#Salome III
majestativa · 5 months
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Herod’s palace rose up like some Alhambra on slender columns iridescent with Moresque tiles, which appeared to be bedded in silver mortar and gold cement; arabesques started from lozenges of lapis lazuli to wind their way right across the cupolas, whose mother-of-pearl marquetry gleamed with rainbow lights and flashed with prismatic fires. The murder had been done; now the executioner stood impassive, his hands resting on the pommel of his long, bloodstained sword. The Saint’s decapitated head had left the charger where it lay on the flagstones and risen into the air, the eyes staring out from the livid face, the colourless lips parted, the crimson neck dripping tears of blood. A mosaic encircled the face, and also a halo of light whose rays darted out under the porticoes, emphasized the awful elevation of the head, and kindled a fire in the glassy eyeballs, which were fixed in what happened to be agonized concentration on the dancer. With a gesture of horror, Salome tries to thrust away the terrifying vision which holds her nailed to the spot, balanced on the tips of her toes, her eyes dilated, her right hand clawing convulsively at her throat. [...] The dreadful head glows eerily, bleeding all the while, so that clots of dark red form at the ends of hair and beard. Visible to Salome alone, it embraces in its sinister gaze neither Herodias, musing over the ultimate satisfaction of her hatred, nor the Tetrarch, who, bending forward a little with his hands on his knees, is still panting with emotion, maddened by the sight and smell of the woman’s naked body, steeped in musky scents, anointed with aromatic balms, impregnated with incense and myrrh. Like the old King, Des Esseintes invariably felt overwhelmed, subjugated, stunned when he looked at this dancing-girl, who was less majestic, less haughty, but more seductive than the Salome of the oil-painting. In the unfeeling and unpitying statue, in the innocent and deadly idol, the lusts and fears of common humanity had been awakened; the great lotus-blossom had disappeared, the goddess vanished; a hideous nightmare now held in its choking grip an entertainer, intoxicated by the whirling movement of the dance, a courtesan, petrified and hypnotized by terror. Here she was a true harlot, obedient to her passionate and cruel female temperament; here she came to life, more refined yet more savage, more hateful yet more exquisite than before; here she roused the sleeping senses of the male more powerfully, subjugated his will more surely with her charms – the charms of a great venereal flower, grown in a bed of sacrilege, reared in a hot-house of impiety.
— Joris-Karl Huysmans, Against Nature, transl by Robert Baldick, (2003)
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The contenders have been chosen! A whopping 256 characters have been sent to me. Brackets will take awhile to be made but the tournament will start when I'm ready.
Achilles Agravain Altera Altera the Santa Amakusa Shirou Amor Anastasia Andromeda Anne Bonny & Mary Read Antonio Salieri Aoko Aozaki Arash Archimedes Arcueid Arjuna Arjuna Alter Artoria Artoria Alter Artoria Caster Artoria Lancer Artoria Lancer Alter Asclepius Ashiya Douman Asterios Astolfo Asvatthaman Atalanta Atalanta Alter Angra Mainyu Avicebron Baobhan Sith Barghest Bartholomew Roberts Bazett BB Bedivere Beowulf Bhima Billy the Kid Blackbeard Boudica Bradamante Britomart Byrnhild Caenis Calamity Jane Carmilla Ceil Circe Charlemagne Charlotte Corday Chen Gong Chevalier d'Eon Cleopatra Constantine XI Cu Cu (Alter) Cu (Caster) David Daybit Demon King Nobunaga Diarmuid Dioscuri Dobrynya Nikitich Dorothea Coyett Durga Duryodhana Dust of Osiris Edmond Dantes Emiya Enkidu Ereshkigal Europa Fergus mac Roich Fionn mac Cumhaill Fiore Forvedge First Hassan Florence Nightingale Francesca Prelati Francis Drake Fujimaru Ritsuka Fuma Kotaro Gareth Gawain Georgios Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Caster Goetia Goredolf Gorgon Hassan of Serenity Hassan of the Hundred Faces Hildr Hector Henry Jekyll & Hyde Hephaestion Hercules Hippolyta Huang Feihu Huyan Zhuo Ibuki Douji Iskandar Ishtar Ivan the Terrible Izumo no Okuni Jacques de Molay Jacques de Molay Foreigner Jalter Jason Jeanne d'Arc Jinako Carigiri Jing Ke Kadoc Kama Karna Kato Danzo Katsushika Hokusai Kiara Kiichi Hogen Kijyo Koyo Kintoki Kirei Kiritsugu Kirschtaria Wodime Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg Kishinami Hakuno Koyanskaya Kriemhild Kukulkan Lanling Wang Leonardo da Vinci Leysritt Locusta Luviagelita Edelfelt Mandricardo Mash Mata Hari Medea Medusa Meltryllis Mephistopheles Merlin Merlin Prototype Mikiya Kokutou Miss Crane Miyamoto Musashi Miyamoto Iori Mordred Mori Nagayoshi Moriarty (Archer) Moriarty (Ruler) Mozart Muniere Murasaki Shikibu Mysterious Heroine XX Nagkura Shinpachi Neco Arc Nero Nezha Noah Noel Aizome Night of Wallachia Nitocris Nitocris Alter Nrvnqsr Chaos Oberon Oda Kippoushi Oda Nobunaga Odysseus Okada Izo Okita Souji Ortlinde Osakabehime Ozymandias Passionlip Patxi Penthesilea Percival Perseus Phantom of the Opera Proto Arthur Ptolemy Qin Liangyu Queen Himiko Queen Medb Queen of Sheba Quetzalcoatl Quetzalcoatl Samba Raikou Rama Richard the Lionheart Riesbyfe Stridberg Rin Tohsaka Roa Robin Hood Romani Saber (Fate/Samurai Remnant) Saint Martha Saito Hajime Sakamoto Ryouma and Oryo Salome Sasaki Kojiro Scandinavia Peperoncino Scathach Scheherazade Sei Shonagon Semiramis Shakespeare Sherlock Holmes Shi Huang Di Shiki Tohno Shiki Ryougi Shirou Emiya Shuten Douji Sieg Siegfried Sigurd Sisigou Kairi Skadi Souichirou Kuzuki Spartacus Suse Ritsuka Suzuka Gozen Taiga Fujimura Taigong Wang Taira-no-Kagekiyo Takao Dayu Takasugi Shinsaku Takechi Zuizan Tamamo Cat Tamamo no Mae Tenochtitlan Theseus Thrud Tiamat Tomoe Gozen Touko Aozaki Tristan Ushiwakamaru Van Gogh Vlad III Vlov Arkhangel Vritra Watanabe-no-Tsuna Waver Xiang Yu Xuanzang Sanzang Yamanami Keisuke Yan Qing Yang Guifei Yu Mei-ren Yui Shousetsu Zenobia Zeus
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kieran-the-writer · 1 month
Statement of Salome Lukas – Masterlist
Updated August 27, 2024
I. Prelude
II. Enter the Fog
III. Behold
IV. Lock and Keay
V. The Ghost in the Mirror
VI. Michael
VII. Denial in the Dark
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tempodadisperati · 9 months
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Gesù Cristo figlio unico?
Puoi dimostrarlo con la Bibbia? 
Matteo 13,55:
Non è egli forse il figlio del carpentiere? Sua madre non si chiama Maria e i suoi fratelli Giacomo, Giuseppe, Simone e Giuda?
Marco 6,3:
Non è costui il carpentiere, il figlio di Maria, il fratello di Giacomo, di Ioses, di Giuda e di Simone? E le sue sorelle non stanno qui da noi?
Nella Bibbia fratello è utilizzato in senso ben più ampio rispetto ai fratelli couterini o germani (Genesi 4,1-2; Matteo 4,21), e può essere riferito anche ai cugini (1Cronache 23,21-22), a zio e nipote (confronta Genesi 13,8 con Genesi 11,27), ai concittadini (Genesi 19,6-7), ai membri di una tribù (1Cronache 15,4-10), ai connazionali (Esodo 2,11; Deuteronomio 18,15; Atti 3,17), agli sposi (Tobia 7,12), ai bisognosi (Matteo 25,40), ai discepoli di Gesù (Giovanni 20,17-18) e a tutti coloro che fanno la volontà di Dio (Matteo 12,49-50).
La madre di Giacomo e di Ioses (forma ellenistica di Giuseppe) si chiama Maria
Matteo 27,55-56:
C’erano anche là molte donne che stavano a osservare da lontano; esse avevano seguito Gesù dalla Galilea per servirlo. Tra costoro Maria di Màgdala, MARIA MADRE DI GIACOMO E DI GIUSEPPE, e la madre dei figli di Zebedèo.
Marco 15,40-41:
C’erano anche alcune donne, che stavano ad osservare da lontano, tra le quali Maria di Màgdala, MARIA MADRE DI GIACOMO IL MINORE E DI IOSES, e Salome, che lo seguivano e servivano quando era ancora in Galilea, e molte altre che erano salite con lui a Gerusalemme.
La madre di Giacomo e di Ioses è talvolta chiamata l’altra Maria per distinguerla dalla madre di Gesù e dalla Maddalena
Matteo 27,61:
Erano lì, davanti al sepolcro, Maria di Màgdala e L’ALTRA MARIA.
Matteo 28,1:
Passato il sabato, all’alba del primo giorno della settimana, Maria di Màgdala e L’ALTRA MARIA andarono a visitare il sepolcro.
Marco 16,1:
Passato il sabato, Maria di Màgdala, MARIA DI GIACOMO e Salome comprarono oli aromatici per andare a imbalsamare Gesù.
Luca 24,9-10:
E, tornate dal sepolcro, annunziarono tutto questo agli Undici e a tutti gli altri. Erano Maria di Màgdala, Giovanna e MARIA DI GIACOMO. Anche le altre che erano insieme lo raccontarono agli apostoli.
Questa Maria, madre di Giacomo e di Ioses, è la moglie di Clèopa
Matteo 27,55-56:
C’erano anche là molte donne che stavano a osservare da lontano; esse avevano seguito Gesù dalla Galilea per servirlo. Tra costoro Maria di Màgdala, MARIA MADRE DI GIACOMO E DI GIUSEPPE, e la madre dei figli di Zebedèo.
Marco 15,40-41:
C’erano anche alcune donne, che stavano ad osservare da lontano, tra le quali Maria di Màgdala, MARIA MADRE DI GIACOMO IL MINORE E DI IOSES, e Salome, che lo seguivano e servivano quando era ancora in Galilea, e molte altre che erano salite con lui a Gerusalemme.
Giovanni 19,25:
Stavano presso la croce di Gesù sua madre e la sorella di sua madre, MARIA DI CLÈOPA, e Maria di Màgdala.
Maria di Clèopa è la cognata della madre di Gesù, e per questo è menzionata come sorella di lei. Infatti, secondo quanto afferma lo scrittore giudeo cristiano Egesippo (110-180), menzionato da Eusebio (Storia Ecclesiastica III, 11.32), Clèopa è il fratello di Giuseppe, lo sposo della madre di Gesù. Egesippo avrà ottenuto queste informazioni da qualche discendente di Clèopa. Perciò Giacomo il minore e Ioses sono cugini di Gesù. Giacomo il minore va identificato con l’apostolo Giacomo di Alfeo (Matteo 10,3; Marco 3,18; Luca 6,15; Atti 1,13), il fratello del Signore (Galati 1,19), primo vescovo di Gerusalemme (menzionato anche come una delle colonne della Chiesa [Galati 2,9]). Perciò Alfeo di Giacomo (da non confondere con Alfeo padre di Levi [Marco 2,14]) e Clèopa sono la medesima persona. Secondo Egesippo (Storia Ecclesiastica III, 11), anche Simone è figlio di Clèopa. Quanto a Giuda, autore della omonima lettera, si presenta come fratello di Giacomo (Giuda 1). Probabilmente si tratta dell’apostolo Taddeo, detto anche Giuda di Giacomo (confronta Matteo 10,3 con Luca 6,16 e Atti 1,13). Perciò Giacomo, Ioses, Simone e Giuda, menzionati nei vangeli come fratelli di Gesù, sono suoi cugini.
di Giuseppe Monno 
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zeravmeta · 1 year
Top 5 Fate blorbos NOT including Limbo.
this one made me laugh bc like, yeah limbo is my special little princess but also he is one of my many special little princesses, like i love limbo but im not The Limbo Guy, if that makes sense (i have many guys)
That said there are simply too many fate blorbos i have and no easy way to list them in a perfectly objective top 5, so I shall do something fun instead, listing them in tiers. As expected, the list expands as it goes on (not every servant listed obvs)
5. Characters who I am passively aware of. This is for characters who are somewhat relevant enough for me to like. think about
Gilles Saber, Caesar, Paris Hektor, Circe, Lu Bu, Spartacus, Eric Bloodaxe
4. Characters who I have a light inclination towards. Maybe they were useful for farming or I read their profiles and was satisfied
Jason, Billy The Kid, Oda Nobukatsu, , Tristan, William Tell, Medusa Lily, Janta Lily, Tawaru, Achilles, Wu Zetian, Cleopatra, Darius III, Kiyohime
3. Characters who I just like. I look at them and go "its the guy :)"
Senji Muramasa, Fergus, Robin Hood, Leonidas, Enkidu, Nezha, Anne-Bonny & Mary Read, Bartholomew Roberts, Red Hare, Scheherazade, Anastasia, Kyokutei Bakin, Charles-Henri Sanson, Assassin Emiya/Kerry, Ushiwakamaru, Gray, Huyan Zhuo, Penthesilea, Kijyo Koyo, Asterios
2. Characters who I love. This one is a substantial jump upwards in quality and they only have like 1-2 things missing (to me) that prevent them from being numero uno
Altera, Bedivere, Okita, Beni Enma, Sigurd, Saito Hajime, Artemis-Orion, Emiya, Atalante, Baobhan Sith, Cu Chulainn, Romulus (and Quirinus), Caenis, Vritra, Melusine, Boudica, Marie Antionette, Mandricardo, Habetrot, Dobrynya Nikitich, Hans Christian Andersen, Mata Hari, Charlotte Corday, Katou Danzo, Koyanskaya of the Light, Tezcatlipoca, Sen no Rikyu, Kriemhild, Koyanskaya of Darkness
My special little princesses. Play this song while reading
Mash Kyrielight number one forever, saber classes artoria pendragon nero claudius siegfried void shiki miyamoto musashi ibuki douji barghest archer classes david arjuna oda nobunaga artoria pendragon archer swimsuit james moriarty tomoe gozen calamity jane nightingale santa sei shounagon zenobia lancer class scathach artoria pendragon lancer artoria pendragon lancer alter brynhildr tamamo no mae lancer minamoto no raikou lancer swimsuit ereshikigal elizabeth bathory rider class medusa francis drake artoria pendragon santa alter astolfo sakata kintoki rider quetzalcoatl artoria pendragon rider alter swimsuit leonardo da vinci rider murasaki shikubu rider swimsuit caster class mephistopheles cu chulainn caster tamamo no mae nursery rhyme helena blavatsky xuanzang sazang nero claudius swimsuit nitocris leonardo da vinci shuten douji caster ascelpius chen gong artoria caster assassin class phantom of the opera jack the ripper mysterious heroine x ryougi shiki assassin shuten douji scathach assassin first hassan nitocris assassin osakabehime okada izo yu mei-ren kama berserker class sakata kintoki vlad III caligula tamamo cat nightingale cu chulainn alter minamoto no raikou mysterious heroine x alter hijikata toshizo atalante alter jeanne d'arc alter berserker swimsuit xiang yu arjuna alter mori nagayoshi salome miyamoto musashi swimsuit brynhildr swimsuit morgan sei shounagon swimsuit ibuki douji swimsuit ruler class jeanne d'arc saint martha swimsuit sherlock holmes qin shi huang quetzalcoatl samba santa artoria pendragon swimsuit ruler himiko leonardo da vinci swimsuit james moriarty lily iyo avenger class edmond dantes jeanne d'arc alter angra mainyu gorgon antonio salieri demon king oda nobunaga space ishtar kama avenger swimsuit nitocris alter alter ego class meltryllis passionlip sessyoin kiara okita souji alter ashiya douman xu fu larva tiamat mooncancer class bb bb summer sessyoin kiara swimsuit archetype earth foreigner class abigail williams katsushika hokusai mysterious heroine xx voyager van gogh mysterious idol x alter kukulkan pretender class oberon beast class draco nero
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mythrae · 11 months
full asks list here!
15. Which NPC’s do they like? Which ones do they dislike?
(just focusing on Acts I and II bc I’m p sure I didn’t meet all the NPC’s in Act III)
likes all the tieflings (especially Dammon), Rath, the myconids, the Harpers
dislikes Aradin, Kagha, the Gur, Auntie Ethel, the goblins (especially the goblin kids for hurting an innocent animal), Nere, Ketheric and his children
Is okay with all other unnamed NPC’s
mixed feelings on Thaniel. His quest was bugged for Taversia so she couldn’t bring Halsin into Act III. Mythrae was able to save him though.
hates everyone. she wants to end them all.
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300iqprower · 2 years
Full list of servant rank ups in my backlog:
(Ones already posted (as best as i remember) will be marked with *)
[warning, it's a long list]
Proto Cu*
Cu Alter
Benkei again
Lu Bu
Ruler Martha
Cursed Arm
Hundred Personas*
Jing Ke
Mata Hari*
Rider Kintoki
Vlad iii*
Asterios again
Bigger Nobu
Nursery rhyme
Summer fran
Summer Brynhildr
Nero Bride
Shiki saber
Casgil SSR edition
Li Shuwen
Bruce Li
Billy again
Jason again
Jason SSR edition
Ibaraki again(WIP)
Moolah again
Lancer Tamamo
Summer Marie
Kiyo Lancer*
Jaguar Warrior
Samba Quetz
Doppelganger (Yan Qing)
Mecha Eli MK II
Ne zha
Valkyrie x3
Xiang Yu
Qin Liangyu
Qin Shi Huang
Yu Mei Ren
Red Hare
Beni Enma
Chen gong
Soakkie (summer weebat)
Wu Zeitan
Carmilla Sandiego
Santa Altera
Bao Sith
Jiang Ziya
Assassin Valkyrie
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castellsipalaus · 1 year
Schloß Hellbrunn
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La ciutat de Salzburg va ser l’epicentre d’un ric estat eclesiàstic en el que l’arquebisbe esdevenia automàtic príncep i tenia autoritat secular sobre un territori que s’estenia més o menys per l’actual estat federat austríac de Salzburg.
El principat-arquebisbat es va instituir cap a principis del segle XIII, quan Eberhard II va crear diversos bisbats sota la seva autoritat feudal (Chiemsee, Seckau i Lavant).
Un dels prínceps-arquebisbes de Salzburg més destacats fou Markus Sittikus, qui va planificar la seva residència d’estiu a Hellbrunn amb l’arquitecte de la catedral, el mestre d’obres Santino Solari. Aprofitant que la muntanya Hellbrunner Berg proporcionava un gran cabal d’aigua, es va bastir un palau en el què els anomenats “Jocs d’aigua” van passar a ser es protagonistes.
Les tècniques hidràuliques aplicades als jardins de Hellbrunn inclouen enginyosos jocs aqüàtics: des de cèrvols que treuen aigua per la boca, una corona que balla impulsada per l’aigua o, una de les més conegudes, una taula de pedra amb sortidors d’aigua ocults als seients per sorprende als convidats del príncep-arquebisbe.
Dintre dels murs del palau, el parc de Hellbrunn acull 60 hectàrees d’espais verds, amb prats, estanys i parcs infantils replets de flors i un horitzó emmarcat per les muntanyes dels Alps. Originalment va ser un vedat de caça del príncep-arquebisbe.
No obstant, la riquesa episcopal derivada del negoci de la sal (Salz, en alemany) no va ser la raó de la construcció de Hellbrunn.
El predecessor de Sittikus, Wolf Dietrich, que a més a més era cosí seu, va ser el responsable de la construcció del Schloß Altenau, un altre palau d’esbarjo fora del recinte de la ciutat.
Wolf Dietrich va construir-lo per la seva amant, anomenada Salome Alt, i els seus fills. Sittikus, en prendre el poder, va rebatejar-lo com a Mirabell i va decidir bastir-ne una altra residència que fes perrdurar el seu nom i el seu poder.
La dignitat va perdurar fins a principis del segle XIX, quan va ser secularitzat i convertit en ducat sota l’autoritat de Ferdinand III de Toscana, fill de l’emperador austríac Leopold II.
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hostess-of-horror · 2 years
POV: The Phantom of the Bwahpera is the Main Villain of the Story
1. "Riot" from Hunter X Hunter
2. "To The Opera!" from Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
3. "A Beautiful Song" from NieR: Automata
4. "Vordt of the Boreal Valley" from Dark Souls III
5. "God Shattering Star" from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
6. "Masque of the Red Death" by Nox Arcana: Shadow of the Raven
7. "Circus of Doom" by Rok Nardin
8. "Villain" cover by The Cog is Dead
9. "Dancers on a String" from BioShock
10. "Finale" from Us
11. "All Hallow's Eve Ball" from Van Helsing
12. "Mors Praematura" from Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
13. "Malagueña" from Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart
14. "Past the Point of No Return" by the Canadian Cast of Phantom of the Opera
15. "Seduction" by Adam Hurst
16. "Adagio (Elegy) for String Quartet" by Dimitri Shostakovich
17. "Tea for Three Plus One" from The Woman in Black
18. "Don Juan Triumphant" from The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
19. "Reinfield Bleeds/Dracula's Women" from Dracula: Dead and Loving It
20. "Ah! Ich habe deinen Mund geküsst, Jochanaan" from Salome by Richard Strauss
21. "Dido's Lament" from Dido and Aeneas by Henry Purcell
Got any more? Feel free to add your own music of choice!
@minnesotamedic186 @zao-starstruck @randomrabbidramblings @salamifuposey @deezeyrabbidy @pastelprince18 @bramble-scramble
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sortilegum · 2 years
ᴛᴏᴘ 5 sᴏɴɢs ᴀssᴏᴄɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴs : share the top songs in your playlist that most inspire / represent your muses the most. bonus points if you include lyrics to go along with it. Gates of Babylon ( Rainbow ) the power of what has been before rises to trap you within // a magic carpet ride a genie maybe more // a city of heavenly sin // sleep with the devil and then you must pay // sleep with the devil and the devil will take you away // black gates of babylon // the devil is me // and i'm holding the key // to the gates of sweet hell // babylon!
Criminal ( Britney Spears ) he is a villain by the devil's law // he is a killer just for fun, fun, fun, fun // that man's a snitch and unpredictable // he's got no conscience, he got none, none, none, none // all I know, should've let go, but no // 'cause he's a bad boy with a tainted heart // and even I know this ain't smart
Elizabeth Part I, II & III ( Kamelot ) don't you want to die // souls transcending, silver shine // don't you feel alive // your blood preserves my place in time
Roads to Madness ( Queensryche ) times measure rusts as it crawls // i see its face in the looking glass - stop // this screaming laughter hides, the pain of its reality // Black, the door was locked i opened // and now i've paid that price ten-fold over // knowledge - was it worth such torment, oh // to see the far side of shadow
Salome ( Xandria ) the first veil falls - illusion // the second one - innocence // the third one follows - pride // and four was my way back // lonely salomé // dancing Salomé // veil for veil away // villain and prey
stolen from @zealctry ( ilu <3 )
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majestativa · 5 months
... poisoning, like the Helen of ancient myth, everything that approaches her, everything that sees her, everything that she touches.
— Joris-Karl Huysmans, Against Nature, on Salome, transl by Robert Baldick, (2003)
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loosealcina · 2 months
You won’t need a full stream-of-consciousness transcription covering the entire trip. I’m just positive that, few steps into my way home as a genuinely happy camper, I was essentially saying to myself, OK, that was Ibsen. It was everywhere. Also, you know, there was that specific Hedda Gabler something: the towering female lead, the guns… Henrik Ibsen. After I spent several hours in the clutches of Morpheus, those two words—Henrik and Ibsen—weren’t going anywhere, so I decided to check some data, and here’s what I found out: Hedda Gabler—1891; Werther—1892. That’s more than enough for me to glow with serious pride, and be like, hey, maybe I’m not drifting into complete nonsense… I’ll give you a reliable synopsis to begin with. Werther falls in love with Charlotte. It looks like Charlotte might be somewhat interested in Werther, as well; yet she’s already set to marry Albert. (She’s not that free to decide either, given she promised her dying mother she would marry Albert). Somewhere in the void between Act I and Act II, Charlotte does marry Albert. How is Werther going to cope? I’d say Christof Loy’s production of Werther (whose sets/costumes/lights were designed by Johannes Leiacker, Robby Duiveman, and Roland Edrich) was almost exclusively focused on putting in front of the audience a group of perfectly realistic (but I could say: real) humans. It started from the supporting characters (the troop of children [Charlotte has like, seven younger siblings], the regular visitors…) and it went all the way to the protagonists. You could pick anybody, I promise, and I’ll simply launch into a long, detailed disquisition on his/her personality, feelings, fears, dreams… (I believe that’s a symptom of good storytelling).
Another crucial trait of the staging was this: there was a giant core, a center of attraction that dominated everything and everybody. And that center of attraction was Charlotte. In the universe of this Werther, people are solely defined by the way they relate to Charlotte. Veneration appears to be omnipresent. Then, you may have curiosity; envy; emulation; suspicion; lust… Charlotte herself—as portrayed by Victoria Karkacheva through her overly dark, bewitching, regally deadpan voice—was unquestionably the woman in charge. You could describe her as a deft puppeteer, and a bit of an autocrat. But also as a bored/lonely muser. Ultimately, a glacial enigma. (To me, she was definitely reminiscent of Alida Valli in Alfred Hitchcock’s The Paradine Case [1947]). As for Werther, Benjamin Bernheim depicted the most obedient (if awkwardly elegant) slave you’ll ever meet. A peculiar being that might be half Giacomo Leopardi, half the guy who—out of desperate love—butchers himself right between Salome and Jochanaan (and goes completely unnoticed in the process. Why yes—his name was Narraboth). While the Ossianic poem («Pourquoi me réveiller, ô souffle du printemps» [Act III]) shone like a precious one-of-a-kind gem, his measured singing made for a great listening experience throughout. Finally, Alain Altinoglu and the orchestra were the (not so) hidden engine that turned this Werther as a whole into the bewildering exploration of the interior life of a handful of individuals. There was no shortage of musical gifts: shimmering strings, creamy brass (is that a thing?), extended, convoluted/expressionist solos… Still, the truly critical feat was the uninterrupted flow of the narration: bar after bar, tone after tone. It was riveting end to end—even if the action was all but confined to the most secretive part of few tormented souls. Did I mention it made me think of Henrik Ibsen?
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kieran-the-writer · 1 month
Statement of Salome Lukas
III. Behold
1st January, 2007
Elias Bouchard was an austere man with a youngish face and an old-fashioned hairstyle that was already beginning to turn silver at the sides, making it difficult for Salome to place his age.
Whenever he looked at you, it felt more like he was looking through you rather than at you, like he was examining and critiquing every last atom of your body and thought in your head.
Everything he did, from his movements to his breaths to his gestures, was carefully calculated and considered.
Salome Lukas didn't like Elias Bouchard.
But she wanted to do her uncle a favor, so she lifted her hand to knock on the door to Elias’s office on the third floor of the Magnus Institute, but before she could, a she heard a composed voice muffled sightly by the door.
"Come in, Miss Lukas."
Salome pushed the heavy door open, wishing Elias wouldn't do that—using Beholding to Know she was there.
"Good morning, Mr. Bouchard," Salome said quietly, sitting in the chair opposite Elias's heavy mahogany desk and setting the gray leather briefcase on her lap.
Elias offered a smile that didn't quite reach his cold gray eyes. "Please, Salome, your uncle is an old friend of mine. There's no need for that kind of formality."
Her response came almost automatically, like a reflex. "I prefer to keep a distance."
Elias chuckled. "I'm sure you do. Now, shall we begin? I see you brought a recorder..."
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ringsof-s4turn · 3 months
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VENUS OR SALOME! she/her. 6teen. hello kitty's b-day twin. kento nanami & hiromi higuruma luvr. hiromi's fashionable assistant 🌻 kirara's no. 1 fan!
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sporadiceagleheart · 5 months
Thank you Lord for all you done for us thank you for healing and lifting them up while they are resting thank you for your family members thank you for all Holidays and birthdays thank you Jesus Christ Lisa Anne French, Louis XVII edit, Jesus of Nazareth, Saint “Virgin Mary” Mary, Salome, Mary Of Clopas, Saint Joseph of Nazareth, Saint Anne, Saint Joachim of Jerusalem, Mary Dunne “Stagecoach Mary” Fields, Lisa “Mona Lisa” Gherardini del Giocondo, Edward Doty Sr., Richard Burrell Reed, Margaret Jean Wylie Sibbitt, George Reed Sr., George “Buddy” Reed Jr., Rebecca Ann Bryan Boone, Daniel Boone, Jonathan Boone, Samuel Boone Sr., Jane “Big Granny” Van Cleave Boone, Squire Boone Sr., CPT Squire Boone Jr., Sheftall Sheftall, Frances Freidel Hart Sheftall, Pauline Adelaar, Peter Fuchs, Mordecai Sheftall, Mann Page III, Evelyn Byrd, COL William Byrd III, Portrait of Marie-Antoinette Queen of France in crimson dress holding a book, Princess Sophie Hélène Béatrice of France, Élisabeth Philippe Marie Hélène of France, Louis VII of
Armand Gagné, Eli Whitney II, Henrietta Frances Edwards Whitney, Harriet Livingston Dale, Cornelia Schuyler Livingston, Jane Byrd Page, William Byrd II, Maria Taylor Byrd, John Williamson Page, Maria Taylor Byrd Carter, Anne Byrd Carter, Louis Joseph Xavier Francois, Ella Harper, Annie Oakley, Nina Craigmiles, Marie Antoinette, Sr. Evalee "EvaMary" Matthews, Robert Fulton, Stacy, Mei Leung, Carol Ann Barrett, Charlotte Louise Dunn, Charlotte Ruby "Charlie" Emily, Anna D. Crnkovic, Irmgard Christine Winter, Christine Chubbuck, Lisa Ann French, Cindy Joy Elias, Rachel Joy Scott, JonBenèt Ramsey, Marian McLean, Elizabeth Short, Thanksgiving Family, Amber Rene Hagerman and Opal Jennings, Judith Barsi, Heather Michele O'Rourke,
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supersatisfyer · 7 months
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Thomas de Leu
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Tour de Michel de Montaigne
Wikipedia photo Henry Salome
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Libro III Capitulo V
Sobre unos versos de Virgilio
No sé equivocan en absoluto las mujeres cuando rechazan las normas de vida vigentes en el mundo, porque son los hombres quienes las han instaurado sin su participación.
Traducción y notas Javier Yagüe Bosch
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