#Sachiko Hara
shinigami-striker · 2 years
Green Bomber Nostalgia | Friday, 03.17.2023
Happy St. Patrick's Day, featuring Green Bomberman from the Bomberman series! 🟢 💣 🍀 💥 💚
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idolm-ster · 2 years
Mio Honda (CV: Sayuri Hara), Akari Tsujino (CV: Megu Umezawa), Anzu Futaba (CV: Hiromi Igarashi), Natsuki Kimura (CV: Kiyono Yasuno), Anastasia (CV: Sumire Uesaka), Natalia (CV: Teru Ikuta), Arisu Tachibana (CV: Amina Satou), Sachiko Koshimizu (CV: Ayana Taketatsu), Yoshino Yorita (CV: Yuuki Takada), Mizuki Kawashima (CV: Nao Touyama.
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 years
Doraemon: The Record of Nobita's Parallel Visit to the West (1988) のび太のパラレル西遊記
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Director: Zhi Shannu
Screenwriter: Fujiko F. Fujio
Starring: Shinyo Oyama / Noriko Ohara / Michiko Nomura / Kazuya Tatebi / Kenta Kantsuke / Sachiko Chimatsu / Masayuki Kato / Keiko Yokosawa / Susumiko Shirakawa / Ryoichi Tanaka / Keiichi Namba / Katsushi Ikeda / Yuko Mizutani / Hideo Shibata Katsu / Kuri Yoko / Ishimori Tatsuyuki / Kato Seizo / Ishii Toshiro / Hara Eriko / Tahara Arnault / Shimaka Yu / Mitsuya Yuji
Genre: Science Fiction / Animation / Adventure
Country/Region of Manufacture: Japan
Language: Japanese
Date: 1988-03-12 (Japan)
Runtime: 91 minutes
Also known as: Doraemon: Nobita no Parareru saiyûki
IMDb: tt1147525
Type: Crossover
In order to perform the drama "Journey to the West" at the welcome party for freshmen, Nobita's class held a drama rehearsal. Nobita (voiced by Nori Ohara) wants to be Monkey King, but he is just a villager. In order to prove that he is the most like Monkey King, Nobita used the opportunity to come to China's Tang Dynasty, wanted to meet the Monkey King, and say he actually met the "Monkey King". Later, Nobita bet on the props of Doraemon (voiced by Dashan Shindai), proving that the Monkey King is very similar to Nobita.
Daxiong and his friends came to Tang Dynasty, but did not see the Monkey King. Therefore, Nobita used Doraemon's analog game console to pretend to be Monkey King, and was finally find out. Because the machine was not closed properly, the monster in the game ran out of the game machine. Monsters finally ruled the world, Nobita and the others are also in danger. In order to restore history and save Master Xuanzang, Nobita, Shizuka (voiced by Nomura Michiko), Xiao Fu (voiced by Gan Fu and Tai) and Gang Tianwu (voiced by Libi Kazuya) pretend to be the Monkey King and other roles to protect Master Xuanzang and embark on an adventure journey ...
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doraemon:_The_Record_of_Nobita%27s_Parallel_Visit_to_the_West
Link: https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2046050017
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Setsuko Hara and Shuji Sano in Here's to the Young Lady (Keisuke Kinoshita, 1949) Cast: Shuji Sano, Setsuko Hara, Takeshi Sakamoto, Keiji Sada, Chieko Higashiyama, Masami Morikawa, Junji Masuda, Yasushi Nagata, Fusako Fujima, Sugisaku Aoyama, Sachiko Murase. Screenplay: Keisuke Kinoshita. Cinematography: Hiroshi Kusuda. Art direction: Motoji Kojima. Film editing: Yoshi Sugihara, Shizuko Osawa. Music: Chuji Kinoshita. Stop me if you've seen this one: A middle-aged working-class single man meets a pretty young woman from the upper classes and.... Okay, right. It's a romantic cliché, one that's so irresistible that Samuel Goldwyn once ordered a screenplay to be written on the basis of a title alone, The Cowboy and the Lady (H.C. Potter, 1938), and it's the inspiration for the teaming of Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn. But what sets Keisuke Kinoshita's Here's to the Young Lady apart is its country and time of origin: postwar Japan. In part the film is a manifestation of the occupying forces' desire to bring about a more egalitarian Japan, one in which a system of caste and class would be broken down, but it's also a reflection of economic reality in a recovering country whose male population had been decimated by the war. So Keizo Ishizu (Shuji Sano), a 34-year-old man who owns a thriving auto repair business and has dreams of getting into manufacturing, is introduced by his friend Sato (Takeshi Sakamoto) to Yasuko Ikeda (Setsuko Hara), from a cultured and educated family, as a potential wife. Ishizu is smitten instantly by the lovely but very shy young woman, but he also has doubts that she would ever be interested in him -- and he is sort of a schlub, whose chief recreation is drinking at his favorite bar. But then Ishizu visits Yasuko at her home and meets her family, learning that they are on the brink of financial disaster. Kinoshita starts with mostly long shots of the living room of the Ikeda home, but then switches to some shots from Ishizu's point of view that reveal the threadbare upholstery and well-worn furnishings. It turns out that Yasuko's father is in prison because after the war he was tricked into joining a company that was on the shady side. When its fraudulent practices were exposed, he honorably took the blame, even though it's suggested that he was ignorant of them. Moreover, a loan is about to come due, one that was taken out to help the family -- which includes Yasuko's mother, grandparents, sister and brother-in-law -- to survive. Ishizu has every reason to flee from this entanglement, but he's so taken with Yasuko that he agrees to court her for a while to see if their marriage would work out. She suggests that they go to the ballet, where he winds up in tears -- partly because he realizes that he can never be a match for her in culture. He takes her to a boxing match, where she winces at the violence but nevertheless winds up cheering for one of the fighters. And so on as obstacles to their marriage rise. We know how it will end, but Kinoshita makes that ending almost plausible, especially with the help of a talented cast that features the always magnificent Setsuko Hara. One blot on the film is the overbearing and sometimes inappropriate use of Chuji Kinoshita's repetitive score, augmented by the overuse of Chopin's Fantaisie-Impromptu in C# minor, the one spoiled for many of us by its use as the melody for the popular song "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows."
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ondessiderales · 3 months
Laver le monde
« Le Voyage de Chihiro, en japonais Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (littéralement « Kidnapping par les dieux de Sen et Chihiro ») est un film d'animation japonais écrit et réalisé par Hayao Miyazaki et produit par le studio Ghibli, sorti en 2001.
Le film raconte l'histoire de Chihiro, une fillette de dix ans qui, alors qu'elle se rend en famille vers sa nouvelle maison, entre dans le monde des esprits. Après la transformation de ses parents en porcs par la sorcière Yubaba, Chihiro prend un emploi dans l'établissement de bains de la sorcière pour retrouver ses parents et regagner le monde des humains.
Miyazaki écrit le scénario en s'inspirant librement d'un roman de Sachiko Kashiwaba (La Cité des brumes oubliées) ainsi que de la fille de son producteur associé, Seiji Okuda, qui vient lui rendre visite chaque été. Il y développe plusieurs thèmes qui lui sont chers, dont l'intégration par le travail collectif, le voyage initiatique, le renouement avec les valeurs ancestrales et le danger de la société moderne pour la nature et les traditions. »
« Au début du film craintive et apathique, Chihiro saura grandir et gagner confiance en elle afin d'affronter différentes péripéties dans le monde des esprits où elle est précipitée. Elle parvient ainsi à purifier l'esprit puant, à humaniser le Sans-Visage sans céder à ses tentatives de corruption, et à porter secours à son ami Haku et à ses parents. Lorsque Chihiro signe son contrat, Yubaba lui vole son nom et elle devient Sen, employé des bains ce qui traduit alors la perte de son individualité. Dans la première partie du film, le scénario et le dessin de Masashi Andō révèlent le doute chez Chihiro, sentiment que les personnages de Miyazaki expriment habituellement peu. La seconde moitié du film, où Chihiro est devenue courageuse, marque un rapprochement avec les héroïnes des films passés de Miyazaki comme Nausicaä et San. »
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« Sans-Visage (Kaonashi) est un personnage mystérieux et masqué, il peut disparaître à sa convenance. Au départ, il n'est pas doté de parole mais, en subjuguant des employés du bain avec des richesses, il parvient à exprimer son insatiable appétit, car en les « dévorant » il peut absorber leur voix et leur personnalité. Seule Chihiro refuse ses cadeaux, ce qui le frustre et finira par lui faire perdre raison.
C'est son apparition sur un dessin a inspiré Miyazaki pour la création de ce personnage sans identité. Le personnage n'est donc pas inspiré du folklore japonais contrairement aux autres esprits; il porte toutefois un masque de nô qui symbolise dans cette forme de théâtre traditionnel la dissimulation de soi et la confusion des identités. »
« Kegare (« impureté, souillure ») est le terme japonais pour désigner un état de pollution et de souillure, important en particulier comme terme religieux dans le shinto. Les causes typiques de kegare sont le contact avec toute forme de mort, l'accouchement (pour les parents), la maladie et la menstruation. Dans le shinto, le kegare est une forme de tsumi, (violation de tabou), qui doit être en quelque sorte compensé par la personne responsable. Il peut être remédié à cette situation par des rites de purification appelés misogi et harae. Le kegare peut avoir un impact négatif non seulement sur la personne directement concernée, mais aussi sur la communauté à laquelle il ou elle appartient.
Le kegare n'est pas une forme de jugement moral, mais plutôt une réaction spontanée aux forces naturelles amorales. Que la souillure soit causée par un acte délibéré, comme dans le cas d'un crime ou d'un événement extérieur comme la maladie ou la mort, est secondaire. Ce n'est donc pas l'équivalent d'un péché. »
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« Chihiro Ogino, dix ans, boude à l’arrière de la voiture de ses parents ; ces derniers ont décidé de déménager à la campagne, et la petite fille regrette son ancienne école. En cherchant à rejoindre leur nouvelle maison, ils se perdent au bout d’une route tortueuse et arrivent devant un tunnel. Le traversant, malgré la réticence de Chihiro effrayée, ils arrivent dans ce qu’ils pensent être un parc à thèmes abandonné. Sentant une odeur de nourriture, ils rejoignent une échoppe vide regorgeant de victuailles, et les parents de la fillette s’installent ; prévoyant de payer en partant, ils commencent à manger goulûment. Agacée par leur comportement, Chihiro part explorer le village abandonné et se retrouve à l’entrée d’un pont menant à un palais des bains. Là, un jeune garçon l’avertit de partir vite avant le coucher du soleil. »
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corpsepartyfan113 · 9 months
Corpse Party Vocal Collection
So, im trying 2 put together a video on youtube with chapters, timestamps, and names for all the vocal songs in corpse party, but i wanted to make sure i got them all. pls let me know if any are categorized or if im missing one!!!
songs below!
BLOODCOVERED: Requiem for a Dream - Nari Amatoya Eternal Prayer - Nari Amatoya Crimson Sign - Noriko Mitose
REPEATED FEAR: Shangri-La - Asami Imai Yami ni Nureta Catastrophe - ARTERY VEIN Yami ni Nureta Catastrophe -ARTERY solo(Eri Kitamura) Yami ni Nureta Catastrophe -VEIN solo(Asami Imai) Confutatis no Inori - ARTERY VEIN
WHISPER OF THE NIGHTMARE ♂SCORPION♂: Opera of Darkness - Tetsuya Kakihara Yesterday to Tomorrow - Hiro Shimono & Nobuhiko Okamoto kill me again - Tsubasa Yonaga
WHISPER OF THE NIGHTMARE ♀TARANTULA♀: Akanesasu - Rina Sato & Asami Imai Sparrow Kiss - Yuuka Nanri Lady Go! - Sumire Uesaka
TORTURED SOULS: Hoshikuzu no Ringu - Asami Imai Shiroi Fūkei - ARTERY VEIN Hotarubi - Yumi Hara
CORPSE PARTY(2015): BABYLON ~before the daybreak - Asami Imai
BOOK OF SHADOWS: Hana no Saku Basho - Asami Imai ☆Twinkle☆Girls☆ - ☆Twinkle☆Girls☆ Pandora No Yoru - ARTERY VEIN
BOOK OF SHADOWS(2016): Sabaku no Ame - Asami Imai
SWEET SACHIKO'S HYSTERIC BIRTHDAY BASH: Limited Love - Asami Imai Sora no Kurenai - Yumi Hara HANABI - Yumi Hara ft. Asami Imai Getsugen - ARTERY VEIN
BLOOD DRIVE: In the rain - Yumi Hara Keshin - Asami Imai Translucent days - ARTERY VEIN Shangri-La (Ballad Version) - Asami Imai
DEAD PATIENT: Kegashi no Mori - Itsuki Sawada
Edit 1: TorTwirl on Reddit found the name of the person who did vocals on Requiem for a Dream and also the song Eternal Prayer!
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kotangmusic · 2 years
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2023年、あけましておめでとうございます。 今年もどこかでお会いできる日を楽しみにしています。 そして、、アナログ7インチ盤、お待たせしました♫ ↓↓↓にて受付開始しました!!よろしくお願いします。 official WEB SHOP uedaya https://uedaya.theshop.jp/categories/4887390
■■ WEB SHOP 223枚限定販売 !! ■■
まだライブ会場でしか手に入らなかった、 今話題のYoLeYoLe × tengusaの7インチ! web販売開始1/25 ( 1/22発送予定です )
■■ YoLeYoLe × tengusa 7インチ盤 ■■
(side A) カチューシャの唄 (side B) 冬越え
■■ YoLeYoLe × tengusa ■■ 児玉 奈央 : vocal 山之内 匠 : bass ryuji : mandolin まーと : per, chorus(A) 上田 耕平 : guitar special guest Karamushi : kettedrum(A)
■ カチューシャの唄 作詞:島村抱月, 相馬御風 作曲:中山晋平 ■ 冬越え 作詞作曲 : 細野 晴臣
品番 YOLE-001 発売日 2022年12月18日 価格 2000円(税込)
recorded at Green&Beach Studio in Chigasaki, Kanagawa recorded by Hirohisa Nakamura mixed by Party Animal mastered by SHOGIN ENGINEERING (Yuuki Hara) art & design by sachiko ueda Pressed by TUFF VINYL produced & released by YoLe Records
■ official web site : https://www.yoleyole.com
Thanks for all friends and family. arigatougozaimasu.
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yoleyole2005 · 2 years
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2023年、あけましておめでとうございます。 今年もどこかでお会いできる日を楽しみにしています。 そして、、アナログ7インチ盤、お待たせしました♫ ↓↓↓にて受付開始しました!!よろしくお願いします。 official WEB SHOP uedaya https://uedaya.theshop.jp/categories/4887390
■■ WEB SHOP 223枚限定販売 !! ■■
まだライブ会場でしか手に入らなかった、 今話題のYoLeYoLe × tengusaの7インチ! web販売開始1/25 ( 1/22発送予定です )
■■ YoLeYoLe × tengusa 7インチ盤 ■■
(side A) カチューシャの唄 (side B) 冬越え
■■ YoLeYoLe × tengusa ■■ 児玉 奈央 : vocal 山之内 匠 : bass ryuji : mandolin まーと : per, chorus(A) 上田 耕平 : guitar special guest Karamushi : kettedrum(A)
■ カチューシャの唄 作詞:島村抱月, 相馬御風 作曲:中山晋平 ■ 冬越え 作詞作曲 : 細野 晴臣
品番 YOLE-001 発売日 2022年12月18日 価格 2000円(税込)
recorded at Green&Beach Studio in Chigasaki, Kanagawa recorded by Hirohisa Nakamura mixed by Party Animal mastered by SHOGIN ENGINEERING (Yuuki Hara) art & design by sachiko ueda Pressed by TUFF VINYL produced & released by YoLe Records
■ official web site : https://www.yoleyole.com
Thanks for all friends and family. arigatougozaimasu.
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tengusa · 2 years
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2023年、あけましておめでとうございます。 今年もどこかでお会いできる日を楽しみにしています。 そして、、アナログ7インチ盤、お待たせしました♫ ↓↓↓にて受付開始しました!!よろしくお願いします。 official WEB SHOP uedaya https://uedaya.theshop.jp/categories/4887390
■■ WEB SHOP 223枚限定販売 !! ■■
まだライブ会場でしか手に入らなかった、 今話題のYoLeYoLe × tengusaの7インチ! web販売開始1/25 ( 1/22発送予定です )
■■ YoLeYoLe × tengusa 7インチ盤 ■■
(side A) カチューシャの唄 (side B) 冬越え
■■ YoLeYoLe × tengusa ■■ 児玉 奈央 : vocal 山之内 匠 : bass ryuji : mandolin まーと : per, chorus(A) 上田 耕平 : guitar special guest Karamushi : kettedrum(A)
■ カチューシャの唄 作詞:島村抱月, 相馬御風 作曲:中山晋平 ■ 冬越え 作詞作曲 : 細野 晴臣
品番 YOLE-001 発売日 2022年12月18日 価格 2000円(税込)
recorded at Green&Beach Studio in Chigasaki, Kanagawa recorded by Hirohisa Nakamura mixed by Party Animal mastered by SHOGIN ENGINEERING (Yuuki Hara) art & design by sachiko ueda Pressed by TUFF VINYL produced & released by YoLe Records
■ official web site : https://www.yoleyole.com
Thanks for all friends and family. arigatougozaimasu.
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r-schwarz · 2 years
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(6:20, Bells, Piano, Cello, quadrophonic playback, 2022)
Prolog für WE HAD A LOT OF BELLS von Damian Rebgets
Eine Koproduktion der Wiener Festwochen 2022 mit dem Schauspielhaus Wien
Premiere im Schauspielhaus 30.05.2022
Komposition: Robert Schwarz
Dirigentin: Viola Falb
Glocken: Damian Rebgetz, Ramy El Borollossy, Sophia Löffler, Benjamin Saeed, Raihana Saeed, Til Schindler
Piano: Sachiko Hara
Cello: Maiken Beer
Ein einzelner, dunkler Glockenschlag erfüllt die nebelige Düsternis, beschallt in breiten Wellen den Raum und vermengt
sich schließlich mit sachte auftauchenden, synthetischen Klängen, die an fern verklingende Orgeltöne erinnern, ehe sie
sich in Echos zerstreuen. Nur langsam lichtet sich die Szenerie. Gestalten in priesterlichen Gewändern durchschreiten den
Raum und schlagen, angeleitet durch Handzeichen ihres schamanistischen Führers, neun unterschiedlich große Glocken,
deren Klänge sich mit den elektronisch verfremdeten Sounds eines Cellos und eines Klaviers zu einem meditativen Klangraum
Der sechsminütige musikalische Prolog „9 Bells” (Komposition: Robert Schwarz) schaffte einen verheißungsvollen, theatralisch-
sinnlichen Auftakt (…).
(Christina Kaindl-Hönig für Die Deutsche Bühne)
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flaminghawkblazie · 7 years
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Sachiko Midori.
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ogradyfilm · 3 years
Recently Viewed: The Emperor’s Naked Army Marches On
Of all the documentaries comprising Japan Society’s “Cinema as Struggle: The Films of Kazuo Hara & Sachiko Kobayashi” retrospective, few are as gripping, intense, and visceral as The Emperor’s Naked Army Marches On (produced in collaboration with New Wave auteur and all-around hell-raiser Shohei Imamura—and boy, is that ever evident in subject matter).
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The camera follows Kenzo Okuzaki—a WWII veteran turned activist/provocateur—as he embarks on a crusade to expose the atrocities of his country’s past, eradicate imperialist attitudes, and prevent the outbreak of another war. His socially disruptive methods include: confronting former military officers at their own homes, accusing them of horrific crimes in front of their families; disturbing the peace by publicly criticizing Emperor Hirohito via a car-mounted loudspeaker, denouncing the disgraced dictator as a coward and traitor to his people; and, when everything else fails, resorting to physical violence—indeed, he frequently ends his “debates” and ambush-style interviews with a flurry of punches and kicks. Obviously, his morally questionable actions make for a profoundly uncomfortable viewing experience, but they are no more unethical than the truths that he succeeds in uncovering: the utter failure of the government to adequately supply soldiers, leading to mass starvation on the frontlines; the cannibalization of New Guinea natives (referred to as “black pork” by the chain of command); and the murder of dissenters under the pretext of “executing deserters.”
The Emperor’s Naked Army Marches On is a fascinating character study—a haunting portrait of one man’s single-minded obsession with tearing down a pervasive culture of willful ignorance, denial, and apathy by any means necessary. It is challenging, poignant, occasionally unsettling, and ultimately beautiful.
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genkinahito · 3 years
The Many Faces of Chika またの日の知華 (2005) Dir: Kazuo Hara, Producer/Writer: Sachiko Kobayashi
The Many Faces of Chika またの日の知華 (2005) Dir: Kazuo Hara, Producer/Writer: Sachiko Kobayashi @js_film_nyc
The Many Faces of Chika    またの日の知華 「Mata no Hi no Chika」 Release Date: January 05th 2005 Duration: 114 mins. Director: Kazuo Hara Producer: Sachiko Kobayashi Writer: Sachiko Kobayashi Starring: Takami Yoshimoto (Chika Chapter 1), Minoru Tanaka, Makiko Watanabe (Chika Chapter 2), Seiichi Tanabe, Kumija Kim (Chika Chapter 3), Yoshikazu Kotani, Kaori Momoi (Chika Chapter 4), Isao Natsuyagi, Toshie…
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junghwwwa · 5 years
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Après l’excellent Miss Hokusai, Keiichi Hara sort cette année un nouveau film d’animation sur nos grands écrans. “Wonderland le royaume sans pluie” (”Birthday wonderland”) est en fait une commande et l’adaptation de “L’étrange voyage depuis la cave”, second roman de Sachiko Kashiwaba, écrivaine pour enfants populaire au Japon qui avait déjà inspiré à Hayao Miyazaki “Le voyage de Chihiro”. Wonderland est le voyage d’une autre jeune fille, prénommée Akane, une simple lycéenne, propulsée malgré elle dans un rôle de déesse du vent qui la dépasse. L’univers fantaisiste rappelle forcément ceux imaginés par le grand maître du Studio Ghibli et le film semble s’adresser plus ouvertement aux enfants qu’à leurs parents. Toutefois, on ne retrouve pas dans l’écriture l’excellence de Miyazaki ou même de Keiichi Hara dans ses oeuvres précédentes. Ici, Hara semble hésiter entre le récit initiatique et le discours écologique, n’approfondissant finalement aucun des deux de façon satisfaisante. Malgré tout, le voyage n’est pas si désagréable. Le dessin est classique mais les couleurs sont magnifiques et on est visuellement émerveillé par certains tableaux. Wonderland est donc un joli conte visant à sensibiliser les plus jeunes au problème écologique mais qui vaut plus pour son aspect visuel que son fond, à voir en famille. 
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newsintheshell · 5 years
Birthday Wonderland, il film è stato acquistato da Dynit
Il nuovo film d’animazione di Keiichi Hara (Miss Hokusai, Colorful) arriverà prossimamente anche in Italia!  
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Dynit ha annunciato quest’oggi l’acquisizione di un altro lungometraggio. Questa volta parliamo di “Birthday Wonderland”, nuovo film d’animazione diretto da Keiichi Hara (Miss Hokusai, Colorful) e ispirato al racconto per bambini “Chikashitsu Kara no Fushigi na Tabi” (The Misterios Town Behind The Fog), scritto da Sachiko Kashiwaba nel 1988.
La pellicola ha debuttato nelle sale giapponesi lo scorso 26 aprile e arriverà prossimamente anche in Italia, con tutta probabilità all’interno del nuovo ciclo di Anime al Cinema in collaborazione con Nexo Digital.
La sceneggiatura è stata curata da Miho Maruo (Kyousou Giga), mentre il character design è ad opera di Ilya Kuvshinov, artista russo attualmente coinvolto anche in “Ghost in the Shell SAC 2045″. 
Akane è una ragazza che non ha molta stima di sé stessa. Il giorno prima del suo compleanno, incontra il misterioso alchimista Hippoctrates e il suo allievo Pipo, in missione per salvare il mondo. Insieme, partiranno per un viaggio straordinario a “Wonderland”. Akane sarà la persona giusta per salvare il mondo magico?
Il tema musicale del film è il brano “Wonderland”, cantato da milet.
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imasallstars · 3 years
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The cover art for THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA MASTER EVERLASTING album has been released and the album is set to be released on the 24th of November 2021. Alongside the title song, it will also feature respective solo versions.
Tr.01 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION)  Lyrics: Yuriko Mori  Music&Arrange: Hidekazu Tanaka (MONACA), Shunsuke Takizawa (TRYTONELABO), Mutsuki Shuhei  Singer(s): Mio Honda, Akari Tsujino, Anzu Futaba, Natsuki Kimura, Anastasia, Natalia, Arisu Tachibana, Sachiko Koshimizu, Yoshino Yorita, Mizuki Kawashima Tr.02 EVERLASTING (off vocal)
BONUS TRACK Tr.03 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Mio Honda Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Mio Honda (cv. Sayuri Hara) Tr.04 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Akari Tsujino Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Akari Tsujino (cv. Megu Umezawa) Tr.05 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Anzu Futaba Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Anzu Futaba (cv. Hiromi Igarashi) Tr.06 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Natsuki Kimura Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Natsuki Kimura (cv. Kiyono Yasuno) Tr.07 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Anastasia Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Anastasia (cv. Sumire Uesaka) Tr.08 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Natsuki Kimura Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Natalia (cv. Teru Ikuta) Tr.09 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Arisu Tachibana Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Arisu Tachibana (cv. Amina Sato) Tr.10 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Sachiko Koshimizu Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Sachiko Koshimizu (cv. Ayana Taketatsu) Tr.11 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Yoshino Yorita Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Yoshino Yorita (cv. Yuuki Takada) Tr.12 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Mizuki Kawashima Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Mizuki Kawashima (cv. Nao Touyama)
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