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Quarantine Time - Supercorp AU by MrDudaLD
Quarantined by LegalizeSupercorp
Quarantined by DemetriaFeels
Quarantine, Baby! by Aerstes
The One in which Supercorp are in Quarantine by trixicbean
Supercorp at Quarantine (part 1?)
Quarantine Keeps Us Apart (But Love Still Grows In Our Hearts) by danigobingo
Domesticity by Unicxrnby89
Saying Bye To 2020 by LilBabyGay
The Knight of the Green Sun by SapphicMetatron
You, Me, Her by BiFelicia
Pride: Quarantine Edition by Irhaboggles
Naked Challenge by LittleRock17
Quarantine time, baby by LittleRock17
Darkest Before The Dawn by Val_Creative
El amor está en el aire… ¿o acaso es coronavirus? by LittleRock17
Stay | Supercorp oneshot by Alicia_Keaton
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murdershegoat · 5 years
an incomplete list of fics to read (and comment on!) while you’re quarantined/self isolated
quite literally anything by @c--and--b (on ao3) just read thru the whole account and youll feel better
it feels better biting down - by nirav - lena’s new girlfriend might be a spy :O
but then, my homework was never quite like this - what is there to say, absolute classic by @jazzfordshire
[yeah, we really are] - bs13 on ao3, @pippytmi on here. i trust these fics with my life. absolutely the best best best. also try hypothetically, which is my favorite.
when i say read everything @seabiscuits-us has to offer, i mean it. read everything. my top two are a foolish wit & to refashion the matrix of creation. do NOT complain that it is unfinished. revel in the fact youve been blessed with these chapters.
a ribbon in time - abcooper - just a beautiful story, a wonderful read.
and when im feeling alone you remind me of home - mooosicaldreamz - WE STAN AGENTCORP BROMANCE
@spaceman-earthgirl has small delicious offerings ready to get u through this (ao3)
the fifth wall. im a slut for a good baby fic, im sorry
is this even a fic rec list if i dont include @lynnearlington‘s stay the night? a staple.
i would move mountains to make you smile is just the best fic of all time it will make you smile and cry and i love it with my whole heart
yearning to breathe free - the fake dating hollywood au. what a treat.
and still the world spins. it makes my heart hurt.
she - thefooliam - bruh every single person on planet earth should read this fic. idc what ships u like or not this is artistry and you should read it now.
in love and war and politics - centuriesofexistence - lexa becomes clarke’s campaign manager. phenomenal. 10/10
commander in chief - lexa is the president. christmas fic. lovely and warm.
beat the devil’s tattoo - isawet - another ‘everyone should read this’ fic
the business of caring - college au that just,,,, chef kiss
be the lightning in me - OOFT WHAT A FUCKEN FIC, LADIES!!!!!!!
break your plans - i forgot how much i love this. delightful!
youre the trouble that i always find - @mooosicaldreamz - what an absolute fucken dream of a fic. im always thinking about it. in fact, read all of their faberry fics.
here’s my previous list of faberry recs
also i hate to be That Bitch but if ur desperado i have a bunch of fics that are all mostly short and relatively easy to read so like,,,,, here u go lol
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 4 years
Surprise Quarantine Prompt Party? Yay! What about a supercorp angst (maybe with a happy ending), after season five, Lex in jail, Leviathan defeated, Lena decides that she doesn’t need/want Kara or the “superfriends”, after all they were so quick to forget and judge her (when she isn’t the only one with a villain family)? And, how the Super Team deals with being the villain of someone’s story?
When Lena finally acts against Lex, she does so with devastating efficiency. 
It starts with Lex-- a thorough and exhaustive accounting of every misapplication of funds, every subversive contingency he’d planned and kept in reserve should he ever be told no by the federal government. She establishes beyond the shadow of a doubt the creation of Cadmus under his hand, before he finally set it free to wreak terror across the country. 
When the news breaks, Kara breathes a sigh of relief, grateful that for once she’d been proven wrong.
By the time the trial commences and the Senate begins hearing testimony, the Superfriends wait with acute anticipation to get their DEO back.
That anticipation shatters when Lena’s testimony clearly and without hesitation calls for the complete and immediate dissolution of the Department of Extranormal Operations.
“Lena…” Kara exhales when she visits her friend’s balcony later that night. Betrayal stabs deep in her chest. “How could you?”
“How could you?” Lena clips back, all bite and no give. She places one hand on the mountain of paper onto her desk, almost a foot deep. “Did you really think I wouldn’t have seen what the DEO had done before my brother became director?”
Kara swallows thickly. She doesn’t know what lies among those reams of paper, what this reality might hold that differs between the DEO that is and the DEO she knew it to be.
“Incursions into homes and businesses without warrant or probable cause. Aliens and humans, arrested without due process! Prisoners vanished without a trace.”
“That-- that’s not--”
“And don’t you dare try to tell me that it’s unique to this reality!” Lena seethes. “There are events detailed in these pages that are breathtakingly familiar, Supergirl, and I know for a fact that the DEO was involved with more than a few of them in the last reality too.”
For the first time in her life, words completely abandon Kara, in any language. All she can do is shake her head, mouth agape.
“And should I even bother to list the countless reports of unnecessary force perpetrated by the great Supergirl herself? How long have you operated outside the law as an anonymous vigilante, doling out justice however you see fit?”
“That is not true,” Kara finally finds her voice. “I only ever assisted the police--”
“By doling out pre-judicial corporal punishment in the form of concussions and broken bones, for law enforcement officers who have repeatedly voiced frustration towards your self-insertion in pedestrian crime. How dare you.”
Kara blinks, and tears spill down her cheeks. “Lena, that’s not--”
“How dare you come to me, again and again, for help you didn’t deserve, in exploits you never made fully known to me. And how dare you have the gall to condemn me for not wanting the DEO, this organization, to get their hands on my best friend!”
It takes every ounce of Kara’s strength not to stagger back under the force of Lena’s words. The anger in her voice hits like a physical blow, and the fire in her eyes sears Kara’s soul. She can only stare, with lips quivering, as she waits for Lena’s next move. 
Thankfully, it’s not to call for security, or reveal a hidden stash of kryptonite. Instead she draws herself to her full height, chin lifting to regard Kara with a withering glare.
“My brother may have intended to insult me by putting me in charge of outreach and charity,” she delivers coolly, “but it’s in that role I’ve learned first hand that the shadows the alien populations fears at night aren’t thieves or bigots. It’s the DEO, and their pet muscle. In my foolishness, I allowed you to abuse my trust and my resources, but no more. I will not rest until the DEO is reduced to nothing more than a shameful bullet point in future history books.”
Kara tries to reach out, just one more time. “Lena, please, we can explain--”
“I’m done trusting you,” Lena snaps. “Any of you.”
Her eyes harden, and Kara knows she has no chance of being heard tonight. Or maybe ever. 
“Get out of my office,” comes one final command. “And don’t you dare come back.”
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creator tag game
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
thank you @secretly-of-course for tagging me in this! (you can check out amanda’s amazing list of creations here!!) i’m really glad you tagged me in this because it forced me to revisit my old legends fics, and i enjoyed looking back through them :)
1. my avalance kiss art. the center red and yellow version is one of my favorite things i’ve ever drawn, and it used to be my pfp (until caity made those problematic tweets/twitter replies/went on an international vacation during a pandemic)! even though i don’t ship avalance as much as i ship other pairings, i’m still really proud of this art.
2. On Sappho and Strong Tea, a supercorp fic i wrote. idk, i just think i did a good job on this one, and i’m currently on my supercorp kick, so. fjksnfjsndj.
3. Undeniably. this is a gen fic about charlie from legends of tomorrow. it’s quite short, but really meaningful to me.
4. Control. this is another short fic, for the avalance ship. (the free will plot line on legends clearly spoke to me deeply, fbfkcbdk.)
5. it’s a tradition in my family to crochet prayer cards, but my mom never learned the craft. when i moved in with my grandmother over quarantine, she taught me how to make the edgings. though i myself am an atheist, i recognize how much joy and comfort my family members get from their religion, so making these cards has been something i’m really proud of. i’m glad i’m able to carry on this tradition and bring joy to the family members i give these cards to. (here’s two that i just finished up:)
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[image id: two prayer cards, one with crocheted blue edging and one with crocheted green edging. the cards are laminated and then hole punched; i use those holes to attach the yarn to the card. the yarn is size 10.]
i’m going to tag @pianoandcookiedoughlover and @freshlybakedfandoms because both of you write amazing fics and deserve some self love for that !!!! (if you’ve already been tagged in one of these or don’t feel like participating, don’t feel obligated to do this of course lol).
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amaltheaz · 4 years
Thanks for the tag @hrwinter ! 💖💖💖
Rules: below are the names of all the files in my wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you, and i’ll post a snippet or tell you something about it!
Considering I'm also doing fictober, this may not be the best idea but eh, let's live dangerously, lmao. If you know me, you'll know that I have a lot of WIPs so, I am going to list 10 instead of all of them just so it'll be easier to choose 😂
Also, unless stated otherwise, they are all supercorp fics
fwb au (I feel this is like... the most obvious to list lmao)
Xena's When Fates Collide au
romeo+juliet au
the mummy au
alien activist au
amnesia au
elevator rendezvous au (I should mention this is also gp fic in case y'all aren't into that)
horny neighbours au
quarantine au set in season 5
there's only one bar in National City (no snazzy au name for this lmao)
Tagging: @youngbloodbuzz, @cyclone-rachel, @swashbucklery, @myheartisbro-ken, @idontneedtobeforgiven, @melui-the-ravenclaw and whoever else wants to take part
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supercorpbookmarks · 4 years
Thanks for organizing these awesome fics. Do you ever want any Supercorp fic recommendations yourself? Perhaps to add to these ever growing lists, or just for your own enjoyment?
Guys, hit me with your quarantine reads.
I’ll be updating the rec lists this week. So if anyone has any requests/suggestions. Let me know
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theplaguebeast · 4 years
A Long Ramble On My Experience Reading Nothing But Fanfic For Over A Year
So, my entire Adult Journey Through Fandom (as opposed to my Teen Journey Through Fandom, which started around 13 and petered off when I was 19) began because summer 2019, after I moved back in with my grandparents and left the state I’d spent the last ten years in behind (along with almost all my possessions excepting my cats, my wolf pelt, some clothes, and some misc stuff including the entire Lord of The Rings series in paperback) I went to Archive of Our Own (AO3) on my shitty phone that didn’t actually function as a phone because that costs money, and went to the Fallout 4 section (because I have played that game to DEATH AND BACK, modded it to death and back too) and started reading. Because it was literally the first fandom I could think of.
And then, one day, as I was reading Piper/f!SS I thought ‘What’s another Media I Have Consumed’ and for whatever reason, Legend of Korra came to mind which is wild because I watched it when it came out and then NEVER touched it again. I did wind up rewatching it after reading probably around 100 Korrasami fics, but I watched it BECAUSE of the fics.
Then, and I think I hopped onto this because a bunch of writers who wrote Korrasami also wrote them, I fell into Clexa. And I’d watched.... like five seasons of The 100? IDK, whatever it was that season-dumped on Netflix in like 2017. And WHOO BOI did I stick around there for a LONG TIME. We’re talking 90 pages of my AO3 history (20 fics per page yo) of JUST CLEXA.
Thru a similar mechanism I started reading Supercorp, and here is where I come back into my ‘I don’t even GO HERE’ tendency, because you see I still have not seen a single episode of Supergirl but you bet your ass I have read literally about a hundred fics for it.
Then, again, via authors-who-I-liked-writing-for-other-fandoms-than-how-I-found-them I read a hefty pile of SwanQueen (which, RIP y’all OUAT fucked y’all huh?) and that’s a show that I had really honestly TRIED to watch but guys... The only thing going for it really is that it’s the better Live Action Beauty And The Beast and that’s sad on a number of levels.
Then Pitch Perfect caught me up and I HAVE seen the first movie (and jesus if that het romance wasn’t shoehorned in) but also ONLY the first movie but that didn’t stop my consumption of those fics.
At some point I strafed thru the Glee fandom and rediscovered Faberry which I don’t recall ever actively shipping Back In The Day but you BET YOUR ASS I thought they were both SUPER GAY when the first couple seasons were airing, which is also the last time I watch it at ALL.
And from there, AGAIN this has ALL happened because I kept checking out other stuff written by authors I like, I started reading Sansa-shipping Game of Thrones fics. Now here is a Very Important Thing to Know: I started with Sansa/Margaery, and you might have seen earlier my discovery that I fell into reading other Sansa ships via Sansa/Ellaria/Oberyn.
Before that point, even as a teenager, I shipped ZERO heterosexual couples. NONE. NADA.
Also, I had not watched Game of Thrones past season 4. (Some of you may be aware I watched and liveblogged watching the whole series recently. Do not do this thing.) I still spent seven months reading almost exclusively GoT fanfic. I’ve bought the books. I’m in MULTIPLE discord servers for GoT fan shiz. 
And I also fell into checking Other Works By This Author I Like, except now, because I will read a fic featuring Sansa with literally anyone because it’s interesting to me, I started also reading het ships.
And so I wound up reading A Bunch of Zutara, and I had seen Airbender back when it aired and also... at some other point. But I did not rewatch it when it came out on netflix because holy shit Korra retroactively makes me so mad about both series now that I really think about Katara okay guys? Because I’m not okay. I’m mad. Whatever.
Somehow I wound up BACK in the Once Upon A Time fandom, by the way, but this time with Rumbelle (remember when I mentioned Beauty and the Beast earlier? HI) and man it’s interesting to see two sides of a fandom like that lemme tell ya.
And now, to the present, where I’m reading Bethyl fics for The Walking Dead, which I saw like three seasons of and mostly remember as ‘that show with the zombies where I got mad that no one could ever actually catch a fucking break for more than five minutes’ which is, for the record, WHY I stopped watching. And the extra funny thing is that I didn’t really author-hop for that one I just went ‘hey i know vague things about this IP let’s read stuff’ and Bethyl was just... the first ship I clicked on? And now I’m fucking Team Delusional and I DON’T EVEN GO HERE.
I need to REALLY DEEPLY HIGHLIGHT the fact that out of EVERY fandom I have listed, BEFORE I got into them I only finished/kept up with TWO of the shows and the one video game, ONE fandom has made me make myself watch the series it’s based on (and I’ll read the books as soon as they get here I’m not paying for fast shipping y’all), and EVERY OTHER ONE I know of from watching like three seasons on average. 
(This is not including the fandoms where I checked out like five fics, went ‘I’m bored now’ and left. There’s like five of those I think???)
So what I’m saying is that I get a basic understanding of a piece of media and then throw it away and go check out the fan shit because it’s more entertaining to see what everyone’s doing with the toys the media provides. Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice And Fire is a fucking anomaly on every single front, literally every other fandom I have, there is The Ship That Happens (well, OUAT gets two, but they’re not mutually exclusive so WHATEVER) and then pretty much every other ship ranges from ‘whatever’ to ‘fuck off’.
But fucking Sansa Stark, man. 
Anyways I’ve got 350+ pages (that’s over 7,000 fics yo) of AO3 history since June 19 2019 because quarantine changed zero percent of my lifestyle. If I can do math (debatable) that’s 15 fics a day every day, on average for nine-ish fandoms but the vast majority is GoT/ASoIAF.
Tune in fking WHENEVER when I finish the project my brain has decided will happen (THANKS HYPERFIXATIONS) where I’ve got the full data for all of this bullshit so I know how many words of whatever fucking ship I’ve read.
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hownowwit1 · 4 years
Quarantine Tag Game!
Tagged by @theproseofnight and @slowmorevolution
Are you staying home from work/school? No. Essential worker.
If you’re staying home, who is there with you? See above.
Are you a homebody? Yes.
An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled? Kinda bummed about not getting to meet up with my DnD group. But we’re attempting a digital workaround soon. Super upset about Critical Role being on hiatus due to the pandemic. Looking forward to when that’ll start up again. Is it Thursday yet?
What movies have you watched recently? Honestly, haven’t seen any movies recently. I should change that.
What shows are you watching? Watching Altered Carbon at the moment. Spacing it out because many of the scenes/themes are heavy and I need some happiness to balance it out once in a while. A little of Legends of Tomorrow. Also started watching Critical Role campaign one since campaign two is paused right now. It’s a small consolation, but slowly growing attached to the characters.
What music are you listening to? See my previous tagged post about music shuffling, maybe? There’s no one thing, and too many to list. Tend to either shuffle, or put on a playlist that fits my mood. Last song I listened to in the car was The Difference by Tyler Rich.
What are you reading? Mostly fan fiction right now. There’s been an explosion of Clexa fics and fic recs recently, so I’m making my way through those at a steady pace. In the middle of The Little Pauna series by Alexis_Payton right now. It’s riveting. Just finished Your Heart On My Sleeve by @aredpen and eagerly awaiting updates for that. There’s a new chapter of Dirty Dogs by @ur-the-puppy I’m eager to read as well. I love urban fantasy. The list goes on. Also reading Supercorp fics - finished @valkyrieskwad‘s quiet when i’m coming home (i’m on my own) recently. I’m in between novels at the moment. Thinking about delving into Santa Olivia by Jacqueline Carey. Or maybe opening a Shakespeare play and rereading for nostalgia’s sake. Perhaps a recently released FF conversion novel I just downloaded called Those Who Wait by Haley Cass. I need to find a new fantasy author to read, or urban fantasy. Still on the lookout for one.
What are you doing for self-care? Reading. Walking outside and listening to the Zelda and Chill playlist on Spotify. Sitting on my swing in the sun and listening to the birds. Contemplating starting to write again but still not doing it for some ineffable reason.
I tag @polotiz @permanentrose @jobethdalloway @aredpen @imaginaryhistorianme @ur-the-puppy @syngularitysyn @luckypenguinbuddy @dreamsaremywords @sovereignchicken @socks-lost @valkyrieskwad @jazzfordshire @femininenachos @entirelytookeen and anyone else who’s interested.
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aspidities · 4 years
Hey! Hope you’re well during this crappy time! So, I’m kinda new to the supercorp fandom, and was wondering if you could rec me some must reads of the fandom (smuts are a bonus 🙃). Thanks! :)
Hey friend! Quarantine is a good time to bone up/down on some good ass smut. My fic rec list is essentially just my AO3 bookmarks, so you should definitely check those out, and same to any other anons asking for Supercorp recs. 👍🏼
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roseticospacebae · 4 years
Quarantine Tag Game
Tagged by @drfitzmonster, @nataliawhite92, and @hrwinter 🥰😘
Are you staying home from work/school?
I am and I actually hate it. It’s super stressful and I can’t really perform to the best of my ability when all I’m doing is worrying about how I’m going to record my hours everyday for the next month, which is why I’m ignoring it all and filling out this questionnaire.
If you’re staying home, who is there with you?
Three cats, but I live near my parents and brother (and Kuma!), so I go over there for dinner most nights.
Are you a homebody?
Yes, very much so. Being home isn’t bad, but I was thinking if I didn’t have my family around, I would probably be going a little more stir crazy than I am now.
An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
QFX got postponed. SDCC hasn’t been cancelled or postponed yet, but it’s really only a matter of time. 
What movies have you watched recently?
Portrait of a Lady on Fire, and John Wick was on TV a little while ago.
What shows are you watching?
Westworld, The Sinner, Killing Eve, started Parks and Rec (I’m really upset that Louis CK is on it). Also started Watchmen.
What music are you listening to?
Haven’t really been listening to a lot of music during this whole thing. :(
What are you reading?
Mostly supercorp fic. I can type up a rec list later if people want it, not that my taste in fic is much different from anyone else’s.
I also have a large stack of books I need to get through.
What are you doing for self-care?
Making sure I still shower everyday, eat at least two meals, take my meds, talk to friends and not disappear, vent anxieties to people who will listen, stare at photos of Julie Gonzalo and Katie McGrath.
I think everyone’s been tagged already and also tagging people gives me hives, so apologies for being a party pooper.
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villanellesstrap · 4 years
2, 8, 10
So I don’t know if these were for the fanfiction ask or quarantine ask so I’m just gonna answer both
2: Grilled cheese or PB&J?
Grilled cheese all day
What’s next on your ‘to-read’ list? (Fan fiction or otherwise)
I need to finish Die For Me. Also I’m in the middle of reading a Supercorp AU. But I’m reading all the new KE one shots right now.
8: What’s a job that you’ve had that people might be surprised to find out you’ve had?
People are always shocked to find out I worked at Starbucks
Bed sharing or roommates AU?
10: Do you own any signed books/memorabilia in general?
I have a Fleabag playbill signed by Phoebe Waller-Bridge! And one of my Rizzoli and Isles novels is signed by Tess Gerritsen.
Mutual pining or enemies to friends to lovers?
How about enemies to friends to lovers WITH mutual pining???
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