#Sakazuki and Dragon are the same age
tsukinobherzhoka12 · 10 months
Hold on, Garp had Dragon in his trainee days?!
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dentdechien · 10 months
hii!! just wanted to say i love ur art. i also checked ur twitter and some of the stuff u post is really similar to a fanfic prompt ive had for months. its about sakazuki and dragons relationship when theyre colleagues at the marine. crocodile is also there somehow (its a really long fanfic prompt..). anyways!! i thought it was really really dumb and kind of weird (bc, u know, most OP fans hate the marines. which is definitely understandable, but i think they are very interesting characters. specially sakazuki, who seems to morally motivated due to a rough past) but seeing your account motivated me :D i would love to talk more about it with you if you enjoy my idea!!
Hello!! THIS SOUNDS SO INTERESTING… like i’m seriously clawing at anything involving dragon and sakazuki being together in the marine. I mean what, same age and dragon is confirmed ex-marine and sakazuki seems to be holding a grudge, i really hope oda do something with this 😭 and i’m the same mindset, i find sakazuki really interesting and i can’t wait to get his full lore!!! Or at least bits of it lmao. But anyway i’m super glad it motivated you for your ideas !! I’m always down to talk abt it ✌️
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aviculor · 5 months
I found a new One Piece-themed Youtube channel, GrandLineReview, and I've been getting really into it for commentary and analysis. Unfortunately, all the chapter speculation videos are a little harder to watch knowing they got answered or debunked literally the next week. And you know, the context is a lot fresher when the chapter *just* came out. Same reason why I find it astounding when a Homestuck theory post gets a note. How do you know what the fuck I'm talking about when *I* don't?
But something huge he pointed out is that Dragon was confirmed in the Kuma backstory to be ex-Marine. Dragon is the same age as Sakazuki, so there's a very real possibility they were recruits together. Possibly even friends. And that's why Sakazuki kept referring to Luffy as Dragon's son at The Summit War. It's fucking personal for him.
It's also funny, in a sense, that he said the "Ginny was abducted by the Marines to be a slave and one horrific act later, out pops a baby Bonney" theory was not likely because it was introducing you-know-what into the series and that would be TOO dark for Oda. Well, shit.
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megashadowdragon · 1 year
Oda consistently presented the original 3 admirals in a particular order in the pre time skip.
Examples: Kuzan was introduced first. Borsalino was introduced second. Sakazuki was introduced third.
Kuzan attacked first at MF. Borsalino attacked second at MF. Sakazuki attacked third at MF.
For my darling heights scalers out there (this not a power level take) their heights also correspond to this exact order: Kuzan is 2 cm shorter than Borsalino. Borsalino is 2 cm shorter than Sakazuki.
Now let’s look at post-Wano for just a second.
1. Kuzan enters the story and fights Monkey D. Garp/Sword. Chapter title: Kuzan, the 10th Titanic Captain
2. Borsalino enters the story and fights Monkey D. Luffy/SHs. Chapter title: Admiral Kizaru
3. Sakazuki….
If we follow the pattern in which they were introduced in the pre time skip and apply it to the post time skip, Sakazuki will be the third admiral to make his move, likely with a chapter titled Fleet Admiral Sakazuki.
Furthermore, given that the previous two admirals were reintroduced with battles against the Monkey D family, there’s a good chance it’s in a fight with Dragon/the Revolutionaries. Most likely Akainu takes some role in the Holy Knights conflict with the revolutionaries, this potentially even gets set up with Kuma on Mariejois.
All 3 logia trio are fighting Monkey D. : Kuzan the youngest and weakest fought old Garp Kizaru the oldest and fastest is fighting Luffy Akainu the strongest is fighting prime Dragon soon (and this is why Sabo will beat Akainu in final or so)
Young Kuzan were closes with Garp, Borsalino were Friends with Sentomaru n Dr Vegapunk, And Maybe Sakazuki n Dragon also bestie back then, both at the same Age 55 Yo... @bottlepiecemuses
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creative-type · 7 years
The Justice of One Piece
So I was working on my next post in my ongoing analysis of Nico Robin and was reminded that this human stain existed, and it got me thinking about how justice is portrayed in One Piece
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Justice is an abstract enough term that it can mean just about anything. There are connotations of fairness, righteousness, law, and goodness within the definition, but at the end of the day justice is giving someone what they deserve.
Since justice - especially Absolute Justice - is so important when analyzing Robin’s backstory I thought it would be good to do a write up on some of the various ways justice is interpreted and implemented within the world of One Piece. 
This isn’t meant to be exhaustive, because justice as an ideal is deeply personal and varies greatly from character to character. I will, however, try to hit some of the high points.
The Rise of Absolute Justice
Ideologies do not spring up in a vacuum. Most people don’t wake up in the morning murdering deserters and blowing up evacuation ships for fun (more on Sakazuki later) - certain events have to unfold before extreme measures are considered normative. In this case, the line of thinking that leads to Absolute Justice can be traced back to Gold Roger. Specifically, the Pirate Era that he kicked off
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Just as there’s a difference between New Age and Old Age pirates, so also can there be a difference seen between the marines of Roger’s era and those who came after. 
While is some overlap between the two and the events at Ohara/Ace’s birth suggest that the root of Absolute Justice go far beyond Roger’s death, Sengoku, Garp, and Tsuru all are portrayed as more moderate than Sakazuki and his followers. The seas were different then. The Grand Line had yet to be fully explored, the technological advances brought on by Vagapunk hadn’t been developed, and there were fewer pirates.
This shift in mindset can be seen in Franky’s flashback when we learn that Tom’s trail was somewhat unusual in that shipwrights aren’t normally prosecuted for building ships for pirates.
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In addition, while Sengoku ordered the Oharan Buster Call we can assume that he was also provided order for evacuation as well. The bombardment was extreme, yes, but it was ostensibly targeting guilty.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the attack on Ohara was meant to be a warning to the rest of the world. The so-called enemy were civilians and academics, a group hardly known for their fighting prowess. A ground attack would have done the job just as easily without any of the collateral damage. In fact, Spandine’s Cipher Pol agents were able to subdue all the archaeologists by themselves and the only one who fought back was Olvia.
The Elder Stars respected Professor Clover and the scholars of the Tree of Knowledge. They - not Sengoku - gave the order to attack only after Professor Clover wouldn’t shut up about the Void Century, and they didn’t look too happy about the outcome.
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Roger’s death and the destruction of Ohara take place in the same year. That’s an incredible amount of turmoil in a short amount of time. In the wake of so much uncertainty it’s little wonder that the rigid, unyielding ideal of Absolute Justice rose to the top. 
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Sakazuki was already an extremist during the Ohara incident. What we don’t see is any change in ideology in the twenty year interim. If anything, he gets worse. When facing a deserter during the Marineford War, he kills him on the spot. There is no remorse or mercy, only the meting of punishment with himself acting as judge, jury, and executor. 
Aristotle postulated that any virtue in excess becomes vice. We see in Absolute Justice a justice devoid of mercy or compassion, where there is only the most severe punishment no matter the crime. It is justice without fairness, goodness, or even regard to the law (deserters are generally tried and dishonorably discharged/imprisoned. Battlefield executions are a no-no). It cannot be called righteous, as it targets innocents and ignores the greater moral issues of slavery and the cruel rule of the Celestial Dragons. Absolute Justice brooks no compromise and cannot be argued with, for to question it is to question the World Government itself.
And just like the events surrounding Roger’s death encouraged Absolute Justice, the popularity of Absolute Justice in turn encourages greater extremes in order to keep the peace, which brings me back to Spandam
CP9 and Dark Justice
The Dark Justice of CP9 is the logical evolution of Absolute Justice. It takes everything we’ve already seen and adds an emphasis on military might, with a hefty dose of pragmatism mixed in to boot.
Spandam is an utterly reprehensible piece of garbage, but I find him fascinating because for all his faults - of which there are many - he’s not stupid, nor is he incompetent. It’s easily forgotten, but it was Spandam who convinced the World Government to go after the Ancient Weapons in the first place
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Where Absolute Justice seeks to squash criminals with the heel of their boot, Dark Justice fights fire with fire. It’s hard to say how much of this Spandam actually believes and how much of it is him angling for a promotion, but there’s no doubt that he thinks Robin’s first and greatest crime is simply existing. Absolute Justice says she must die, but that doesn’t stop Spandam from wanting to use her for his own ends first.
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Spandam was going to keep Robin alive for exactly the amount of time it took him to extract all her “useful knowledge”, and we know that he wasn’t above torturing her to get what he wanted. After accidentally calling for a Buster Call against Enies Lobby he justified himself by saying if ten thousand marines had to die to cover up his mistake protect the world, then those ten thousand should die without question. 
So Dark Justice is all about using the end to justify the means, but it doesn’t end there. It’s not good enough to simply not be evil, you have to be strong enough not to let evil overcome. We see this a little with Spandam’s obsession to revive the Ancient Weapons, but Lucci displays it better in the form of his backstory.
Because of pacing issues, Oda only put a truncated version of Lucci’s backstory in the manga, although it was expanded upon in the anime. To make a long story short, when he was a teenager Lucci killed five hundred soldiers that were being held hostage by a group of pirates. Their weakness that led them to being captured was their crime, and they paid in blood for their mistake.
Dark and Absolute Justice meet at the Marineford War, where Ace is punished for the crime of being Roger’s son. Chapter 550 is very clear in this regard. Ace isn’t being publicly executed for his own actions as a pirate, the property he has destroyed, or the people he’s undoubtedly killed with his Devil Fruit, but for who his father is. By the World Government’s logic, it’s a case of nature over nurture - Ace was destined for villainy no matter what, so you might as well kill him for his original sin. 
Their logic is undone when the war continues well after Ace and Whitebeard’s deaths.
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Here the marines have obtained their objectives and have bigger things to worry about than an insignificant rookie like Luffy. Their bloodlust doesn’t stop until the corrupt, twisted justice of the marines is tempered with a bit of sense, kindly provided by Coby.
Of course Sakazuki almost kills him for it, but, hey, it’s the thought that counts
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This is one of the few times we see Absolute and/or Dark Justice challenged from within the marines, and one of, if not the only, time we see a more moderate position “win”. It marks the beginning of a “third wave” of justice ideology. 
Coby, Smoker, and Fujitora represent the counter-movement against the likes of Sakazuki and Spandam, and it will be interesting to see how they fit into the series going forward. I think I’ll cover these more moderate views of justice in another post. 
Until then, thanks for reading. I’ll try to get back to Robin next time, specifically the parallels between her backstory and the events of the Enies Lobby arc.
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petite-neko · 8 years
What if: Part 1
Since I promised: Here we go.
So I had this idea the other night about a what if situation.
What if: Ace ended up having a child, but nobody actually realised it? He didn’t do what Roger did and start acting like a fatherly figure, because he, himself didn’t realise ‘Oh, she’s pregnant...’
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
I had thought about the idea every so often but it’s just ‘oh gotta make an OC character to ship with Ace’ But then I ended up reading all the cover story arcs and it made me think:
(Now her age isn’t verified, and there isn’t too much to go by to tell how old or young she really is. In this case she IS an adult)
The reason I picked Moda was for a variety of reasons: She’s connected to the Marines, so if they have any suspicions, well they could end up at her. If she did end up getting pregnant, she probably wouldn’t figure it out until Ace’s execution, or after the fact. And, because that she is indirectly involved with the Marines and lives by herself, she can create ‘cover stories’.
So Moda, realising how and why Ace ended up being the key to the war, well, she’s not about to brag to her parents (who WORK for the marines) that she hooked up with a pirate. A pirate who was the son of Gol D. Roger. And is now pregnant with his child.
(And by hook up, I’m thinking probably not a one night stand. Maybe Ace was a bit injured and needed a couple days of recoup time? And they kinda bonded after that. Because Ace ends up telling her too ‘didja know if I was born a girl I would’ve been called Anne?’)
And, she also realises if people start timing when Ace delivered her message to the timing of her pregnancy people might start putting two and two together, and so she starts gushing to her parents about this really handsome merchant. (And hey, most wandering merchants have to be charismatic to sell, so why not a handsome one? There probably have been some handsome ones in town every now and then) 
(And Moda doesn’t lie about anything, no. She knows IF she lies and they find out a) They could start suspecting and b) She could get into major trouble)
So her parents, and therefore that marine ship think that Moda got knocked up by this handsome merchant, but he’s long gone by now. They don’t even FATHOM the idea about Ace.
And so nine months later Moda does have the baby, whom she named ‘Anne.’ 
Anyways so a year goes by after the war, Sakazuki takes over, and eventually, the guy starts wondering:
What if Ace left behind something?
But since he also knows about the charade that Rouge pulled, he needs to be a bit more cautious on ensuring if there actually was a child.
(However he waited too long)
It had been almost a year since he took over when Sakazuki started his search. While he had no real leads to go on, he had his Marines make a pathway of the last year of Ace’s life in the meantime. (While he knows that the chance the baby was born into the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates is heavily possible, he cannot route out civilians as well)
Word gets in towards the Marine Base G-2, and the Vice Admiral there decides to take matters into his own hands before he reports it to Sakazuki. He owes it to Moda and her parents after all. He feels bad that she’s a suspect in this (to him) seemingly pointless search, but, if he tries to negate the facts Sakazuki will eventually find out. So, he goes for another milk run.
Moda, however, had been trying to figure out how to prevent her daughter from becoming victim to the same fate as Ace. She knows she won’t be able to protect her from the marines if they find out. The Whitebeards were an option, but considering their strength was not what it was since the war, she’s hesitant, not to mention they are just mere whispers in the wind now. And then she thinks about Ace’s brother: Luffy. Nobody had heard from him since the stunt he pulled at Marineford, at least until now. She had just read the paper about Dressrosa.
But how would she get in contact with him?
There was another tidbit however in that article: Sabo.
And she knew she was going in for a long shot, but, the article mentioned the possibility of Sabo being Luffy’s brother. Not to mention Sabo worked for Luffy’s father...
(It was a long shot but... could Sabo also be Ace’s brother?)
Irregardless, Sabo was probably her best bet to get a hold of Luffy. And if Sakazuki was going to strike for Ace’s potential children, he wouldn’t hold off for much longer.
So she (somehow) gets a hold of the revolutionary army, mentioning she needed to speak with Sabo on a very urgent and personal matter involving Luffy. And Sabo, of course, rushes on over, only to see Moda and Anne. (And oh boy does he see Ace in Anne and it doesn’t take long for him to put two and two together)
And he’s just “...This isn’t about Luffy is it?”
And Sabo listens to her plea and nods. He is this child’s uncle after all! And so he whisks Anne away, but not before Moda asks if Anne should be Portgas D. or Gol D.
Sabo obviously agrees with the former. It’s what Ace would have wanted.
Just in time too, because not even a week later, G-2 along with Moda’s parents pull ashore.
Moda had been prepared for this: She built a memorial spot for Anne and everything, prepared tears, and just told her parents that Anne had been suffering from a fever lately and one day she was just... gone. It isn’t that uncommon for a baby or infant to fall victim to maladies.
And the Vice-Admiral, well. He has no case to present to Sakazuki. That even if this child was Ace’s child, there was nothing left to pursue. The blood-line would have been stopped. So he would report he had a lead that ran into a dead end. And he wasn’t going to pry further, this was a family in mourning after all.
Meanwhile, Sabo brings home the most wanted baby in the world: Portagas D. Anne. Dragon isn’t exactly pleased....
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sukitaro · 3 years
The Serpent’s Bite
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The soft footsteps of a Midlander traveled down the exquisite hallway of a Hingan estate, nestled comfortably within Koshu borders well away from any busy villages or markets. The exterior of the estate could be compared vaguely to the Yuzuka Manor within Yanxia, three stories tall with a Hingan style fencing encasing the manor from any outsiders foolish enough to sate their curiosities. At all hours of the day, one could find a pair of sentries keeping watch along either side of the center archway leading into the estate’s personal courtyard, showcasing a peculiarly demonic looking statue in it’s centre, sporting jagged horns, curving claws and a tail ridged with blades.
Within the estate walls, it looked to be an extension of the occupants’ Rakuza District karaoke bar. Authentic ukiyo-e artwork, luxurious leather couches and seats, and every attempt one could make otherwise at flaunting their wealth - likely earned through less conventional methods given the circumstance of this evening in particular.
A cold sweat ran down the Midlander’s temple, of which he briskly removed with a swipe of his thumb. He halted before the doorway leading to the unknown, pivoting on a heel to deliver a whispered pep talk in Hingan. There was nobody around. It was for his own benefit, futile as it was to calm his apprehension. Adjusting his black haori, the man rounded himself back to the door, forcing himself into a position of power, shoulders squarely lifted and chin poised up. He slowly pushed open the door, departing from the sanctuary of the empty hallway.
“Calm...calm...you’ve earned this. Don’t show weakness. Be strong. Take a deep breath.”
It was an occasion suffered for, bloodletting after bloodletting as a testament to the man’s unwavering loyalty. Trial after trial he had emerged on top, vouched for by two of their own to be allowed into their twisted culture. To be offered this chance was a near-impossible feat, and for this reason, the Midlander had steeled his mind in hopes of the day. Now, it had arrived.
The transition from hallway into ceremonial suite was akin to the journey from the mortal plane into hell itself; grotesque Hannya masks, a non-existent lighting save for a pair of low lit Hingan lanterns at the head of the room, and quite a few rather basic candles places evenly throughout the perimeter. Daggers were mounted along the outer walls in moderately spaced lines with some daggers’ steel splattered with aged blood. To mirror the hallway, various priceless acquisitions were hung up around the room likewise to give the wandering eye a reprieve from the overall ominous layout, oddly akin to a cultist’s ritual circle. Eastern cushions were placed along the main floor of the room, seating between fifteen and twenty men ranging from Hyur to Roegadyn. Each man sat motionless on joined knees faced forward, a large slip of Eastern parchment hanging before their eyes via a tautly tied string around the circumference of the head. Inked on each piece of parchment paper was the daimon of the Takaneda-gumi drawn in thick black ink. If any of those present seated on the cushions were watching the newly arrived Midlander or scrunching their faces, it was unable to be seen. All faces were shrouded, figures unmoving. Like statues.
At the head of the room, seated on a cushion a level taller than the other men gathered, a monstrous Raen sat unmasked by Eastern parchment. He faced those present, assuming the same position as the rest on his knees. Dressed in a floor length haori and hakama with an irezumi-marred torso exposed between folds of his gown, his loathingly hateful stare of brilliant orange locked onto the Midlander the moment he had given the door a push. He was a bit abnormally heighted for his race, along with an uncanny quantity of spike growths and extra ridging to his bountiful patches of scales. Grievously long fangs lay hidden behind a tight lip line. Overall, the man looked nightmarish and young given his status in the group. Late 20’s to early 30’s by appearance alone, and certainly not lacking in physical appeal. He was motionless and without a word to say. Not yet.
The Midlander stood frozen, his rehearsed confidence pelted at by the Au Ra’s look. Quickly snapping back to attention, he dipped forward at the waist, silently taking a seat upon an unoccupied cushion. Even then, no observers turned to regard him. Perhaps they did so with a veiled grimace. He would never come to find out.
The Au Ra let the uncomfortable silence draw out for a few minutes more, spined komodo dragon tail coiled around his person - beside him sat a single choka cup and Sake bottle based on appearance, although this bottle lacked any sort of commercial labeling. After what likely felt like forever for that poor Midlander, he spoke in his unsettlingly emotionless baritone. <”I imagine I am not needing an introduction of my own, but in any case, I am Takaneda no Zenkoshi. I am the acting Oyabun for the Takaneda-gumi. This, as I mentioned, is nothing unknown prior to this moment.”> Pausing. <”As such, I will be overseeing this Sakazuki. This ceremony will see our eldest newcomer, Jiroshi no Kohaku, as a recognized Shatei of the Takaneda-gumi.”> Zenkoshi spoke as if he had recited this all a few times in the past. Silence hung in the air, only torn by the subtle beating of the Midlander’s heartbeat.
<”You have not faltered nor hesitated on Kyodai-given tasks. You do not question our methods nor our culture. As shocking as I’m sure this experience has been, it has not gone unnoticed by our most senior.”> Zenkoshi’s stare intensified. <”...Although, I am afraid the standard protocol for explaining what the Takaneda-gumi’s history entails is reserved for after the ceremony. I take it this is not an issue.”>
The Midlander, Kohaku, nodded without a moment’s hesitation. Though he dared not speak. It was all too fresh.
“Finally, after so many turns of poverty in the streets...I belong. For once in my miserable life, I belong...don’t cry, Kami damn it. They’ll eat you alive. Save the waterworks for later.”
Zenkoshi briefly flicked his stare down to the cushion to his right. <”Sit.”>
Kohaku lifted to his feet, fighting the urge to adjust his attire as he stepped onto the taller platform, taking a seat atop the designated cushion. He sat atop his knees, facing the Raen as the Oyabun shifted to face him. The onlookers continued to sit motionless, faces shrouded.
Zenkoshi lifted the unlabeled Sake bottle, tilting it over the empty choka cup. He poured a generous serving of liquid that was clear, as to be expected, but laced with murky green. Setting the Sake bottle down onto the flooring, he grasped the choka cup between both black-clawed hands, bringing it to his lips and taking a respectfully moderate sip. With this done, he gave the Midlander an expectant look, holding out the choka cup with both hands. <”So it will be, the bond between Oyabun and Shatei. Let it be finished.”>
In reply to the pouring, Kohaku stared at the filled choka cup with a sluggish blink, only turning his focus back to the Raen as he caught Zenkoshi’s stare. Realizing his momentarily blunder, he accepted the cup swiftly, dipping his head. He remained quiet. With no further hesitation - and not wishing to rouse suspicion following his earlier mistake - he hoisted the cup to his lips, receiving a moderate swig of liquid. At Zenkoshi’s curt beckon, he returned the cup to the floor, palms resting atop his thighs. The Midlander allowed his eyes to flutter shut, momentarily touching his forehead to the ground before Zenkoshi. He paused, awaiting the congratulations from his newly acquired brothers.
There was nothing. Only a steady, uncomfortable silence.
<”Now. I must be made crystal clear of this. Would you die this day for the Takaneda-gumi?”>
Kohaku had begun the motion of lifting himself into his sitting position as Zenkoshi spoke. The man rigidly finished his move, sitting up erectly. He paused.
“Of course I would. This is...a question asked of all Shatei, no? To affirm one’s loyalty to the cause?”
<”I would, Takaneda-sama. I would commit the sacrifice as needed, time and time again, for the glory of the Takaneda-gumi. This I swear to you, with all that I am.”> Speaking with raw conviction. The Midlander opened his eyes.
There, he saw it, clutched in Zenkoshi’s waiting fist. A single dagger. No different than the rest mounted along the walls. He felt his stoic facade waver. Yet, he was bent on keeping face in front of those down below. <”...This is...a gift?”> Accepting the dagger with both palms upright.
Zenkoshi returned his palm to his lap. If it were ever possible for a gaze to scrutinize more wildly, it had manifested on the Raen’s expression. <”Do so. Die for the Takaneda-gumi.”> He spoke this with all the nonchalant coldness he had maintained up to this point. His slitted gaze did not leave the Midlander’s. <”Or have you so plainly spoken a lie in front of your family? This is your first act as a recognized Shatei?”> No inflection in his voice, save for a chilling lift to the tail end of his inquiry. 
Kohaku went rigid. Little by little, the dagger laid atop his palms began to vibrate, trembling as the sudden realization dawned on the Midlander like a slow, torturous burn transitioning into something unbearable. <”T...Takaneda-sama. This must be a mistake. How am I to serve your family in death?”> Try as he may, the Midlander’s panic began to show. His speaking volume lifted into a gradual plea.
“What...What is he pulling…? This is a mistake, right? What sort of twisted sense does this make?!”
<”I am rather insulted.”> Zenkoshi pulled his lips back, exposing his wicked fangs. <”You dare call our familial customs a ‘mistake’?”> Finally, after a full delivery at the same vocal volume, he lifted his voice. The ghastly orange glow to his stare visibly ignited, veins popping along the sides of his neck. <”After all you have suffered through, you wish to throw it away so haphazardly? In front of me? In front of your brothers?”> He gestured to the crowd with a clawed hand.
<”P-Please, there must be something else to be done! Anything!”> Kohaku clasped his palms together, bending forward. At the mercy of the Au Ra. <”Have I wronged you all? This is why I am sentenced to die?”> He was near shrieking with desperation, eyes clouded with gradually accumulating tears and craze.
Zenkoshi stared down at the lowered Midlander with a heartless sneer, folding his hands atop his lap. <”...This will matter not. I so kindly presented the chance for you to do so yourself. Now, you will perish without a spine.”> Despite the blatant threat, Zenkoshi did not make a move to kill the man.
Those in the audience remained motionless. Likewise, they seemed uninterested in following through with their leader’s scathing promise. Yet, from beneath the hanging parchments that served to shroud their faces, a pair of demonic circles manifested from beneath. Brilliant and monstrous enough to be seen through the hanging parchment, crimson in all of it’s different variants.
<”I am beg-”> Kohaku sobbed, feeling his body seize up, bones rattling as the nerves dotting his spine began to go haywire. His fingers and toes twitched, locking and extending in eldritch and unpredictable patterns, effectively cutting his speech short as saliva began to pool in his mouth. His pupils began to dilate and expand to the minimum and maximum, fingernails digging into his face in a feeble attempt to stop the uncontrollable spasms and shots of pain, bringing blood forth from fresh gashes. He still gripped the dagger.
“This isn’t...this...this...must...ehehehehe....stupid, stupid mortal...silly, silly little mortal…”
Gasping for air, Kohaku clawed at the ground, crashing onto his side. The world began to undulate and spin, forms shifting and turning to seem more terrifying than they were in reality. <”No! Who...get out of my head...stop!”>
“Craven. Useless. Street rat. Nobody. Worthless. Hopeless. Unloved.”
<”I-I…”> The Midlander squeezed at his throat with his unoccupied hand, vibrating as each heave of air escaped with a grotesque rattling of his bones. For the moment, he collapsed onto his back, seizing uncontrollably as the self-deprecating voices continued. They were not his own. 
“It’s better this way. A mercy. Yes...yeeeeees…”
Kohaku’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he lay in a trembling fit, and suddenly...he went still. All was quiet. Zenkoshi had no words, save for a steadily growing sneer, accompanied by cruel, quiet chuckling. Nor did those sitting on the cushions, demonic stare still on full-intensity behind the hanging parchment.
Then, his eyes snapped back into place. There was no trace of creamy white to be seen - only black, like those of a shark prepping for the slaughter. A twisted, inhumane smile crept upon his lips, splitting his lip in some areas on account of how impossibly massive that smile grew to be. With zero warning whatsoever, Kohaku erupted into screeching laughter, body shaking from the force of whatever entity laid waiting in that cup of ‘liquid’. Spewing blood and saliva with each heaving bark of laughter, the hand that gripped the dagger began to twitch. He spoke, screaming with a hysterical, supernatural force that had gripped body, mind and soul as if he were a puppet on a string.
Following another exclaim of psychotic, howling laughter, Kohaku lifted his gifted dagger, plunging steel into his heart.
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royalnovels-blog · 7 years
GSS Chapter 85
Chapter 85: Decision This time, Not only Yamakaji talked, even the vice admirals around started talking. “As a vice admiral, even if his strength is sufficient but he is still too young.” “No, Strength is what’s important when facing a pirate, his age doesn’t have anything to do with it. Since Roja could win against Momonga then he is more than enough to be a vice admiral.” Their opinions were different. The special promotion wasn’t a trivial matter for the headquarter. Even Sengoku couldn’t decide easily. Although in the original story, Fujitora and Ryokugyu did receive the special promotion to directly reach the rank of an admiral. But that time the headquarter was empty, They needed strong people to fill those important roles. But now those positions are already full. And there are many vice admirals too. “Since he broke the record and scored three perfects, Maybe you can give him a chance” Z who standing by the side suddenly said. Z’s words weight more than anyone here. Although Garp didn’t talk, Sengoku already knew that he wants his nephew to directly have an important rank on the Marine. Taking into account those two, Sengoku gradually decided. At the same time, On the other side of Sengoku, a low voice passed over. “No.” This was the one who didn’t speak from the beginning to the end of the third stage, Marine admiral Akainu. (Tl: Every time I hate him more and more … Wtf is wrong with this guy.) Akainu looked at Roja then directed his gaze at Sengoku, With a low tone he said “The vice admiral position isn’t a trifling matter, It’s not such an easy position to grant. Fleet admiral couldn’t have forgotten about Dragon’s case, right ?” As Akainu mentioned Dragon, the atmosphere in the room turned heavy. Obviously, it’s not a good topic to mention now. On the other side, Garp smiled stiffly while his expression sunk. Monkey.D.Dragon, he is Garp’s son and Roja’s cousin. Now he is the most wanted criminal and the first person who want to overthrow the government. Because Garp was the Marine hero, The government issued strict order to not disclose this information to anyone. Even in the Marine, only those high ranked officers would know this. But Roja knew about this matter because of his Garp’s nephew and also he was the center of this matter now. Sengoku was silent for a while. All the people present looked at Garp and Akainu. Some people couldn’t help but swallow their saliva, between two gods, It’s better to stay silent. “In that case … then I grant Roja the rank of rear admiral.” Sengoku after staying silent for a while rejected his own idea. although he reduced the rank by one, But he gave this rank to Akainu, Kisaru and Aokiji before, so there is no problem. “Rear admiral?” Akainu heard Sengoku and frowned. In his view, Roja was an unstable factor. If he did something wrong he will cause the Marine a big disaster. In particular, Roja himself was Garp’s nephew. And if he did something then the reputation of the Marine will be implicated. “Fleet admiral, This is an unstable factor …” “Enough, Sakazuki!” Garp directly shouted at Akainu while looking at him coldly. Akainu’s real name is Sakazuki and Akainu is only a code used by the Marine. Aokiji’s name is Kuzan and Kisaru’s name is Borsalino. Only high-level Marine call them by the names. Akainu’s words halted then he looked at Garp indifferently. although Garp was the MArine hero, he was too impulsive, He even sometimes ignored the world government orders. And Akainu didn’t like that. Not to mention, Dragon was Garp’s son but he went to the revolutionary army and became the world top criminal, which is a great irony to the hero title. Garps was really angry this time. But he had nothing to do about the things concerning Dragon. As that was a stain in his career as a Marine. Aokiji and Kisaru didn’t talk. Z frowned, while Sengoku looked at Garp and Akainu as a headache. At this time, A voice suddenly came. That voice was Roja’s. Roja didn’t know what to say to Garp when he looked at him, but when he looked at Akainu he chuckled. “ha ha.” This chuckle when fell on the ears of the people here, They felt something strange but couldn’t tell what was it. All the people turned to look at Roja. The original extremely depressing atmosphere suddenly broke. and turned into a strange atmosphere. “Oh?” Akainu looked at Roja and instinctively felt that Roja’s tone wasn’t good. So his eyes turned cold. at this time Roja turned his body and directly walked away. from the beginning to the end he didn’t say a word. It seemed that the words were included into that chuckle. To Roja, Dragon is Dragon, And he was himself. Whether he was a Marine, a Pirate or a revolutionary army member and even if he wasn’t one of the three, he didn’t care about the position because he knows how strong he really is. But to Akainu’s statement, Roja changed his mind. Since Akainu put it as if Roja gonna betray the Marine, So Roja will replace Akainu as an admiral. In the Marine headquarter, there were two ways to get into the Admiral position, The first one that the position doesn’t have anyone at the time, with that the Government will appoint someone to that position. And the second is … To gather 200 thousand military exploits and choose to compete against an admiral for his position. And if you defeat him you will get it. The defeated will be replaced and will be put into a stuff position of the headquarter. In another world he will be on the cold bench with the only choice is to retire. “Don’t think that you can always be an admiral, It won’t take long, Akainu …” Roja smiled and continued to walk without turning away. … After Roja was far away. “Grant Roja the rank of rear admiral, this decision is set and won’t change.” Sengoku looked at the back of Roja, he took a deep breath, then looked at Garp and Akainu and turned away. Akainu frowned, but he didn’t go on. Although he was still dissatisfied with that decision, he knew from the tone of Sengoku that this wasn’t up for discussion anymore. As for Roja’s hostile attitude toward him, he didn’t care. Roja’s talent is really high and he seems to have potential to go beyond the rank of an admiral. But he was still far from it and also unfortunately for him, his ability is flames. In Akainu’s view, Although Roja’s flames are strange, but compared to his magma, he wasn’t a threat to him at all and the only threat is his sword. (Tl: Aw my sides hurt … Akainu sure know how to joke around, really.) But he was a Marine Admiral, which is the strongest in the entire headquarter. He was very clear about how strong he was. He also had great self-confidence. If Roja was Mihawk that would be another thing. If Roja wanted to take him down, that would not be easy. Or else how can he be a Marine Admiral. Previous           Main menu          Next Click to Post
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