#Sakura Yamauchi
mokacheer · 8 months
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♡ 14 Days to Fall in Love ♡ with: @apparently-artless
⤿ Day 11: Every moment with you feels like a movie ☼ I Want to Eat your Pancreas (2018) ☼
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auroratumbles · 4 months
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thisismytwocents · 1 year
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Uneventful times, Expectedly it's you still I love silently.
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hikki2li · 2 years
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Love it.
anime: Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai / anime gif by hikki
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trashland-llamas · 7 months
maybe "i want to eat your pancreas" will be our always
[spoilers under cut]
i put off reading i want to eat your pancreas just for the second volume to be one of the handful of books to make me cry. was when Haruki goes to Sakura's house after missing the funeral. and her mom's like 'you're him.' and she hands him Sakura's journal. and the fact that it wasn't even the cancer that killed her, and him having a gut feeling something was wrong. like bruh, how dare you pull a twist like that.
and granted i should've garnered from the cover art that it wasn't gonna be the body horror i was expecting it to be but still.
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sashabrawesome89 · 2 years
I think I know why I love “I Want to Eat Your Pancreas” so much. The dynamic between Haruki and Sakura…literally screamed Niccosasha if Isayama explored it a little bit more.
Here me out.
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- Sasha and Sakura both love eating. Especially meat. They have huge appetites and will drag their friends along their food escapades.
- Both Sasha and Sakura have sweet, sunny personalities that win over cold, distant boys (Haruki and Niccolo to be specific).
- They’re willing to do crazy things to help people in need (Sakura kicking the nuts of a guy for harassing the old woman; Sasha saving little Kaya from a Titan, without ODM gear.)
Their deaths are sudden, unpredictable, and frustrating. Sakura battled pancreatic cancer only to be randomly stabbed to death by a serial killer. Sasha fought Titans and survived the battle of Liberio only to be shot to death by a young girl whose life she spared.
Tell me I’m not going nuts over this one. I might even write an AU or make a fake trailer.
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rollanan · 6 months
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pancreas girl
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cyandenial · 7 months
Summary: Sakura still has many things in her list to do before dying and Haruki would grant her any wish, however many she liked, for as long as possible… If only she didn’t have to die. 
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theagr · 1 year
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Missing man
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arthass24 · 13 days
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I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (Yamauchi Sakura)
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pechu-0 · 1 year
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Sakura Yamauchi
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Those intricate illustrations from Wakamiya observing the technology, food, and the ways from the world outside.
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Imagine Wakamiya as a young boy forcefully had to live among humans and observe their ways. He had a help of course in order to navigate the new situation where he was. He ate donuts and burgers, loved bananas, observed the salarymen going to work. He must have tried the different vehicles to experience them. Learned how to cook for himself. Talked to different kinds of people and interacted with them, conversed with them about their rights and pursuits. No wonder, he wanted to give the same freedom of choice to the girls at the Sakura Blossom Palace, however uncanny the formulation he used. And perhaps, some people thought that he was an eccentric artist drawing the typical, mundane objects, from his point of view.
And Yukiya absorbing them as he couldn’t fathom that there is a world outside of Yamauchi. @ynxnyx I concur, his hometown is minuscule compared to what Wakamiya has seen and experienced. So far, he seems to be open for the possibilities. (In the books, he is in denial sort of.)
In Yamauchi it seems like the time stood still. This is Japan upside down in different eras (Kamakura, Sengoku, Heian, Edo and Meiji rolled into one).
Come to think of it, it is amusing to think of new scenarios of what will these characters do outside of Yamauchi.
How will Yukiya cope going to a school outside? Will he cut his hair? How will he look in our world with loose shirts and baggy pants? Or Lord Natsuka with his haughtiness? Will he survive it? Will he be as untouchable as he is in Yamauchi? Will he survive without Rokon? What is he going to do? A traditional businessman, a trader, an upstart CEO? How about Hamayū? Will she learn a new skill to keep up with her husband? Will she go to the uni with Masuho no Susuki?
I wonder if the anime staff will give us a glimpse of that time where Wakamiya spent his life outside Yamauchi.
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烏は主を選ばない-[A Raven Does not choose its master]: Outside world through Inner lenses (Non-spoiler Free review)
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“The world isn't in your books and maps, it's out there.”-J.R.R Tolkien
On the last episode I feel it’s emptiness and yet it’s beauty as we close with Yukiya acknowledging Wakamiya as his master- you may wonder why I chose the subtitle- similar to an episode in the second half of the series, while I praised the first half for its tasty court drama, the second half zooms out to the world of Yamauchi, and it’s conflicts which affect its intriguing characters which made me proclaim the best series I watched to date (well alongside Fullmetal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Dororo and Mononoke), and since we reached its conclusion, I would love to go to an in-depth review on this hidden gem since I touched it so briefly in my previous review (And yes I get to read the manga so yes, I got a different outlook of that gorgeous series.)
(FYI I am hiding this behind, in case you do not like to get spoiled by the plot points)
The 1st half is painted on the inside world of the Yamauchi-the court; ministers conspiring on court affairs, 4 consorts in their ‘bird-cage’ Sakura palace, fighting with one another to win the Kin’u’s hand. And those close to these noble court feeling the tidal wave of its affections, similar to every court intrigue drama which I thought of The Tale of Genji in my head.
We see two persons that are entwined to the ‘court’ world- Asebi (The Eastern consort); naive and kind- entering a glided world where she unfortunately holding little straws to the cut-throat inner world of Sakura Palace; and Yukiya-a ‘blockhead’ from Taruhi Village- a prominent point in the North prefecture; whom by unusual circumstances is called to serve Nazukihiko (I.E Wakamiya), a true Golden Raven (I.E the Kin’u), which it is emphasised through interactions between the clever Yukiya and the mysterious Wakamiya.
I would say navigating through a complex maze of court intrigue proves to be tantalising to me, because no one expect any moment of each character’s intakes whenever it was the stern Lord Natsuka, the strong-willed nature of Hamayuu or Atsufusa- one of Natsuka’s followers. You are introduced to backthroat court world, at a flip of a coin, he could either be a great ally or a cunning enemy that is willing to stuff a chicken in your robes to pretend you are stabbed by a burly bodyguard (Looking at you Atsufusa), having the two anchors which are Asebi-a kind-hearted consort with no allies holding this line out from Tennesse Williams -'A Streetcar Named Desire' (I will always depend on the kindness of strangers) energy, a moth intrigued by the bright blinding lights.
and Yukiya whose battle with his own conflicts of identity and purpose, both plunged into a world where facades are not what it seems and one must keep its toes up in order to survive.
You may wonder about who shall be his consort, well- it was an unexpected choice. Neverthless that twist of Aesbi on the end of the consort selection contest haunted our minds, which I am still reeling over- a beautiful flower that hid rot within her core (I need to mention that I wish to see the Empress' reaction on knowing Asebi's evil intentions to be animated because when I read the manga, it would be delightful but I see why it is edited out due to pacing purposes)
With the choice of the consort out of our mind, we pave for the second half, which Yukiya went home for a brief moment after a year in service in court. If the 1st half of Raven is about the inner politics; the 2nd half sees a world beyond the confines of Yamauchi- which make the selection ceremony a minor ripple in the pond , as always you are always keep up to your toes with our characters and its motives- expect it is no longer inner conflicts of ladies who desire Wakamiya’s hand with their courtly backstories. Instead we follow a young girl Koume who survived a village massacre and the rumours of a drug that cause its residents to go berserk.
You may think that we, like Yukiya can rest on our laurels on this case- however it went much deeper like the medicine that circulate the veins, this second half is when I fell truly in love with its series- because the real meat is here, a sheltered bubble threatened to burst. It is never what it seen, we explored the seedier areas only briefly explored on the 1st half, where the threat rippled at every crevice, which we hold our suspicions on Koume's truth if she is the carrier of the drug. As always- it is not a simple incident that concidently built up overnight, akin to a full course meal, with intriguing flavours, each moment enchant a truth or hide a lie, and Yukiya despite being jaded from witnessing the court’s cruel acts especially on Asebi, changing from a stubborn boy who desired to protect his small village, to a loyal and steadfast ally to Wakamiya, carrying the burden to protect his folk, his change proves to be gradual which made the last episode which he call himself a 'lowly servant' impactful.
I would say the Wisteria Arrows scenes are my favourite because the choice of music and animation made these scenes haunting, and tangible that someday that bubble could break anytime.
In the end, we no longer see Yukiya as charming “blockhand”, but as a young man with his eyes open upon the world that is beyond, it is a cyclical change for all characters, and in the end, akin to that Tolkien quote; the world is not simply written in books or whispered by scheming court officials but expanded through different lenses, neither good or evil, but layers of grey that one must journey.
If there is a flaw- is that the court intrigue drags a little longer and it may pull people off, which I can guarantee- it is not,it is a pity that it really flew under the radar among the packed anime season (BTW I did not follow much), because the plot and characters proves to be intriguing with unexpected twists and all.
I really hope for a Season 2, with that post-credit scene; I would love to dive to the world of Yamauchi again following Yukiya's devotion to the Prince, in the meantime I am going to try to catch up the manga with the translated scans, as much as I can (I actually finished A Raven of All Seasons Manga which dealt the 1st half of the series, and I tell you, it is soooo good)
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an-aroaces-harem · 6 months
Ivy Chapter 12
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DISCLAIMER: I just deepl and google translated my way through this because I wanted to know what’s going on, so there are definitely mistakes but I believe I managed the general gist of the story. Anyway, it’s just a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes. Morganatic Idol belongs to Cybird and ABC Frontier, Inc.
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The day after the show. When I arrived at work, the curious stares of the employees were waiting for me.
Female Employee 1: I wonder why she was invited to Cher d'Ou Miti yesterday.
Female Employee 2: Who invited her? Is there some kind of mistake?
I hear voices whipering things like these.
(I don't feel comfortable, but I left the place like that way, so I guess it's all right ...)
It's 'business as usual' if you just whisper things like that ...
Rina: Good morning, Yamauchi-san.
Yamauchi Kota: Ah, umm, morning ...
He turns around and slips away.
(I wonder what's going on? I declined the invitation to dinner ... but I feel like that's too curt.)
And then. A message arrived on my phone. I gasped at the name of the person on the display.
We exchanged contact information last night and he messaged me as soon as possible.
I was thrilled and opened my messaging app.
On the way home from work that day.
Rina: Ivy-san! Sorry to keep you waiting.
When I went to the recording studio, I was greeted by Ivy-san with a big smile on his face.
Ivy: Thank you for your hard work, Kawanaga-san. I'm sorry for having you come all the way back from work to get the materials.
Rina: It's okay. I can stop by here after work. Besides ...
Ivy: Hm?
Rina: Ah, no, it's nothing.
(... I'm so happy to have received your message and to be able to meet you like this ...)
(As expected, I'm too embarrassed to tell you.)
I want to hide my feelings of love, but when Ivy-san stares at me, I feel like speaking out my honest feelings.
(I have to be careful ...)
Rina: Um, by the way ... have you been working here all day?
Ivy: I had a shoot in the morning, but then I was holed up in here for the rest of the day.
Ivy: Actually ... the new song isn't finished yet.
Ivy: We suddenly changed the melody line, so about half of it had to be remade.
Rina: That sounds like a lot of work ... I'm impressed that you can handle it, Ivy-san.
Ivy: It's not as much of an accomplishment as it sounds. I'm sure it happens to everyone who composes music.
Ivy: Trends change quickly these days, so we have to be sensitive to them.
(So you're saying you're going to watch what's going on in the world and respond flexibly? That's really pro ...)
I respect him, but I also worry about him.
Rina: So are you going to be here all night again tonight?
Ivy: No, I'll be home before the date changes. Tomorrow, I have a lesson at seven.
Ivy: Ah, if you don't mind, would you like to have dinner with me? I want to take a little break.
Rina: Are you sure?
Ivy: Ah, I'm sorry, but if you could wait just a little bit ...
... when we were talking about those things, someone came into the studio.
Sakura Eito: ... Ivy, you here?
Sakura-san and an unknown middle-aged man entered the room.
Arai Takeshi: It's been a while.
Ivy-san's eyes widened and his body stiffened.
Ivy: Arai-san ... why are you here?
Arai Takeshi: Why don't you just say hello? Shouldn't you come and see an old friend?
Ivy: It's not like that. I was just surprised because it came so suddenly.
Arai Takeshi: Don't worry about the details. I'm going to have a drink with Eito now. You should come too.
Arai Takeshi: Let's have a good old talk after all these years.
Sakura Eito: I told him no because you are busy, Ivy, but he insisted ...
Ivy: ... as usual.
The pushy man makes Ivy and Sakura let out a sigh.
(What kind of relationship do they have?)
I couldn't keep up with the conversation, and I was at a loss.
Ivy: ... Kawanaga-san, sorry. Can we have dinner some other time? I'm really sorry I just asked you out.
Rina: Yes, of course.
Following Ivy-san's gaze, the man turned towards me the first time.
Arai Takeshi: Who's this girl?
I flinch for a moment at the gleam in his eyes.
Rina: Um, I'm ...
Ivy: She's a staff member in our office, and she's my support. She helps me with my work.
Ivy-san, who intervened, answered that.
Arai Takeshi: Heh, a staff who supports. Then you should come with us.
Rina: Eh!?
Sakura Eito: Wait a minute. Why would you ...?
Ivy: This has nothing to do with her.
Arai Takeshi: The more people, the more exciting it will be. Besides, if you're a member of the office staff, how can you say she's not involved?
Arai Takeshi: Come on, let's get out of here!
... In the end, he didn't listen to us at all and forced us out.
At the club we were brought to, the man ... Arai-san called out to the staff.
We were immediately ushered into the VIP room and champagne was brought to us.
Arai Takeshi: I used to come here with you guys. Remember?
Sakura Eito: Of course, I remember.
Arai-san is from the entertainment agency 'Egret' and was a producer when the two of them were R2R.
(That's why he has known Ivy-san and Sakura-san for so long.)
(But he's a bit of a quirky person. I'd say he's trying to be bossy ...)
While Arai-san is smiling broadly, Ivy-san and Sakura-san seem to be treating him in a matter-of-fact matter.
Arai Takeshi: I was surprised when they suddenly announced they were breaking up R2R, given how popular it was.
Arai Takeshi: And I was even more surprised that Eito later went out out on his own and set up his own entertainment agency.
Arai Takeshi: I thought it would go under soon anyway, but I didn't realize how big exe would get until this. That's a big deal!
Sakura Eito: Yes, thanks to you.
Arai Takeshi: But I didn't expect you to take Ivy with you.
Arai Takeshi: Are you all right? I hope you're not having Eito take care of you again like you did in the past.
Arai Takeshi: If you had stuck to your guns, R2R could have been higher even back then.
(Please don't say it like that ...)
I was appalled by the horrible words. But Ivy-san ...
Ivy: ... Yeah, you are right.
I just listen quietly.
Arai Takeshi: I don't know how Eito got the nerve to put Ivy in exe.
Sakura Eito: His ability is certain. He used to do well in the past, too.
Arai Takeshi: Not as much as you did.
... Arai-san then went on to say many things about the old Ivy-san.
Arai Takeshi: All of the songs that Ivy wrote were for japanese youths. They're not suitable for the world.
Arai Takeshi: That's probably why R2R didn't sell well overseas
Sakura Eito: I had the same lack of ability. So now I'm making use of my experience.
Ivy: ...
Sakura-san and Ivy-san were adults.
Sakura-san also has a history of starting a competing company independently from his office.
That's why, considering the horizontal connections in the industry, he may not be able to retort strongly.
(Even so, this is terrible ...)
Ivy: ...
Ivy-san is listening silently, but his expression is getting darker and darker.
Arai Takeshi: All of the songs of exe are just a bunch of frivolous melodies that are all about trends.
Arai Takeshi: The load is too much for Ivy.
... As soon as I heard those words, a feeling that welled up from deep within my chest pushed the words out of my mouth.
Rina: That's not ... true.
Ivy: !
Rina: I think the songs you write are wonderful, even back in the R2R days.
Rina: We need Ivy-san and the songs he writes for exe.
I said strongly, and all three of them looked at me in surprise.
Ivy: Kawanaga-san ...
Arai Takeshi: What? You're just a staff member, and you're back-talking to me?
Rina: ... I-I' sorry, but ...
(I'm scared ... But, I don't want to deny what I just said.)
Sakura Eito: Well, well. Don't be so angry with her.
Arai Takeshi: Eito, how are you training your staff?
Sakura Eito: I'm sorry. She's a new staff member.
Arai Takeshi: It's hot ... I don't feel well. I need another drink.
Arai-san grumbled and place a shot glass in front of me as he ordered tequila from the staff.
Rina: !?
Arai Takeshi: Drink.
Arai-san stares at me and pours out a lapping of highly aromatic sake.
(I'm so angry ... What should I do, I might collapse if I drink this stuff.)
Rina: I-I'm sorry ... I'm not much of a drinker.
Arai Takeshi: Just drink. Or can't the staff at Aerolight Productions drink my booze?
Sakaru Eito: Arai-san, that's a bit ...
(Oh no. If I refuse, will it cause a stir in the office?)
It is unreasonable but it is undeniable considering how forceful Arai-san is.
Rina: ... Okay.
I was ready to reach for my glass ... but Ivy-san stopped me. I was too late.
Ivy: You don't have to do that.
Rina: Ivy-san ...
He turns to Arai-san as if to defend me and firmly states.
Ivy: Please don't get involved with her. Forcing her to drink alcohol like that is a bit of an anachronism.
He seemed surprised not only at me but also at Arai-san's completely different tone from the one he had been quietly listening to.
Arai Takeshi: It's rare to hear you speak so harshly.
Ivy: She's my support. I can't just stand by and watch.
Sakura Eito: I would like to ask you to do the same. It would be terrible if that girl falls over.
Arai Takeshi: You must have a lot of love for your staff.
Arai Takeshi: Well, that's fine. If you insist so much, you drink instead.
Ivy: I understand.
As soon as he said that, Ivy-san picked up the shot glass that was placed in front of me and drank it all up at once.
Ivy: ... Are you satisfied now?
Arai Takeshi: That's a good drink!
Laughing, Arai-san poured drink after drink in Ivy-san's shot glass.
Ivy-san drinks it all up as he is made to do ...
Sakura Eito: Arai-san, you are indeed reckless. I'll drink it for you.
Ivy: Eito is not good with alcohol, so don't push yourself. I'll be fine.
Ivy-san dismisses Sakura-san's words of concern.
Rina: Ivy-san, that's enough. I'll take it.
I said that and tried to touch the glass.
Ivy: No way.
Ivy-san took it away from me and I couldn't get to it.
Arai Takeshi: Drink more!
Ivy: I know.
Rina: Ivy-san ...
I had no choice but to watch him as he silently piled up the cups, feeling sorry and worried.
... and after a while.
Ivy: Nng ...
After emptying more than 20 shots, Ivy-san was completely drunk.
Rina: Get a grip!
Arai Takeshi: Oh, he's so pathetic.
Sakura Eito: ... indeed he can't go any further, I think Ivy should go home now.
Arai Takeshi: That's boring. I haven't had enough to drink.
Sakura Eito: I'll go out with you.
Arai Takeshi: Well, that's okay.
Sakura-san tells me in a whisper.
Sakura Eito: I'll call a car right away, and you go home with him, Kawanaga-chan.
Sakura Eito: ... Take care of Ivy. I'll hold him back.
Sakura-san looks at Ivy-san and me with a concerned gaze.
Rina: ... Understood.
That was all I could say.
Ivy: ...
(Sorry. It's my fault this happened ...)
My heart aches for Ivy-san, who is so drunk that he can hardly stand and is almost asleep.
(Why does Ivy-san have to say things like that?)
... Biting back my frustration, I supported Ivy-san and got into the care that Sakura-san had arranged for us.
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justqqfun · 7 months
- Introduction -
Hello Tumblr people! I am QQ and Welcome to my blog! :D I am an artist and i draw in a cartoony artstyle. You can find my art on #justqqfun Mostly here for the fandoms i like, but on instagram i have a lot of OC art too! What you will mostly find on my page is art of: - Persona (QQ) Art - Breadwinners (you can find this art on #QQbready) - Mii
About me: - Art addict - She/her - 20y - Goofy and Energetic (respectfully) - Loves Cartoon and Anime (good storywriting) - ENFP - Taken <3
Kinnies: - Manbagi Rumiko - Princess Daisy - Marin Kitagawa - Sakura Yamauchi
My Fandoms : - Breadwinners - Mii - Komi can't communicate - My Little Pony - Scott pilgrim - Super Mario Bros - Sonic? Other things i like (you should check out): - Hunter x Hunter - Bocchi the rock - Insomniacs after school - the fragrant flower blooms with dignity INTRESTED IN ART TRADES but i have the right to decline if not intrested. Check me out on here aswell for more artworks!: Instagram - Second Account Deviantart Pinterest Spotify
That's it! i hope you like my page!
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carica-ficus · 1 year
Review: I Want to Eat Your Pancreas
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Original title: Kimi no Suizō o Tabetai
Author: Yoru Sumino
Illustrator: Idumi Kirihara
Date: 04/06/2023
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I remember how the "I Want to Eat Your Pancreas" anime and manga were trending when I was in high school because the movie just came out (2018.). There were so many positive reviews, but the most memorable comments were about how sad the story was. So much so that a lot of people cried their eyes out during the film. Still, I never got a chance to read it or watch it until a few weeks ago, when my boyfriend bought the manga.
First and foremost, "I Want to Eat Your Pancreas" is about a teenage girl, Sakura Yamauchi, who is suffering from a severe pancreatic disease. One day, a highly introverted boy from her class accidentally finds out about her illness, so she takes her chance and decides to befriend him. Since he is the only other person besides her family who knows she's sick, she finds his company comforting. While they are seemingly polar opposites - she is a bubbly extrovert and he is a reserved loner, their relationship still manages to slowly develop over time.
Sakura is a very bright and energetic girl who doesn't stray away from social situations. Her personality might be a little bothersome and unrealistic at first, but her radiant attitude quickly becomes charming and lovable. Because she is so cheerful, she makes the reader forget how sick she really is. Her happiness sometimes gets cut off with a gut-wrenching panel which draws light to her poor health and unavoidable death, reminding the reader that she is just a scared little girl.
The author plays a lot with concealing the main character's name, making the other characters call him by the title of how they view him. For an example, depressing-kun. Depending on which character addresses him, the titles can get rude, mean or insulting. Even Sakura doesn't call him by his real name, even though he tells it to her at the beginning of the story. This play with names and titles is truly an ingenious tool which the author uses to set up the main character's development and personality, as well as the change he goes through as the story progresses.
While the story is often described as a bittersweet romance (even on the back of the book), I wouldn't necessarily categorize it as such. The relationship between Sakura and the boy often drifts between platonic and romantic feelings because of the intense, sincere love they experience for one another. Neither one of them knows how to process such strong emotions, but they know their bond is anything but ordinary. Even their classmates become convinced they have started dating and only refuse to admit it.
But as the story progresses, both of them realize they don't have to appease to the societal pressure to be together. Their closeness originated because they needed a friend, not because they were romantically interested in one another. And while Sakura does sometimes tease the boy and seems to be truly attracted to him, her actions are often guided by the fear she might miss out on the joys of a normal teenage life, not because she truly wants to be with him.
Moreover, the author often points out that life is about experiencing it with other people and finding your place in the community. A person cannot survive on their own, but they also do not have to appease to every single need from society. Romantic love is only secondary to the primal human need of just being seen, held and heard. This is what Sakura and the boy both learn from each other and why their relationship works.
Therefore, I consider "I Want to Eat Your Pancreas" as an ode to friendship, one which sprouted between two completely different people and which developed because they both needed each other.
The storytelling is incredible and perfectly rounded. The ending is foreshadowed, so it is not entirely unpredictable, but still shocking because of the plot-twist. The feeling of emptiness when Sakura dies is portrayed so well. Her personality had always been so loud and suddenly the panels seem so quiet after she's gone. The last few chapters are extremely emotional, to say the least. Both the author and the illustrator perfectly conveyed the feelings of all the characters, so it is not difficult to get entirely engulfed in them.
"I Want to Eat Your Pancreas" could definitely be considered a classic according to its popularity, influence and overall delivery. It offers stunning visuals, beautiful storytelling, cute characters and a satisfying, but somber ending. I absolutely recommend it, even to people who might usually not be into manga or anime.
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