whosthatsilmcharacter · 4 months
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(All art used with EXPRESS permission of the artist)
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edennill · 7 months
1st age Beleriand dashboard simulator • part 2 (this time with Men!)
Part 1 here
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🌲 find-me-in-dorthonion following
is it weird to get existential dread when you think on how short our lives must seem to elves?
#musings #edainsafespace
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🌻 sunflower-south
Doriath is problematic
Am I the only person to think that there's something very wrong with how the Doriathrim sit safe behind their girdle while the rest of us is exposed to enemy attacks?
🍂 0r0ph3r following
Are we then supposed to remove the girdle in the name of "solidarity"??
I can't even begin to list everything that's bonkers with your premise.
#noldor being entitled jerks
43 148 notes
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🌊 remembering-deep following
I wish there was a way to report people for using quenya on here. ugh
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🐉house-of-finrod following
The way some of the people here talk about the secondborn is sick, to be honest. They're Eruhini, they're not animals, they're not worthless, they're not usurpers, they're not to be called slurs, and I don't care what Fëanor said or didn't say, I thought it was well accepted those are the lies of our common enemy!
#and if I hear one more person say mortal deaths in the war don't matter because they didn't have much to live anyway I will personally strangle them #tw anti-edain sentiment
2 771 notes
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👊🏽iglishmek following
Reminder: if you wouldn't say "engwa", don't say "nogoth" either, both are slurs.
But I would say "engwa" xd
and I know some people use one and not the other cause they think the naugrim are worse even than the engwar; I obviously don't, both of you are so low down one can't get lower - but I don't argue with them.
👊🏽iglishmek following
I will not dignify this with a response.
#ugh I thought I had him blocked though #amended now #wonder if it's the same one that's been harassing me on anon
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💌 daily-polls
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99 837 votes • 1 day 3 hours
🌌 daughterofdoriath following
#uhhh #stating the exact mix would be as good as telling you my name #guess I'm one of a kind haha #but at the same time I'm also as Sinda as they come
19 900 notes
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we've received news of an attack... seems more serious than usual... if I stop posting you know what hit me.
#i don't suppose there's a tag for #that weird fire in the north #oh wait wdym there is?? #love y'all #hold tight
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camille-lachenille · 11 months
The tragic irony of Túrin punishing Saeros for insulting Morwen and Niënor by saying the women of Hithlum run naked in the woods like does and, a few chapters later, Niënor running naked in the woods and being compared to all sorts of frightened beasts by the narrator.
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serene-faerie · 2 months
Would you f*** your clone? (Doriath edition, plus Beren and Túrin)
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Image Credits: (all taken from Tolkien Gateway)
"Saeros' Fatal Leap" by Ted Nasmith
"Celeborn" by Ebe Kastein
"Beleg" by Anna Lee
"The Dragon-helm of Dor-lómin" by Elena Kukanova
"Lúthien" by Aerankai
"Oropher, King of the Greenwood" by Alystraea
"Daeron" by Elena Kukanova
"Nellas" by ElfinFen
"King of the Elven Realm" by Janka Lateckova
"Nauglamir Thingol" by Kimberly
"Beren" by Jenny Dolfen
"The Light of Valinor" by Elena Kukanova
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tolkien-povs · 1 month
Ngl, Saeros's death was and remains one of the funniest deaths written by Tolkien.
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kitty--white · 2 months
Thingol: What are you doing here?
Beleg, caught in the royal bedroom in the middle of the night for some reason: I'm... in your dream, my king.
Thingol: Stop right now, I'm tired of you during the day. Go to Saeros' dream.
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middle-earth-press · 2 months
Thinkpiece: Treating Mortals as Equals Is Folly
Lord Saeros
The gap between engwar and us is far more pronounced than the apparent differences between them and animals. I do not hate horses, but I would feel obligated to pull everyone back to earth, harshly if need be, if they were to be treated as our kin.
The Doriath Daily
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joetamy · 1 year
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I get obsessed with most mean elves, alright- Saeros especially deserves a top spot among my fave mean elves aha <3
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violecov · 1 year
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Saeros Rescued.
I am aware that many times many
of you have wondered why is there not enough content of
'definitely' the best ship of The Silmarillion: Eru/Saeros. I do not have the answer, but I have this interesting drawing of that
beautiful moment when Saeros was falling naked to his death,
just to be rescued by Eru himself.
Truly moving.
Let's see what @ambrorussa has managed to do with this prompt XDD
(Second trsb drawing @tolkienrsb !!!)
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besotted-with-austen · 4 months
Beren, unfaticable enemy of Morgoth who went against his minions multiple times as a human, hero of Dorthonion, beloved by all living creatures, literally prophesied to be able to pass the Girdle of Melian:
Thingol: meh
Turin, Thingol's human foster son literally cursed by Morgoth himself, (accidentally?) leads Saeros, Thingol's counsellor, and Beleg, one of the best archers of his kingdom, to their death:
Thingol: everyone can make a mistake from time to time-
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whosthatsilmcharacter · 3 months
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All art used with EXPRESS permission from the artist
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Saeros is the Go-To Asshole in a lot of fanfictions, and I should make a righteous comment about characterisation and stereotypes, but I don’t really care. It’s Saeros. Have at him.
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polutrope · 9 months
For the modern AU holiday prompts @i-did-not-mean-to requested Beren + accidental drunkenness, and MoonLord requested Thingol, Beleg, Túrin, and Mablung + Decorating a tree. ~2.2k words, rated G. [The Edain in this AU are officially whatever age and relation I want them to be.] Posting these to AO3, here. Prompt list (prompts closed). Beleria Cast of Characters
The flamboyant man at the booth in the back cried out, “Another round for the bar!” and Beren and Lúthien joined the patrons in a celebratory whoop.
Lúthien threw her head back and laughed as a server set two more two more beers on the table.
“I can’t believe this guy,” she said to Beren. “Who is he?”
“His name is Saeros,” the server answered. “A regular. I think he owns a record label or something. Celebrating a chart topper.” She smiled and cleared their empty glasses. “Enjoy.”
“No way,” Lúthien said, and left her mouth hanging open.
“What?” said Beren. Lúthien continued to gape. “What, what? You know him?”
“Yeah! Saeros Green. He offered my brother a record deal years ago.”
“And Daeron turned it down?” Beren asked.
Lúthien dipped her chin affirmatively with an air of pride. “He did. The guy is a smarmy bastard. Milks his artists for everything they’ve got. I mean, look at him!” Lúthien said, gesticulating with both arms in his direction. “Look at all that bling! And the red velvet suit, on a Thursday afternoon, really? Looks like he got in a fight with the Yule display at Mírdain Mall!”
“Ssshh sssh,” Beren said, giggling. “He’ll hear you! Anyway, I like him. Free booze!” He raised his glass in a toast and took a large gulp.
Lúthien was laughing when he lowered it. “You have foam in your beard!”
Beren grinned, making no effort to remedy the situation. “How do I look? More wizened?”
“Like an idiot!” Lúthien blurted, and laughed again.
She was so beautiful. Beren fell into a besotted stupor, staring at her face lit with mirth, listening to her musical laughter… he could die happy right here, right now, getting day-drunk with the most beautiful woman in the world—
“Beren,” she said. “Beren! Your phone is ringing!”
“What, birdie?” he said, surfacing.
“Your phone!” she said, and shoved it into his hand. “Someone’s calling you.”
He looked at he call display: Morwen Ethel-Wang. “Shit,” he said. “Shitshitshit.”
The call dropped before he could answer. Lúthien stared, awaiting an explanation.
Beren exhaled a long breath before giving one. “You remember a few months ago when we talked about my buddy Húrin’s son staying with us for a few days while his wife is at a conference in town?”
“Oh yeah!” Lúthien said. “When’s that happening?”
“Um,” said Beren. “Today. They’re at our place now.”
“Shit,” said Lúthien.
On the monitor, the minutes of the last City Council meeting swam in and out of Elu’s vision. He sighed. The permanent bikeway through Hithlum park had been voted down. Again.
His eyes drifted to the thick folder of letters his intern Beleg had dropped on his desk earlier, from the Hithlum Homeowner’s Association — all variations on the same template, laying out the supposed dangers of a “bike superhighway” through a “family-oriented” neighbourhood. Since when were bicycles dangerous? He pushed the folder aside. Well, they got what they wanted.
It was those damn developers from Valin! Hithlum used to be the alternative neighbourhood back in the 80s, where the artists and students hung out, now it was overrun with wealthy— Elu took a deep breath. He valued the diversity of Beleria. He did. But by god if it didn’t make it impossible to get anything done in this city! You would think, as Mayor, that your word actually meant something—
His phone pinged.
Hey papa! I know you’re working but I have a biiiig favour to ask.
Elu Singh-Goel
What is it, sweetie?
Sooo Beren has this friend and his kid was supposed to stay with us this weekend and we kinda forgoy
Anyway him and his mom are at our place now and we’re… not lol
Elu Singh-Goel
Oh? Where are you?
We went to Gabilgathol for lunch and accidentally got drunk
Elu drew back from his phone. That was not like his daughter. It was times like these he found it most difficult to accept her choice of partner. Beren was an admirable man, with respectable ambitions, but he was so young. Accidentally drunk…
Some guy was buying rounds for the house lol
Elu Singh-Goel
I see. And how do I come into this?
Can she bring Túrin to the office?
Túrin is the kid
Just for a couple hours! Nellas says she can take him tonight if we’re not sobered up
Beren says he’s quiet. Just give him some crayons and paper.
Elu’s thumbs tapped out ‘OK’ before his mind had a chance to catch up. He stopped them, hovering over the send button. What had happened to him? There was a time he would have locked Lúthien up in her room for the weekend for getting drunk at 3pm on a Thursday! — but he couldn’t very well lock up an adult woman. Certainly not one he was going to lose.
Well, not lose. Not entirely — that had almost happened, when he’d tried to talk her out of marrying Beren, but he’d soon repented of that mistake when she disappeared for two weeks without a word to anyone. A cold current shivered down Elu’s spine. That had been a terrible winter.
But now, every day was another closer to her and Beren moving to Dead Man’s Isle. It was ridiculous: she had not needed him nearly half her life now, and yet Elu’s heart dropped when he thought of her so far away. Not around the corner, not where he could drop by on an evening stroll to say hello with a container of leftovers or a tin of Melian’s homemade lembas biscuits.
Because of all this, he had become a complete sucker and lost all ability to say no to her. And damn it if she didn’t know it, he thought with a rueful smile.
Elu Singh-Goel
Omg thanks so much papa!!
Beren will tell Morwen to bring him by
Elu Singh-Goel
Don’t to worry about it. I think I can send my intern to pick them up. Tell them to wait at The Dimbar.
Elu set the phone down, then picked up the receiver on his desk phone and dialed Beleg’s extension.
“Hey big guy, what’s up?”
Elu smiled. He really ought to impress a more professional attitude on his interns (it’s what they were there to learn after all), but there was something… rejuvenating about this one’s breezy familiarity with him — and besides, it was good for the ego to have some carefree college student call you “big guy” once in a while when you had a pile of letters on our desk addressing you as “Your Worship”.
“Beleg,” said Thingol. “Would you be able to run a little personal errand for me?”
“Sure. What’s up?”
“I need you to go pick up a kid and bring him to the office.”
Half-an-hour later Beleg rounded the corner at the end of the hall, running with a lanky, dark-haired boy clinging to his back.
“Here he is!” Beleg announced, and let the boy down. “Túrin, the Master of Fate! Isn’t that right?” He ruffled the boy’s hair. “We outsmarted fate six times on the way over, didn’t we little guy?”
“Red lights aren’t fate,” Túrin said, in the tone of a child who thinks he knows better. “They are for controlling traffic flow.”
“Beleg.” Elu did his best to conceal his amusement with a frown. “I hope you were not racing lights in a municipal vehicle again.”
“No sir,” said Beleg. “No racing. All very strategic.”
“Mm, I don’t think I want to know.” Elu rose from his hair and came around the front of the desk. “It’s nice to meet you, Túrin. Welcome to the office of the Mayor. I’m Elu.”
Túrin did not look impressed, and made no move to take Elu’s hand when offered. “Hi,” he said. “I’m Túrin.” Then he turned back to Beleg. “Can we go on your computer now like your promised?”
Elu lifted a brow, for Beleg’s benefit, as he addressed Túrin. “He promised you, did he? Funny, because Beleg does what I tell him to do, and I do not remember telling him to do that.”
Beleg laughed, not sounding nearly as nervous as he should have.
“Oh.” Túrin paused, visibly processing this new information. “Well can you tell him to play games with me?”
Elu had to laugh at the boy’s quick tactical adjustment. “I’m afraid Beleg doesn’t get to play games at work. But, while he was off picking you up, I thought of something else we could do.”
“What?” said Túrin and Beleg at once.
“Well,” Elu perched on the desk so he needn’t tower above them, “in the storage room there should be one of those fake trees and a box of decorations. We used to set it up in my office every year. I’d forgotten all about it, but since we’ve got you here, Túrin, I thought it would be a nice thing to do. What do you think?”
Túrin seemed to be deep in thought.
“Hey!” Beleg nudged him. “Sounds fun to me!”
“I don’t know,” Túrin said. “I barely know you. Tree decorating is for families.”
“Oh,” said Elu. “I suppose it’s something families often do together, yes. But they can be set up by coworkers, too, or even strangers, like us. I bet we won’t be strangers when we’re done.”
“We didn’t get a tree at my house this year,” Túrin disclosed. “My dad is away for Yule so my mom said we don’t need one.”
“I see,” Elu said, beginning to lose hope in this venture.
“All the more reason to set one up here!” Beleg offered.
“Yeah.” Túrin shrugged. “I guess.”
“Excellent!” said Elu. “Beleg, why don’t you take Túrin down the storage and have a look for it?”
They were gone a long time, and Elu was just beginning to wonder if he should go looking for them when they appeared toting two large boxes — and another of the interns.
“Hope you don’t mind if Mablung joins us!” Beleg said cheerily, setting the tree box upright in the corner of the room. Mablung placed the box of ornaments on Elu’s desk. “He said he was bored, I said he could help us.”
“Of course, of course. The more the merrier!” Elu said absently, distracted by fiddling with computer speakers in an effort to get the music to play. He groaned and threw up his hands. “Can one of you young people figure out why these blasted speakers have turned themselves off again?”
To his surprise, it was Túrin who answered the summons, running around behind the desk to investigate.
“It’s muted,” he said almost at once, and tapped a key on the keyboard. The bouncy beat of I’m the Happiest Christmas Tree spilled from the speakers.
The other three laughed, but Túrin crinkled his nose and hit skip on the song.
Soon, Beleg and Mablung had the tree set up and were arguing about the best placement for the string of lights. Once that was decided, they turned to debating how best to balance the bauble distribution.
Túrin seemed more interested in rooting through the box for the most unique ornaments. Elu watched him wistfully. He had not realised how much he missed being around children and their infectious wonderment at the world.
“I like this one,” Túrin said, pulling out a golden dragon. “My dad has one like it.”
“Oh, yes, very nice!” Elu said. “Why don’t you keep it?”
“Really?” said Túrin, his face brightening. He did not wait for confirmation before he shoved it in his pocket.
“Hey, what’s this now?” Beleg ambled over. “Mayor Man is giving away his ornament collection? Mablung, let’s see what’s in here!”
Beleg peered into the box, shoving aside some silver baubles and pulling out a long black icicle.
“Oh, sick,” he said, letting it dangle from a finger. “This is some goth sh— stuff.”
“Interesting,” said Elu, watching the strange ornament twirl. “I am not sure where that one came from.”
“Ohh, mystery ornament!” Beleg enthused. “Can I have it?”
“Really, you want that?” Mablung put in. “That’s weird, man. It looks like a weapon.”
“No way, it’s cool!” said Beleg.
“Well, if you want it,” said Elu, “I certainly don’t.”
“No, I want it!” Túrin shouted, and closed his fist around the icicle.
“Hey, kid, whoa, easy,” said Beleg. “You could just ask nice—!”
Beleg screamed. The ornament flew towards the ceiling, then arced back down and shattered on the floor. Túrin careened and toppled backwards, just missing Mablung lunging to break his fall.
Beleg gawked at his finger, which was bent backwards as a very unnatural angle.
“You dislocated my finger!” Beleg cried.
“Damn,” said Elu, and he was thinking neither of his injured employee nor of the crying child on the floor, but of the weeks of workplace accident reporting paperwork he’d just created for himself.
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welcometolotr · 1 year
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TRSB 23 reveal!! @violecov painted this beautiful art of Saeros and Eru and I treated this crack seriously. enjoy!!
a haunting hunger
5.9k, rated M
Saeros does not die when Turin drives him off of that chasm in the forest. He does not live, either: it is Eru that takes him up and devours him, transforming him into something new. He returns to Beleriand a ghost and goes where he pleases, sometimes visible and sometimes not, and when he tires, he returns to his lord’s domain. It is a land of stardust and silver clouds, a land where there is no death and there is no fear. In the end, he learns to live again.
View the full art here and read the story here!
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