#Sakata Gintoki x Shimura Otae
gintokey · 11 months
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8aylee8 · 10 months
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and some Gintama-crappy comics,hehe. :)
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forgloryforhonor · 3 months
may i ask if gintae can be considered as parallel characters? since they share a lot of similarities in values and all. what do you think? i love parallel characters as much as narrative foils
I always thought they were parallels as well as foils to each other
GinTae as Parallels
Roles in community and family
Both are in wish-granting or dream-fulfilling kind of business (otae in hospitality/hostess sector and Gintoki as an Odd Jobs guy)
Considered as bosses/leaders and top class in their specific areas of specialty
Aniki (boss man, big brother) / Anego (boss lady, big sister) persona
Gintoki is kind of the Joui Vanguard (in the Joui war he is the first to rush in, and in action scense he always works alone and is the first to deploy himself)
Otae is also first line of attack/offensive defense (Silver Soul Arc-Siege of Kabukichou)
both had strong mentors that defined their way of life and philosophy. Gintoki knew Shoyo best while Otae understood their father best.
Gintoki canonically sees himself as surrogate father to Kagura sometimes
Otae raised her brother on her own after their father died
Otae also wholeheartedly accepts the Anego title Kagura bestowed on him
Gintoki is considered by Shinpachi as his Aniki too
Speak and curse in the same kabukichou accent
both act as Boke (stupid man) to the other straight man characters (tsukkomi)
both tend to hurt the people they love in order to protect/save them
Both can be incredibly self-sacrificial and suicidal for others and for their core beliefs
Both can be truly cruel at insulting others and each other (fatphobia, ageism, classism, misogyny, etc)
both are very very good at finding each other's weakness and exploiting them to cause most damage (or get them to do what the other wants)
both are very good at finding/recognizing each other no matter where or when
both have been positive and negative change to each other in many ways
Friends and Admirers
Both of them have similar group of friends. They operate in the same circles.
both of them are well loved in their community for their strong leadership and cunning bastard personas
both of them have admirers that are mirrors of each other: Kondou-Sarutobi, Kyuubei-Tsukuyo
Both of then are parallels and foils of Hijikata
Both of them are used to mingling/hanging out with opposite sex and know how to play their charms well to their advantage
In my old posts, both Otae and Gintoki have preached the same things to other people at different points in time, which means they seriously have a lot of shared values and both live under the same life philosophy.
Them doing dogeza in Beam Saber Arc (nuff'said)
Their tragic future selves dying at the same time in Be Forever Yorozuya Movie and Novelization
Both risked their lives/ imprisonment/death penalty for Hijikata and shinsengumi
Otae earning Queen of Kabukichou title from Otose, Gintoki seen as Tatsugurou/Jirocho Protege
Similar Stands
Lots of manga panels where they mirror the same actions and dialogue on different pages
And etc
GinTae as Foils
Opposite Genders
Otae usually needs to be saved; Gintoki is usually one of the saviors
Gintoki can be quite a gourmet pastry chef and cook; Otae cannot cook ever
Different social classes / poverty level
Gintoki usually needs to be found, Otae does the finding (or is the cause) of the Yorozuya getting back together
Fighting style: Otae is rooted in reality and the traditional martial concepts; Gintoki is more freestyle, fantastical and wild
Fighting Style: Gintoki is Vanguard, Otae is backup/Rearguard or Home Defense/Baggage Train
Sexual experience: gintoki isnt a virgin and have slept with men and women, otae is a virgin through and through
I'm quite rusty on the GinTae nowadays so I hope you can suggest more too. But may I recommend my big essay "Otae's Involvement With The Odd Jobs" back in my older sideblog called @ukaiknowsbest ?
Thank you so much for the ask. I love questions like these.
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♡~Making Gintoki Sakata flustered!~♡
This is how I imagine Y/n stealing a kiss from Gintoki when she wants to annoy him ;)
Hope you enjoy<3
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(I love him<3)
*Y/n smiling softly at Gintoki*
Gintoki: *was trying to read Jump*
Stop staring at me like that you idiot *all flustered and red*
Y/n: Aww you're a little tsundere sometimes (^w^)
Gintoki: I'm not a tsundere! I'm just annoyed that you look at me with those eyes that makes my heart skip a beat.
Y/n: Then do something to stop me
Gintoki: *grabs her chin*
Maybe I should shut you up then.
Y/n: Maybe you should yeah
Gintoki: Tch...you're such a pain in the ass, you know?
*Presses his lips against hers*
Y/n: *smiles in the kiss*
Gintoki: *pulls away from the kiss*
That'll shut you up for a while...
Y/n: Mmm, I'm not sure, I don't think that was enough...
Gintoki: Not enough, huh? You're such a pain.
*Grabs her and pins her against the wall before kissing her again*
One thing is for sure, Gintoki definitely didn't finished Jump that day.
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ilchohand · 2 years
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craftydragonperson · 2 years
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 250 likes!
Idk what this is honestly but yay a hit a milestone
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sabeia · 6 years
Be it yesterday - (Gintae Fanfic)
Disclaimer: I do not own Gintama nor the characters either. Sorachi Hideaki is the rightful owner of Gintama. But, I do own the idea of this story!
Note: OMG! I know right! It’s been ages ago when I uploaded the previous part! I do wish; for those of you still supporting and waiting for my update. Don't lose hope guys! Finally, I was able to gather some inspiration to continue this fic. Thanks to a friend of mine. Here you go, guys! CHAPTER 8 is finally here!!
And I humbly apologize if you happen to see a grammatical error, typo and all. I don't have the time to proofread everything as my eyesight is beginning to blur and I want to upload this chapter. ASAP!
Anyhow, I hope you'll like this chapter :) ENJOY!
CHAPTER 8 - Conclusion
Night Past, now; it is already seven p.m. The two ex-comrades are still drinking, well technically its Gintoki who still wants to drink until drunk.
"Oi! Gintoki… You still want to drink?" A worried Katsura uttered, well technically his worried for his money more than anything. It is beginning to dig-a-hole.
Gintoki groaned and wave his glass towards Zura's face and uttered "Nani Zura" hiccups "You invited me to get a drink..." hiccups "Then I'm sure you know... this will happen" hiccups... "Ha...hahaha Zura... Teme... This is the happiest moment in my life you know!" Celebrating while holding his glass of alcohol.
"Yeah... yeah..." and nodded while deep in thought. Thinking of ways to end his suffering.
"Nani... Zura!! It's... Like your...e" hiccups "not interested to what I need" hiccups "to say..." he uttered.
Katsura spit all the alcohol he drunk and slam his hands on the table; annoyed at what his friend uttered "What do you mean by, I am not interested? You're the one who's been drinking all day and saying nonsense stuff that I don't really care about" then suddenly stopping halfway through his words and calmed his self-down. Because his beginning to feel what a straight-man character feel like. Taking a deep breath. He continued talking to his companion. Rationally if possible "You're not even telling me one-bit of your problem. Oh! And more thing, Zura ja nai, Katsura da!" eyes rolls and rest his palm on his chin and look at the Silver-haired boringly. But to Gintoki. He didn't even care what the raven-haired spouts. And that annoyed the latter even more.
Gintoki stared boringly at Katsura while playing his glass. "Ee!! Seriously! Gomen Zura!" hiccupped and made a puppy eyes. Zura shivered at the sight of his companion he felt like vomiting all the alcohol he drunk today.
"And also Zura ja nai Katsura da! That's just gross Gintoki, don't you ever do that again!" still shivering at the thought of it. After calming down, he suddenly noticed the seriousness in Gintoki's face.
"Well..." scratching his perm as he uttered.”There's nothing much I want to tell!" he quoted. While the long-haired man in front of him raised an eyebrow.
Gintoki look at him sighing in frustration "look Zura! Even though I- I..." again he sighed and took a deep breath "I know what's bugging me. Even I don't want to admit it. I know the answer to my own problems" he said between lines and drunk some alcohol. While the raven-haired guy attentively listening to every word he'll say.
"WHATS FRUSTRATING IS THAT!!! IT'S HER!!!" drinking his alcohol in one go!
"Her?" what his companion thought – staring at Gintoki intently. Confusion was written all over his face.
"Damn! Why did I even- “he stops midway when realizing what his about to reveal in front of his friend. He doesn't want that guy to tease him, knowing he knew the girl he was about to mention.
So, instead, he looks at Katsura; thinking if he lets out any information he can think off. But, the way he looks like, seems his confused. Sighing in contentment, Gintoki scratch his perm "A...haha...haha!" laughing awkwardly whilst the latter eyeing him strangely. Thinking that, if his friend gotten crazier!
"I am..." Rubbing his perm "I'm just... Drunk!" he stands up and starts to fix himself "don't mind me Zura!!!"
While Zura on the other hand – not convinced for the lack of information his friend shared. But then shrugging it off. Because knowing the Silver head, he knows better than anyone that he'll never spill his own shit whatever outcome may serve.
But then a sudden thought crossed his mind. "Gintoki!" He called his drunk friend and the Perm stared at him boringly. "This has been bugging me for a while now!" He states.
He hiccups then answer "Nani?" he asks, wondering if Zura guesses some of his worries.
"Well…" thinking hard about how he'll say it, "Look! I'm just wondering why we did not stop at Snack Smile?" stating the fact to his companion and as soon as he looks back at his drunk friend. Shock at his expression, wondering why he looks surprised. Thinking hard if there is something weird about what he asked that made him surprise? Then something struck his head. Grinning at the silver head teasingly.
His question caught him off guard. Coming back to his senses – seeing Katsura, grinning. Annoyed and vein popped on his head.
"Gintoki you –" a roar of laughter escape his mouth, Tears streamed down his cheeks.
Another vein popped on his head "OI! Don't think of any weird things, Damn Zura" threatening Zura but to no avail, it didn't work.
Trying to calm down, wiping the tears escaping from his eyes because of laughter. Clearing his throat. He uttered "Zura Ja nai Katsura da…" hands resting on his tummy as – he's controlling himself not to laugh. Gazing at his friend. Voice was shaking "Look Gintoki it's all crystal clear to – hmp-…" 
"Crystal – what now?" Pressing his hands on Zura's cheeks, squeezing it hard.
Even with Gintoki squeezing his cheeks. Zura Uttered "Ha-.ha- ha- It's Cry-stal cl-clear Th-that you Like Ot-…mpppp"
Suddenly Katsura's mouth is full of ice. Gintoki spoon-feeds him some ice so that he'll stop spreading nonsense. Gintoki fixing himself. Looking serious all of a sudden as he sets his gaze on his companion, "Well I'm not suitable enough to love her anyway." Sighing in defeat. Rising on his chair leaving the raven-haired guy behind.
"Arrrg… I'm so sleepy!" Yawning while stretching his arms "Thanks for the drink Zura!" he didn't look back to see what kind of face his making but, he raised his hand and bid farewell.
With a serious look as he stared at Gintoki's leaving form in worries. He mumbles "Damn that Gintoki!"
Seeing all the cabaret girls – busy entertaining all their customer, whilst one brunette is spacing out. Some colleague and friends noticing her strange behavior but didn't bother nor question her as they are afraid of what she'll do when she's being disturbed. Though they're manager approach her. Calling her several times but, seems that voices are not reaching her ears. Their manager decided to poke her instead.
Poking her several times till it works. The last poke he made, made her flinch. It made her back to her senses and got startled as soon as she saw their manager grinning at her. A vein popped on his head. freaking her out in the process, she suddenly raised her voice, "Ten-Chou!" it confused her why he's in front of her so suddenly. Breathing out as her hands rest on her chest to calm her nerves. She faces her manager and asks "What's the problem!?" unaware of her surroundings.
The manager looked at her and sighed "Otae-chan? If you're not feeling well you can tell me about it!" is what he said. Whilst Otae, eyeing him confused to what he meant. Raising her eyebrow, questioning him what he meant by his statement.
No words were coming out in their manager's mouth. So, she decided to speak, "I'm feeling fine though!" she informs, whilst the manager's palm rested on his face. Sighing in frustration.
"Well... Why are you spacing out in the middle of your duty," He pointed out! That was more of a statement rather than a question, causing her to flinch.
"Wha..." before she even begins to open her mouth their manager pointed his finger at her customer and followed suit. Confused why his concern about her client. As soon as she saw him. It confused her still. So, she turns back her attention to their manager and eyed him strangely "So? What's the problem with him?" slightly raising her voice.
The Manager sighing in frustration at how clueless she is in what she was doing. Massaging his scalp "Look Otae-chan" he called and the Brunette look at him attentively. "Actually... You look like a mess!" after hearing that, Otae wants to retort back but, he cut her off. "And you look like a lifeless soul." Otae raised her brows and doesn't even understand the meaning of what his words. While the manager face-palm and sighed.
"Then may I ask you. What you and your client has been talking about these entire time?" he asked.
"We-well~ we're- his talking about..." she stared at her client and the guy smiled at him awkwardly. Then slowly facing their manager. "We-well... A-..." scratching her head. Thinking deeply "What the heck is he saying to me anyway? Why don't I remember any of it? Did I? Did I really space out? THE WHOLE FREAKING TIME?" screaming internally and decided to face their manager again. "Sp-sports~" she chimed and slowly look downwards to escape their manager's eyes.
"See! What a mess. Why would he converse a sports thing to a lady?" he quote,
"Well... I am a sports person you know!" She remark
A vein popped at the manager's head and everyone who heard that laugh together.
"Look Otae-chan you need to take a break. You may take an early leave today. Make your mind at peace. Okay?" is what he suggest! But, to Otae she has many reasons to disobey their manager but looking closely; even though she's on her job place – she can't even focus nor think straight! And so she decided to oblige. Rising up on her sit and vowed to their manager and vowed apologetically to her client for causing him trouble. Then she leaves the bar for good.
"Aaa... What a long tiring day!" she yawned and stretched her arms. Looking at the dark-gray sky "looking closely. I didn't even last an hour on my job!" cursing under her breath when suddenly someone called her.
"Anego?" Kagura called.
Otae, startled seeing- "Kagura-chan! What are you doing here? And it's already past 6, Gin-san might scold you for being late" worries evident on her tone, as she scolds Kagura.
"Nothing much. I don't have anything to do anyway. And… also, Gin-chan is out. He'll never know I'm still outside! Also, I'm walking Sadaharu" she bombarded her with an answer.
But looking closely, there is no Sadaharu anywhere near her. Eyebrows furrowed as she looks strangely at the young girl in front of her.
Kagura noticing her Anego. She giggles, even without her asking she knew what she was thinking. So, not wasting any more time she answered her thoughts, "Oh! If you're looking for him; he runs away. Well knowing Sadaharu he'll come back!" Otae Nodded to agree with her.
"By the way Anego!" called Kagura.
"Hmm... Nani Kagura-chan?" she asks. While gazing at the dark sky.
"Well... I just want to ask"
"Well... Are you alright?" she asked worriedly and her sudden question confused her.
Asking herself do I really look like I'm in some kind of depression? Staring back at the young girl, eyes furrowed, "W-what do you mean?"
Rubbing her head, "W-well when I saw you. You look like you're in some kind of trouble?" seeing the brunette raised an eyebrow. "I meant is, you look like, you're in deep thought!"
Otae's eyes shot open "It seems these days I've been in a state of shock!" She thought. Then starring at her companion and smiled at her "Kagura-chan"
"Yes? Anego" opening a pack of sukombu
"I just want to ask you something! If that's alright with you?" Kagura's eyes glittered in joy. She nods to her excitedly.
"Yes, Aru! Of course, you can ask me anything!" she sang happily.
Otae took a deep breath, "Okay then! Well… I just want to ask if you fell in love before." Kagura's eyes widen in horror.
"Have you Kagura-chan?" She asked again. When she stared at Kagura, she thought – maybe asking her that made her confused.
Kagura cannot believe what her Anego ask. But she's glad that – at least, she chose her to open up something. Even though, her question confuse her. Not sure if she can give the best answer to help her in some way. So, coming back from her senses. She spoke "I'm not sure if I did fall in love - love? But, I do have some knowledge about that word – love!" she stated. Otae nod stating that she's listening to every word she'll say.
"If you say, love~ my Mommy once told me, you cannot foresee when you're actually falling in love. Because there will be a time when you will realize that your feelings for that certain someone will change!" Otae nodded but some part confused her. Raising her point finger "That's what Mommy said to me; though even up to now it's still confusing!" she adds.
Kagura stared at her "And to me, Love is a feeling of warmth and happiness towards someone – and if you're asking me who I love, then I'll say; I love Gin-chan, Shinpachi, and Anego, Sadaharu, Papi… and all our friends!" she stated.
Otae Smiled at her genuinely and thank the Yato. Patting her head softly. "Thanks for that advice Kagura-chan!"
Smiling back at her, wishing if she helps her some way. "No problem Anego! I do hope, that helps…" Scratching her cheeks, and stared at her. "Please let me know if I help you solve some of your worries, Anego?" Kagura pleaded.
Otae noticing her worried eyes. She smiled at her genuinely and uttered "Of course you help me, some were confusing me but still – you help me realize something. So, I'm thankful for that!" Again patting her head. Then suddenly Sadaharu came and they wave each other goodbye.
After her encounter with the youngest member of the Yorozuya. Otae decided to lie low. Though! She kind of knows some of the answers she wants, still don't want to agree to it and denying it. Wind hugs her warmth body as she's busy walking down the bridge at night time. Gazing at the now dark sky with stars scattering around. When she decided to go home and rest. She saw the Demon vice commander of the Shinsengumi. Smoking whilst his free palm resting on his chin, staring blankly at the waves of the river. The Brunette decided to go and accompanied the raven hair guy.
"Hijikata-san!" approaching him as she called his name.
The latter got startled at hearing his name being called. Looking at the speaker of the voice, seeing a young brunette with gorilla strength coming her way towards him. It saddens him a bit. "Sup!" greeting her. Sounding as normal as possible, "Oi' Oi'. I didn't check my horoscope today! For goodness sake" He wondered, sighing in frustration. Otae caught his uneasiness. And instead of feeling offended. She decided to smile at him genuinely. Genuinely? With a dark aura appearing on her back obviously. Hijikata startled and sweat starts running down his face and gulped "Y-yoh! What a surprise meeting you here, crazy woman!" mumbling the last sentence to himself.
"Yeah! Me too!" She answered back. Still smiling at him creepily.
Hijikata rubbing his hair not knowing what to say or do next, he sighed "A-a... Well, I have some errands to do so, I'll be of–"
"Can I borrow some of your time for a while?" the brunette suddenly queried. It startled the demon vice commander. But, looking at her; it seems that she does have a thing or two to say. But, the question is… why him?
He wondered if it has something to do with his commander. So, for the umpteenth time, sighing in frustration.
"Look... Whatever Kondo-san did-"
"Well it's not about him!" she cuts him off.
Scratching his hair "O...kay! Then what do you need from me?"
Otae took a deep breath and look at the handsome man beside her. Opening her mouth but, no words are coming out. She laughs awkwardly and apologizes. "Gomen!" she mumbled. Whilst the raven-haired guy raised an eyebrow.
Otae plays her finger non-stop then looking sideways or down. Which her companion wondered. Then again the brunette sighed and calm herself. Mustering enough courage to ask him her troubles; even if she looks weird and out of character to him.
Meanwhile, the raven-haired guy, fidgeting his feet out of boredom whilst waiting to what this crazy chick has to say. And when he saw her open her mouth. Again. Suddenly his eye lit up in excitement – in another way.
"Okay!" the brunette cheered herself. She took a deep breath and look at her companion that now for sure is impatiently waiting to her. "Well, you see... I know this is kind of weird for me to ask... But-"
"Okay! Shoot!" Calmly as possible he muttered under his breath. Though the Brunette in front of him looks unhappy at how the way he interrupted her thoughts.
"You see, this is hard for me to ask. But, Shin-chan once told me – that you help him once, regarding his love affairs." When Otae looks up to see Hijikata. It bewildered her why his looking at her with eyes wide open!
She looks at him with disgust "You're creeping me out!"
After she commented that Hijikata turns back to reality and cough to erase the awkwardness. Staring at the girl beside her, then return his gaze to the riverside.
He took out his cigarette and starts to smoke. Whilst Otae is unsettled waiting for his answer.
"Maybe that's shocking for him though?" informing herself.
"What do you mean by love affairs? Are you telling me you're in love?" Hijikata asks with amusement written all over his face.
Otae blushes at the remark and brushes it off. "Si-silly… not me though!" She defended herself but Hijikata eyed her.
"T-true! It's not for me! It's for a friend! You see, she's asking me about this matter but, as you see I'm not a love expert!" She explained and trying to convince him.
And as for Hijikata, even though he didn't buy her trying hard explanation; still, he let it slide and hear her out first. "Hai! Hai! Whatever you say!" he answered boringly "So! What is this love thing you're supposed to – I mean is, what love affairs do your Friend~ wants to know?" asked the brunette.
"W-well you see she told me that whenever she sees the guy, it makes her heart tremble!"
"Tremble? Why? I mean what kind of tremble?"
"Tremble! Means whenever I..." Before she even said the whole sentence she saw Hijikata raised an eyebrow at her. She cut herself off and cough. "What I meant is whenever SHE~ saw him her heart trembles in some kind of ways like, how do you pronounce it?" asking herself. Whilst the demon vice commander eyeing her every sentence.
Again she inhaled deeply "Hmm… Like her heart is trembling with joy, excitement, and anger? Like she feels delighted and somewhat uncomfortable whenever he's around!" not sure if her explanation went through to the raven-haired guy. As his just blankly looking at her.
"I don't know if I explain it properly. But, that's how I-… she felt…" Then laugh awkwardly.
Hijikata eyeing her, staring at her face like there's some kind of dirt hanging on her face the brunette look uneasy. So, she decided to stare anywhere but him. And when he realized what he's doing, he suddenly stops and cough to erase the awkwardness envelops them.
"Okay!" He starts then the girl beside her gaze back at him. "To summarize it, she's happy to see him but also felt uncomfortable, am I right?" asking the brunette. And she nods.
"Then – she's in love!"
After his quick analysis on the matter. Otae's facial feature is horrified; shock written all over her face. As if what the raven-haired guy uttered is a complete joke and nonsense.
Her reaction is somewhat a shock to the demon vice commander as well. Even though she informs him that it's only a friend who asks her that. But, seeing her reacting this way; it somehow shocks him also.
"Are you okay?" he asks the brunette who looks mortified and it seems like she didn't hear her. So he asks her again.
"Are you okay?" after his second attempt. Seems like he got her attention because she looks at him in dazed.
Otae looks up to him only to realize she's acting weird again. Fixing herself as if nothing happened and cough. "A…" is the word comes from her mouth. Hijikata sniggered and saw how red she was. He apologizes for his behavior.
Red steaming on her cheeks, embarrassed for herself. "OI! Why are you sniggering?" is what she manage to say in this situation befalling her.
After stopping his self not to laugh, a sudden roared of laughter heard from the police guy. Some teardrop escapes from his eyes and wiping it. "You see! Don't deny it; it's not for a friend that advice is actually for you. Am I right?
She was about to respond back but, her mouth betrayed her. Taking a deep breath, he calms himself and stared at the young girl beside her "What? It's not embarrassing to fall in love. Right?" asking her in a serious tone.
Otae looks at the dark sky whilst wind enveloping their warm bodies, she sighed. "Darn! Even your saying that!" sighing for the umpteenth time.
"What's wrong with that?" He asks. Curiosity wrote all over his face.
"Well… you see, I'm not even sure myself if that is what I feel!"
"You mention earlier that you like seeing hi-"
"Correction – I'm uncomfortable seeing his face." Defencing herself again. Hijikata blows his smoke and looks up at the sky.
"You're just confused, you ask me some advice and when I gave you what you need. Here yah go and denying all of it!" lecturing the brunette. Vein pop on her head but shrug it off.
"I'm not denying something, what I'm saying is… I don't know and I'm not sure what I feel!" she answered in an upbeat tone. She heard him Tsk… and mumbling something to himself.
"You really are annoying. Aren't you?" he muttered under his breath, feeling tired all of a sudden.
Otae's ears went wild after hearing him. And when she's about to scold him. He cuts her off, without knowing.
"Then if you're not denying it. Why do you feel delighted seeing him?" asking the angry girl a while ago.
"I'm not happy... argg… it's just complicated!" She growled. Taking a deep breath "Look! I feel happy because… it's like he is a family to me. So, when I see him it just feels right!" Hijikata nod telling her to continue. "And he's always there. Every time I'm outside, his always appearing out of nowhere." Again Hijikata nod and this time with enthusiast. And certain that she's talking about her gorilla commander and feeling happy for him. Even though earlier she said her question is not about her stalker commander. He thought that Otae is only shy to ask him directly about her feelings towards Kondo.
"How can you accuse me of falling in love, when I – for certain am not sure if that's really how I feel? And of all person in Edo, why do I feel strange seeing him?" quote Otae.
Hijikata massaging his chin whilst thinking of some good advice to give to her. After realizing her feelings towards his commander; sure it felt nice and wonderful now that she also feels the same way. And admitting to himself that she's cute and all.
Seconds past when she uttered something but, it seems that no response came into the demon vice commander; it confused her so she stared at him, seeing that his line of sight is in horizon she pats his shoulder to get his attention and it works.
Coming back to his senses. Gazing at the brunette beside him, nodding in understatement which confused the young girl. Staring at him in confusion until she saw him open his mouth to say something.
"You see, you just can't accept the fact that now, you're developing some deep feeling towards him. Because of his somewhat annoying in the past. But, when you look at him closely and being with him every time, you're harboring some kind of feelings without you noticing it." Hijikata answered her in confidence.
A shock was written all over her face as she heard all the things Hijikata uttered; as if he knew who she was talking about. Then it strikes her, feeling uncomfortable at the moment.
"You said all that as if you knew who I was talking about?" sweat run from her face as she asks. Feeling uneasy but, acting tough.
"Well! At first, I don't but, consider what you mentioned earlier I had a hunch. And I'm pretty sure who might be the guy you're talking about!" He answered surely.
Sighing in frustration, realizing how smart this guy is; it sure frightened her. "Then if you know who the guy is. Can you help me realize what I truly feel? If I really am in love or if; it's just a normal feeling when you consider him a family?" She asks in frustration.
"Then let me ask you, when did it start?" Seeing her vexed expression. He sighed and continued "I mean when you started harboring that feelings towards him?" explained Hijikata.
She looks at him blankly until it registered to her what he meant. She sniggers shyly and suddenly, cheeks are glowing red, "Well, it started after what happen that night!" the raven-haired guy choke after hearing her answer, that startled the brunette, asking him are you okay?
Hijikata, with the knowledge that Kondo his commander was the one this brunette are talking about; cannot believe the things Otae stated. Realizing that some nights Kondo where missing on their barracks. Then it hit him, this is the reasons why? Seconds passed he calm himself and stared at the brunette with wide eyes, grinning like a maniac. That creeps her out.
"Why the hell are you acting like that? Are you okay? Do you want me to punch you really hard? You're actually – you're creeping me out! Stop that!" Hijikata, lock in his dilemma, suddenly startled at the impact blown on his nose.
Otae punches him on the face. That brought him back to reality. Groaning in pain as he wipes his bloody nose, "The Hell bitch!" he growled.
"It's your fault, to begin with!" Grinning at his reaction!
While the two are busy arguing. Little did they know that someone was watching them not so far away? But, in his view, the two looks like they're enjoying each other's company. Seeing that smile plastered in Otae's face and with the knowledge that she's in the company of that bastard policeman made him tremble in anger.
True! Gintoki felt the urge to punch a certain policeman for keeping his woman genuine smile only to himself. Because that smile is only for him. He decided to ruin their happiness by starting to approach them – walking like a zombie he called-
You can also read this at FFN -> CLICK <-
don't forget to review. 
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seigibathala · 3 years
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One long table is not enough for the gintama cast!
Ending this year with this last piece of art - a year end party sponsored by Soyo-chan.
High Res image is in my twitter. Tumblr can’t upload it’s original size lol
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vordark · 2 years
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Gave me the feels... Also the tingling sensation and an itch to sketch another GinTae moment.
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gloomyplum · 3 years
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So... i made some fanart!
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It's yorozuya family x Spy x Family! I still haven't watched yet, but from i've heard, i instantely thought of them! Especially a adopted little girl with two hair acessories 😆
I didn't finished yet, but since i'm not very good at painting, i prefer to post this version here, but if the painting turn out good, i will post it here too!
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gintokey · 9 months
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ukaiknowsbest · 3 years
Benizakura Arc - Regency Era Style
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Gintoki: Why is my nurse putting a sword on my neck?
Otae: Gin-san, people die when they are killed, you know?
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Otae: Ooh! Un! Uwah! Guhn!
Gintoki: What is happening?
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Uncute woman...
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...Stupid man
Historical notes: Regency Era (1811-1820) also coincides with Late Edo Period though it is 20-30 years earlier than Gintama’s time setting. There are similiraties in the lifestyle of high society of japan and britain at that time. Women had little rights, were often married off to same or higher social class, people visited and stayed in each other’s houses all the time, etc.
I’ve been trying to read some Jane Austen for inspiration tbh. I’ve only managed to finish Pride and Prejudice coz i just find the others so boring and difficult to understand. Also i just couldnt handle the 10+ year age difference of the other couples. Anyhoww I’ve had enough of the au and making this was my way of celebration lol.
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forgloryforhonor · 11 months
A little fic for Pocky Day!!
Summary: Gintoki and Otae play the Pocky Game. Kagura is the referee. Shinpachi doesn't want to be here.
https:// archiveofourown.org/works/51509629
Enjoy and happy 11/11
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archive0fmy0wn · 2 years
Title:  The Princess and the Pea
Author:  Sanchez2007x1 (Justawayreverie)
Otae is pretending to be the Princess. Why? Cause the Princess doesn't want to date. She wants her freedom. XD Cliche. Oh yea and Gintoki is the person hired to date the princess.
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ilchohand · 2 years
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2023 is the year I descend into Gintama madness
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