im-not-a-writer · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Umino Iruka, Uzumaki Naruto, Tsunade (Naruto) Additional Tags: First Kiss, Tumblr Prompt, Prompt Fic, Post-Naruto Time Skip | Naruto Shippuden, Umino Iruka-centric, Making Out, Fade to Black, One Shot, Short One Shot, Naruto's two dads, Undercover Missions, Love Confessions, Umino Iruka is in Love with Hatake Kakashi, Mutual Pining, Fluff Summary:
“Kiss me” “What?” “I said kiss me,” Iruka’s heart was pounding in his chest. They were already so close. Chests flush. All he could see was him, all he could smell was him. He darted his eyes to the other side of the street to catch a glimpse of the targets but perhaps it was just to avoid being trapped in that one eyed stare.
“They’re coming this way,” A hushed whisper, barely audible through the mask. “We can’t afford to blow our cover,”
He was right, they were coming right towards them. The alley they stood in was a deadend and if they left now they certainly would bring attention to themselves. Panic started to rise in both of them but Iruka kept his cool. He willed his chakra to a calm level so as to not alert the shinobi approaching them but nothing could stop the red rising up to his cheeks, painting the tips of his ears red.
“forgive me,”
- Well... long time no post. Hi everyone, sorry for my absence. A lot- I mean A LOT has happened. Anyways I hope y’all will enjoy
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im-not-a-writer · 2 years
Hi! Do you still take requests?
Hey!! Depends... what are you thinking? 
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im-not-a-writer · 4 years
I saw that you were asking for requests- if it's not too much trouble, could I request fluff with Ezio or Jacob! Do I need to be more specific? (Sorry if that sounds rude, I was just meaning if I should have a specific idea in mind?)😅
Oh! I would absolutely love to! Do you have anything you’d want specifically? I think I may do it for Ezio because I haven’t written much for him! Thank you so much!!
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im-not-a-writer · 4 years
Pleeeaaaseee give me requests! I need inspiration! Anything please omg I’ll do anything!!
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im-not-a-writer · 4 years
AO3 Account up and running!
Hey everyone! So if you’re interested I have an AO3 up now if that’s more your style for reading fics! I think i’m going to just repost all the fics I have here on there but I think I’m also going to work on a series that’s AO3 exclusive so that’ll be neat! Who knows I might transfer over there in a little bit completely i’m not sure
Anyways thank you! 
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im-not-a-writer · 4 years
Assassins Creed Confession List
A preference list! How exciting! So here’s just a few fun prompts of how it think some of the AC characters would confess to you! I hope none of them are too OOC, enjoy!
At first, he sort of just stands there staring down at you from under his hood, you can’t see his eyes but you feel them burning into you. Your face is still red hot from your impassioned confession and right now the only thing you wanted to do was curl up in a ball and pretend this never happened. Of course your mentor didn’t return your feelings, Altair was… Altair. He was practically untouchable and yet you stood your ground. What was the worst thing that could happen? You see his mouth curl in a sideways grin and your heart skips a beat. Slowly he lifts his hands up and removes his hood and you freeze. His amber eyes meet yours and in an instant, you feel arms circle your back and pull you flush to his chest. Warmth spreads across your neck, ears, and cheeks and soon his lips are against yours in a shocking yet powerful kiss. You lose all senses and melt into his arms but he ends the kiss short by leaning into your ear and chucking a soft “Novice.”
You weren��t going to lie, you probably could have confessed in a more relaxed fashion. Something about screaming ‘I love you’ on the top of a roof while in the middle of what was supposed to be a covert mission didn’t seem like the best idea. Ezio practically jumped out of his skin when you did but instead of scolding you for possibly ruining the mission he just looked at you with a lopsided grin and slightly pink cheeks. Your heart started to race as you stared at him in front of you, his smile, his perfect jawline, my god he really is perfect. He shook off his shock and reached out to hold your hands.
“I’m glad to hear that, I’m sure half the guards in the city are glad to hear it too,” 
He kissed you somewhat lightly at first which surprised you but it wasn’t long before he deepened the kiss and had your back against the wall. 
“Why don’t we try to keep quiet from now on, hm bella?’
To be honest he wasn’t even sure he said it. It just sort of happened. One moment he was critiquing you on your archery skills and the next he was holding you tightly and running a hand through your hair. His hand resting on the small of your back and your middles pressed together. You always knew Connor was a man of few words and you always liked him that way, he was much better at showing his feelings than talking about them. His hand cupped your cheek and you smiled and leaned forward before rising up on the tips of your toes and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. You caught him off guard and when you pulled away he just stared down at you with this lost look on his face. 
“So um… is it safe to say… that...  you and I…” He started, blushing and avoiding your gaze. 
“Yes, it is,” You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck. 
“...good,” He smiled and went in for another kiss, this time with much more confidence. 
The pirate captain himself, the demon of the seven seas, the master assassin Edward Kenway himself just confessed to you… and he was drunk. He was lying on his back on the shore, shirtless and still wet from his impromptu swim and he had the biggest smile on his face. 
“You are just absolutely beautiful… everything about you… you are so wonderful.” He laughed deeply and shook his head in disbelief. 
“I’d wager you aren’t even human, you’re too perfect,” He laughed and looked over at you. 
You were sitting next to him smiling, trying not to take his drunken confession too seriously. 
He beckoned you over and you obliged, walking over and sitting next to him. 
“Are you a Siren?” he asked, reaching his hand up to twirl a lock of your hair. “Trying to lure me to death with your beauty?”
“What do you think?” You replied. 
“I think I love you,” He smiled and cupped your cheek sweetly. 
“I love you too, now come on, it’s bedtime.”
You knew Arno might not be over losing Elise and the last thing you wanted to do was ruin your relationship with your best friend. It was just so hard keeping it quiet. You were pacing around the upstairs of the cafe theatre, your steps heavy as you frantically racked your brain for any sort of action. You knew you couldn’t just let this sit, it wasn’t healthy but what else could you do? You didn’t notice through all of your pacing when Arno walked upstairs and leaned on the banister to stare at you. 
“You know I can think of a few better places to take a walk but I guess this way you won’t get rained on,” he smirked and pulled you from your trance. 
“Hah hah, very funny…” you sighed and looked away, bringing your hand to your temples to rub out what stress you could. 
In just a few steps he was behind you, arms around your waist and head atop yours, “What’s wrong ma cherie?” his voice rumbling in his chest turning your attention to his very close position. 
“It’s really nothing,” you sighed. 
“I wouldn’t say that. love is a very serious emotion.” 
Your eyes widened in shock as you flipped around to face him. 
“Oh was it a secret?” He chuckled, “Don’t worry darling, for the record I love you too,” He laughed before pecking you on the forehead and smirking down at your shocked expression. 
For a gang leader and a master assassin, Jacob was absolutely terrified of you. You were everything to him and the idea of losing you was too much to think about even for a moment. The moments that you spent together were the most precious in his life even if it was just missions and the occasional meeting in the pub. What he would give just to see you smile or hear you laugh, to have your arms around him and your lips on his. It was the most difficult when you were together. You were talking to him about your day, your eyes rolling with every snide comment, your fingers twirling your hair gently and he was entirely enamored by every movement, every word that fell from your lips. 
“I love you,” he thought. Outloud. shit.
“Ah-” you stopped and blinked a few times before widening your eyes and meeting his gaze, your cheeks flushed bright red. “ Jesus Jacob maybe give me some warning next time!” you gasped and he stared blankly contemplating what was wrong with him. 
“I love you too…. Wanker,” You laughed and swatted him on the arm. 
Evie knows the importance of professionalism. That’s why even when you distracted her to no end she tried her best to keep a level head and carry on with the job. You, on the other hand, felt no shame in love, but you did feel shame in not having the right timing. You were in the middle of training, throwing knives and sword fighting when you and Evie were locked in a ferocious battle. Fists flew through the air as you swung for her face and she went low instead. Luckily you both blocked expertly but unluckily for her, you weren’t going to let her win this. You caught her fist and yanked her towards you, wrapping your arms around her waist and crashing your lips into hers. Her eyes widened but she allowed herself to give into the kiss quickly, kissing back happily. A few passion filled moments passed before her knee flew up and jammed itself into your stomach making you double over in pain. 
“Smart move, won’t work a second time though,” She smirked. 
Kassandra was no stranger to passion but you on the other hand were a novice to the world of love. Whereas on the battlefield you were a master, ducking and sweeping, hacking and stabbing, evading and confusing, you were all too clumsy when it came to your feelings. You were sitting together, sharpening your weapons when she caught you staring at her, watching her graceful hands pull her blade across the whetstone. 
“Something wrong friend?” She looked over slightly as she continued to sharpen. 
“With me? Absolutely not, is there something… wrong with… uh is there…. Are you wrong?” You stuttered frantically as you forced your attention away from her and continued to sharpen. 
She stared at you slightly with wide eyes until tilting her head slightly and putting her sword down. 
“Are you? Nervous around me?” A sparkle came to her eyes. 
“What!? Absolutely not, I would absolutely never uh no of course not, you’re just stunning and- well that’s not what I mean to say but you are! Don’t get me wrong you are! It’s just you’re…. Ok now I’m a little nervous….” you stammered putting your blade on the table and shifting uncomfortably. 
Kassandra laughed and stood up, walking over in front of you and forcing your gaze to meet hers. She lowered a hand and pushed your chin up slightly before lowering herself down and straddling your thighs. You felt your entire face go red as you felt her sit on you and as her face was so close. 
“I uh er… I ah” You started but she just laughed and lowered her face to meet yours, saying just before kissing you, “it’s ok, we don’t need words, just actions yes?”
You were a seer in training in the settlement under the guidance of your aunt Valka and Eivor was your favorite subject to practice on, when he was here of course. His absence gave you plenty of time to long for him and ask the gods for your help. You were out in the garden, praying to Freyja to help you gain the confidence to confess to Eivor but little did you know he had chosen this moment to eavesdrop. 
“Please Freyja, I ask for your help” You sighed and you lay in the grass. “How am I supposed to tell Eivor I love him… What if he doesn’t feel the same?” You looked down in anguish. 
“You could always ask him,” A gruff voice spoke from behind you. 
You flipped around to see the man himself and instantly your face went red. 
“His reply might surprise you,” He laughed as he kneeled down in the grass and took your face in his large hands and pressed a gentle kiss upon your lips. 
You leaned into the kiss and felt your heart melt as he wrapped his arms around your waist to keep you propped up. 
“...so your answer?” You asked sheepishly. 
Eivor laughed and pressed a sweet kiss to your forehead. “I think Freyja has brought me to you, I love you very much,”
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im-not-a-writer · 4 years
Male Eivor x Reader ~Fear~
-Hey everyone! Wow it’s been.... A really long time since I’ve written anything here... Well with AC Valhalla coming out I thought it was only fitting if I add Eivor to my list! Enjoy everyone, let me know if there’s anything you want me to write next!- 
TW: mentions of blood 
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The sun was drifting close to the horizon as the day had finally come close to its end and Eivor was still searching through Grantebridge. As most of the merchants were packing up for the night and preparing to return to their families Eivor was jogging from stall to stall, looking up and down for any sight of the girl he was supposed to be watching but there was absolutely no sight of her. After the last merchant had closed up shop for the night he sighed and rubbed his sore neck wishing the gods would stop wasting time and take him already. Making his way back to his horse he pondered where she could have gone, searching the recesses of his mind for any clues. She said that she needed supplies and obviously that’s why Eivor came to the market but he had been looking for her for some time now and if she was getting supplies here then someone would have at least seen her. His steed nibbled on his sleeve slightly and Eivor put a hand on the horse's broad neck, patting him gently and sighing once more. 
“Why do I always get put in charge of people hm?” He leaned his head against his horse’s neck and received a huff in response. 
Eivor stopped to think, if one was going to collect supplies but wasn’t doing it at a market then where would they go? His first thought was to raiding but there’s no way that this Saxon girl was storming a monastery anytime soon, although he would have paid good money to see her try. Eivor then, shaking the comical idea from his mind, realized at once where she went although he was not too excited to go and look for her. He mounted his horse and spurred him down the road and off towards the woods nearby, whipping past trees and fields as they went. As the sun began to droop lower into the sky the world faded into twilight. The warm orange of sunset was melting lower past the horizon and was being replaced with purples and blues, all swirling in the clouds as the last few rays of light sliced through the sky. Specks of starlight were poking through the sky as Eivor raced to the forest, the tree tops being doused in an inky black darkness as the sun began to set. It was dangerous out in the woods at night, especially for a girl who had brought nothing but a basket and a small hatchet with her. As far as Eivor was concerned, she was easy prey for anything out there whether it be man or beast, and he certainly did not want to see her harmed by either. 
He slowed his horse from a strong gallop and listened closely to the silent and thick air of the woods. As he rode further the trees began to grow tighter, the roots rose out of the ground threatening to trip his horse. Branches scratched at his cheeks and caught his tunic forcing him to halt his horse and dismount, sending his steed off back the way they came. 
“Don’t worry boy, I’ll be back soon.” he patted his horse fondly and turned to face the expanse of growing darkness in front of him. 
He pulled out a torch and kneeled down to light it, striking over it with a shard of flint and sending little sparks flying from between the rocks. The sparks caught and a flame slowly grew over the torch, consuming the alcohol soaked cloth at the end and roaring forth in a bright flame that illuminated the path ahead with an orange glow. Eivor trekked forward, stopping once in a while to listen to the shaking of the leaves and the rustle of small creatures until a sound forced him still. It was clear, bright, it sliced through the night like a razor and it brought a cold sweat to Eivor’s brow. Wolves. The howl was loud, but not too close, and there was only one which so far was a good sign but he worried about the rest that would soon be following. He sped up his pace while trying to be as silent as possible. Step after step he calculated his way forward, heading towards where the sound of the howl came from. Soon he emerged in an oblong clearing with a rock protruding out of the ground, jutting up against a slight cliff of more jagged rock. 
“Get away you beast!” A tired but spirited voice cracked from the rock. 
Eivor looked forward and felt his heart lighten slightly at the sight of the girl he had been looking for. She was standing on the rock with her back against the cliff frantically waving a piece of firewood in the face of the snarling creature in front of her. The wolf’s hair stood straight up and it’s growl permeated the air in a low hanging rumble. Eivor felt his chest tighten again at the sound and he tried to reach for his axe. His hand froze, fingers close to the handle but refusing to move. He could feel his heartbeat in his ears and his neck, sweat continued to develop on his forehead and he could do nothing but stare and shake. His breath and his entire form was telling him to just turn around and run for it, but as he watched her swat at the animal with nothing but a mere twig in hand Eivor found himself going against his body's wishes. With a breath to collect himself and a quick prayer to Odin he ran forward and before the wolf could turn around he plunged his hidden blade between the animal's ribs and felt as the breath escaped its mouth and its muscles finally relaxed. The animal slumped to the ground in a heap of grey fur, blood dripping out of a single clean cut. 
“Eivor! You found me!” The girl chimed, looking incredibly relieved. 
“Luckily, or you would have become a feast. What were you doing out here?” He replied, nudging the wolf carcass with his foot as he raised an eyebrow towards her trying to seem as natural as possible. 
“Like I told you I was getting supplies.” She raised her nose slightly at him. 
“The market was open, why didn’t you just go there?” He asked as he looked at the tree line, wary of any yellow eyes staring back at him. . 
“Because…” She looked down at her collection of firewood, “Because I didn’t like the type of wood they had at the market…” 
Eivor smirked and crossed his arms, knowing full well that was a lie. He was starting to feel much more comfortable now with her here, it was incredible how she could stare down the snout of a beast and still be trying to fool him. He waited for her response. 
“... OK! Ok, I forgot all of my silver and I didn’t want to bug you for anything so I thought I could go to the woods and get supplies myself and meet you back at the market before you even noticed… but I got a little bit lost… and then I got cornered…” She looked up at him slightly and cracked a small pitiful smile in appeasement and Eivor simply smirked in return. 
“Well, you’re very lucky that I found you but you can’t run off like that again, there was only one wolf this time but what happens when it’s the whole pack?” He looked back down at the dead wolf and felt a shiver go up his spine. 
“I will scream for help louder next time then,” She smiled brightly at Eivor and he could feel the shiver be replaced with warmth. 
“Ok well, we need to get out of here before we run into the rest of them, one wolf of this size is formidable enough but a whole pack is something I’d rather not deal with.” He leaned over and grabbed her basket and offered her a hand down from the rock. She smiled and took it, climbing down and taking her basket from him. He kept an eye out on the tree line as he pretended not to notice her holding onto his arm and they started to walk back towards the forest path together. 
“You had a hatchet with you, yes?” Eivor said, still listening to his surroundings. 
“Oh! Yes! I almost forgot about it!” She replied, holding onto him a little tighter as the trees closed in around them. “I wonder where I left it…” 
“You should be more careful, coming out here all by yourself without a real weapon is a death sentence.” His gruff voice delivered the slight sting of being reprimanded but also showed a deep care and concern which made her heart positively melt with every word. 
“I know… it’s just you were busy and I didn’t really feel like dragging you out of your important meeting with Soma.” She said as she brushed aside a stray branch. 
“I would have followed you out here regardless.” He said ducking slightly under a limb. 
He could tell that she was getting a little tense and she tightened her hold on his arm, “I disagree, whatever she had to say was much more important than following a smith to the woods.” 
Eivor shot her a side glance and narrowed his eyebrows and just as he was going to press further into what she meant he stopped. He lowered himself to the ground and pulled her close, putting a hand over her mouth softly and looking around. He could hear something. A crack of twigs and a rustle of leaves from his left and a brush of the ground from his right but at this point the night had advanced so much it was almost pitch black and he had left his torch back at the clearing. He stopped and waited, breathing slowly and trying to calm himself down. The girl in his arms shook slightly, either from the cold or from fear he didn’t know. Tightening his grip around her he removed his hand from her mouth and started to reach for his axe, slowly, this time his hands were quick to obey as he grasped the handle and pulled it out. He looked down at her and nodded slowly, hoping she understood the signal. Slowly, he started to rise, careful to balance his weight exactly where it had been as to not make any sounds. In one second he pushed the girl out of his arms and turned to his right, racing forward to sink his axe into the neck of a wolf ready to pounce. The girl tripped but gathered herself and sprinted forward, racing through the trees, ducking and pushing her way out of the woods as Eivor was left face to face with his worst fear. Before him stood a huge, black furred wolf with gleaming yellow eyes and an array of yellow fangs dripping with spit. The wolf twitched and lowered its head, growling and snarling as it’s massive paws depressed into the ground. Eivor could feel fear seep in, his heart was racing and his limbs shaking and disobeying. Wide eyed he stared at the creature in front of him as he shrank slowly, feeling once more like a child on a frozen lake. He knew what those teeth would feel like ripping into his skin, he’s felt it before. He knew what those claws could do, the pain they were designed to bring. Eivor felt himself shrink into a child, small and helpless, his years of warring and raiding melted away, his muscles evaporated as he felt himself become weak and small. The wolf stepped closer, the rumble of it’s growl growing. 
“EIVOR!” A voice screamed from somewhere in the distance but the fog surrounding Eivors mind was too thick, he scarcely even recognized his own name. “EIVOR!!” Once again there it was, Eivor twitched and turned slightly but he was too afraid to take his attention off the animal in front of him. 
“EIVOR YOU BLOCK HEAD- DUCK!” The voice screamed at him and finally he recognized it, his body snapped into motion as he fell to the forest floor as metal whipped overhead. 
The wolf exclaimed a high yip and fell to the ground in a slump of fur and teeth, twitching as life drained from it. Eivor dared not to look up, he wasn’t sure what had happened but he was too afraid even still to move. That duck had been the last push of his might. 
“Eivor! Are you alright!?” The voice spoke, the girl he was supposed to be watching swooped down and grabbed his shoulders. 
She could feel him shake through his many layers and pulled him close, “Eivor are you hurt?” She asked, concerned.
He could feel some sense returning to him as he melted in her embrace, he wrapped his large arms around her and collapsed into her lap, breathing frantically and heavily. She wasn’t sure what to do, she had never seen a man this formidable this scared before. She gently stroked his hair as he shook the fear out of his body and tried to force his breath back to normal. 
“Everything is going to be ok Eivor, he’s dead.” Her soft voice drifted into his ears and he tried so hard to be normal again but he continued to tremble. “Look,” She brought his face up from her lap and gestured to the dead wolf in front of him. “See?” 
Eivors stomach lurched slightly but reason took over as he saw the hatchet sticking out of the wolf's forehead, blood staining the blade slightly. 
“I see you… found your hatchet” He nervously laughed as he sat himself up and took a handful of deep breaths. 
She stared at him slightly, running a hand through his hair once more and smiling at him gently. “He can keep it,” She joked. “Come on, we need to get out of these woods.” 
The two found themselves back in Grantebridge, weary, a little bloody, and ready to collapse. Soma had arranged a room for them in the longhouse and neither of them had the energy to oppose. They walked into the longhouse, warmth circling them from the large hearth in the center, they could hear slight bouts of chatter as they walked towards their room but they didn’t have the energy nor the care to listen. Eivor watched as she walked in the room first, she took a look around and her eyes landed on the bed. 
“Don’t worry I can sleep on the floor,” Eivor spoke up, breaking their comfortable silence. 
“Oh… Yes… I suppose…” She started to flush at the cheeks as the Dane started to take off his cloak and unsling his weapons. 
Quickly she turned around and stared at the large bed before her. There were furs of all kinds draped over the bed and many pillows, it looked terribly inviting but incredibly lonely as well. She knew however, the consequences of a Saxon woman letting a Dane sleep in her bed, as unfortunate as it was she couldn’t get herself in an uncomfortable position that would damage either her, or her fathers reputation. She looked back slightly at Eivor, he was down to his tunic now. He looked different without all those layers and weapons on, this way he looked so much softer. She stared for a little too long and turned back around, looking down at her dirty and tattered frock. She knew she couldn’t sleep in this but she also didn’t think undressing in front of a Dane was any better than sleeping in the same bed as him. 
Eivor folded his cloak and placed it on the ground next to the bear skin that would stand as his bed tonight. As he looked back up he noticed a lingering glance from the girl before him. A blush on her cheeks as she quickly turned the other way. “Sorry… Would you like me to sleep outside?’ He asked. 
“No! No.. I mean, of course not! I’m just… I’ve never…” She looked down at her hands and she fiddled with her frock, picking some dried mud off of it. “Um, well I’m going to put the candles out um… thank you for saving my life!” She hurried to the candles and hushed them out, darkness overtook the room and Eivor stood staring. 
He shrugged it off and lowered himself down onto the bearskin rug, he could hear the brief thump of her clothes hitting the floor and he forced himself away from any impure thoughts. He could feel his weariness start to take over him but every time he closed his eyes he saw the same thing. Those gnashing teeth, the curled snout, eyes of amber staring straight into his very soul. Every time he tried to relax his muscles he could feel those teeth in his neck and those claws ripping down his back. 
“Eivor…” A soft voice forced his attention. 
“Yes?” he replied, he could hear the sleep on her voice. 
“Could you…. If you wanted to…. Um…. come up here...please,” she stuttered. 
It caught the Dane off guard at first. He sat up slowly and turned to look through the darkness. “Are you sure?” he asked. 
“Um well, if you don’t want to I-” 
‘No, I want to.” He smiled slightly and stood up slowly. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable” 
“Well you just standing there staring at me is making me uncomfortable.” 
He laughed and smiled, walking towards the bed and placing his hand down on the furs. “Well in that case I’ll just keep my eyes closed.” 
He lowered himself down into the bed, careful to keep a respectful distance. 
“You could… come closer.” She said softly. 
Eivor moved slightly, “Is that better?” 
“A…. a little bit closer.” 
Once more he moved, he could feel the warmth of her body radiating at this distance, it was almost intoxicating. “Better?” 
“Just.. a little closer.” 
Eivor moved closer, he could feel her body against his and he could feel his face erupt in warmth. “Better?”
“Much… thank you.” She leaned back into him and sighed with content.
He wrapped his large arm over her waist and with a little tug pulled her flush against him. She smiled and prayed that this would never end. 
“Thank you for saving me….” Eivors low voice said softly. 
“I should be the one saying that.” She laughed and he could feel it through her back. 
They melted into each other's arms and he closed his eyes, in peace this time and just as sleep was starting to overtake him. 
“I won’t tell anyone.” She said, breaking him out of his slumber. 
“Hm? What?” 
“That Eivor Wolf-kissed isn’t made out of metal” She giggled and turned slightly to face him. 
He felt his heart quicken at the sudden closeness of their faces. “What is that supposed to mean?” 
“ Fear makes us human Eivor.” She smiled sweetly and looked into his eyes.
She leaned forward slowly and lingered just in front of his lips for a moment before leaning further and closing the gap between them. They kissed, softly, as if pushing too hard would cause the other to disappear. When they separated giggles and chuckles filled the room. They met once more before both of them felt the sweet sensation of sleep wash over them.
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im-not-a-writer · 4 years
So... what if I started writing again......
Just a thought
Who knows
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im-not-a-writer · 5 years
Reblog if you're a fanfic writer and you wanna know what your followers' favorite story of yours is ❤
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im-not-a-writer · 5 years
My heart was racing while I read your Newt imagine. It was so good!! Could I request another Newt imagine but the reader is a Gryffindor and they are quite blunt and lashed out at Newt one day cause they were so stressed about something? Thanks! And have a good day. ♥️
I am so so so so so so so so sorry that this is so late! College really got the best of me but here you go! I hope you like it, I’m not a Gryffindor so I tried really hard to make this accurate! Enjoy darling!
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Exam season was soon approaching and as the weather started to turn so did the attitudes of the students of Hogwarts. The once optimistic dispositions of the students had faded in the short amount of time they had been at school and now all that remained was a constant sense of stress that plagued each and every student. You were not immune to this stress, in fact, you might as well have been radiating to all the other Gryffindors. It seemed as though everything was crashing down at you at once and while you were handling your other classes with some sort of grace, ‘care of magical creatures’ was royally destroying you. You were supposed to write an essay on Bowtruckles but the Ravenclaws had checked out every single book about them in the library and you were left with nothing to go off of but your notes from class. You haven’t even seen a bowtruckle before let alone studied one.
You were sitting on the ground in a secluded part of the library, books were strewn about the floor and you were in the process of viciously flipping through one when you heard footsteps in front of you. You didn’t need to look up too far to realize who it was, the yellow and black socks just barely peeking out from under his pant legs gave it away.
“Hi, Newt…” You sighed and ran a hand through your already messy hair before leaning your chin on your hand and looking up at him.
Newt smiled and rocked on his heels slightly as he looked down at you. “Hi,” he smiled and looked down at your massive pile of books. “Can I ask what you’re doing?”
“Essay for care of magical creatures,” You grumbled and looked back down at your books.
“Looks like you haven’t gotten very far,” He smiled as he sat down and held his knees to his chest.
“This is literally the hardest essay I have ever had to write,” You growled, “I just don’t get it!” You slammed your hands down on the pages and Newt gave a slight flinch in response. “I can’t seem to find anything on Bowtruckles in any of this stuff…”
“Well, it’s really not that hard…” Newt started silently.
“Yeah like you know…” You grumbled in response.
“I completed my parchment days ago, it wasn’t very hard to complete at all-”
You could feel your blood boiling as he continued and before you could cool yourself down you snapped your book shut and shot up on your feet, “Of course you thought it was easy! Silly me for being a normal fucking human and having difficulties Newt! Not everyone just wakes up and succeeds! Some of us need to work for it alright we aren’t born perfect!” You snapped.
Your chest was heaving and you could feel a warmth spread up your neck to your face and ears but as you stared at the boy holding his knees tightly on the floor, looking up at you nervously with wide eyes you felt your anger melt from your body and turn into a cold sadness and regret. To see the trust fade from his freckled face as you stood over him with clenched fists broke your heart and you immediately cursed your impulsive temper.
“Newt I’m-” You started, your voice struggling to come out.
“It’s ok…” He said but you could tell he was struggling.
“No no I shouldn’t have yelled at you I’m so sorry,” You pressed your hand against your forehead and sighed. “I didn’t mean any of it I’m just tired and I missed dinner… I shouldn’t have said that.” You slumped down on your knees and closed your eyes, not willing to look at the boy in front of you.
A silence grew between you two and the space filled with the soft sounds of pages flipping and books sliding from the shelves around you. The boy slowly stood up and you were waiting for him to walk out and leave you there on the floor but instead, he shuffled himself over to you. You sighed deeply and leaned your body against your knees, covering your eyes with your arms and waiting for the consequences of your actions but instead, you were met with two arms wrapping around you.
“I’m so sorry Newt…” You said again.
“It’s ok…  here,” You lifted your head up slowly and you were met with a bright red apple in front of your face. “You didn’t eat dinner and it’s probably making you a little upset,”
In a split second tears started to well up in your eyes as you stared at your own reflection in the shiny skin of the apple and you felt your body lean into Newts warmth and his arms tightened around you. You didn’t fight the tears and allowed them to flow freely down your cheeks and onto Newts sleeve. His hand rested in your hair and twirled a lock sweetly as you cried.
“I should have been more sensitive,” Newt pulled away slowly and wiped a tear off your cheek, “I also should have known that it’s not wise to be acting recklessly in front of a hungry and tired lion.” He laughed lightly and you giggled in response.
“Very funny,” You laughed and leaned back into Newts chest, holding the apple in your hand and rubbing your eyes.
Suddenly you felt something starting to move near your head and you pulled away in alarm, your eyes flashed to the pocket under his robe and to your surprise, you could see a little green stick with two bright eyes peek out and stare up at you, unblinking and slow moving. The stick climbed out of Newts pocket and climbed its way up to rest on Newts shoulder.
“What in blazes is that?!” You asked jumping back a bit as you stared down at the strange and scrawny creature.
“My Bowtruckle,” Newt smiled and picked up the stick creature, smiling as it hugged his fingers and rested in his palm. “I’m not allowed to have him but you could say I’m a bit attached.”
“You’re telling me you had a bowtruckle this entire time?!” You sat up and stared at the creature and then back up at his handler.
He laughed and nodded shyly, “I think I was getting to that point… before you got upset,”
“I only said all that stuff because… well..” You grumbled and leaned away from him, closing your eyes in thought. “I’m jealous of you…”
“Don’t make me repeat myself,” You growled and rubbed your eyes again.
“Because you’re so smart! I have no idea how you do it and I’m just so jealous and I feel so stupid all the time when I’m around you, but it’s wonderful your brain is just so wonderful, the way you light up when you see creatures is just… so inspiring I wish I could see you that happy all the time…” You sighed and ran another hand through your hair.
“…. you are perfect though,” Newt let his head drop slightly to avoid your gaze but his hand reached out and met yours.
You felt your breath hitch in your throat and you squeezed his hand in response. “Stop that,”
“No, you are perfect, and I don’t want you to compare yourself to anyone else. You Gryffindors are too prideful for your own good, you start to forget what makes you so amazing.” He chuckled and before you knew it you felt a soft pressure against your lips.
You melted into the feeling, warm and sweet and very soft. You pushed yourself closer to Newt and you felt his hands return to your back and tangle in your hair. The kiss lasted seconds but it felt like it lasted a lifetime, and when you both parted the only thing either of you could do was laugh and kiss each other again. Finally, you both pulled away and Newts face flushed a soft pink before he coughed and turned his attention to the creature on his shoulder that was currently covering its eyes with two broad green leaves.
“…….So…. bowtruckles.”
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im-not-a-writer · 6 years
Attention all Arno fans
So because I shouldn’t be trusted with money I bought Unity and played through it way too quickly to be considered healthy... anyways I know Arno well enough to write him now and I really really want to write some Arno! I’ll do imagines, preferences, fics, whatever I just really want to write for my lil baguette boy
(As always please consult my rules before requesting thank you!)
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im-not-a-writer · 6 years
Jacob Frye x Reader ~ Baby Bird *REQUEST*
This is a request for @allhailthenekomancer that I thought was absolutely adorable! Please enjoy!
Prompt- Jacob’s crush finds a baby bird and they take care of it together 
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It was a brisk Friday night, the rains of late spring had already come and went and it seemed the only place anyone wanted to be was in the pub. The warm glow and promise of a good drink lured people in off the streets like moths to a flame. The Red Lion was alive with jokes and songs from Rooks that were celebrating a recent victory in Lambeth and while the energy of the pub was alive with merriment Jacob couldn’t help but feel strange. As he looked around and stared at the smiling faces of his gang he knew there was something he was missing, something that he couldn’t stand being without. As he stood up and bid the rooks a goodnight he made his way out of the pub and into the chill of the night air. The pale glow from the lamps didn’t do much to illuminate the street and as he looked ahead of him all he could see were the orbs of light from the lamps and the pale outline of buildings.
The street was entirely empty and just as quiet, from a street over he could hear the passing of a carriage that came as soon as it went. Jacob allowed his thoughts to wander as he made his way to the nearest train station. There was something wrong, he knew this sure, but he had no idea what it could be. The gang war went without a hitch, his recent missions have been successful, even Evie had been in a good mood today, so what was missing? As he was deep in concentration he didn’t pay much mind to where he was walking, his feet hit the pavement with little to no regard and it wasn’t till he was nearly throttled did he think to look down.
“OI WATCH IT! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HIM!” A voice screeched up at him, scaring the daylights out of him.
Jacob jumped back and put his hand over his chest before looking down and addressing the voice, “My God what are you doing down there!” He screamed back as his heartrate struggled to slow down, “(y/n)?”
She looked up at him and caught his gaze, a slight smile graced her face as she caught his gaze, “Oh! Hi there Jacob! Perfect timing!” She waved him down to her level and he obliged cautiously.
It was then that he knew what he was missing. It was her. Even in the week glow of the gaslight lamps her beauty was radiant and bright like the sun: her sweet smile curved slightly higher on one side giving her a mischievous smirk even in her most sincere of moments, her hair always slightly messy yet could never be more perfect, that melodic laugh, her awful jokes, the way she could make even the dullest of days into the most magical of adventures. Jacob felt himself get lost in her eyes as everything around him ceased to matter for this one moment.
Finally, out of fear of being too awkward, he forced himself out of his trance to reply, “You nearly scared me half to death, what are you doing down here?”
“I found this little guy earlier during the fight,” She sighed and shifted slightly so Jacob could see what she was talking about. “I put him over there in the grass where he would be safe but he got himself out here on the pavement somehow,”
Jacob squinted slightly and in the darkness of the night he could barely make out the faint form of a baby bird. It’s black feathers wet from the night rain, shiny and slick in the weak light. The poor thing was shaking, it’s little eyes closed tightly as it shivered in her hands.
“My my, what have we here?” Jacob looked down and gasped slightly. “He’s so small!” His eyes lit up as he brought a finger to the birds head and pet it lightly.
“I need to get him warm,” She looked up at him urgently and Jacob felt his heart skip a beat.
“Follow me,” He smiled and stood up, bringing his down to help her as well.
They got to the station in record time, Jacob having nothing to do with that seeing as he almost led the pair down the wrong street twice. When they finally got to the train they raced to the sofa and set the bird down on the cushion. He was shaking much less since they got him on the train but he still looked horribly weak.
“You stay here and keep him warm, I’ll be back!” Jacob put his hand on her shoulder before sprinting off to the next train car.
Jacob raced to his dresser and grabbed the softest fabrics he could find before racing back to the previous car. He ran in and ran straight to her, kneeling down to look at the bird in her hands before holding the fabrics out to her. “Here I got these, should keep him nice and warm.”
She had him pressed straight to her chest with both hands and he could see the little glimpses of tar-black feathers peeking out, “Wonderful! Did you grab anything to put him in?” She asked, her eyebrows narrowing slightly.
Jacob looked around him for anything that might be of use, any box or spare drawer before his quick wit beat him to it. “Here, this should work,” He smiled and took off his top hat before stuffing the fabric in it, making a soft little nest for the bird.
She smiled, big and bright and Jacob felt his heart melt as he held out his impromptu nest and she lowered the baby bird into it gently. She lowered him down and then once he was settled she took a bit of the fabric and draped it over the fledgling like she was tucking in a baby. The pair stared down into the hat as the baby bird stopped his shivering and seemed to sleep soundly in his new nest. She held the hat close to her chest and looked down at the sleeping bird for a moment before looking up at Jacob with worry in her face.
“Do you think he’ll make it?” She asked, her voice almost breaking.
“I’m sure of it!” Jacob smiled and looked down, but as he stared at the weak bird in the hat he could feel his confidence waiver. How could something so small survive on its own?
The pair sat on the ground in silence for a while making sure the condition of their new addition stayed stable. Jacob wanted to say something, anything, just to talk to her but he could tell that she was too worried about the baby bird to make small talk with him. He leaned back a bit and soon after she leaned back to, her head resting on his shoulder as they both looked down at the tiny black ball of feathers resting in Jacobs hat. It wasn’t long before the two slowly slipped off into sleep themselves.
When Jacob opened his eyes the next morning he was shocked to find her head on his chest with her arms around him and the top hat nest resting between them. He felt his cheeks heat up as he looked down at her peacefully slumbering. The soft rise and fall of her chest, her messy hair spread over her face, she looked like an angel on earth. Suddenly soft chirping filled the air, breaking Jacob from the spell and directing his attention to the tiny bird in the hat who was making quite a large amount of noise.
Jacob smiled wide as he eyed the lively little ball of feathers staring up at him through beady black eyes and he brought the hat closer to him. “Good morning! Look at you… can’t believe you actually made it!” he sat in awe and stared down at the bird before turning his head to her and cupping her cheek lightly.
“Darling look! Look, I told you!” He smiled brightly.
She opened her eyes weakly at first and then sat up suddenly when she heard the chirping coming from the hat. She shot up and looked down into the hat to see the bright eyes of the bird looking up at her with curiosity. The black mass of feathers and beak tilted his head at her and chirped loudly when he saw her appear.
“Ah! I’m so proud of you!” She exclaimed, beaming down at the bird. “Oh, you are just such a little fighter! I knew you could do it!”
“He must be hungry,” Jacob added.
The rest of the day was spent with no small amount of stress or adventure for the pair as they discovered what it meant to be new parents… of a bird. The spent a large amount of time just figuring out what the little guy would eat, trying everything from meat to veggies, it got to a point where Jacob had to jump off the train and run to the nearest park to dig up some earthworms. With a full belly and a disgusted Jacob, they decided they also needed to give him a bath and see if he was hurt anywhere. The bath turned out to be the most enjoyable part so far, he loved the water, he loved splashing and thrashing and making a right mess out of Evie's desk. Jacob made sure to get the dirt off of his toes and she was enjoying herself way too much playing with the little feathers on his head, brushing them straight up making both of them giggle. After his bath he was completely tuckered out and wrapped up in his nest for a nap, leaving mom and dad some time to themselves.
“I’m thinking… George,” She smiled as she beamed at the sleeping bird, her chin resting on her hands.
“I dunno, I see him more as a Peter,” Jacob chimed in, mimicking her in position as he also watched the sleeping bird.
“Oh God no, a lad named Peter used to fancy me when I was younger, a total wanker,” She shrugged. “How about… James?” She asked, tilting her head a bit.
“No no James sounds too rich, he’s a humble lad,” Jacob sighed and shook his head lightly.
Silence fell over the pair for a moment before simultaneously they both looked at each other with wide grins saying, “Oliver!”
Excited giggles broke out between them as they nodded to each other in agreement.
“Oliver is perfect,” She smiled and held onto Jacob’s arm, leaning her head on his shoulder as she looked down at the newly named fledgling.
As they sat there smiling in their shared contentment, she spoke up again, “I think we need to decide where he’s going to stay,”
Jacob ran a hand through his hair and looked at her, “Well he can stay here with me but I don’t know how good I’ll do taking care of him without you, he’s bound to miss you loads.”
She sighed and nodded, “He can stay with me but my home isn’t exactly built for a baby bird, far too cold and dark, plus he’ll miss his papa loads.” She smiled and looked up at him.
“Well then we reached a bit of a predicament,” Jacob sighed as he allowed his fingers to intertwine with hers, his heart started to race but he ignored the butterflies in his stomach and kept his head strong.
She smirked and looked down at their hands before looking back at him. “What should we do about that? Oliver is going to need his parents together,”
Jacob pulled her into his lap in one swift movement and wrapped his arms around her, smirking with a lopsided grin, “I think I just thought of a solution,”
His lips met hers lightly at first but she was eager to deepen the kiss with a smile on her face. Sparks flew as their lips melted together, moving in sweet simultaneous harmony. His hands migrated slowly, moving up to tangle themselves in her hair while she held his scruffy cheeks. The need for air tugged at the both of them and Jacob broke the sustained kiss to pepper her cheeks and her lips with dozens of little kisses as she laughed and leaned back.
“I’ve wanted to do that since the day I met you,” Jacob laughed and leaned his forehead against hers,
“Well you sure took your sweet time,” She smirked.
“In my defense, you can be quite intimidating,” Jacob nodded and she laughed at him in return.
“Don’t be too frightened, I don’t bite…. Hard,” She smirked before she leaned in for another kiss only to be stopped short by the soft tweeting of Oliver, up from his nap and ready for more food.
They laughed to themselves and Jacob nodded in the direction of the hat, “He’s your son,” 
“You watch yourself or you’ll be digging up worms for the next month,” She snapped back and raised an eyebrow. 
Jacob sighed with content before wrapping his arm around her waist and heading over to see what all the fuss was about. “Ah, parenthood,”
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im-not-a-writer · 6 years
Jacob Frye x Reader ~ CHAPTER 7 (FINAL)
Here we go, everyone! I know I am probably the absolute worst human ever right now but writing this last chapter was nearly impossible! I know it’s short and It’s most definitely not what I wanted it to be but I really needed this series to end. Now that it’s over I can actually focus my energy on other stuff! Anyways I’m so sorry for the wait, please enjoy~~~
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“You can’t be serious?” You gasped as you looked down from the top of the tower. Your stomach dropped and you could feel your knees starting to tremble.
“Do I look like someone that makes jokes?” Jacob laughed and stood next to you with his arms crossed, obviously more comfortable than you were.
“Shut up you twat,” You looked down over the edge again and stared down at the ant-sized people below.
“Ouch! That had some bite to it!” He laughed and looked over at you with a smile, trying to distract your gaze.
“You know I didn’t mean it... I'm just a little freaked out that’s all.” You sighed and stepped as far away as you could from the edge. “You’re really expecting me to jump off this thing?”
“I know it’s not exactly my style but it’s kind of a ceremonial thing, if you want to join the assassins, this is your right of passage,” He nodded and moved a little closer to you.
“When have you ever been ceremonious!”
“I know I know, but this one is a little important,” He smiled and took your hand in his and pulled you toward the edge of the roof.
He could feel your nervousness, it was practically radiating off of you. “You’ve done it loads of times! Just not from this height, but don’t let that make you nervous, you know what you’re doing.” He looked into your eyes and put his hands on your cheeks to turn your gaze to him. “You can do this, I’ll be right next to you, I promise.”
You found comfort in his puppy dog eyes, enough to settle your shaking at least. Still holding his hand you stepped to the edge of the building and stared out, breathing slowly and taking in the city skyline. “I’m an assassin,” You told yourself. You stared and allowed yourself to become overwhelmed with the sight of the city. The gas light lamps like stars illuminating the streets with a dim yellow glow. Two strong arms wrapped around your waist from behind, radiating warmth as you were pulled into Jacob’s chest.
“If you aren’t ready we can keep training and come back some other time,” He held you close and spoke softly.
“No, no I’m ready.” You nodded and breathed in deeply as Jacob released his hold on you and stood to your left.
“See the hay bale?” He asked and you leaned over the edge to spy the square cart below. “Just like we practiced,”
You breathed in deeply and allowed air to fill your chest. The shaking in your knees was still there but you ignored it, your only focus was on the hay below.
“Ready?” Jacob asked.
“Ready,” You smiled.
You jumped forward, your arms outstretched as you allowed yourself to fall, no-fly down to the bale of hay below you. You could feel your body start to roll slightly in the air as you flipped over to your back. The wind whistled by and whipped your hair around as you feel speeding into the earth, the sound of air and a far-off cry from a bird enhanced the euphoria you were feeling. As you soared down to earth you opened your eyes slightly to catch a peek at Jacob who was slightly ahead of you and you swore you could see a smile on his face. Now completely on your back, you awaited nervously for the landing, this might have been the part that frightened you the most, one small miscalculation in your jump and your entire body would be in pieces in one painful second. Down you fell, speeding up until finally with a soft THUMP you knew you had succeeded.
Oh but that was so long ago.
Your head was throbbing when you awoke. Your vision continued to go in and out as you tried to focus your eyesight in the dim lighting of the chamber, through the blurriness you could make out a single figure standing in front of you.
“Where… Where am I?” You asked, your voice breaking.
“Doesn’t really matter does it love?” A thick cockney accent spoke back to you, as he started to go into focus. “You aren’t making it out of here either way,”
The man was quite tall, a crooked top hat covering most of his black hair. He stared down at you through piercing blue eyes and the dark bags under his eyes told you he hadn’t slept in a while. He was a lanky man, thin and oddly balanced and his clothes hung off him like a child playing dress up but he still seemed like a force to be reckoned with.
You coughed to clear your throat and you heard a small groan from your right. With your vision finally back you turned your head to see your  Eddy, tied to a chair with blood stained on his right arm. The man in front of you turned around to grab his cane and stare admirably around at his hideout for a moment.
“Eddy! Eddy!” You called to him.
Weakly, two familiar brown eyes met your gaze and although dim they seemed to light up when they met yours.
“Keep trying love, he’s been out for some time now. Little twat couldn't even handle his finger being chopped off.” The man scoffed and you shot a glare up at him.
After a moment Eddy realized what was going on, like snapping out of a dream his eyes flew open and he looked from you to the man and then back to you before nodding slightly behind him.
“What’s your game blighter?” You growled, staring up at him, making sure he didn’t turn around. You then turned to Eddy and saw what he was nodding at. You looked down at the small blade in Eddy’s hand and you smiled slightly and he returned the gesture before flicking his wrist and tossing the blade to you. You caught it without a fumble, but the blade nicked your palm slightly as you gripped it tight.
“Oh dear me…. You think I’m one of those fools?” He let out a shrill laugh and looked back at you slightly before turning back around and lifting a teacup off from a small desk. “No my dear assassin, I’m most definitely not some gang member,” He smirked and sipped his tea happily.
“You’re a Templar then.” You said calmly as you sawed through the ropes keeping you to the chair.
“That’s the ticket! This is my first shot at proving myself to the order,” he smiled and pride swelled in his chest. “So far I think Mr. Starrick will be mighty impressed with me! I managed to capture Jacob Frye’s little songbird,” A smirk replaced his cocky smile as he stepped toward you and roughly gripped your face in his hand. “Although... a part of me really wants to keep you for myself,” He smirked and stared down at you with his beady lust filled eyes.
“I don’t think you could handle me,” In one swift motion you were freed, you jumped forward and forced the man to the ground, the ropes falling like limp snakes around you. With the blade against his throat, you had him pinned.
“Apologies on your big break, I’m a tough bird to catch.” You smiled before plunging the blade into his chest but as your blade entered him, you felt a sharp and cold pain shoot through your body. Shock overtook you as you looked down to see your own hidden blade in your stomach.
“Now I see why your kind loves these so much, they are incredibly useful.” The man smiled viciously at you as blood spilled from his mouth before his head fell to the side and life escaped him.
“Sis!” Eddy shrieked in horror.
You stood up and the blade slid out of you sickeningly, you could feel the warm blood seeping into your clothes as you clutched a hand to your stomach. Your stance waivered a bit but hearing Eddy yell snapped you back into reality. You grabbed your hidden blade off the man and clumsily strapped the gauntlet back onto your arm. With adrenaline now calling the shots you jogged to your brother and in one swift motion, sliced the ropes behind him.
“Sis are you alright?” He stood up, his legs shaking slightly. He reached out and put his arms around you, trying to steady your weak form.
“We need to.. AGH!” You exclaimed as pain shot through your stomach. “We… need to get out of here, need to… find some Rooks.” You grit your teeth and leaned a bit of your weight on Eddy.
“Do you know the way out?” You asked as you moved slowly through the hideout.
“I saw guards coming in and out this way,” Eddy pointed towards the corridor in front of you and started to move.
“ACH!” You screamed again. This time your knees giving out from the pain. You collapsed to your knees and soon that familiar fade started to take over your vision as the adrenaline faded and exhaustion took over.
“No no sis come on! Stay with me please!” Eddy pleaded but his cries fell upon deaf ears as you were out cold in seconds.
For the second time, you came to. Only this time you weren’t tied to a chair, instead, you were lying on the bed in the train, the familiar smell and sound of the rattling rails under you verified that. With vision slowly returning you looked around slightly to see your two favorite boys sitting next to each other, both drifting off into a much-needed nap. They both looked like hell, Eddy’s hand was bandaged up and his shirt was changed but his pale face still screamed exhaustion and blood loss. Jacobs hat was cast off and his chocolate locks were in all sorts of disarray, probably from him running his hands through it nervously.
“I see we’re taking turns on napping,” You spoke up with a raspy voice and a smile.
The two of them shot up, their eyes widening as they stared at you now awake before them. In a split second they were at your side, Jacob with his hand on your cheek and Eddy clutching your hand tightly.
“You’re awake!” Jacob cried, smiling widely as you looked up at him.
“We’ve been here the whole time! Sittin’ right there!” Eddy beamed at you, squeezing your hand.
You coughed and cleared your throat. “How long was I out?” You asked, looking at Jacob with a worried expression.
“Not too long, the doctor said you would probably be out for a week! But not you!” Eddy smiled as his eyes welled up.
“You were out for two days,” Jacob stated calmly.
You groaned and rubbed your temples. “Two days?”
“I’ll go fetch you some water,” Eddy stood up and ran off, his face still beaming.
You sighed and took Jacob’s hands in yours. “I’m so sorry, love.”
“For what?” He smiled and shook his head slightly.
“For blaming you,” you frowned. “I should never have blamed you and your Rooks,” you shook your head and he cupped your cheeks with his hands.
“It’s alright darling, everything is fine now.” He smiled and pressed a short kiss to your lips.
You sighed in content, “I bet you probably think I’m some real shabby assassin though,”
He laughed in response and tilted his head, “Of course not darling, sure you have a little bit of a temper but you did just fine.”
“No… I got myself kidnapped and stabbed. As much as I would love to hear you say that I did ‘just fine’ I know that’s not true,”
“You got yourself out of there, you killed templar that did it, how were you supposed to know that he had your blade?” Jacob tried to reassure you but your stubbornness took over as usual.
“It was all one foolish mistake after the other… I need to train harder.’ You sighed and shook your head.
Jacob stopped you and put his finger under your chin. “Look at me,”
You obeyed and looked at him despite your attitude.
“We all do crazy things for the people we love,” His stare held your eyes. “What matters is you’re safe and so is your brother, of course, we all need improvement but I call that a job well done.”
“You’re just trying to butter me up,” you smirked.
“How dare you accuse me of such a thing,” Jacob smirked back and captured your lips into a much-needed kiss. Passionate and loving and by far better medicine for your wounds than anything any doctor could give you. He leaned over you and deepened the kiss, one hand tangled in your hair while the other held your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
Neither of you noticed when Eddy returned shouting, “ARE YOU KIDDING ME I LEAVE FOR TWO BLOODY MINUTES!”
@littlewhitefairy7777 @temerey @talesfromassassiansguardian @eliffromthebrotherhood @i-am-totes-sherlocked @icarrotcake @seapandaftw @pwedatorpanda @comic-freak @nunalula @sweet-bb-boy
As always thank you for everyone who continued to stay with me through this story I really appreciate it! (I might also be writing a bonus chapter for this if I get a lot of notes sooo this might not be the very end) Anyways, as always I’m always down for requests just make sure you read my rules first! Thank you!
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im-not-a-writer · 6 years
Haytham Kenway X Reader *REQUEST*
Alrighty here is another request! This time I wrote this for @natticosplaysxxx I hope you like it! I’ve never written for Haytham before so this was interesting! 
-Prompt: Haytham Kenway and ex assassin reader go to a ball and have their first kiss on the balcony
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   Young Haytham Kenway wasn’t afraid of much. Whether it be a blade to his throat or shadows in the night he could handle most any situation with a level of composure that most wouldn’t be able to uphold. The young Templar had seen his fair share of gruesome and gory acts, some were his doing some were not, and as it would seem there was nothing that could get him to even flinch. Except perhaps, the right woman. Moreover, the right woman rejecting him. Haythem was, by all accounts an attractive and well built young man with a smile that was so rare to see that only a select few had been lucky enough to see it, and because of this he was not a stranger to female attention. To be entirely honest the young templar never craved it like some of the other men he worked with, in fact, he would much rather be left alone instead of being crowded by a mass of frivolous women. But as most of these stories go there was always that one woman, that one spark that lit a flame in his chest and found ways of infiltrating his mind at all hours of the day.
   “(Y/n),” He chimed, sneaking up behind her and leaning in close to her ear as she explored books in the library.
   “Haytham, mark my words, next time you do that I’m going to-” She growled, snapping the book in front of her shut.
   “Do what? Stab me?” He sassed back, a trait that was all too common with him.
   “That would be too easy…. I’m not sure what yet but I’ll think of something,” She smirked and turned around, “Well you must be bugging me for a reason, what do you need?” She put her hand on her hip and shifted her weight.
   “I was wondering-”
   “No,” She interjected before turning around and putting the book back on the shelf.
      “You didn’t let me finish,” He growled.
   “Well, you started it off with ‘i’m wondering’ and every time you get an idea in that funny head of yours I find it wise to ignore it,” She flashed him a devilish smirk and he rolled his eyes at her in return.
   “Ha Ha, incredibly mature, anyways. I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to a ball tonight,” A smile flashed over his face before disappearing again.
   He heart started to beat faster and he could see the flush of pink crawl up her neck and rest on her cheeks and ears. She shifted weight again and looked away from him quickly before looking back., “A ball? Why?”
   The same thing was happening to Haytham as he tried his hardest to keep his anxiety suppressed, “Well you’re a woman, women like parties and things like that don’t they?” He joked trying to lighten the mood.
   “Well I wouldn’t know, I’ve never been to one,” She said a bit too seriously and Haytham felt a bit more nervous as time dragged on.
   “They’re horribly boring… unless you go with someone else,” He reached his hand in his coat pocket and handed her a folded up sheet of parchment. “Here’s the invitation if you do plan to go with me, I’ll meet you there at seven,”
   “Um… Thank you... I probably won’t so don’t get your hopes up,” She was looking down at the parchment with disbelief and (although he had no idea) excitement.
   That was hours ago and Haythem was now at the ball. Alone. He looked down at his pocket watch and felt anxiety chewing on his stomach as he realized seven had come and gone and it was closer now to 7:30. He looked around the crowd, his eyes scanning over the mass of unfamiliar men and women talking and dancing across the floor. He watched their faces and their smiles and something in him started to turn sour. What had he expected? As disappointment started to set in he made his way upstairs to find some solace away from the mass of couples surrounding him. He wandered a bit before sneaking into a drawing room and finding a balcony that overlooked a garden bristling with roses below. A sigh escaped his lips as he unbuttoned his coat and leaned his back on the balcony, looking up at the sky.
   He knew it was foolish to get so worked up over a woman he never thought was going to look at him in the first place, he was lucky enough he even got this far with her. As much as he tried to convince himself that he wasn’t upset the idea of her laughing in his face if she knew the truth continued to bring a bad taste to his mouth. She must have gone back to her chambers and laughed to herself about how foolish he looked, shaking to hand her a piece of parchment.
   “Haytham,” A sweet voice whispered in his ear from behind making him practically jump out of his skin.
   “Jesus!” He jumped, backing away from the balcony and turning to see the culprit.
   Like some sort of mirage there she was, peeking up at him with a wide grin on her face from behind the balcony while he caught his breath with a hand on his chest.
   “My god (y/n) what the hell was that for?! Damn assassin, sneaking all the time,” He stared at her with a shred of anger in his expression.
   “I told you I was going to get back at you, you do it to me all the time,” She lifted herself up and over the balcony and as she did Haytham felt no shame in staring.
   She was wearing a gown, simple and most definitely not appropriate for a ballroom setting but she looked absolutely stunning. The color brought out minute shades in her eyes even in the weak silvery moonlight that surrounded them and the style complimented the parts of her otherwise hidden by her daily work clothes. Her hair was brushed like a fine smooth silk and was draped over one of her shoulders in a delicate wave and he could see a small glimpse of makeup on her face.
   “Oh my…” He stopped.
   “What?” She looked down at herself and he could tell she was uncomfortable already.
   “You… well pardon me but you look stunning,” He finished, bringing his eyes to meet hers.
   A blush dusted her cheeks, “Oh shut up,”
      Haytham smiled and stepped forward, confidence starting to surge within him, “well come on, you made me wait this long you at least owe me a dance,”
   She sighed and rubbed her arm nervously, “I don’t… I don’t know,”
   “Come on, it’s fun,” He extended his hand to her and she took it hesitantly.
   Without any music besides the muffled sound of the band from inside, he swept her into a waltz, his hand on her waist pulling her ever so closer with each step and stumble. Neither of them was incredibly good at dancing, Haytham found staying in time too menial of a task for him and she continued to stumble over the gown at her feet, but despite the stumbling and the inconsistent speed, it was the most perfect, worse dance that either of them had ever had. She stepped on his feet, he would step too far and she would stumble into him, but the entire time they just stared into each other's eyes and smiled, genuinely smiled. At that moment they weren’t templars or ex-assassins, they weren’t killers or scholars, they were simply two people that enjoyed each other's company, two normal people dancing normally.
   “You know, for a second I thought you weren’t going to come,” Haytham looked down at her and chuckled.
   “Well I would have been here sooner if this stupid dress wasn’t so hard to put on,” She growled as she nearly tripped over her skirt again.
   “I’m glad you came,” He smiled and she tilted her head.
   “I’m glad too,” She smiled and looked up into his eyes.
   During their short dance, neither of them had noticed that they had come to almost a complete stop, instead of their clumsy waltz they were now standing, his hands around her waist and hers on his chest, and they were both swaying slightly where they stood. The close proximity to one another making a shared warmth between them despite the bite of the cold from the outside. As Haytham stared down at her he couldn't control his face inching closer to hers or his hand reaching up to hold her face in his hand.
   “Don’t tell me you’re falling for me,” She smiled sweetly as a blush settled on her cheeks.
   “What if I was?” He asked, smirking slightly with raised eyebrows.
   “I would tell you that you’re an idiot,” she replied.
   “And why is that?” he asked, now just mere inches apart.
   “Because you should have done it sooner,” She said before closing the gap between them and wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
   He kissed back, sweetly and slightly eagerly as he tightened his grip around her before pulling away and letting out a laugh of pure joy, “You’re telling me that I waited too long?”
   She smiled at him and kissed him again before replying, “Just long enough,”
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im-not-a-writer · 6 years
Fic Rules
Hey there everyone! So I think as I start writing more and accepting more requests rules become more and more important! So here are my rules for requests and fics in general on this page --- Please keep in mind I make these rules not to discourage anyone from requesting but simply because there are some things I just can’t do or refuse to do because of personal preference!
Preface- Please understand that not every request made will get written. I don’t want to close requests but I do get a lot of them so I sort of have to pick and choose. I will try my hardest to write them all but there are no promises 
NSFW (moreover I really don’t know how)
Rape or non-con 
suicide or suicidal thoughts 
fetishes or BDSM
No controversial topics (I don’t want an internet war)
family fics (non-incest)
Anything with real people (actors, youtubers, celebrities of any kind)
cheating on the other member of the pairing 
Songfics (I’m not a big fan of these in general)
Ships or character pairings- this is an x reader blog :)
mental illness (I do not suffer from mental illness and I wouldn’t feel right trying to capture something I have never felt)
Anything that is overly non-canon (anything that would really affect a major character that I don’t own like them dying before their time or them doing something they would never do)
Something I do not know about (this includes series or characters I don’t know- I'll put a list of things I’ll do at the bottom of this page)
fluff! (yes please!)
angst (ah yeess) 
sweet cheesy romance
pregnant life
imagines and scenarios
saucy scenes (lime Lite)
weddings and marriage
raising kids
fights and disagreements (sorta still angst)
prompt lists
Mostly everything 
Assassin’s Creed (1, 2, brotherhood, revelations, 3, 4, syndicate, Unity, Origins)
Harry Potter/ Fantastic Beasts
Avengers and MCU
legend of Zelda
Black Butler
Game of Thrones
Avatar the Last Airbender
Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit
Jurassic Park/World
This is just a basic list of things that I am way more than willing to write for, of course this doesn’t include everything I could write but this is my main list so when requesting please refer to this list before asking
Thank you! Please don’t allow this list to entirely discourage you from requesting just ask and I will inform :) thank you all so much!
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im-not-a-writer · 6 years
Jacob Frye x Starricks Wife! Reader *REQUEST*
Hi everyone here’s a request for @thatanonymouschocolate that I was actually really excited to do! I hope you like it and remember I am always down for requests!
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Most of the time when Jacob had a target to kill he never contemplated the task much more than, “how will I do it? From above or face to face?” Normally he never found himself questioning whether or not he’s going to fall hopelessly in love with his target but as they say, there’s a first time for everything. It wasn’t supposed to happen, but then again aren’t these things never truly supposed to happen? Love has a pesky way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it, it’s confusing and almost impossible to predict and perhaps that’s why Jacob had been avoiding it for years. Of course, he had his flings in his youth, as most young men do, but they really were just that- flings. When you live every day like it’s your last things like love aren’t appealing to you, it’s just another thing you have to lose.
The mission started off completely mundane. Find a pair of Starricks personal guard, eavesdrop on them, find the carriage they are escorting, tail it, kill the target. To no one's surprise, the first four steps of this plan went by without a hitch and as Jacob was tailing the carriage he started to run through the final step of his mission in his head.
“Alright so… if I send the Rooks in up the road a bit it’ll distract the guards enough for them to leave the carriage… then I swoop inside to kill the target and I’m done in ten minutes tops… and I don’t have a body to hide,” he planned, his sideways grin growing larger as he sauntered over to a group of Rooks on the side of the street.
They greeted him warmly and in a matter of seconds, they were off, barreling towards a group of Blighters some fifty feet in front of the carriage. Not a minute later fists were flying and gunshots were echoing through the streets as the two gangs clashed. Fearing for the safety of their cargo the guards pulled the carriage to the side of the road and both jumped down from their seat to join in the fight. Jacob noticed the small pep in their step as they ran, of course, they would prefer to fight than escort some noble around London. He leaned down and started to jog towards the carriage, his hood over his face and his hidden blade ready to be ejected with the slightest twitch of his wrist. As he neared the door to the carriage he took a deep breath before swinging the door open and dashing inside.
“Good afternoon Mrs. Starrick-” He started, his entrance and dramatic flair ruined by the soft sounds of sobs. He stopped, his wrist no longer bent, and he stared forward at the woman in front of him.
Her body was practically shaking as she cried into her gloved hands and what he saw of her face was bright red and tearstained, her hair was up and small curled strands were falling around her face as she cried. As she looked up at him he watched as tears dropped onto her white gown, the strands of loose hair rested against her cheeks and despite it all, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on… and she was in a wedding gown. Jacob couldn’t help but stare at her, which undoubtedly made the situation much more uncomfortable for both of them.
“Are… are you… alright?” he asked, his expression a strange mixture of confused and concerned.
“No,” She sniffled, “No, in fact, I’m not.”
“Oh um… May I.. Ask why?” You idiot! Soothing the woman you’re supposed to kill? This is more torture than murder at this point. Yet he continued.
“You said it yourself,” she leaned back and allowed more tears to fall from her cheeks. “Today I become Mrs. Starrick.” Poison dripped from her tongue as she said those last two words. “Who possibly would be happy marrying that monster…”
Jacob froze. “So… you’re not… marrying him by choice?”
“Are you daft? Of course I’m not marrying him by choice! What harpy would choose to spend the rest of her life with him?! Let alone help him secure his empire with an heir,” She shivered.
For some reason, it had never crossed Jacobs mind that noble marriages were arranged… that’s something Evie would have known for sure. He sighed deeply as he let his face fall into his open palm at his own foolishness. “You have a point there,” A small chuckle left his lips and she let one out in return. They locked eyes and he gained the confidence to speak again, “So, if it’s not by choice why are you marrying Starrick?”
She sighed and rubbed her temples in anguish, “he basically bought my father's entire company and when that wasn’t enough power for him… well, he basically bought me as well,”
“But I still don’t understand why a man like that would want a wife anyways… That’s just another loose end- no offense.” Jacob replied, narrowing his brow in confusion.
“None taken,” She smiled at him a sad smile and continued, “I overheard his guards saying that he needed to make himself more human in appearance… and I guess having a wife will do that, and also… well if he wants to rule all of England, he’s going to need an heir when he passes and sadly that’s not something he can do by himself.” A look of disgust passed over her tearstained face as she looked down at her lap.
“Well… as I see it, the devil might have wives, pretty ones too, but he’s still the devil,” Jacob chuckled and smiled when she let out a genuine giggle also.
“… anyways… better get on with it.” Suddenly she was sitting straight up, her head was back and her eyes closed. “You have a job to do and I hate to keep you waiting any longer,”
Once again Jacob froze, his heart started to ache as he remembered why he was here. He looked at her and marveled at her sudden composure before sighing heavily and flicking his wrist. His hidden blade shot out and he stared down at the sharp edge of the blade, bloodstained and well used. Just as quickly as the blade was out it was sheathed again. She opened her eyes to meet his with confusion.
“You know I’ve given it some thought and-,” He smiled slightly as he could hear the sound of the guards returning from their scrap in the street, “You’re much more valuable to me alive,” Suddenly he scooped her up in his arms and dashed out the door of the carriage, running as fast as he could with her straight into the alleyway before the guards could even realize what had happened.
BONUS (because I have no chill) ——
It was some time after the event with the stolen bride and since then the majesty of London had been restored and Crawford Starrick killed along with his empire. As the world was returning back to normal there were some changes that could never be reversed. As expected Jacob fell hopelessly in love with the woman he stole from Starrick and she (begrudgingly at first) followed suit, and after Starrick was defeated it was only a matter of time before the two could become even closer.
‘Evie, are you still there?” She called from her dressing room as she paced anxiously and waited for a reply.
“Of course, what do you need?” The sweet voice of her best friend replied eagerly as she jogged into the room.
She smiled as she saw her friend's freckled face and bright smile, “Can you please get Jacob for me?”
Evie let out a sigh and shook her head slightly, “I’m not too sure that’s a good idea,”
“Please Evie? I really need to see him.” She held onto her friend's hands and pleaded.
Evie let out a sigh as she looked down at their hands, “...alright but only because you’re my friend and I love you…” She smiled and jogged out of the room.
Left to her thoughts the nervous woman paced more, wringing her hands and trying to calm herself down. She turned and faced the window and stared out at the city skyline, the high towers and the miles of industrial factories all spewing smoke from high stacks, darkening the sunny sky. Birds were flying overhead, chasing each other, ducking here and there and playing as they sang sweet songs back and forth before flying out of view.
“Darling,” Jacobs' voice rang out from just outside the room.
The woman turned around to meet him, practically hiding behind the corner. “Come in love,”
“Darling, I really don’t think this is allowed- my God,” He froze. He froze like he did the day he met her, unable to see anything but her, unable to smell anything but her sweet perfume, all he could hear was the glorious melody that was her voice, it was like he was falling in love all over again in one instant. “My God, you look absolutely stunning…” After shaking off the shock his normal cocky demeanor returned as he smirked and walked over to her, “isn’t it bad luck for the groom to see the bride before she walks down the aisle?”
“I don’t care,” she pouted slightly and gave him a nervous glace.
“What’s wrong love?” He looked at her with worry. “You’re not… rethinking this are you?”
“God no Jacob, I’m sorry if I made you think that,” She practically gasped as she looked up at him with equally matched worry.
“Then what is it?” He took a few steps toward her and took her hand in his.
She let out a heavy sigh and held his hand tighter, “It’s foolish…. Really it is,”
He brought his hand up to her cheek and cupped it sweetly as he looked deep into her eyes, “Nothing you could say would ever be foolish darling, don’t be afraid to speak your mind.”
She smiled and relished in the warmth of his hand, “I know that we’ve talked about this… but…. Jacob, I just worry about you,” She sighed and brought her gaze down.
“No Jacob please, I know I know… but I just worry about you so much and after everything that we’ve been through… I never thought this day was going to come. I was always assuming since the day that you took me from that carriage that one of us would already be dead by now, and I know you always tell me not to worry about you but I just… I can’t help it, I don’t want to lose you,” She looked up deep into his eyes and squeezed his hand hard.
Jacob sighed and pulled her into his arms, wrapping his arms around her waist as he slowly rocked her from side to side. “Come ‘ere,” One hand rested on the small of her back as the other stroked her hair tenderly. “Listen, I can’t guarantee that I won’t die tomorrow or even today, but the difference between when I took you from that carriage and right now is,” He pulled away slightly to look into her eyes again, “I have something to live for now,” he brought her close and pressed his lips sweetly to hers, sighing in content at the feeling of her lips against his.
She smiled against his lips and kissed him back before pulling away and locking eyes with him again, “You know… this is the second time I’ve almost gotten married… maybe this time someone else will kidnap me,”
“Not unless I never let you go,”
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im-not-a-writer · 6 years
Ideas? Requests?
Hello there friends! I know I’ve been inactive and I sort of left my jacob x reader at a bit of a halt :/ I know I know i’m the worst but I’m just finding it really hard to continue writing that fic, I’ll come out with another chapter as soon as I figure my shit out I promise!! On the other hand if there’s anyone that would want anything don’t be afraid to ask :) i’m sorta bored and in the mood for one shots!
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