf if he continues to hug you.
“Look, Rafael, I don’t know where you were picked up from, but do you seriously think that you’re entitled to do this fucking much? As far as I’m concerned, I already got you fired the minute I hung up on you-,”
“About that-,”
“Shut up! I’m still talking!” you were enraged now. Whoever this Rafael was, he was going on a suicide attempt.
“If it isn’t clear enough, you’re fucking fired. Don’t go saying I can’t fire you because it was Jonathan who interviewed you, but you’re working for me, understand? You’re fired! F-I-R-E-D fired! I don’t know how many times I’ll have to say it to get it through your thick skull, but remember this. This is the last time you’ll get hired as an assistant. I’m blacklisting you. Goodbye.” You hung up, feeling the tears coming up.
You burrow your face into your hands, releasing the pent up frustration you had. Woojin pulled you into his arms as you cried, rocking you back and forth. You don’t know how it happened, but you were now sitting on top of your kitchen island, Woojin wiping away your tears. Just last night you were in this position, but somehow, you were more comfortable with him. You don’t know how it happened. It’s not like you spent all night last night talking to Woojin about aimless things, it’s just that his presence is so calming, making it impossible for anyone to feel awkward with him.
“You wanna talk about it?” he asks, cupping your cheeks.
You let out a sniffle, fumbling over your words. “I-It’s that gu-guy again from earlier, h-he called me telling me th-that he booked a shoot for a s-soda brand, and I don’t even like soda!” you let your tears fall into the palm of his hands, as he pulls you in for another hug.
“And it’s l-like he’s under-valuing me, b-booking shoots for small c-companies, like I haven’t been working my ass off for eight years!”
Woojin listens to you rant, rubbing circles on your back. He grabs his phone out of his back pocket and begins writing an email to your dad’s secretary, Jonathan. You sob into his shoulder as he finishes off his email, telling him to send him the list of people who wants to work for you, that he’ll be the one who’ll check all their resumes.
After you calm down from your little outburst, Woojin smiles brightly at you and squeezes your cheeks, making a remark about how puffy your face became, before leading you over to the dining table, where the chicken awaits.
Sniffling, you grab a chicken leg and bite into it, slowly feeling happy, from Woojin making silly daces at you across the table and because of the chicken. Soon enough, you were laughing, eating with him happily.
That night, you were in the study with Woojin, looking at the people who wanted to work for you. You learned that he asked for this list, and you were content with him picking out your new assistant. From that list, you stumble upon that name again. Daniel.
“Hey, can you look at this guy’s resume? I’ve managed to see his work ethics before, and it looked really good.” You say, leaning over his shoulder to see the laptop screen better.
“Kang Daniel,” he mutters. You peer over to see his birth date.
“Ooh! He’s a Sagittarius!” you say, even more interested in this person.
Woojin narrows his eyes, “Says here that he studied in Canada, and his ideal type is someone older than him?” He turns to you, wondering why you would deem it necessary to have ideal types in a resume.
You rolled your eyes, “I need to know if they’ll like me romantically or not. After my fourth assistant, I would very much like that situation not to happen ever again.”
Back when you were eighteen, your fourth assistant was this maniac who would peep on you when you were changing for shoots. Good thing Mark caught him, and his reasoning for this was that you fit into his ideal type, it’s not like it’s his fault.
Once Woojin heard of this story, he rolled his eyes, impressing you, since it was kind of better than yours.
Finished reading through his resume, you and Woojin open up your email to send one to him, informing him that he has been chosen for this position. While scrolling through the different emails you received- some informing you of sales at tempura houses, one from the Rafael guy begging you to take him back, the rest of it being notifications from your Instagram page, your eyes catch something interesting.
Without a word, you pointed to it, and the cursor followed your finger, clicking on the email. You let out a high pitch noise as you read who it’s from:
Diamants Précieux
This was the agency you’ve been waiting for you entire career!
We would like to partner up with you for a photo shoot in Haedong Yonggungsa, in Busan, Korea. We’re currently within the vicinity, and have heard of you through different casting agencies.  
“Oh my god!” you jumped up and down, screaming- this time out of happiness.
Woojin continued reading the email. “Says here that the shoot is scheduled tomorrow evening then the morning after, and your presence is highly appreciated.”
“Yes! Tell them yes! Oh my god!”
Woojin scrunched up his eyebrows, replying to the email, at the same time wondering what’ll happen, because your wedding was in five days.
“There, I sent it, but how about the wedding?” he turns to you, and you stop dancing, to look at him for a brief second.
“Don’t worry; I’m sure your mom already has contacted venues and caterers. I’ll just be gone for two days, so you can go and rest or do some CEO stuff or whatever,” you say, hugging him tightly. He hugged back just as tight, but the moment only lasted for a second, as you flee the study, shouting that you need to pack.
He chuckled softly, turning back to the computer screen, booking two flights for Busan, Korea. Looks like he’ll need to pack for this trip as well.
Chapter 9/10
0 notes
imsarabum · 7 years
Responses to {Part 25} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^
(I have also included asks that I received in the hours before IWSY was posted ^^)
@ofwolvesandbutterflies said: Oh mai gawd it's tuesday! you know what that means... IWSY part 25 is coming tonight!
IT’S VAMPDAY! Hehe :3 I’m excited!!
@life-guru said: It's Tuesday!!!!!! I am so ready😙
Yay! I hope you’ll enjoy it love :D
@openup-yourmind said: Hi, i just wanted to let you know that i can't wait for the next chapter! ♡ You're a breat writer and i send big love from Montreal/Canada 😘❤🍁 *big hug* :)!
Thank you so much honeypot! I really hope you’ll like it :D Yay hugs from Canada! Have some hugs from the U.K too *hugs* hehe ^^
@bangtangurlarmy said: Girl, I live for your writings. ABANSJWJAIWKAKKWNWIMWALMAJW I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER AND I HAVE FINALS ON SATURDAY BUT IT'S MY LAST EXAM SO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA.  I love you❤❤ And Justin Seagull❤ and Jack, Christian Chim Chim....Yoonki Min as well... Oh wait, I love Monie and Jin and J-dope too😌
I BURST OUT LAUGHING AT J-DOPE LMAO OH YM GOD xD Ahhh your nicknames for them all are so cute, when will I ever~ And hey, you’re one to talk! I’ve been sneaking through your Taehyung scenarios like *wiggles eyebrows* and I love your writing so much! And of course, I love you a lot too ❤  I hope your finals won’t be too stressful for you my dear, you’ll do well I know you will!
@mocking-butts said: I like can't focus properly because I'm waiting for the new update~ I need to know what happens mumsy oh god I'm dying here ㅠㅠ
I hope you’ll enjoy it honeypie! :3
Anonymous said: That was heavy man...
Good heavy I hope~
Thank you so much anon and friend! I love you too :3
@mocking-butts said: WAIT WHAT OH MY- IM MAMING THE MOST UNGODLY NOISES IM LIKE I CANT EVEN MUMSY WHYYYYY PLEASE BE NEXT WEEK FATSER~ ksjsndndkdkdkek I forgot how to speak I'm going to go cry now and drown in my tears 😭
Please don’t cry please smile for me :( I hope you enjoyed it though! :c Thank you for reading my love!
Anonymous said: Shit just went down I love when your fanfics get angsty OMG thank u Sara  --wifey anon
I’m glad you enjoy the angst wifey anon c: Plenty more where that came from! ^^ Thank you so much for reading it :D
Anonymous said: I was having a poop week, and this made my day. BUT THAT CLIFFHANGER!! AND I'M PREGGERS *screams* PS I forgive you and love you too :) *more screams* -Vampnip anon
I’m sorry you had such a poop week *hugs* I hope your week gets better! AND YES OMG YOUR PREGGERS CONGRATS BABE! lolol c: Thank you for forgiving me Vampnip anon c: And thank you so much for reading!
Anonymous said: *says in ratchet voice* OMG NO! You did not just do that to me bitch! Like how the fuck am I supposed to be able to live for another week to read the rest of this story! Like, hell to the no... just saying you better come to my funeral Luv u bitch xxx
I DID JUST DO THAT TO YOU~ muhaha ^^ I’ll be there dressed in my best I’M KIDDING NO PLEASE DON’T DIE ID BE REALLY SAD FOR REAL :( I love you too lol and thank you for reading the update :3
@mini-mini-jiminie33 said: In response to the cliffhanger on chapter 25 of I Won't Stop You--yOU ARE THE GOD OF CLIFFHANGERS AND IDK WHETHER TO LOVE YOU OR HATE YOU FOR THAT OMG IM SCREAMING AAH
I do rather enjoy the things I do to you ^^ Does that make me evil like Yoongi? Probably c: thank you for reading my love :3
Anonymous said: OMG THE OC Is PREGNANT FUCK YES! Hmm pregnant from all that fucking 😉😏😏I HOPE THE BABY IS OK
*jay parks aquaman plays in the background* ‘lemme call you mama cos we abouta make a baby’ OML YES ALL THE FUCKING~ haha thank you very much for reading the new chapter doll :D
@jynxy24 said: YOU. MAKE. ME. WANNA. SCREAM. AND  CRY. OMG. SAAAARRRRAAAAAAAAAAA! HOW COULD YOU?! I TRUSTED YOU TO PROTECT MY HEART BUT MY HEARTEU! MY HEARTEU IS, ARRRHHHH!!  Okay, rant is over. How've you been, Sara!! I hope you have been well, is the weather there great? Stay healthy!! >.< CHAPTER WAS AWESOME BTW AAAAHHHHH!! I'M SO FRICKIN CURIOUS OF WHAT YOONGI IS GONNA DO!! I hope Namjoon turns good at the end(I can frickin sense it) :3 I have to go, stay awesome, Sara! Love you!
I promise you that your heart will be okay and that everything will work out in the end!! I’ve been okay, super stressed and busy and hardly any time to do anything other than study and work but I am trying to hard to stay on top of things ^^ The weather is FREEZING but I wrap up warm. How are you doing?! And thank you so much for reading the new update and I love you too honeypie!! :3
shh...it’s okay...it’s all gonna be okay c: ehehe~
Anonymous said: jimin hates white ppl xoxo
xoxo Gossip Girl xoxo
@doubletroublesince1994 said: This is literally making me die and anticipation omgg I loved every bit of this chapter but man waiting for another week for the next chapter is gonna be hard for me 😂😂😂 Thank you so much for writing this, this is truly a blessing I love youuu ❤
Ahhh thank you so much for reading it and I love you too! I know it sucks waiting for things to come out :( but I’m glad that you still read every week despite the wait!! I appreciate it so much :3 Thank you darling :D
Anonymous said: I... Don't know what to say... So much just happened in part 25, Yoongi has 'me' in custody, 'i'm' pregnant with Jungkook's baby, and Jungkook has it so bad that he decided to protect both 'me' and the baby. Fucking Yoongi. Literally, the song 'Why' by Taeyeon is playing in the background and that is  the one word going through my mind right now. How do you write so well and give me the ultimate feels?! I love you, take care of yourself, and yeah. r.i.p. me. - army anon
It really was a chapter filled with so many emotions and feelings and points of view, I’m glad it could give you ultimate feels! Ahhh Why my Taeyeon is a beautiful song, you’ve put me in the mood to listen to it now! I love you too and I hope you will have an amazing week Army anon ^^ thank you so much for reading it!
@theninjachan said: this is gonna sound weird but yoongi is my bias so instead of being pissed of or angry with his villainous chuckles i was rather......turned on???? HAHAHA. anyway this was a great chapter as usual. and y/n is pregnant? oh boy oh boy oh boy i'm excited for tuesday to come
No no not at all! I rather enjoy that passive-aggressive asshole type behaviour and it is high-key sexy as fuck in so many ways lol (THIS IS WHY ALL MY RELATIONSHIPS HAVE FAILED I MAKE THESE BAD DECISIONS) lol thank you so much for reading again this week love ^^
Anonymous said: I'm dying a little bit by every sentence I read,  I know this is a fiction (and a VERY GOOD at that), but it still rips me apart reading this chapter especially when Serrena told Jungkook about the unborn child, and I know JK love her and their unborn child with all his life, he will protect them at all cost even if it means his life been taken away :( --Lotsa love Erica from U.S--
Hello Erica!! Thank you so much for reading IWSY it means a lot to me and I’m so happy you think it’s good! And yeah, it’s both a happy and a sad thought. When I was writing the chapter, I was actually listening to Flyleaf’s song ‘Circle’ and the lyrics ‘no man shows greater love than when a man lays down his life for his beloved’ was echoing throughout my mind ^^
@mysr3 said: WHAT!*still shock*What! I thought they were being sAfe! Sara u 've serious explanations to do! I luv how u had JK shift on so many emotions in such short span. the moment of JK n his mom is touching. N u w/ ur evil genius plot Twist! U n this ch r the reason my emotions r over the place rn! Just "Ding-dong” at the end had my imagination run wild of what will happen next. Y Yoongi sounds so hot! Ahh the torture week of waiting for IWSY now begin 😭glare, pouty 😤lol LuV u! ❤️ Thank you!
Don’t glare or be pouty at me!! :c hehe but heY WAIT I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WEREN’T LOOKING FORWARD TO THE UPDATE HM?? ;) lolol I’m glad I could put your emotions all over the place, this makes me very very happy ^^ But thank you once again for reading this weeks chapter and I love you too despite the amount of apparent pain I’ve caused you :3
Anonymous said: It's 11:35 pm my time and I can't control my emotions. Like fuck man. Y/N is preg-a-nant and like I'm happy af.  But why Yoongi gotta fuck everything up. Like couldn't their happiness have lasted a little longer. But it's okay cause y/n a bad bitch you can't kill her. Then JUNGKOOK  gonna fight Yoongi and save his girl cause he a real man-vampire. This story so good that I'll wait another week but these dramatic cliffhangers gotta stop mom (Name the baby after me plz) Love you  💜 ~LilKookieAnon
She is definitely a bad bitch, Yoongi don’t know who he’s fucking with! :3 AND NO NEVER THE CLIFFHANGERS ARE HERE TO STAY I’M SORRY JUST EMBRACE THEM AND ACCEPT THEM AS A PART OF YOU OKAY?! hehe~ thank you my love for reading and I hope you’re having a great week LilKookieAnon ^^
@jeonjungrude said: OMGG THE CLIFFHANGER AND THE FACT THAT SHE IS PREGNANT!! OMGGG WHY U DOING THIS TO MY POOR POOR HEART !! 😭😭😩😩 now i have to wait till next week omg may god save me !! 🖤
Because...I enjoy your pain *evil laugh* I guess this makes me similar to Yoongi lol we are sadists with our intentions :3 But I think mine are far less sinister, well...I hope :3 thank you so much for reading my love and I hope you enjoyed it ^^
Anonymous said: Didn't they have unprotected sex after the ball? How come she become pregnant?
Do you know how sex works my love? :3 You can still get pregnant when you use a condom because nothing (except abstinence) is 100% safe!! And also - if you read the parts when they have sex, there are instances when Jungkook is having sex with the reader when he isn’t wearing a condom. For instance, the morning after the first time they have sex. The reader is on top and he hasn’t got a condom on. Yes - he doesn’t “finish” inside her, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t get pregnant ^^
Anonymous said: Me: OH ITS TUESDAY! *reading IWSY* Fic: Ding-dong” the bell chimed. To be continued..." Me: -_________- well shit NOOO WHY?! EVEN JUST ONE MORE DETAILED SENTENCE THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING. *depressed* *needs to wait for another week ㅠㅠ* Hehehe...i honestly love ur works! Specially IWSY! It's really unique for my opinion and it's im telling u IT'S WELL WRITTEN. It's soooo gooood. I've never been this excited just for tuesdays, ever in my life😂. It's really of the best and one of my favourites! 💕
Thank you so much for thinking that it’s unique and well written, that makes me so happy ^^ Thank you very much my love!! :3
@coppertopging said: I KNEW IT!!!!!! I KNEW SHE WAS PREGNANT!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!! WHY IS TUESDAY 7 DAYS AWAY AGAIN?!?!?!?!?!?!
DUN DUN DUN! c: You guessed correctly! I’m sorry for the long waits :( I wish I could write more than one chapter a week :( thank you my love for reading :D
Anonymous said: OH MY GOD PLEEEASE let this have a happy ending!!! My heart my poor heart😭😭😭
I hope it will have a happy ending for you my love!
@ananyak26 said: Omg author nim! Part 25 was cruelxD. It was amaaazingly written, and I loved it a lot. Great job!
I apologise for it being so cruel :c but thank you so much for reading dear!!
@life-guru said: Ahhhhhh she's pregnant!! I hope everything works out and that namjoon gets saved somehow! Thank you for blessing us with such a great story!!❤️😘
I hope so too c: thank you so much for reading my stories!
Anonymous said: FRICK. That is all I have to say about IWSY chapter 25. Thank you and goodnight.  - 종달새 ❤︎
I hope that’s a good thing! c: Thank you very much for reading my love - good night!!
@animeimmortal said: WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT LIKE SHES PRGNANT WHAT AND ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER PLEASE LET ME LIVE IM TRYING TO LIVE IN PEACE AND THIS IS OMG the storm is really not helping and Serena? Lord she could have told Y/N about it at least -.- love you 😍❤❤❤
ALL THE FRUSTRATING THINGS GAHHHH! hehe, thank you so much for reading it aand I love you very much too ^^
@noceurash said: Im!!! I'm so hyped over iwsy omg it's happening!!!! I can't wait for the next part, I love you!! This chapter was so good aaah. I hope you have a good day~~
YAY I’M SO GLAD IT GOT YOU HYPED! Thank you so much my love, I hope you have a good day too :D
@toxic-seoul said: I AM FREAKING OUT SARA OH MY GOD dcdjsjicfk I'm so ready for the next chapter I wanna kno what Yoongi is planning. I want Serena 2 come in like a badass mama & save her son & every1 cuz moms r awesome & shit but I also want JK to tear Yoongi apart. But then I also want Yoongi 2 fuq reader up cuz I'm messed up like that lol bUT NO YOONGI NEEDS TO CHECK HIMSELF BIH IM NOT LIKING HIS ATTITUDE. Bitch boi got another thing comin if he thinks he's getting away with that pfft. Amazing as always btw lol
Badass mama here to save the day! I hope she does that c: AND YES WE CANT LET HIM GET AWAY WITH IT HOW DARE HE, HE’S SO RUDE D: hehe, thank you so much for reading honeypot, you’re awesome an I hope you have a great day ^^
Anonymous said: Oh my god!! All those asks about the reader getting her period!!! And now!!!!! The latest chapter was great and I'm always amazed by your vocabulary :3 Thank you so much for writing I Won't Stop You!
I KNOW LOL IT’S LIKE ‘JESUS CHRIST JUST WAIT FOR THE STORY OH MY GOD’ lol like...please :( haha thank you so much doll, that really means so much to me :D Thank you for reading IWSY and for messaging me too :D
Please don’t explode no D: YES A CHILD! YES YOU CAN SURVIVE THE WEEK I PROMISE YOU CAN :D hehe~ thank you so much for reading my love ^^
Anonymous said: Wow for once I'm here relatively early and //HOLY SHIT !! The plot is thick and everything is so emotionally charged right now and I'm dying ... but lowkey looking forward to full squad next week (even if 4/7 of them are baddies)
Thank you very much for reading it! I’m glad you’re finding it emotionally charged c: And yep! The gang is all together hehe :D
Anonymous said: i can't wait for nxt tuesday alrd 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Me either! :3 thank you!
@brilliantbellesoares said: IWSY FEEDBACK: I don't know if I'm crying of joy because I'm happy they're having a child or of sadness because of what could happen to that child
That two edged sword tho ;D hehe! thank you so much :D
@wanda-rog said: You're so nice and such a good writter! Still so evil...how dare you give us another cliffhanger? You probably laugh maniacally when you type "to be continued". I just want her to be back with Jungkook! And now she is pregnant and in danger TT another long week before update 😭
My evilness is a charm, I promise ;D Whenever I finish it and read it out to my mum, she screams in distress, so I already have an idea of what will happen :3 thank you for reading my love ^^
Anonymous said: HOOOOOOO BOY SHE FUCKING PREGNANT SJDJDJ oh my god this chapter has my ass up the entire time djdjdjd WHAT THE FUCK im dying to know what yoongis after for y/n what thefcuk
All will be revealed soon! :3 hehe thank you so much for reading ^^
LMAO OHMY GOD hahahaha xD Well - if you read the parts when they have sex, there are instances when Jungkook is having sex with the reader when he isn’t wearing a condom. For instance, the morning after the first time they have sex. The reader is on top and he hasn’t got a condom on. Yes - he doesn’t “finish” inside her, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t get pregnant ^^ And also, just because you’re using a condom, doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant! Thank you for reading love :D
Anonymous said: The scale for this story isn't 0 to 100 anymore. It's just 100 to 5000 at this point ya know? There's never a point where this story rests at 0
heh, I think that’s a matter of subjectivity my darling. There are points in which I believe this story is calm and tranquil depending on the situation - take the moment in the restaurant for example, or various soft/romantic moments that the reader is subjected to. Of course, it is a Vampire fiction, so the element of thrill would naturally be quite high :D
@xokookiebts said: I swear im choking. If her baby gets hurt, im breaking my phone i stg. I will sue min yoongi. That little shit.
Please don’t break your phone! I hope that everything works out for you in the story c: thank you for reading my love!
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onlyjihoons · 8 years
ask:  I'm in love with boyfriend!haechan so can you do the same with Jaehyun and/or Mark and/or Ten (depending on how busy you are)? Please 💕 and thanks ❤ -anon friend
omg im so so so thankful you liked my bf!donghyuck au ahhh and i’m really sorry this took so long because it was the chinese new year holidays and i was visiting my friends and family and on top of that, schoolwork has been piling up since the common tests are coming up real soon,, i cri ;-; but my ask box is always open because after my homework is done i usually think of plots for my asks hehe ok im ranting too much 
pls give casper/jeffery lots of luv bc he’s rlly fluffy and i practically say this to everyone in nct but i nearly swerved into his lane at one point ngl
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ok shall we start
let’s go
so there was once upon a time
where you moved to america for a period of time bc your parents were posted to work there
and this neighbourhood was super pretty like this:
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and like
the neighbour beside ya’ll invited your fam into their house for a break
and they greeted you w loads of snacks:
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and turns out they’re koreans being sent to america to work too
and like there was this shy boy hiding behind his mom
“yoonoh! don’t be shy!” you hear his mom nag
in the end his mom had to drag him
“this is yoonoh, he’s 6 this year”
and she got your mom get all excited like
dRaGgInG you too
“this is Y/N, she’s the same age as yoonoh!”
since that boy was so so shy
shy shy shy
you had to introduce yourself first
“i’m Y/F/N, let’s be friends yoonoh-ya.”
and he just sMiLeS at you
w those cute deep dimples
and you were shookt bc he wasn’t that shy boi anymore wth
then he just drags you upstairs to his room
to show you his Lego collection
and that’s where it all started
fast forward 8 years later
ya’ll were at your friend’s lil birthday party
and by now you guys were neighbours and best friends at the same time
so ya’ll played truth and dare w your friends
ok a lil back track here
there was one fine day when you and jaehyun were playing on the swing
and you noticed how handsome he was
like he was already cute enough
and your hormones whispering to you like
“he’s cute! go get him!”
you nod internally but another part of you stops yourself
“don’t do it you’re gonna risk your friendship”
so you just sigh to yourself and keep that crush on him to yourself
and you vented your feelings into your diary
you brought that diary to school
and left it on your table during recess
your other bestfriend not so innocently peeks into your sacred diary
bc she saw you acting more girly around jaehyun
and boom
she knew
so she told the whole class about it
except you and jaehyun
she also knows about jaehyun’s crush on you
thanks to his trustworthy friends
and she planned all of this on purpose
ok back to the party
when the pen pointed between you and jaehyun
ya’ll picked dare bc yolo
your friends dared ya’ll 7 minutes in heaven
they locked ya’ll in this attic
which was pretty cosy tbh
sat face to face w each other
and your defence mechanism kicks in
“more like 7 minutes in hell,” you scoffed
little did you know that you hurt poor woojae’s feelings
and his face turns serious like
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“can i tell you something?”
“yeah sure”
“promise not to tell anyone”
“we’re best friends, yoonoh-yah.”
then he snapped at the word best friends
“i really hate it when you say that!”
and you were like whot is happening did i do smth wrong
“i really hate it when you label us as best friends”
then you thought he was being ridiculous
“then what do you want us to be?”
“i want you to be my girlfriend”
oH tHat’s when shit got real
you slowly shifted backwards
like so shookt
your crush actually like you back
your dreams actually came true
and you were like
“don’t try to make me feel better, yoonoh.”
and that’s when he leans in and kisses you
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you guys’ first kiss awh
and after a few seconds he leaned his head against yours
“i love you, Y/N.”
and shortly after you hear whispers outside
“have they kissed yet?”
“omg what if they’re having that”
“ew no way!”
you and jaehyun laugh @ your friends bc they being silly
so ya’ll hold hand and prepare to get out when the door opened
and your friends saw ya’ll w hands interlaced
and they swooned omg
and cheeky jae:
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i shall timeskip or i will faint
now ya’ll are like 18
jaehyun’s a trainee from SM
ngl you were super proud of him
ya’ll lived together while your parents stayed in america
you lived w jaehyun’s parents
and jaehyun ofc
on one condition
no hanky panky and the you know what i mean
you willingly obliged bc you aren’t that kind of person
but jaehyun was
only a tiny bit
bc you were so smol and kyoot
he felt the need to protect you at all costs
partially bc his height towered over u
and he didn’t want to disappoint both of ya’ll parents as well so
one day his parents went out of town to run some errands
and left ya’ll at home
the moment his parents stepped out of the house he pushed you into the store room
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i’m am a mark stan i’m a mark stan i’m a mark stan
and you were so shookt like WHAT ARE YOU DOING
you were retaliating but this boy has super human strength
and after a few moments he pulled away and 
“you had no idea how much i wanted to do that”
you slapped his chest and scolded him
“you do know that I live here under one condition right”
“but my parents aren’t home🌚”
“that doesn’t mean you can just-- nevermind”
and you just stormed out of the store room
but inside you were idk a mixed feeling
like your heart bbbeating so fast
yet you’re mad jaehyun broke the rules
jaehyun knows you liked it
you slumped on your shared bed, staring at the ceiling
“go away”
“i know you liked it”
you just back faced him and ignored him
and then stupid jaehyun he joins you lying on the bed
“i didn’t know the ceiling was more good looking than me”
“i didn’t know you were such an asshole”
jaehyun was dying internally bc damn you were so cute
then jaehyun hugged you from behind
“i’m sorry babe, did i make you mad?”
you finally turned to face him
“what do you think”
jaehyun resorts to aegyo
bc he knows you’re weak
“woojae is sooo sooooo sorryyyyy”
and you forgave him
you guys went on dates
like food dates
at home lololol
because why eat out when you have a masterchef at home
so instead ya’ll went on a grocery shopping date most of the time
jaehyun carrying you and plopping you into the trolley
people were staring at ya’ll overgrown kids
you screaming as jae pushes you at 100000km/h
the security nearly kicked ya’ll out
when jaehyun cooks you always hug him from behind
and he nearly burned down the kitchen bc you distract him
and him always sneaking those pieces of meat and feeding you before the dish is even done
and the end product was only left w 4 pieces of meat
when nct u was about to debut jaehyun had late practices
and he had lesser time w u
you were a little sad tbh
but you know his career is more important
esp if his company finds out he’s dating
that wouldn’t be a good thing
and there was one day jaehyun didn’t return home
at least jae could drop a message that he was not coming home or smth
but he didn’t so you were riled up about that
you texted jaehyun a million times but he’s only read them
you were so annoyed at jaehyun ngl
then you received a text from taeyong
“we’re having our showcase tomorrow, jae really needs your support”
you were rolling your eyes and typed a haste reply
“what support? he doesn’t come home or drop me a message”
“i’ll have backstage passes for you and his parents, i’ll send you the link”
you made a mental note to yourself to attend it nonetheless
“did jaehyun bribe you to do this?”
“... no”
“pls tell him i’m mad @ him ok”
the next day you and his parents attended his debut showcase
and when you saw him perform you were so proud AHHH
you and his mom cried
after the showcase ended you went back stage
and jaehyun shows up with flowers
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i couldn’t find jaehyun w flowers so here’s cuddly jae
“i’m sorry i kept you waiting babe, happy anniversary”
and then he pecks your lips right on the spot
the nct members were shookt
what jaehyun...why...
cue your cheeks flushing red
and jaehyun giggling cause u cute awh and hugging you
ok i shall end here
thank you for requesting omg
pls show jaehyun lots of luv
this is probably not on par w the rest of my boyfriend series
i will re write if its not up to standard,, sorry:(
ok anyway 
have a nice day/night ahead!💘
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Here's your chance to spread some love! Tag ten mutuals and tell us why you love them, then send to 10 people on your dash! 💘
omg omg omg ok i suddenly have 573974793 people i want to spread love to but in reality only like 4 talk 2 me dlkjfsjd 
@kpopsinarios the first thing that struck me about her was that her persona on here was really quite similar to mine n how shes such such a sweetheart a lottttttttt more than me n i luv her sm!!! i cant believe im blessed to be her wifey!!! she instantly makes me feel better when i see a notif with her name on it!! an amazing writer on top of being an amazing person who im really quite envious of being an actual angel (she looks like one too!!!) jeonghan is shaking in his boots!!! never fails to brighten my day!
@kakaotaeks​ elENA!!!! MY SOULMATE HOLY CRAP it honestly scares me how similar we are!!! i know u have my back as much as i have urs and im so lucky to have someone like u!!! one of the best people to fangirl with and she just g e t s it!!! we’ve both been busy lately and haven’t been talking as much but just know that im only a message away n i miss talking to u!!! we help each other out with fics and i don’t know where that flower boy!jeonghan au would be if it weren’t for her LOL ily sm bby!!!! her writing can screw me up it’s sO GOOD I DONT UNDERSTAND
@justkpopjokes​ IM PRETTY SURE LIN WAS MY FIRST MUTUAL HERE AND IM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL TO KNOW A RAP MEME GODDESS!!!! she’s one of the sweetest people ever but it’s quite overlooked bc she tries to cheer u up with memes LOL but no one gives her enough credit of her sweetness and generosity!!! shes multitalented at everything, from drawing to rapping! i cant relate!!! i love her to bits she’s so sweet and funny!! i live for her raps and her overall voice she is such a queen who needs to rise!!
 @mansaeboysbe​ i’ve only talked to admin bee so far!! she’s insanely sweet and kind and so lovable!!! any person would be incredibly lucky to have her in their lives. the way she describes members is pretty much something you would want your partner to say about you and i just cant fathom how cute she is!! she does her absolute best to comfort you and the things she says still make me soft to this moment im typing this!!! not to mention her writing is beautiful and im upset their blog doesn’t get enough recognition as it should!!! we have so many names like the soonyoung support squad, brent, etc etc and i love them all and i love this lil bean!!!
@chanispumpkin​ this poppin b deserves to be hyped up all the time she is!!!! so amazing and sweet!!!! when we first talked i was like she’s gonna drop me faster than a hot potato but she’s still here for some reason!!! a strong fighting warrior who i give all my props to!! also the things we say about groups??? so relatable i love our convos she’s always a delight talking to i luv you bb and i know you will be able to find someone who will accept you for who you are, flaws and all! you are well loved and deserve to see that for yourself!!!
@soongyuz​ my heart swells every time i think about priya she is one of the sweetest people ever and she’s just added on to the list of people who make me soft 25/8 :’)))) babe don’t think that you’re bothering me or anyone when something is bothering you bc i am more than willing to listen and be there for you!!! SHE’S SO CUTE IT ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY HURTS MY HEART :’((( im so overwhelmed bc i have never received this amount of love until i made this blog and these sweet people just come in like a wrecking ball and she’s one of them!!! im crying, my heart is crying, my soul is crying, the sun is crying i love her so much
@hoshbrownie​ she is so so much more than she gives herself credit for!!! an amazing person and deserves the world!!!! its difficult to communicate bc of the major time differences but we’ve worked through it somehow!! also a relatable person and really sweet!!! every time we talk its always Wild bc there’s always some weird thing happening LOL and baby im not going anywhere dont think ill leave u GUYS IF ANYTHING THATS MY LINE!! im DEATHLY worried you guys are gonna leave me its one of my worst fears :((( but dont think for a second i will be leaving u bc im not going anywhere!!!
@fluffilyangsty​ a timeless beaut!!! im still shaking how im mutuals with libi but i’m rolling with it!! getting to know her has been v v interesting and her passion for music is the same passion i want to have for everything. she’s a woman with a goal and will get there! i love it and i love her!!! one of the best writers and this community knows it!! im eyeing my fics and i feel ashamed LOL she never ceases to amaze me both as a person and as a writer!!! beautiful inside and out!!!
@17rxn​ shai omg my heart :’))) so so sweet talking to her gives me warm feelings! most of our interactions have been about ranting about idols, her love for sungyoon, and me trying to introduce her to more kings!!! she’s so amazing and friendly i absolutely love talking to this lil bean!!! i dont even remember which fic of hers was my first but all i know is boy am i glad to have found her blog when i did!!! her writing is fantastic and the writer is just as lovely!!! she’s so cute and i love her!!!
@parkjmini​ I WAS SO SHOOK WHEN U MENTIONED ME SO I WILL DO THE SAME FOR U BBY!!! joyce is such a great and funny person i love talking to her!!! when i found out she was a fellow writer i was like heLLO ME 2 WOW!!!! im so proud of her milestone of reaching 1k+ followers bc she sure deserves all of them and much more!!! also those selfies? damn girl im shook meanwhile i look 5!!! i also know her irl and shes just as lovely as she is on here!!! 
OK IM SCREAMING BC I HAVE AT LEAST 5 MORE PPL I WANTED TO ADD BUT ITS ONLY TO 10 SO IM SORRY I STILL LOVE U IF I DIDNT TAG YOU! all of these said people and the ones who i didn’t mention are all special to me, so don’t think of anything about the numbering! this is in no particular order!!! thank you for being amazing sweet people who I’ve been blessed to get to know!!! 💞💞💓💓
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