#SOTR Victor
kald-dal-art · 4 months
Wishes for the new Hunger Games book ngl
(Also only included the Victors I think would make sense to show up based on their potential ages so that's why Finnick/Cashmere/Johanna/etc isn't here BTW:^))
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thefloatingwriter · 3 months
sunrise on the reaping is where headcanons go to die.
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lostlavenderer · 3 months
I too would love a Haymitch POV, but you know what POV I'd love to see in sunrise? Haymitch's mentor.
Allegedly, at least according to the Capitol, there's no previous victor of district 12, so I'm assuming the mentor must be Capitol-assigned. However, other districts like 1 and 2 will have had countless of winners after 49 games, in fact I'm guessing most districts will have victors as mentors. But not district twelve, not yet.
I wonder how it would feel, as a Capitol citizen, to be so excited to be assigned a mentor position, to dress up all flashy for it and to then sit in a room filled with anxious, deeply traumatized people watching what you consider the Eurovision of your youth as they quietly despise every second of it and watch in horror as you laugh and clap. It must be so strange, so isolating and uncanny, so unlike everything you've ever known to hear these victors' snide comments towards the gamemakers, their ungratefulness for what they've gotten from their own victories and their unfiltered hatred that hides behind the famous, glorious personas you know them as. Every second in the training center with your two tributes, in the moments shared with your fellow mentors as they gear up to talk to sponsors as if they're readying for battle, it all leaves small cracks in the worldview you've gotten so comfortable with for all your life.
Yeah, I truly wonder how that mentor must feel.
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Okay so let me be cringe and free but I’ve had a little ‘project’ idea for quite some time about making wiki-adjacent things and one totally specific thing on my mind has been ships.
Not just like shipping in a meta-fandom way (which that interests me too, but that’s another convo for a different day), but in an “individual ship appeal” way.
Like, using a Hunger Games specific example: Everlark. Everlark (Katniss x Peeta) has been analyzed literally ever since the books came out, but still.
Anyways, all this to say, there will be a ‘shipping’ themed post sometime hopefully soon(??)
(I will be EXCLUDING any pro-shipping things. I do no want to discuss that, so please do not mention any minors/adults or anything the like)
(Some of these are super niche and I don’t expect a lot of various answers, but I wanted to list out nearly every possible ship with Haymitch) ↴
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 months
imagine if we get an epilogue at the end of sotr that flashes forward in time either to :
- the moment katniss volunteers
- the moment with the berries when haymitch brings home not one but two victors for the first time
- a scene we’ve never seen before that takes place after the war but maybe not long after (so mid-gbt)
- a scene with everlark and the toastbabies
- haymitch on his deathbed surrounded by the people who loved him
yes, this is granted that sotr is actually about haymitch.
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ivysos2001 · 4 months
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This description of sotr is so interesting to me because for both thg and tbosas the initial description centered around the main character- like when we got the tbosas announcement it told us explicitly that the books would follow snow and his role in the 10th hunger games
Maybe haymitchs role as the protagonist is just meant to be implied bc we already know he’s the victor of these games but I feel like the lack of naming him as the protagonist in the announcement could mean that he’s not necessarily the protagonist 👀
I just love being able to theorize about a new hunger games book again I’m so excited
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districtscare · 2 months
🔥 sotr
we didn't need a haymitch related book. we don't need anything related to his story unless suzanne is actively mentioning how his win affected future victors, how they set up hiding what he did, and how his family were murdered.
catching fire chp. 14 follows the exact experience of his reaping, his interview, his experience in the games. we find out everything we need to know, which is also what gives him more complexity. in mockingjay, haymitch actively tells us what happens to his family, and what it was for. people immediately assuming that we're going to get so much about haymitch's life is stupid, considering that we'll likely get a little info on his family and girl if anything at all, rather than a detailed scope on his games. and making another book to me felt like a cash grab rather than a statement. unless she is going to talk about propaganda like she said she was inspired by, and that has ties to his win and the after effects of that? i could care less. i'll definitely read it when it comes out but the way people had so much when reading tbosas and there were people STILL getting it so wrong?? not cool.
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annabethandpercylove · 4 months
“So it’s starting again?” she says. “Like before?”
I’d like to see Sunrise of the Reaping focus on the “before” Mrs. Everdeen and Haymitch are alluding to when they talk after Gale’s whipping.
Haymitch was a significant player in the Games’ history. He used the arena to win (the second act of survival by a District 12 victor that would have sparked rebellion; he was the first victor (at least that’s what I interpreted from the text in Mockingjay) that was propositioned by Snow; and he was likely the reason for the “before” I mentioned. I’m sure propaganda and manipulating the history of the past increased after his Games, which would go along with what Collins has said about the theme of SOTR.
I never post here and I am not an experienced theorist on this platform, but I figured I would try my hand and share some possibilities that have come to my mind about how this story might play out.
Multiple POVs: I’ve seen a lot of people suggesting that SOTR won’t be from Haymitch’s POV and I agree… to a certain extent. I am not the biggest fan of books with multiple POVs (I feel like the stories are often stretched out too far and can be a disservice to the story) and I know we haven’t seen Collins do this with a THG book, but I think it would be a useful tool to show the effect of propaganda. So here are the people I think we should hear from and why: 1. Caesar Flickerman — propaganda from the source 2. Mrs. Everdeen — propaganda witnessed by an audience member 3. Haymitch Abernathy — victor that caused a new influx of propaganda and government control
The Plot Now that I’ve introduced the POV idea, I’ll do a play-by-play for how I might make the story go: We start from Caesar’s POV. It’s Reaping Day, the first big moment for the Games. Through Caesar, we would see all (or at least ones that are most relevant to the themes of the book) the districts’ ceremonies. There would be a range in the style of the ceremonies and the audience reactions especially between Career and non-Career districts. (I don’t want to make things too cluttered so I don’t think I would do an audience perspective for the Reaping, too. If there was, I’d want Mrs. Everdeen to see her reaction to Maysilee Donner being chosen, but that’s a personal hope to see her and it may not be a service to the theme really.) Still with Caesar, we cut to the beginning of the Games. I don’t think it’s necessary to see the trains, training, or interviews, necessarily. I think things would’ve transitioned from what we saw in TBSOAS to something more akin to how things work with these things in THG. So Caesar is prepping for another Games. Maybe we hear some conversations he has with Gamemakers and sponsors in addition to his own personal dialogue. Is he still becoming the charismatic host that we know in THG? Does he have any moments where he questions what he’s doing? But he gets to work. The announcements are made, the bombs go off, and the Games begin. Disclaimer: I’ve been debating this POV since the announcement for SOTR came out. Like I said before about multiple POVs, this might stretch things too far (unless we’re lucky to get a book that’s 1,000+ pages!!), but I thought I’d put it out there. Mrs. Everdeen lives in horror watching her best friend fight for her life in a death arena. While she’s watching we could see Capitol commercials promoting sponsors, bets, and special promotions for different companies that are themed on the Games (like seeing commercials that are themed for the Super Bowl or Christmas). We would witness what an audience member would be seeing (not just the glimpses we get of Snow watching out for his tribute for his own selfish reasons). Now this might be a distraction from the plot, but I’d love to see some Mrs. Everdeen/Mr. Everdeen/Mr. Mellark moments. From what we’ve heard and seen, they’re all against the Games. But I think it would be interesting to see Mr. Everdeen’s little acts of musical rebellion, Mrs. Everdeen’s fear of his being caught and her fear for Maysilee, and maybe show a contrast between Mr. Everdeen’s behavior and Mr. Mellark’s. I think there’s a multigenerational theme that could be explored here with Katniss/Peeta/Gale and the parents. We could see how Mr. Everdeen was Seam like Gale but compassionate like Peeta; Mrs. Everdeen didn’t see a way to change things like Katniss; Mr. Mellark was content to settle with Town life and endure the Capitol’s threats but maybe lacked Peeta’s passion for the preservation of personal morality. Different responses to the earlier mentioned commercials, etc? (I’m Team Everlark/Peeta all the way, BTW!) This would happen after Mrs. Everdeen’s POV (or maybe another audience members POV from a Career district) or right after Caesar’s. Cut to Haymitch’s POV. It’s his final fight in the Games. We see him bleeding out, throwing the axe, and becoming the victor. He goes home and has to face Snow’s propositions, the deaths due to his refusals, and the resulting depression and the beginning of the jaded drunk man we meet in THG. Witness what “like before” entailed, an erasure of Haymitch’s “act of rebellion”, radical people on the Victory Tour if we go that far, etc.
I know that was a bit long-winded and not necessarily the clearest plot, but those are some thoughts I’ve had. I’m no author, just a passionate fan of The Hunger Games series and the lessons it seeks to teach its readers. Suzanne Collins will create an amazing story that will be profound and special and I can’t wait to witness it.
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The Hunger Games: Sunrise On The Reaping ☀️20+ Possible Returning Characters
We only have a few clues about Suzanne Collins' upcoming Hunger Games prequel book, Sunrise on The Reaping. Still, they're enough to make us start speculating (obsessing?!) about what characters from the previous books might return and what surprises the new book might hold.
Here are some of the potential returning characters and the intriguing reasons why they might appear in the new book. Remember, this is all in good fun, and none of these characters are confirmed to be in the story.
☀️Haymitch Abernathy: Haymitch is the victor of the 50th Hunger Games, which means his presence in Sunrise on the Reaping is almost guaranteed. We know from the book announcement that the story starts on the morning of the Reaping of the 2nd Quarter Quell. Catching Fire (book) includes a scene where Katniss and Peeta watch a recording of his Games.
☀️Plutarch Heavensbee: Suzanne Collins said of the new book, "The story lent itself to a deeper dive into the use of propaganda and the power of those who control the narrative." Who better to include in this deep dive into propaganda than the head of propaganda during the rebellion and the Secretary of Communications after? In an interview for The Hunger Games's 10th Anniversary Special Edition, Suzanne Collins revealed that Plutarch had been plotting as an underground rebel since at least Finnick Odair's Games (65th). The Second Quarter Quell could have been his awakening.
☀️President Snow: By the 50th Games, Snow had already been president for a while, so he is another character likely to appear. The Catching Fire book featured a scene involving Snow announcing the 2nd Quarter Quell.
☀️Tigris Snow: We don't know what happened to Tigris between Ballad and The Hunger Games, but SOTR may provide some insight. Katniss remembered Tigris as one of the most celebrated Hunger Games stylists, so we might see her in her prime during the 50th.
☀️Mrs./Mr. Everdeen: Katniss' mother, who was unnamed in the books and films, was around the same age as Haymitch, and we find out in Catching Fire that she was also in the Reaping for the 50th Hunger Games. She wasn't selected, but her good friend, Maysilee Donner, was. Though he was never mentioned in the context of the 50th Hunger Games, Katniss' father could also make an appearance. He's presumably around the same age as Mrs. Everdeen, and there's a lot of speculation about his potential ties to the Covey.
Suzanne said in an interview about Katniss' parents, "Her parents have their own histories in District 12, but I only included what's pertinent to Katniss's tale. I have a world of information about the characters that didn't make it into the book. With some stories, revealing that could be illuminating, but in the case of The Hunger Games, I think it would only be a distraction unless it was part of a new tale within the world of Panem." We're getting that new tale now, so some of those histories may come to light.
☀️Maysilee Donner: Maysilee Donner has so many connections to the 50th Hunger Games that I'd be shocked if she wasn't in the book. She was reaped along with Haymitch and two other children from District 12. She and Haymitch were allies in the arena, and she used the poinsins in the arena as a weapon. She was the original owner of the Mockingjay pin, friends with Katniss' mother, and owned a CANARY, which was given to Katniss' mother after she died in the arena. The bird references are off the charts. Is that wing shadow on the cover of Sunrise actually a canary???
☀️Caesar Flickerman: In The Hunger Games book, Katniss mentions that he was the Host for as long as anyone could remember, and in Catching Fire (book), she and Peeta watch a tape of him interviewing Haymitch before the 50th Games.
☀️ Effie Trinket: We don't know Effie's exact age, but she makes many references to getting promoted to a better district in the books, which could mean she's at the beginning of her career at the time of the 74th Hunger Games. This COULD put her in her late 20's - early 30's and make her too young for Sunrise on The Reaping. Since we don't have a definite age and she's more of a contemporary of Haymitch in the films, I wishfully speculate that she might make an appearance there somewhere. There's one tiny line in THG where Haymitch drunkenly tries to give Effie a big hug at the Reaping, so I'm clinging to my delusions until I read otherwise.
☀️Mags: Mags was one of the tributes in the Third Quarter Quell and was the oldest surviving victor in The Hunger Games, having won the 11th Games (the year after Lucy Gray won the 10th). She would have likely been a mentor in Haymitch's 50th Hunger Games. Mags would be around 56 in Sunrise on the Reaping,
☀️Beetee/Wiress - Beetee and Wiress are also 75th Hunger Games tributes who could be a mentor in the 50th Hunger Games. Exactly which Games they won is unknown, but it's believed to have been before Haymitch's.
Beetee, Wiress, and Haymitch were all rebels aware of District 13's existence, and Sunrise on the Reaping may explore how they became part of the rebellion.
☀️Chaff/Seeder - From the books, we know that Chaff was the victor of the 45th Hunger Games and became close friends with Haymitch after his victory in the 50th Games. Katniss says, "I know Chaff by sight 'cause I've spent years watching him pass a bottle back and forth with Haymitch on television." In the book, Katniss remarks that Seeder is around 60, and at the end of Catching Fire, Haymitch reveals that Seeder was one of the 12 victors who knew of the rebellion and was part of the alliance to save Katniss.
☀️Greasy Sae - In the Hunger Games movie, Greasy Sae is briefly shown when she gives Katniss the Mockingjay pin at the Hob. However, in the book, Greasy Sae is well known by the District 12 citizens for selling bowls of soup at the Hob, and after Katniss returns home in Mockingjay, Greasy Sae cares for her. She's the right age to have been around District 12 during the 50th Hunger Games, and since Haymitch is from the Seam, he likely knew her in his youth. Her character could be valuable to Sunrise on the Reaping since they must explain how she ended up with Maysilee's Mockingjay pin in the movie's version of events.
☀️Peeta Mellark's parents - Mr. Mellark was a member of District 12's merchant class, along with Katniss' mother. He wanted to marry Mrs. Everdeen in his youth, but she "ran off with a coal miner," Mr. Everdeen. If they were all around the same age as Haymitch was during the 50th Games - 16 - there's a potential to get a peek at the relationship between Mrs. Everdeen and Mr. Mellark.
☀️Alma Coin—We don't know much about Alma Coin's early life, but we do know that she's in her 50s, has been leading District 13 for some time, and lost her husband and child to a pox epidemic. She's an interesting character to bring into the new book because she's a massive part of Panem's rebellion that we know very little about. She'd be in her twenties in Sunrise.
☀️Seneca Crane: We don't know Seneca Crane's age in the books, but since Suzanne introduced Arachne Crane in Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, and Seneca was a Gamemaker in the 74th Games, I had to include him as a possible character.
☀️Claudius Templesmith: Claudius Templesmith was the announcer of the Hunger Games and had an expanded role as a Hunger Games commentator alongside Caesar Flickerman in the films. His character is unlikely to play a big part in Sunrise, but Suzanne does love to surprise us.
☀️The Covey: Lucy Gray's adopted family was left behind when she disappeared, and there are some clues from the books that they may still be a part of District 12 through the time of the 2nd rebellion. A "lone fiddler" escaped the bombing of District 12 with his instrument. As a refugee in District 13, he performed at Finnick Odair and Annie Cresta's wedding. This may have been Clerk Carmine, the Covey's fiddler. In Ballad, the Covey kept a pet goat named Shamus. They also discuss building a herd of goats and selling the milk, so it's theorized the Goat Man from the original trilogy may have been one of the Covey, possibly Tam Amber.
☀️Lucky Flickerman is the Host of the 10th Hunger Games and, based on clues from the books and Ballad movie ("Table for Two and a High Chair"), is likely Caesar Flickerman's father. Lucky's age is undefined in the book, so depending on his supposed age, he could still be alive at the time of Sunrise.
☀️The Plinths: At the end of Ballad, Strabo Plinth adopted Coriolanus as his heir, ending the poverty that had plagued the Snow family since the end of the First Rebellion. Mr. and Mrs. Plinth moved into the apartment below the Snows' and Ma came by daily to help the Grandma'am. They may be elderly at the time of Sunrise, but there's a chance of their mention in the book.
☀️10th Hunger Games Mentors/ Academy Students grown up—The remaining Academy Students who served as mentors in the 10th Hunger Games are at the perfect age to be established in their careers by Sunrise. Perhaps we'll see some of them working in positions of power within Snow's regime.
☀️Which character/s are you hoping Sunrise on the Reaping will focus on? I'm always eager to hear your insights and speculations in the comments!
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caesarflickermans · 2 months
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hi! i'm marie, i'm in my twenties and i post about the hunger games on here. my primary interest is in some of the capitol characters, mainly caesar and plutarch. i enjoy thinking about the capitol rebels and looking at panem from a political science lens!
general hunger games tags:
the hunger games - contains all thg posts
thg analysis - deeper thoughts or me yapping
sunrise on the reaping - all sotr-related posts (i manifest sotr)
marie reads - reading polsci works to analyse for thg (in the works!)
#thg resources, including 10th anniversary interview with collins, thg.world stills in HQ, and hg timeline
panem in the world series and THG fancast series
my thg fanfictions:
sparks of rebellion series - ao3 link & tumblr post
she smelled like white roses - ao3 link & tumblr tag
birds of the capitol - ao3 link & tumblr tag
caesar flickerman
character tag - all caesar posts
caesar's allegiance 1 x caesar allegiance 2
why i like caesar
why i don't like the tucci's portrayal
caesar and peeta parallels
caesar's age
virgilia snow
character tag - all virgilia posts
symbolism around virgilia's hair
relation to children
virgilia's stutter
plutarch and virgilia: body weight
plutarch heavensbee
character tag - all plutarch posts
heavensbee family x Trajan Heavensbee
plutarch's apparel choice as a rebellious act
plutarch's rebellion plan
the rebellion's timeline
the 75th plan x victor involvement
haymitch's games as the spark
similarities between the second and third quarter quell
plutarch's previous "mockingjay" candidates
capitol characters
effie trinket x hayffie ask x effie ask
cressida and cinna
modern parallels
vacation spots
capitol map
do capitol people live in fear?
class difference x class difference 2
various thg analysis
other nations x benefits of an enemy x north korea comparison
the destruction of family
peeta's fire kept katniss alive
the issue with gaul's state of nature debate
credits. profile banner / post banner / profile picture
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simsontherope · 7 years
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It was really interesting to work on this once majestic mansion. The exterior of this building is from the awesome Jenba, so thank you, it was inspirating to use it as a base ;)
Ground floor - First floor - Basement
Now, let’s speak about the Melien family (I know, nobody will read all this ^^’).
Lugubrious, sinister, these are the words that Joseph's colleagues usually use to describe him. This brilliant psychologist does't care about the human being, he is more interested in the functioning of the human mind. As is sister, Agathe Barrière, he has a fascination for the supernatural.
He only married Éliane because his parents wanted him to, as she was already pregnant. But he still slept with other women, and when on day, he came back home with the young Victor, he never give any explanation. But a single look at this icy stare they both had, with their light grey are, was enough for Espérance.
She has never been a condident woman, and as the time pass and her beauty fades away, she withdraw into herself. Her only pleasure was to attend receptions, thanks to her husband's relations with people in high places, hoping to attract attention with her extravagant dresses and seductive attitude.
As a stay at home mom, she never really cared about her children. With this heavy atmosphere in the household, it is a miracle that their first daughter, remained an optimist ! Patience always knew what she wants to do when she gets older: become a wedding planner, to help loving couples organize the best day of their lives. She is a hard worker, maybe it's her way to avoid her parents. But she would raher spend her evening at her office looking for the perfect caterer, with a pizza and a glass of wine, than attending a family dinner. 
Garance always been there for her sister, assisting her in her work, as her official photographer. People always think she is the older one, because of her serious and melancolic attitude, her short hair, and her elegant outfits. However, she often think about running away, with only her camera and some practical clothes, to explore the world and capture its beauty.
The youngest one, David, never really met his parents expectations. When he was still a child, he spend most of his time outside, playing with his friend instead of doing his homework, coming home with his shirt dirty and his pants torn. He is not a rebellious one, he his simply carefree ! He enjoy waking up early the sunday, to go fishing with his father.
Victor often come along with them. He does not particularly like this activity, but Devoir his the only person to accept him in his family. Espérance rejected him, his sisters have always been distant, and his own father never give him any attention.
He had always been a calm boy, but it's sometime hard not react to his stepmother animosity. Thanks to the practice of boxing, he manages to keep his self-control, when he his facing her. He also share his father interest for the occult, and his studies on these subjects are for him another way to escape.
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Voilà ! I hope you enjoyed my caracters’ story ;)
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manzanasplitf · 6 years
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Gracias por vuestro apoyo @splitboardcenter, a Victor y a Marc. manzanasplitfestival2019 #sotres #picosdeeuropa #picoftheday #fotografia #foto #picture #pictures #split #splitboard #splitboarding #snow #nieve #águila #concurso #mountains #mountain #montaña #burtonspain@sparkrandd @dakine #bmwautosa #manzanasplitfestival @oakley @fitwell @karakorambindings @jonessnowboards @weston @salomonsplitboards @etnies @libtech @thirtytwo @neversummer @slopeangel @nzerowax @amplid @pallyhi @mendiboard@burtonsnowboards @burtoneurope @burtonspain@splitboardmag @splitboardcenter @oxigeno @neverstop @pezescorpion @cerra @boomerang @buznego @cocacola @powerade @hotelpeñacastil@ queseriamain @casetóndeandara @casacipriano @abstracta @f2studio @fempa @snowforecast @ edicionesadrados @liberbank @ sexmuseum @sasquatchastursplitboardqlub @picosdeeuropa @bmwautosa @manzanasplitfestival https://www.instagram.com/p/Btb6XkxlGsF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16xd4vmeojoum
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curious what you're planning to include in thg shipping wiki pages! also i've never seen haymitch x plutarch but that'd be such a wild rarepair. love it
I’m not entirely sure what the finished product will be like, especially since I haven’t properly made a “wiki” page before. I’ve already drafted out some of the text + rambles but I’m thinking something along the line of: basic format for people to possibly copy and personalize if they want, and then like my own personal thoughts + opinions in ‘my version.’ Not sure if I’m explaining this properly since it’s late where I am, but hopefully I can make it sooner than later and show it!
Also yeah, I hadn’t even thought about Plutarch and Haymitch really as a pairing at all, but especially now with talks on SotR I thought: “old men yaoi” (/j)
But no fr im curious to see if anyone actually ships a lot of the rare pairs. Rn im starting with Haymitch since it’s the character I have the most motivation for, but I also want to explore ships with characters like Johanna, Finnick, and the other victors really. They’re all fake, made up characters, but for some reason my brain likes to do and focus on odd things so! Here we are. LMAO.
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royalnovels-blog · 7 years
SOTR Chapter 59
Chapter 59: Following the Clues
Both sides agreed to send out five disciples to do battle. The side that won three times out of five would be labelled the victor, and would wrest control of the Star Argus Palace for the next ten years.
Jiang Chen was absolutely disinterested in the competition of those that were five meridians true qi.
Jiang Chen surreptitiously started utilizing his God’s Eye…
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manzanasplitf · 6 years
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@salomonsplitboards nos presentarán todas sus novedades en el @manzanasplitfestival.Gracias por todo Victor. #manzanasplitfestival2019 #sotres #picosdeeuropa #picoftheday #fotografia #foto #picture #pictures #split #splitboard #splitboarding #snow #nieve #águila #concurso #mountains #mountain #montaña #burtonspain@sparkrandd @dakine #bmwautosa #manzanasplitfestival @oakley @fitwell @karakorambindings @jonessnowboards @weston @salomonsplitboards @etnies @libtech @thirtytwo @neversummer @slopeangel @nzerowax @amplid @pallyhi @mendiboard@burtonsnowboards @burtoneurope @burtonspain@splitboardmag @splitboardcenter @oxigeno @neverstop @pezescorpion @cerra @boomerang @buznego @cocacola @powerade @hotelpeñacastil@ queseriamain @casetóndeandara @casacipriano @abstracta @f2studio @fempa @snowforecast @ edicionesadrados @liberbank @ sexmuseum @sasquatchastursplitboardqlub @picosdeeuropa @bmwautosa @manzanasplitfestival https://www.instagram.com/p/BtUNPXuFO0c/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wtnkxirx5s3c
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manzanasplitf · 6 years
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@salomonsplitboards nos presentarán todas sus novedades en el @manzanasplitfestival.Gracias por todo Victor. #manzanasplitfestival2019 #sotres #picosdeeuropa #picoftheday #fotografia #foto #picture #pictures #split #splitboard #splitboarding #snow #nieve #águila #concurso #mountains #mountain #montaña #burtonspain@sparkrandd @dakine #bmwautosa #manzanasplitfestival @oakley @fitwell @karakorambindings @jonessnowboards @weston @salomonsplitboards @etnies @libtech @thirtytwo @neversummer @slopeangel @nzerowax @amplid @pallyhi @mendiboard@burtonsnowboards @burtoneurope @burtonspain@splitboardmag @splitboardcenter @oxigeno @neverstop @pezescorpion @cerra @boomerang @buznego @cocacola @powerade @hotelpeñacastil@ queseriamain @casetóndeandara @casacipriano @abstracta @f2studio @fempa @snowforecast @ edicionesadrados @liberbank @ sexmuseum @sasquatchastursplitboardqlub @picosdeeuropa @bmwautosa @manzanasplitfestival https://www.instagram.com/p/BtUNPXuFO0c/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wkusgt36z3d7
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