#Safe Medical Transit.
1-800medivan · 1 month
Ensuring Safety and Comfort: Gurney Transport Services
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Ensuring the safety and comfort of patients during transport is a vital concern, especially for those who require constant medical attention. Medical transportation in Victorville, California, is tailored to cater specifically to these needs, prioritizing patient care and ensuring that each journey adheres to the highest standards of safety and comfort. These specialized services are indispensable, offering a secure and efficient way to transport patients who cannot travel in standard vehicles due to their medical conditions.
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kaserolly · 1 year
Just wanna say happy International Trans Day of Visibility to all of my trans siblings 💙🩷🤍🩷💙 you deserve to be loved, cared for, respected, and most importantly, to be treated as a person. I know this year hasn't been kind to us, and I hope everyday that it'll get better for us :( but never forget this, whether you're out or not, or where you belong under the trans umbrella, you are worthy of love, you are worthy of great things!! You are not alone, and you deserve all the best 🫂🏳️‍⚧️
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bonetrousledbones · 3 months
i know that this is a weirdly common paradox that happens in this fandom but folks i cannot overstate how much of a punch in the throat it was to come across a post saying "hiiii in canon frisk and chara are nb but in this au they're boys ^.^", finding what looks like their main blog since just blocking the au's sideblog is useless, and immediately seeing this in their pinned post
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seeveekat · 25 days
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Hey there, I'm detrans but I never went to a gender clinic for my transition or detransition nor followed up my the informed consent clinic that I went to. So, as far as I know, I never was counted in the statistics for those who have detransitioned. If I had to guess, I'd say there's lots of others in the same boat. Would you happen to know if there's any way to remedy that? No worries if not, just wanted to bring some awareness to this regardless. Thank you for reading.
I’m not sure, but I have no doubt there are countless others like you. Thank you for your input, we need to hear from more like you because, like you say, you should be counted in the statistics and I’m convinced you are. I don’t know how we’d remedy it beyond speaking out about the fact that you should be counted, so this is a start at least
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fishingmaster69 · 5 months
kindof losing my mind bc uhhhh. how am i supposed to like. afford to live.
#i am going to whisper in the tags bc i feel odd about YELLING my bs into the void#i do not have a job yet largely due to physical and mental disabilities#but when i DO start searching for one its like. 90% of online job listings out there are ghost listings#basically none of them hire disabled people and i have disabilities that REQUIRE accommodations#my job search is significantly narrower bc of my disabilities theres a ton of shit i just straight up cannot do#and they all pay about 1 ball of lint & two quarters.#i live in california which thankfully is (relatively) safe for me to transition#but its also. California. which is. Expensive. to live in.#and i have medications i NEED to be a functioning person monthly#on top of taking T at some point#so like ummmmm. chat am i fucked!!!!!!!!!#i could leave california but where do i even go thatd be safe for me AND affordable#its just so hard to get motivated to be independent right now when like. im 18 years old and i can barely walk anymore#im grieving my physical ability at 18 years old#i should be doing that at 70#and everything costs So Much theres no fucking shot i find anywhere in california i could afford IF i can even FIND a fucking JOB I CAN DO#unless i wanna live with my mom forever (who is constantly wearing on my mental health and i DESPERATELY need some distance from)#or live in a literal closet for $2000 a month#what if i have to sacrifice my meds to pay rent i literally am not a functioning human without them so i 100% could not work while off them#idk shit looks so fucking bleak for everyone right now but being disabled makes it a hell of a lot worse#i used to be excited about being independent now i just kindof dread it. or it seems more like a pipe dream#i dont wanna live with my mom til im 25 yall#and transitioning is expensive. and my mom is not going to cover my medical bills lmfaoooo#and idk whats going on with my physical ability so im probably going to have to pay for more doctors appointments#and tests and TESTS AND TESTS#for possibly years#til they figure out what the fuck's wrong#just not excited to live in poverty bc i am a young person in america and basically every young person in america is living in poverty atm#and also not excited to live in a world where i walk with a cane at 18#zep.txt
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bordonfreeman · 5 months
If they pass ANYMORE GODDAMN LAWS i think i might have to move
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isobug · 1 year
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Post-medical Transition and Post-social Transition flags
For those who are Post-transition, not the same as being Post-dysphoric necessarily
Flags based of of these Medical Transition and Social Transition flags, taking colors from the general Post-transition flag (which comes from this general Transitioning flag, which combines the original Medical/Social Transition flags).
For anon
( Image ID. A flag with five equally sized stripes. in order they are dark green, dusty blue, deep purple, dusty blue, and dark green.
A flag with five equally sized stripes. in order they are dark red, dark orange, sand yellow, dark orange, and dark red. End ID. )
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angry-geese · 1 year
The sheer disappointment of having a coworker who you thought was chill and then witnessing them go on a transphobic/homophobic rant
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micahthemoon · 11 months
August 1 2023 Today and yesterday as well I’ve been writing down all my experiences at summer camp. It really makes me reflect about how wonderful it is to have a place like this. I miss all those late-night philosophical talks about gender identity. I miss having people around that sees me for who I truly am just as I see them on a deeper level. And yet I’m also excited. Excited for how far I’ve come by next year. If my voice has cracked. If I’d have grown real facial hair. And if people will notice.  
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staarchild · 1 year
ik i was only diagnosed last week but i'm still thinking abt pmdd a lot. like i've been in disabiling chronic pain and mental health crisis after crisis for over a decade and the (apparent) way to treat it as it turns out is to chemically induce menopause. wild how over half of my life has been wasted just because of inappropriate hormonal responses. like it sounds so minor. anticlimactic.
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finnlessshark · 1 year
y'all need to stop pitting transmascs and transfemmes against each other. we both suffer the same, just in different ways.
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spootsaline · 11 months
is it weird to say that i feel like being on anxiety meds also regulated symptoms of my adhd, because i really think it did?
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girlscience · 2 years
feeling alienated in much of my day to day life because of my body and the way I present myself (whether that identity comes down to trans or masc or gnc or something else entirely) and knowing I could talk about it with my friends but not knowing how to bring it up and also not being sure they'll get it because not many of them present the way I do but also maybe that's just a shitty bias I have and maybe I don't understand them and also many of them have other things that affect their experiences with the world that I don't have (mental illnesses, neurodivergencies, being a person of color, being fat, etc) and those would all leave them feeling alienated too so they might get the feeling but maybe not the source and also all those problems seem much more important than mine so maybe I should just shut up and not say anything.
#listen I just want to talk about the fact I am the only person who looks the way I do at my job#and the company has a very good mix of men and women but there is like a little joking divide between those two#and I always get put into the woman category but I feel so wildly out of place there#but I also don't think I'd feel comfortable in the men category and don't look like any of the men either#and I like my job a lot but I do feel just a little constantly out of place because of how I look and the way I act and the things I like#and I don't know what to do about it#and then also I am struggling with it with my family right now too#I genuinely can't think of a single family member who has never made some comment about either me and my appearance and identity directly#or has made comments about general communities I am part of#and so I don't feel very safe with my family even though I should be able to and even with the people who are super warm and loving#and I look so distinctly different from all of them and I always have#I've never really been able to hide this part of me the way some people can and it has made me different since I was a kid#and I have been fighting to be accepted for looking the way I do and acting the way I do since I was a kid and it's exhausting and scary#and now I want to get involved with my community and find people like me#but there's so much drama now around every version of my identity I could have and it sucks#and like I have no idea when I'm going to be able to even look into medical transitioning stuff#because I am so scared of my families reaction#but I don't know with the political environment if I'll be able to get those services when I feel comfortable and safe enough to do so#and that is fucking terrifying and heart renching#and I want to talk with someone who gets it and feels the way I do but I don't know how and complaining about this seems stupid#when most of my friends have other bigger problems and most of them are GOING THROUGH IT right now so so bad#and I don't want to add stressors to their lives if I can help it
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coridallasmultipass · 4 months
TW venting about that trans kid that got killed
I guess one of the things that sickens me the most about that student that died after being brutally beaten in the school bathroom is that
That kid is dead.
And the ones that beat them up still get to live and go on with their life. They got what they wanted.
That kid that got killed is never gonna live to fight back. Because they're already dead.
There are people in government banning and legislating what bathrooms trans people can use because of some evil spectre of a trans villain going after their daughters when it's demonstrably the opposite: cis people are the ones bullying and fucking murdering innocent trans people for using a bathroom. Any bathroom. It doesn't matter which one we use. Because we're not safe anywhere.
Trans people are killed simply for existing.
The news just said something like "we don't know how exactly they identified, just that they weren't cis" and guess what? We will NEVER find out. Because they never got the chance to explore that and learn more about themself in order to share that info with other people, and that fucking hurts to think about. It hurts so bad, because I'm trans and in the closet, and if I die, no one will ever know, because I don't have friends IRL. I would have a funeral of less than 10 relatives in attendance, and not a single person would use the right name or pronouns.
I fucking hate being trans in America. It sucks to be trans everywhere else, too, I'm sure. It sucks to be trans when the world wants to legislate your existence away as just some sinister delusion.
I hope that kid's family gets some kind of justice, even in just some small way.
Real justice would have been preventing the climate that allowed this to happen (to keep happening) in the first place. But it feels like we're never gonna reach that in our lifetime. Every small step forward is paved in trans blood so thick we end up slipping two steps back.
It's always "protect kids" until a trans kid is forced to use one bathroom, or hurt, or killed. Then it's "thoughts and prayers" and immediately back to business 'protecting' kids from the evil queers. I fucking hate this.
I'm reminded of the post I've seen multiple times, "If you're trans, you have to live. If you can do nothing else, that's all you have to do."
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lxinesux · 7 months
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